Create File
Create Folder
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""" Minion data cache plugin for MySQL database. .. versionadded:: 2018.3.0 It is up to the system administrator to set up and configure the MySQL infrastructure. All is needed for this plugin is a working MySQL server. .. warning:: The mysql.database and mysql.table_name will be directly added into certain queries. Salt treats these as trusted input. The module requires the database (default ``salt_cache``) to exist but creates its own table if needed. The keys are indexed using the ``bank`` and ``etcd_key`` columns. To enable this cache plugin, the master will need the python client for MySQL installed. This can be easily installed with pip: .. code-block:: bash pip install pymysql Optionally, depending on the MySQL agent configuration, the following values could be set in the master config. These are the defaults: .. code-block:: yaml mysql.host: mysql.port: 2379 mysql.user: None mysql.password: None mysql.database: salt_cache mysql.table_name: cache Related docs can be found in the `python-mysql documentation`_. To use the mysql as a minion data cache backend, set the master ``cache`` config value to ``mysql``: .. code-block:: yaml cache: mysql .. _`MySQL documentation`: https://github.com/coreos/mysql .. _`python-mysql documentation`: http://python-mysql.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ """ import copy import logging import time import salt.payload import salt.utils.stringutils from salt.exceptions import SaltCacheError try: # Trying to import MySQLdb import MySQLdb import MySQLdb.converters import MySQLdb.cursors from MySQLdb.connections import OperationalError except ImportError: try: # MySQLdb import failed, try to import PyMySQL import pymysql pymysql.install_as_MySQLdb() import MySQLdb import MySQLdb.converters import MySQLdb.cursors from MySQLdb.err import OperationalError except ImportError: MySQLdb = None _DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME = "salt_cache" _DEFAULT_CACHE_TABLE_NAME = "cache" _RECONNECT_INTERVAL_SEC = 0.050 log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Module properties __virtualname__ = "mysql" __func_alias__ = {"ls": "list"} def __virtual__(): """ Confirm that a python mysql client is installed. """ return bool(MySQLdb), "No python mysql client installed." if MySQLdb is None else "" def force_reconnect(): """ Force a reconnection to the MySQL database, by removing the client from Salt's __context__. """ __context__.pop("mysql_client", None) def run_query(conn, query, args=None, retries=3): """ Get a cursor and run a query. Reconnect up to ``retries`` times if needed. Returns: cursor, affected rows counter Raises: SaltCacheError, AttributeError, OperationalError """ if conn is None: conn = __context__.get("mysql_client") try: cur = conn.cursor() if not args: log.debug("Doing query: %s", query) out = cur.execute(query) else: log.debug("Doing query: %s args: %s ", query, repr(args)) out = cur.execute(query, args) return cur, out except (AttributeError, OperationalError) as e: if retries == 0: raise # reconnect creating new client time.sleep(_RECONNECT_INTERVAL_SEC) if conn is None: log.debug("mysql_cache: creating db connection") else: log.info("mysql_cache: recreating db connection due to: %r", e) __context__["mysql_client"] = MySQLdb.connect(**__context__["mysql_kwargs"]) return run_query( conn=__context__.get("mysql_client"), query=query, args=args, retries=(retries - 1), ) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except if len(query) > 150: query = query[:150] + "<...>" raise SaltCacheError( "Error running {}{}: {}".format( query, "- args: {}".format(args) if args else "", e ) ) def _create_table(): """ Create table if needed """ # Explicitly check if the table already exists as the library logs a # warning on CREATE TABLE query = """SELECT COUNT(TABLE_NAME) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = %s AND table_name = %s""" cur, _ = run_query( __context__.get("mysql_client"), query, args=(__context__["mysql_kwargs"]["db"], __context__["mysql_table_name"]), ) r = cur.fetchone() cur.close() if r[0] == 1: query = """ SELECT COUNT(TABLE_NAME) FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = %s AND table_name = %s AND column_name = 'last_update' """ cur, _ = run_query( __context__["mysql_client"], query, args=(__context__["mysql_kwargs"]["db"], __context__["mysql_table_name"]), ) r = cur.fetchone() cur.close() if r[0] == 1: return else: query = """ ALTER TABLE {}.{} ADD COLUMN last_update TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP """.format( __context__["mysql_kwargs"]["db"], __context__["mysql_table_name"] ) cur, _ = run_query(__context__["mysql_client"], query) cur.close() return query = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {} ( bank CHAR(255), etcd_key CHAR(255), data MEDIUMBLOB, last_update TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY(bank, etcd_key) );""".format( __context__["mysql_table_name"] ) log.info("mysql_cache: creating table %s", __context__["mysql_table_name"]) cur, _ = run_query(__context__.get("mysql_client"), query) cur.close() def _init_client(): """Initialize connection and create table if needed""" if __context__.get("mysql_client") is not None: return opts = copy.deepcopy(__opts__) mysql_kwargs = { "autocommit": True, "host": opts.pop("mysql.host", ""), "user": opts.pop("mysql.user", None), "passwd": opts.pop("mysql.password", None), "db": opts.pop("mysql.database", _DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME), "port": opts.pop("mysql.port", 3306), "unix_socket": opts.pop("mysql.unix_socket", None), "connect_timeout": opts.pop("mysql.connect_timeout", None), } mysql_kwargs["autocommit"] = True __context__["mysql_table_name"] = opts.pop("mysql.table_name", "salt") # Gather up any additional MySQL configuration options for k in opts: if k.startswith("mysql."): _key = k.split(".")[1] mysql_kwargs[_key] = opts.get(k) # TODO: handle SSL connection parameters for k, v in copy.deepcopy(mysql_kwargs).items(): if v is None: mysql_kwargs.pop(k) kwargs_copy = mysql_kwargs.copy() kwargs_copy["passwd"] = "<hidden>" log.info("mysql_cache: Setting up client with params: %r", kwargs_copy) __context__["mysql_kwargs"] = mysql_kwargs # The MySQL client is created later on by run_query _create_table() def store(bank, key, data): """ Store a key value. """ _init_client() data = salt.payload.dumps(data) query = "REPLACE INTO {} (bank, etcd_key, data) values(%s,%s,%s)".format( __context__["mysql_table_name"] ) args = (bank, key, data) cur, cnt = run_query(__context__.get("mysql_client"), query, args=args) cur.close() if cnt not in (1, 2): raise SaltCacheError("Error storing {} {} returned {}".format(bank, key, cnt)) def fetch(bank, key): """ Fetch a key value. """ _init_client() query = "SELECT data FROM {} WHERE bank=%s AND etcd_key=%s".format( __context__["mysql_table_name"] ) cur, _ = run_query(__context__.get("mysql_client"), query, args=(bank, key)) r = cur.fetchone() cur.close() if r is None: return {} return salt.payload.loads(r[0]) def flush(bank, key=None): """ Remove the key from the cache bank with all the key content. """ _init_client() query = "DELETE FROM {} WHERE bank=%s".format(__context__["mysql_table_name"]) if key is None: data = (bank,) else: data = (bank, key) query += " AND etcd_key=%s" cur, _ = run_query(__context__["mysql_client"], query, args=data) cur.close() def ls(bank): """ Return an iterable object containing all entries stored in the specified bank. """ _init_client() query = "SELECT etcd_key FROM {} WHERE bank=%s".format( __context__["mysql_table_name"] ) cur, _ = run_query(__context__.get("mysql_client"), query, args=(bank,)) out = [row[0] for row in cur.fetchall()] cur.close() return out def contains(bank, key): """ Checks if the specified bank contains the specified key. """ _init_client() if key is None: data = (bank,) query = "SELECT COUNT(data) FROM {} WHERE bank=%s".format( __context__["mysql_table_name"] ) else: data = (bank, key) query = "SELECT COUNT(data) FROM {} WHERE bank=%s AND etcd_key=%s".format( __context__["mysql_table_name"] ) cur, _ = run_query(__context__.get("mysql_client"), query, args=data) r = cur.fetchone() cur.close() return r[0] == 1 def updated(bank, key): """ Return the integer Unix epoch update timestamp of the specified bank and key. """ _init_client() query = ( "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_update) FROM {} WHERE bank=%s " "AND etcd_key=%s".format(__context__["mysql_table_name"]) ) data = (bank, key) cur, _ = run_query(__context__["mysql_client"], query=query, args=data) r = cur.fetchone() cur.close() return int(r[0]) if r else r