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package CPAN::Changes::Release; use strict; use warnings; use Text::Wrap (); use CPAN::Changes::Group; use Scalar::Util qw(blessed); sub new { my $class = shift; return bless { changes => {}, @_, }, $class; } sub version { my $self = shift; if ( @_ ) { $self->{ version } = shift; } return $self->{ version }; } sub date { my $self = shift; if ( @_ ) { $self->{ date } = shift; } return $self->{ date }; } sub note { my $self = shift; if ( @_ ) { $self->{ note } = shift; } return $self->{ note }; } sub changes { my $self = shift; if ( @_ ) { my $group = shift; return unless exists $self->{ changes }->{ $group }; return $self->{ changes }->{ $group }->changes; } return { map { $_ => $self->{ changes }->{$_}->changes } keys %{ $self->{ changes } } }; } sub add_changes { my $self = shift; my $group = ''; if ( ref $_[ 0 ] ) { $group = shift->{ group }; } $self->get_group( $group )->add_changes( @_ ); } sub set_changes { my $self = shift; my $group = ''; if ( ref $_[ 0 ] ) { $group = shift->{ group }; } $self->get_group( $group )->set_changes(@_); } sub clear_changes { my $self = shift; $self->{ changes } = {}; } sub groups { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; $args{ sort } ||= sub { sort @_ }; return $args{ sort }->( keys %{ $self->{ changes } } ); } sub get_group { my $self = shift; my $group = ''; if ( $_[ 0 ] ) { $group = shift; } if ( !exists $self->{ changes }->{ $group } ) { $self->{ changes }->{ $group } = CPAN::Changes::Group->new( name => $group ); } if ( not blessed $self->{changes}->{$group} ) { $self->{ changes }->{ $group } = CPAN::Changes::Group->new( name => $group , changes => $self->{changes}->{$group} ); } return $self->{ changes }->{ $group }; } sub attach_group { my $self = shift; my $group = shift; die "Not a group" unless blessed $group; my $name = $group->name; $self->{changes}->{$name} = $group; } sub group_values { my $self = shift; return map { $self->get_group( $_ ) } $self->groups( @_ ); } sub add_group { my $self = shift; $self->{ changes }->{ $_ } = CPAN::Changes::Group->new( name => $_ ) for @_; } sub delete_group { my $self = shift; my @groups = @_; @groups = ( '' ) unless @groups; delete $self->{ changes }->{ $_ } for @groups; } sub delete_empty_groups { my $self = shift; $self->delete_group($_->name) for grep { $_->is_empty } $self->group_values; } sub serialize { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my $output = join( ' ', grep { defined && length } ( $self->version, $self->date, $self->note ) ) . "\n"; $output .= join "\n", map { $_->serialize } $self->group_values( sort => $args{ group_sort } ); $output .= "\n"; return $output; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME CPAN::Changes::Release - Information about a particular release =head1 SYNOPSIS my $rel = CPAN::Changes::Release->new( version => '0.01', date => '2009-07-06', ); $rel->add_changes( { group => 'THINGS THAT MAY BREAK YOUR CODE' }, 'Return a Foo object instead of a Bar object in foobar()' ); =head1 DESCRIPTION A changelog is made up of one or more releases. This object provides access to all of the key data that embodies a release including the version number, date of release, and all of the changelog information lines. Any number of changelog lines can be grouped together under a heading. =head1 METHODS =head2 new( %args ) Creates a new release object, using C<%args> as the default data. =head2 version( [ $version ] ) Gets/sets the version number for this release. =head2 date( [ $date ] ) Gets/sets the date for this release. =head2 note( [ $note ] ) Gets/sets the note for this release. =head2 changes( [ $group ] ) Gets the list of changes for this release as a hashref of group/changes pairs. If a group name is specified, an array ref of changes for that group is returned. Should that group not exist, undef is returned. =head2 add_changes( [ \%options ], @changes ) Appends a list of changes to the release. Specifying a C<group> option appends them to that particular group. NB: the default group is represented by and empty string. # Append to default group $release->add_changes( 'Added foo() function' ); # Append to a particular group $release->add_changes( { group => 'Fixes' }, 'Fixed foo() function' ); =head2 set_changes( [ \%options ], @changes ) Replaces the existing list of changes with the supplied values. Specifying a C<group> option will only replace change items in that group. =head2 clear_changes( ) Clears all changes from the release. =head2 groups( sort => \&sorting_function ) Returns a list of current groups in this release. If I<sort> is provided, groups are sorted according to the given function. If not, they are sorted alphabetically. =head2 add_group( @groups ) Creates an empty group under the names provided. =head2 delete_group( @groups ) Deletes the groups of changes specified. =head2 delete_empty_groups( ) Deletes all groups that don't contain any changes. =head2 serialize( group_sort => \&sorting_function ) Returns the release data as a string, suitable for inclusion in a Changes file. If I<group_sort> is provided, change groups are sorted according to the given function. If not, groups are sorted alphabetically. =head2 get_group( [ $name ] ) Returns the internal L<CPAN::Changes::Group> object for the group C<$name>. If C<$name> is not specified, the C<default> group C<('')> will be returned. If C<$name> does not exist, a L<CPAN::Changes::Group> object will be created, and returned. =head2 attach_group( $group_object ) Attach a L<CPAN::Changes::Group> object to the C<::Release>. Note that the name is B<not> specified, as it is instead determined from C<< $group_object->name >> =head2 group_values( sort => \&sorting_function ) Works like L</groups> but instead returns C<CPAN::Changes::Group> compatible objects. =head1 SEE ALSO =over 4 =item * L<CPAN::Changes::Spec> =item * L<CPAN::Changes> =item * L<Test::CPAN::Changes> =back =head1 AUTHOR Brian Cassidy E<lt>bricas@cpan.orgE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2011-2013 by Brian Cassidy This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut