Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
""" The caller module is used as a front-end to manage direct calls to the salt minion modules. """ import logging import os import sys import traceback import salt import salt.channel.client import salt.defaults.exitcodes import salt.loader import salt.minion import salt.output import salt.payload import salt.utils.args import salt.utils.files import salt.utils.jid import salt.utils.minion import salt.utils.profile import salt.utils.stringutils from salt._logging import LOG_LEVELS from salt.exceptions import ( CommandExecutionError, CommandNotFoundError, SaltClientError, SaltInvocationError, ) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Caller: """ Factory class to create salt-call callers for different transport """ @staticmethod def factory(opts, **kwargs): return ZeroMQCaller(opts, **kwargs) class BaseCaller: """ Base class for caller transports """ def __init__(self, opts): """ Pass in command line opts """ self.opts = opts self.opts["caller"] = True # Handle this here so other deeper code which might # be imported as part of the salt api doesn't do a # nasty sys.exit() and tick off our developer users try: if self.opts.get("proxyid"): self.minion = salt.minion.SProxyMinion(opts) else: self.minion = salt.minion.SMinion(opts) except SaltClientError as exc: raise SystemExit(str(exc)) def print_docs(self): """ Pick up the documentation for all of the modules and print it out. """ docs = {} for name, func in self.minion.functions.items(): if name not in docs: if func.__doc__: docs[name] = func.__doc__ for name in sorted(docs): if name.startswith(self.opts.get("fun", "")): salt.utils.stringutils.print_cli("{}:\n{}\n".format(name, docs[name])) def print_grains(self): """ Print out the grains """ grains = self.minion.opts.get("grains") or salt.loader.grains(self.opts) salt.output.display_output({"local": grains}, "grains", self.opts) def run(self): """ Execute the salt call logic """ profiling_enabled = self.opts.get("profiling_enabled", False) try: pr = salt.utils.profile.activate_profile(profiling_enabled) try: ret = self.call() finally: salt.utils.profile.output_profile( pr, stats_path=self.opts.get("profiling_path", "/tmp/stats"), stop=True, ) out = ret.get("out", "nested") if self.opts["print_metadata"]: print_ret = ret out = "nested" else: print_ret = ret.get("return", {}) salt.output.display_output( {"local": print_ret}, out=out, opts=self.opts, _retcode=ret.get("retcode", 0), ) # _retcode will be available in the kwargs of the outputter function if self.opts.get("retcode_passthrough", False): sys.exit(ret["retcode"]) elif ret.get("retcode") != salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_OK: sys.exit(salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_GENERIC) except SaltInvocationError as err: raise SystemExit(err) def call(self): """ Call the module """ ret = {} fun = self.opts["fun"] ret["jid"] = salt.utils.jid.gen_jid(self.opts) proc_fn = os.path.join( salt.minion.get_proc_dir(self.opts["cachedir"]), ret["jid"] ) if fun not in self.minion.functions: docs = self.minion.functions["sys.doc"]("{}*".format(fun)) if docs: docs[fun] = self.minion.functions.missing_fun_string(fun) ret["out"] = "nested" ret["return"] = docs return ret sys.stderr.write(self.minion.functions.missing_fun_string(fun)) mod_name = fun.split(".")[0] if mod_name in self.minion.function_errors: sys.stderr.write( " Possible reasons: {}\n".format( self.minion.function_errors[mod_name] ) ) else: sys.stderr.write("\n") sys.exit(-1) metadata = self.opts.get("metadata") if metadata is not None: metadata = salt.utils.args.yamlify_arg(metadata) try: sdata = { "fun": fun, "pid": os.getpid(), "jid": ret["jid"], "tgt": "salt-call", } if metadata is not None: sdata["metadata"] = metadata args, kwargs = salt.minion.load_args_and_kwargs( self.minion.functions[fun], salt.utils.args.parse_input( self.opts["arg"], no_parse=self.opts.get("no_parse", []) ), data=sdata, ) try: with salt.utils.files.fopen(proc_fn, "w+b") as fp_: fp_.write(salt.payload.dumps(sdata)) except NameError: # Don't require msgpack with local pass except OSError: sys.stderr.write( "Cannot write to process directory. " "Do you have permissions to " "write to {} ?\n".format(proc_fn) ) func = self.minion.functions[fun] data = {"arg": args, "fun": fun} data.update(kwargs) executors = getattr( self.minion, "module_executors", [] ) or salt.utils.args.yamlify_arg( self.opts.get("module_executors", "[direct_call]") ) if self.opts.get("executor_opts", None): data["executor_opts"] = salt.utils.args.yamlify_arg( self.opts["executor_opts"] ) if isinstance(executors, str): executors = [executors] try: for name in executors: fname = "{}.execute".format(name) if fname not in self.minion.executors: raise SaltInvocationError( "Executor '{}' is not available".format(name) ) ret["return"] = self.minion.executors[fname]( self.opts, data, func, args, kwargs ) if ret["return"] is not None: break except TypeError as exc: sys.stderr.write( "\nPassed invalid arguments: {}.\n\nUsage:\n".format(exc) ) salt.utils.stringutils.print_cli(func.__doc__) active_level = LOG_LEVELS.get( self.opts["log_level"].lower(), logging.ERROR ) if active_level <= logging.DEBUG: trace = traceback.format_exc() sys.stderr.write(trace) sys.exit(salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_GENERIC) try: retcode = self.minion.executors.pack["__context__"].get("retcode", 0) except AttributeError: retcode = salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_GENERIC if retcode == 0: # No nonzero retcode in __context__ dunder. Check if return # is a dictionary with a "result" or "success" key. try: func_result = all( ret["return"].get(x, True) for x in ("result", "success") ) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except # return data is not a dict func_result = True if not func_result: retcode = salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_GENERIC ret["retcode"] = retcode except (CommandExecutionError) as exc: msg = "Error running '{0}': {1}\n" active_level = LOG_LEVELS.get(self.opts["log_level"].lower(), logging.ERROR) if active_level <= logging.DEBUG: sys.stderr.write(traceback.format_exc()) sys.stderr.write(msg.format(fun, exc)) sys.exit(salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_GENERIC) except CommandNotFoundError as exc: msg = "Command required for '{0}' not found: {1}\n" sys.stderr.write(msg.format(fun, exc)) sys.exit(salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_GENERIC) try: os.remove(proc_fn) except OSError: pass if hasattr(self.minion.functions[fun], "__outputter__"): oput = self.minion.functions[fun].__outputter__ if isinstance(oput, str): ret["out"] = oput is_local = ( self.opts["local"] or self.opts.get("file_client", False) == "local" or self.opts.get("master_type") == "disable" ) returners = self.opts.get("return", "").split(",") if (not is_local) or returners: ret["id"] = self.opts["id"] ret["fun"] = fun ret["fun_args"] = self.opts["arg"] if metadata is not None: ret["metadata"] = metadata for returner in returners: if not returner: # if we got an empty returner somehow, skip continue try: ret["success"] = True self.minion.returners["{}.returner".format(returner)](ret) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass # return the job infos back up to the respective minion's master if not is_local and not self.opts.get("no_return_event", False): try: mret = ret.copy() mret["jid"] = "req" self.return_pub(mret) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass elif self.opts["cache_jobs"]: # Local job cache has been enabled salt.utils.minion.cache_jobs(self.opts, ret["jid"], ret) return ret class ZeroMQCaller(BaseCaller): """ Object to wrap the calling of local salt modules for the salt-call command """ def __init__(self, opts): # pylint: disable=useless-super-delegation """ Pass in the command line options """ super().__init__(opts) def return_pub(self, ret): """ Return the data up to the master """ with salt.channel.client.ReqChannel.factory( self.opts, usage="salt_call" ) as channel: load = {"cmd": "_return", "id": self.opts["id"]} for key, value in ret.items(): load[key] = value channel.send(load)