Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
package Perl::Critic::Command; use 5.006001; use strict; use warnings; use English qw< -no_match_vars >; use Readonly; use Getopt::Long qw< GetOptions >; use List::Util qw< first max >; use Pod::Usage qw< pod2usage >; use Perl::Critic::Exception::Parse (); use Perl::Critic::Utils qw< :characters :severities policy_short_name $DEFAULT_VERBOSITY $DEFAULT_VERBOSITY_WITH_FILE_NAME >; use Perl::Critic::Utils::Constants qw< $_MODULE_VERSION_TERM_ANSICOLOR >; use Perl::Critic::Violation qw<>; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- our $VERSION = '1.140'; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- use Exporter 'import'; Readonly::Array our @EXPORT_OK => qw< run >; Readonly::Hash our %EXPORT_TAGS => ( all => [ @EXPORT_OK ], ); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Readonly::Scalar my $DEFAULT_VIOLATIONS_FOR_TOP => 20; Readonly::Scalar my $EXIT_SUCCESS => 0; Readonly::Scalar my $EXIT_NO_FILES => 1; Readonly::Scalar my $EXIT_HAD_VIOLATIONS => 2; Readonly::Scalar my $EXIT_HAD_FILE_PROBLEMS => 3; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- my @files = (); my $critic = undef; my $output = \*STDOUT; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _out { my @lines = @_; return print {$output} @lines; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub run { my %options = _get_options(); @files = _get_input(@ARGV); my ($violations, $had_error_in_file) = _critique(\%options, @files); return $EXIT_HAD_FILE_PROBLEMS if $had_error_in_file; return $EXIT_NO_FILES if not defined $violations; return $EXIT_HAD_VIOLATIONS if $violations; return $EXIT_SUCCESS; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _get_options { my %opts = _parse_command_line(); _dispatch_special_requests( %opts ); _validate_options( %opts ); # Convert severity shortcut options. If multiple shortcuts # are given, the lowest one wins. If an explicit --severity # option has been given, then the shortcuts are ignored. The # @SEVERITY_NAMES variable is exported by Perl::Critic::Utils. $opts{-severity} ||= first { exists $opts{"-$_"} } @SEVERITY_NAMES; $opts{-severity} ||= first { exists $opts{"-$_"} } ($SEVERITY_LOWEST .. $SEVERITY_HIGHEST); # If --top is specified, default the severity level to 1, unless an # explicit severity is defined. This provides us flexibility to # report top-offenders across just some or all of the severity levels. # We also default the --top count to twenty if none is given if ( exists $opts{-top} ) { $opts{-severity} ||= 1; $opts{-top} ||= $DEFAULT_VIOLATIONS_FOR_TOP; } #Override profile, if --noprofile is specified if ( exists $opts{-noprofile} ) { $opts{-profile} = $EMPTY; } return %opts; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _parse_command_line { my %opts; my @opt_specs = _get_option_specification(); Getopt::Long::Configure('no_ignore_case'); GetOptions( \%opts, @opt_specs ) || pod2usage(); #Exits # I've adopted the convention of using key-value pairs for # arguments to most functions. And to increase legibility, # I have also adopted the familiar command-line practice # of denoting argument names with a leading dash (-). my %dashed_opts = map { ( "-$_" => $opts{$_} ) } keys %opts; return %dashed_opts; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _dispatch_special_requests { my (%opts) = @_; if ( $opts{-help} ) { pod2usage( -verbose => 0 ) } # Exits if ( $opts{-options} ) { pod2usage( -verbose => 1 ) } # Exits if ( $opts{-man} ) { pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ) } # Exits if ( $opts{-version} ) { _display_version() } # Exits if ( $opts{-list} ) { _render_all_policy_listing() } # Exits if ( $opts{'-list-enabled'} ) { _render_policy_listing(%opts) } # Exits if ( $opts{'-list-themes'} ) { _render_theme_listing() } # Exits if ( $opts{'-profile-proto'} ) { _render_profile_prototype() } # Exits if ( $opts{-doc} ) { _render_policy_docs( %opts ) } # Exits return 1; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _validate_options { my (%opts) = @_; my $msg = $EMPTY; if ( $opts{-noprofile} && $opts{-profile} ) { $msg .= qq{Warning: Cannot use -noprofile with -profile option.\n}; } if ( $opts{-verbose} && $opts{-verbose} !~ m{(?: \d+ | %[mfFlcCedrpPs] )}xms) { $msg .= qq<Warning: --verbose arg "$opts{-verbose}" looks odd. >; $msg .= qq<Perhaps you meant to say "--verbose 3 $opts{-verbose}."\n>; } if ( exists $opts{-top} && $opts{-top} < 0 ) { $msg .= qq<Warning: --top argument "$opts{-top}" is negative. >; $msg .= qq<Perhaps you meant to say "$opts{-top} --top".\n>; } if ( exists $opts{-severity} && ( $opts{-severity} < $SEVERITY_LOWEST || $opts{-severity} > $SEVERITY_HIGHEST ) ) { $msg .= qq<Warning: --severity arg "$opts{-severity}" out of range. >; $msg .= qq<Severities range from "$SEVERITY_LOWEST" (lowest) to >; $msg .= qq<"$SEVERITY_HIGHEST" (highest).\n>; } if ( $msg ) { pod2usage( -exitstatus => 1, -message => $msg, -verbose => 0); #Exits } return 1; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _get_input { my @args = @_; if ( !@args || (@args == 1 && $args[0] eq q{-}) ) { # Reading code from STDIN. All the code is slurped into # a string. PPI will barf if the string is just whitespace. my $code_string = do { local $RS = undef; <> }; # Notice if STDIN was closed (pipe error, etc) if ( ! defined $code_string ) { $code_string = $EMPTY; } $code_string =~ m{ \S+ }xms || die qq{Nothing to critique.\n}; return \$code_string; #Convert to SCALAR ref for PPI } else { # Test to make sure all the specified files or directories # actually exist. If any one of them is bogus, then die. if ( my $nonexistent = first { ! -e } @args ) { my $msg = qq{No such file or directory: '$nonexistent'}; pod2usage( -exitstatus => 1, -message => $msg, -verbose => 0); } # Reading code from files or dirs. If argument is a file, # then we process it as-is (even though it may not actually # be Perl code). If argument is a directory, recursively # search the directory for files that look like Perl code. return map { (-d) ? Perl::Critic::Utils::all_perl_files($_) : $_ } @args; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _critique { my ( $opts_ref, @files_to_critique ) = @_; @files_to_critique || die "No perl files were found.\n"; # Perl::Critic has lots of dependencies, so loading is delayed # until it is really needed. This hack reduces startup time for # doing other things like getting the version number or dumping # the man page. Arguably, those things are pretty rare, but hey, # why not save a few seconds if you can. require Perl::Critic; $critic = Perl::Critic->new( %{$opts_ref} ); $critic->policies() || die "No policies selected.\n"; _set_up_pager($critic->config()->pager()); my $number_of_violations = undef; my $had_error_in_file = 0; for my $file (@files_to_critique) { eval { my @violations = $critic->critique($file); $number_of_violations += scalar @violations; if (not $opts_ref->{'-statistics-only'}) { _render_report( $file, $opts_ref, @violations ) } 1; } or do { if ( my $exception = Perl::Critic::Exception::Parse->caught() ) { $had_error_in_file = 1; warn qq<Problem while critiquing "$file": $EVAL_ERROR\n>; } elsif ($EVAL_ERROR) { # P::C::Exception::Fatal includes the stack trace in its # stringification. die qq<Fatal error while critiquing "$file": $EVAL_ERROR\n>; } else { die qq<Fatal error while critiquing "$file". Unfortunately, >, q<$@/$EVAL_ERROR >, ## no critic (RequireInterpolationOfMetachars) qq<is empty, so the reason can't be shown.\n>; } } } if ( $opts_ref->{-statistics} or $opts_ref->{'-statistics-only'} ) { my $stats = $critic->statistics(); _report_statistics( $opts_ref, $stats ); } return $number_of_violations, $had_error_in_file; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _render_report { my ( $file, $opts_ref, @violations ) = @_; # Only report the files, if asked. my $number_of_violations = scalar @violations; if ( $opts_ref->{'-files-with-violations'} || $opts_ref->{'-files-without-violations'} ) { not ref $file and $opts_ref->{$number_of_violations ? '-files-with-violations' : '-files-without-violations'} and _out "$file\n"; return $number_of_violations; } # Only report the number of violations, if asked. if( $opts_ref->{-count} ){ ref $file || _out "$file: "; _out "$number_of_violations\n"; return $number_of_violations; } # Hail all-clear unless we should shut up. if( !@violations && !$opts_ref->{-quiet} ) { ref $file || _out "$file "; _out "source OK\n"; return 0; } # Otherwise, format and print violations my $verbosity = $critic->config->verbose(); # $verbosity can be numeric or string, so use "eq" for comparison; $verbosity = ($verbosity eq $DEFAULT_VERBOSITY && @files > 1) ? $DEFAULT_VERBOSITY_WITH_FILE_NAME : $verbosity; my $fmt = Perl::Critic::Utils::verbosity_to_format( $verbosity ); if (not -f $file) { $fmt =~ s< \%[fF] ><STDIN>xms; } #HACK! Perl::Critic::Violation::set_format( $fmt ); my $color = $critic->config->color(); _out $color ? _colorize_by_severity(@violations) : @violations; return $number_of_violations; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _set_up_pager { my ($pager_command) = @_; return if not $pager_command; return if not _at_tty(); open my $pager, q<|->, $pager_command ## no critic (InputOutput::RequireBriefOpen) or die qq<Unable to pipe to pager "$pager_command": $ERRNO\n>; $output = $pager; return; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _report_statistics { my ($opts_ref, $statistics) = @_; if ( not $opts_ref->{'-statistics-only'} and ( $statistics->total_violations() or not $opts_ref->{-quiet} and $statistics->modules() ) ) { _out "\n"; # There's prior output that we want to separate from. } my $files = _commaify($statistics->modules()); my $subroutines = _commaify($statistics->subs()); my $statements = _commaify($statistics->statements_other_than_subs()); my $lines = _commaify($statistics->lines()); my $width = max map { length } $files, $subroutines, $statements; _out sprintf "%*s %s.\n", $width, $files, 'files'; _out sprintf "%*s %s.\n", $width, $subroutines, 'subroutines/methods'; _out sprintf "%*s %s.\n", $width, $statements, 'statements'; my $lines_of_blank = _commaify( $statistics->lines_of_blank() ); my $lines_of_comment = _commaify( $statistics->lines_of_comment() ); my $lines_of_data = _commaify( $statistics->lines_of_data() ); my $lines_of_perl = _commaify( $statistics->lines_of_perl() ); my $lines_of_pod = _commaify( $statistics->lines_of_pod() ); $width = max map { length } $lines_of_blank, $lines_of_comment, $lines_of_data, $lines_of_perl, $lines_of_pod; _out sprintf "\n%s %s:\n", $lines, 'lines, consisting of'; _out sprintf " %*s %s.\n", $width, $lines_of_blank, 'blank lines'; _out sprintf " %*s %s.\n", $width, $lines_of_comment, 'comment lines'; _out sprintf " %*s %s.\n", $width, $lines_of_data, 'data lines'; _out sprintf " %*s %s.\n", $width, $lines_of_perl, 'lines of Perl code'; _out sprintf " %*s %s.\n", $width, $lines_of_pod, 'lines of POD'; my $average_sub_mccabe = $statistics->average_sub_mccabe(); if (defined $average_sub_mccabe) { _out sprintf "\nAverage McCabe score of subroutines was %.2f.\n", $average_sub_mccabe; } _out "\n"; _out _commaify($statistics->total_violations()), " violations.\n"; my $violations_per_file = $statistics->violations_per_file(); if (defined $violations_per_file) { _out sprintf "Violations per file was %.3f.\n", $violations_per_file; } my $violations_per_statement = $statistics->violations_per_statement(); if (defined $violations_per_statement) { _out sprintf "Violations per statement was %.3f.\n", $violations_per_statement; } my $violations_per_line = $statistics->violations_per_line_of_code(); if (defined $violations_per_line) { _out sprintf "Violations per line of code was %.3f.\n", $violations_per_line; } if ( $statistics->total_violations() ) { _out "\n"; my %severity_violations = %{ $statistics->violations_by_severity() }; my @severities = reverse sort keys %severity_violations; $width = max map { length _commaify( $severity_violations{$_} ) } @severities; foreach my $severity (@severities) { _out sprintf "%*s severity %d violations.\n", $width, _commaify( $severity_violations{$severity} ), $severity; } _out "\n"; my %policy_violations = %{ $statistics->violations_by_policy() }; my @policies = sort keys %policy_violations; $width = max map { length _commaify( $policy_violations{$_} ) } @policies; foreach my $policy (@policies) { _out sprintf "%*s violations of %s.\n", $width, _commaify($policy_violations{$policy}), policy_short_name($policy); } } return; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Only works for integers. sub _commaify { my ( $number ) = @_; while ($number =~ s/ \A ( [-+]? \d+ ) ( \d{3} ) /$1,$2/xms) { # nothing } return $number; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _get_option_specification { return qw< 5 4 3 2 1 version brutal count|C cruel doc=s exclude=s@ force! gentle harsh help|?|H include=s@ list list-enabled list-themes man color|colour! noprofile only! options pager=s profile|p=s profile-proto quiet severity=i single-policy|s=s stern statistics! statistics-only! profile-strictness=s theme=s top:i allow-unsafe verbose=s color-severity-highest|colour-severity-highest|color-severity-5|colour-severity-5=s color-severity-high|colour-severity-high|color-severity-4|colour-severity-4=s color-severity-medium|colour-severity-medium|color-severity-3|colour-severity-3=s color-severity-low|colour-severity-low|color-severity-2|colour-severity-2=s color-severity-lowest|colour-severity-lowest|color-severity-1|colour-severity-1=s files-with-violations|l files-without-violations|L program-extensions=s@ >; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _colorize_by_severity { my @violations = @_; return @violations if _this_is_windows() && !eval 'require Win32::Console::ANSI; 1'; return @violations if not eval { require Term::ANSIColor; Term::ANSIColor->VERSION( $_MODULE_VERSION_TERM_ANSICOLOR ); 1; }; my $config = $critic->config(); my %color_of = ( $SEVERITY_HIGHEST => $config->color_severity_highest(), $SEVERITY_HIGH => $config->color_severity_high(), $SEVERITY_MEDIUM => $config->color_severity_medium(), $SEVERITY_LOW => $config->color_severity_low(), $SEVERITY_LOWEST => $config->color_severity_lowest(), ); return map { _colorize( "$_", $color_of{$_->severity()} ) } @violations; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _colorize { my ($string, $color) = @_; return $string if not defined $color; return $string if $color eq $EMPTY; # $terminator is a purely cosmetic change to make the color end at the end # of the line rather than right before the next line. It is here because # if you use background colors, some console windows display a little # fragment of colored background before the next uncolored (or # differently-colored) line. my $terminator = chomp $string ? "\n" : $EMPTY; return Term::ANSIColor::colored( $string, $color ) . $terminator; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _this_is_windows { return 1 if $OSNAME =~ m/MSWin32/xms; return 0; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _at_tty { return -t STDOUT; ## no critic (ProhibitInteractiveTest); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _render_all_policy_listing { # Force P-C parameters, to catch all Policies on this site my %pc_params = (-profile => $EMPTY, -severity => $SEVERITY_LOWEST); return _render_policy_listing( %pc_params ); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _render_policy_listing { my %pc_params = @_; require Perl::Critic::PolicyListing; require Perl::Critic; my @policies = Perl::Critic->new( %pc_params )->policies(); my $listing = Perl::Critic::PolicyListing->new( -policies => \@policies ); _out $listing; exit $EXIT_SUCCESS; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _render_theme_listing { require Perl::Critic::ThemeListing; require Perl::Critic; my %pc_params = (-profile => $EMPTY, -severity => $SEVERITY_LOWEST); my @policies = Perl::Critic->new( %pc_params )->policies(); my $listing = Perl::Critic::ThemeListing->new( -policies => \@policies ); _out $listing; exit $EXIT_SUCCESS; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _render_profile_prototype { require Perl::Critic::ProfilePrototype; require Perl::Critic; my %pc_params = (-profile => $EMPTY, -severity => $SEVERITY_LOWEST); my @policies = Perl::Critic->new( %pc_params )->policies(); my $prototype = Perl::Critic::ProfilePrototype->new( -policies => \@policies ); _out $prototype; exit $EXIT_SUCCESS; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _render_policy_docs { my (%opts) = @_; my $pattern = delete $opts{-doc}; require Perl::Critic; $critic = Perl::Critic->new(%opts); _set_up_pager($critic->config()->pager()); require Perl::Critic::PolicyFactory; my @site_policies = Perl::Critic::PolicyFactory->site_policy_names(); my @matching_policies = grep { /$pattern/ixms } @site_policies; # "-T" means don't send to pager my @perldoc_output = map {`perldoc -T $_`} @matching_policies; ## no critic (ProhibitBacktick) _out @perldoc_output; exit $EXIT_SUCCESS; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _display_version { _out "$VERSION\n"; exit $EXIT_SUCCESS; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1; __END__ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =pod =for stopwords Twitter =head1 NAME Perl::Critic::Command - Guts of L<perlcritic|perlcritic>. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Perl::Critic::Command qw< run >; local @ARGV = qw< --statistics-only lib bin >; run(); =head1 DESCRIPTION This is the implementation of the L<perlcritic|perlcritic> command. You can use this to run the command without going through a command interpreter. =head1 INTERFACE SUPPORT This is considered to be a public class. However, its interface is experimental, and will likely change. =head1 IMPORTABLE SUBROUTINES =over =item C<run()> Does the equivalent of the L<perlcritic|perlcritic> command. Unfortunately, at present, this doesn't take any parameters but uses C<@ARGV> to get its input instead. Count on this changing; don't count on the current interface. =back =head1 TO DO Make C<run()> take parameters. The equivalent of C<@ARGV> should be passed as a reference. Turn this into an object. =head1 AUTHOR Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer <jeff@imaginative-software.com> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Imaginative Software Systems. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of this license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. =cut ############################################################################## # Local Variables: # mode: cperl # cperl-indent-level: 4 # fill-column: 78 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # c-indentation-style: bsd # End: # ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 tw=78 ft=perl expandtab shiftround :