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package PPIx::Utils::Traversal; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter 'import'; use PPI::Token::Quote::Single; use PPI::Document::Fragment; use Scalar::Util 'refaddr'; use PPIx::Utils::Language qw(precedence_of); use PPIx::Utils::_Common qw( is_ppi_expression_or_generic_statement is_ppi_simple_statement ); our $VERSION = '0.003'; our @EXPORT_OK = qw( first_arg parse_arg_list split_nodes_on_comma get_next_element_in_same_simple_statement get_previous_module_used_on_same_line get_constant_name_elements_from_declaring_statement split_ppi_node_by_namespace ); our %EXPORT_TAGS = (all => [@EXPORT_OK]); # From Perl::Critic::Utils my $MIN_PRECEDENCE_TO_TERMINATE_PARENLESS_ARG_LIST = precedence_of( 'not' ); sub first_arg { my $elem = shift; my $sib = $elem->snext_sibling(); return undef if !$sib; if ( $sib->isa('PPI::Structure::List') ) { my $expr = $sib->schild(0); return undef if !$expr; return $expr->isa('PPI::Statement') ? $expr->schild(0) : $expr; } return $sib; } sub parse_arg_list { my $elem = shift; my $sib = $elem->snext_sibling(); return() if !$sib; if ( $sib->isa('PPI::Structure::List') ) { #Pull siblings from list my @list_contents = $sib->schildren(); return() if not @list_contents; my @list_expressions; foreach my $item (@list_contents) { if ( is_ppi_expression_or_generic_statement($item) ) { push @list_expressions, split_nodes_on_comma( $item->schildren() ); } else { push @list_expressions, $item; } } return @list_expressions; } else { #Gather up remaining nodes in the statement my $iter = $elem; my @arg_list = (); while ($iter = $iter->snext_sibling() ) { last if $iter->isa('PPI::Token::Structure') and $iter eq ';'; last if $iter->isa('PPI::Token::Operator') and $MIN_PRECEDENCE_TO_TERMINATE_PARENLESS_ARG_LIST <= precedence_of( $iter ); push @arg_list, $iter; } return split_nodes_on_comma( @arg_list ); } } sub split_nodes_on_comma { my @nodes = @_; my $i = 0; my @node_stacks; for my $node (@nodes) { if ( $node->isa('PPI::Token::Operator') and ($node eq ',' or $node eq '=>') ) { if (@node_stacks) { $i++; #Move forward to next 'node stack' } next; } elsif ( $node->isa('PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Words' )) { my $section = $node->{sections}->[0]; my @words = split ' ', substr $node->content, $section->{position}, $section->{size}; my $loc = $node->location; for my $word (@words) { my $token = PPI::Token::Quote::Single->new(q{'} . $word . q{'}); $token->{_location} = $loc; push @{ $node_stacks[$i++] }, $token; } next; } push @{ $node_stacks[$i] }, $node; } return @node_stacks; } # From Perl::Critic::Utils::PPI sub get_next_element_in_same_simple_statement { my $element = shift or return undef; while ( $element and ( not is_ppi_simple_statement( $element ) or $element->parent() and $element->parent()->isa( 'PPI::Structure::List' ) ) ) { my $next; $next = $element->snext_sibling() and return $next; $element = $element->parent(); } return undef; } sub get_previous_module_used_on_same_line { my $element = shift or return undef; my ( $line ) = @{ $element->location() || []}; while (not is_ppi_simple_statement( $element )) { $element = $element->parent() or return undef; } while ( $element = $element->sprevious_sibling() ) { ( @{ $element->location() || []} )[0] == $line or return undef; $element->isa( 'PPI::Statement::Include' ) and return $element->schild( 1 ); } return undef; } # End from Perl::Critic::Utils # From PPIx::Utilities::Statement my %IS_COMMA = ( q[,] => 1, q[=>] => 1 ); sub get_constant_name_elements_from_declaring_statement { my ($element) = @_; return() if not $element; return() if not $element->isa('PPI::Statement'); if ( $element->isa('PPI::Statement::Include') ) { my $pragma; if ( $pragma = $element->pragma() and $pragma eq 'constant' ) { return _get_constant_names_from_constant_pragma($element); } } elsif ( not $element->specialized() and $element->schildren() > 2 ) { my $supposed_constant_function = $element->schild(0)->content(); my $declaring_scope = $element->schild(1)->content(); if ( ( $supposed_constant_function eq 'const' or $supposed_constant_function =~ m< \A Readonly \b >x ) and ($declaring_scope eq 'our' or $declaring_scope eq 'my') ) { return ($element->schild(2)); } } return(); } sub _get_constant_names_from_constant_pragma { my ($include) = @_; my @arguments = $include->arguments() or return(); my $follower = $arguments[0]; return() if not defined $follower; if ($follower->isa('PPI::Token::Operator') && $follower->content eq '+') { $follower = $arguments[1]; return() if not defined $follower; } # We test for a 'PPI::Structure::Block' in the following because some # versions of PPI parse the last element of 'use constant { ONE => 1, TWO # => 2 }' as a block rather than a constructor. As of PPI 1.206, PPI # handles the above correctly, but still blows it on 'use constant 1.16 { # ONE => 1, TWO => 2 }'. if ( $follower->isa( 'PPI::Structure::Constructor' ) or $follower->isa( 'PPI::Structure::Block' ) ) { my $statement = $follower->schild( 0 ) or return(); $statement->isa( 'PPI::Statement' ) or return(); my @elements; my $inx = 0; foreach my $child ( $statement->schildren() ) { if (not $inx % 2) { push @{ $elements[ $inx ] ||= [] }, $child; } if ( $IS_COMMA{ $child->content() } ) { $inx++; } } return map { ( $_ and @{$_} == 2 and '=>' eq $_->[1]->content() and $_->[0]->isa( 'PPI::Token::Word' ) ) ? $_->[0] : () } @elements; } else { return ($follower); } return ($follower); } # End from PPIx::Utilities::Statement # From PPIx::Utilities::Node sub split_ppi_node_by_namespace { my ($node) = @_; # Ensure we don't screw up the original. $node = $node->clone(); # We want to make sure that we have locations prior to things being split # up, if we can, but don't worry about it if we don't. eval { $node->location(); }; if ( my $single_namespace = _split_ppi_node_by_namespace_single($node) ) { return $single_namespace; } my %nodes_by_namespace; _split_ppi_node_by_namespace_in_lexical_scope( $node, 'main', undef, \%nodes_by_namespace, ); return \%nodes_by_namespace; } # Handle the case where there's only one. sub _split_ppi_node_by_namespace_single { my ($node) = @_; my $package_statements = $node->find('PPI::Statement::Package'); if ( not $package_statements or not @{$package_statements} ) { return { main => [$node] }; } if (@{$package_statements} == 1) { my $package_statement = $package_statements->[0]; my $package_address = refaddr $package_statement; # Yes, child and not schild. my $first_child = $node->child(0); if ( $package_address == refaddr $node or $first_child and $package_address == refaddr $first_child ) { return { $package_statement->namespace() => [$node] }; } } return undef; } sub _split_ppi_node_by_namespace_in_lexical_scope { my ($node, $initial_namespace, $initial_fragment, $nodes_by_namespace) = @_; my %scope_fragments_by_namespace; # I certainly hope a value isn't going to exist at address 0. my $initial_fragment_address = refaddr $initial_fragment || 0; my ($namespace, $fragment) = ($initial_namespace, $initial_fragment); if ($initial_fragment) { $scope_fragments_by_namespace{$namespace} = $initial_fragment; } foreach my $child ( $node->children() ) { if ( $child->isa('PPI::Statement::Package') ) { if ($fragment) { _push_fragment($nodes_by_namespace, $namespace, $fragment); undef $fragment; } $namespace = $child->namespace(); } elsif ( $child->isa('PPI::Statement::Compound') or $child->isa('PPI::Statement::Given') or $child->isa('PPI::Statement::When') ) { my $block; my @components = $child->children(); while (not $block and my $component = shift @components) { if ( $component->isa('PPI::Structure::Block') ) { $block = $component; } } if ($block) { if (not $fragment) { $fragment = _get_fragment_for_split_ppi_node( $nodes_by_namespace, \%scope_fragments_by_namespace, $namespace, ); } _split_ppi_node_by_namespace_in_lexical_scope( $block, $namespace, $fragment, $nodes_by_namespace, ); } } $fragment = _get_fragment_for_split_ppi_node( $nodes_by_namespace, \%scope_fragments_by_namespace, $namespace, ); if ($initial_fragment_address != refaddr $fragment) { # Need to fix these to use exceptions. Thankfully the P::C tests # will insist that this happens. $child->remove() or die 'Could not remove child from parent.'; $fragment->add_element($child) or die 'Could not add child to fragment.'; } } return; } sub _get_fragment_for_split_ppi_node { my ($nodes_by_namespace, $scope_fragments_by_namespace, $namespace) = @_; my $fragment; if ( not $fragment = $scope_fragments_by_namespace->{$namespace} ) { $fragment = PPI::Document::Fragment->new(); $scope_fragments_by_namespace->{$namespace} = $fragment; _push_fragment($nodes_by_namespace, $namespace, $fragment); } return $fragment; } # Due to $fragment being passed into recursive calls to # _split_ppi_node_by_namespace_in_lexical_scope(), we can end up attempting to # put the same fragment into a namespace's nodes multiple times. sub _push_fragment { my ($nodes_by_namespace, $namespace, $fragment) = @_; my $nodes = $nodes_by_namespace->{$namespace} ||= []; if (not @{$nodes} or refaddr $nodes->[-1] != refaddr $fragment) { push @{$nodes}, $fragment; } return; } # End from PPIx::Utilities::Node 1; =head1 NAME PPIx::Utils::Traversal - Utility functions for traversing PPI documents =head1 SYNOPSIS use PPIx::Utils::Traversal ':all'; =head1 DESCRIPTION This package is a component of L<PPIx::Utils> that contains functions for traversal of L<PPI> documents. =head1 FUNCTIONS All functions can be imported by name, or with the tag C<:all>. =head2 first_arg my $first_arg = first_arg($element); Given a L<PPI::Element> that is presumed to be a function call (which is usually a L<PPI::Token::Word>), return the first argument. This is similar of L</parse_arg_list> and follows the same logic. Note that for the code: int($x + 0.5) this function will return just the C<$x>, not the whole expression. This is different from the behavior of L</parse_arg_list>. Another caveat is: int(($x + $y) + 0.5) which returns C<($x + $y)> as a L<PPI::Structure::List> instance. =head2 parse_arg_list my @args = parse_arg_list($element); Given a L<PPI::Element> that is presumed to be a function call (which is usually a L<PPI::Token::Word>), splits the argument expressions into arrays of tokens. Returns a list containing references to each of those arrays. This is useful because parentheses are optional when calling a function, and PPI parses them very differently. So this method is a poor-man's parse tree of PPI nodes. It's not bullet-proof because it doesn't respect precedence. In general, I don't like the way this function works, so don't count on it to be stable (or even present). =head2 split_nodes_on_comma my @args = split_nodes_on_comma(@nodes); This has the same return type as L</parse_arg_list> but expects to be passed the nodes that represent the interior of a list, like: 'foo', 1, 2, 'bar' =head2 get_next_element_in_same_simple_statement my $element = get_next_element_in_same_simple_statement($element); Given a L<PPI::Element>, this subroutine returns the next element in the same simple statement as defined by L<PPIx::Utils::Classification/is_ppi_simple_statement>. If no next element can be found, this subroutine simply returns C<undef>. If the $element is undefined or unblessed, we simply return C<undef>. If the $element satisfies L<PPIx::Utils::Classification/is_ppi_simple_statement>, we return C<undef>, B<unless> it has a parent which is a L<PPI::Structure::List>. If the $element is the last significant element in its L<PPI::Node>, we replace it with its parent and iterate again. Otherwise, we return C<< $element->snext_sibling() >>. =head2 get_previous_module_used_on_same_line my $element = get_previous_module_used_on_same_line($element); Given a L<PPI::Element>, returns the L<PPI::Element> representing the name of the module included by the previous C<use> or C<require> on the same line as the $element. If none is found, simply returns C<undef>. For example, with the line use version; our $VERSION = ...; given the L<PPI::Token::Symbol> instance for C<$VERSION>, this will return "version". If the given element is in a C<use> or <require>, the return is from the previous C<use> or C<require> on the line, if any. =head2 get_constant_name_elements_from_declaring_statement my @constants = get_constant_name_elements_from_declaring_statement($statement); Given a L<PPI::Statement>, if the statement is a L<Readonly>, L<ReadonlyX>, or L<Const::Fast> declaration statement or a C<use constant>, returns the names of the things being defined. Given use constant 1.16 FOO => 'bar'; this will return the L<PPI::Token::Word> containing C<'FOO'>. Given use constant 1.16 { FOO => 'bar', 'BAZ' => 'burfle' }; this will return a list of the L<PPI::Token>s containing C<'FOO'> and C<'BAZ'>. Similarly, given Readonly::Hash my %FOO => ( bar => 'baz' ); or const my %FOO => ( bar => 'baz' ); this will return the L<PPI::Token::Symbol> containing C<'%FOO'>. =head2 split_ppi_node_by_namespace my $subtrees = split_ppi_node_by_namespace($node); Returns the sub-trees for each namespace in the node as a reference to a hash of references to arrays of L<PPI::Node>s. Say we've got the following code: #!perl my $x = blah(); package Foo; my $y = blah_blah(); { say 'Whee!'; package Bar; something(); } thingy(); package Baz; da_da_da(); package Foo; foreach ( blrfl() ) { ... } Calling this function on a L<PPI::Document> for the above returns a value that looks like this, using multi-line string literals for the actual code parts instead of PPI trees to make this easier to read: { main => [ q< #!perl my $x = blah(); >, ], Foo => [ q< package Foo; my $y = blah_blah(); { say 'Whee!'; } thingy(); >, q< package Foo; foreach ( blrfl() ) { ... } >, ], Bar => [ q< package Bar; something(); >, ], Baz => [ q< package Baz; da_da_da(); >, ], } Note that the return value contains copies of the original nodes, and not the original nodes themselves due to the need to handle namespaces that are not file-scoped. (Notice how the first element for "Foo" above differs from the original code.) =head1 BUGS Report any issues on the public bugtracker. =head1 AUTHOR Dan Book <dbook@cpan.org> Code originally from L<Perl::Critic::Utils> by Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer <jeff@imaginative-software.com>, L<Perl::Critic::Utils::PPI> and L<PPIx::Utilities::Node> by Elliot Shank <perl@galumph.com>, and L<PPIx::Utilities::Statement> by Thomas R. Wyant, III <wyant@cpan.org> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2005-2011 Imaginative Software Systems, 2007-2011 Elliot Shank, 2009-2010 Thomas R. Wyant, III, 2017 Dan Book. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Perl::Critic::Utils>, L<Perl::Critic::Utils::PPI>, L<PPIx::Utilities>