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package CPAN::Changes::Group; use strict; use warnings; use Text::Wrap (); sub new { my $class = shift; return bless { changes => [], @_, }, $class; } # Intentionally read only # to prevent hash key and name being out of sync. sub name { my $self = shift; if ( not exists $self->{ name } ) { $self->{ name } = q[]; } return $self->{ name }; } sub changes { my $self = shift; return $self->{ changes }; } sub add_changes { my $self = shift; push @{ $self->{ changes } }, @_; } sub set_changes { my $self = shift; $self->{ changes } = \@_; } sub clear_changes { my $self = shift; $self->{ changes } = []; } sub is_empty { my $self = shift; return !@{ $self->changes }; } sub serialize { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my $output = ''; my $name = $self->name; $output .= sprintf " [%s]\n", $name if length $name; # change logs commonly have long URLs we shouldn't break, and by default # Text::Wrap wraps on NONBREAKING SPACE. local $Text::Wrap::break = '[\t ]'; local $Text::Wrap::huge = 'overflow'; $output .= Text::Wrap::wrap( ' - ', ' ', $_ ) . "\n" for @{ $self->changes }; return $output; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME CPAN::Changes::Group - A group of related change information within a release =head1 SYNOPSIS my $rel = CPAN::Changes::Release->new( version => '0.01', date => '2009-07-06', ); my $grp = CPAN::Changes::Group->new( name => 'BugFixes', ); $grp->add_changes( 'Return a Foo object instead of a Bar object in foobar()' ); $rel->attach_group( $grp ); # clobbers existing group if present. =head1 DESCRIPTION A release is made up of several groups. This object provides access to all of the key data that embodies a such a group. For instance: 0.27 2013-12-13 - Foo [ Spec Changes ] - Bar Here, there are two groups, the second one, C< Spec Changes > and the first with the empty label C<q[]>. =head1 METHODS =head2 new( %args ) Creates a new group object, using C<%args> as the default data. Group->new( name => 'Some Group Name', changes => [ ], ); =head2 name() Returns the name of the group itself. =head2 changes( [ $group ] ) Gets the list of changes for this group as an arrayref of changes. =head2 add_changes( @changes ) Appends a list of changes to the group. $group->add_changes( 'Added foo() function' ); =head2 set_changes( @changes ) Replaces the existing list of changes with the supplied values. =head2 clear_changes( ) Clears all changes from the group. =head2 groups( sort => \&sorting_function ) Returns a list of current groups in this release. =head2 is_empty() Returns whether or not the given group has changes. =head2 serialize() Returns the group data as a string, suitable for inclusion in a Changes file. =head1 SEE ALSO =over 4 =item * L<CPAN::Changes::Release> =item * L<CPAN::Changes::Spec> =item * L<CPAN::Changes> =item * L<Test::CPAN::Changes> =back =head1 AUTHOR Brian Cassidy E<lt>bricas@cpan.orgE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2011-2013 by Brian Cassidy This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut