Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
<?php /** * PHP Antimalware Scanner. * * @author Marco Cesarato <cesarato.developer@gmail.com> * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GNU Public License * * @see https://github.com/marcocesarato/PHP-Antimalware-Scanner */ namespace AMWScan; use AMWScan\Console\Argv; use AMWScan\Console\CLI; use AMWScan\Templates\Report; use ArrayIterator; use ArrayObject; use CallbackFilterIterator; use Exception; use LimitIterator; use RecursiveDirectoryIterator; use RecursiveIteratorIterator; use RuntimeException; use SplFileInfo; /** * Class Application. */ class Scanner { /** * App name. * * @var string */ public static $name = 'AMWScan'; /** * App full name. * * @var string */ public static $fullname = 'PHP Antimalware Scanner'; /** * App description. * * @var string */ public static $description = 'A tool to scan PHP files and analyze your project to find any malicious code inside it.'; /** * App author. * * @var string */ public static $author = 'Marco Cesarato'; /** * Version. * * @var string */ public static $version = '0.14.0'; /** * Repo url. * * @var string */ public static $repoUrl = 'https://github.com/marcocesarato/PHP-Antimalware-Scanner'; /** * Version url. * * @var string */ public static $latestVersionUrl = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/marcocesarato/PHP-Antimalware-Scanner/master/dist/version'; /** * Latest release url. * * @var string */ protected static $latestReleaseUrl = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/marcocesarato/PHP-Antimalware-Scanner/master/dist/scanner'; /** * @var string */ public static $dateFormat = 'Y-m-d'; /** * Root path. * * @var string */ public static $root = './'; /** * Quarantine path. * * @var string */ public static $pathQuarantine = '/scanner-quarantine/'; /** * Backup path. * * @var string */ public static $pathBackups = '/scanner-backups/'; /** * Deobfuscate path. * * @var string */ public static $pathDeobfuscate = '/deobfuscated/'; /** * Logs Path. * * @var string */ public static $pathLogs = '/scanner.log'; /** * Infected logs path. *s. * * @var string */ public static $pathReport = '/scanner-report_{DIRNAME}_{DATE}'; /** * Whitelist path. * * @var string */ public static $pathWhitelist = '/scanner-whitelist.json'; /** * Path to scan. * * @var string */ public static $pathScan = './'; /** * Max filesize. * * @var int */ public static $maxFilesize = -1; /** * File extensions to scan. * * @var array */ public static $extensions = [ 'htaccess', 'php', 'php3', 'ph3', 'php4', 'ph4', 'php5', 'ph5', 'php7', 'ph7', 'php8', 'ph8', 'phtm', 'phtml', 'ico', ]; /** * Default no to scan all files. */ public static $scanAll = false; /** * Arguments. * * @var Argv */ public static $argv = []; /** * Whitelist. * * @var array */ public static $whitelist = []; /** * Functions. * * @var array */ public static $functions = []; /** * Functions encoded. * * @var array */ public static $functionsEncoded = []; /** * Functions encoded values. * * @var array */ protected static $functionsEncodedValues = []; /** * Exploits. * * @var array */ public static $exploits = []; /** * Settings. * * @var array */ public static $settings = [ 'scan-exploits' => true, 'scan-functions' => true, 'scan-signatures' => true, ]; /** * Report. * * @var array */ protected static $report = [ 'scanned' => 0, 'detected' => 0, 'removed' => [], 'ignored' => [], 'edited' => [], 'quarantine' => [], 'whitelist' => [], 'infectedFound' => [], ]; /** * Report file format. * * @var string */ protected static $reportFormat = 'html'; /** * Ignore paths. * * @var array */ public static $ignorePaths = []; /** * Filter paths. * * @var array */ public static $filterPaths = []; /** * Prompt. * * @var string */ public static $prompt; /** * Interrupt. * * @var bool */ public $interrupt = false; /** * @var string */ public $lastError; protected static $inited = false; /** * Application constructor. */ public function __construct() { if (!self::isInitialized()) { if (function_exists('gc_enable') && (function_exists('gc_enable') && !gc_enabled())) { gc_enable(); } if (self::$root === './') { self::$root = Path::getCurrentDir(); } if (self::$pathScan === './') { self::$pathScan = Path::getCurrentDir(); } self::$pathQuarantine = Path::get(self::$root . self::$pathQuarantine); self::$pathLogs = Path::get(self::$root . self::$pathLogs); self::$pathWhitelist = Path::get(self::$root . self::$pathWhitelist); self::$pathReport = Path::get(self::$root . self::$pathReport); self::$pathBackups = Path::get(self::$root . self::$pathBackups); self::$pathDeobfuscate = Path::get(self::$root . self::$pathDeobfuscate); self::$inited = true; } } /** * Initialize. */ private function init() { // Load whitelist if (file_exists(self::$pathWhitelist)) { self::$whitelist = file_get_contents(self::$pathWhitelist); self::$whitelist = @json_decode(self::$whitelist, true); if (!is_array(self::$whitelist)) { self::$whitelist = []; } } } /** * Run application. * * @param null $args * * @return bool|object */ public function run($args = []) { $this->interrupt = false; try { // Print header CLI::header(); // Initialize arguments $this->arguments($args); // Initialize $this->init(); // Initialize modes $this->modes(); // Start scanning CLI::displayLine('Start scanning...'); CLI::writeLine('Scan date: ' . date(self::$dateFormat . ' H:i:s')); CLI::writeLine('Scanning ' . self::$pathScan, 2); // Mapping files if (self::isVerifierEnabled()) { CLI::writeLine('Mapping and retrieving checksums, please wait...', 2); } else { CLI::writeLine('Mapping, please wait...', 2); } $iterator = $this->mapping(); // Counting files $filesCount = iterator_count($iterator); CLI::writeLine('Found ' . $filesCount . ' files to check', 2); CLI::writeLine('Checking files...', 2); CLI::progress(0, $filesCount); if ($this->interrupt) { return false; } // Scan all files $this->scan($iterator); // Scan finished CLI::writeBreak(2); CLI::write('Scan finished!', 'green'); CLI::writeBreak(3); // Print summary $this->summary(); return self::getReport(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->interrupt = true; $this->setLastError($e->getMessage()); CLI::writeBreak(); CLI::writeLine($e->getMessage(), 1, 'red'); } return true; } /** * Initialize application arguments. * * @param array $args */ private function arguments($args = []) { $isCLI = self::isCli(); self::$argv = new Argv(self::getLowerName(), self::getDescription()); // Arguments self::$argv->addArgument('path', ['var_args' => true, 'default' => Path::getCurrentDir(), 'help' => 'Define the path of the file or directory to scan']); // Flags self::$argv->addFlag('lite', ['alias' => '-l', 'default' => false, 'help' => 'Running on lite mode help to have less false positive on WordPress and others platforms enabling exploits mode and removing some common exploit pattern']); self::$argv->addFlag('help', ['alias' => ['-h', '-?'], 'default' => false, 'help' => 'Check only functions and not the exploits']); self::$argv->addFlag('log', ['default' => self::$pathLogs, 'has_value' => true, 'value_name' => 'path', 'help' => 'Write a log file on the specified file path']); self::$argv->addFlag('backup', ['alias' => '-b', 'default' => false, 'help' => 'Make a backup of every touched files']); self::$argv->addFlag('offset', ['default' => null, 'has_value' => true, 'help' => 'Set file mapping offset']); self::$argv->addFlag('limit', ['default' => null, 'has_value' => true, 'help' => 'Set file mapping limit']); self::$argv->addFlag('report', ['alias' => '-r', 'default' => false, 'help' => "Report scan only mode without check and remove malware (like --auto-skip).\nIt also write a report with all malware paths found"]); self::$argv->addFlag('report-format', ['default' => false, 'has_value' => true, 'value_name' => 'format', 'help' => 'Report format (html|txt)']); self::$argv->addFlag('version', ['alias' => '-v', 'default' => false, 'help' => 'Get version number']); self::$argv->addFlag('update', ['alias' => '-u', 'default' => false, 'help' => 'Update to last version']); self::$argv->addFlag('only-signatures', ['alias' => '-s', 'default' => false, 'help' => "Check only functions and not the exploits.\nThis is recommended for WordPress or others platforms"]); self::$argv->addFlag('only-exploits', ['alias' => '-e', 'default' => false, 'help' => 'Check only exploits and not the functions']); self::$argv->addFlag('only-functions', ['alias' => '-f', 'default' => false, 'help' => 'Check only functions and not the exploits']); self::$argv->addFlag('defs', ['default' => false, 'help' => 'Get default definitions exploit and functions list']); self::$argv->addFlag('defs-exploits', ['default' => false, 'help' => 'Get default definitions exploits list']); self::$argv->addFlag('defs-functions', ['default' => false, 'help' => 'Get default definitions functions lists']); self::$argv->addFlag('defs-functions-encoded', ['default' => false, 'help' => 'Get default definitions functions encoded lists']); self::$argv->addFlag('exploits', ['default' => false, 'has_value' => true, 'help' => 'Filter exploits']); self::$argv->addFlag('ignore-exploits', ['default' => false, 'has_value' => true, 'help' => 'Ignore exploit/s, for multiple value separate with comma.']); self::$argv->addFlag('functions', ['default' => false, 'has_value' => true, 'help' => 'Define functions to search']); self::$argv->addFlag('whitelist-only-path', ['default' => false, 'help' => 'Check on whitelist only file path and not line number']); self::$argv->addFlag('max-filesize', ['default' => -1, 'has_value' => true, 'value_name' => 'filesize', 'help' => 'Set max filesize to scan']); self::$argv->addFlag('silent', ['default' => !$isCLI, 'help' => 'No output and prompt']); self::$argv->addFlag('ignore-paths', ['alias' => '--ignore-path', 'default' => null, 'has_value' => true, 'value_name' => 'paths', 'help' => "Ignore path/s, for multiple value separate with comma.\nWildcards are enabled ex. /path/*/cache or /path/*.log"]); self::$argv->addFlag('filter-paths', ['alias' => '--filter-path', 'default' => null, 'has_value' => true, 'value_name' => 'paths', 'help' => "Filter path/s, for multiple value separate with comma.\nWildcards are enabled ex. /path/*/htdocs or /path/*.php"]); self::$argv->addFlag('auto-clean', ['default' => false, 'help' => 'Auto clean code (without confirmation, use with caution)']); self::$argv->addFlag('auto-clean-line', ['default' => false, 'help' => 'Auto clean line code (without confirmation, use with caution)']); self::$argv->addFlag('auto-delete', ['default' => false, 'help' => 'Auto delete infected (without confirmation, use with caution)']); self::$argv->addFlag('auto-quarantine', ['default' => false, 'help' => 'Auto quarantine']); self::$argv->addFlag('auto-skip', ['default' => false, 'help' => 'Auto skip']); self::$argv->addFlag('auto-whitelist', ['default' => false, 'help' => 'Auto whitelist (if you sure that source isn\'t compromised)']); self::$argv->addFlag('auto-prompt', ['default' => null, 'has_value' => true, 'value_name' => 'prompt', 'help' => "Set auto prompt command .\nex. --auto-prompt=\"delete\" or --auto-prompt=\"1\" (alias of auto-delete)"]); self::$argv->addFlag('path-whitelist', ['default' => self::$pathWhitelist, 'has_value' => true, 'value_name' => 'path', 'help' => 'Set whitelist file']); self::$argv->addFlag('path-deobfuscate', ['default' => self::$pathDeobfuscate, 'has_value' => true, 'value_name' => 'path', 'help' => "Set debofuscated files path directory.\nIs recommended put files outside the public document path"]); self::$argv->addFlag('path-backups', ['default' => self::$pathBackups, 'has_value' => true, 'value_name' => 'path', 'help' => "Set backups path directory.\nIs recommended put files outside the public document path"]); self::$argv->addFlag('path-quarantine', ['default' => self::$pathQuarantine, 'has_value' => true, 'value_name' => 'path', 'help' => "Set quarantine path directory.\nIs recommended put files outside the public document path"]); self::$argv->addFlag('path-logs', ['default' => self::$pathLogs, 'has_value' => true, 'value_name' => 'path', 'help' => 'Set quarantine log file']); self::$argv->addFlag('path-report', ['default' => self::$pathReport, 'has_value' => true, 'value_name' => 'path', 'help' => "Set report log file path and name.\nNote that name will be appended with .log or .html extension."]); self::$argv->addFlag('disable-colors', ['alias' => ['--no-colors', '--no-color'], 'default' => false, 'help' => 'Disable CLI colors']); self::$argv->addFlag('disable-cache', ['alias' => '--no-cache', 'default' => false, 'help' => 'Disable Cache']); self::$argv->addFlag('disable-report', ['alias' => '--no-report', 'default' => !$isCLI, 'help' => 'Disable report generation']); self::$argv->addFlag('disable-checksum', ['alias' => ['--no-checksum', '--no-verify'], 'default' => false, 'help' => 'Disable checksum verifying for platforms/frameworks']); self::$argv->addFlag('scan-all', ['alias' => ['--all'], 'default' => false, 'help' => 'Check all files, regardless of extension']); //self::$argv->addFlag('deobfuscate', ['default' => false, 'help' => 'Deobfuscate directory']); self::$argv->parse($args); // Version if (isset(self::$argv['version']) && self::$argv['version']) { $this->interrupt(); } // Help if (isset(self::$argv['help']) && self::$argv['help']) { CLI::helper(); $this->interrupt(); } // List exploits if (isset(self::$argv['defs']) && self::$argv['defs']) { CLI::helplist(); $this->interrupt(); } // List exploits if (isset(self::$argv['defs-exploits']) && self::$argv['defs-exploits']) { CLI::helplist('exploits'); } // List functions if (isset(self::$argv['defs-functions']) && self::$argv['defs-functions']) { CLI::helplist('functions'); } // List functions encoded if (isset(self::$argv['defs-functions-encoded']) && self::$argv['defs-functions-encoded']) { CLI::helplist('functions-encoded'); } // Update if (isset(self::$argv['update']) && self::$argv['update']) { $this->update(); $this->interrupt(); } // Silent if (isset(self::$argv['silent']) && self::$argv['silent']) { self::setSilentMode(); } // Backups if ((isset(self::$argv['backup']) && self::$argv['backup'])) { self::enableBackups(); } // Colors if (self::$argv['disable-colors']) { self::setColors(false); } elseif (function_exists('ncurses_has_colors')) { self::setColors(ncurses_has_colors()); } // Cache if (isset(self::$argv['disable-cache']) && self::$argv['disable-cache']) { self::disableCache(); } // Verifier if (isset(self::$argv['disable-checksum']) && self::$argv['disable-checksum']) { self::disableChecksum(); } // Max filesize if (isset(self::$argv['max-filesize']) && is_numeric(self::$argv['max-filesize'])) { self::setMaxFilesize(self::$argv['max-filesize']); } // Write logs if (isset(self::$argv['log']) && !empty(self::$argv['log'])) { self::enableLogs(); if (is_string(self::$argv['log'])) { self::setPathLogs(self::$argv['log']); } } // Offset self::setOffset(0); if (isset(self::$argv['offset']) && is_numeric(self::$argv['offset'])) { self::setOffset((int)self::$argv['offset']); } // Limit if (isset(self::$argv['limit']) && is_numeric(self::$argv['limit'])) { self::setLimit((int)self::$argv['limit']); } // Path quarantine if (isset(self::$argv['path-quarantine']) && !empty(self::$argv['path-quarantine'])) { self::setPathQuarantine(self::$argv['path-quarantine']); } // Path backups if (isset(self::$argv['path-backups']) && !empty(self::$argv['path-backups'])) { self::setPathBackups(self::$argv['path-backups']); } // Path deobfuscate if (isset(self::$argv['path-deobfuscate']) && !empty(self::$argv['path-deobfuscate'])) { self::setPathDeobfuscate(self::$argv['path-deobfuscate']); } // Path Whitelist if (isset(self::$argv['path-whitelist']) && !empty(self::$argv['path-whitelist'])) { self::setPathWhitelist(self::$argv['path-whitelist']); } // Report mode self::setReportMode(isset(self::$argv['report']) && self::$argv['report']); // Report if (isset(self::$argv['disable-report']) && self::$argv['disable-report']) { self::setReport(!self::$argv['disable-report']); } // Deobfuscate mode if (isset(self::$argv['deobfuscate']) && self::$argv['deobfuscate']) { self::enableDeobfuscateMode(); self::disableReport(); } // Path report if (isset(self::$argv['path-report']) && !empty(self::$argv['path-report'])) { self::setPathReport(self::$argv['path-report']); } // Report format if (isset(self::$argv['report-format']) && !empty(self::$argv['report-format'])) { self::setReportFormat(self::$argv['report-format']); } // Path logs if (isset(self::$argv['path-logs']) && !empty(self::$argv['path-logs'])) { self::setPathLogs(self::$argv['path-logs']); } // Ignore paths if (isset(self::$argv['ignore-paths']) && !empty(self::$argv['ignore-paths'])) { $paths = explode(',', self::$argv['ignore-paths']); $ignorePaths = []; foreach ($paths as $path) { $ignorePaths[] = Path::get($path); } self::setIgnorePaths($ignorePaths); } // Filter paths if (isset(self::$argv['filter-paths']) && !empty(self::$argv['filter-paths'])) { $paths = explode(',', self::$argv['filter-paths']); $filterPaths = []; foreach ($paths as $path) { $filterPaths[] = Path::get($path); } self::setFilterPaths($filterPaths); } // Check on whitelist only file path and not line number if (isset(self::$argv['whitelist-only-path']) && self::$argv['whitelist-only-path']) { self::setOnlyPathWhitelistMode(); } // Check Filter exploits if (isset(self::$argv['exploits']) && self::$argv['exploits'] && is_string(self::$argv['exploits'])) { $exploits = []; $filtered = str_replace(["\n", "\r", "\t", ' '], '', self::$argv['exploits']); $filtered = @explode(',', $filtered); $filtered = array_map('trim', $filtered); if (!empty($filtered) && count($filtered) > 0) { foreach (Exploits::getAll() as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $filtered, true)) { $exploits[$key] = $value; } } if (!empty($exploits) && count($exploits) > 0) { CLI::writeLine('Exploit to search: ' . implode(', ', array_keys($exploits))); } else { $exploits = []; } } self::setExploits($exploits); } // Ignore exploits if (isset(self::$argv['ignore-exploits']) && !empty(self::$argv['ignore-exploits'])) { $exploits = []; $ignored = str_replace(["\n", "\r", "\t", ' '], '', self::$argv['ignore-exploits']); $ignored = @explode(',', $ignored); $ignored = array_map('trim', $ignored); if (!empty($ignored) && count($ignored) > 0) { foreach (Exploits::getAll() as $key => $value) { if (! in_array($key, $ignored, true)) { $exploits[$key] = $value; } } if (!empty($exploits) && count($exploits) > 0) { CLI::writeLine('Exploit to search: ' . implode(', ', array_keys($exploits))); } else { $exploits = []; } } self::setExploits($exploits); } // Check functions to search if (isset(self::$argv['functions']) && self::$argv['functions'] && is_string(self::$argv['functions'])) { $functions = str_replace(["\n", "\r", "\t", ' '], '', self::$argv['functions']); $functions = @explode(',', $functions); $functions = array_map('trim', $functions); if (!empty($functions) && count($functions) > 0) { CLI::writeLine('Functions to search: ' . implode(', ', $functions)); } else { $functions = []; } self::setFunctions($functions); } // Check if exploit mode is enabled if (isset(self::$argv['only-exploits']) && self::$argv['only-exploits']) { self::setOnlyExploitsMode(); } // Check if functions mode is enabled if (isset(self::$argv['only-functions']) && self::$argv['only-functions']) { self::setOnlyFunctionsMode(); } // Check if only signatures mode is enabled if (isset(self::$argv['only-signatures'])) { self::setOnlySignaturesMode(); } // Check if lite scan is enabled if (isset(self::$argv['lite']) && self::$argv['lite']) { self::enableLiteMode(); } // Prompt if (isset(self::$argv['auto-clean']) && self::$argv['auto-clean']) { self::setAutoClean(); } if (isset(self::$argv['auto-clean-line']) && self::$argv['auto-clean-line']) { self::setAutoCleanLine(); } if (isset(self::$argv['auto-delete']) && self::$argv['auto-delete']) { self::setAutoDelete(); } if (isset(self::$argv['auto-quarantine']) && self::$argv['auto-quarantine']) { self::setAutoQuarantine(); } if (isset(self::$argv['auto-whitelist']) && self::$argv['auto-whitelist']) { self::setAutoWhitelist(); } if (isset(self::$argv['auto-skip']) && self::$argv['auto-skip']) { self::setAutoSkip(); } if (isset(self::$argv['auto-prompt']) && !empty(self::$argv['auto-prompt'])) { self::setPrompt(self::$argv['auto-prompt']); } // Check if logs and scan at the same time if (self::isLogEnabled() && self::isReportMode()) { self::disableLogs(); } // Check for path or functions as first argument $arg = self::$argv->arg(0); if (!empty($arg)) { $path = trim($arg); if (file_exists(realpath($path))) { self::setPathScan(realpath($path)); } } // Should we scan each and any file? if (isset(self::$argv['scan-all']) && self::$argv['scan-all']) { self::setScanAll(true); } } /** * Init application modes. */ private function modes() { if (self::isOnlyFunctionsMode() && self::isOnlyExploitsMode() && self::isOnlySignaturesMode()) { $error = 'Can\'t be set flags --only-signatures, --only-functions and --only-exploits together!'; CLI::writeLine($error, 2); $this->interrupt(); $this->setLastError($error); } if (self::isOnlyFunctionsMode() && self::isOnlySignaturesMode()) { $error = 'Can\'t be set both flags --only-signatures and --only-functions together!'; CLI::writeLine($error, 2); $this->interrupt(); $this->setLastError($error); } if (self::isOnlySignaturesMode() && self::isOnlyExploitsMode()) { $error = 'Can\'t be set both flags --only-signatures and --only-exploits together!'; CLI::writeLine($error, 2); $this->interrupt(); $this->setLastError($error); } if (self::isOnlyFunctionsMode() && self::isOnlyExploitsMode()) { $error = 'Can\'t be set both flags --only-functions and --only-exploits together!'; CLI::writeLine($error, 2); $this->interrupt(); $this->setLastError($error); } // Malware Definitions if (self::isOnlyFunctionsMode() || (!self::isOnlyExploitsMode() && empty(self::$functions))) { // Functions to search self::setFunctions(Functions::getDefault()); } elseif (!self::isOnlyExploitsMode() && !self::isLiteMode() && empty(self::$functions)) { CLI::writeLine('No functions to search'); } if (self::$argv['max-filesize'] > 0) { CLI::writeLine('Max filesize: ' . self::getMaxFilesize() . ' bytes', 2); } // Exploits to search if (!self::isOnlyFunctionsMode() && empty(self::$exploits)) { self::setExploits(Exploits::getAll()); } if (self::isLiteMode()) { CLI::writeLine('Agile mode enabled'); } if (self::isReportMode()) { CLI::writeLine('Report scan mode enabled'); } if (self::isOnlyFunctionsMode()) { CLI::writeLine('Only function mode enabled'); self::setExploits([]); } if (self::isOnlyExploitsMode() && !self::isLiteMode()) { CLI::writeLine('Only exploit mode enabled'); self::setFunctions([]); self::setFunctionsEncoded(Functions::getDangerous()); } if (self::isOnlySignaturesMode()) { CLI::writeLine('Only signatures mode enabled'); self::setExploits([]); self::setFunctions([]); } } /** * Map files. * * @return ArrayIterator */ public function mapping() { // Mapping files if (is_dir(self::$pathScan)) { $directory = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(self::$pathScan); $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($directory, RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CATCH_GET_CHILD); $filtered = new CallbackFilterIterator($files, function ($cur) { $ignore = false; $wildcard = '.*?'; // '[^\\\\\\/]*' // Ignore foreach (self::$ignorePaths as $ignorePath) { $ignorePath = preg_quote($ignorePath, ';'); $ignorePath = str_replace('\*', $wildcard, $ignorePath); if (preg_match(';' . $ignorePath . ';i', $cur->getPath())) { $ignore = true; } } // Filter foreach (self::$filterPaths as $filterPath) { $filterPath = preg_quote($filterPath, ';'); $filterPath = str_replace('\*', $wildcard, $filterPath); if (!preg_match(';' . $filterPath . ';i', $cur->getPath())) { $ignore = true; } } if (!$ignore && $cur->isDir()) { if (self::isVerifierEnabled()) { Modules::init($cur->getPath()); } return false; } return !$ignore && $cur->isFile() && (self::isScanAll() || in_array($cur->getExtension(), self::getExtensions(), true)); }); $mapping = []; $mapped = 0; $count = iterator_count($filtered); $iterator = $filtered; if (self::isVerifierEnabled()) { unset($iterator); CLI::writeBreak(); CLI::writeLine('Verifying files checksum...', 2); foreach ($filtered as $cur) { CLI::progress($mapped++, $count); if ($cur->isFile() && !Modules::isVerified($cur->getPathname())) { $mapping[] = $cur; } CLI::progress($mapped, $count); } $object = new ArrayObject($mapping); $iterator = $object->getIterator(); CLI::writeBreak(); } return $iterator; } $file = new SplFileInfo(self::$pathScan); $obj = new ArrayObject([$file]); return $obj->getIterator(); } /** * Detect infected favicon. * * @param $file * * @return bool */ public static function isInfectedFavicon($file) { // Case favicon_[random chars].ico $fileName = $file->getFilename(); $fileExtension = $file->getExtension(); return ((strpos($fileName, 'favicon_') === 0) && ($fileExtension === 'ico') && (strlen($fileName) > 12)) || preg_match('/^\.[\w]+\.ico/i', trim($fileName)); } /** * Scan file. * * @param $info * * @return array */ public function scanFile($info) { $patternFound = []; $filePath = $info->getPathname(); $deobfuscator = new Deobfuscator(); $contentRaw = file_get_contents($filePath); $contentClean = php_strip_whitespace($filePath); $contentDeobfuscated = $deobfuscator->deobfuscate($contentClean); $contentDecoded = $deobfuscator->decode($contentDeobfuscated); $contents = [ 'raw' => $contentRaw, // Original content 'cleaned' => $contentClean, // Cleaned content 'deobfuscated' => $contentDeobfuscated, // Deobfuscated content 'decoded' => $contentDecoded, // Decoded content ]; /** * Scan exploits. */ if (self::shouldScanExploits()) { foreach (self::$exploits as $key => $exploit) { $lastMatch = null; $pattern = $exploit['pattern']; $checkExploit = function ($match) use ($contentRaw, $exploit, $pattern, $key, &$patternFound) { $type = 'exploit'; $lastMatch = $match[0]; $patternFoundKey = $type . $key; $lineNumber = CodeMatch::getLineNumber($lastMatch, $contentRaw); if ($lineNumber !== null) { $patternFoundKey .= $lineNumber; } if (!empty($lastMatch)) { $patternFound[$patternFoundKey] = [ 'type' => $type, 'key' => $key, 'level' => $exploit['level'], 'output' => CodeMatch::getText($type, $key, $exploit['description'], $lastMatch, $lineNumber), 'description' => $exploit['description'], 'line' => $lineNumber, 'pattern' => $pattern, 'match' => $lastMatch, ]; if (isset($exploit['link'])) { $patternFound[$patternFoundKey]['link'] = $exploit['link']; } } }; // Check exploits foreach ($contents as $content) { if (@preg_match_all($pattern, $content, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { foreach ($matches[0] as $match) { $checkExploit($match); } } } } } /** * Scan definitions. */ if (self::shouldScanSignatures()) { foreach (Signatures::getAll() as $key => $pattern) { $lastMatch = null; $regexPattern = '#' . $pattern . '#smiS'; $checkDefinitions = function ($match) use ($contentRaw, $key, $regexPattern, &$patternFound) { $type = 'sign'; $key = hash('crc32b', $key); $lastMatch = $match[0]; $patternFoundKey = $type . $key; $lineNumber = CodeMatch::getLineNumber($lastMatch, $contentRaw); if ($lineNumber !== null) { $patternFoundKey .= $lineNumber; } if (!empty($lastMatch)) { $descriptionPrefix = 'Signature'; $description = 'Malware Signature (hash: ' . $key . ')'; $patternFound[$patternFoundKey] = [ 'type' => $type, 'key' => $key, 'level' => CodeMatch::DANGEROUS, 'output' => CodeMatch::getText($descriptionPrefix, $key, $description, $lastMatch, $lineNumber), 'description' => $description, 'line' => $lineNumber, 'pattern' => $regexPattern, 'match' => $lastMatch, ]; } }; // Check definitions foreach ($contents as $content) { if (@preg_match_all($regexPattern, $content, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { foreach ($matches[0] as $match) { $checkDefinitions($match); } } } } } /** * Scan functions. */ if (self::shouldScanFunctions()) { // Comments are no needed to check function usage so remove raw content type unset($contents['raw']); $functions = array_merge(self::$functionsEncoded, self::$functions); foreach ($functions as $funcRaw) { $lastMatch = null; $func = preg_quote(trim($funcRaw), '/'); $checkFunction = function ( $match, $pattern, $level = CodeMatch::WARNING, $descriptionPrefix = '', $functionType = '' ) use ($contentRaw, $funcRaw, &$patternFound) { $type = 'function'; $suffix = ''; if (!empty($functionType)) { $suffix = '_' . $functionType; } $lastMatch = CodeMatch::cleanFunctionResult($match[0]); // Clean match $funcKey = $funcRaw . $suffix; $patternFoundKey = $type . $funcKey; $lineNumber = CodeMatch::getLineNumber($lastMatch, $contentRaw); if ($lineNumber !== null) { $patternFoundKey .= $lineNumber; } if (!empty($lastMatch) && empty($patternFound[$patternFoundKey])) { $description = $descriptionPrefix . ' `' . $funcRaw . '`'; $patternFound[$patternFoundKey] = [ 'type' => trim($type . ' ' . $functionType), 'key' => $funcKey, 'level' => $level, 'output' => CodeMatch::getText($type, $funcRaw, $description, $lastMatch, $lineNumber), 'description' => $description, 'line' => $lineNumber, 'pattern' => $pattern, 'match' => $lastMatch, 'link' => 'https://www.php.net/' . $funcRaw, ]; } }; /** * Functions. */ if (in_array($funcRaw, self::$functionsEncoded, true)) { $encoders = [ 'str_rot13', 'base64_decode', 'strrev', ]; $regexPattern = CodeMatch::patternFunction($func); foreach ($contents as $contentType => $content) { $codeParts = CodeMatch::getCode($content); foreach ($codeParts as $codePart) { /** * Raw functions. */ if (@preg_match_all($regexPattern, $codePart[0], $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { foreach ($matches[0] as $match) { $descriptionPrefix = 'Potentially dangerous function'; $severity = CodeMatch::WARNING; if ($contentType === 'decoded') { $severity = CodeMatch::DANGEROUS; $descriptionPrefix = 'Encoded Function'; } $checkFunction( $match, $regexPattern, $severity, $descriptionPrefix ); } } /** * Encoded functions. */ foreach ($encoders as $encoder) { $key = $funcRaw . $encoder; if (isset(self::$functionsEncodedValues[$key])) { $value = self::$functionsEncodedValues[$key]; } else { $value = @$encoder($funcRaw); self::$functionsEncodedValues[$key] = $value; } $regexPatternEncoded = '/' . preg_quote($value, '/') . '/si'; if (@preg_match_all($regexPatternEncoded, $codePart[0], $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { foreach ($matches[0] as $match) { $checkFunction( $match, $regexPatternEncoded, CodeMatch::DANGEROUS, 'Encoded Function', $encoder ); } } } } } } } } if (self::shouldScanExploits() && self::isInfectedFavicon($info)) { $type = 'exploit'; $key = 'infected_icon'; $description = 'LFI (Local File Inclusion), through an infected file with icon, allow remote attackers to inject and execute arbitrary commands or code on the target machine'; $patternFound[$key] = [ 'type' => $type, 'key' => $key, 'level' => CodeMatch::DANGEROUS, 'output' => CodeMatch::getText($type, $key, $description, ''), 'description' => $description, 'line' => '', 'pattern' => '', 'match' => '', ]; } // Remove duplicated without line number $result = $patternFound; foreach ($patternFound as $itemKey => $item) { foreach ($patternFound as $value) { $match1 = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $item['match']); $match2 = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $value['match']); if ($match1 === $match2 && $item['type'] === $value['type'] && $item['key'] === $value['key'] && empty($item['line']) && !empty($value['line']) ) { unset($result[$itemKey]); } } } return $result; } /** * Deobfuscate file. * * @param $info */ public function deobfuscateFile($info) { $filePath = $info->getPathname(); $deobfuscator = new Deobfuscator(); $content = php_strip_whitespace($filePath); $content = $deobfuscator->deobfuscate($content); $content = $deobfuscator->decode($content); // TODO: format code $scanPath = realpath(self::getPathScan()); if (is_file($scanPath)) { $scanPath = dirname($scanPath); } $filePath = self::getPathDeobfuscate() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace($scanPath, '', realpath($filePath)); $filePath = Path::get($filePath); if (!is_dir(dirname($filePath)) && (!mkdir($concurrentDirectory = dirname($filePath), 0755, true) && !is_dir($concurrentDirectory))) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Directory "%s" was not created', $concurrentDirectory)); } Actions::putContents($filePath, $content); } /** * Run index.php. * * @param $iterator */ private function scan($iterator) { $filesCount = iterator_count($iterator); $limit = empty(self::$settings['limit']) ? null : self::$settings['limit']; if (!empty(self::$settings['offset'])) { self::$report['scanned'] = self::$settings['offset']; $iterator = new LimitIterator($iterator, self::$settings['offset'], $limit); } elseif (!empty($limit)) { $iterator = new LimitIterator($iterator, 0, $limit); } // Scanning foreach ($iterator as $info) { CLI::progress(self::$report['scanned'], $filesCount); $filePath = $info->getPathname(); $fileExtension = $info->getExtension(); $fileSize = filesize($filePath); if (self::isDeobfuscateMode()) { self::$report['scanned']++; usleep(10); $this->deobfuscateFile($info); continue; } $isFavicon = self::isInfectedFavicon($info); if (( (self::isScanAll() || in_array($fileExtension, self::$extensions, true)) && (self::$maxFilesize < 1 || $fileSize <= self::$maxFilesize) && (!file_exists(self::$pathQuarantine) || strpos(realpath($filePath), realpath(self::$pathQuarantine)) === false) /*&& (strpos($fileName, '-') === FALSE)*/ ) || $isFavicon) { $patternFound = $this->scanFile($info); // Check whitelist $inWhitelist = 0; foreach (self::$whitelist as $item) { foreach ($patternFound as $pattern) { $lineNumber = $pattern['line']; $exploit = $pattern['key']; $match = $pattern['match']; if (strpos($filePath, $item['file']) !== false && $match === $item['match'] && $exploit === $item['exploit'] && (self::isOnlyPathWhitelistMode() || (!self::isOnlyPathWhitelistMode() && $lineNumber === $item['line']))) { $inWhitelist++; } } } // Scan finished self::$report['scanned']++; usleep(10); if (realpath($filePath) !== realpath(__FILE__) && ($isFavicon || !empty($patternFound)) && ($inWhitelist === 0 || $inWhitelist !== count($patternFound))) { self::$report['detected']++; if (self::isReportMode()) { // Scan mode only self::$report['infectedFound'][$filePath] = $patternFound; self::$report['ignored'][] = 'File: ' . $filePath . PHP_EOL . 'Exploits:' . PHP_EOL . ' => ' . implode(PHP_EOL . ' => ', array_column($patternFound, 'output')); continue; } // Scan with code check $inLoop = true; $fileContent = file_get_contents($filePath); CLI::newLine(2); CLI::writeBreak(); CLI::writeLine('PROBABLE MALWARE FOUND!', 1, 'red'); $previewLines = explode(CLI::eol(1), trim($fileContent)); $preview = implode(CLI::eol(1), array_slice($previewLines, 0, 1000)); CLI::displayLine($filePath, 2, 'yellow'); $title = CLI::title(' PREVIEW ', '='); CLI::display($title, 'white', 'red'); CLI::newLine(2); CLI::code($preview, $patternFound); if (count($previewLines) > 1000) { CLI::newLine(2); CLI::display(' [ ' . (count($previewLines) - 1000) . ' rows more ]'); } CLI::newLine(2); $title = CLI::title('', '='); CLI::display($title, 'white', 'red'); CLI::newLine(2); CLI::writeLine('Checksum: ' . md5_file($filePath), 1, 'yellow'); CLI::writeLine('File path: ' . $filePath, 2, 'yellow'); CLI::writeLine('Evil code found: ' . CLI::eol(1) . implode(CLI::eol(1), array_column($patternFound, 'output')), 2, 'red'); while ($inLoop) { $fileContent = file_get_contents($filePath); CLI::displayLine('OPTIONS:', 2); $confirmation = self::$prompt; if (self::$prompt === null) { $confirmation = CLI::choice('What is your choice? ', [ 1 => 'Delete file', 2 => 'Move to quarantine', 3 => 'Dry run evil code fixer', 4 => 'Dry run evil line code fixer', 5 => 'Open with vim', 6 => 'Open with nano', 7 => 'Add to whitelist', 8 => 'Show source', '-' => 'Ignore', ]); if (empty(trim($confirmation))) { $confirmation = '0'; } } CLI::newLine(); unset($previewLines, $preview); switch (true) { // Remove file case in_array($confirmation, ['1', 'delete']): CLI::writeLine('File path: ' . $filePath, 1, 'yellow'); $confirm2 = 'y'; if (self::$prompt === null) { $confirm2 = CLI::read('Want delete this file [y|N]? ', 'purple'); } CLI::newLine(); if ($confirm2 === 'y') { Actions::deleteFile($filePath); self::$report['removed'][] = $filePath; CLI::writeLine("File '$filePath' removed!", 2, 'green'); $inLoop = false; } break; // Move to quarantine case in_array($confirmation, ['2', 'quarantine']): $quarantine = Actions::moveToQuarantine($filePath); self::$report['quarantine'][] = $quarantine; CLI::writeLine("File '$filePath' moved to quarantine!", 2, 'green'); $inLoop = false; break; // Remove evil code case in_array($confirmation, ['3', 'clean']) && count($patternFound) > 0: $fileContent = Actions::cleanEvilCode($fileContent, $patternFound); CLI::newLine(); $title = CLI::title(' SANITIZED ', '='); CLI::display($title, 'black', 'green'); CLI::newLine(2); CLI::code($fileContent); CLI::newLine(2); $title = CLI::title('', '='); CLI::display($title, 'black', 'green'); CLI::newLine(2); CLI::displayLine('File sanitized, now you must verify if has been fixed correctly.', 2, 'yellow'); $confirm2 = 'y'; if (self::$prompt === null) { $confirm2 = CLI::read('Confirm and save [y|N]? ', 'purple'); } CLI::newLine(); if ($confirm2 === 'y') { CLI::writeLine("File '$filePath' sanitized!", 2, 'green'); Actions::putContents($filePath, $fileContent); self::$report['removed'][] = $filePath; $inLoop = false; } else { self::$report['ignored'][] = $filePath; } break; // Remove evil line code case in_array($confirmation, ['4', 'clean-line']) && count($patternFound) > 0: $fileContent = Actions::cleanEvilCodeLine($fileContent, $patternFound); CLI::newLine(); $title = CLI::title(' SANITIZED ', '='); CLI::display($title, 'black', 'green'); CLI::newLine(2); CLI::code($fileContent); CLI::newLine(2); $title = CLI::title('', '='); CLI::display($title, 'black', 'green'); CLI::newLine(2); CLI::displayLine('File sanitized, now you must verify if has been fixed correctly.', 2, 'yellow'); $confirm2 = 'y'; if (self::$prompt === null) { $confirm2 = CLI::read('Confirm and save [y|N]? ', 'purple'); } CLI::newLine(); if ($confirm2 === 'y') { CLI::writeLine("File '$filePath' sanitized!", 2, 'green'); Actions::putContents($filePath, $fileContent); self::$report['removed'][] = $filePath; $inLoop = false; } else { self::$report['ignored'][] = $filePath; } break; // Open with vim case in_array($confirmation, ['5', 'vim']): Actions::openWithVim($filePath); self::$report['edited'][] = $filePath; CLI::writeLine("File '$filePath' edited with vim!", 2, 'green'); self::$report['removed'][] = $filePath; break; // Open with nano case in_array($confirmation, ['6', 'nano']): Actions::openWithNano($filePath); self::$report['edited'][] = $filePath; CLI::writeLine("File '$filePath' edited with nano!", 2, 'green'); self::$report['removed'][] = $filePath; break; // Add to whitelist case in_array($confirmation, ['7', 'whitelist']): if (Actions::addToWhitelist($filePath, $patternFound)) { self::$report['whitelist'][] = $filePath; CLI::writeLine("Exploits of file '$filePath' added to whitelist!", 2, 'green'); $inLoop = false; } else { CLI::writeLine("Exploits of file '$filePath' failed adding file to whitelist! Check write permission of '" . self::$pathWhitelist . "' file!", 2, 'red'); } break; // Show source code case in_array($confirmation, ['8', 'show']): CLI::newLine(); CLI::displayLine("File path: $filePath", 2, 'yellow'); $title = CLI::title(' SOURCE ', '='); CLI::display($title, 'white', 'red'); CLI::newLine(2); CLI::code($fileContent, $patternFound); CLI::newLine(2); $title = CLI::title('', '='); CLI::display($title, 'white', 'red'); CLI::newLine(2); CLI::displayLine("File path: $filePath", 2, 'yellow'); break; // Skip case in_array($confirmation, ['0', '-', 'skip']): CLI::writeLine("File '$filePath' skipped!", 2, 'green'); self::$report['ignored'][] = $filePath; $inLoop = false; break; default: CLI::writeLine('Option not found! Retry...', 1, 'red'); break; } CLI::writeBreak(); } unset($fileContent); } } } } /** * Print summary. */ private function summary() { if (!empty(self::$settings['offset'])) { self::$report['scanned'] -= self::$settings['offset']; } // Statistics CLI::displayTitle('SUMMARY', 'black', 'cyan'); CLI::writeBreak(); CLI::writeLine('Files scanned: ' . self::$report['scanned']); if (!self::isReportMode()) { self::$report['ignored'] = array_unique(self::$report['ignored']); self::$report['edited'] = array_unique(self::$report['edited']); CLI::writeLine('Files edited: ' . count(self::$report['edited'])); CLI::writeLine('Files quarantined: ' . count(self::$report['quarantine'])); CLI::writeLine('Files whitelisted: ' . count(self::$report['whitelist'])); CLI::writeLine('Files ignored: ' . count(self::$report['ignored']), 2); } CLI::writeLine('Malware detected: ' . self::$report['detected']); if (!self::isReportMode()) { CLI::writeLine('Malware removed: ' . count(self::$report['removed'])); } if (self::isReportEnabled()) { $report = new Report(); $format = 'html'; if (in_array(self::$reportFormat, ['html', 'htm'])) { $report->setData([ 'count' => self::$report['scanned'], 'results' => self::$report['infectedFound'], ]); } else { $format = 'text'; $report->setData([ 'content' => 'Scan date: ' . date(self::$dateFormat . ' H:i:s') . CLI::eol(1) . implode(CLI::eol(2), self::$report['ignored']), ]); } $output = $report->save(self::$pathReport, $format); if (self::isReportMode()) { CLI::writeLine(CLI::eol(1) . "Report saved to '" . $output . "'", 1, 'red'); CLI::writeBreak(2); } } if (!self::isReportMode()) { if (count(self::$report['removed']) > 0) { CLI::writeBreak(); CLI::writeLine('Files removed:', 1, 'red'); foreach (self::$report['removed'] as $un) { CLI::writeLine($un); } } if (count(self::$report['edited']) > 0) { CLI::writeBreak(); CLI::writeLine('Files edited:', 1, 'green'); foreach (self::$report['edited'] as $un) { CLI::writeLine($un); } } if (count(self::$report['quarantine']) > 0) { CLI::writeBreak(); CLI::writeLine('Files quarantined:', 1, 'yellow'); foreach (self::$report['ignored'] as $un) { CLI::writeLine($un); } } if (count(self::$report['whitelist']) > 0) { CLI::writeBreak(); CLI::writeLine('Files whitelisted:', 1, 'cyan'); foreach (self::$report['whitelist'] as $un) { CLI::writeLine($un); } } if (count(self::$report['ignored']) > 0) { CLI::writeBreak(); CLI::writeLine('Files ignored:', 1, 'cyan'); foreach (self::$report['ignored'] as $un) { CLI::writeLine($un); } } CLI::writeBreak(2); } } /** * Update to last version. */ public function update() { if (!self::isCli()) { return; } CLI::writeLine('Checking update...'); $version = file_get_contents(self::getLatestVersionUrl()); if (!empty($version)) { if (version_compare(self::$version, $version, '<')) { CLI::write('New version'); CLI::write(' ' . $version . ' '); CLI::writeLine('of the scanner available!', 2); $confirm = CLI::read('You sure you want update the index.php to the last version [y|N]? ', 'purple'); CLI::writeBreak(); if (strtolower($confirm) === 'y') { $newVersion = file_get_contents(self::getLatestReleaseUrl()); file_put_contents(Path::getCurrent(), $newVersion); CLI::write('Updated to last version'); CLI::write(' (' . self::$version . ' => ' . $version . ') '); CLI::writeLine('with SUCCESS!', 2); } else { CLI::writeLine('Updated SKIPPED!', 2); } } else { CLI::writeLine('You have the last version of the index.php yet!', 2); } } else { CLI::writeLine('Update FAILED!', 2, 'red'); } } /** * Is console instance. * * @return bool */ public static function isCli() { return defined('STDIN') || php_sapi_name() === 'cli' || ( empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && count($_SERVER['argv']) > 0 ); } /** * Interrupt. */ protected function interrupt() { $this->interrupt = true; if (self::isCli()) { exit(); } } /** * @return bool */ public static function isLogEnabled() { return isset(self::$settings['log']) ? self::$settings['log'] : false; } /** * @return self */ public static function enableLogs() { self::$settings['log'] = true; return new self(); } /** * @return self */ public static function disableLogs() { self::$settings['log'] = false; return new self(); } /** * @param int $offset * * @return self */ public static function setOffset($offset) { self::$settings['offset'] = $offset; return new self(); } /** * @param int $limit * * @return self */ public static function setLimit($limit) { self::$settings['limit'] = $limit; return new self(); } /** * @param bool $mode * * @return self */ public static function setSilentMode($mode = true) { self::$settings['silent'] = $mode; if ($mode) { if (self::$prompt === null) { self::setAutoSkip(); } self::disableReportMode(); } return new self(); } /** * @return bool */ public static function isSilentMode() { return isset(self::$settings['silent']) ? self::$settings['silent'] : false; } /** * @param bool $mode * * @return self */ public static function setVerifier($mode = true) { self::$settings['verifier'] = $mode; return new self(); } /** * @return bool */ public static function isVerifierEnabled() { return isset(self::$settings['verifier']) ? self::$settings['verifier'] : true; } /** * @param bool $mode * * @return self */ public static function setColors($mode = true) { self::$settings['colors'] = $mode; return new self(); } /** * @return bool */ public static function isColorEnabled() { return isset(self::$settings['colors']) ? self::$settings['colors'] : true; } /** * @return bool */ public static function isCacheEnabled() { return isset(self::$settings['cache']) ? self::$settings['cache'] : true; } /** * @param bool $mode * * @return self */ public static function setDeobfuscateMode($mode = true) { self::$settings['deobfuscate-mode'] = $mode; self::enableReport(); return new self(); } /** * @return bool */ public static function isDeobfuscateMode() { return isset(self::$settings['deobfuscate-mode']) ? self::$settings['deobfuscate-mode'] : false; } /** * @return self */ public static function enableDeobfuscateMode() { self::setDeobfuscateMode(); return new self(); } /** * @return self */ public static function enableChecksum() { self::setVerifier(); return new self(); } /** * @return self */ public static function disableChecksum() { self::setVerifier(false); return new self(); } /** * @return self */ public static function enableCache() { self::$settings['cache'] = true; return new self(); } /** * @return self */ public static function disableCache() { self::$settings['cache'] = false; return new self(); } /** * @return self */ public static function disableDeobfuscateMode() { self::setDeobfuscateMode(false); return new self(); } /** * @param bool $mode * * @return self */ public static function setOnlyFunctionsMode($mode = true) { self::$settings['only-functions'] = $mode; self::$settings['scan-exploits'] = false; self::$settings['scan-functions'] = true; self::$settings['scan-signatures'] = true; return new self(); } /** * @return bool */ public static function isOnlyFunctionsMode() { return isset(self::$settings['only-functions']) ? self::$settings['only-functions'] : false; } /** * @param bool $mode * * @return self */ public static function setOnlyExploitsMode($mode = true) { self::$settings['only-exploits'] = $mode; self::$settings['scan-exploits'] = true; self::$settings['scan-functions'] = false; self::$settings['scan-signatures'] = false; return new self(); } /** * @return bool */ public static function isOnlyExploitsMode() { return isset(self::$settings['only-exploits']) ? self::$settings['only-exploits'] : false; } /** * @param bool $mode * * @return self */ public static function setOnlySignaturesMode($mode = true) { self::$settings['only-signatures'] = $mode; self::$settings['scan-exploits'] = false; self::$settings['scan-functions'] = false; self::$settings['scan-signatures'] = true; return new self(); } /** * @return bool */ public static function isOnlySignaturesMode() { return isset(self::$settings['only-signatures']) ? self::$settings['only-signatures'] : false; } /** * @return self */ public static function enableLiteMode() { self::setLiteMode(); return new self(); } /** * @return self */ public static function disableLiteMode() { self::setLiteMode(false); return new self(); } /** * @param bool $mode * * @return self */ protected static function setLiteMode($mode = true) { self::$settings['lite'] = $mode; if ($mode) { self::$settings['exploits'] = true; self::$exploits = Exploits::getLite(); } else { self::$exploits = Exploits::getAll(); } return new self(); } /** * @return bool */ public static function isLiteMode() { return isset(self::$settings['lite']) ? self::$settings['lite'] : false; } /** * @return self */ public static function setReportMode($mode = true) { self::$settings['report-mode'] = $mode; if (self::isCli()) { self::enableReport(); } else { self::setReport($mode); } return new self(); } /** * @return bool */ public static function isReportMode() { return isset(self::$settings['report-mode']) ? self::$settings['report-mode'] : false; } /** * @return self */ public static function enableReportMode() { self::setReportMode(); return new self(); } /** * @return self */ public static function disableReportMode() { self::setReportMode(false); return new self(); } /** * @param bool $mode * * @return self */ protected static function setReport($mode = true) { self::$settings['report'] = $mode; return new self(); } /** * @return self */ public static function enableReport() { self::setReport(); return new self(); } /** * @return self */ public static function disableReport() { self::setReport(false); return new self(); } /** * @return bool */ public static function isReportEnabled() { return isset(self::$settings['report']) ? self::$settings['report'] : true; } /** * @return self */ public static function enableBackups() { self::$settings['backup'] = true; return new self(); } /** * @return self */ public static function disableBackups() { self::$settings['backup'] = false; return new self(); } /** * @return bool */ public static function isBackupEnabled() { return isset(self::$settings['backup']); } /** * @param bool $mode * * @return self */ public static function setOnlyPathWhitelistMode($mode = true) { self::$settings['whitelist-only-path'] = $mode; return new self(); } /** * @return bool */ public static function isOnlyPathWhitelistMode() { return isset(self::$settings['whitelist-only-path']) ? self::$settings['whitelist-only-path'] : false; } /** * @return array */ public static function getIgnorePaths() { return self::$ignorePaths; } /** * @param array $ignorePaths * * @return self */ public static function setIgnorePaths($ignorePaths) { self::$ignorePaths = $ignorePaths; return new self(); } /** * @return array */ public static function getFilterPaths() { return self::$filterPaths; } /** * @param array $filterPaths * * @return self */ public static function setFilterPaths($filterPaths) { self::$filterPaths = $filterPaths; return new self(); } /** * @return string */ public static function getPrompt() { return self::$prompt; } /** * @param string $prompt * * @return self */ public static function setPrompt($prompt) { if (!empty($prompt)) { self::disableReportMode(); } self::$prompt = $prompt; return new self(); } /** * @param string $mode * * @return self */ public static function setAutoDelete($mode = true) { self::setPrompt($mode !== '' ? 'delete' : null); return new self(); } /** * @param string $mode * * @return self */ public static function setAutoClean($mode = true) { self::setPrompt($mode !== '' ? 'clean' : null); return new self(); } /** * @param string $mode * * @return self */ public static function setAutoCleanLine($mode = true) { self::setPrompt($mode !== '' ? 'clean-line' : null); return new self(); } /** * @param string $mode * * @return self */ public static function setAutoQuarantine($mode = true) { self::setPrompt($mode !== '' ? 'quarantine' : null); return new self(); } /** * @param string $mode * * @return self */ public static function setAutoWhitelist($mode = true) { self::setPrompt($mode !== '' ? 'whitelist' : null); return new self(); } /** * @param string $mode * * @return self */ public static function setAutoSkip($mode = true) { self::setPrompt($mode !== '' ? 'skip' : null); return new self(); } /** * @return string */ public static function getPathBackups() { return self::$pathBackups; } /** * @param string $pathBackups * * @return self */ public static function setPathBackups($pathBackups) { self::$pathBackups = Path::get($pathBackups); return new self(); } /** * @return string */ public static function getPathDeobfuscate() { return self::$pathDeobfuscate; } /** * @param string $pathDeobfuscate * * @return self */ public static function setPathDeobfuscate($pathDeobfuscate) { self::$pathDeobfuscate = Path::get($pathDeobfuscate); return new self(); } /** * @return string */ public static function getPathQuarantine() { return self::$pathQuarantine; } /** * @param string $pathQuarantine * * @return self */ public static function setPathQuarantine($pathQuarantine) { self::$pathQuarantine = Path::get($pathQuarantine); return new self(); } /** * @return string */ public static function getPathLogs() { return self::$pathLogs; } /** * @param string $pathLogs * * @return self */ public static function setPathLogs($pathLogs) { self::$pathLogs = Path::get($pathLogs); return new self(); } /** * @return string */ public static function getPathReport() { return self::$pathReport; } /** * @param string $pathReport * * @return self */ public static function setPathReport($pathReport) { self::$pathReport = Path::get($pathReport); return new self(); } /** * @param string $reportFormat * * @return self */ public static function setReportFormat($reportFormat) { if (in_array($reportFormat, ['txt', 'log', 'logs', 'html', 'htm'])) { self::$reportFormat = $reportFormat; } return new self(); } /** * @return string */ public static function getPathWhitelist() { return self::$pathWhitelist; } /** * @param string $pathWhitelist * * @return self */ public static function setPathWhitelist($pathWhitelist) { self::$pathWhitelist = Path::get($pathWhitelist); return new self(); } /** * @return string */ public static function getPathScan() { return self::$pathScan; } /** * @param string $pathScan * * @return self */ public static function setPathScan($pathScan) { self::$pathScan = Path::get($pathScan); return new self(); } /** * @return int */ public static function getMaxFilesize() { return self::$maxFilesize; } /** * @param mixed $maxFilesize * * @return self */ public static function setMaxFilesize($maxFilesize) { $maxFilesize = trim($maxFilesize); if (!is_numeric(self::$argv['max-filesize'])) { $maxFilesize = Path::sizeToBytes($maxFilesize); } self::$maxFilesize = $maxFilesize; return new self(); } /** * @return array */ public static function getExtensions() { return self::$extensions; } /** * @return self */ public static function setFunctions($functions) { self::$functions = $functions; self::$functionsEncoded = $functions; return new self(); } /** * @param array $functions * * @return self */ public static function setFunctionsEncoded($functions) { $dangerousFunctions = Functions::getDangerous(); $encodedFunc = array_unique(array_merge($functions, $dangerousFunctions)); self::$functionsEncoded = $encodedFunc; return new self(); } /** * @param array $exploits * * @return self */ public static function setExploits($exploits) { self::$exploits = $exploits; return new self(); } /** * @param array $extensions * * @return self */ public static function setExtensions($extensions) { self::$extensions = $extensions; return new self(); } /** * @return string */ public static function getReportFormat() { return self::$reportFormat; } /** * @return int */ public static function getReportFilesScanned() { return self::$report['scanned']; } /** * @return int */ public static function getReportMalwareDetected() { return self::$report['detected']; } /** * @return array */ public static function getReportMalwareRemoved() { return self::$report['removed']; } /** * @return array */ public static function getReportFilesIgnored() { return self::$report['ignored']; } /** * @return array */ public static function getReportFilesEdited() { return self::$report['edited']; } /** * @return array */ public static function getReportQuarantine() { return self::$report['quarantine']; } /** * @return array */ public static function getReportWhitelist() { return self::$report['quarantine']; } /** * @return string */ public static function getLowerName() { return strtolower(self::$name); } /** * @return string */ public static function getName() { return self::$name; } /** * @return string */ public static function getFullName() { return self::$fullname; } /** * @return string */ public static function getVersion() { return self::$version; } /** * @return string */ public static function getRoot() { return self::$root; } /** * @return Argv */ public static function getArgv() { return self::$argv; } /** * @return array */ public static function getWhitelist() { return self::$whitelist; } /** * @param array $whitelist * * @return self */ public static function setWhitelist($whitelist) { self::$whitelist = $whitelist; return new self(); } /** * @return array */ public static function getFunctions() { return self::$functions; } /** * @return array */ public static function getFunctionsEncoded() { return self::$functionsEncoded; } /** * @return array */ public static function getExploits() { return array_keys(self::$exploits); } /** * @return array */ public static function getSettings() { return self::$settings; } /** * @return object */ public static function getReport() { return (object)self::$report; } /** * @return bool */ public function isInterrupted() { return $this->interrupt; } /** * @return string */ public function getLastError() { return $this->lastError; } /** * @param string $lastError * * @return self */ protected function setLastError($lastError) { $this->lastError = $lastError; return $this; } /** * @return bool */ protected static function shouldScanExploits() { return isset(self::$settings['scan-exploits']) ? self::$settings['scan-exploits'] : true; } /** * @return bool */ protected static function shouldScanFunctions() { return isset(self::$settings['scan-functions']) ? self::$settings['scan-functions'] : true; } /** * @return bool */ protected static function shouldScanSignatures() { return isset(self::$settings['scan-signatures']) ? self::$settings['scan-signatures'] : true; } /** * @return string */ public static function getDescription() { return self::$description; } /** * @return string */ public static function getRepoUrl() { return self::$repoUrl; } /** * @return string */ public static function getAuthor() { return self::$author; } /** * @return bool */ public function isInterrupt() { return $this->interrupt; } /** * @return bool */ protected static function isInitialized() { return self::$inited; } /** * @return string */ public static function getLatestVersionUrl() { return self::$latestVersionUrl; } /** * @return string */ public static function getLatestReleaseUrl() { return self::$latestReleaseUrl; } /** * @return bool */ public static function isScanAll() { return self::$scanAll; } /** * @param bool $scanAll */ public static function setScanAll($scanAll) { self::$scanAll = $scanAll; } }