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""" axis_artist.py module provides axis-related artists. They are * axis line * tick lines * tick labels * axis label * grid lines The main artist class is a AxisArtist and a GridlinesCollection. The GridlinesCollection is responsible for drawing grid lines and the AxisArtist is responsible for all other artists. The AxisArtist class has attributest that are associated with each type of artists. * line : axis line * major_ticks : major tick lines * major_ticklabels : major tick labels * minor_ticks : minor tick lines * minor_ticklabels : minor tick labels * label : axis label Typically, the AxisArtist associated with a axes will be accessed with the *axis* dictionary of the axes, i.e., the AxisArtist for the bottom axis is ax.axis["bottom"] where *ax* is an instance of axes (mpl_toolkits.axislines.Axes). Thus, ax.axis["bottom"].line is an artist associated with the axis line, and ax.axis["bottom"].major_ticks is an artist associated with the major tick lines. You can change the colors, fonts, line widths, etc. of these artists by calling sutable set method. For example, to change the color of the major ticks of the bottom axis to red, ax.axis["bottom"].major_ticks.set_color("r") However, things like the locations of ticks, and their ticklabels need to be changed from the side of the grid_helper. axis_direction -------------- AxisArtist, AxisLabel, TickLabels have *axis_drection* attribute, which adjusts the location, angle, etc.,. The *axis_direction* must be one of [left, right, bottom, top] and they follow the matplotlib convention for the rectangle axis. For example, for the *bottom* axis (the left and right is relative to the direction of the increasing coordinate), * ticklabels and axislabel are on the right * ticklabels and axislabel have text angle of 0 * ticklabels are baseline, center-aligned * axislabel is top, center-aligned The text angles are actually relative to (90 + angle of the direction to the ticklabel), which gives 0 for bottom axis. left bottom right top ticklabels location left right right left axislabel location left right right left ticklabels angle 90 0 -90 180 axislabel angle 180 0 0 180 ticklabel va center baseline center baseline axislabel va center top center btoom ticklabel ha right center right center axislabel ha right center right center Ticks are by default direct opposite side of the ticklabels. To make ticks to the same side of the ticklabels, ax.axis["bottom"].major_ticks.set_ticks_out(True) Following attributes can be customized (use set_xxx method) * Ticks : ticksize, tick_out * TickLabels : pad * AxisLabel : pad """ # FIXME : # * : angles are given in data coordinate - need to convert it to canvas coordinate import matplotlib.axes as maxes import matplotlib.artist as martist import matplotlib.text as mtext import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager from matplotlib.path import Path from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D, ScaledTranslation, \ IdentityTransform, TransformedPath, Bbox from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection from matplotlib import rcParams from matplotlib.artist import allow_rasterization import warnings import numpy as np import matplotlib.lines as mlines from axisline_style import AxislineStyle class BezierPath(mlines.Line2D): def __init__(self, path, *kl, **kw): mlines.Line2D.__init__(self, [], [], *kl, **kw) self._path = path self._invalid = False def recache(self): self._transformed_path = TransformedPath(self._path, self.get_transform()) self._invalid = False def set_path(self, path): self._path = path self._invalid = True def draw(self, renderer): if self._invalid: self.recache() if not self._visible: return renderer.open_group('line2d') gc = renderer.new_gc() self._set_gc_clip(gc) gc.set_foreground(self._color) gc.set_antialiased(self._antialiased) gc.set_linewidth(self._linewidth) gc.set_alpha(self._alpha) if self.is_dashed(): cap = self._dashcapstyle join = self._dashjoinstyle else: cap = self._solidcapstyle join = self._solidjoinstyle gc.set_joinstyle(join) gc.set_capstyle(cap) funcname = self._lineStyles.get(self._linestyle, '_draw_nothing') if funcname != '_draw_nothing': tpath, affine = self._transformed_path.get_transformed_path_and_affine() lineFunc = getattr(self, funcname) lineFunc(renderer, gc, tpath, affine.frozen()) gc.restore() renderer.close_group('line2d') class UnimplementedException(Exception): pass from matplotlib.artist import Artist class AttributeCopier(object): def __init__(self, ref_artist, klass=Artist): self._klass = klass self._ref_artist = ref_artist super(AttributeCopier, self).__init__() def set_ref_artist(self, artist): self._ref_artist = artist def get_ref_artist(self): raise RuntimeError("get_ref_artist must overriden") #return self._ref_artist def get_attribute_from_ref_artist(self, attr_name, default_value): get_attr_method_name = "get_"+attr_name c = getattr(self._klass, get_attr_method_name)(self) if c == 'auto': ref_artist = self.get_ref_artist() if ref_artist: attr = getattr(ref_artist, get_attr_method_name)() return attr else: return default_value return c from matplotlib.lines import Line2D class Ticks(Line2D, AttributeCopier): """ Ticks are derived from Line2D, and note that ticks themselves are markers. Thus, you should use set_mec, set_mew, etc. To change the tick size (length), you need to use set_ticksize. To change the direction of the ticks (ticks are in opposite direction of ticklabels by default), use set_tick_out(False). """ def __init__(self, ticksize, tick_out=False, **kwargs): self._ticksize = ticksize self.locs_angles_labels = [] self.set_tick_out(tick_out) self._axis = kwargs.pop("axis", None) if self._axis is not None: if "color" not in kwargs: kwargs["color"] = "auto" if ("mew" not in kwargs) and ("markeredgewidth" not in kwargs): kwargs["markeredgewidth"] = "auto" Line2D.__init__(self, [0.], [0.], **kwargs) AttributeCopier.__init__(self, self._axis, klass=Line2D) self.set_snap(True) def get_ref_artist(self): #return self._ref_artist.get_ticklines()[0] return self._ref_artist.majorTicks[0].tick1line def get_color(self): return self.get_attribute_from_ref_artist("color", "k") def get_markeredgecolor(self): if self._markeredgecolor == 'auto': return self.get_color() else: return self._markeredgecolor def get_markeredgewidth(self): return self.get_attribute_from_ref_artist("markeredgewidth", .5) def set_tick_out(self, b): """ set True if tick need to be rotated by 180 degree. """ self._tick_out = b def get_tick_out(self): """ Return True if the tick will be rotated by 180 degree. """ return self._tick_out def set_ticksize(self, ticksize): """ set lenth of the ticks in points. """ self._ticksize = ticksize def get_ticksize(self): """ Return length of the ticks in points. """ return self._ticksize def set_locs_angles(self, locs_angles): self.locs_angles = locs_angles def _update(self, renderer): pass _tickvert_path = Path([[0., 0.], [1., 0.]]) def draw(self, renderer): if not self.get_visible(): return self._update(renderer) # update the tick size = self._ticksize path_trans = self.get_transform() # set gc : copied from lines.py # gc = renderer.new_gc() # self._set_gc_clip(gc) # gc.set_foreground(self.get_color()) # gc.set_antialiased(self._antialiased) # gc.set_linewidth(self._linewidth) # gc.set_alpha(self._alpha) # if self.is_dashed(): # cap = self._dashcapstyle # join = self._dashjoinstyle # else: # cap = self._solidcapstyle # join = self._solidjoinstyle # gc.set_joinstyle(join) # gc.set_capstyle(cap) # gc.set_snap(self.get_snap()) gc = renderer.new_gc() self._set_gc_clip(gc) gc.set_foreground(self.get_markeredgecolor()) gc.set_linewidth(self.get_markeredgewidth()) gc.set_alpha(self._alpha) offset = renderer.points_to_pixels(size) marker_scale = Affine2D().scale(offset, offset) if self.get_tick_out(): add_angle = 180 else: add_angle = 0 marker_rotation = Affine2D() marker_transform = marker_scale + marker_rotation for loc, angle in self.locs_angles: marker_rotation.rotate_deg(angle+add_angle) locs = path_trans.transform_non_affine(np.array([loc, loc])) renderer.draw_markers(gc, self._tickvert_path, marker_transform, Path(locs), path_trans.get_affine()) marker_rotation.clear() gc.restore() def test_ticks(): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(1) fig.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) ticks = Ticks(ticksize=10, axis=ax.xaxis) ax.add_artist(ticks) locs_angles = [((0.2, 0.), 90), ((0.4, 0.), 120)] ticks.set_locs_angles(locs_angles) plt.draw() class LabelBase(mtext.Text): """ A base class for AxisLabel and TickLabels. The position and angle of the text are calculated by to offset_ref_angle, text_ref_angle, and offset_radius attributes. """ def __init__(self, *kl, **kwargs): self.locs_angles_labels = [] self._ref_angle = 0 self._offset_radius = 0. super(LabelBase, self).__init__(*kl, **kwargs) self.set_rotation_mode("anchor") self._text_follow_ref_angle = True #self._offset_ref_angle = 0 def _set_ref_angle(self, a): self._ref_angle = a def _get_ref_angle(self): return self._ref_angle def _get_text_ref_angle(self): if self._text_follow_ref_angle: return self._get_ref_angle()+90 else: return 0 #self.get_ref_angle() def _get_offset_ref_angle(self): return self._get_ref_angle() def _set_offset_radius(self, offset_radius): self._offset_radius = offset_radius def _get_offset_radius(self): return self._offset_radius _get_opposite_direction = {"left":"right", "right":"left", "top":"bottom", "bottom":"top"}.__getitem__ def _update(self, renderer): pass def draw(self, renderer): if not self.get_visible(): return self._update(renderer) # save original and adjust some properties tr = self.get_transform() angle_orig = self.get_rotation() offset_tr = Affine2D() self.set_transform(tr+offset_tr) text_ref_angle = self._get_text_ref_angle() offset_ref_angle = self._get_offset_ref_angle() theta = (offset_ref_angle)/180.*np.pi dd = self._get_offset_radius() dx, dy = dd * np.cos(theta), dd * np.sin(theta) offset_tr.translate(dx, dy) self.set_rotation(text_ref_angle+angle_orig) super(LabelBase, self).draw(renderer) offset_tr.clear() # restore original properties self.set_transform(tr) self.set_rotation(angle_orig) def get_window_extent(self, renderer): self._update(renderer) # save original and adjust some properties tr = self.get_transform() angle_orig = self.get_rotation() offset_tr = Affine2D() self.set_transform(tr+offset_tr) text_ref_angle = self._get_text_ref_angle() offset_ref_angle = self._get_offset_ref_angle() theta = (offset_ref_angle)/180.*np.pi dd = self._get_offset_radius() dx, dy = dd * np.cos(theta), dd * np.sin(theta) offset_tr.translate(dx, dy) self.set_rotation(text_ref_angle+angle_orig) bbox = super(LabelBase, self).get_window_extent(renderer) offset_tr.clear() # restore original properties self.set_transform(tr) self.set_rotation(angle_orig) return bbox def test_labelbase(): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(1) fig.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot([0.5], [0.5], "o") label = LabelBase(0.5, 0.5, "Test") a = -90 label._set_ref_angle(a) label._set_offset_radius(offset_radius=50) label.set_rotation(-90) label.set(ha="center", va="top") ax.add_artist(label) plt.draw() class AxisLabel(LabelBase, AttributeCopier): """ Axis Label. Derived from Text. The position of the text is updated in the fly, so chaning text position has no effect. Otherwise, the properties can be changed as a normal Text. To change the pad between ticklabels and axis label, use set_pad. """ def __init__(self, *kl, **kwargs): axis_direction = kwargs.pop("axis_direction", "bottom") self._axis = kwargs.pop("axis", None) #super(AxisLabel, self).__init__(*kl, **kwargs) LabelBase.__init__(self, *kl, **kwargs) AttributeCopier.__init__(self, self._axis, klass=LabelBase) self.set_axis_direction(axis_direction) self._pad = 5 self._extra_pad = 0 def set_pad(self, pad): """ Set the pad in points. Note that the actual pad will be the sum of the internal pad and the external pad (that are set automatically by the AxisArtist), and it only set the internal pad """ self._pad = pad def get_pad(self): """ return pad in points. See set_pad for more details. """ return self._pad def _set_external_pad(self, p): """ Set external pad IN PIXELS. This is intended to be set by the AxisArtist, bot by user.. """ self._extra_pad = p def _get_external_pad(self): """ Get external pad. """ return self._extra_pad def get_ref_artist(self): return self._axis.get_label() def get_text(self): t = super(AxisLabel, self).get_text() if t == "__from_axes__": return self._axis.get_label().get_text() return self._text _default_alignments = dict(left=("bottom", "center"), right=("top", "center"), bottom=("top", "center"), top=("bottom", "center")) def set_default_alignment(self, d): if d not in ["left", "right", "top", "bottom"]: raise ValueError('direction must be on of "left", "right", "top", "bottom"') va, ha = self._default_alignments[d] self.set_va(va) self.set_ha(ha) _default_angles = dict(left=180, right=0, bottom=0, top=180) def set_default_angle(self, d): if d not in ["left", "right", "top", "bottom"]: raise ValueError('direction must be on of "left", "right", "top", "bottom"') self.set_rotation(self._default_angles[d]) def set_axis_direction(self, d): """ Adjust the text angle and text alignment of axis label according to the matplotlib convention. ===================== ========== ========= ========== ========== property left bottom right top ===================== ========== ========= ========== ========== axislabel angle 180 0 0 180 axislabel va center top center btoom axislabel ha right center right center ===================== ========== ========= ========== ========== Note that the text angles are actually relative to (90 + angle of the direction to the ticklabel), which gives 0 for bottom axis. """ if d not in ["left", "right", "top", "bottom"]: raise ValueError('direction must be on of "left", "right", "top", "bottom"') self.set_default_alignment(d) self.set_default_angle(d) def get_color(self): return self.get_attribute_from_ref_artist("color", "k") def draw(self, renderer): if not self.get_visible(): return pad = renderer.points_to_pixels(self.get_pad()) r = self._get_external_pad() + pad self._set_offset_radius(r) super(AxisLabel, self).draw(renderer) class TickLabels(AxisLabel, AttributeCopier): # mtext.Text """ Tick Labels. While derived from Text, this single artist draws all ticklabels. As in AxisLabel, the position of the text is updated in the fly, so changing text position has no effect. Otherwise, the properties can be changed as a normal Text. Unlike the ticklabels of the mainline matplotlib, properties of single ticklabel alone cannot modified. To change the pad between ticks and ticklabels, use set_pad. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): axis_direction = kwargs.pop("axis_direction", "bottom") AxisLabel.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.set_axis_direction(axis_direction) #self._axis_direction = axis_direction self._axislabel_pad = 0 #self._extra_pad = 0 # attribute copier def get_ref_artist(self): return self._axis.get_ticklabels()[0] def set_axis_direction(self, label_direction): """ Adjust the text angle and text alignment of ticklabels according to the matplotlib convention. The *label_direction* must be one of [left, right, bottom, top]. ===================== ========== ========= ========== ========== property left bottom right top ===================== ========== ========= ========== ========== ticklabels angle 90 0 -90 180 ticklabel va center baseline center baseline ticklabel ha right center right center ===================== ========== ========= ========== ========== Note that the text angles are actually relative to (90 + angle of the direction to the ticklabel), which gives 0 for bottom axis. """ if label_direction not in ["left", "right", "top", "bottom"]: raise ValueError('direction must be one of "left", "right", "top", "bottom"') self._axis_direction = label_direction self.set_default_alignment(label_direction) self.set_default_angle(label_direction) def invert_axis_direction(self): label_direction = self._get_opposite_direction(self._axis_direction) self.set_axis_direction(label_direction) def _get_ticklabels_offsets(self, renderer, label_direction): """ Calculates the offsets of the ticklabels from the tick and their total heights. The offset only takes account the offset due to the vertical alignment of the ticklabels, i.e.,if axis direction is bottom and va is ;top', it will return 0. if va is 'baseline', it will return (height-descent). """ whd_list = self.get_texts_widths_heights_descents(renderer) if not whd_list: return 0, 0 r = 0 va, ha = self.get_va(), self.get_ha() if label_direction == "left": pad = max([w for (w, h, d) in whd_list]) if ha == "left": r = pad elif ha == "center": r = .5 * pad elif label_direction == "right": pad = max([w for (w, h, d) in whd_list]) if ha == "right": r = pad elif ha == "center": r = .5 * pad elif label_direction == "bottom": pad = max([h for (w, h, d) in whd_list]) if va == "bottom": r = pad elif va == "center": r =.5 * pad elif va == "baseline": max_ascent = max([(h-d) for (w, h, d) in whd_list]) max_descent = max([d for (w, h, d) in whd_list]) r = max_ascent pad = max_ascent + max_descent elif label_direction == "top": pad = max([h for (w, h, d) in whd_list]) if va == "top": r = pad elif va == "center": r =.5 * pad elif va == "baseline": max_ascent = max([(h-d) for (w, h, d) in whd_list]) max_descent = max([d for (w, h, d) in whd_list]) r = max_descent pad = max_ascent + max_descent #tick_pad = renderer.points_to_pixels(self.get_pad()) # r : offset # pad : total height of the ticklabels. This will be used to # calculate the pad for the axislabel. return r, pad _default_alignments = dict(left=("center", "right"), right=("center", "left"), bottom=("baseline", "center"), top=("baseline", "center")) # set_default_alignments(self, d) _default_angles = dict(left=90, right=-90, bottom=0, top=180) def draw(self, renderer): if not self.get_visible(): self._axislabel_pad = self._get_external_pad() return r, total_width = self._get_ticklabels_offsets(renderer, self._axis_direction) #self._set_external_pad(r+self._get_external_pad()) pad = self._get_external_pad() + \ renderer.points_to_pixels(self.get_pad()) self._set_offset_radius(r+pad) #self._set_offset_radius(r) for (x, y), a, l in self._locs_angles_labels: if not l.strip(): continue self._set_ref_angle(a) #+ add_angle self.set_x(x) self.set_y(y) self.set_text(l) LabelBase.draw(self, renderer) self._axislabel_pad = total_width \ + pad # the value saved will be used to draw axislabel. def set_locs_angles_labels(self, locs_angles_labels): self._locs_angles_labels = locs_angles_labels def get_window_extents(self, renderer): bboxes = [] r, total_width = self._get_ticklabels_offsets(renderer, self._axis_direction) pad = self._get_external_pad() + \ renderer.points_to_pixels(self.get_pad()) self._set_offset_radius(r+pad) for (x, y), a, l in self._locs_angles_labels: self._set_ref_angle(a) #+ add_angle self.set_x(x) self.set_y(y) self.set_text(l) bb = LabelBase.get_window_extent(self, renderer) bboxes.append(bb) return bboxes def get_texts_widths_heights_descents(self, renderer): """ return a list of width, height, descent for ticklaels. """ whd_list = [] for (x, y), a, l in self._locs_angles_labels: if not l.strip(): continue clean_line, ismath = self.is_math_text(l) whd = renderer.get_text_width_height_descent( clean_line, self._fontproperties, ismath=ismath) whd_list.append(whd) return whd_list def test_ticklabels(): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(1) fig.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) ax.plot([0.2, 0.4], [0.5, 0.5], "o") ticks = Ticks(ticksize=10, axis=ax.xaxis) ax.add_artist(ticks) locs_angles_labels = [((0.2, 0.5), -90, "0.2"), ((0.4, 0.5), -120, "0.4")] tick_locs_angles = [(xy, a+180) for xy, a, l in locs_angles_labels] ticks.set_locs_angles(tick_locs_angles) ax.plot([0.5], [0.5], ",") axislabel = AxisLabel(0.5, 0.5, "Test") axislabel._set_offset_radius(20) axislabel._set_ref_angle(0) axislabel.set_axis_direction("bottom") #axislabel._text_follow_ref_angle = True #axislabel.set(va="center", ha="right") ax.add_artist(axislabel) if 1: ticklabels = TickLabels(axis_direction="left") ticklabels._locs_angles_labels = locs_angles_labels #ticklabels.set_rotation(90) ticklabels.set_pad(10) ax.add_artist(ticklabels) ax.set_xlim(0, 1); ax.set_ylim(0, 1) plt.draw() class GridlinesCollection(LineCollection): def __init__(self, *kl, **kwargs): super(GridlinesCollection, self).__init__(*kl, **kwargs) self.set_grid_helper(None) def set_grid_helper(self, grid_helper): self._grid_helper = grid_helper def draw(self, renderer): if self._grid_helper is not None: self._grid_helper.update_lim(self.axes) gl = self._grid_helper.get_gridlines() if gl: self.set_segments([np.transpose(l) for l in gl]) else: self.set_segments([]) super(GridlinesCollection, self).draw(renderer) class AxisArtist(martist.Artist): """ An artist which draws axis (a line along which the n-th axes coord is constant) line, ticks, ticklabels, and axis label. """ ZORDER=2.5 # LABELPAD : as property def _set_labelpad(self, v): return self.label.set_pad(v) def _get_labelpad(self): return self.label.get_pad() LABELPAD = property(_get_labelpad, _set_labelpad) def __init__(self, axes, helper, offset=None, axis_direction="bottom", **kw): """ *axes* : axes *helper* : an AxisArtistHelper instance. """ #axes is also used to follow the axis attribute (tick color, etc). super(AxisArtist, self).__init__(**kw) self.axes = axes self._axis_artist_helper = helper if offset is None: offset = (0, 0) self.dpi_transform = Affine2D() self.offset_transform = ScaledTranslation(offset[0], offset[1], self.dpi_transform) self._label_visible = True self._majortick_visible = True self._majorticklabel_visible = True self._minortick_visible = True self._minorticklabel_visible = True #if self._axis_artist_helper._loc in ["left", "right"]: if axis_direction in ["left", "right"]: axis_name = "ytick" self.axis = axes.yaxis else: axis_name = "xtick" self.axis = axes.xaxis self._axisline_style = None self._axis_direction = axis_direction self._init_line() self._init_ticks(axis_name, **kw) self._init_offsetText(axis_direction) self._init_label() self.set_zorder(self.ZORDER) self._rotate_label_along_line = False # axis direction self._tick_add_angle = 180. self._ticklabel_add_angle = 0. self._axislabel_add_angle = 0. self.set_axis_direction(axis_direction) # axis direction def set_axis_direction(self, axis_direction): """ Adjust the direction, text angle, text alignment of ticklabels, labels following the matplotlib convention for the rectangle axes. The *axis_direction* must be one of [left, right, bottom, top]. ===================== ========== ========= ========== ========== property left bottom right top ===================== ========== ========= ========== ========== ticklabels location "-" "+" "+" "-" axislabel location "-" "+" "+" "-" ticklabels angle 90 0 -90 180 ticklabel va center baseline center baseline ticklabel ha right center right center axislabel angle 180 0 0 180 axislabel va center top center btoom axislabel ha right center right center ===================== ========== ========= ========== ========== Note that the direction "+" and "-" are relative to the direction of the increasing coordinate. Also, the text angles are actually relative to (90 + angle of the direction to the ticklabel), which gives 0 for bottom axis. """ if axis_direction not in ["left", "right", "top", "bottom"]: raise ValueError('direction must be on of "left", "right", "top", "bottom"') self._axis_direction = axis_direction if axis_direction in ["left", "top"]: #self._set_tick_direction("+") self.set_ticklabel_direction("-") self.set_axislabel_direction("-") else: #self._set_tick_direction("-") self.set_ticklabel_direction("+") self.set_axislabel_direction("+") self.major_ticklabels.set_axis_direction(axis_direction) self.label.set_axis_direction(axis_direction) # def _set_tick_direction(self, d): # if d not in ["+", "-"]: # raise ValueError('direction must be on of "in", "out"') # if d == "+": # self._tick_add_angle = 0 #get_helper()._extremes=0, 10 # else: # self._tick_add_angle = 180 #get_helper()._extremes=0, 10 def set_ticklabel_direction(self, tick_direction): """ Adjust the direction of the ticklabel. ACCEPTS: [ "+" | "-" ] Note that the label_direction '+' and '-' are relative to the direction of the increasing coordinate. """ if tick_direction not in ["+", "-"]: raise ValueError('direction must be one of "+", "-"') if tick_direction == "-": self._ticklabel_add_angle = 180 else: self._ticklabel_add_angle = 0 def invert_ticklabel_direction(self): self._ticklabel_add_angle = (self._ticklabel_add_angle + 180) % 360 self.major_ticklabels.invert_axis_direction() self.minor_ticklabels.invert_axis_direction() # def invert_ticks_direction(self): # self.major_ticks.set_tick_out(not self.major_ticks.get_tick_out()) # self.minor_ticks.set_tick_out(not self.minor_ticks.get_tick_out()) def set_axislabel_direction(self, label_direction): """ Adjust the direction of the axislabel. ACCEPTS: [ "+" | "-" ] Note that the label_direction '+' and '-' are relative to the direction of the increasing coordinate. """ if label_direction not in ["+", "-"]: raise ValueError('direction must be one of "+", "-"') if label_direction == "-": self._axislabel_add_angle = 180 else: self._axislabel_add_angle = 0 def get_transform(self): return self.axes.transAxes + self.offset_transform def get_helper(self): """ Return axis artist helper instance. """ return self._axis_artist_helper def set_axisline_style(self, axisline_style=None, **kw): """ Set the axisline style. *axisline_style* can be a string with axisline style name with optional comma-separated attributes. Alternatively, the attrs can be provided as keywords. set_arrowstyle("->,size=1.5") set_arrowstyle("->", size=1.5) Old attrs simply are forgotten. Without argument (or with arrowstyle=None), return available styles as a list of strings. """ if axisline_style==None: return AxislineStyle.pprint_styles() if isinstance(axisline_style, AxislineStyle._Base): self._axisline_style = axisline_style else: self._axisline_style = AxislineStyle(axisline_style, **kw) self._init_line() def get_axisline_style(self): """ return the current axisline style. """ return self._axisline_style def _init_line(self): """ Initialize the *line* artist that is responsible to draw the axis line. """ tran = self._axis_artist_helper.get_line_transform(self.axes) \ + self.offset_transform axisline_style = self.get_axisline_style() if axisline_style is None: self.line = BezierPath(self._axis_artist_helper.get_line(self.axes), color=rcParams['axes.edgecolor'], linewidth=rcParams['axes.linewidth'], transform=tran) else: self.line = axisline_style(self, transform=tran) def _draw_line(self, renderer): self.line.set_path(self._axis_artist_helper.get_line(self.axes)) if self.get_axisline_style() is not None: self.line.set_line_mutation_scale(self.major_ticklabels.get_size()) self.line.draw(renderer) def _init_ticks(self, axis_name, **kw): trans=self._axis_artist_helper.get_tick_transform(self.axes) \ + self.offset_transform major_tick_size = kw.get("major_tick_size", rcParams['%s.major.size'%axis_name]) major_tick_pad = kw.get("major_tick_pad", rcParams['%s.major.pad'%axis_name]) minor_tick_size = kw.get("minor_tick_size", rcParams['%s.minor.size'%axis_name]) minor_tick_pad = kw.get("minor_tick_pad", rcParams['%s.minor.pad'%axis_name]) self.major_ticks = Ticks(major_tick_size, axis=self.axis, transform=trans) self.minor_ticks = Ticks(minor_tick_size, axis=self.axis, transform=trans) if axis_name == "xaxis": size = rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] else: size = rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] fontprops = font_manager.FontProperties(size=size) self.major_ticklabels = TickLabels(size=size, axis=self.axis, axis_direction=self._axis_direction) self.minor_ticklabels = TickLabels(size=size, axis=self.axis, axis_direction=self._axis_direction) self.major_ticklabels.set(figure = self.axes.figure, transform=trans, fontproperties=fontprops) self.major_ticklabels.set_pad(major_tick_pad) self.minor_ticklabels.set(figure = self.axes.figure, transform=trans, fontproperties=fontprops) self.minor_ticklabels.set_pad(minor_tick_pad) def _get_tick_info(self, tick_iter): """ return ticks_loc_angle, ticklabels_loc_angle_label ticks_loc_angle : list of locs and angles for ticks ticklabels_loc_angle_label : list of locs, angles and labels for tickslabels """ ticks_loc_angle = [] ticklabels_loc_angle_label = [] tick_add_angle = self._tick_add_angle ticklabel_add_angle = self._ticklabel_add_angle for loc, angle_normal, angle_tangent, label in tick_iter: angle_label = angle_tangent - 90 angle_label += ticklabel_add_angle if np.cos((angle_label - angle_normal)/180.*np.pi) < 0.: angle_tick = angle_normal else: angle_tick = angle_normal + 180 ticks_loc_angle.append([loc, angle_tick]) ticklabels_loc_angle_label.append([loc, angle_label, label]) return ticks_loc_angle, ticklabels_loc_angle_label def _draw_ticks(self, renderer): # set extra pad for major and minor ticklabels: # use ticksize of majorticks even for minor ticks. not clear what is best. dpi_cor = renderer.points_to_pixels(1.) if self.major_ticks.get_visible() and self.major_ticks.get_tick_out(): self.major_ticklabels._set_external_pad(self.major_ticks._ticksize*dpi_cor) self.minor_ticklabels._set_external_pad(self.major_ticks._ticksize*dpi_cor) else: self.major_ticklabels._set_external_pad(0) self.minor_ticklabels._set_external_pad(0) majortick_iter, minortick_iter = \ self._axis_artist_helper.get_tick_iterators(self.axes) tick_loc_angle, ticklabel_loc_angle_label \ = self._get_tick_info(majortick_iter) self.major_ticks.set_locs_angles(tick_loc_angle) self.major_ticklabels.set_locs_angles_labels(ticklabel_loc_angle_label) self.major_ticks.draw(renderer) self.major_ticklabels.draw(renderer) # minor ticks tick_loc_angle, ticklabel_loc_angle_label \ = self._get_tick_info(minortick_iter) self.minor_ticks.set_locs_angles(tick_loc_angle) self.minor_ticklabels.set_locs_angles_labels(ticklabel_loc_angle_label) self.minor_ticks.draw(renderer) self.minor_ticklabels.draw(renderer) if (self.major_ticklabels.get_visible() or self.minor_ticklabels.get_visible()): self._draw_offsetText(renderer) return self.major_ticklabels.get_window_extents(renderer) _offsetText_pos = dict(left=(0, 1, "bottom", "right"), right=(1, 1, "bottom", "left"), bottom=(1, 0, "top", "right"), top=(1, 1, "bottom", "right")) def _init_offsetText(self, direction): x,y,va,ha = self._offsetText_pos[direction] self.offsetText = mtext.Annotation("", xy=(x,y), xycoords="axes fraction", xytext=(0,0), textcoords="offset points", #fontproperties = fp, color = rcParams['xtick.color'], verticalalignment=va, horizontalalignment=ha, ) self.offsetText.set_transform(IdentityTransform()) self.axes._set_artist_props(self.offsetText) def _update_offsetText(self): self.offsetText.set_text( self.axis.major.formatter.get_offset() ) self.offsetText.set_size(self.major_ticklabels.get_size()) offset = self.major_ticklabels.get_pad() + self.major_ticklabels.get_size() + 2. self.offsetText.xytext= (0, offset) def _draw_offsetText(self, renderer): self._update_offsetText() self.offsetText.draw(renderer) def _init_label(self, **kw): # x in axes coords, y in display coords (to be updated at draw # time by _update_label_positions) labelsize = kw.get("labelsize", rcParams['axes.labelsize']) #labelcolor = kw.get("labelcolor", # rcParams['axes.labelcolor']) fontprops = font_manager.FontProperties(size=labelsize) textprops = dict(fontproperties = fontprops) #color = labelcolor) tr = self._axis_artist_helper.get_axislabel_transform(self.axes) \ + self.offset_transform self.label = AxisLabel(0, 0, "__from_axes__", color = "auto", #rcParams['axes.labelcolor'], fontproperties=fontprops, axis=self.axis, transform=tr, axis_direction=self._axis_direction, ) self.label.set_figure(self.axes.figure) labelpad = kw.get("labelpad", 5) self.label.set_pad(labelpad) def _draw_label(self, renderer): if not self.label.get_visible(): return fontprops = font_manager.FontProperties(size=rcParams['axes.labelsize']) #pad_points = self.major_tick_pad #print self._ticklabel_add_angle - self._axislabel_add_angle #if abs(self._ticklabel_add_angle - self._axislabel_add_angle)%360 > 90: if self._ticklabel_add_angle != self._axislabel_add_angle: if (self.major_ticks.get_visible() and not self.major_ticks.get_tick_out()) \ or \ (self.minor_ticks.get_visible() and not self.major_ticks.get_tick_out()): axislabel_pad = self.major_ticks._ticksize else: axislabel_pad = 0 else: axislabel_pad = max([self.major_ticklabels._axislabel_pad, self.minor_ticklabels._axislabel_pad]) #label_offset = axislabel_pad + self.LABELPAD #self.label._set_offset_radius(label_offset) self.label._set_external_pad(axislabel_pad) xy, angle_tangent = self._axis_artist_helper.get_axislabel_pos_angle(self.axes) if xy is None: return angle_label = angle_tangent - 90 x, y = xy self.label._set_ref_angle(angle_label+self._axislabel_add_angle) self.label.set(x=x, y=y) self.label.draw(renderer) def set_label(self, s): self.label.set_text(s) @allow_rasterization def draw(self, renderer): 'Draw the axis lines, tick lines and labels' if not self.get_visible(): return renderer.open_group(__name__) self._axis_artist_helper.update_lim(self.axes) dpi_cor = renderer.points_to_pixels(1.) self.dpi_transform.clear().scale(dpi_cor, dpi_cor) self._draw_line(renderer) self._draw_ticks(renderer) #self._draw_offsetText(renderer) self._draw_label(renderer) renderer.close_group(__name__) #def get_ticklabel_extents(self, renderer): # pass def toggle(self, all=None, ticks=None, ticklabels=None, label=None): """ Toggle visibility of ticks, ticklabels, and (axis) label. To turn all off, :: axis.toggle(all=False) To turn all off but ticks on :: axis.toggle(all=False, ticks=True) To turn all on but (axis) label off :: axis.toggle(all=True, label=False)) """ if all: _ticks, _ticklabels, _label = True, True, True elif all is not None: _ticks, _ticklabels, _label = False, False, False else: _ticks, _ticklabels, _label = None, None, None if ticks is not None: _ticks = ticks if ticklabels is not None: _ticklabels = ticklabels if label is not None: _label = label if _ticks is not None: self.major_ticks.set_visible(_ticks) self.minor_ticks.set_visible(_ticks) if _ticklabels is not None: self.major_ticklabels.set_visible(_ticklabels) self.minor_ticklabels.set_visible(_ticklabels) if _label is not None: self.label.set_visible(_label) def test_axis_artist(): global axisline #self._axislines[loc] = new_fixed_axis(loc=loc, axes=axes) from mpl_toolkits.axisartist import AxisArtistHelperRectlinear fig = plt.figure(1) fig.clf() ax=fig.add_subplot(111) ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) if 1: _helper = AxisArtistHelperRectlinear.Fixed(ax, loc="left") axisline = AxisArtist(ax, _helper, offset=None, axis_direction="left") ax.add_artist(axisline) _helper = AxisArtistHelperRectlinear.Fixed(ax, loc="right") axisline = AxisArtist(ax, _helper, offset=None, axis_direction="right") ax.add_artist(axisline) _helper = AxisArtistHelperRectlinear.Fixed(ax, loc="bottom") axisline = AxisArtist(ax, _helper, offset=None, axis_direction="bottom") axisline.set_label("TTT") #axisline.label.set_visible(False) ax.add_artist(axisline) #axisline.major_ticklabels.set_axis_direction("bottom") axisline.major_ticks.set_tick_out(False) ax.set_ylabel("Test") axisline.label.set_pad(5) plt.draw() def test_axis_artist2(): global axisline #self._axislines[loc] = new_fixed_axis(loc=loc, axes=axes) from mpl_toolkits.axislines import AxisArtistHelperRectlinear fig = plt.figure(1) fig.clf() ax=fig.add_subplot(111) ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) _helper = AxisArtistHelperRectlinear.Fixed(ax, loc="bottom") axisline = AxisArtist(ax, _helper, offset=None, axis_direction="bottom") axisline.set_label("TTT") ax.add_artist(axisline) #axisline.major_ticklabels.set_axis_direction("bottom") axisline.major_ticks.set_tick_out(False) ax.set_ylabel("Test") plt.draw() if __name__ == "__main__": #test_labelbase() #test_ticklabels() test_axis_artist() #test_axis_artist2() # DONE # *. ticks, ticklabels, axislabels # *. workon axisartist # TODO