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Generating SQL Scripts (a.k.a. "Offline Mode") ============================================== A major capability of Alembic is to generate migrations as SQL scripts, instead of running them against the database - this is also referred to as *offline mode*. This is a critical feature when working in large organizations where access to DDL is restricted, and SQL scripts must be handed off to DBAs. Alembic makes this easy via the ``--sql`` option passed to any ``upgrade`` or ``downgrade`` command. We can, for example, generate a script that revises up to rev ``ae1027a6acf``:: $ alembic upgrade ae1027a6acf --sql INFO [alembic.context] Context class PostgresqlContext. INFO [alembic.context] Will assume transactional DDL. BEGIN; CREATE TABLE alembic_version ( version_num VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL ); INFO [alembic.context] Running upgrade None -> 1975ea83b712 CREATE TABLE account ( id SERIAL NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, description VARCHAR(200), PRIMARY KEY (id) ); INFO [alembic.context] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf ALTER TABLE account ADD COLUMN last_transaction_date TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE; INSERT INTO alembic_version (version_num) VALUES ('ae1027a6acf'); COMMIT; While the logging configuration dumped to standard error, the actual script was dumped to standard output - so in the absence of further configuration (described later in this section), we'd at first be using output redirection to generate a script:: $ alembic upgrade ae1027a6acf --sql > migration.sql Getting the Start Version -------------------------- Notice that our migration script started at the base - this is the default when using offline mode, as no database connection is present and there's no ``alembic_version`` table to read from. One way to provide a starting version in offline mode is to provide a range to the command line. This is accomplished by providing the "version" in ``start:end`` syntax:: $ alembic upgrade 1975ea83b712:ae1027a6acf --sql > migration.sql The ``start:end`` syntax is only allowed in offline mode; in "online" mode, the ``alembic_version`` table is always used to get at the current version. It's also possible to have the ``env.py`` script retrieve the "last" version from the local environment, such as from a local file. A scheme like this would basically treat a local file in the same way ``alembic_version`` works:: if context.is_offline_mode(): version_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(config.config_file_name), "version.txt") if os.path.exists(version_file): current_version = open(version_file).read() else: current_version = None context.configure(dialect_name=engine.name, starting_rev=current_version) context.run_migrations() end_version = context.get_revision_argument() if end_version and end_version != current_version: open(version_file, 'w').write(end_version) Writing Migration Scripts to Support Script Generation ------------------------------------------------------ The challenge of SQL script generation is that the scripts we generate can't rely upon any client/server database access. This means a migration script that pulls some rows into memory via a ``SELECT`` statement will not work in ``--sql`` mode. It's also important that the Alembic directives, all of which are designed specifically to work in both "live execution" as well as "offline SQL generation" mode, are used. Customizing the Environment --------------------------- Users of the ``--sql`` option are encouraged to hack their ``env.py`` files to suit their needs. The ``env.py`` script as provided is broken into two sections: ``run_migrations_online()`` and ``run_migrations_offline()``. Which function is run is determined at the bottom of the script by reading :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.is_offline_mode`, which basically determines if the ``--sql`` flag was enabled. For example, a multiple database configuration may want to run through each database and set the output of the migrations to different named files - the :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.configure` function accepts a parameter ``output_buffer`` for this purpose. Below we illustrate this within the ``run_migrations_offline()`` function:: from alembic import context import myapp import sys db_1 = myapp.db_1 db_2 = myapp.db_2 def run_migrations_offline(): """Run migrations *without* a SQL connection.""" for name, engine, file_ in [ ("db1", db_1, "db1.sql"), ("db2", db_2, "db2.sql"), ]: context.configure( url=engine.url, transactional_ddl=False, output_buffer=open(file_, 'w')) context.execute("-- running migrations for '%s'" % name) context.run_migrations(name=name) sys.stderr.write("Wrote file '%s'" % file_) def run_migrations_online(): """Run migrations *with* a SQL connection.""" for name, engine in [ ("db1", db_1), ("db2", db_2), ]: connection = engine.connect() context.configure(connection=connection) try: context.run_migrations(name=name) session.commit() except: session.rollback() raise if context.is_offline_mode(): run_migrations_offline() else: run_migrations_online()