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""" The axes_divider module provide helper classes to adjust the positions of multiple axes at the drawing time. Divider: this is the class that is used calculates the axes position. It divides the given renctangular area into several sub rectangles. You intialize the divider by setting the horizontal and vertical list of sizes that the division will be based on. You then use the new_locator method, whose return value is a callable object that can be used to set the axes_locator of the axes. """ import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms from matplotlib.axes import SubplotBase import new import axes_size as Size class Divider(object): """ This is the class that is used calculates the axes position. It divides the given renctangular area into several sub-rectangles. You intialize the divider by setting the horizontal and vertical lists of sizes (:mod:`mpl_toolkits.axes_grid.axes_size`) that the division will be based on. You then use the new_locator method to create a callable object that can be used to as the axes_locator of the axes. """ def __init__(self, fig, pos, horizontal, vertical, aspect=None, anchor="C"): """ :param fig: matplotlib figure :param pos: position (tuple of 4 floats) of the rectangle that will be divided. :param horizontal: list of sizes (:mod:`~mpl_toolkits.axes_grid.axes_size`) for horizontal division :param vertical: list of sizes (:mod:`~mpl_toolkits.axes_grid.axes_size`) for vertical division :param aspect: if True, the overall rectalngular area is reduced so that the relative part of the horizontal and vertical scales have same scale. :param anchor: Detrmine how the reduced rectangle is placed when aspect is True, """ self._fig = fig self._pos = pos self._horizontal = horizontal self._vertical = vertical self._anchor = anchor self._aspect = aspect self._xrefindex = 0 self._yrefindex = 0 @staticmethod def _calc_k(l, total_size, renderer): rs_sum, as_sum = 0., 0. for s in l: _rs, _as = s.get_size(renderer) rs_sum += _rs as_sum += _as if rs_sum != 0.: k = (total_size - as_sum) / rs_sum return k else: return 0. @staticmethod def _calc_offsets(l, k, renderer): offsets = [0.] for s in l: _rs, _as = s.get_size(renderer) offsets.append(offsets[-1] + _rs*k + _as) return offsets def set_position(self, pos): """ set the position of the rectangle. :param pos: position (tuple of 4 floats) of the rectangle that will be divided. """ self._pos = pos def get_position(self): "return the position of the rectangle." return self._pos def set_anchor(self, anchor): """ :param anchor: anchor position ===== ============ value description ===== ============ 'C' Center 'SW' bottom left 'S' bottom 'SE' bottom right 'E' right 'NE' top right 'N' top 'NW' top left 'W' left ===== ============ """ if anchor in mtransforms.Bbox.coefs.keys() or len(anchor) == 2: self._anchor = anchor else: raise ValueError('argument must be among %s' % ', '.join(mtransforms.BBox.coefs.keys())) def get_anchor(self): "return the anchor" return self._anchor def set_horizontal(self, h): """ :param horizontal: list of sizes (:mod:`~mpl_toolkits.axes_grid.axes_size`) for horizontal division """ self._horizontal = h def get_horizontal(self): "return horizontal sizes" return self._horizontal def set_vertical(self, v): """ :param horizontal: list of sizes (:mod:`~mpl_toolkits.axes_grid.axes_size`) for horizontal division """ self._vertical = v def get_vertical(self): "return vertical sizes" return self._vertical def set_aspect(self, aspect=False): """ :param anchor: True or False """ self._aspect = aspect def get_aspect(self): "return aspect" return self._aspect def locate(self, nx, ny, nx1=None, ny1=None, renderer=None): """ :param nx, nx1: Integers specifying the column-position of the cell. When nx1 is None, a single nx-th column is specified. Otherwise location of columns spanning between nx to nx1 (but excluding nx1-th column) is specified. :param ny, ny1: same as nx and nx1, but for row positions. """ figW,figH = self._fig.get_size_inches() x, y, w, h = self.get_position() k_h = self._calc_k(self._horizontal, figW*w, renderer) k_v = self._calc_k(self._vertical, figH*h, renderer) if self.get_aspect(): k = min(k_h, k_v) ox = self._calc_offsets(self._horizontal, k, renderer) oy = self._calc_offsets(self._vertical, k, renderer) ww = (ox[-1] - ox[0])/figW hh = (oy[-1] - oy[0])/figH pb = mtransforms.Bbox.from_bounds(x, y, w, h) pb1 = mtransforms.Bbox.from_bounds(x, y, ww, hh) pb1_anchored = pb1.anchored(self.get_anchor(), pb) x0, y0 = pb1_anchored.x0, pb1_anchored.y0 else: ox = self._calc_offsets(self._horizontal, k_h, renderer) oy = self._calc_offsets(self._vertical, k_v, renderer) x0, y0 = x, y if nx1 is None: nx1=nx+1 if ny1 is None: ny1=ny+1 x1, w1 = x0 + ox[nx]/figW, (ox[nx1] - ox[nx])/figW y1, h1 = y0 + oy[ny]/figH, (oy[ny1] - oy[ny])/figH return mtransforms.Bbox.from_bounds(x1, y1, w1, h1) def new_locator(self, nx, ny, nx1=None, ny1=None): """ returns a new locator (:class:`mpl_toolkits.axes_grid.axes_divider.AxesLocator`) for specified cell. :param nx, nx1: Integers specifying the column-position of the cell. When nx1 is None, a single nx-th column is specified. Otherwise location of columns spanning between nx to nx1 (but excluding nx1-th column) is specified. :param ny, ny1: same as nx and nx1, but for row positions. """ return AxesLocator(self, nx, ny, nx1, ny1) class AxesLocator(object): """ A simple callable object, initiallized with AxesDivider class, returns the position and size of the given cell. """ def __init__(self, axes_divider, nx, ny, nx1=None, ny1=None): """ :param axes_divider: An instance of AxesDivider class. :param nx, nx1: Integers specifying the column-position of the cell. When nx1 is None, a single nx-th column is specified. Otherwise location of columns spanning between nx to nx1 (but excluding nx1-th column) is is specified. :param ny, ny1: same as nx and nx1, but for row positions. """ self._axes_divider = axes_divider _xrefindex = axes_divider._xrefindex _yrefindex = axes_divider._yrefindex self._nx, self._ny = nx - _xrefindex, ny - _yrefindex if nx1 is None: nx1 = nx+1 if ny1 is None: ny1 = ny+1 self._nx1 = nx1 - _xrefindex self._ny1 = ny1 - _yrefindex def __call__(self, axes, renderer): _xrefindex = self._axes_divider._xrefindex _yrefindex = self._axes_divider._yrefindex return self._axes_divider.locate(self._nx + _xrefindex, self._ny + _yrefindex, self._nx1 + _xrefindex, self._ny1 + _yrefindex, renderer) class SubplotDivider(Divider): """ The Divider class whose rectangle area is specified as a subplot grometry. """ def __init__(self, fig, *args, **kwargs): """ *fig* is a :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance. *args* is the tuple (*numRows*, *numCols*, *plotNum*), where the array of subplots in the figure has dimensions *numRows*, *numCols*, and where *plotNum* is the number of the subplot being created. *plotNum* starts at 1 in the upper left corner and increases to the right. If *numRows* <= *numCols* <= *plotNum* < 10, *args* can be the decimal integer *numRows* * 100 + *numCols* * 10 + *plotNum*. """ self.figure = fig if len(args)==1: s = str(args[0]) if len(s) != 3: raise ValueError('Argument to subplot must be a 3 digits long') rows, cols, num = map(int, s) elif len(args)==3: rows, cols, num = args else: raise ValueError( 'Illegal argument to subplot') total = rows*cols num -= 1 # convert from matlab to python indexing # ie num in range(0,total) if num >= total: raise ValueError( 'Subplot number exceeds total subplots') self._rows = rows self._cols = cols self._num = num self.update_params() pos = self.figbox.bounds horizontal = kwargs.pop("horizontal", []) vertical = kwargs.pop("vertical", []) aspect = kwargs.pop("aspect", None) anchor = kwargs.pop("anchor", "C") if kwargs: raise Exception("") Divider.__init__(self, fig, pos, horizontal, vertical, aspect=aspect, anchor=anchor) def get_position(self): "return the bounds of the subplot box" self.update_params() return self.figbox.bounds def update_params(self): 'update the subplot position from fig.subplotpars' rows = self._rows cols = self._cols num = self._num pars = self.figure.subplotpars left = pars.left right = pars.right bottom = pars.bottom top = pars.top wspace = pars.wspace hspace = pars.hspace totWidth = right-left totHeight = top-bottom figH = totHeight/(rows + hspace*(rows-1)) sepH = hspace*figH figW = totWidth/(cols + wspace*(cols-1)) sepW = wspace*figW rowNum, colNum = divmod(num, cols) figBottom = top - (rowNum+1)*figH - rowNum*sepH figLeft = left + colNum*(figW + sepW) self.figbox = mtransforms.Bbox.from_bounds(figLeft, figBottom, figW, figH) class AxesDivider(Divider): """ Divider based on the pre-existing axes. """ def __init__(self, axes): """ :param axes: axes """ self._axes = axes self._xref = Size.AxesX(axes) self._yref = Size.AxesY(axes) Divider.__init__(self, fig=axes.get_figure(), pos=None, horizontal=[self._xref], vertical=[self._yref], aspect=None, anchor="C") def _get_new_axes(self, **kwargs): axes = self._axes axes_class = kwargs.pop("axes_class", None) if axes_class is None: if isinstance(axes, SubplotBase): axes_class = axes._axes_class else: axes_class = type(axes) ax = axes_class(axes.get_figure(), axes.get_position(original=True), **kwargs) return ax def new_horizontal(self, size, pad=None, pack_start=False, **kwargs): """ Add a new axes on the right (or left) side of the main axes. :param size: A width of the axes. A :mod:`~mpl_toolkits.axes_grid.axes_size` instance or if float or string is given, *from_any* fucntion is used to create one, with *ref_size* set to AxesX instance of the current axes. :param pad: pad between the axes. It takes same argument as *size*. :param pack_start: If False, the new axes is appended at the end of the list, i.e., it became the right-most axes. If True, it is inseted at the start of the list, and becomes the left-most axes. All extra keywords argument is passed to when creating a axes. if *axes_class* is given, the new axes will be created as an instance of the given class. Otherwise, the same class of the main axes will be used. if Not provided """ if pad: if not isinstance(pad, Size._Base): pad = Size.from_any(pad, fraction_ref=self._xref) if pack_start: self._horizontal.insert(0, pad) self._xrefindex += 1 else: self._horizontal.append(pad) if not isinstance(size, Size._Base): size = Size.from_any(size, fraction_ref=self._xref) if pack_start: self._horizontal.insert(0, size) self._xrefindex += 1 locator = self.new_locator(nx=0, ny=0) else: self._horizontal.append(size) locator = self.new_locator(nx=len(self._horizontal)-1, ny=0) ax = self._get_new_axes(**kwargs) ax.set_axes_locator(locator) return ax def new_vertical(self, size, pad=None, pack_start=False, **kwargs): """ Add a new axes on the top (or bottom) side of the main axes. :param size: A height of the axes. A :mod:`~mpl_toolkits.axes_grid.axes_size` instance or if float or string is given, *from_any* fucntion is used to create one, with *ref_size* set to AxesX instance of the current axes. :param pad: pad between the axes. It takes same argument as *size*. :param pack_start: If False, the new axes is appended at the end of the list, i.e., it became the top-most axes. If True, it is inseted at the start of the list, and becomes the bottom-most axes. All extra keywords argument is passed to when creating a axes. if *axes_class* is given, the new axes will be created as an instance of the given class. Otherwise, the same class of the main axes will be used. if Not provided """ if pad: if not isinstance(pad, Size._Base): pad = Size.from_any(pad, fraction_ref=self._yref) if pack_start: self._vertical.insert(0, pad) self._yrefindex += 1 else: self._vertical.append(pad) if not isinstance(size, Size._Base): size = Size.from_any(size, fraction_ref=self._yref) if pack_start: self._vertical.insert(0, size) self._yrefindex += 1 locator = self.new_locator(nx=0, ny=0) else: self._vertical.append(size) locator = self.new_locator(nx=0, ny=len(self._vertical)-1) ax = self._get_new_axes(**kwargs) ax.set_axes_locator(locator) return ax def append_axes(self, position, size, pad=None, add_to_figure=True, **kwargs): """ create an axes at the given *position* with the same height (or width) of the main axes. *position* ["left"|"right"|"bottom"|"top"] *size* and *pad* should be axes_grid.axes_size compatible. """ if position == "left": ax = self.new_horizontal(size, pad, pack_start=True, **kwargs) elif position == "right": ax = self.new_horizontal(size, pad, pack_start=False, **kwargs) elif position == "bottom": ax = self.new_vertical(size, pad, pack_start=True, **kwargs) elif position == "top": ax = self.new_vertical(size, pad, pack_start=False, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("the position must be one of left, right, bottom, or top") if add_to_figure: self._fig.add_axes(ax) return ax def get_aspect(self): if self._aspect is None: aspect = self._axes.get_aspect() if aspect == "auto": return False else: return True else: return self._aspect def get_position(self): if self._pos is None: bbox = self._axes.get_position(original=True) return bbox.bounds else: return self._pos def get_anchor(self): if self._anchor is None: return self._axes.get_anchor() else: return self._anchor class LocatableAxesBase: def __init__(self, *kl, **kw): self._axes_class.__init__(self, *kl, **kw) self._locator = None self._locator_renderer = None def set_axes_locator(self, locator): self._locator = locator def get_axes_locator(self): return self._locator def apply_aspect(self, position=None): if self.get_axes_locator() is None: self._axes_class.apply_aspect(self, position) else: pos = self.get_axes_locator()(self, self._locator_renderer) self._axes_class.apply_aspect(self, position=pos) def draw(self, renderer=None, inframe=False): self._locator_renderer = renderer self._axes_class.draw(self, renderer, inframe) _locatableaxes_classes = {} def locatable_axes_factory(axes_class): new_class = _locatableaxes_classes.get(axes_class) if new_class is None: new_class = new.classobj("Locatable%s" % (axes_class.__name__), (LocatableAxesBase, axes_class), {'_axes_class': axes_class}) _locatableaxes_classes[axes_class] = new_class return new_class #if hasattr(maxes.Axes, "get_axes_locator"): # LocatableAxes = maxes.Axes #else: def make_axes_locatable(axes): if not hasattr(axes, "set_axes_locator"): new_class = locatable_axes_factory(type(axes)) axes.__class__ = new_class divider = AxesDivider(axes) locator = divider.new_locator(nx=0, ny=0) axes.set_axes_locator(locator) return divider #from matplotlib.axes import Axes from mpl_axes import Axes LocatableAxes = locatable_axes_factory(Axes) def get_demo_image(): # prepare image delta = 0.5 extent = (-3,4,-4,3) import numpy as np x = np.arange(-3.0, 4.001, delta) y = np.arange(-4.0, 3.001, delta) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) import matplotlib.mlab as mlab Z1 = mlab.bivariate_normal(X, Y, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) Z2 = mlab.bivariate_normal(X, Y, 1.5, 0.5, 1, 1) Z = (Z1 - Z2) * 10 return Z, extent def demo_locatable_axes(): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig1 = plt.figure(1, (6, 6)) fig1.clf() ## PLOT 1 # simple image & colorbar ax = fig1.add_subplot(2, 2, 1) Z, extent = get_demo_image() im = ax.imshow(Z, extent=extent, interpolation="nearest") cb = plt.colorbar(im) plt.setp(cb.ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) ## PLOT 2 # image and colorbar whose location is adjusted in the drawing time. # a hard way divider = SubplotDivider(fig1, 2, 2, 2, aspect=True) # axes for image ax = LocatableAxes(fig1, divider.get_position()) # axes for coloarbar ax_cb = LocatableAxes(fig1, divider.get_position()) h = [Size.AxesX(ax), # main axes Size.Fixed(0.05), # padding, 0.1 inch Size.Fixed(0.2), # colorbar, 0.3 inch ] v = [Size.AxesY(ax)] divider.set_horizontal(h) divider.set_vertical(v) ax.set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=0, ny=0)) ax_cb.set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=2, ny=0)) fig1.add_axes(ax) fig1.add_axes(ax_cb) ax_cb.yaxis.set_ticks_position("right") Z, extent = get_demo_image() im = ax.imshow(Z, extent=extent, interpolation="nearest") plt.colorbar(im, cax=ax_cb) plt.setp(ax_cb.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) plt.draw() #plt.colorbar(im, cax=ax_cb) ## PLOT 3 # image and colorbar whose location is adjusted in the drawing time. # a easy way ax = fig1.add_subplot(2, 2, 3) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) ax_cb = divider.new_horizontal(size="5%", pad=0.05) fig1.add_axes(ax_cb) im = ax.imshow(Z, extent=extent, interpolation="nearest") plt.colorbar(im, cax=ax_cb) plt.setp(ax_cb.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) ## PLOT 4 # two images side by sied with fixed padding. ax = fig1.add_subplot(2, 2, 4) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) ax2 = divider.new_horizontal(size="100%", pad=0.05) fig1.add_axes(ax2) ax.imshow(Z, extent=extent, interpolation="nearest") ax2.imshow(Z, extent=extent, interpolation="nearest") plt.setp(ax2.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) plt.draw() plt.show() def demo_fixed_size_axes(): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig2 = plt.figure(2, (6, 6)) # The first items are for padding and the second items are for the axes. # sizes are in inch. h = [Size.Fixed(1.0), Size.Fixed(4.5)] v = [Size.Fixed(0.7), Size.Fixed(5.)] divider = Divider(fig2, (0.0, 0.0, 1., 1.), h, v, aspect=False) # the width and height of the rectangle is ignored. ax = LocatableAxes(fig2, divider.get_position()) ax.set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=1, ny=1)) fig2.add_axes(ax) ax.plot([1,2,3]) plt.draw() plt.show() #plt.colorbar(im, cax=ax_cb) if __name__ == "__main__": demo_locatable_axes() demo_fixed_size_axes()