Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
package PPIx::QuoteLike::Dumper; use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use PPI::Document; use PPIx::QuoteLike; use PPIx::QuoteLike::Constant qw{ @CARP_NOT }; use PPIx::QuoteLike::Utils qw{ __instance }; use Scalar::Util (); our $VERSION = '0.023'; use constant SCALAR_REF => ref \0; { my $default = { encoding => undef, file => undef, indent => 2, locations => 0, margin => 0, perl_version => 0, ppi => 0, short => 0, significant => 0, tokens => 0, variables => 0, }; sub new { my ( $class, $source, %arg ) = @_; my $self = { %{ $default }, object => undef, source => $source, }; foreach my $key ( keys %{ $default } ) { defined $arg{$key} and $self->{$key} = $arg{$key}; } $self->{object} = _isa( $source, 'PPIx::QuoteLike' ) ? $source : PPIx::QuoteLike->new( $source, __instance( $source, 'PPI::Element' ) ? () : ( location => [ 1, 1, 1, 1, -f $source ? $source : undef ], ), map { $_ => $arg{$_} } qw{ encoding }, ) or return; return bless $self, ref $class || $class; } } sub dump : method { ## no critic (ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms) my ( $class, $source, %arg ) = @_; my $rslt; my $margin = ' ' x ( $arg{margin} || 0 ); my $none = delete $arg{none}; foreach my $obj ( $class->_source_to_dumpers( $source, %arg ) ) { my $src = $obj->{object}->source(); $rslt .= "\n$margin$src"; if ( _isa( $src, 'PPI::Element' ) and my $loc = $src->location() ) { $rslt .= sprintf ' %s line %d column %d', _dor( $loc->[4], $obj->{file}, '?' ), $loc->[0], $loc->[1]; } $rslt .= "\n" . $obj->string(); } defined $rslt and return $rslt; defined $none or return; $none =~ s/ (?: \A | (?<! \n ) ) \z /\n/smx; return $none; } sub list { my ( $self ) = @_; my $indent; my $obj = $self->{object}; my @rslt; my $selector; if ( $self->{tokens} ) { $indent = ''; $selector = sub { return @{ $obj->find( 'PPIx::QuoteLike::Token' ) || [] }; }; } else { $indent = ' ' x $self->{indent}; my $string = sprintf '%s%s...%s', map { _format_content( $obj, $_ ) } qw{ type start finish }; push @rslt, join "\t", $self->_class_name( $obj ), $string, _format_attr( $obj, qw{ encoding failures interpolates indentation } ), $self->_perl_version( $obj ), $self->_variables( $obj ), ; $selector = sub { return $obj->children() }; } foreach my $elem ( $selector->() ) { $self->{significant} and not $elem->significant() and next; my $locn = $self->{locations} ? __instance( $elem, 'PPIx::QuoteLike::Token' ) ? sprintf '[ % 4d, % 3d, % 3d ] ', $elem->logical_line_number(), $elem->column_number(), $elem->visual_column_number() : ' ' x 19 : ''; my @line = ( $self->_class_name( $elem ), _quote( $elem->content() ), $self->_perl_version( $elem ), $self->_variables( $elem ), ); my @ppi; @ppi = $self->_ppi( $elem ) and shift @ppi; # Ignore PPI::Document foreach ( @ppi ) { if ( $self->{locations} ) { s/ ( [0-9]+ \s+ \] ) /$1 /smxg or substr $_, 0, 0, ' '; } else { substr $_, 0, 0, ' '; } } my $leader = "$locn$indent"; foreach ( join( "\t", @line ), @ppi ) { push @rslt, "$leader$_"; # $locn = $self->{locations} ? ' ' x 19 : ''; $leader = ''; } } return @rslt; } sub print : method { ## no critic (ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms) my ( $self ) = @_; print $self->string(); return; } sub string { my ( $self ) = @_; my $margin = ' ' x $self->{margin}; return join '', map { "$margin$_\n" } $self->list(); } sub _class_name { my ( $self, $obj ) = @_; my $class = ref $obj; $self->{short} and $class =~ s/ \A PPIx::QuoteLike:: //smx; return $class; } { # We have to hold a reference to the PPI document until we're done # with all its elements, otherwise they evaporate. Holding it here # works as long as we actually format the dump for all elements # before calling this again. my $doc; sub _doc_to_dumper { my ( $class, $path, %arg ) = @_; $doc = PPI::Document->new( $path ) or return; ref $path or $arg{file} = $path; return map { $class->new( $_, %arg ) } @{ $doc->find( 'PPI::Token' ) || [] }; } } sub _dor { my @arg = @_; foreach my $a ( @arg ) { defined $a and return $a; } return; } sub _format_attr { my ( $obj, @arg ) = @_; my @rslt; foreach my $attr ( @arg ) { defined( my $val = $obj->$attr() ) or next; push @rslt, sprintf '%s=%s', $attr, _quote( $val ); } return @rslt; } sub _format_content { my ( $obj, $method, @arg ) = @_; my @val = map { $_->content() } grep { $_->significant() } $obj->$method( @arg ) or return '?'; return join '', @val; } sub _isa { my ( $arg, $class ) = @_; Scalar::Util::blessed( $arg ) or return 0; return $arg->isa( $class ); } sub _perl_version { my ( $self, $elem ) = @_; $self->{perl_version} or return; my $intro = $elem->perl_version_introduced(); my $remov = $elem->perl_version_removed(); return defined $remov ? "$intro <= \$] < $remov" : "$intro <= \$]"; } sub _ppi { my ( $self, $elem ) = @_; $self->{ppi} and $elem->can( 'ppi' ) or return; require PPI::Dumper; # PPI::Dumper reports line_number(), but I want # logical_line_number(). There is no configuration for this, but the # interface is public, so I mung it to do what I want. my $locn = PPI::Element->can( 'location' ); local *PPI::Element::location = sub { my $loc = $locn->( @_ ); $loc->[0] = $loc->[3]; return $loc; }; my $dumper = PPI::Dumper->new( $elem->ppi(), map { $_ => $self->{$_} } qw{ indent locations }, ); return $dumper->list(); } sub _quote { my ( $val ) = @_; ref $val and $val = $val->content(); defined $val or return 'undef'; Scalar::Util::looks_like_number( $val ) and return $val; if ( $val =~ m/ \A << /smx ) { chomp $val; return "<<'__END_OF_HERE_DOCUMENT' $val __END_OF_HERE_DOCUMENT "; } $val =~ s/ (?= [\\'] )/\\/smxg; return "'$val'"; } sub _source_to_dumpers { my ( $class, $path, %arg ) = @_; if ( Scalar::Util::blessed( $path ) ) { if ( _isa( $path, 'PPI::Node' ) ) { return map { PPIx::QuoteLike->handles( $_ ) ? $class->new( $_, %arg ) : () } @{ $path->find( 'PPI::Token' ) || [] }; } elsif ( _isa( $path, 'PPI::Element' ) ) { PPIx::QuoteLike->handles( $path ) and return $class->new( $path, %arg ); } } elsif ( my $ref = ref $path ) { SCALAR_REF eq $ref or return; return $class->_doc_to_dumper( $path, %arg ); } else { -f $path or return $class->new( $path, %arg ); -T _ or return; unless ( $path =~ m/ [.] (?: (?i: pl ) | pm | t ) \z /smx ) { open my $fh, '<', $path or return; defined( local $_ = <$fh> ) or return; close $fh; m/ perl /smx or return; } return $class->_doc_to_dumper( $path, %arg ); } return; } sub _variables { my ( $self, $elem ) = @_; $self->{variables} or return; my @var = $elem->variables() or return; return join ',', sort @var; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME PPIx::QuoteLike::Dumper - Dump the results of parsing quotelike things =head1 SYNOPSIS use PPIx::QuoteLike::Dumper; PPIx::QuoteLike::Dumper->new( '"foo$bar baz"' ) ->print(); =head1 DESCRIPTION This class generates a formatted dump of a L<PPIx::QuoteLike|PPIx::QuoteLike> object, or a string that can be made into such an object. =head1 METHODS This class supports the following public methods. Methods not documented here are private, and unsupported in the sense that the author reserves the right to change or remove them without notice. =head2 new my $dumper = PPIx::QuoteLike::Dumper->new( '"foo$bar baz"', variables => 1, ); This static method instantiates the dumper. It takes the string or L<PPIx::QuoteLike|PPIx::QuoteLike> object to be dumped as the first argument. Optional further arguments may be passed as name/value pairs. The following optional arguments are recognized: =over =item encoding name This argument is the encoding of the object to be dumped. It is passed through to L<PPIx::QuoteLike|PPIx::QuoteLike> L<new()|PPIx::QuoteLike/new> unless the first argument was a L<PPIx::QuoteLike|PPIx::QuoteLike> object, in which case it is ignored. =item indent number This argument specifies the number of additional spaces to indent each level of the parse hierarchy. This is ignored if the C<tokens> argument is true. The default is C<2>. =item margin number This argument is the number of additional spaces to indent the parse hierarchy, over those specified by the margin. The default is C<0>. =item perl_version Boolean This argument specifies whether or not the perl versions introduced and removed are included in the dump. The default is C<0> (i.e. false). =item postderef Boolean B<THIS ARGUMENT IS DEPRECATED>. See L<DEPRECATION NOTICE|PPIx::QuoteLike/DEPRECATION NOTICE> in L<PPIx::QuoteLike|PPIx::QuoteLike> for the details. This argument specifies whether or not postfix dereferences are recognized in interpolations. It is passed through to L<PPIx::QuoteLike|PPIx::QuoteLike> L<new()|PPIx::QuoteLike/new> unless the first argument was a L<PPIx::QuoteLike|PPIx::QuoteLike> object, in which case it is ignored. =item ppi Boolean This argument specifies whether or not a PPI dump is provided for interpolations. The default is C<0> (i.e. false). =item short Boolean If true, leading C<'PPIx::QuoteLike::'> will be removed from the class names in the output. =item tokens boolean If true, this argument causes an unstructured dump of tokens found in the parse. The default is C<0> (i.e. false). =item variables Boolean If true, this argument causes all variables actually interpolated by any interpolations to be dumped. The default is C<0> (i.e. false). =back =head2 dump print PPIx::Regexp::Dumper->dump( 'foo/bar.pl', variables => 1, ); This static method returns a string that represents a dump of its first argument. It takes the same optional arguments as L<new()|/new>. This method differs from L<new()|/new> in its interpretation of the first argument. =over =item * If the first argument is the name of a file, or is a SCALAR reference, it is made into a L<PPI::Document|PPI::Document> and all strings in the document are dumped. =item * If the first argument is a L<PPI::Node|PPI::Node> all strings in the node are dumped. Note that a L<PPI::Document|PPI::Document> is a L<PPI::Node|PPI::Node>. =back Otherwise the first argument is handled just like L<new()|/new> would handle it. The return is the string representation of the dump. In addition to the optional arguments accepted by L<new()|/new>, the following can be specified: =over =item none This argument specifies a string to return if no dump can be produced (typically because the first argument is neither a file name nor text that is recognized by this package). If unspecified, or specified as C<undef>, nothing is returned in this case. =back The output for an individual quote-like object differs from the L<string()|/string> output on the same object in that it is preceded by the literal sting being dumped, and file and location information if that can be determined. =head2 list print map { "$_\n" } $dumper->list(); This method returns an array containing the dump output. one line per element. The output has no left margin applied, and no trailing newlines. Embedded newlines are probable if the C<ppi> argument was specified when the dumper was instantiated. =head2 print $dumper->print(); This method simply prints the result of L</string> to standard out. =head2 string print $dumper->string(); This method adds left margin and newlines to the output of L</list>, concatenates the result into a single string, and returns that string. =cut =head1 SUPPORT Support is by the author. Please file bug reports at L<https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=PPIx-QuoteLike>, L<https://github.com/trwyant/perl-PPIx-QuoteLike/issues>, or in electronic mail to the author. =head1 AUTHOR Thomas R. Wyant, III F<wyant at cpan dot org> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2016-2022 by Thomas R. Wyant, III This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0. For more details, see the full text of the licenses in the directory LICENSES. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. =cut # ex: set textwidth=72 :