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package Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines; use 5.006001; use strict; use warnings; use English qw< $EVAL_ERROR -no_match_vars >; use List::MoreUtils qw(any); use Readonly; use Perl::Critic::Utils qw{ :characters hashify is_function_call is_method_call :severities $EMPTY $TRUE }; use base 'Perl::Critic::Policy'; our $VERSION = '1.140'; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Readonly::Scalar my $DESC => q{Private subroutine/method '%s' declared but not used}; Readonly::Scalar my $EXPL => q{Eliminate dead code}; Readonly::Hash my %IS_COMMA => hashify( $COMMA, $FATCOMMA ); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub supported_parameters { return ( { name => 'private_name_regex', description => 'Pattern that determines what a private subroutine is.', default_string => '\b_\w+\b', ## no critic (RequireInterpolationOfMetachars) behavior => 'string', parser => \&_parse_regex_parameter, }, { name => 'allow', description => q<Subroutines matching the private name regex to allow under this policy.>, default_string => $EMPTY, behavior => 'string list', }, { name => 'skip_when_using', description => q<Modules that, if used within a file, will cause the policy to be disabled for this file>, default_string => $EMPTY, behavior => 'string list', }, { name => 'allow_name_regex', description => q<Pattern defining private subroutine names that are always allowed>, default_string => $EMPTY, behavior => 'string', parser => \&_parse_regex_parameter, }, ); } sub default_severity { return $SEVERITY_MEDIUM } sub default_themes { return qw( core maintenance certrec ) } sub applies_to { return 'PPI::Statement::Sub' } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _parse_regex_parameter { my ($self, $parameter, $config_string) = @_; defined $config_string or $config_string = $parameter->get_default_string(); my $regex; eval { $regex = qr/$config_string/; 1 } ## no critic (RegularExpressions) or $self->throw_parameter_value_exception( $parameter, $config_string, undef, "is not a valid regular expression: $EVAL_ERROR", ); $self->__set_parameter_value($parameter, $regex); return; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub violates { my ( $self, $elem, $document ) = @_; my @skip_modules = keys %{ $self->{_skip_when_using} }; return if any { $document->uses_module($_) } @skip_modules; # Not interested in forward declarations, only the real thing. $elem->forward() and return; # Not interested in subs without names. my $name = $elem->name() or return; # If the sub is shoved into someone else's name space, we wimp out. $name =~ m/ :: /smx and return; # If the name is explicitly allowed, we just return (OK). $self->{_allow}{$name} and return; # Allow names that match the 'allow_name_regex' pattern. if ($self->{_allow_name_regex}) { $name =~ m/ \A $self->{_allow_name_regex} \z /smx and return; } # If the name is not an anonymous subroutine according to our definition, # we just return (OK). $name =~ m/ \A $self->{_private_name_regex} \z /smx or return; # If the subroutine is called in the document, just return (OK). $self->_find_sub_call_in_document( $elem, $document ) and return; # If the subroutine is referred to in the document, just return (OK). $self->_find_sub_reference_in_document( $elem, $document ) and return; # If the subroutine is used in an overload, just return (OK). $self->_find_sub_overload_in_document( $elem, $document ) and return; # No uses of subroutine found. Return a violation. return $self->violation( sprintf( $DESC, $name ), $EXPL, $elem ); } # Basically the spaceship operator for token locations. The arguments are the # two tokens to compare. If either location is unavailable we return undef. sub _compare_token_locations { my ( $left_token, $right_token ) = @_; my $left_loc = $left_token->location() or return; my $right_loc = $right_token->location() or return; return $left_loc->[0] <=> $right_loc->[0] || $left_loc->[1] <=> $right_loc->[1]; } # Find out if the subroutine defined in $elem is called in $document. Calls # inside the subroutine itself do not count. sub _find_sub_call_in_document { my ( $self, $elem, $document ) = @_; my $start_token = $elem->first_token(); my $finish_token = $elem->last_token(); my $name = $elem->name(); if ( my $found = $document->find( 'PPI::Token::Word' ) ) { foreach my $usage ( @{ $found } ) { $name eq $usage->content() or next; is_function_call( $usage ) or is_method_call( $usage ) or next; _compare_token_locations( $usage, $start_token ) < 0 and return $TRUE; _compare_token_locations( $finish_token, $usage ) < 0 and return $TRUE; } } foreach my $regexp ( _find_regular_expressions( $document ) ) { _compare_token_locations( $regexp, $start_token ) >= 0 and _compare_token_locations( $finish_token, $regexp ) >= 0 and next; _find_sub_usage_in_regexp( $name, $regexp, $document ) and return $TRUE; } return; } # Find analyzable regular expressions in the given document. This means # matches, substitutions, and the qr{} operator. sub _find_regular_expressions { my ( $document ) = @_; return ( map { @{ $document->find( $_ ) || [] } } qw{ PPI::Token::Regexp::Match PPI::Token::Regexp::Substitute PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Regexp } ); } # Find out if the subroutine named in $name is called in the given $regexp. # This could happen either by an explicit s/.../.../e, or by interpolation # (i.e. @{[...]} ). sub _find_sub_usage_in_regexp { my ( $name, $regexp, $document ) = @_; my $ppix = $document->ppix_regexp_from_element( $regexp ) or return; $ppix->failures() and return; foreach my $code ( @{ $ppix->find( 'PPIx::Regexp::Token::Code' ) || [] } ) { my $doc = $code->ppi() or next; foreach my $word ( @{ $doc->find( 'PPI::Token::Word' ) || [] } ) { $name eq $word->content() or next; is_function_call( $word ) or is_method_call( $word ) or next; return $TRUE; } } return; } # Find out if the subroutine defined in $elem handles an overloaded operator. # We recognize both string literals (the usual form) and words (in case # someone perversely followed the subroutine name by a fat comma). We ignore # the '\&_foo' construction, since _find_sub_reference_in_document() should # find this. sub _find_sub_overload_in_document { my ( $self, $elem, $document ) = @_; my $name = $elem->name(); if ( my $found = $document->find( 'PPI::Statement::Include' ) ) { foreach my $usage ( @{ $found } ) { 'overload' eq $usage->module() or next; my $inx; foreach my $arg ( _get_include_arguments( $usage ) ) { $inx++ % 2 or next; @{ $arg } == 1 or next; my $element = $arg->[0]; if ( $element->isa( 'PPI::Token::Quote' ) ) { $element->string() eq $name and return $TRUE; } elsif ( $element->isa( 'PPI::Token::Word' ) ) { $element->content() eq $name and return $TRUE; } } } } return; } # Find things of the form '&_foo'. This includes both references proper (i.e. # '\&foo'), calls using the sigil, and gotos. The latter two do not count if # inside the subroutine itself. sub _find_sub_reference_in_document { my ( $self, $elem, $document ) = @_; my $start_token = $elem->first_token(); my $finish_token = $elem->last_token(); my $symbol = q<&> . $elem->name(); if ( my $found = $document->find( 'PPI::Token::Symbol' ) ) { foreach my $usage ( @{ $found } ) { $symbol eq $usage->content() or next; my $prior = $usage->sprevious_sibling(); $prior and $prior->isa( 'PPI::Token::Cast' ) and q<\\> eq $prior->content() and return $TRUE; is_function_call( $usage ) or $prior and $prior->isa( 'PPI::Token::Word' ) and 'goto' eq $prior->content() or next; _compare_token_locations( $usage, $start_token ) < 0 and return $TRUE; _compare_token_locations( $finish_token, $usage ) < 0 and return $TRUE; } } return; } # Expand the given element, losing any brackets along the way. This is # intended to be used to flatten the argument list of 'use overload'. sub _expand_element { my ( $element ) = @_; $element->isa( 'PPI::Node' ) and return ( map { _expand_element( $_ ) } $_->children() ); $element->significant() and return $element; return; } # Given an include statement, return its arguments. The return is a flattened # list of lists of tokens, each list of tokens representing an argument. sub _get_include_arguments { my ($include) = @_; # If there are no arguments, just return. We flatten the list because # someone might use parens to define it. my @arguments = map { _expand_element( $_ ) } $include->arguments() or return; my @elements; my $inx = 0; foreach my $element ( @arguments ) { if ( $element->isa( 'PPI::Token::Operator' ) && $IS_COMMA{$element->content()} ) { $inx++; } else { push @{ $elements[$inx] ||= [] }, $element; } } return @elements; } 1; __END__ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =pod =head1 NAME Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines - Prevent unused private subroutines. =head1 AFFILIATION This Policy is part of the core L<Perl::Critic|Perl::Critic> distribution. =head1 DESCRIPTION By convention Perl authors (like authors in many other languages) indicate private methods and variables by inserting a leading underscore before the identifier. This policy catches such subroutines which are not used in the file which declares them. This module defines a 'use' of a subroutine as a subroutine or method call to it (other than from inside the subroutine itself), a reference to it (i.e. C<< my $foo = \&_foo >>), a C<goto> to it outside the subroutine itself (i.e. C<goto &_foo>), or the use of the subroutine's name as an even-numbered argument to C<< use overload >>. =head1 CONFIGURATION You can define what a private subroutine name looks like by specifying a regular expression for the C<private_name_regex> option in your F<.perlcriticrc>: [Subroutines::ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines] private_name_regex = _(?!_)\w+ The above example is a way of saying that subroutines that start with a double underscore are not considered to be private. (Perl::Critic, in its implementation, uses leading double underscores to indicate a distribution-private subroutine -- one that is allowed to be invoked by other Perl::Critic modules, but not by anything outside of Perl::Critic.) You can configure additional subroutines to accept by specifying them in a space-delimited list to the C<allow> option: [Subroutines::ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines] allow = _bar _baz These are added to the default list of exemptions from this policy. So the above allows C<< sub _bar {} >> and C<< sub _baz {} >>, even if they are not referred to in the module that defines them. You can allow a whole class or subroutine names by defining a a regular expression that matches allowed names. [Subroutines::ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines] allow_name_regex = _build_\w+ You can configure this policy not to check private subroutines declared in a file that uses one or more particular named modules. This allows you to, for example, exclude unused private subroutine checking in classes that are roles. [Subroutines::ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines] skip_when_using = Moose::Role Moo::Role Role::Tiny =head1 HISTORY This policy is derived from L<Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProtectPrivateSubs|Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProtectPrivateSubs>, which looks at the other side of the problem. =head1 BUGS Does not forbid C<< sub Foo::_foo{} >> because it does not know (and can not assume) what is in the C<Foo> package. Does not respect the scope caused by multiple packages in the same file. For example a file: package Foo; sub _is_private { print "A private sub!"; } package Bar; _is_private(); Will not trigger a violation even though C<Foo::_is_private> is not called. Similarly, C<skip_when_using> currently works on a I<file> level, not on a I<package scope> level. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProtectPrivateSubs|Perl::Critic::Policy::Subroutines::ProtectPrivateSubs>. =head1 AUTHOR Chris Dolan <cdolan@cpan.org> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Thomas R. Wyant, III. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of this license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. =cut # Local Variables: # mode: cperl # cperl-indent-level: 4 # fill-column: 78 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # c-indentation-style: bsd # End: # ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 tw=78 ft=perl expandtab shiftround :