Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
<?php /** * Cli controller * * PHP Version 5.3.2 * * Copyright (c) 2007-2010, Mayflower GmbH * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * * Neither the name of Mayflower GmbH nor the names of his * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @category PHP_CodeBrowser * @package PHP_CodeBrowser * @author Elger Thiele <elger.thiele@mayflower.de> * @author Simon Kohlmeyer <simon.kohlmeyer@mayflower.de> * @copyright 2007-2010 Mayflower GmbH * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php BSD License * @version SVN: $Id$ * @link http://www.phpunit.de/ * @since File available since 0.1.0 */ if (strpos('/opt/alt/php55//usr/share/pear', '@php_dir') === false) { if (!defined('PHPCB_ROOT_DIR')) { define('PHPCB_ROOT_DIR', '/opt/alt/php55//usr/share/pear/PHP_CodeBrowser'); } if (!defined('PHPCB_TEMPLATE_DIR')) { define('PHPCB_TEMPLATE_DIR', '/opt/alt/php55//usr/share/pear/data/PHP_CodeBrowser/templates'); } } else { if (!defined('PHPCB_ROOT_DIR')) { define('PHPCB_ROOT_DIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../')); } if (!defined('PHPCB_TEMPLATE_DIR')) { define('PHPCB_TEMPLATE_DIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../templates')); } } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Autoload.php'; require_once 'Console/CommandLine.php'; require_once 'File/Iterator/Autoload.php'; require_once 'Log.php'; /** * CbCLIController * * @category PHP_CodeBrowser * @package PHP_CodeBrowser * @author Elger Thiele <elger.thiele@mayflower.de> * @author Michel Hartmann <michel.hartmann@mayflower.de> * @author Simon Kohlmeyer <simon.kohlmeyer@mayflower.de> * @copyright 2007-2010 Mayflower GmbH * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php BSD License * @version Release: 1.0.2 * @link http://www.phpunit.de/ * @since Class available since 0.1.0 */ class CbCLIController { /** * Path to the Cruise Control input xml file * * @var string */ private $_logDir; /** * Path to the code browser html output folder * * @var string */ private $_htmlOutputDir; /** * Path to the project source code files * * @var string */ private $_projectSource; /** * Array of PCREs. Matching files will not appear in the output. * * @var Array */ private $_excludeExpressions; /** * Array of glob patterns. Matching files will not appear in the output. * * @var Array */ private $_excludePatterns; /** * The error plugin classes * * @var array */ private $_registeredPlugins; /** * The IOHelper used for filesystem interaction. * * @var CbIOHelper */ private $_ioHelper; /** * Pear Log object where debug output should go to. * * @var Log */ private $_debugLog; /** * Plugin-specific options. Formatted like * array( * 'CbErrorCRAP' => array( * 'threshold' => 2 * ) * ) * * @var array */ private $_pluginOptions = array(); /** * File extensions that we take as php files. * * @var array */ private $_phpSuffixes; /** * The constructor * * Standard setters are initialized * * @param string $logPath The (path-to) xml log files. Can be null. * @param Array $projectSource The project sources. Can be null. * @param string $htmlOutputDir The html output dir, where new files will * be created * @param Array $excludeExpressions * A list of PCREs. Files matching will not * appear in the output. * @param Array $pluginOptions Array of Arrays with plugin-specific * options * @param Array $excludePatterns A list of glob patterns. Files matching * will not appear in the output. * @param CbIOHelper $ioHelper The CbIOHelper object to be used for * filesystem interaction. */ public function __construct($logPath, Array $projectSource, $htmlOutputDir, Array $excludeExpressions, Array $excludePatterns, Array $pluginOptions, $ioHelper, $debugLog, Array $phpSuffixes) { $this->_logDir = $logPath; $this->_projectSource = $projectSource; $this->_htmlOutputDir = $htmlOutputDir; $this->_excludeExpressions = $excludeExpressions; $this->_excludePatterns = $excludePatterns; foreach ($pluginOptions as $plugin => $options) { $this->_pluginOptions["CbError$plugin"] = $options; } $this->_ioHelper = $ioHelper; $this->_debugLog = $debugLog; $this->_registeredPlugins = array(); $this->_phpSuffixes = $phpSuffixes; } /** * Setter/adder method for the used plugin classes. * For each plugin to use, add it to this array * * @param mixed $classNames Definition of plugin classes * * @return void */ public function addErrorPlugins($classNames) { foreach ((array) $classNames as $className) { $this->_registeredPlugins[] = $className; } } /** * Main execute function for PHP_CodeBrowser. * * Following steps are resolved: * 1. Clean-up output directory * 2. Merge xml log files * 3. Generate cbXML file via errorlist from plugins * 4. Save the cbErrorList as XML file * 5. Generate HTML output from cbXML * 6. Copy ressources (css, js, images) from template directory to output * * @return void */ public function run() { // clear and create output directory if (is_dir($this->_htmlOutputDir)) { $this->_ioHelper->deleteDirectory($this->_htmlOutputDir); } else if (is_file($this->_htmlOutputDir)) { $this->_ioHelper->deleteFile($this->_htmlOutputDir); } $this->_ioHelper->createDirectory($this->_htmlOutputDir); // init needed classes $cbViewReview = new CbViewReview( PHPCB_TEMPLATE_DIR, $this->_htmlOutputDir, $this->_ioHelper, $this->_phpSuffixes ); $sourceHandler = new CbSourceHandler($this->_debugLog); if (isset($this->_logDir)) { $cbIssueXml = new CbIssueXml(); // merge xml files $cbIssueXml->addDirectory($this->_logDir); // conversion of XML file cc to cb format foreach ($this->_registeredPlugins as $className) { if (array_key_exists($className, $this->_pluginOptions)) { $plugin = new $className( $cbIssueXml, $this->_pluginOptions[$className] ); } else { $plugin = new $className($cbIssueXml); } $sourceHandler->addPlugin($plugin); } } if (isset($this->_projectSource)) { foreach ($this->_projectSource as $source) { if (is_dir($source)) { $factory = new File_Iterator_Factory; $suffixes = array_merge( $this->_phpSuffixes, array('php','js','css', 'html') ); $sourceHandler->addSourceFiles( $factory->getFileIterator( $source, $suffixes ) ); } else { $sourceHandler->addSourceFile($source); } } } array_walk( $this->_excludeExpressions, array($sourceHandler, 'excludeMatchingPCRE') ); array_walk( $this->_excludePatterns, array($sourceHandler, 'excludeMatchingPattern') ); $files = $sourceHandler->getFiles(); if (!$files) { $cbViewReview->copyNoErrorsIndex(); } else { // Get the path prefix all files have in common $commonPathPrefix = $sourceHandler->getCommonPathPrefix(); $error_reporting = ini_get('error_reporting'); // Disable E_Strict, Text_Highlighter might throw up ini_set('error_reporting', $error_reporting & ~E_STRICT); foreach ($files as $file) { $cbViewReview->generate( $file->getIssues(), $file->name(), $commonPathPrefix ); } ini_set('error_reporting', $error_reporting); // Copy needed ressources (eg js libraries) to output directory $cbViewReview->copyRessourceFolders(); $cbViewReview->generateIndex($files); } } /** * Main method called by script * * @return void */ public static function main() { $parser = self::createCommandLineParser(); try { $opts = $parser->parse()->options; } catch (Exception $e) { $parser->displayError($e->getMessage()); } $errors = self::errorsForOpts($opts); if ($errors) { foreach ($errors as $e) { error_log("[Error] $e\n"); } exit(1); } // Convert the --ignore arguments to patterns if (null !== $opts['ignore']) { $dirSep = preg_quote(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/'); foreach (explode(',', $opts['ignore']) as $ignore) { $ig = realpath($ignore); if (!$ig) { error_log("[Warning] $ignore does not exists"); } else { $ig = preg_quote($ig, '/'); $opts['excludePCRE'][] = "/^$ig($dirSep|$)/"; } } } // init new CLIController $controller = new CbCLIController( $opts['log'], $opts['source'] ? $opts['source'] : array(), $opts['output'], $opts['excludePCRE'] ? $opts['excludePCRE'] : array(), $opts['excludePattern'] ? $opts['excludePattern'] : array(), $opts['crapThreshold'] ? array('CRAP' => array( 'threshold' => $opts['crapThreshold']) ) : array(), new CbIOHelper(), $opts['debugExcludes'] ? Log::factory('console', '', 'PHPCB') : Log::factory('null'), $opts['phpSuffixes'] ? explode(',', $opts['phpSuffixes']) : array('php') ); $plugins = self::getAvailablePlugins(); if ($opts['disablePlugin']) { foreach ($opts['disablePlugin'] as $idx => $val) { $opts['disablePlugin'][$idx] = strtolower($val); } foreach ($plugins as $pluginKey => $plugin) { $name = substr($plugin, strlen('CbError')); if (in_array(strtolower($name), $opts['disablePlugin'])) { // Remove it from the plugins list unset($plugins[$pluginKey]); } } } $controller->addErrorPlugins($plugins); try { $controller->run(); } catch (Exception $e) { error_log( <<<HERE [Error] {$e->getMessage()} {$e->getTraceAsString()} HERE ); } } /** * Returns a list of available plugins. * * Currently hard-coded. * * @return array of string Classnames of error plugins */ public static function getAvailablePlugins() { return array( 'CbErrorCheckstyle', 'CbErrorPMD', 'CbErrorCPD', 'CbErrorPadawan', 'CbErrorCoverage', 'CbErrorCRAP' ); } /** * Checks the given options array for errors. * * @param Array Options as returned by Console_CommandLine->parse() * * @return Array of String Errormessages. */ private static function errorsForOpts($opts) { $errors = array(); if (!isset($opts['log'])) { if (!isset($opts['source'])) { $errors[] = 'Missing log or source argument.'; } } else if (!file_exists($opts['log'])) { $errors[] = 'Log directory does not exist.'; } else if (!is_dir($opts['log'])) { $errors[] = 'Log argument must be a directory, a file was given.'; } if (!isset($opts['output'])) { $errors[] = 'Missing output argument.'; } else if (file_exists($opts['output']) && !is_dir($opts['output'])) { $errors[] = 'Ouput argument must be a directory, a file was given.'; } if (isset($opts['source'])) { foreach ($opts['source'] as $s) { if (!file_exists($s)) { $errors[] = "Source '$s' does not exist"; } } } return $errors; } /** * Creates a Console_CommandLine object to parse options. * * @return Console_CommandLine */ private static function createCommandLineParser() { $parser = new Console_CommandLine( array( 'description' => 'A Code browser for PHP files with syntax ' . 'highlighting and colored error-sections ' . 'found by quality assurance tools like ' . 'PHPUnit or PHP_CodeSniffer.', 'version' => (strpos('1.0.2', '@') === false) ? '1.0.2' : 'from Git' ) ); $parser->addOption( 'log', array( 'description' => 'The path to the xml log files, e.g. generated' . ' from PHPUnit. Either this or --source ' . 'must be given', 'short_name' => '-l', 'long_name' => '--log', 'help_name' => '<directory>' ) ); $parser->addOption( 'phpSuffixes', array( 'description' => 'A comma separated list of php file extensions' .' to include.', 'short_name' => '-S', 'long_name' => '--extensions', 'help_name' => '<extensions>' ) ); $parser->addOption( 'output', array( 'description' => 'Path to the output folder where generated ' . 'files should be stored.', 'short_name' => '-o', 'long_name' => '--output', 'help_name' => '<directory>' ) ); $parser->addOption( 'source', array( 'description' => 'Path to the project source code. Can either ' . 'be a directory or a single file. Parse ' . 'complete source directory if set, else ' . 'only files found in logs. Either this or' . ' --log must be given. Can be given ' . 'multiple times', 'short_name' => '-s', 'long_name' => '--source', 'action' => 'StoreArray', 'help_name' => '<dir|file>' ) ); $parser->addOption( 'ignore', array( 'description' => 'Comma separated string of files or ' . 'directories that will be ignored during' . 'the parsing process.', 'short_name' => '-i', 'long_name' => '--ignore', 'help_name' => '<files>' ) ); $parser->addOption( 'excludePattern', array( 'description' => 'Excludes all files matching the given glob ' . 'pattern. This is done after pulling the ' . 'files in the source dir in if one is ' . 'given. Can be given multiple times. Note' . ' that the match is run against ' . 'absolute filenames.', 'short_name' => '-e', 'long_name' => '--exclude', 'action' => 'StoreArray', 'help_name' => '<pattern>' ) ); $parser->addOption( 'excludePCRE', array( 'description' => 'Works like -e but takes PCRE instead of ' . 'glob patterns.', 'short_name' => '-E', 'long_name' => '--excludePCRE', 'action' => 'StoreArray', 'help_name' => '<expression>' ) ); $parser->addOption( 'debugExcludes', array( 'description' => 'Print which files are excluded by which ' . 'expressions and patterns.', 'long_name' => '--debugExcludes', 'action' => 'StoreTrue' ) ); $plugins = array_map( array(__CLASS__, 'arrayMapCallback'), self::getAvailablePlugins() ); $parser->addOption( 'disablePlugin', array( 'description' => 'Disable single Plugins. Can be one of ' . implode(', ', $plugins), 'choices' => $plugins, 'long_name' => '--disablePlugin', 'action' => 'StoreArray', 'help_name' => '<plugin>' ) ); $parser->addOption( 'crapThreshold', array( 'description' => 'The minimum value for CRAP errors to be ' . 'recognized. Defaults to 0. Regardless ' . 'of this setting, values below 30 will ' . 'be considered notices, those above ' . 'warnings.', 'long_name' => '--crapThreshold', 'action' => 'StoreInt', 'help_name' => '<threshold>' ) ); return $parser; } private static function arrayMapCallback($class) { return '"' . substr($class, strlen('CbError')) . '"'; } }