Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
.. _Controlling files in the distribution: Controlling files in the distribution ===================================== For the most common use cases, ``setuptools`` will automatically find out which files are necessary for distributing the package. These include all :term:`pure Python modules <Pure Module>` in the ``py_modules`` or ``packages`` configuration, and the C sources (but not C headers) listed as part of extensions when creating a :term:`source distribution (or "sdist")`. However, when building more complex packages (e.g. packages that include non-Python files, or that need to use custom C headers), you might find that not all files present in your project folder are included in package :term:`distribution archive <Distribution Package>`. If you are using a :wiki:`Revision Control System`, such as git_ or mercurial_, and your source distributions only need to include files that you're tracking in revision control, you can use a ``setuptools`` :ref:`plugin <Adding Support for Revision Control Systems>`, such as :pypi:`setuptools-scm` or :pypi:`setuptools-svn` to automatically include all tracked files into the ``sdist``. .. _Using MANIFEST.in: Alternatively, if you need finer control over the files (e.g. you don't want to distribute :wiki:`CI/CD`-related files) or you need automatically generated files, you can add a ``MANIFEST.in`` file at the root of your project, to specify any files that the default file location algorithm doesn't catch. This file contains instructions that tell ``setuptools`` which files exactly should be part of the ``sdist`` (or not). A comprehensive guide to ``MANIFEST.in`` syntax is available at the :doc:`PyPA's Packaging User Guide <PyPUG:guides/using-manifest-in>`. .. attention:: Please note that ``setuptools`` supports the ``MANIFEST.in``, and not ``MANIFEST`` (no extension). Any documentation, tutorial or example that recommends using ``MANIFEST`` (no extension) is likely outdated. .. tip:: The ``MANIFEST.in`` file contains commands that allow you to discover and manipulate lists of files. There are many commands that can be used with different objectives, but you should try to not make your ``MANIFEST.in`` file too fine grained. A good idea is to start with a ``graft`` command (to add all files inside a set of directories) and then fine tune the file selection by removing the excess or adding isolated files. An example of ``MANIFEST.in`` for a simple project that organized according to a :ref:`src-layout` is: .. code-block:: bash # MANIFEST.in -- just for illustration graft src graft tests graft docs # `-> adds all files inside a directory include tox.ini # `-> matches file paths relative to the root of the project global-exclude *~ *.py[cod] *.so # `-> matches file names (regardless of directory) Once the correct files are present in the ``sdist``, they can then be used by binary extensions during the build process, or included in the final :term:`wheel <Wheel>` [#build-process]_ if you configure ``setuptools`` with ``include_package_data=True``. .. important:: Please note that, when using ``include_package_data=True``, only files **inside the package directory** are included in the final ``wheel``, by default. So for example, if you create a :term:`Python project <Project>` that uses :pypi:`setuptools-scm` and have a ``tests`` directory outside of the package folder, the ``tests`` directory will be present in the ``sdist`` but not in the ``wheel`` [#wheel-vs-sdist]_. See :doc:`/userguide/datafiles` for more information. ---- .. [#build-process] You can think about the build process as two stages: first the ``sdist`` will be created and then the ``wheel`` will be produced from that ``sdist``. .. [#wheel-vs-sdist] This happens because the ``sdist`` can contain files that are useful during development or the build process itself, but not in runtime (e.g. tests, docs, examples, etc...). The ``wheel``, on the other hand, is a file format that has been optimized and is ready to be unpacked into a running installation of Python or :term:`Virtual Environment`. Therefore it only contains items that are required during runtime. .. _git: https://git-scm.com .. _mercurial: https://www.mercurial-scm.org