Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
<?php /** * PHP Antimalware Scanner. * * @author Marco Cesarato <cesarato.developer@gmail.com> * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GNU Public License * * @see https://github.com/marcocesarato/PHP-Antimalware-Scanner */ namespace AMWScan\Console; use AMWScan\Exploits; use AMWScan\Functions; use AMWScan\Scanner; /** * Class Console * Console manager. */ class CLI { /** * Font colors. * * @var array */ public static $foregroundColors = [ 'black' => '0;30', 'dark_gray' => '1;30', 'blue' => '0;34', 'light_blue' => '1;34', 'green' => '0;32', 'light_green' => '1;32', 'cyan' => '0;36', 'light_cyan' => '1;36', 'red' => '0;31', 'light_red' => '1;31', 'purple' => '0;35', 'light_purple' => '1;35', 'brown' => '0;33', 'yellow' => '1;33', 'light_gray' => '0;37', 'white' => '1;37', ]; /** * Background colors. * * @var array */ public static $backgroundColors = [ 'black' => '40', 'red' => '41', 'green' => '42', 'yellow' => '43', 'blue' => '44', 'magenta' => '45', 'cyan' => '46', 'light_gray' => '47', ]; /** * Max default line length. * * @var int */ public static $maxLineLength = 80; /** * Get new line char. * * @param $n * * @return string */ public static function eol($n) { $eol = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $eol .= PHP_EOL; } return $eol; } /** * Print header. */ public static function header() { if (!Scanner::isCli()) { return; } $figlet = new Figlet(); $figlet->loadRandomFont(); $header = $figlet->render(Scanner::getName()); $header .= "\n\nGithub: " . Scanner::getRepoUrl(); $headerArray = explode("\n", $header); foreach ($headerArray as $key => $value) { $diff = strlen($value) - mb_strlen($value); $headerArray[$key] = str_pad($value, self::$maxLineLength + $diff, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH); } $header = implode(PHP_EOL, $headerArray); $version = Scanner::getVersion(); self::newLine(); self::displayLine($header, 2, 'green'); $title = self::title('version ' . $version); self::display($title, 'green'); self::newLine(2); $title = self::title(''); self::display($title, 'black', 'green'); self::newLine(); $title = self::title(Scanner::getFullName()); self::display($title, 'black', 'green'); self::newLine(); $title = self::title('Created by ' . Scanner::getAuthor()); self::display($title, 'black', 'green'); self::newLine(); $title = self::title(''); self::display($title, 'black', 'green'); self::newLine(2); $version = file_get_contents(Scanner::getLatestVersionUrl()); if (!empty($version) && version_compare(Scanner::$version, $version, '<')) { self::write('New version', 'green'); self::write(' ' . $version . ' ', 'green'); self::writeLine('of the scanner available!', 2, 'green'); } } /** * Print title. * * @param $text * @param string $char * @param int $length * * @return string */ public static function title($text, $char = ' ', $length = null) { if ($length === null) { $length = self::$maxLineLength; } $result = ''; $strLength = strlen($text); $spaces = $length - $strLength; $spacesLenHalf = $spaces / 2; $spacesLenLeft = round($spacesLenHalf); $spacesLenRight = round($spacesLenHalf); if ((round($spacesLenHalf) - $spacesLenHalf) >= 0.5) { $spacesLenLeft--; } for ($i = 0; $i < $spacesLenLeft; $i++) { $result .= $char; } $result .= $text; for ($i = 0; $i < $spacesLenRight; $i++) { $result .= $char; } return $result; } /** * Print progress. * * @param float $done * @param float $total * @param int $size */ public static function progress($done, $total, $size = 30) { static $startTime; if ($done > $total || $total === 0) { return; } if (empty($startTime)) { $startTime = time(); } $now = time(); $perc = (float)($done / $total); $bar = floor($perc * $size); $statusBar = "\r["; $statusBar .= str_repeat('=', $bar); if ($bar < $size) { $statusBar .= '>'; $statusBar .= str_repeat(' ', $size - $bar); } else { $statusBar .= '='; } $disp = number_format($perc * 100); $statusBar .= "] $disp%"; $rate = $done !== 0.0 ? ($now - $startTime) / max(1, $done) : ($now - $startTime); $left = $total - $done; $eta = round($rate * $left, 2); $etaType = 'sec'; $elapsed = $now - $startTime; $elapsedType = 'sec'; if ($eta > 59) { $etaType = 'min'; $eta = round($eta / 60); } if ($elapsed > 59) { $elapsedType = 'min'; $elapsed = round($elapsed / 60); } self::display("$statusBar ", 'black', 'green'); self::display(' '); self::display("$done/$total", 'green'); self::display(' [' . number_format($elapsed) . ' ' . $elapsedType . '/' . number_format($eta) . ' ' . $etaType . ']'); @ob_flush(); @flush(); if ($done === $total) { self::newLine(); } } /** * Display title bar. * * @param $string * @param $foregroundColor * @param $backgroundColor */ public static function displayTitle($string, $foregroundColor, $backgroundColor) { $title = self::title(''); self::display($title, $foregroundColor, $backgroundColor); self::newLine(); $title = self::title(strtoupper($string)); self::display($title, $foregroundColor, $backgroundColor); self::newLine(); $title = self::title(''); self::display($title, $foregroundColor, $backgroundColor); self::newLine(); } /** * Print break without writing logs. * * @param int $eol */ public static function newLine($eol = 1) { self::write(self::eol($eol), 'white', null, false); } /** * Print message without writing logs. * * @param $string * @param int $eol * @param string $foregroundColor * @param null $backgroundColor * @param bool $escape */ public static function displayLine($string, $eol = 1, $foregroundColor = 'white', $backgroundColor = null, $escape = true) { self::write($string . self::eol($eol), $foregroundColor, $backgroundColor, false, $escape); } /** * Choice. * * @param $question * @param $options * * @return string */ public static function choice($question, $options) { foreach ($options as $key => $value) { self::displayOption($key, $value); } self::newLine(2); return self::read(trim($question) . ' ', 'purple'); } /** * Print option. * * @param $num * @param $string * @param string $foregroundColor * @param null $backgroundColor * @param bool $escape */ public static function displayOption($num, $string, $foregroundColor = 'white', $backgroundColor = null, $escape = true) { self::write(' [' . $num . '] ' . $string . self::eol(1), $foregroundColor, $backgroundColor, false, $escape); } /** * Print message without writing logs. * * @param $string * @param string $foregroundColor * @param null $backgroundColor */ public static function display($string, $foregroundColor = 'white', $backgroundColor = null, $escape = true) { self::write($string, $foregroundColor, $backgroundColor, false, $escape); } /** * Print break. * * @param int $eol */ public static function writeBreak($eol = 1) { self::write(self::eol($eol)); } /** * Print message and print eol. * * @param string $string * @param int $eol * @param string $foregroundColor * @param null $backgroundColor * @param null $log * @param bool $escape */ public static function writeLine($string, $eol = 1, $foregroundColor = 'white', $backgroundColor = null, $log = null, $escape = true) { self::write($string . self::eol($eol), $foregroundColor, $backgroundColor, $log, $escape); } /** * Print message. * * @param $string * @param string|null $foregroundColor * @param string|null $backgroundColor * @param null $log */ public static function write($string, $foregroundColor = 'white', $backgroundColor = null, $log = null, $escape = true) { $returnString = $string; if (!Scanner::isColorEnabled()) { $foregroundColor = null; $backgroundColor = null; } if (Scanner::isLogEnabled() && $log === null) { $log = true; } if ($escape) { $returnString = self::escape($returnString); } $coloredString = ''; if (isset(self::$foregroundColors[$foregroundColor])) { $coloredString .= "\033[" . self::$foregroundColors[$foregroundColor] . 'm'; } if (isset(self::$backgroundColors[$backgroundColor])) { $coloredString .= "\033[" . self::$backgroundColors[$backgroundColor] . 'm'; } $coloredString .= $returnString . "\033[0m"; if (!Scanner::isSilentMode()) { if (Scanner::isColorEnabled()) { echo $coloredString; } else { echo $returnString; } } if ($log) { self::log($string, (!empty($foregroundColor) && $foregroundColor !== 'white' ? $foregroundColor : $backgroundColor)); } } /** * Read input. * * @param string|null $string * @param string|null $foregroundColor * @param null $backgroundColor * * @return string */ public static function read($string, $foregroundColor = 'white', $backgroundColor = null) { if (!Scanner::isColorEnabled()) { $foregroundColor = null; $backgroundColor = null; } $coloredString = ''; if (isset(self::$foregroundColors[$foregroundColor])) { $coloredString .= "\033[" . self::$foregroundColors[$foregroundColor] . 'm'; } if (isset(self::$backgroundColors[$backgroundColor])) { $coloredString .= "\033[" . self::$backgroundColors[$backgroundColor] . 'm'; } $coloredString .= $string . "\033[0m"; $read = null; if (!Scanner::isSilentMode()) { if (Scanner::isColorEnabled()) { echo Scanner::getLowerName() . ' > ' . trim($coloredString) . ' '; } else { echo Scanner::getLowerName() . ' > ' . trim($string) . ' '; } } if (self::isWindows()) { $read = stream_get_line(STDIN, 1024, PHP_EOL); } else { $in = [STDIN]; $out = []; $oob = []; while (@stream_select($in, $out, $oob, 0)) { fgets(STDIN); } $read = rtrim(fgets(STDIN)); } return (string)$read; } /** * Print code. * * @param $string * @param array $errors * @param bool $log */ public static function code($string, $errors = [], $log = false) { $code = $string; foreach ($errors as $pattern) { $escaped = self::escape($pattern['match']); $code = str_replace($pattern['match'], "\033[" . self::$foregroundColors['red'] . 'm' . $escaped . "\033[" . self::$foregroundColors['white'] . 'm', $code); } $lines = explode("\n", $code); foreach ($lines as $i => $iValue) { if ($i !== 0) { self::newLine(); } self::display(' ' . str_pad((string)($i + 1), strlen((string)count($lines)), ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' | ', 'yellow'); self::display($iValue, 'white', null, false); } if ($log) { self::log($string); } } /** * Write logs. * * @param $string * @param string $color */ public static function log($string, $color = '') { $string = trim($string); if (!empty($string)) { $string = trim($string, '.'); $string = str_replace(self::eol(1), ' ', $string); $string = preg_replace("/[\s]+/m", ' ', $string); $type = 'INFO'; switch ($color) { case 'green': $type = 'SUCCESS'; break; case 'yellow': $type = 'WARNING'; break; case 'red': $type = 'DANGER'; break; } $string = '[' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '] [' . $type . '] ' . $string . PHP_EOL; file_put_contents(Scanner::getPathLogs(), $string, FILE_APPEND); } } /** * Escape colors string. * * @param $string * * @return string */ public static function escape($string) { return mb_convert_encoding(preg_replace('/(e|\x1B|[[:cntrl:]]|\033)\[(\d{1,2}(;\d{1,2})?)?[mGKc]/', '', $string), 'utf-8', 'auto'); } /** * Print lists. * * @param null $type */ public static function helplist($type = null) { if (!Scanner::isCli()) { return; } $list = ''; if (empty($type) || $type === 'exploits') { $exploitList = implode(self::eol(1) . '- ', array_keys(Exploits::getAll())); $list .= self::eol(1) . 'Exploits:' . self::eol(1) . "- $exploitList"; } if (empty($type)) { $list .= self::eol(1); } if (empty($type) || $type === 'functions') { $functionsList = implode(self::eol(1) . '- ', Functions::getDefault()); $list .= self::eol(1) . 'Functions:' . self::eol(1) . "- $functionsList"; } if (empty($type)) { $list .= self::eol(1); } if (empty($type) || $type === 'functions-encoded') { $functionsList = implode(self::eol(1) . '- ', Functions::getDangerous()); $list .= self::eol(1) . 'Functions Encoded:' . self::eol(1) . "- $functionsList"; } self::displayTitle(trim($type . ' List'), 'black', 'cyan'); self::displayLine($list, 2); } /** * @param $text * * @return string */ public static function wordWrap($text) { return wordwrap($text, self::$maxLineLength); } /** * Print Helper. */ public static function helper() { if (!Scanner::isCli()) { return; } $name = Scanner::getLowerName(); $argv = Scanner::getArgv(); $argv->setExamples([ 'php ' . $name . ' ./mywebsite/http/ -l -s --only-exploits', 'php ' . $name . ' -s --max-filesize="5MB"', 'php ' . $name . ' -s -logs="/user/marco/scanner.log"', 'php ' . $name . ' --lite --only-exploits', 'php ' . $name . ' --exploits="double_var2" --functions="eval, str_replace"', 'php ' . $name . ' --ignore-paths="/my/path/*.log,/my/path/*/cache/*"', ]); $help = $argv->usage(); self::displayTitle('Help', 'black', 'cyan'); self::newLine(); self::displayLine(self::wordWrap('IMPORTANT: You will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data' . 'that results from such activities. You are solely responsible for adequate protection and backup' . 'of the data before execute the scanner.')); self::displayLine($help, 2); self::displayLine('Notes:'); self::displayLine('For open files with nano or vim run the scripts with "php -d disable_functions=\'\'"', 2); } /** * Is windows environment. * * @return bool */ public static function isWindows() { return stripos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') === 0; } }