Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
# BAREOS® - Backup Archiving REcovery Open Sourced # # Copyright (C) 2013-2023 Bareos GmbH & Co. KG # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of version three of the GNU Affero General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation and included # in the file LICENSE. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. BAREOS_SCRIPTS_DIR="${BAREOS_SCRIPTS_DIR:-/usr/lib/bareos/scripts}" BAREOS_CONFIG_LIB=${BAREOS_SCRIPTS_DIR}/bareos-config-lib.sh BAREOS_CONFIG_DIR=${BAREOS_CONFIG_DIR:-/etc/bareos} BAREOS_SBIN_DIR=${BAREOS_SBIN_DIR:-/usr/sbin} BAREOS_DIRECTOR_BINARY=${BAREOS_DIRECTOR_BINARY:-${BAREOS_SBIN_DIR}/bareos-dir} AWK="/bin/awk" SEC_GROUPS="tape disk" BAREOS_WORKING_DIR="${BAREOS_WORKING_DIR:-/var/lib/bareos}" FILE_DAEMON_USER="${BAREOS_FD_GROUP:-root}" FILE_DAEMON_GROUP="${BAREOS_FD_GROUP:-bareos}" STORAGE_DAEMON_USER="${BAREOS_SD_USER:-bareos}" STORAGE_DAEMON_GROUP="${BAREOS_SD_GROUP:-bareos}" DIRECTOR_DAEMON_USER="${BAREOS_DIR_USER:-bareos}" DIRECTOR_DAEMON_GROUP="${BAREOS_DIR_GROUP:-bareos}" DAEMON_USER="$DIRECTOR_DAEMON_USER" DAEMON_GROUP="$DIRECTOR_DAEMON_GROUP" DB_VERSION="${BDB_VERSION:-2210}" SQL_DDL_DIR="${SQL_DDL_DIR:-/usr/lib/bareos/scripts/ddl}" PASSWORD_SUBST="\ XXX_REPLACE_WITH_DIRECTOR_PASSWORD_XXX \ XXX_REPLACE_WITH_CLIENT_PASSWORD_XXX \ XXX_REPLACE_WITH_STORAGE_PASSWORD_XXX \ XXX_REPLACE_WITH_DIRECTOR_MONITOR_PASSWORD_XXX \ XXX_REPLACE_WITH_CLIENT_MONITOR_PASSWORD_XXX \ XXX_REPLACE_WITH_STORAGE_MONITOR_PASSWORD_XXX \ " os_type=$(uname -s) is_function() { func=${1-} test "$func" && command -v "$func" > /dev/null 2>&1 return $? } # does not work on all shells (only bash), # therefore removed until a better solution is found # list_functions() # { # if type typeset >/dev/null 2>&1; then # # show available shell functions, # # but exclude internal functions (name starts with "_" ...) # typeset -F | cut -d " " -f 3 | grep "^[a-z]" # else # echo "function list not available" # fi # } contains() { haystack="$1" needle="$2" if [ "${haystack#*"$needle"}" != "$haystack" ]; then return 0 # $needle is in $haystack else return 1 # $needle is not in $haystack fi } info() { echo "Info: $*" >&2 } warn() { echo "Warning: $*" >&2 } error() { echo "Error: $*" >&2 } handle_database_scripts_command_line_parameter() { # Check if some parameters are given, try to detect old usage with db_type if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then force=${1-} if [ "${force}" = "-f" ]; then export FORCE="yes" shift || true fi db_type=${1-} if [ "${db_type}" = "postgresql" ];then warn "Parameter db_type is no more needed" elif [ -n "$db_type" ];then error "db_type ${db_type} is no more supported, only postgresql" exit 1 fi fi } get_config_lib_file() { # can be used in following way: # LIB=`bareos-config get_config_lib_file` # . $LIB echo "${BAREOS_CONFIG_LIB}" } get_user_fd() { echo "${FILE_DAEMON_USER}" } get_group_fd() { echo "${FILE_DAEMON_GROUP}" } get_user_sd() { echo "${STORAGE_DAEMON_USER}" } get_group_sd() { echo "${STORAGE_DAEMON_GROUP}" } get_user_dir() { echo "${DIRECTOR_DAEMON_USER}" } get_group_dir() { echo "${DIRECTOR_DAEMON_GROUP}" } get_bareos_user() { echo "${DAEMON_USER}" } get_bareos_dir() { echo "${DAEMON_GROUP}" } get_working_dir() { echo "${BAREOS_WORKING_DIR}" } get_database_ddl_dir() { echo "${SQL_DDL_DIR}" } get_database_version() { echo "${DB_VERSION}" } get_database_version_by_release() { param="$1" # get release from parameter by stripping everything after the "-". # Example parameter: 13.2.2-926.1 release=$(echo "${param}" | sed 's/-.*//') if [ -z "$release" ]; then error "failed to get database version for release ${param}" return 1 fi MAP="${SQL_DDL_DIR}/versions.map" if [ ! -r "${MAP}" ]; then error "failed to read Bareos database versions map file ${MAP}" return 1 fi MARKER=0 VERSIONS=$(cat "${MAP}"; echo "$release=${MARKER}") # add marker to list, # sort the list reverse, assuming versions x.y.z and lines x.y.z=db_version, # get entry one line after marker db_version=$(printf "%s" "${VERSIONS}" | sort -t. -k 1,1rn -k 2,2rn -k 3,3rn | sed -r -n "/[0-9.]+.*=$MARKER$/{ N; s/(.*)=(.*)\n(.*)=(.*)/\4/p }") if [ -z "${db_version}" ]; then db_version=$(sed -n "s/^default=//p" "${MAP}") if [ "${db_version}" ]; then warn "no database version defined for release ${release} (${param}). Using default version: ${db_version}" else error "neither found database version for release ${release} (${param}), nor found default database version in map file ${MAP}" return 1 fi fi echo "${db_version}" return } _scsicrypto_cmds="bareos-sd bcopy bextract bls bscan bscrypto btape" _scsicrypto_config_file="${BAREOS_CONFIG_DIR}/.enable-cap_sys_rawio" check_scsicrypto_capabilities() { if [ "${os_type}" != "Linux" ];then error "check_scsicrypto_capabilities() is not supported on this platform" return 1 fi if [ "$(command -v getcap)" = "" ] || [ "$(command -v setcap)" = "" ]; then error "getcap and setcap commands are mandatory" return 1 fi if [ -f "${_scsicrypto_config_file}" ];then cap_missing_conf=0 else cap_missing_conf=1 fi for c in ${_scsicrypto_cmds};do if [ -x "${BAREOS_SBIN_DIR}/${c}" ]; then if ! r="$(setcap -v cap_sys_rawio=ep "${BAREOS_SBIN_DIR}/${c}")"; then warn "${r}" cap_missing_conf=1 fi fi done if [ ${cap_missing_conf} -ne 0 ];then warn "One of the tools are not configured for scsi crypto." warn "Run set_scsicrypto_capabilities to fix capabilities." else info "All tools have cap_sys_rawio=ep set." fi } set_scsicrypto_capabilities() { if [ "${os_type}" != "Linux" ];then error "set_scsicrypto_capabilities() is not supported on this platform" return 1 fi for c in ${_scsicrypto_cmds};do if [ -x "${BAREOS_SBIN_DIR}/${c}" ]; then # Need to affect the bareos group (debian) if ! r="$(chgrp "${STORAGE_DAEMON_GROUP}" "${BAREOS_SBIN_DIR}/${c}")"; then error "Setting group to ${STORAGE_DAEMON_GROUP} failed on ${c}" return 1 fi if ! r="$(chmod o-rwx "${BAREOS_SBIN_DIR}/${c}")"; then error "Setting chmod o-rwx failed on ${c}" return 1 fi if ! r="$(setcap cap_sys_rawio=ep "${BAREOS_SBIN_DIR}/${c}")"; then error "setcap on ${c} has failed - ${r}" return 1 fi fi done echo "cap_sys_rawio+ep capabilities enabled on $(date "+%F %X")" > "${_scsicrypto_config_file}" } unset_scsicrypto_capabilities() { if [ "${os_type}" != "Linux" ];then error "unset_scsicrypto_capabilities() is not supported on this platform" return 1 fi for c in ${_scsicrypto_cmds};do if [ -x "${BAREOS_SBIN_DIR}/${c}" ]; then if ! r="$(setcap -q -r "${BAREOS_SBIN_DIR}/${c}")"; then # Don't fail if binary had capabilities set. warn "setcap -r on ${c} has failed - ${r}" fi if ! r="$(chmod o+rx "${BAREOS_SBIN_DIR}/${c}")"; then error "Restoring chmod o+rx failed on ${c}" return 1 fi if ! r="$(chgrp root "${BAREOS_SBIN_DIR}/${c}")"; then error "Restoring group to root failed on ${c}" return 1 fi fi done rm -f "${_scsicrypto_config_file}" } setup_sd_user() { # # Guaranties that storage-daemon user and group exists # and storage-daemon user belongs to the required groups. # # normally, storage-daemon user # is already installed by the package preinstall script. # if [ "${os_type}" != "Linux" ];then error "setup_sd_user() is not supported on this platform" return 1 fi getent group "${STORAGE_DAEMON_GROUP}" > /dev/null || groupadd -r "${STORAGE_DAEMON_GROUP}" # Build list of additional groups the user should be in. ADD_GROUPS="" for sec_group in ${SEC_GROUPS}; do if getent group "${sec_group}"; then [ -z "${ADD_GROUPS}" ] && ADD_GROUPS="${sec_group}" || ADD_GROUPS="${ADD_GROUPS},${sec_group}" fi done # # If the user doesn't exist create a new one otherwise modify it to have the wanted secondary groups. # if [ -z "${STORAGE_DAEMON_USER}" ]; then info "SKIPPED: no storage daemon user specified." return 0 fi if getent passwd "${STORAGE_DAEMON_USER}" > /dev/null; then if [ "${STORAGE_DAEMON_USER}" != "root" ]; then # # If the user was already created before, # Make sure the correct primary group is set otherwise fix it. # if [ "$(id -gn "${STORAGE_DAEMON_USER}")" != "${STORAGE_DAEMON_GROUP}" ]; then usermod -g "${STORAGE_DAEMON_GROUP}" "${STORAGE_DAEMON_USER}" || warn "failed to add groups ${STORAGE_DAEMON_GROUP} to ${STORAGE_DAEMON_USER}" fi # # Add the storage_daemon_user to additional groups # if [ -n "${ADD_GROUPS}" ]; then usermod -a -G "${ADD_GROUPS}" "${STORAGE_DAEMON_USER}" || warn "failed: ${USERMOD_CMDLINE} ${STORAGE_DAEMON_USER}" fi fi else # # User doesn't exist so create a new storage_daemon_user with additional groups # useradd -r --comment "bareos" --home "${BAREOS_WORKING_DIR}" -g "${STORAGE_DAEMON_GROUP}" -G "${ADD_GROUPS}" --shell /bin/false "${STORAGE_DAEMON_USER}" || warn "failed to create user ${STORAGE_DAEMON_USER}" fi } get_config_path() { # configuration component (either file or bareos-dir, ...) COMPONENT="${1}" if [ -f "${COMPONENT}" ]; then printf "%s" "${COMPONENT}" elif [ -f "${BAREOS_CONFIG_DIR}/${COMPONENT}.conf" ]; then printf "%s" "${BAREOS_CONFIG_DIR}/${COMPONENT}.conf" elif [ -d "${BAREOS_CONFIG_DIR}/${COMPONENT}.d/" ]; then printf "%s" "${BAREOS_CONFIG_DIR}/${COMPONENT}.d/" else warn "failed to find config for component \"${COMPONENT}\"." return 1 fi } get_config_path2() { # configuration component (either file or bareos-dir, ...) BASEDIR="${1}" COMPONENT="${2}" if ! [ -d "${BASEDIR}" ]; then warn "base directory \"${BASEDIR}\" does not exists." return 1 fi if [ -f "${BASEDIR}/${COMPONENT}.conf" ]; then printf "%s" "${BASEDIR}/${COMPONENT}.conf" elif [ -d "${BASEDIR}/${COMPONENT}.d/" ]; then printf "%s" "${BASEDIR}/${COMPONENT}.d/" else warn "failed to find config for component \"${COMPONENT}\" in directory \"${BASEDIR}\"." return 1 fi } deploy_config() { ARGS=$# SOURCE=${1:-} DEST=${2:-} COMPONENT=${3:-} [ -d "${SOURCE}" ] || return 1 [ -n "${DEST}" ] || return 1 RC=0 if [ $ARGS -eq 2 ]; then deploy_config2 "${SOURCE}" "${DEST}" || RC=$? elif [ $ARGS -eq 3 ]; then deploy_config3 "${SOURCE}" "${DEST}" "${COMPONENT}" || RC=$? else RC=1 fi if [ $RC -eq 0 ]; then initialize_local_hostname initialize_passwords if [ "${DAEMON_USER}" ] && [ "${DAEMON_GROUP}" ]; then chown -R "${DAEMON_USER}":"${DAEMON_GROUP}" "${DEST}" fi # chmod ... X: set x on directories, but not on files. if [ "$os_type" = "Darwin" ]; then # MacOS users from the "admin" group should be able to change the configuration files. chgrp -R admin "${DEST}" chmod -R ug=rwX,o= "${DEST}" else # This also changes permissions of .rndpwd from 0400 to 0640 chmod -R u=rwX,g=rX,o= "${DEST}" fi fi return $RC } deploy_config2() { # # Copy configuration from SOURCE to DEST and apply settings. # Only copies new files. It does not overwrite existing files. # # Returns: # 0: if new config files have been copied # 1: otherwise (on error or if no new config files are available) # SOURCE=${1:-} DEST=${2:-} RC=1 [ -d "${SOURCE}" ] || return 1 if ! [ -e "${DEST}" ]; then mkdir -p "${DEST}" fi # # Copy all files, but do not overwrite existing file. # Use verbose to detect, when new files have been copied. # On MacOS, only single letter cp options are available. # #OUT=`cp --verbose --recursive --no-clobber "$SOURCE/." "$DEST/."` OUT="$(cp -v -r -n "${SOURCE}/." "${DEST}/.")" if [ "${OUT}" ]; then RC=0 fi return $RC } deploy_config3() { # # Copy configuration from SOURCE to DEST and apply settings. # Only copies new files. It does not overwrite existing files. # # Returns: # 0: if new config files have been copied # 1: otherwise (on error or if no new config files are available) # SOURCE=${1:-} DEST=${2:-} COMPONENT=${3:-} [ -d "${SOURCE}" ] || return 1 if ! [ -e "${DEST}" ]; then mkdir -p "${DEST}" fi if ! SOURCE_CONFIG_PATH="$(get_config_path2 "${SOURCE}" "${COMPONENT}")"; then return 1 fi RC=0 if [ -d "${SOURCE_CONFIG_PATH}" ]; then deploy_config2 "${SOURCE_CONFIG_PATH}" "${DEST}/${COMPONENT}.d/" || RC=$? else DEST_CONFIG_PATH="${DEST}/${COMPONENT}.conf" if [ ! -f "${DEST_CONFIG_PATH}" ]; then cp "${SOURCE_CONFIG_PATH}" "${DEST_CONFIG_PATH}" || RC=$? fi fi return $RC } get_config_param() { # # get parameter values from a Bareos configuration file # # configuration file CFG_FILE="${1-}" # section, currently ignored SECTION="${2-}" # name of the section, currently ignored NAME="${3-}" # parameter to get from config file PARAM="${4-}" # default value, if parameter is not found DEFAULT="${5-}" if [ ! -r "${CFG_FILE}" ]; then warn "failed to get parameter ${SECTION} ${NAME} ${PARAM}: can't read ${CFG_FILE}" # if default value is given, return it anyway [ "${DEFAULT}" ] && echo "${DEFAULT}" return 1 fi # get parameter from configuration file VALUE="$(grep -Ei "^[ ]*${PARAM}[ ]*=" "${CFG_FILE}" |\ cut -d'=' -f2 | \ sed -e 's/[ ]*"//' -e 's/"//')" [ "${VALUE}" ] || VALUE="${DEFAULT}" echo "$VALUE" } set_config_param() { # # set parameter values to a Bareos configuration file # # Limitations: # - multiple directives in one line, # separated by ";" # (could by handled by RS="\n|;", but this could cause problems with other lines) # Possible workaround: get expanded config by "bareos-* --xc" # - "}" must be the only character in a line # - between "{" and the first directive must be a line break # - Name directive must come before directive to modify, # preferably Name is the first directive of a resource # - does not handle includes ("@" and include scripts) # Possible workaround: get expanded config by "bareos-* --xc" # configuration component (either file or bareos-dir, ...) COMPONENT="${1}" # section / resource type SECTION="${2}" # name of the section, currently ignored NAME="${3}" # parameter to set in the config file PARAM="${4}" # value to set VALUE="${5}" if ! CONFIG_PATH=$(get_config_path "${COMPONENT}"); then return 1 fi if [ -d "${CONFIG_PATH}" ]; then set_config_param_in_directory "${CONFIG_PATH}" "${SECTION}" "${NAME}" "${PARAM}" "${VALUE}" else set_config_param_in_file "${CONFIG_PATH}" "${SECTION}" "${NAME}" "${PARAM}" "${VALUE}" fi return } set_config_param_in_directory() { if [ "${os_type}" != "Linux" ];then error "set_config_param_in_directory() is not supported on this platform" return 1 fi # configuration file DIRECTORY="${1}" # section / resource type SECTION=$(echo "${2}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') # name of the section, currently ignored NAME="${3}" # parameter to set in the config file PARAM="${4}" # value to set VALUE="${5}" if ! [ -e "${DIRECTORY}/${SECTION}" ]; then warn "failed to set parameter ${SECTION} ${NAME} ${PARAM} = ${VALUE}: directory ${DIRECTORY}/${SECTION} does not exist" return 1 fi FILE="${DIRECTORY}/${SECTION}/${NAME}.conf" if ! [ -f "${FILE}" ]; then printf "%s {\n Name = %s\n}\n" "${SECTION}" "${NAME}" > "${FILE}" fi RC=0 set_config_param_in_file "${FILE}" "${SECTION}" "${NAME}" "${PARAM}" "${VALUE}" || RC=$? return ${RC} } set_config_param_in_file() { if [ "${os_type}" != "Linux" ];then error "set_config_param() is not supported on this platform" return 1 fi # configuration file FILE="${1}" # section / resource type SECTION="${2}" # name of the section, currently ignored NAME="${3}" # parameter to set in the config file PARAM="${4}" # value to set VALUE="${5}" if [ ! -w "${FILE}" ]; then warn "failed to set parameter ${SECTION} ${NAME} ${PARAM} = ${VALUE}: can't access file '${FILE}'" return 1 fi TEMP="$(mktemp)" RC=0 $AWK -v SECTION="${SECTION}" -v NAME="${NAME}" -v PARAM="${PARAM}" -v VALUE="${VALUE}" ' BEGIN { IGNORECASE = 1; FS = "="; # could add ; as Record Separator, but this may causes problems if line contains this character. #RS="\n|;" done = 0 printed = 0 }; level == 1 && /}/ && resourcetype == SECTION && name == NAME && done == 0 { printf " %s = %s\n", PARAM, VALUE printf "}\n" printed = 1 done = 1 }; /}/ { resourcetype=""; level--; }; /{/ { level++; }; level == 1 && /{/ { resourcetype=$1; gsub("[ {]","",resourcetype) }; level == 1 && resourcetype == SECTION && $1 ~ /^[ ]*Name[ ]*$/ { name = $2 gsub("[ \"]","",name) #printf "%s: %s\n", resourcetype, name }; level == 1 && resourcetype == SECTION && name == NAME { param = $1 gsub("[ \"]","",param) #printf "found %s => %s\n", param, $2 }; level == 1 && resourcetype == SECTION && name == NAME && param == PARAM { printf "%s= %s\n", $1, VALUE printed = 1 done = 1 }; printed == 0 { print $0 } printed == 1 { printed = 0 } ' "${FILE}" > "${TEMP}" || RC=$? if [ ${RC} -ne 0 ]; then warn "failed to set parameter ${SECTION} ${NAME} ${PARAM} = ${VALUE}: replace failed" rm -f "${TEMP}" return 1 fi chown --reference="${FILE}" "${TEMP}" chmod --reference="${FILE}" "${TEMP}" if ! mv "${TEMP}" "${FILE}"; then warn "failed to set parameter ${SECTION} ${NAME} ${PARAM} = ${VALUE}: replacing ${FILE} failed" rm -f "${TEMP}" return 1 fi } get_database_param() { PARAM="${1-}" DEFAULT="${2-}" VALUE="" CATALOG="${CATALOG:-MyCatalog}" # Check if PARAM is valid case "${PARAM}" in "dbdriver") echo "postgresql" return 0 ;; "dbaddress") ;; "dbsocket") ;; "dbport") ;; "dbname") ;; "dbuser") ;; "dbpassword") ;; *) if [ -n "${DEFAULT}" ]; then echo "${DEFAULT}" fi return 0 ;; esac # Retrieve PARAM line in configuration section output # Beware we can be called before bareos-dir is installed on system (Debian like) if [ -x "${BAREOS_DIRECTOR_BINARY}" ];then CONFIG=$(${BAREOS_DIRECTOR_BINARY} -c "${BAREOS_CONFIG_DIR}" --xc Catalog "$CATALOG") if ! VALUE="$(get_config_line_parameter "${CONFIG}" "${PARAM}")" then # if default value is given, return it anyway if [ -n "${DEFAULT}" ]; then VALUE="${DEFAULT}" fi fi else warn "${BAREOS_DIRECTOR_BINARY} not found" fi [ -z "${VALUE}" ] && VALUE="${DEFAULT}" echo "${VALUE}" return 0 } get_database_name() { DEFAULT="${1-}" RC=0 get_database_param "dbname" "$DEFAULT" || RC=$? return ${RC} } get_database_user() { DEFAULT="${1-}" RC=0 get_database_param "dbuser" "$DEFAULT" || RC=$? return ${RC} } get_database_password() { DEFAULT="${1-}" RC=0 get_database_param "dbpassword" "$DEFAULT" || RC=$? return ${RC} } get_config_line_parameter() { CONFIG_RESOURCE_SECTION="$1" CONFIG_PARAM="$2" #For POSIX compliance use only * printf "%s" "${CONFIG_RESOURCE_SECTION}" | sed -n -e "s/[[:space:]]*${CONFIG_PARAM}[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*[\"]*\([^\"]*\)[\"]*[[:space:]]*$/\1/ip" } set_postgresql_environment_variables() { CATALOG="${1:-MyCatalog}" if ! CONFIG=$(${BAREOS_DIRECTOR_BINARY} -c "${BAREOS_CONFIG_DIR}" --xc Catalog "${CATALOG}"); then error "Failed to get configuration of catalog $CATALOG" error "${CONFIG}" return 1 fi export PGHOST="$(get_config_line_parameter "${CONFIG}" DbAddress)" export PGPORT="$(get_config_line_parameter "${CONFIG}" DbPort)" export PGSOCKET="$(get_config_line_parameter "${CONFIG}" DbSocket)" export PGDATABASE="$(get_config_line_parameter "${CONFIG}" DbName)" export PGUSER="$(get_config_line_parameter "${CONFIG}" DbUser)" export PGPASSWORD="$(get_config_line_parameter "${CONFIG}" DbPassword)" } is_template_sql_file() { input_file=${1-} if [ -z "${input_file}" ]; then return 1 fi if ! grep -E "@DB_NAME@|@DB_USER@|@DB_PASS@|@DB_VERSION@" "${input_file}" > /dev/null 2>&1 then # no variables found in file, this file is not a template. return 0 else # variables found, this file is a template, therefore return FALSE return 1 fi } get_unused_separator() { # Try to find a separator character (for sed) # not used in source string. source="${1:-}" sep="" candidates="# , / % + - _ ; = ° §" for sep in ${candidates}; do if ! contains "${source}" "${sep}"; then printf "%s" "${sep}" return 0 fi done return 1 } get_translated_sql_file() { # replaces variables in a SQL DDL file # and returns the result as stdout. input_file=${1-} if [ -z "${input_file}" ]; then return 1 fi if [ ! -f "${input_file}" ]; then return 2 fi db_name="${db_name:-$(get_database_name bareos)}" db_user="${db_user:-$(get_database_user bareos)}" # if $db_password is defined but empty, an empty password will be used ("-" instead of ":-") db_password="${db_password-$(get_database_password )}" db_version=$(get_database_version) # Try to find a separator character (for sed) not used in db_password. RC=0 sep="$(get_unused_separator)" || RC=$? if [ ${RC} -ne 0 ]; then error "Not able to find a free separator for sed not used in your password" return 3 fi if [ "${db_password}" != "" ]; then db_password="PASSWORD '${db_password}'" fi sed -e "s${sep}@DB_NAME@${sep}${db_name}${sep}" \ -e "s${sep}@DB_USER@${sep}${db_user}${sep}" \ -e "s${sep}@DB_PASS@${sep}${db_password}${sep}" \ -e "s${sep}@DB_VERSION@${sep}${db_version}${sep}" \ "${input_file}" } get_database_grant_privileges() { # Returns the DDL for granting privileges for a database user. # Can be used, to get the SQL commands # to create additional database users. # If requested, this user can be limited to read-only database access. #db_name="$1" db_user="${2-}" db_password="${3-}" privileges="${4-}" case "${privileges}" in "") # full access privileges="" ;; "readonly") privileges="-readonly" ;; *) echo "Unknown privileges parameter $4" return 1 ;; esac sql_definitions="${SQL_DDL_DIR}/grants/postgresql${privileges}.sql" if [ -n "${sql_definitions}" ]; then if [ ! -f "${sql_definitions}" ]; then echo "Unable to open database table definitions in file ${sql_definitions}" return 1 fi get_translated_sql_file "${sql_definitions}" fi return } translate_sql_files() { # Translates all available DDL files for one database type. # However, currently not used, because it reduced flexibility. SOURCE_DIR=${1:-$SQL_DDL_DIR} DEST_DIR=${2:-"/var/lib/bareos/ddl"} for i in $(find "$SOURCE_DIR" -name "postgresql*.sql" -print | cut -d'/' -f2-); do dest_file="${DEST_DIR}/${i}" mkdir -p "$(dirname "${dest_file}")" # in case of errors, remove file if ! get_translated_sql_file "${SOURCE_DIR}/${i}" > "${dest_file}" then rm -f "${dest_file}" fi done } apply_dbconfig_settings() { # this function is only useful on Debian Linux based distributions # as dbconfig-common is only available there # check if dbconfig configuration file exists [ -r "/etc/dbconfig-common/bareos-database-common.conf" ] || return 0 . /etc/dbconfig-common/bareos-database-common.conf # check if dbconfig is enabled [ "${dbc_install}" = "true" ] && [ "${dbc_upgrade}" = "true" ] || return 0 if [ -n "${dbc_dbserver}" ]; then set_config_param "bareos-dir" "Catalog" "MyCatalog" "dbaddress" "${dbc_dbserver}" fi if [ -n "${dbc_dbuser}" ]; then set_config_param "bareos-dir" "Catalog" "MyCatalog" "dbuser" "${dbc_dbuser}" fi if [ -n "${dbc_dbname}" ]; then set_config_param "bareos-dir" "Catalog" "MyCatalog" "dbname" "${dbc_dbname}" fi if [ "${dbc_authmethod_user}" != "ident" ] && [ "${dbc_dbpass}" ]; then set_config_param "bareos-dir" "Catalog" "MyCatalog" "dbpassword" "${dbc_dbpass}" fi } get_local_hostname() { # put actual short hostname in configuration files if [ -n "$(command -v uname)" ]; then hname=$(uname -n) fi if [ -z "${hname}" ] && [ -f '/etc/hostname' ]; then hname="$(cut -d '.' -f1 '/etc/hostname')" fi if [ -z "${hname}" ]; then # set to "localhost" hname='localhost' fi echo "${hname}" } replace() { if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then return 1 fi SEARCH="$1" REPLACE="$2" grep -l "${SEARCH}" "${BAREOS_CONFIG_DIR}"/*.conf "${BAREOS_CONFIG_DIR}"/bareos-*.d/*/*.conf "${BAREOS_CONFIG_DIR}"/tray-monitor.d/*/*.conf 2>/dev/null | while read -r file do if [ -f "${file}" ]; then if grep "${SEARCH}" "$file"; then # do a log-message only if file will be changed, not always if grep "_PASSWORD_XXX" "${SEARCH}"; then info "replacing '${SEARCH}' in ${file}" else info "replacing '${SEARCH}' with '${REPLACE}' in ${file}" fi if [ "$os_type" = "Darwin" ] || [ "$os_type" = "FreeBSD" ]; then inplace=" ''" else inplace="" fi sed -i${inplace} "s#${SEARCH}#${REPLACE}#g" "${file}" fi fi done return 0 } initialize_local_hostname() { # # Replace all XXX_REPLACE_WITH_LOCAL_HOSTNAME by the local hostname. # hname=$(get_local_hostname) replace "XXX_REPLACE_WITH_LOCAL_HOSTNAME_XXX" "${hname}" } initialize_passwords() { # # See if we need to generate a set of random passwords. # if [ ! -f "${BAREOS_CONFIG_DIR}"/.rndpwd ]; then for string in ${PASSWORD_SUBST} do pass="$(RANDFILE=/dev/urandom openssl rand -base64 33)" echo "${string}=${pass}" >> "${BAREOS_CONFIG_DIR}"/.rndpwd done chmod 400 "${BAREOS_CONFIG_DIR}"/.rndpwd fi # Source the passwords . "${BAREOS_CONFIG_DIR}"/.rndpwd for string in ${PASSWORD_SUBST} do eval "pass=\${$string}" if [ -n "${pass}" ]; then replace "${string}" "${pass}" fi done } init() { initialize_local_hostname initialize_passwords }