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package Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitPackageVars; use 5.010001; use strict; use warnings; use Readonly; use List::SomeUtils qw(all); use Perl::Critic::Utils qw{ :booleans :characters :severities :data_conversion }; use parent 'Perl::Critic::Policy'; our $VERSION = '1.150'; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Readonly::Scalar my $DESC => q{Package variable declared or used}; Readonly::Scalar my $EXPL => [ 73, 75 ]; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub supported_parameters { return ( { name => 'packages', description => 'The base set of packages to allow variables for.', default_string => 'Data::Dumper File::Find FindBin Log::Log4perl Test::Builder Text::Wrap', behavior => 'string list', }, { name => 'add_packages', description => 'The set of packages to allow variables for, in addition to those given in "packages".', default_string => $EMPTY, behavior => 'string list', }, ); } sub default_severity { return $SEVERITY_MEDIUM } sub default_themes { return qw(core pbp maintenance) } sub applies_to { return qw(PPI::Token::Symbol PPI::Statement::Variable PPI::Statement::Include) } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub initialize_if_enabled { my ($self, $config) = @_; $self->{_all_packages} = { hashify keys %{ $self->{_packages} }, keys %{ $self->{_add_packages} } }; return $TRUE; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub violates { my ( $self, $elem, undef ) = @_; if ( $self->_is_package_var($elem) || _is_our_var($elem) || _is_vars_pragma($elem) ) { return $self->violation( $DESC, $EXPL, $elem ); } return; # ok } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _is_package_var { my $self = shift; my $elem = shift; return if !$elem->isa('PPI::Token::Symbol'); my ($package, $name) = $elem =~ m{ \A [@\$%] (.*) :: (\w+) \z }xms; return if not defined $package; return if _all_upcase( $name ); return if $self->{_all_packages}->{$package}; return 1; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _is_our_var { my $elem = shift; return if not $elem->isa('PPI::Statement::Variable'); return if $elem->type() ne 'our'; return if _all_upcase( $elem->variables() ); return 1; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _is_vars_pragma { my $elem = shift; return if !$elem->isa('PPI::Statement::Include'); return if $elem->pragma() ne 'vars'; # Older Perls don't support the C<our> keyword, so we try to let # people use the C<vars> pragma instead, but only if all the # variable names are uppercase. Since there are lots of ways to # pass arguments to pragmas (e.g. "$foo" or qw($foo) ) we just use # a regex to match things that look like variables names. my @varnames = $elem =~ m{ [@\$%&] (\w+) }gxms; return if !@varnames; # no valid variables specified return if _all_upcase( @varnames ); return 1; } sub _all_upcase { ##no critic(ArgUnpacking) return all { $_ eq uc } @_; } 1; __END__ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =pod =head1 NAME Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitPackageVars - Eliminate globals declared with C<our> or C<use vars>. =head1 AFFILIATION This Policy is part of the core L<Perl::Critic|Perl::Critic> distribution. =head1 DESCRIPTION Conway suggests avoiding package variables completely, because they expose your internals to other packages. Never use a package variable when a lexical variable will suffice. If your package needs to keep some dynamic state, consider using an object or closures to keep the state private. This policy assumes that you're using C<strict vars> so that naked variable declarations are not package variables by default. Thus, it complains you declare a variable with C<our> or C<use vars>, or if you make reference to variable with a fully-qualified package name. $Some::Package::foo = 1; # not ok our $foo = 1; # not ok use vars '$foo'; # not ok $foo = 1; # not allowed by 'strict' local $foo = 1; # bad taste, but technically ok. use vars '$FOO'; # ok, because it's ALL CAPS my $foo = 1; # ok In practice though, its not really practical to prohibit all package variables. Common variables like C<$VERSION> and C<@EXPORT> need to be global, as do any variables that you want to Export. To work around this, the Policy overlooks any variables that are in ALL_CAPS. This forces you to put all your exported variables in ALL_CAPS too, which seems to be the usual practice anyway. =head1 CONFIGURATION There is room for exceptions. Some modules, like the core File::Find module, use package variables as their only interface, and others like Data::Dumper use package variables as their most common interface. These module can be specified from your F<.perlcriticrc> file, and the policy will ignore them. [Variables::ProhibitPackageVars] packages = Data::Dumper File::Find FindBin Log::Log4perl This is the default setting. Using C<packages => will override these defaults. You can also add packages to the defaults like so: [Variables::ProhibitPackageVars] add_packages = My::Package You can add package C<main> to the list of packages, but that will only OK variables explicitly in the C<main> package. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitPunctuationVars|Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitPunctuationVars> L<Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitLocalVars|Perl::Critic::Policy::Variables::ProhibitLocalVars> =head1 AUTHOR Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer <jeff@imaginative-software.com> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2005-2023 Imaginative Software Systems. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of this license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. =cut # Local Variables: # mode: cperl # cperl-indent-level: 4 # fill-column: 78 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # c-indentation-style: bsd # End: # ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 tw=78 ft=perl expandtab shiftround :