Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
# Copyright 2022-2023 VMware, Inc. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2 """ The windows build process. """ import glob import shutil import sys import os import pathlib import tarfile from .common import runcmd, create_archive, MODULE_DIR, builds, install_runtime from ..common import arches, WIN32 ARCHES = arches[WIN32] if sys.platform == WIN32: import ctypes kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32 kernel32.SetConsoleMode(kernel32.GetStdHandle(-11), 7) def populate_env(env, dirs): """ Make sure we have the correct environment variables set. :param env: The environment dictionary :type env: dict :param dirs: The working directories :type dirs: ``relenv.build.common.Dirs`` """ env["MSBUILDDISABLENODEREUSE"] = "1" def build_python(env, dirs, logfp): """ Run the commands to build Python. :param env: The environment dictionary :type env: dict :param dirs: The working directories :type dirs: ``relenv.build.common.Dirs`` :param logfp: A handle for the log file :type logfp: file """ arch_to_plat = { "amd64": "x64", "x86": "win32", "arm64": "arm64", } arch = env["RELENV_HOST_ARCH"] plat = arch_to_plat[arch] cmd = [ str(dirs.source / "PCbuild" / "build.bat"), "-p", plat, "--no-tkinter", ] runcmd(cmd, env=env, stderr=logfp, stdout=logfp) # This is where build.bat puts everything # TODO: For now we'll only support 64bit if arch == "amd64": build_dir = dirs.source / "PCbuild" / arch else: build_dir = dirs.source / "PCbuild" / plat bin_dir = dirs.prefix / "Scripts" bin_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Move python binaries binaries = [ "py.exe", "pyw.exe", "python.exe", "pythonw.exe", "python3.dll", f"python{ env['RELENV_PY_MAJOR_VERSION'].replace('.', '') }.dll", "vcruntime140.dll", "venvlauncher.exe", "venvwlauncher.exe", ] for binary in binaries: shutil.move(src=str(build_dir / binary), dst=str(bin_dir / binary)) # Create DLLs directory (dirs.prefix / "DLLs").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Move all library files to DLLs directory (*.pyd, *.dll) for file in glob.glob(str(build_dir / "*.pyd")): shutil.move(src=file, dst=str(dirs.prefix / "DLLs")) for file in glob.glob(str(build_dir / "*.dll")): shutil.move(src=file, dst=str(dirs.prefix / "DLLs")) # Copy include directory shutil.copytree( src=str(dirs.source / "Include"), dst=str(dirs.prefix / "Include"), dirs_exist_ok=True, ) shutil.copy( src=str(dirs.source / "PC" / "pyconfig.h"), dst=str(dirs.prefix / "Include"), ) # Copy library files shutil.copytree( src=str(dirs.source / "Lib"), dst=str(dirs.prefix / "Lib"), dirs_exist_ok=True, ) os.makedirs(str(dirs.prefix / "Lib" / "site-packages"), exist_ok=True) # Create libs directory (dirs.prefix / "libs").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Copy lib files shutil.copy( src=str(build_dir / "python3.lib"), dst=str(dirs.prefix / "libs" / "python3.lib"), ) pylib = f"python{ env['RELENV_PY_MAJOR_VERSION'].replace('.', '') }.lib" shutil.copy( src=str(build_dir / pylib), dst=str(dirs.prefix / "libs" / pylib), ) build = builds.add("win32", populate_env=populate_env, version="3.10.13") build.add( "python", build_func=build_python, download={ "url": "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/{version}/Python-{version}.tar.xz", "version": build.version, "md5sum": "8847dc6458d1431d0ae0f55942deeb89", }, ) def finalize(env, dirs, logfp): """ Finalize sitecustomize, relenv runtime, and pip for Windows. :param env: The environment dictionary :type env: dict :param dirs: The working directories :type dirs: ``relenv.build.common.Dirs`` :param logfp: A handle for the log file :type logfp: file """ # Lay down site customize bindir = pathlib.Path(dirs.prefix) / "Scripts" sitepackages = dirs.prefix / "Lib" / "site-packages" install_runtime(sitepackages) # Install pip python = dirs.prefix / "Scripts" / "python.exe" runcmd([str(python), "-m", "ensurepip"], env=env, stderr=logfp, stdout=logfp) def runpip(pkg): # XXX Support cross pip installs on windows pip = bindir / "pip3.exe" env = os.environ.copy() target = None cmd = [ str(pip), "install", str(pkg), ] if target: cmd.append("--target={}".format(target)) runcmd(cmd, env=env, stderr=logfp, stdout=logfp) runpip("wheel") # This needs to handle running from the root of the git repo and also from # an installed Relenv if (MODULE_DIR.parent / ".git").exists(): runpip(MODULE_DIR.parent) else: runpip("relenv") for root, _, files in os.walk(dirs.prefix): for file in files: if file.endswith(".pyc"): os.remove(pathlib.Path(root) / file) globs = [ "*.exe", "*.py", "*.pyd", "*.dll", "*.lib", "/Include/*", "/Lib/site-packages/*", ] archive = f"{dirs.prefix}.tar.xz" with tarfile.open(archive, mode="w:xz") as fp: create_archive(fp, dirs.prefix, globs, logfp) build.add( "relenv-finalize", build_func=finalize, wait_on=["python"], ) build = build.copy(version="3.11.6", md5sum="d0c5a1a31efe879723e51addf56dd206") builds.add("win32", builder=build)