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# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc., Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com> # Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat, Inc., Lukas Zapletal <lzap@redhat.com> # This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos # # This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, # modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of # version 2 of the GNU General Public License. # # See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information. from sos.plugins import Plugin, RedHatPlugin, DebianPlugin, UbuntuPlugin,\ SCLPlugin from pipes import quote from re import match class Foreman(Plugin): """Foreman/Satellite 6 systems management """ plugin_name = 'foreman' plugin_timeout = 1800 profiles = ('sysmgmt',) packages = ('foreman', 'foreman-proxy') option_list = [ ('months', 'number of months for dynflow output', 'fast', 1) ] def setup(self): # for external DB, search in /etc/foreman/database.yml for: # production: # .. # host: some.hostname production_scope = False self.dbhost = "localhost" self.dbpasswd = "" try: for line in open("/etc/foreman/database.yml").read().splitlines(): # skip empty lines and lines with comments if not line or line[0] == '#': continue if line.startswith("production:"): production_scope = True continue if production_scope and match(r"\s+host:\s+\S+", line): self.dbhost = line.split()[1] if production_scope and match(r"\s+password:\s+\S+", line): self.dbpasswd = line.split()[1] # if line starts with a text, it is a different scope if not line.startswith(" "): production_scope = False except IOError: # fallback when the cfg file is not accessible pass # strip wrapping ".." or '..' around password if (self.dbpasswd.startswith('"') and self.dbpasswd.endswith('"')) or \ (self.dbpasswd.startswith('\'') and self.dbpasswd.endswith('\'')): self.dbpasswd = self.dbpasswd[1:-1] # set the password to os.environ when calling psql commands to prevent # printing it in sos logs # we can't set os.environ directly now: other plugins can overwrite it self.env = {"PGPASSWORD": self.dbpasswd} self.add_forbidden_path([ "/etc/foreman*/*key.pem", "/etc/foreman*/encryption_key.rb" ]) _hostname = self.exec_cmd('hostname')['output'] _hostname = _hostname.strip() _host_f = self.exec_cmd('hostname -f')['output'] _host_f = _host_f.strip() # Collect these completely everytime self.add_copy_spec([ "/var/log/foreman/production.log", "/var/log/{}*/foreman-ssl_*_ssl.log".format(self.apachepkg) ], sizelimit=0) # Allow limiting these self.add_copy_spec([ "/etc/foreman/", "/etc/foreman-proxy/", "/etc/sysconfig/foreman", "/etc/sysconfig/dynflowd", "/etc/default/foreman", "/etc/foreman-installer/", "/var/log/foreman/dynflow_executor*log*", "/var/log/foreman/dynflow_executor*.output*", "/var/log/foreman/apipie_cache*.log*", "/var/log/foreman/cron*.log*", "/var/log/foreman/db_migrate*log*", "/var/log/foreman/db_seed*log*", "/var/log/foreman/production.log[.-]*", "/var/log/foreman-proxy/cron*log*", "/var/log/foreman-proxy/migrate_settings*log*", "/var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy*log*", "/var/log/foreman-proxy/smart_proxy_dynflow_core*log*", "/var/log/foreman-selinux-install.log", "/var/log/foreman-proxy-certs-generate*", "/var/log/foreman-installer/*", "/var/log/foreman-maintain/*", "/var/log/syslog*", # Specific to TFM, _all_ catalina logs are relevant. Adding this # here rather than the tomcat plugin to ease maintenance and not # pollute non-Sat sosreports that enable the tomcat plugin "/var/log/tomcat*/catalina*log*", "/var/log/tomcat*/host-manager*log*", "/var/log/tomcat*/localhost*log*", "/var/log/tomcat*/manager*log*", "/usr/share/foreman/Gemfile*", "/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem", "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem", "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/{}.pem".format(_hostname), "/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/{}.pem".format(_hostname), "/var/log/{}*/foreman*".format(self.apachepkg), "/var/log/{}*/katello-reverse-proxy_access_ssl.log*".format( self.apachepkg), "/var/log/{}*/katello-reverse-proxy_error_ssl.log*".format( self.apachepkg), "/var/log/{}*/error_log*".format(self.apachepkg), "/etc/{}*/conf/".format(self.apachepkg), "/etc/{}*/conf.d/".format(self.apachepkg) ]) self.add_cmd_output([ 'bundle --local --gemfile=/usr/share/foreman/Gemfile*', 'hammer ping', 'foreman-selinux-relabel -nv', 'foreman-maintain service status', 'passenger-status --show pool', 'passenger-status --show requests', 'passenger-status --show backtraces', 'passenger-memory-stats', 'ls -lanR /root/ssl-build', 'ls -lanR /usr/share/foreman/config/hooks', 'ping -c1 -W1 %s' % _hostname, 'ping -c1 -W1 %s' % _host_f, 'ping -c1 -W1 localhost' ]) # Dynflow Sidekiq self.add_cmd_output('systemctl list-units dynflow*', suggest_filename='dynflow_units') self.add_service_status('"system-dynflow\\x2dsidekiq.slice"', suggest_filename='dynflow_sidekiq_status') self.add_journal(units="dynflow-sidekiq@*") # collect tables sizes, ordered _cmd = self.build_query_cmd( "SELECT table_name, pg_size_pretty(total_bytes) AS total, " "pg_size_pretty(index_bytes) AS INDEX , " "pg_size_pretty(toast_bytes) AS toast, pg_size_pretty(table_bytes)" " AS TABLE FROM ( SELECT *, " "total_bytes-index_bytes-COALESCE(toast_bytes,0) AS table_bytes " "FROM (SELECT c.oid,nspname AS table_schema, relname AS " "TABLE_NAME, c.reltuples AS row_estimate, " "pg_total_relation_size(c.oid) AS total_bytes, " "pg_indexes_size(c.oid) AS index_bytes, " "pg_total_relation_size(reltoastrelid) AS toast_bytes " "FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON " "n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE relkind = 'r') a) a order by " "total_bytes DESC" ) self.add_cmd_output(_cmd, suggest_filename='foreman_db_tables_sizes', env=self.env) months = '%s months' % self.get_option('months') # Construct the DB queries, using the months option to limit the range # of entries returned scmd = ( "select id,name,value from settings where name not similar to " "'%(pass|key|secret)%'" ) authcmd = ( 'select type,name,host,port,account,base_dn,attr_login,' 'onthefly_register,tls from auth_sources' ) dyncmd = ( 'select dynflow_execution_plans.* from foreman_tasks_tasks join ' 'dynflow_execution_plans on (foreman_tasks_tasks.external_id = ' 'dynflow_execution_plans.uuid::varchar) where foreman_tasks_tasks.' 'started_at > NOW() - interval %s' % quote(months) ) dactioncmd = ( 'select dynflow_actions.* from foreman_tasks_tasks join ' 'dynflow_actions on (foreman_tasks_tasks.external_id = ' 'dynflow_actions.execution_plan_uuid::varchar) where ' 'foreman_tasks_tasks.started_at > NOW() - interval %s' % quote(months) ) dstepscmd = ( 'select dynflow_steps.* from foreman_tasks_tasks join ' 'dynflow_steps on (foreman_tasks_tasks.external_id = ' 'dynflow_steps.execution_plan_uuid::varchar) where ' 'foreman_tasks_tasks.started_at > NOW() - interval %s' % quote(months) ) # counts of fact_names prefixes/types: much of one type suggests # performance issues factnamescmd = ( 'WITH prefix_counts AS (SELECT split_part(name,\'::\',1) FROM ' 'fact_names) SELECT COUNT(*), split_part AS "fact_name_prefix" ' 'FROM prefix_counts GROUP BY split_part ORDER BY count DESC ' 'LIMIT 100' ) # Populate this dict with DB queries that should be saved directly as # postgres formats them. The key will be the filename in the foreman # plugin directory, with the value being the DB query to run foremandb = { 'foreman_settings_table': scmd, 'foreman_auth_table': authcmd, 'dynflow_schema_info': 'select * from dynflow_schema_info', 'foreman_tasks_tasks': 'select * from foreman_tasks_tasks', 'audits_table_count': 'select count(*) from audits', 'logs_table_count': 'select count(*) from logs', 'fact_names_prefixes': factnamescmd, 'smart_proxies': 'select sp.name, sp.url, ' + 'sp.download_policy,n.ip from smart_proxies ' + 'as sp left join hosts as h on h.name=sp.name ' + 'left join nics as n on n.host_id=h.id' } # Same as above, but for CSV output foremancsv = { 'dynflow_execution_plans': dyncmd, 'dynflow_actions': dactioncmd, 'dynflow_steps': dstepscmd, } for table in foremandb: _cmd = self.build_query_cmd(foremandb[table]) self.add_cmd_output(_cmd, suggest_filename=table, timeout=600, sizelimit=100, env=self.env) # dynflow* tables on dynflow >=1.6.3 are encoded and hence in that # case, psql-msgpack-decode wrapper tool from dynflow-utils (any # version) must be used instead of plain psql command dynutils = self.is_installed('dynflow-utils') for dyn in foremancsv: binary = "psql" if dyn != 'foreman_tasks_tasks' and dynutils: binary = "/usr/libexec/psql-msgpack-decode" _cmd = self.build_query_cmd(foremancsv[dyn], csv=True, binary=binary) self.add_cmd_output(_cmd, suggest_filename=dyn, timeout=600, sizelimit=100, env=self.env) # collect http[|s]_proxy env.variables self.add_env_var(["http_proxy", "https_proxy"]) def build_query_cmd(self, query, csv=False, binary="psql"): """ Builds the command needed to invoke the pgsql query as the postgres user. The query requires significant quoting work to satisfy both the shell and postgres parsing requirements. Note that this will generate a large amount of quoting in sos logs referencing the command being run """ if csv: query = "COPY (%s) TO STDOUT " \ "WITH (FORMAT 'csv', DELIMITER ',', HEADER)" % query _dbcmd = "%s --no-password -h %s -p 5432 -U foreman -d foreman -c %s" return _dbcmd % (binary, self.dbhost, quote(query)) def postproc(self): satreg = r"((foreman.*)?(\"::(foreman(.*?)|katello).*)?((::(.*)::.*" \ r"(passw|cred|token|secret|key).*(\")?:)|(storepass )" \ r"|(password =)))(.*)" self.do_path_regex_sub( "/var/log/foreman-installer/sat*", satreg, r"\1 ********") # need to do two passes here, debug output has different formatting sat_debug_reg = (r"(\s)+(Found key: (\"(foreman(.*?)|katello)" r"::(.*(token|secret|key|passw).*)\") value:) " r"(.*)") self.do_path_regex_sub( "/var/log/foreman-installer/sat*", sat_debug_reg, r"\1 \2 ********") self.do_path_regex_sub( "/var/log/foreman-installer/foreman-proxy*", r"(\s*proxy_password\s=) (.*)", r"\1 ********") # yaml values should be alphanumeric self.do_path_regex_sub( "/etc/foreman(.*)((yaml|yml)(.*)?)", r"((\:|\s*)(passw|cred|token|secret|key).*(\:\s|=))(.*)", r'\1"********"') self.do_path_regex_sub( "/etc/foreman(.*)((conf)(.*)?)", r"((\:|\s*)(passw|cred|token|secret|key).*(\:\s|=))(.*)", r"\1********") self.do_path_regex_sub( "/var/log/foreman-maintain/foreman-maintain.log*", r"(((passw|cred|token|secret)=)|(password ))(.*)", r"\1********") self.do_path_regex_sub( "/var/log/%s*/foreman-ssl_access_ssl.log*" % self.apachepkg, r"(.*\?(passw|cred|token|secret|key).*=)(.*) (HTTP.*(.*))", r"\1******** \4") # Let the base Foreman class handle the string substitution of the apachepkg # attr so we can keep all log definitions centralized in the main class class RedHatForeman(Foreman, SCLPlugin, RedHatPlugin): apachepkg = 'httpd' def setup(self): super(RedHatForeman, self).setup() self.add_cmd_output_scl('tfm', 'gem list', suggest_filename='scl enable tfm gem list') class DebianForeman(Foreman, DebianPlugin, UbuntuPlugin): apachepkg = 'apache' # vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :