Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
#!/usr/bin/perl use Time::Local 'timelocal_nocheck'; use Fcntl qw(:flock SEEK_END); use Sys::Hostname; use IO::Socket::INET; use Data::Dumper; use JSON; ##TODO: flush out the mtype stuff and possibly add a file to set mtype by rule ## for now mtypes are: ## 1 = general bad rule (injection attempts, etc) ## 2 = crawler type rules (mj12bot, googlebot/etc limiters, etc) ## 3 = post logging rules (wp-login/comments/administrator/etc) - this may be split up in the future ## 4 = general error logging (things that dont really have an ID etc) # how many kb max to go back in log if no start point avail (tail -c this much *1024) my $MAX_BACKTRACK = 100; my $STATUS_FILE = '/opt/eig_linux/var/modsec_error_log_status'; my $LOCK_FILE = '/opt/eig_linux/var/modsec_block_run_lock'; my $ERROR_LOG = '/usr/local/apache/logs/error_log'; my $f_l; open($f_l, '>', $LOCK_FILE) or exit(42); flock($f_l, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) or exit(43); # random sleep since all servers are sending these batches every 5 min, avoid slamming glog sleep(int(rand(15))); our @TIMECACHE = (0,0); our $GL_SOCKET; # used by send_to_graylog to fake object persistence our $HOSTNAME = hostname(); my $fh; my %USERDOMAINS = (); my %USEROWNERS = (); open($fh, '<', '/etc/userdomains'); while (<$fh>) { chomp; if (/^(\S\S+): (\S+)$/) { $USERDOMAINS{$1} = $2; $USEROWNERS{$2} = $2; } } close($fh); if ($HOSTNAME !~ /\.hostgator\.com/) { # for now to save time on shared, should extend at some point open($fh, '<', '/etc/trueuserowners'); while (<$fh>) { chomp; if (/^(\w+): (\w+)$/ && $2 ne 'root' && $2 ne '*') { $USEROWNERS{$1} = $2; } } close($fh); } my $offsetbytes = 0; if (-e $STATUS_FILE) { open($fh, '<', $STATUS_FILE); chomp($offsetbytes = <$fh>); close($fh); if ($offsetbytes !~ /^[0-9]+$/) { $offsetbytes = 0; } } open(my $fh, '<', $ERROR_LOG) or die('could not open error log'); my $logsize = (stat($ERROR_LOG))[7]; # get the size after opening to prevent weird race if ($logsize < $offsetbytes) { $offsetbytes = 0; } if ($logsize >= $offsetbytes && $offsetbytes > 0) { seek($fh, $offsetbytes, 0); } elsif (!$offsetbytes && $logsize > ($MAX_BACKTRACK + 3) * 1024) { # if the log is just a little too long, just get it all $offsetbytes = $logsize - $MAX_BACKTRACK*1024; seek($fh, $logsize - $MAX_BACKTRACK*1024, 0); } my $readbytes = 0; my $temphost; while (<$fh>) { $readbytes += length($_); if (/ModSecurity:/) { chomp; my $record = parse_modsec_line($_); if ($record) { $temphost = $record->{'_hostname'}; $temphost =~ s/^www\.//; if ($USERDOMAINS{$temphost}) { $record->{'_user_host_id'} = $USERDOMAINS{$temphost} . '-' . $HOSTNAME; $record->{'_owner_host_id'} = $USEROWNERS{$USERDOMAINS{$temphost}} . '-' . $HOSTNAME; } elsif ($record->{'_uri'} =~ /^\/+~([a-z0-9]+)\// && $USEROWNERS{$1}) { $record->{'_user_host_id'} = $1 . '-' . $HOSTNAME; $record->{'_owner_host_id'} = $USEROWNERS{$1} . '-' . $HOSTNAME; } if ($record->{'_remote_addr'} =~ /^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\.[0-9]+$/) { $record->{'_remote_24'} = $1; } if ($record->{'_msg'} =~ /logging/) { $record->{'_mtype'} = 3; } elsif ($record->{'_msg'} =~ /bot|crawler/i) { # might need to enhance $record->{'_mtype'} = 2; } elsif (!$record->{'_id'} || !$record->{'_remote_addr'}) { $record->{'_mtype'} = 4; } else { $record->{'_mtype'} = 1; } send_to_graylog($record); } } elsif (/mod_rbld.c/) { $record = parse_rbld_line($_); send_to_graylog($record) if ($record->{'_bl'}); } } close($fh); #print "$$: got offsetbytes $offsetbytes logsize $logsize readbytes $readbytes\n"; open($fh, '>', $STATUS_FILE); $offsetbytes += $readbytes; print $fh $offsetbytes; close($fh); sleep(1); close($f_l); sub parse_modsec_line { my $line = shift; # (month,day,time,year,loglevel,clientip,rest of modsec message to be parsed) my @lineparts = $line =~ m/^\[[A-Z][a-z][a-z] ([A-Z][a-z][a-z]) ([0-9][0-9]) ([0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9])\S* ([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])\] \[:?([a-z:0-9]+)\] (?:\[pid \S+ \d+\] )?\[client ([0-9.]+).*?ModSecurity: (.+)$/; return 0 if (scalar @lineparts != 7); my @toks = split(/ /, $lineparts[6]); my %tokout; my $quoted = 0; my $tkcount = 0; my $tkname = '_description'; # most are like [(tokname), but first one before [ starts as this if ($lineparts[6] =~ /Access denied with code ([0-9]+)[^0-9]/) { @{$tokout{'deny_code'}} = ($1); } @{$tokout{'timestamp'}} = (log2time($lineparts[0],$lineparts[1],$lineparts[3],$lineparts[2])); @{$tokout{'_remote_addr'}} = ($lineparts[5]); @{$tokout{'short_message'}} = ($lineparts[6]); foreach my $tok (@toks) { if (!$quoted && $tok =~ /^\[(\w+)$/) { $tkname = '_'.$1; @{$tokout{$tkname}} = (); $tkcount++; } elsif ($tok =~ /^\"/) { if (!$tkcount) { $quoted ^= 1 if ($tok!~/(?!\\)\"$/); } else { $tok=~s/^\"|(?!\\)\"\]$//g; } push @{$tokout{$tkname}}, $tok; } elsif (!$tkcount && $quoted && $tok=~/(?!\\)\"$/) { $quoted = 0; push @{$tokout{$tkname}}, $tok; } else { $tok=~s/(?!\\)\"\]$// if ($tkcount); push @{$tokout{$tkname}}, $tok; } } return { map { $_, join(' ', @{$tokout{$_}}) } keys %tokout }; } # this is a much simpler thing than modsec, but keeping it a function since we may need to expand when using on provo brands sub parse_rbld_line { my $line = shift; chomp($line); my @lineparts = $line =~ m/^\[[A-Z][a-z][a-z] ([A-Z][a-z][a-z]) ([0-9][0-9]) ([0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9])\S* ([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])\].* \[mod_rbld.c\] ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+) is listed in (\w+)$/; my $tokout = {}; $tokout->{'timestamp'} = log2time($lineparts[0],$lineparts[1],$lineparts[3],$lineparts[2]); $tokout->{'short_message'} = $lineparts[4] . ' is listed in ' . $lineparts[5]; $tokout->{'_remote_addr'} = $lineparts[4]; $tokout->{'_bl'} = $lineparts[5]; $tokout->{'_facility'} = 'mod_rbld'; return $tokout; } # log2time(month,day,year,time) sub log2time { my @time = split(/:/, $_[3]); my $now; if ($TIMECACHE[0] eq "$_[0] $_[1] $time[0]") { $now = $TIMECACHE[1] + 60*$time[1] + $time[2]; if ($now < $TIMECACHE[2] + 3600 && $now >= $TIMECACHE[2]) { $TIMECACHE[2] = $now; return $now; } } my %months = ('Jan'=>0,'Feb'=>1,'Mar'=>2,'Apr'=>3,'May'=>4, 'Jun'=>5,'Jul'=>6,'Aug'=>7,'Sep'=>8,'Oct'=>9, 'Nov'=>10,'Dec'=>11); my $day = int($_[1]); $now = timelocal_nocheck( 0, 0, int($time[0]), $day, $months{$_[0]}, $_[2] - 1900); $TIMECACHE[0] = "$_[0] $_[1] $time[0]"; $TIMECACHE[1] = $now; $now = $now + $time[1]*60 + $time[2]; $TIMECACHE[2] = $now; return $now; } sub send_to_graylog { my $msg = shift; $msg->{'host'} = $HOSTNAME; $msg->{'version'} = '1.1'; $msg->{'_facility'} = 'modsecurity' unless($msg->{'_facility'}); my $json = encode_json($msg) . "\n"; if (!$GL_SOCKET || !$GL_SOCKET->connected) { $GL_SOCKET = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => 'glog.eigbox.com', PeerPort => 12201, Proto => 'udp') or die("Cannot create socket!"); } $GL_SOCKET->send($json); }