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Filename :
""" Create ssh executor system """ import base64 import binascii import copy import datetime import getpass import hashlib import logging import multiprocessing import os import pathlib import queue import re import shlex import shutil import subprocess import sys import tarfile import tempfile import time import uuid import salt.client.ssh.shell import salt.client.ssh.wrapper import salt.config import salt.defaults.exitcodes import salt.exceptions import salt.loader import salt.minion import salt.output import salt.roster import salt.serializers.yaml import salt.state import salt.utils.args import salt.utils.atomicfile import salt.utils.event import salt.utils.files import salt.utils.hashutils import salt.utils.json import salt.utils.network import salt.utils.path import salt.utils.platform import salt.utils.stringutils import salt.utils.thin import salt.utils.url import salt.utils.verify from salt._logging import LOG_LEVELS from salt._logging.mixins import MultiprocessingStateMixin from salt.template import compile_template from salt.utils.process import Process from salt.utils.zeromq import zmq try: import saltwinshell HAS_WINSHELL = True except ImportError: HAS_WINSHELL = False # The directory where salt thin is deployed DEFAULT_THIN_DIR = "/var/tmp/.%%USER%%_%%FQDNUUID%%_salt" # RSTR is just a delimiter to distinguish the beginning of salt STDOUT # and STDERR. There is no special meaning. Messages prior to RSTR in # stderr and stdout are either from SSH or from the shim. # # RSTR on both stdout and stderr: # no errors in SHIM - output after RSTR is from salt # No RSTR in stderr, RSTR in stdout: # no errors in SSH_SH_SHIM, but SHIM commands for salt master are after # RSTR in stdout # No RSTR in stderr, no RSTR in stdout: # Failure in SHIM # RSTR in stderr, No RSTR in stdout: # Undefined behavior RSTR = "_edbc7885e4f9aac9b83b35999b68d015148caf467b78fa39c05f669c0ff89878" # The regex to find RSTR in output - Must be on an output line by itself # NOTE - must use non-grouping match groups or output splitting will fail. RSTR_RE = r"(?:^|\r?\n)" + RSTR + r"(?:\r?\n|$)" # METHODOLOGY: # # 1) Make the _thinnest_ /bin/sh shim (SSH_SH_SHIM) to find the python # interpreter and get it invoked # 2) Once a qualified python is found start it with the SSH_PY_SHIM # 3) The shim is converted to a single semicolon separated line, so # some constructs are needed to keep it clean. # NOTE: # * SSH_SH_SHIM is generic and can be used to load+exec *any* python # script on the target. # * SSH_PY_SHIM is in a separate file rather than stuffed in a string # in salt/client/ssh/__init__.py - this makes testing *easy* because # it can be invoked directly. # * SSH_PY_SHIM is base64 encoded and formatted into the SSH_SH_SHIM # string. This makes the python script "armored" so that it can # all be passed in the SSH command and will not need special quoting # (which likely would be impossibe to do anyway) # * The formatted SSH_SH_SHIM with the SSH_PY_SHIM payload is a bit # big (~7.5k). If this proves problematic for an SSH command we # might try simply invoking "/bin/sh -s" and passing the formatted # SSH_SH_SHIM on SSH stdin. # NOTE: there are two passes of formatting: # 1) Substitute in static values # - EX_THIN_PYTHON_INVALID - exit code if a suitable python is not found # 2) Substitute in instance-specific commands # - DEBUG - enable shim debugging (any non-zero string enables) # - SUDO - load python and execute as root (any non-zero string enables) # - SSH_PY_CODE - base64-encoded python code to execute # - SSH_PY_ARGS - arguments to pass to python code # This shim generically loads python code . . . and *no* more. # - Uses /bin/sh for maximum compatibility - then jumps to # python for ultra-maximum compatibility. # # 1. Identify a suitable python # 2. Jump to python # Note the list-comprehension syntax to define SSH_SH_SHIM is needed # to be able to define the string with indentation for readability but # still strip the white space for compactness and to avoid issues with # some multi-line embedded python code having indentation errors SSH_SH_SHIM = "\n".join( [ s.strip() for s in r'''/bin/sh << 'EOF' set -e set -u DEBUG="{{DEBUG}}" if [ -n "$DEBUG" ] then set -x fi SET_PATH="{{SET_PATH}}" if [ -n "$SET_PATH" ] then export PATH={{SET_PATH}} fi SUDO="" if [ -n "{{SUDO}}" ] then SUDO="{{SUDO}} " fi SUDO_USER="{{SUDO_USER}}" if [ "$SUDO" ] && [ "$SUDO_USER" ] then SUDO="$SUDO -u $SUDO_USER" fi EX_PYTHON_INVALID={EX_THIN_PYTHON_INVALID} PYTHON_CMDS="python3 python27 python2.7 python26 python2.6 python2 python /usr/libexec/platform-python" for py_cmd in $PYTHON_CMDS do if command -v "$py_cmd" >/dev/null 2>&1 && "$py_cmd" -c "import sys; sys.exit(not (sys.version_info >= (2, 6)));" then py_cmd_path=`"$py_cmd" -c 'from __future__ import print_function;import sys; print(sys.executable);'` cmdpath=`command -v $py_cmd 2>/dev/null || which $py_cmd 2>/dev/null` if file $cmdpath | grep "shell script" > /dev/null then ex_vars="'PATH', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH', 'MANPATH', \ 'XDG_DATA_DIRS', 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH'" export `$py_cmd -c \ "from __future__ import print_function; import sys; import os; map(sys.stdout.write, ['{{{{0}}}}={{{{1}}}} ' \ .format(x, os.environ[x]) for x in [$ex_vars]])"` exec $SUDO PATH=$PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH \ MANPATH=$MANPATH XDG_DATA_DIRS=$XDG_DATA_DIRS \ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH \ "$py_cmd_path" -c \ 'import base64; exec(base64.b64decode("""{{SSH_PY_CODE}}""").decode("utf-8"))' else exec $SUDO "$py_cmd_path" -c \ 'import base64; exec(base64.b64decode("""{{SSH_PY_CODE}}""").decode("utf-8"))' fi exit 0 else continue fi done echo "ERROR: Unable to locate appropriate python command" >&2 exit $EX_PYTHON_INVALID EOF'''.format( EX_THIN_PYTHON_INVALID=salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_THIN_PYTHON_INVALID, ).split( "\n" ) ] ) if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows() and not salt.utils.platform.is_junos(): shim_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "ssh_py_shim.py") if not os.path.exists(shim_file): # On esky builds we only have the .pyc file shim_file += "c" with salt.utils.files.fopen(shim_file) as ssh_py_shim: SSH_PY_SHIM = ssh_py_shim.read() else: SSH_PY_SHIM = None log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SSH(MultiprocessingStateMixin): """ Create an SSH execution system """ ROSTER_UPDATE_FLAG = "#__needs_update" def __init__(self, opts): self.__parsed_rosters = {SSH.ROSTER_UPDATE_FLAG: True} pull_sock = os.path.join(opts["sock_dir"], "master_event_pull.ipc") if os.path.exists(pull_sock) and zmq: self.event = salt.utils.event.get_event( "master", opts["sock_dir"], opts=opts, listen=False ) else: self.event = None self.opts = opts if self.opts["regen_thin"]: self.opts["ssh_wipe"] = True if not salt.utils.path.which("ssh"): raise salt.exceptions.SaltSystemExit( code=-1, msg=( "No ssh binary found in path -- ssh must be installed for salt-ssh" " to run. Exiting." ), ) self.opts["_ssh_version"] = ssh_version() self.tgt_type = ( self.opts["selected_target_option"] if self.opts["selected_target_option"] else "glob" ) self._expand_target() self.roster = salt.roster.Roster(self.opts, self.opts.get("roster", "flat")) self.targets = self.roster.targets(self.opts["tgt"], self.tgt_type) if not self.targets: self._update_targets() # If we're in a wfunc, we need to get the ssh key location from the # top level opts, stored in __master_opts__ if "__master_opts__" in self.opts: if self.opts["__master_opts__"].get("ssh_use_home_key") and os.path.isfile( os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/id_rsa") ): priv = os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/id_rsa") else: priv = self.opts["__master_opts__"].get( "ssh_priv", os.path.join( self.opts["__master_opts__"]["pki_dir"], "ssh", "salt-ssh.rsa" ), ) else: priv = self.opts.get( "ssh_priv", os.path.join(self.opts["pki_dir"], "ssh", "salt-ssh.rsa") ) if priv != "agent-forwarding": if not os.path.isfile(priv): try: salt.client.ssh.shell.gen_key(priv) except OSError: raise salt.exceptions.SaltClientError( "salt-ssh could not be run because it could not generate" " keys.\n\nYou can probably resolve this by executing this" " script with increased permissions via sudo or by running as" " root.\nYou could also use the '-c' option to supply a" " configuration directory that you have permissions to read and" " write to." ) self.defaults = { "user": self.opts.get( "ssh_user", salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["ssh_user"] ), "port": self.opts.get( "ssh_port", salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["ssh_port"] ), "passwd": self.opts.get( "ssh_passwd", salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["ssh_passwd"] ), "priv": priv, "priv_passwd": self.opts.get( "ssh_priv_passwd", salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["ssh_priv_passwd"] ), "timeout": self.opts.get( "ssh_timeout", salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["ssh_timeout"] ) + self.opts.get("timeout", salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["timeout"]), "sudo": self.opts.get( "ssh_sudo", salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["ssh_sudo"] ), "sudo_user": self.opts.get( "ssh_sudo_user", salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["ssh_sudo_user"] ), "identities_only": self.opts.get( "ssh_identities_only", salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS["ssh_identities_only"], ), "remote_port_forwards": self.opts.get("ssh_remote_port_forwards"), "ssh_options": self.opts.get("ssh_options"), } if self.opts.get("rand_thin_dir"): self.defaults["thin_dir"] = os.path.join( "/var/tmp", f".{uuid.uuid4().hex[:6]}" ) self.opts["ssh_wipe"] = "True" self.returners = salt.loader.returners(self.opts, {}) self.fsclient = salt.fileclient.FSClient(self.opts) self.thin = salt.utils.thin.gen_thin( self.opts["cachedir"], extra_mods=self.opts.get("thin_extra_mods"), overwrite=self.opts["regen_thin"], extended_cfg=self.opts.get("ssh_ext_alternatives"), ) self.mods = mod_data(self.fsclient) # __setstate__ and __getstate__ are only used on spawning platforms. def __setstate__(self, state): super().__setstate__(state) # This will invoke __init__ of the most derived class. self.__init__(state["opts"]) def __getstate__(self): state = super().__getstate__() state["opts"] = self.opts return state @property def parse_tgt(self): """ Method to determine the hostname and user when bypassing the roster and using ssh syntax (ex. root@localhost) """ if not self.opts.get("ssh_cli_tgt"): self.opts["ssh_cli_tgt"] = self.opts.get("tgt", "") hostname = self.opts.get("ssh_cli_tgt", "") if "@" in hostname: user, hostname = hostname.split("@", 1) else: user = self.opts.get("ssh_user") return {"hostname": hostname, "user": user} def _get_roster(self): """ Read roster filename as a key to the data. :return: """ roster_file = salt.roster.get_roster_file(self.opts) if roster_file not in self.__parsed_rosters: roster_data = compile_template( roster_file, salt.loader.render(self.opts, {}), self.opts["renderer"], self.opts["renderer_blacklist"], self.opts["renderer_whitelist"], ) self.__parsed_rosters[roster_file] = roster_data return roster_file def _expand_target(self): """ Figures out if the target is a reachable host without wildcards, expands if any. :return: """ # TODO: Support -L hostname = self.parse_tgt["hostname"] if isinstance(hostname, list): return needs_expansion = "*" not in hostname and salt.utils.network.is_reachable_host( hostname ) if needs_expansion: if hostname is None: # Reverse lookup failed return self._get_roster() for roster_filename in self.__parsed_rosters: roster_data = self.__parsed_rosters[roster_filename] if not isinstance(roster_data, bool): for host_id in roster_data: try: roster_host = roster_data[host_id].get("host") except AttributeError: roster_host = roster_data[host_id] if hostname in [host_id, roster_host]: if hostname != self.opts["tgt"]: self.opts["tgt"] = hostname self.__parsed_rosters[self.ROSTER_UPDATE_FLAG] = False return def _update_roster(self): """ Update default flat roster with the passed in information. :return: """ roster_file = self._get_roster() if os.access(roster_file, os.W_OK): if self.__parsed_rosters[self.ROSTER_UPDATE_FLAG]: with salt.utils.files.fopen(roster_file, "a") as roster_fp: roster_fp.write( '# Automatically added by "{s_user}" at {s_time}\n{hostname}:\n' " host: {hostname}\n user: {user}\n passwd: {passwd}\n".format( s_user=getpass.getuser(), s_time=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), hostname=self.opts.get("tgt", ""), user=self.opts.get("ssh_user", ""), passwd=self.opts.get("ssh_passwd", ""), ) ) log.info( "The host %s has been added to the roster %s", self.opts.get("tgt", ""), roster_file, ) else: log.error("Unable to update roster %s: access denied", roster_file) def _update_targets(self): """ Uptade targets in case hostname was directly passed without the roster. :return: """ hostname = self.parse_tgt["hostname"] user = self.parse_tgt["user"] if hostname == "*": hostname = "" if salt.utils.network.is_reachable_host(hostname): self.opts["tgt"] = hostname self.targets[hostname] = { "passwd": self.opts.get("ssh_passwd", ""), "host": hostname, "user": user, } if self.opts.get("ssh_update_roster"): self._update_roster() def get_pubkey(self): """ Return the key string for the SSH public key """ if ( "__master_opts__" in self.opts and self.opts["__master_opts__"].get("ssh_use_home_key") and os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/id_rsa")) ): priv = os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/id_rsa") else: priv = self.opts.get( "ssh_priv", os.path.join(self.opts["pki_dir"], "ssh", "salt-ssh.rsa") ) pub = f"{priv}.pub" with salt.utils.files.fopen(pub, "r") as fp_: return f"{fp_.read().split()[1]} rsa root@master" def key_deploy(self, host, ret): """ Deploy the SSH key if the minions don't auth """ if not isinstance(ret[host], dict) or self.opts.get("ssh_key_deploy"): target = self.targets[host] if target.get("passwd", False) or self.opts["ssh_passwd"]: self._key_deploy_run(host, target, False) return ret stderr = ret[host].get("stderr", "") # -failed to upload file- is detecting scp errors # Errors to ignore when Permission denied is in the stderr. For example # scp can get a permission denied on the target host, but they where # able to accurate authenticate against the box ignore_err = ["failed to upload file"] check_err = [x for x in ignore_err if stderr.count(x)] if "Permission denied" in stderr and not check_err: target = self.targets[host] # permission denied, attempt to auto deploy ssh key print( "Permission denied for host {}, do you want to deploy " "the salt-ssh key? (password required):".format(host) ) deploy = input("[Y/n] ") if deploy.startswith(("n", "N")): return ret target["passwd"] = getpass.getpass( "Password for {}@{}: ".format(target["user"], host) ) return self._key_deploy_run(host, target, True) return ret def _key_deploy_run(self, host, target, re_run=True): """ The ssh-copy-id routine """ argv = [ "ssh.set_auth_key", target.get("user", "root"), self.get_pubkey(), ] single = Single( self.opts, argv, host, mods=self.mods, fsclient=self.fsclient, thin=self.thin, **target, ) if salt.utils.path.which("ssh-copy-id"): # we have ssh-copy-id, use it! stdout, stderr, retcode = single.shell.copy_id() else: stdout, stderr, retcode = single.run() if re_run: target.pop("passwd") single = Single( self.opts, self.opts["argv"], host, mods=self.mods, fsclient=self.fsclient, thin=self.thin, **target, ) stdout, stderr, retcode = single.cmd_block() try: data = salt.utils.json.find_json(stdout) return {host: data.get("local", data)} except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except if stderr: return {host: stderr} return {host: "Bad Return"} if salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_OK != retcode: return {host: stderr} return {host: stdout} def handle_routine(self, que, opts, host, target, mine=False): """ Run the routine in a "Thread", put a dict on the queue """ opts = copy.deepcopy(opts) single = Single( opts, opts["argv"], host, mods=self.mods, fsclient=self.fsclient, thin=self.thin, mine=mine, **target, ) ret = {"id": single.id} stdout, stderr, retcode = single.run() try: retcode = int(retcode) except (TypeError, ValueError): log.warning(f"Got an invalid retcode for host '{host}': '{retcode}'") retcode = 1 # This job is done, yield try: data = salt.utils.json.find_json(stdout) if len(data) < 2 and "local" in data: ret["ret"] = data["local"] try: # Ensure a reported local retcode is kept remote_retcode = data["local"]["retcode"] try: retcode = int(remote_retcode) except (TypeError, ValueError): log.warning( f"Host '{host}' reported an invalid retcode: '{remote_retcode}'" ) retcode = max(retcode, 1) except (KeyError, TypeError): pass else: ret["ret"] = { "stdout": stdout, "stderr": stderr, "retcode": retcode, } except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except ret["ret"] = { "stdout": stdout, "stderr": stderr, "retcode": retcode, } que.put((ret, retcode)) def handle_ssh(self, mine=False): """ Spin up the needed threads or processes and execute the subsequent routines """ que = multiprocessing.Queue() running = {} target_iter = self.targets.__iter__() returned = set() rets = set() init = False while True: if not self.targets: log.error("No matching targets found in roster.") break if len(running) < self.opts.get("ssh_max_procs", 25) and not init: try: host = next(target_iter) except StopIteration: init = True continue for default in self.defaults: if default not in self.targets[host]: self.targets[host][default] = self.defaults[default] if "host" not in self.targets[host]: self.targets[host]["host"] = host if self.targets[host].get("winrm") and not HAS_WINSHELL: returned.add(host) rets.add(host) log_msg = ( "Please contact sales@saltstack.com for access to the" " enterprise saltwinshell module." ) log.debug(log_msg) no_ret = { "fun_args": [], "jid": None, "return": log_msg, "retcode": 1, "fun": "", "id": host, } yield {host: no_ret}, 1 continue args = ( que, self.opts, host, self.targets[host], mine, ) routine = Process(target=self.handle_routine, args=args) routine.start() running[host] = {"thread": routine} continue ret = {} retcode = 0 try: ret, retcode = que.get(False) if "id" in ret: returned.add(ret["id"]) yield {ret["id"]: ret["ret"]}, retcode except queue.Empty: pass for host in running: if not running[host]["thread"].is_alive(): if host not in returned: # Try to get any returns that came through since we # last checked try: while True: ret, retcode = que.get(False) if "id" in ret: returned.add(ret["id"]) yield {ret["id"]: ret["ret"]}, retcode except queue.Empty: pass if host not in returned: error = ( "Target '{}' did not return any data, " "probably due to an error.".format(host) ) ret = {"id": host, "ret": error} log.error(error) yield {ret["id"]: ret["ret"]}, 1 running[host]["thread"].join() rets.add(host) for host in rets: if host in running: running.pop(host) if len(rets) >= len(self.targets): break # Sleep when limit or all threads started if len(running) >= self.opts.get("ssh_max_procs", 25) or len( self.targets ) >= len(running): time.sleep(0.1) def run_iter(self, mine=False, jid=None): """ Execute and yield returns as they come in, do not print to the display mine The Single objects will use mine_functions defined in the roster, pillar, or master config (they will be checked in that order) and will modify the argv with the arguments from mine_functions """ fstr = "{}.prep_jid".format(self.opts["master_job_cache"]) jid = self.returners[fstr](passed_jid=jid or self.opts.get("jid", None)) # Save the invocation information argv = self.opts["argv"] if self.opts.get("raw_shell", False): fun = "ssh._raw" args = argv else: fun = argv[0] if argv else "" args = argv[1:] job_load = { "jid": jid, "tgt_type": self.tgt_type, "tgt": self.opts["tgt"], "user": self.opts["user"], "fun": fun, "arg": args, } # save load to the master job cache if self.opts["master_job_cache"] == "local_cache": self.returners["{}.save_load".format(self.opts["master_job_cache"])]( jid, job_load, minions=self.targets.keys() ) else: self.returners["{}.save_load".format(self.opts["master_job_cache"])]( jid, job_load ) for ret, _ in self.handle_ssh(mine=mine): host = next(iter(ret)) self.cache_job(jid, host, ret[host], fun) if self.event: id_, data = next(iter(ret.items())) if isinstance(data, str): data = {"return": data} if "id" not in data: data["id"] = id_ if "fun" not in data: data["fun"] = fun data[ "jid" ] = jid # make the jid in the payload the same as the jid in the tag self.event.fire_event( data, salt.utils.event.tagify([jid, "ret", host], "job") ) yield ret def cache_job(self, jid, id_, ret, fun): """ Cache the job information """ self.returners["{}.returner".format(self.opts["master_job_cache"])]( {"jid": jid, "id": id_, "return": ret, "fun": fun} ) def run(self, jid=None): """ Execute the overall routine, print results via outputters """ if self.opts.get("list_hosts"): self._get_roster() ret = {} for roster_file in self.__parsed_rosters: if roster_file.startswith("#"): continue ret[roster_file] = {} for host_id in self.__parsed_rosters[roster_file]: hostname = self.__parsed_rosters[roster_file][host_id]["host"] ret[roster_file][host_id] = hostname salt.output.display_output(ret, "nested", self.opts) sys.exit() fstr = "{}.prep_jid".format(self.opts["master_job_cache"]) jid = self.returners[fstr](passed_jid=jid or self.opts.get("jid", None)) # Save the invocation information argv = self.opts["argv"] if self.opts.get("raw_shell", False): fun = "ssh._raw" args = argv else: fun = argv[0] if argv else "" args = argv[1:] job_load = { "jid": jid, "tgt_type": self.tgt_type, "tgt": self.opts["tgt"], "user": self.opts["user"], "fun": fun, "arg": args, } # save load to the master job cache try: if isinstance(jid, bytes): jid = jid.decode("utf-8") if self.opts["master_job_cache"] == "local_cache": self.returners["{}.save_load".format(self.opts["master_job_cache"])]( jid, job_load, minions=self.targets.keys() ) else: self.returners["{}.save_load".format(self.opts["master_job_cache"])]( jid, job_load ) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.error( "Could not save load with returner %s: %s", self.opts["master_job_cache"], exc, exc_info=True, ) if self.opts.get("verbose"): msg = f"Executing job with jid {jid}" print(msg) print("-" * len(msg) + "\n") print("") sret = {} outputter = self.opts.get("output", "nested") final_exit = 0 for ret, retcode in self.handle_ssh(): host = next(iter(ret)) if not isinstance(retcode, int): log.warning(f"Host '{host}' returned an invalid retcode: {retcode}") retcode = 1 final_exit = max(final_exit, retcode) self.cache_job(jid, host, ret[host], fun) ret = self.key_deploy(host, ret) if isinstance(ret[host], dict) and ( ret[host].get("stderr") or "" ).startswith("ssh:"): ret[host] = ret[host]["stderr"] if not isinstance(ret[host], dict): p_data = {host: ret[host]} elif "return" not in ret[host]: p_data = ret else: outputter = ret[host].get("out", self.opts.get("output", "nested")) p_data = {host: ret[host].get("return", {})} if self.opts.get("static"): sret.update(p_data) else: salt.output.display_output(p_data, outputter, self.opts) if self.event: id_, data = next(iter(ret.items())) if isinstance(data, str): data = {"return": data} if "id" not in data: data["id"] = id_ if "fun" not in data: data["fun"] = fun data[ "jid" ] = jid # make the jid in the payload the same as the jid in the tag self.event.fire_event( data, salt.utils.event.tagify([jid, "ret", host], "job") ) if self.event is not None: self.event.destroy() if self.opts.get("static"): salt.output.display_output(sret, outputter, self.opts) if final_exit: sys.exit(salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_AGGREGATE) class Single: """ Hold onto a single ssh execution """ # 1. Get command ready # 2. Check if target has salt # 3. deploy salt-thin # 4. execute requested command via salt-thin def __init__( self, opts, argv, id_, host, user=None, port=None, passwd=None, priv=None, priv_passwd=None, timeout=30, sudo=False, tty=False, mods=None, fsclient=None, thin=None, mine=False, minion_opts=None, identities_only=False, sudo_user=None, remote_port_forwards=None, winrm=False, ssh_options=None, **kwargs, ): # Get mine setting and mine_functions if defined in kwargs (from roster) self.mine = mine self.mine_functions = kwargs.get("mine_functions") self.cmd_umask = kwargs.get("cmd_umask", None) self.winrm = winrm self.opts = opts self.tty = tty if kwargs.get("disable_wipe"): self.wipe = False else: self.wipe = bool(self.opts.get("ssh_wipe")) if kwargs.get("thin_dir"): self.thin_dir = kwargs["thin_dir"] elif self.winrm: saltwinshell.set_winvars(self) self.python_env = kwargs.get("ssh_python_env") else: if user: thin_dir = DEFAULT_THIN_DIR.replace("%%USER%%", user) else: thin_dir = DEFAULT_THIN_DIR.replace("%%USER%%", "root") self.thin_dir = thin_dir.replace( "%%FQDNUUID%%", uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, salt.utils.network.get_fqhostname()).hex[ :6 ], ) self.opts["thin_dir"] = self.thin_dir self.fsclient = fsclient self.context = {"master_opts": self.opts, "fileclient": self.fsclient} self.ssh_pre_flight = kwargs.get("ssh_pre_flight", None) self.ssh_pre_flight_args = kwargs.get("ssh_pre_flight_args", None) if self.ssh_pre_flight: self.ssh_pre_file = os.path.basename(self.ssh_pre_flight) if isinstance(argv, str): self.argv = [argv] else: self.argv = argv self.fun, self.args, self.kwargs = self.__arg_comps() self.id = id_ self.set_path = kwargs.get("set_path", "") self.mods = mods if isinstance(mods, dict) else {} args = { "host": host, "user": user, "port": port, "passwd": passwd, "priv": priv, "priv_passwd": priv_passwd, "timeout": timeout, "sudo": sudo, "tty": tty, "mods": self.mods, "identities_only": identities_only, "sudo_user": sudo_user, "remote_port_forwards": remote_port_forwards, "winrm": winrm, "ssh_options": ssh_options, } # Pre apply changeable defaults self.minion_opts = { "grains_cache": True, "log_file": "salt-call.log", } self.minion_opts.update(opts.get("ssh_minion_opts", {})) if minion_opts is not None: self.minion_opts.update(minion_opts) # Post apply system needed defaults self.minion_opts.update( { "root_dir": os.path.join(self.thin_dir, "running_data"), "id": self.id, "sock_dir": "/", "fileserver_list_cache_time": 3, } ) self.minion_config = salt.serializers.yaml.serialize(self.minion_opts) self.target = kwargs self.target.update(args) self.wfuncs = salt.loader.ssh_wrapper(opts, None, self.context) self.shell = salt.client.ssh.shell.gen_shell(opts, **args) if self.winrm: # Determine if Windows client is x86 or AMD64 arch, _, _ = self.shell.exec_cmd("powershell $ENV:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE") self.arch = arch.strip() self.thin = thin if thin else salt.utils.thin.thin_path(opts["cachedir"]) def __arg_comps(self): """ Return the function name and the arg list """ fun = self.argv[0] if self.argv else "" parsed = salt.utils.args.parse_input( self.argv[1:], condition=False, no_parse=self.opts.get("no_parse", []) ) args = parsed[0] kws = parsed[1] return fun, args, kws def _escape_arg(self, arg): """ Properly escape argument to protect special characters from shell interpretation. This avoids having to do tricky argument quoting. Effectively just escape all characters in the argument that are not alphanumeric! """ if self.winrm: return arg return "".join(["\\" + char if re.match(r"\W", char) else char for char in arg]) def run_ssh_pre_flight(self): """ Run our pre_flight script before running any ssh commands """ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp: # ensure we use copyfile to not copy the file attributes # we want to ensure we use the perms set by the secure # NamedTemporaryFile try: shutil.copyfile(self.ssh_pre_flight, temp.name) except OSError as err: return ( "", "Could not copy pre flight script to temporary path", 1, ) target_script = f".{pathlib.Path(temp.name).name}" log.trace("Copying the pre flight script to target") stdout, stderr, retcode = self.shell.send(temp.name, target_script) if retcode != 0: # We could not copy the script to the target log.error("Could not copy the pre flight script to target") return stdout, stderr, retcode log.trace("Executing the pre flight script on target") return self.execute_script( target_script, script_args=self.ssh_pre_flight_args ) def check_thin_dir(self): """ check if the thindir exists on the remote machine """ stdout, stderr, retcode = self.shell.exec_cmd(f"test -d {self.thin_dir}") if retcode != 0: return False return True def deploy(self): """ Deploy salt-thin """ self.shell.send( self.thin, os.path.join(self.thin_dir, "salt-thin.tgz"), ) self.deploy_ext() return True def deploy_ext(self): """ Deploy the ext_mods tarball """ if self.mods.get("file"): self.shell.send( self.mods["file"], os.path.join(self.thin_dir, "salt-ext_mods.tgz"), ) return True def run(self, deploy_attempted=False): """ Execute the routine, the routine can be either: 1. Execute a raw shell command 2. Execute a wrapper func 3. Execute a remote Salt command If a (re)deploy is needed, then retry the operation after a deploy attempt Returns tuple of (stdout, stderr, retcode) """ stdout = stderr = retcode = None if self.ssh_pre_flight: if not self.opts.get("ssh_run_pre_flight", False) and self.check_thin_dir(): log.info( "%s thin dir already exists. Not running ssh_pre_flight script", self.thin_dir, ) elif not os.path.exists(self.ssh_pre_flight): log.error( "The ssh_pre_flight script %s does not exist", self.ssh_pre_flight ) else: stdout, stderr, retcode = self.run_ssh_pre_flight() if retcode != 0: log.error( "Error running ssh_pre_flight script %s", self.ssh_pre_file ) return stdout, stderr, retcode log.info( "Successfully ran the ssh_pre_flight script: %s", self.ssh_pre_file ) if self.opts.get("raw_shell", False): cmd_str = " ".join([self._escape_arg(arg) for arg in self.argv]) stdout, stderr, retcode = self.shell.exec_cmd(cmd_str) elif self.fun in self.wfuncs or self.mine: stdout, retcode = self.run_wfunc() else: stdout, stderr, retcode = self.cmd_block() return stdout, stderr, retcode def run_wfunc(self): """ Execute a wrapper function Returns tuple of (json_data, '') """ # Ensure that opts/grains are up to date # Execute routine data_cache = False data = None cdir = os.path.join(self.opts["cachedir"], "minions", self.id) if not os.path.isdir(cdir): os.makedirs(cdir) datap = os.path.join(cdir, "ssh_data.p") refresh = False if not os.path.isfile(datap): refresh = True else: passed_time = (time.time() - os.stat(datap).st_mtime) / 60 if passed_time > self.opts.get("cache_life", 60): refresh = True if self.opts.get("refresh_cache"): refresh = True conf_grains = {} # Save conf file grains before they get clobbered if "ssh_grains" in self.opts: conf_grains = self.opts["ssh_grains"] if not data_cache: refresh = True if refresh: # Make the datap # TODO: Auto expire the datap pre_wrapper = salt.client.ssh.wrapper.FunctionWrapper( self.opts, self.id, fsclient=self.fsclient, minion_opts=self.minion_opts, **self.target, ) opts_pkg = pre_wrapper["test.opts_pkg"]() # pylint: disable=E1102 if "_error" in opts_pkg: # Refresh failed retcode = opts_pkg["retcode"] ret = salt.utils.json.dumps({"local": opts_pkg}) return ret, retcode opts_pkg["file_roots"] = self.opts["file_roots"] opts_pkg["pillar_roots"] = self.opts["pillar_roots"] opts_pkg["ext_pillar"] = self.opts["ext_pillar"] opts_pkg["extension_modules"] = self.opts["extension_modules"] opts_pkg["module_dirs"] = self.opts["module_dirs"] opts_pkg["_ssh_version"] = self.opts["_ssh_version"] opts_pkg["thin_dir"] = self.opts["thin_dir"] opts_pkg["master_tops"] = self.opts["master_tops"] opts_pkg["extra_filerefs"] = self.opts.get("extra_filerefs", "") opts_pkg["__master_opts__"] = self.context["master_opts"] if "known_hosts_file" in self.opts: opts_pkg["known_hosts_file"] = self.opts["known_hosts_file"] if "_caller_cachedir" in self.opts: opts_pkg["_caller_cachedir"] = self.opts["_caller_cachedir"] else: opts_pkg["_caller_cachedir"] = self.opts["cachedir"] # Use the ID defined in the roster file opts_pkg["id"] = self.id retcode = 0 # Restore master grains for grain in conf_grains: opts_pkg["grains"][grain] = conf_grains[grain] # Enable roster grains support if "grains" in self.target: for grain in self.target["grains"]: opts_pkg["grains"][grain] = self.target["grains"][grain] # Pillar compilation needs the master opts primarily, # same as during regular operation. popts = {} popts.update(opts_pkg) popts.update(opts_pkg["__master_opts__"]) pillar = salt.pillar.Pillar( popts, opts_pkg["grains"], opts_pkg["id"], opts_pkg.get("saltenv", "base"), ) pillar_data = pillar.compile_pillar() # TODO: cache minion opts in datap in master.py data = { "opts": opts_pkg, "grains": opts_pkg["grains"], "pillar": pillar_data, } if data_cache: with salt.utils.files.fopen(datap, "w+b") as fp_: fp_.write(salt.payload.dumps(data)) if not data and data_cache: with salt.utils.files.fopen(datap, "rb") as fp_: data = salt.payload.load(fp_) opts = data.get("opts", {}) opts["grains"] = data.get("grains") # Restore master grains for grain in conf_grains: opts["grains"][grain] = conf_grains[grain] # Enable roster grains support if "grains" in self.target: for grain in self.target["grains"]: opts["grains"][grain] = self.target["grains"][grain] opts["pillar"] = data.get("pillar") # Restore --wipe. Note: Since it is also a CLI option, it should not # be read from cache, hence it is restored here. This is currently only # of semantic distinction since data_cache has been disabled, so refresh # above always evaluates to True. TODO: cleanup? opts["ssh_wipe"] = self.opts.get("ssh_wipe", False) wrapper = salt.client.ssh.wrapper.FunctionWrapper( opts, self.id, fsclient=self.fsclient, minion_opts=self.minion_opts, **self.target, ) wrapper.fsclient.opts["cachedir"] = opts["cachedir"] self.wfuncs = salt.loader.ssh_wrapper(opts, wrapper, self.context) wrapper.wfuncs = self.wfuncs # We're running in the mine, need to fetch the arguments from the # roster, pillar, master config (in that order) if self.mine: mine_args = None mine_fun_data = None mine_fun = self.fun if self.mine_functions and self.fun in self.mine_functions: mine_fun_data = self.mine_functions[self.fun] elif opts["pillar"] and self.fun in opts["pillar"].get( "mine_functions", {} ): mine_fun_data = opts["pillar"]["mine_functions"][self.fun] elif self.fun in self.context["master_opts"].get("mine_functions", {}): mine_fun_data = self.context["master_opts"]["mine_functions"][self.fun] if isinstance(mine_fun_data, dict): mine_fun = mine_fun_data.pop("mine_function", mine_fun) mine_args = mine_fun_data elif isinstance(mine_fun_data, list): for item in mine_fun_data[:]: if isinstance(item, dict) and "mine_function" in item: mine_fun = item["mine_function"] mine_fun_data.pop(mine_fun_data.index(item)) mine_args = mine_fun_data else: mine_args = mine_fun_data # If we found mine_args, replace our command's args if isinstance(mine_args, dict): self.args = [] self.kwargs = mine_args elif isinstance(mine_args, list): self.args = mine_args self.kwargs = {} try: if self.mine: result = wrapper[mine_fun](*self.args, **self.kwargs) else: result = self.wfuncs[self.fun](*self.args, **self.kwargs) except TypeError as exc: result = f"TypeError encountered executing {self.fun}: {exc}" log.error(result, exc_info_on_loglevel=logging.DEBUG) retcode = 1 except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except result = "An Exception occurred while executing {}: {}".format( self.fun, exc ) log.error(result, exc_info_on_loglevel=logging.DEBUG) retcode = 1 # Ensure retcode from wrappers is respected, especially state render exceptions retcode = max(retcode, self.context.get("retcode", 0)) # Mimic the json data-structure that "salt-call --local" will # emit (as seen in ssh_py_shim.py) if isinstance(result, dict) and "local" in result: ret = salt.utils.json.dumps({"local": result["local"]}) else: ret = salt.utils.json.dumps({"local": {"return": result}}) return ret, retcode def _cmd_str(self): """ Prepare the command string """ if self.target.get("sudo"): sudo = ( f"sudo -p '{salt.client.ssh.shell.SUDO_PROMPT}'" if self.target.get("passwd") else "sudo" ) else: sudo = "" sudo_user = self.target["sudo_user"] if "_caller_cachedir" in self.opts: cachedir = self.opts["_caller_cachedir"] else: cachedir = self.opts["cachedir"] thin_code_digest, thin_sum = salt.utils.thin.thin_sum(cachedir, "sha1") debug = "" if not self.opts.get("log_level"): self.opts["log_level"] = "info" if LOG_LEVELS["debug"] >= LOG_LEVELS[self.opts.get("log_level", "info")]: debug = "1" arg_str = ''' OPTIONS.config = \ """ {config} """ OPTIONS.delimiter = '{delimeter}' OPTIONS.saltdir = '{saltdir}' OPTIONS.checksum = '{checksum}' OPTIONS.hashfunc = '{hashfunc}' OPTIONS.version = '{version}' OPTIONS.ext_mods = '{ext_mods}' OPTIONS.wipe = {wipe} OPTIONS.tty = {tty} OPTIONS.cmd_umask = {cmd_umask} OPTIONS.code_checksum = {code_checksum} ARGS = {arguments}\n'''.format( config=self.minion_config, delimeter=RSTR, saltdir=self.thin_dir, checksum=thin_sum, hashfunc="sha1", version=salt.version.__version__, ext_mods=self.mods.get("version", ""), wipe=self.wipe, tty=self.tty, cmd_umask=self.cmd_umask, code_checksum=thin_code_digest, arguments=self.argv, ) py_code = SSH_PY_SHIM.replace("#%%OPTS", arg_str) py_code_enc = base64.encodebytes(py_code.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8") if not self.winrm: cmd = SSH_SH_SHIM.format( DEBUG=debug, SUDO=sudo, SUDO_USER=sudo_user or "", SSH_PY_CODE=py_code_enc, HOST_PY_MAJOR=sys.version_info[0], SET_PATH=self.set_path, ) else: cmd = saltwinshell.gen_shim(py_code_enc) return cmd def execute_script(self, script, extension="py", pre_dir="", script_args=None): """ execute a script on the minion then delete """ args = "" if script_args: if not isinstance(script_args, (list, tuple)): script_args = shlex.split(str(script_args)) args = " {}".format(" ".join([shlex.quote(str(el)) for el in script_args])) if extension == "ps1": ret = self.shell.exec_cmd(f'"powershell {script}"') else: if not self.winrm: ret = self.shell.exec_cmd(f"/bin/sh '{pre_dir}{script}'{args}") else: ret = saltwinshell.call_python(self, script) # Remove file from target system if not self.winrm: self.shell.exec_cmd(f"rm '{pre_dir}{script}'") else: self.shell.exec_cmd(f"del {script}") return ret def shim_cmd(self, cmd_str, extension="py"): """ Run a shim command. If tty is enabled, we must scp the shim to the target system and execute it there """ if not self.tty and not self.winrm: return self.shell.exec_cmd(cmd_str) # Write the shim to a temporary file in the default temp directory with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+b", delete=False) as shim_tmp_file: shim_tmp_file.write(salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(cmd_str)) # Copy shim to target system, under $HOME/.<randomized name> target_shim_file = f".{pathlib.Path(shim_tmp_file.name).name}" if self.winrm: target_shim_file = saltwinshell.get_target_shim_file(self, target_shim_file) stdout, stderr, retcode = self.shell.send( shim_tmp_file.name, target_shim_file, makedirs=True ) if retcode != 0: log.error("Could not copy the shim script to target") return stdout, stderr, retcode # Remove our shim file try: os.remove(shim_tmp_file.name) except OSError: pass ret = self.execute_script(script=target_shim_file, extension=extension) return ret def cmd_block(self, is_retry=False): """ Prepare the pre-check command to send to the subsystem 1. execute SHIM + command 2. check if SHIM returns a master request or if it completed 3. handle any master request 4. re-execute SHIM + command 5. split SHIM results from command results 6. return command results """ self.argv = _convert_args(self.argv) log.debug( "Performing shimmed, blocking command as follows:\n%s", " ".join([str(arg) for arg in self.argv]), ) cmd_str = self._cmd_str() stdout, stderr, retcode = self.shim_cmd(cmd_str) log.trace("STDOUT %s\n%s", self.target["host"], stdout) log.trace("STDERR %s\n%s", self.target["host"], stderr) log.debug("RETCODE %s: %s", self.target["host"], retcode) error = self.categorize_shim_errors(stdout, stderr, retcode) if error: if error == "Python environment not found on Windows system": saltwinshell.deploy_python(self) stdout, stderr, retcode = self.shim_cmd(cmd_str) while re.search(RSTR_RE, stdout): stdout = re.split(RSTR_RE, stdout, 1)[1].strip() while re.search(RSTR_RE, stderr): stderr = re.split(RSTR_RE, stderr, 1)[1].strip() elif error == "Undefined SHIM state": self.deploy() stdout, stderr, retcode = self.shim_cmd(cmd_str) if not re.search(RSTR_RE, stdout) or not re.search(RSTR_RE, stderr): # If RSTR is not seen in both stdout and stderr then there # was a thin deployment problem. return ( "ERROR: Failure deploying thin, undefined state: {}".format( stdout ), stderr, retcode, ) while re.search(RSTR_RE, stdout): stdout = re.split(RSTR_RE, stdout, 1)[1].strip() while re.search(RSTR_RE, stderr): stderr = re.split(RSTR_RE, stderr, 1)[1].strip() else: return f"ERROR: {error}", stderr, retcode # FIXME: this discards output from ssh_shim if the shim succeeds. It should # always save the shim output regardless of shim success or failure. while re.search(RSTR_RE, stdout): stdout = re.split(RSTR_RE, stdout, 1)[1].strip() if re.search(RSTR_RE, stderr): # Found RSTR in stderr which means SHIM completed and only # and remaining output is only from salt. while re.search(RSTR_RE, stderr): stderr = re.split(RSTR_RE, stderr, 1)[1].strip() else: # RSTR was found in stdout but not stderr - which means there # is a SHIM command for the master. shim_command = re.split(r"\r?\n", stdout, 1)[0].strip() log.debug("SHIM retcode(%s) and command: %s", retcode, shim_command) if ( "deploy" == shim_command and retcode == salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_THIN_DEPLOY ): self.deploy() stdout, stderr, retcode = self.shim_cmd(cmd_str) if not re.search(RSTR_RE, stdout) or not re.search(RSTR_RE, stderr): if not self.tty: # If RSTR is not seen in both stdout and stderr then there # was a thin deployment problem. log.error( "ERROR: Failure deploying thin, retrying:\n" "STDOUT:\n%s\nSTDERR:\n%s\nRETCODE: %s", stdout, stderr, retcode, ) return self.cmd_block() elif not re.search(RSTR_RE, stdout): # If RSTR is not seen in stdout with tty, then there # was a thin deployment problem. log.error( "ERROR: Failure deploying thin, retrying:\n" "STDOUT:\n%s\nSTDERR:\n%s\nRETCODE: %s", stdout, stderr, retcode, ) while re.search(RSTR_RE, stdout): stdout = re.split(RSTR_RE, stdout, 1)[1].strip() if self.tty: stderr = "" else: while re.search(RSTR_RE, stderr): stderr = re.split(RSTR_RE, stderr, 1)[1].strip() elif "ext_mods" == shim_command: self.deploy_ext() stdout, stderr, retcode = self.shim_cmd(cmd_str) if not re.search(RSTR_RE, stdout) or not re.search(RSTR_RE, stderr): # If RSTR is not seen in both stdout and stderr then there # was a thin deployment problem. return ( f"ERROR: Failure deploying ext_mods: {stdout}", stderr, retcode, ) while re.search(RSTR_RE, stdout): stdout = re.split(RSTR_RE, stdout, 1)[1].strip() while re.search(RSTR_RE, stderr): stderr = re.split(RSTR_RE, stderr, 1)[1].strip() return stdout, stderr, retcode def categorize_shim_errors(self, stdout_bytes, stderr_bytes, retcode): stdout = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(stdout_bytes) stderr = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(stderr_bytes) if re.search(RSTR_RE, stdout) and stdout != RSTR + "\n": # RSTR was found in stdout which means that the shim # functioned without *errors* . . . but there may be shim # commands, unless the only thing we found is RSTR return None if re.search(RSTR_RE, stderr): # Undefined state return "Undefined SHIM state" if stderr.startswith("Permission denied"): # SHIM was not even reached return None perm_error_fmt = ( "Permissions problem, target user may need to be root or use sudo:\n {0}" ) errors = [ ( (), "sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified", "sudo expected a password, NOPASSWD required", ), ( (salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_THIN_PYTHON_INVALID,), "Python interpreter is too old", "Python version error. Recommendation(s) follow:\n" "- Install Python 3 on the target machine(s)\n" "- You can use ssh_pre_flight or raw shell (-r) to install Python 3", ), ( (salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_THIN_CHECKSUM,), "checksum mismatched", "The salt thin transfer was corrupted", ), ( (salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_SCP_NOT_FOUND,), "scp not found", "No scp binary. openssh-clients package required", ), ( (salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_CANTCREAT,), "salt path .* exists but is not a directory", "A necessary path for salt thin unexpectedly exists:\n " + stderr, ), ( (), "sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo", "sudo is configured with requiretty", ), ((), "Failed to open log file", perm_error_fmt.format(stderr)), ((), "Permission denied:.*/salt", perm_error_fmt.format(stderr)), ( (), "Failed to create directory path.*/salt", perm_error_fmt.format(stderr), ), ( (salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_SOFTWARE,), "exists but is not", "An internal error occurred with the shim, please investigate:\n " + stderr, ), ( (), "The system cannot find the path specified", "Python environment not found on Windows system", ), ( (), "is not recognized", "Python environment not found on Windows system", ), ] for error in errors: if retcode in error[0] or re.search(error[1], stderr): return error[2] return None def check_refresh(self, data, ret): """ Stub out check_refresh """ return def module_refresh(self): """ Module refresh is not needed, stub it out """ return def lowstate_file_refs(chunks): # pragma: no cover """ Create a list of file ref objects to reconcile """ refs = {} for chunk in chunks: saltenv = "base" crefs = [] for state in chunk: if state == "__env__": saltenv = chunk[state] elif state == "saltenv": saltenv = chunk[state] elif state.startswith("__"): continue crefs.extend(salt_refs(chunk[state])) if crefs: if saltenv not in refs: refs[saltenv] = [] refs[saltenv].append(crefs) return refs def salt_refs(data): """ Pull salt file references out of the states """ proto = "salt://" ret = [] if isinstance(data, str): if data.startswith(proto): return [data] if isinstance(data, list): for comp in data: if isinstance(comp, str): if comp.startswith(proto): ret.append(comp) return ret def mod_data(fsclient): """ Generate the module arguments for the shim data """ # TODO, change out for a fileserver backend sync_refs = [ "modules", "states", "grains", "renderers", "returners", ] ret = {} with fsclient: envs = fsclient.envs() ver_base = "" for env in envs: files = fsclient.file_list(env) for ref in sync_refs: mods_data = {} pref = f"_{ref}" for fn_ in sorted(files): if fn_.startswith(pref): if fn_.endswith((".py", ".so", ".pyx")): full = salt.utils.url.create(fn_) mod_path = fsclient.cache_file(full, env) if not os.path.isfile(mod_path): continue mods_data[os.path.basename(fn_)] = mod_path chunk = salt.utils.hashutils.get_hash(mod_path) ver_base += chunk if mods_data: if ref in ret: ret[ref].update(mods_data) else: ret[ref] = mods_data if not ret: return {} ver_base = salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(ver_base) ver = hashlib.sha1(ver_base).hexdigest() ext_tar_path = os.path.join(fsclient.opts["cachedir"], f"ext_mods.{ver}.tgz") mods = {"version": ver, "file": ext_tar_path} if os.path.isfile(ext_tar_path): return mods tfp = tarfile.open(ext_tar_path, "w:gz") verfile = os.path.join(fsclient.opts["cachedir"], "ext_mods.ver") with salt.utils.files.fopen(verfile, "w+") as fp_: fp_.write(ver) tfp.add(verfile, "ext_version") for ref in ret: for fn_ in ret[ref]: tfp.add(ret[ref][fn_], os.path.join(ref, fn_)) tfp.close() return mods def ssh_version(): """ Returns the version of the installed ssh command """ # This function needs more granular checks and to be validated against # older versions of ssh ret = subprocess.Popen( ["ssh", "-V"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() try: version_parts = ret[1].split(b",")[0].split(b"_")[1] parts = [] for part in version_parts: try: parts.append(int(part)) except ValueError: return tuple(parts) return tuple(parts) except IndexError: return (2, 0) def _convert_args(args): """ Take a list of args, and convert any dicts inside the list to keyword args in the form of `key=value`, ready to be passed to salt-ssh """ converted = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, dict): for key in list(arg.keys()): if key == "__kwarg__": continue converted.append(f"{key}={arg[key]}") else: converted.append(arg) return converted