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""" GUI Neutral widgets All of these widgets require you to predefine an Axes instance and pass that as the first arg. matplotlib doesn't try to be too smart in layout -- you have to figure out how wide and tall you want your Axes to be to accommodate your widget. """ import numpy as np from mlab import dist from patches import Circle, Rectangle from lines import Line2D from transforms import blended_transform_factory class LockDraw: """ some widgets, like the cursor, draw onto the canvas, and this is not desirable under all circumstaces, like when the toolbar is in zoom-to-rect mode and drawing a rectangle. The module level "lock" allows someone to grab the lock and prevent other widgets from drawing. Use matplotlib.widgets.lock(someobj) to pr """ def __init__(self): self._owner = None def __call__(self, o): 'reserve the lock for o' if not self.available(o): raise ValueError('already locked') self._owner = o def release(self, o): 'release the lock' if not self.available(o): raise ValueError('you do not own this lock') self._owner = None def available(self, o): 'drawing is available to o' return not self.locked() or self.isowner(o) def isowner(self, o): 'o owns the lock' return self._owner is o def locked(self): 'the lock is held' return self._owner is not None class Widget: """ OK, I couldn't resist; abstract base class for mpl GUI neutral widgets """ drawon = True eventson = True class Button(Widget): """ A GUI neutral button The following attributes are accesible ax - the Axes the button renders into label - a text.Text instance color - the color of the button when not hovering hovercolor - the color of the button when hovering Call "on_clicked" to connect to the button """ def __init__(self, ax, label, image=None, color='0.85', hovercolor='0.95'): """ ax is the Axes instance the button will be placed into label is a string which is the button text image if not None, is an image to place in the button -- can be any legal arg to imshow (numpy array, matplotlib Image instance, or PIL image) color is the color of the button when not activated hovercolor is the color of the button when the mouse is over it """ if image is not None: ax.imshow(image) self.label = ax.text(0.5, 0.5, label, verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) self.cnt = 0 self.observers = {} self.ax = ax ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self._click) ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self._release) ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self._motion) ax.set_navigate(False) ax.set_axis_bgcolor(color) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) self.color = color self.hovercolor = hovercolor self._lastcolor = color def _click(self, event): if event.inaxes != self.ax: return if not self.eventson: return if event.canvas.mouse_grabber != self.ax: event.canvas.grab_mouse(self.ax) def _release(self, event): if event.canvas.mouse_grabber != self.ax: return event.canvas.release_mouse(self.ax) if not self.eventson: return if event.inaxes != self.ax: return for cid, func in self.observers.items(): func(event) def _motion(self, event): if event.inaxes==self.ax: c = self.hovercolor else: c = self.color if c != self._lastcolor: self.ax.set_axis_bgcolor(c) self._lastcolor = c if self.drawon: self.ax.figure.canvas.draw() def on_clicked(self, func): """ When the button is clicked, call this func with event A connection id is returned which can be used to disconnect """ cid = self.cnt self.observers[cid] = func self.cnt += 1 return cid def disconnect(self, cid): 'remove the observer with connection id cid' try: del self.observers[cid] except KeyError: pass class Slider(Widget): """ A slider representing a floating point range The following attributes are defined ax : the slider axes.Axes instance val : the current slider value vline : a Line2D instance representing the initial value poly : A patch.Polygon instance which is the slider valfmt : the format string for formatting the slider text label : a text.Text instance, the slider label closedmin : whether the slider is closed on the minimum closedmax : whether the slider is closed on the maximum slidermin : another slider - if not None, this slider must be > slidermin slidermax : another slider - if not None, this slider must be < slidermax dragging : allow for mouse dragging on slider Call on_changed to connect to the slider event """ def __init__(self, ax, label, valmin, valmax, valinit=0.5, valfmt='%1.2f', closedmin=True, closedmax=True, slidermin=None, slidermax=None, dragging=True, **kwargs): """ Create a slider from valmin to valmax in axes ax; valinit - the slider initial position label - the slider label valfmt - used to format the slider value closedmin and closedmax - indicate whether the slider interval is closed slidermin and slidermax - be used to contrain the value of this slider to the values of other sliders. additional kwargs are passed on to self.poly which is the matplotlib.patches.Rectangle which draws the slider. See the matplotlib.patches.Rectangle documentation for legal property names (eg facecolor, edgecolor, alpha, ...) """ self.ax = ax self.valmin = valmin self.valmax = valmax self.val = valinit self.valinit = valinit self.poly = ax.axvspan(valmin,valinit,0,1, **kwargs) self.vline = ax.axvline(valinit,0,1, color='r', lw=1) self.valfmt=valfmt ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xlim((valmin, valmax)) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_navigate(False) ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self._update) ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self._update) if dragging: ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self._update) self.label = ax.text(-0.02, 0.5, label, transform=ax.transAxes, verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='right') self.valtext = ax.text(1.02, 0.5, valfmt%valinit, transform=ax.transAxes, verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='left') self.cnt = 0 self.observers = {} self.closedmin = closedmin self.closedmax = closedmax self.slidermin = slidermin self.slidermax = slidermax self.drag_active = False def _update(self, event): 'update the slider position' if event.button != 1: return if event.name == 'button_press_event' and event.inaxes == self.ax: self.drag_active = True event.canvas.grab_mouse(self.ax) if not self.drag_active: return elif ((event.name == 'button_release_event') or (event.name == 'button_press_event' and event.inaxes != self.ax)): self.drag_active = False event.canvas.release_mouse(self.ax) return val = event.xdata if val <= self.valmin: if not self.closedmin: return val = self.valmin elif val >= self.valmax: if not self.closedmax: return val = self.valmax if self.slidermin is not None: if val<=self.slidermin.val: return if self.slidermax is not None: if val>=self.slidermax.val: return self.set_val(val) def set_val(self, val): xy = self.poly.xy xy[-1] = val, 0 xy[-2] = val, 1 self.poly.xy = xy self.valtext.set_text(self.valfmt%val) if self.drawon: self.ax.figure.canvas.draw() self.val = val if not self.eventson: return for cid, func in self.observers.items(): func(val) def on_changed(self, func): """ When the slider valud is changed, call this func with the new slider position A connection id is returned which can be used to disconnect """ cid = self.cnt self.observers[cid] = func self.cnt += 1 return cid def disconnect(self, cid): 'remove the observer with connection id cid' try: del self.observers[cid] except KeyError: pass def reset(self): "reset the slider to the initial value if needed" if (self.val != self.valinit): self.set_val(self.valinit) class CheckButtons(Widget): """ A GUI neutral radio button The following attributes are exposed ax - the Axes instance the buttons are in labels - a list of text.Text instances lines - a list of (line1, line2) tuples for the x's in the check boxes. These lines exist for each box, but have set_visible(False) when box is not checked rectangles - a list of patch.Rectangle instances Connect to the CheckButtons with the on_clicked method """ def __init__(self, ax, labels, actives): """ Add check buttons to axes.Axes instance ax labels is a len(buttons) list of labels as strings actives is a len(buttons) list of booleans indicating whether the button is active """ ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_navigate(False) if len(labels)>1: dy = 1./(len(labels)+1) ys = np.linspace(1-dy, dy, len(labels)) else: dy = 0.25 ys = [0.5] cnt = 0 axcolor = ax.get_axis_bgcolor() self.labels = [] self.lines = [] self.rectangles = [] lineparams = {'color':'k', 'linewidth':1.25, 'transform':ax.transAxes, 'solid_capstyle':'butt'} for y, label in zip(ys, labels): t = ax.text(0.25, y, label, transform=ax.transAxes, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center') w, h = dy/2., dy/2. x, y = 0.05, y-h/2. p = Rectangle(xy=(x,y), width=w, height=h, facecolor=axcolor, transform=ax.transAxes) l1 = Line2D([x, x+w], [y+h, y], **lineparams) l2 = Line2D([x, x+w], [y, y+h], **lineparams) l1.set_visible(actives[cnt]) l2.set_visible(actives[cnt]) self.labels.append(t) self.rectangles.append(p) self.lines.append((l1,l2)) ax.add_patch(p) ax.add_line(l1) ax.add_line(l2) cnt += 1 ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self._clicked) self.ax = ax self.cnt = 0 self.observers = {} def _clicked(self, event): if event.button !=1 : return if event.inaxes != self.ax: return for p,t,lines in zip(self.rectangles, self.labels, self.lines): if (t.get_window_extent().contains(event.x, event.y) or p.get_window_extent().contains(event.x, event.y) ): l1, l2 = lines l1.set_visible(not l1.get_visible()) l2.set_visible(not l2.get_visible()) thist = t break else: return if self.drawon: self.ax.figure.canvas.draw() if not self.eventson: return for cid, func in self.observers.items(): func(thist.get_text()) def on_clicked(self, func): """ When the button is clicked, call this func with button label A connection id is returned which can be used to disconnect """ cid = self.cnt self.observers[cid] = func self.cnt += 1 return cid def disconnect(self, cid): 'remove the observer with connection id cid' try: del self.observers[cid] except KeyError: pass class RadioButtons(Widget): """ A GUI neutral radio button The following attributes are exposed ax - the Axes instance the buttons are in activecolor - the color of the button when clicked labels - a list of text.Text instances circles - a list of patch.Circle instances Connect to the RadioButtons with the on_clicked method """ def __init__(self, ax, labels, active=0, activecolor='blue'): """ Add radio buttons to axes.Axes instance ax labels is a len(buttons) list of labels as strings active is the index into labels for the button that is active activecolor is the color of the button when clicked """ self.activecolor = activecolor ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_navigate(False) dy = 1./(len(labels)+1) ys = np.linspace(1-dy, dy, len(labels)) cnt = 0 axcolor = ax.get_axis_bgcolor() self.labels = [] self.circles = [] for y, label in zip(ys, labels): t = ax.text(0.25, y, label, transform=ax.transAxes, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center') if cnt==active: facecolor = activecolor else: facecolor = axcolor p = Circle(xy=(0.15, y), radius=0.05, facecolor=facecolor, transform=ax.transAxes) self.labels.append(t) self.circles.append(p) ax.add_patch(p) cnt += 1 ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self._clicked) self.ax = ax self.cnt = 0 self.observers = {} def _clicked(self, event): if event.button !=1 : return if event.inaxes != self.ax: return xy = self.ax.transAxes.inverted().transform_point((event.x, event.y)) pclicked = np.array([xy[0], xy[1]]) def inside(p): pcirc = np.array([p.center[0], p.center[1]]) return dist(pclicked, pcirc) < p.radius for p,t in zip(self.circles, self.labels): if t.get_window_extent().contains(event.x, event.y) or inside(p): inp = p thist = t break else: return for p in self.circles: if p==inp: color = self.activecolor else: color = self.ax.get_axis_bgcolor() p.set_facecolor(color) if self.drawon: self.ax.figure.canvas.draw() if not self.eventson: return for cid, func in self.observers.items(): func(thist.get_text()) def on_clicked(self, func): """ When the button is clicked, call this func with button label A connection id is returned which can be used to disconnect """ cid = self.cnt self.observers[cid] = func self.cnt += 1 return cid def disconnect(self, cid): 'remove the observer with connection id cid' try: del self.observers[cid] except KeyError: pass class SubplotTool(Widget): """ A tool to adjust to subplot params of fig """ def __init__(self, targetfig, toolfig): """ targetfig is the figure to adjust toolfig is the figure to embed the the subplot tool into. If None, a default pylab figure will be created. If you are using this from the GUI """ self.targetfig = targetfig toolfig.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, right=0.9) class toolbarfmt: def __init__(self, slider): self.slider = slider def __call__(self, x, y): fmt = '%s=%s'%(self.slider.label.get_text(), self.slider.valfmt) return fmt%x self.axleft = toolfig.add_subplot(711) self.axleft.set_title('Click on slider to adjust subplot param') self.axleft.set_navigate(False) self.sliderleft = Slider(self.axleft, 'left', 0, 1, targetfig.subplotpars.left, closedmax=False) self.sliderleft.on_changed(self.funcleft) self.axbottom = toolfig.add_subplot(712) self.axbottom.set_navigate(False) self.sliderbottom = Slider(self.axbottom, 'bottom', 0, 1, targetfig.subplotpars.bottom, closedmax=False) self.sliderbottom.on_changed(self.funcbottom) self.axright = toolfig.add_subplot(713) self.axright.set_navigate(False) self.sliderright = Slider(self.axright, 'right', 0, 1, targetfig.subplotpars.right, closedmin=False) self.sliderright.on_changed(self.funcright) self.axtop = toolfig.add_subplot(714) self.axtop.set_navigate(False) self.slidertop = Slider(self.axtop, 'top', 0, 1, targetfig.subplotpars.top, closedmin=False) self.slidertop.on_changed(self.functop) self.axwspace = toolfig.add_subplot(715) self.axwspace.set_navigate(False) self.sliderwspace = Slider(self.axwspace, 'wspace', 0, 1, targetfig.subplotpars.wspace, closedmax=False) self.sliderwspace.on_changed(self.funcwspace) self.axhspace = toolfig.add_subplot(716) self.axhspace.set_navigate(False) self.sliderhspace = Slider(self.axhspace, 'hspace', 0, 1, targetfig.subplotpars.hspace, closedmax=False) self.sliderhspace.on_changed(self.funchspace) # constraints self.sliderleft.slidermax = self.sliderright self.sliderright.slidermin = self.sliderleft self.sliderbottom.slidermax = self.slidertop self.slidertop.slidermin = self.sliderbottom bax = toolfig.add_axes([0.8, 0.05, 0.15, 0.075]) self.buttonreset = Button(bax, 'Reset') sliders = (self.sliderleft, self.sliderbottom, self.sliderright, self.slidertop, self.sliderwspace, self.sliderhspace, ) def func(event): thisdrawon = self.drawon self.drawon = False # store the drawon state of each slider bs = [] for slider in sliders: bs.append(slider.drawon) slider.drawon = False # reset the slider to the initial position for slider in sliders: slider.reset() # reset drawon for slider, b in zip(sliders, bs): slider.drawon = b # draw the canvas self.drawon = thisdrawon if self.drawon: toolfig.canvas.draw() self.targetfig.canvas.draw() # during reset there can be a temporary invalid state # depending on the order of the reset so we turn off # validation for the resetting validate = toolfig.subplotpars.validate toolfig.subplotpars.validate = False self.buttonreset.on_clicked(func) toolfig.subplotpars.validate = validate def funcleft(self, val): self.targetfig.subplots_adjust(left=val) if self.drawon: self.targetfig.canvas.draw() def funcright(self, val): self.targetfig.subplots_adjust(right=val) if self.drawon: self.targetfig.canvas.draw() def funcbottom(self, val): self.targetfig.subplots_adjust(bottom=val) if self.drawon: self.targetfig.canvas.draw() def functop(self, val): self.targetfig.subplots_adjust(top=val) if self.drawon: self.targetfig.canvas.draw() def funcwspace(self, val): self.targetfig.subplots_adjust(wspace=val) if self.drawon: self.targetfig.canvas.draw() def funchspace(self, val): self.targetfig.subplots_adjust(hspace=val) if self.drawon: self.targetfig.canvas.draw() class Cursor: """ A horizontal and vertical line span the axes that and move with the pointer. You can turn off the hline or vline spectively with the attributes horizOn =True|False: controls visibility of the horizontal line vertOn =True|False: controls visibility of the horizontal line And the visibility of the cursor itself with visible attribute """ def __init__(self, ax, useblit=False, **lineprops): """ Add a cursor to ax. If useblit=True, use the backend dependent blitting features for faster updates (GTKAgg only now). lineprops is a dictionary of line properties. See examples/widgets/cursor.py. """ self.ax = ax self.canvas = ax.figure.canvas self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.onmove) self.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self.clear) self.visible = True self.horizOn = True self.vertOn = True self.useblit = useblit if useblit: lineprops['animated'] = True self.lineh = ax.axhline(ax.get_ybound()[0], visible=False, **lineprops) self.linev = ax.axvline(ax.get_xbound()[0], visible=False, **lineprops) self.background = None self.needclear = False def clear(self, event): 'clear the cursor' if self.useblit: self.background = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.ax.bbox) self.linev.set_visible(False) self.lineh.set_visible(False) def onmove(self, event): 'on mouse motion draw the cursor if visible' if event.inaxes != self.ax: self.linev.set_visible(False) self.lineh.set_visible(False) if self.needclear: self.canvas.draw() self.needclear = False return self.needclear = True if not self.visible: return self.linev.set_xdata((event.xdata, event.xdata)) self.lineh.set_ydata((event.ydata, event.ydata)) self.linev.set_visible(self.visible and self.vertOn) self.lineh.set_visible(self.visible and self.horizOn) self._update() def _update(self): if self.useblit: if self.background is not None: self.canvas.restore_region(self.background) self.ax.draw_artist(self.linev) self.ax.draw_artist(self.lineh) self.canvas.blit(self.ax.bbox) else: self.canvas.draw_idle() return False class MultiCursor: """ Provide a vertical line cursor shared between multiple axes from matplotlib.widgets import MultiCursor from pylab import figure, show, nx t = nx.arange(0.0, 2.0, 0.01) s1 = nx.sin(2*nx.pi*t) s2 = nx.sin(4*nx.pi*t) fig = figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) ax1.plot(t, s1) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212, sharex=ax1) ax2.plot(t, s2) multi = MultiCursor(fig.canvas, (ax1, ax2), color='r', lw=1) show() """ def __init__(self, canvas, axes, useblit=True, **lineprops): self.canvas = canvas self.axes = axes xmin, xmax = axes[-1].get_xlim() xmid = 0.5*(xmin+xmax) if useblit: lineprops['animated'] = True self.lines = [ax.axvline(xmid, visible=False, **lineprops) for ax in axes] self.visible = True self.useblit = useblit self.background = None self.needclear = False self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.onmove) self.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self.clear) def clear(self, event): 'clear the cursor' if self.useblit: self.background = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.canvas.figure.bbox) for line in self.lines: line.set_visible(False) def onmove(self, event): if event.inaxes is None: return if not self.canvas.widgetlock.available(self): return self.needclear = True if not self.visible: return for line in self.lines: line.set_xdata((event.xdata, event.xdata)) line.set_visible(self.visible) self._update() def _update(self): if self.useblit: if self.background is not None: self.canvas.restore_region(self.background) for ax, line in zip(self.axes, self.lines): ax.draw_artist(line) self.canvas.blit(self.canvas.figure.bbox) else: self.canvas.draw_idle() class SpanSelector: """ Select a min/max range of the x or y axes for a matplotlib Axes Example usage: ax = subplot(111) ax.plot(x,y) def onselect(vmin, vmax): print vmin, vmax span = SpanSelector(ax, onselect, 'horizontal') onmove_callback is an optional callback that will be called on mouse move with the span range """ def __init__(self, ax, onselect, direction, minspan=None, useblit=False, rectprops=None, onmove_callback=None): """ Create a span selector in ax. When a selection is made, clear the span and call onselect with onselect(vmin, vmax) and clear the span. direction must be 'horizontal' or 'vertical' If minspan is not None, ignore events smaller than minspan The span rect is drawn with rectprops; default rectprops = dict(facecolor='red', alpha=0.5) set the visible attribute to False if you want to turn off the functionality of the span selector """ if rectprops is None: rectprops = dict(facecolor='red', alpha=0.5) assert direction in ['horizontal', 'vertical'], 'Must choose horizontal or vertical for direction' self.direction = direction self.ax = None self.canvas = None self.visible = True self.cids=[] self.rect = None self.background = None self.pressv = None self.rectprops = rectprops self.onselect = onselect self.onmove_callback = onmove_callback self.useblit = useblit self.minspan = minspan # Needed when dragging out of axes self.buttonDown = False self.prev = (0, 0) self.new_axes(ax) def new_axes(self,ax): self.ax = ax if self.canvas is not ax.figure.canvas: for cid in self.cids: self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(cid) self.canvas = ax.figure.canvas self.cids.append(self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.onmove)) self.cids.append(self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.press)) self.cids.append(self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.release)) self.cids.append(self.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self.update_background)) if self.direction == 'horizontal': trans = blended_transform_factory(self.ax.transData, self.ax.transAxes) w,h = 0,1 else: trans = blended_transform_factory(self.ax.transAxes, self.ax.transData) w,h = 1,0 self.rect = Rectangle( (0,0), w, h, transform=trans, visible=False, **self.rectprops ) if not self.useblit: self.ax.add_patch(self.rect) def update_background(self, event): 'force an update of the background' if self.useblit: self.background = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.ax.bbox) def ignore(self, event): 'return True if event should be ignored' return event.inaxes!=self.ax or not self.visible or event.button !=1 def press(self, event): 'on button press event' if self.ignore(event): return self.buttonDown = True self.rect.set_visible(self.visible) if self.direction == 'horizontal': self.pressv = event.xdata else: self.pressv = event.ydata return False def release(self, event): 'on button release event' if self.pressv is None or (self.ignore(event) and not self.buttonDown): return self.buttonDown = False self.rect.set_visible(False) self.canvas.draw() vmin = self.pressv if self.direction == 'horizontal': vmax = event.xdata or self.prev[0] else: vmax = event.ydata or self.prev[1] if vmin>vmax: vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin span = vmax - vmin if self.minspan is not None and span<self.minspan: return self.onselect(vmin, vmax) self.pressv = None return False def update(self): 'draw using newfangled blit or oldfangled draw depending on useblit' if self.useblit: if self.background is not None: self.canvas.restore_region(self.background) self.ax.draw_artist(self.rect) self.canvas.blit(self.ax.bbox) else: self.canvas.draw_idle() return False def onmove(self, event): 'on motion notify event' if self.pressv is None or self.ignore(event): return x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata self.prev = x, y if self.direction == 'horizontal': v = x else: v = y minv, maxv = v, self.pressv if minv>maxv: minv, maxv = maxv, minv if self.direction == 'horizontal': self.rect.set_x(minv) self.rect.set_width(maxv-minv) else: self.rect.set_y(minv) self.rect.set_height(maxv-minv) if self.onmove_callback is not None: vmin = self.pressv if self.direction == 'horizontal': vmax = event.xdata or self.prev[0] else: vmax = event.ydata or self.prev[1] if vmin>vmax: vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin self.onmove_callback(vmin, vmax) self.update() return False # For backwards compatibility only! class HorizontalSpanSelector(SpanSelector): def __init__(self, ax, onselect, **kwargs): import warnings warnings.warn('Use SpanSelector instead!', DeprecationWarning) SpanSelector.__init__(self, ax, onselect, 'horizontal', **kwargs) class RectangleSelector: """ Select a min/max range of the x axes for a matplotlib Axes Example usage:: from matplotlib.widgets import RectangleSelector from pylab import * def onselect(eclick, erelease): 'eclick and erelease are matplotlib events at press and release' print ' startposition : (%f, %f)' % (eclick.xdata, eclick.ydata) print ' endposition : (%f, %f)' % (erelease.xdata, erelease.ydata) print ' used button : ', eclick.button def toggle_selector(event): print ' Key pressed.' if event.key in ['Q', 'q'] and toggle_selector.RS.active: print ' RectangleSelector deactivated.' toggle_selector.RS.set_active(False) if event.key in ['A', 'a'] and not toggle_selector.RS.active: print ' RectangleSelector activated.' toggle_selector.RS.set_active(True) x = arange(100)/(99.0) y = sin(x) fig = figure ax = subplot(111) ax.plot(x,y) toggle_selector.RS = RectangleSelector(ax, onselect, drawtype='line') connect('key_press_event', toggle_selector) show() """ def __init__(self, ax, onselect, drawtype='box', minspanx=None, minspany=None, useblit=False, lineprops=None, rectprops=None, spancoords='data', button=None): """ Create a selector in ax. When a selection is made, clear the span and call onselect with onselect(pos_1, pos_2) and clear the drawn box/line. There pos_i are arrays of length 2 containing the x- and y-coordinate. If minspanx is not None then events smaller than minspanx in x direction are ignored(it's the same for y). The rect is drawn with rectprops; default rectprops = dict(facecolor='red', edgecolor = 'black', alpha=0.5, fill=False) The line is drawn with lineprops; default lineprops = dict(color='black', linestyle='-', linewidth = 2, alpha=0.5) Use type if you want the mouse to draw a line, a box or nothing between click and actual position ny setting drawtype = 'line', drawtype='box' or drawtype = 'none'. spancoords is one of 'data' or 'pixels'. If 'data', minspanx and minspanx will be interpreted in the same coordinates as the x and ya axis, if 'pixels', they are in pixels button is a list of integers indicating which mouse buttons should be used for rectangle selection. You can also specify a single integer if only a single button is desired. Default is None, which does not limit which button can be used. Note, typically: 1 = left mouse button 2 = center mouse button (scroll wheel) 3 = right mouse button """ self.ax = ax self.visible = True self.canvas = ax.figure.canvas self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.onmove) self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.press) self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.release) self.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self.update_background) self.active = True # for activation / deactivation self.to_draw = None self.background = None if drawtype == 'none': drawtype = 'line' # draw a line but make it self.visible = False # invisible if drawtype == 'box': if rectprops is None: rectprops = dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor = 'black', alpha=0.5, fill=False) self.rectprops = rectprops self.to_draw = Rectangle((0,0), 0, 1,visible=False,**self.rectprops) self.ax.add_patch(self.to_draw) if drawtype == 'line': if lineprops is None: lineprops = dict(color='black', linestyle='-', linewidth = 2, alpha=0.5) self.lineprops = lineprops self.to_draw = Line2D([0,0],[0,0],visible=False,**self.lineprops) self.ax.add_line(self.to_draw) self.onselect = onselect self.useblit = useblit self.minspanx = minspanx self.minspany = minspany if button is None or isinstance(button, list): self.validButtons = button elif isinstance(button, int): self.validButtons = [button] assert(spancoords in ('data', 'pixels')) self.spancoords = spancoords self.drawtype = drawtype # will save the data (position at mouseclick) self.eventpress = None # will save the data (pos. at mouserelease) self.eventrelease = None def update_background(self, event): 'force an update of the background' if self.useblit: self.background = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.ax.bbox) def ignore(self, event): 'return True if event should be ignored' # If RectangleSelector is not active : if not self.active: return True # If canvas was locked if not self.canvas.widgetlock.available(self): return True # Only do rectangle selection if event was triggered # with a desired button if self.validButtons is not None: if not event.button in self.validButtons: return True # If no button was pressed yet ignore the event if it was out # of the axes if self.eventpress == None: return event.inaxes!= self.ax # If a button was pressed, check if the release-button is the # same. return (event.inaxes!=self.ax or event.button != self.eventpress.button) def press(self, event): 'on button press event' # Is the correct button pressed within the correct axes? if self.ignore(event): return # make the drawed box/line visible get the click-coordinates, # button, ... self.to_draw.set_visible(self.visible) self.eventpress = event return False def release(self, event): 'on button release event' if self.eventpress is None or self.ignore(event): return # make the box/line invisible again self.to_draw.set_visible(False) self.canvas.draw() # release coordinates, button, ... self.eventrelease = event if self.spancoords=='data': xmin, ymin = self.eventpress.xdata, self.eventpress.ydata xmax, ymax = self.eventrelease.xdata, self.eventrelease.ydata # calculate dimensions of box or line get values in the right # order elif self.spancoords=='pixels': xmin, ymin = self.eventpress.x, self.eventpress.y xmax, ymax = self.eventrelease.x, self.eventrelease.y else: raise ValueError('spancoords must be "data" or "pixels"') if xmin>xmax: xmin, xmax = xmax, xmin if ymin>ymax: ymin, ymax = ymax, ymin spanx = xmax - xmin spany = ymax - ymin xproblems = self.minspanx is not None and spanx<self.minspanx yproblems = self.minspany is not None and spany<self.minspany if (self.drawtype=='box') and (xproblems or yproblems): """Box to small""" # check if drawed distance (if it exists) is return # not to small in neither x nor y-direction if (self.drawtype=='line') and (xproblems and yproblems): """Line to small""" # check if drawed distance (if it exists) is return # not to small in neither x nor y-direction self.onselect(self.eventpress, self.eventrelease) # call desired function self.eventpress = None # reset the variables to their self.eventrelease = None # inital values return False def update(self): 'draw using newfangled blit or oldfangled draw depending on useblit' if self.useblit: if self.background is not None: self.canvas.restore_region(self.background) self.ax.draw_artist(self.to_draw) self.canvas.blit(self.ax.bbox) else: self.canvas.draw_idle() return False def onmove(self, event): 'on motion notify event if box/line is wanted' if self.eventpress is None or self.ignore(event): return x,y = event.xdata, event.ydata # actual position (with # (button still pressed) if self.drawtype == 'box': minx, maxx = self.eventpress.xdata, x # click-x and actual mouse-x miny, maxy = self.eventpress.ydata, y # click-y and actual mouse-y if minx>maxx: minx, maxx = maxx, minx # get them in the right order if miny>maxy: miny, maxy = maxy, miny self.to_draw.set_x(minx) # set lower left of box self.to_draw.set_y(miny) self.to_draw.set_width(maxx-minx) # set width and height of box self.to_draw.set_height(maxy-miny) self.update() return False if self.drawtype == 'line': self.to_draw.set_data([self.eventpress.xdata, x], [self.eventpress.ydata, y]) self.update() return False def set_active(self, active): """ Use this to activate / deactivate the RectangleSelector from your program with an boolean variable 'active'. """ self.active = active def get_active(self): """ to get status of active mode (boolean variable)""" return self.active class Lasso(Widget): def __init__(self, ax, xy, callback=None, useblit=True): self.axes = ax self.figure = ax.figure self.canvas = self.figure.canvas self.useblit = useblit if useblit: self.background = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.axes.bbox) x, y = xy self.verts = [(x,y)] self.line = Line2D([x], [y], linestyle='-', color='black', lw=2) self.axes.add_line(self.line) self.callback = callback self.cids = [] self.cids.append(self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.onrelease)) self.cids.append(self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.onmove)) def onrelease(self, event): if self.verts is not None: self.verts.append((event.xdata, event.ydata)) if len(self.verts)>2: self.callback(self.verts) self.axes.lines.remove(self.line) self.verts = None for cid in self.cids: self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(cid) def onmove(self, event): if self.verts is None: return if event.inaxes != self.axes: return if event.button!=1: return self.verts.append((event.xdata, event.ydata)) self.line.set_data(zip(*self.verts)) if self.useblit: self.canvas.restore_region(self.background) self.axes.draw_artist(self.line) self.canvas.blit(self.axes.bbox) else: self.canvas.draw_idle()