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""" The EC2 Cloud Module ==================== The EC2 cloud module is used to interact with the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. To use the EC2 cloud module, set up the cloud configuration at ``/etc/salt/cloud.providers`` or ``/etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/ec2.conf``: .. code-block:: yaml my-ec2-config: # EC2 API credentials: Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. # Alternatively, to use IAM Instance Role credentials available via # EC2 metadata set both id and key to 'use-instance-role-credentials' id: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs # If 'role_arn' is specified the above credentials are used to # to assume to the role. By default, role_arn is set to None. role_arn: arn:aws:iam::012345678910:role/SomeRoleName # The ssh keyname to use keyname: default # The amazon security group securitygroup: ssh_open # The location of the private key which corresponds to the keyname private_key: /root/default.pem # Be default, service_url is set to amazonaws.com. If you are using this # driver for something other than Amazon EC2, change it here: service_url: amazonaws.com # The endpoint that is ultimately used is usually formed using the region # and the service_url. If you would like to override that entirely, you # can explicitly define the endpoint: endpoint: myendpoint.example.com:1138/services/Cloud # SSH Gateways can be used with this provider. Gateways can be used # when a salt-master is not on the same private network as the instance # that is being deployed. # Defaults to None # Required ssh_gateway: gateway.example.com # Defaults to port 22 # Optional ssh_gateway_port: 22 # Defaults to root # Optional ssh_gateway_username: root # Default to nc -q0 %h %p # Optional ssh_gateway_command: "-W %h:%p" # One authentication method is required. If both # are specified, Private key wins. # Private key defaults to None ssh_gateway_private_key: /path/to/key.pem # Password defaults to None ssh_gateway_password: ExamplePasswordHere driver: ec2 # Pass userdata to the instance to be created userdata_file: /etc/salt/my-userdata-file # Instance termination protection setting # Default is disabled termination_protection: False :depends: requests """ import base64 import binascii import datetime import decimal import hashlib import hmac import logging import os import pprint import re import stat import time import urllib.parse import uuid import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from functools import cmp_to_key import salt.config as config import salt.crypt import salt.utils.aws as aws import salt.utils.cloud import salt.utils.compat import salt.utils.files import salt.utils.hashutils import salt.utils.http as http import salt.utils.json import salt.utils.msgpack import salt.utils.stringutils import salt.utils.yaml from salt.exceptions import ( SaltCloudConfigError, SaltCloudException, SaltCloudExecutionFailure, SaltCloudExecutionTimeout, SaltCloudSystemExit, ) try: import requests HAS_REQUESTS = True except ImportError: HAS_REQUESTS = False # Get logging started log = logging.getLogger(__name__) EC2_LOCATIONS = { "ap-northeast-1": "ec2_ap_northeast", "ap-northeast-2": "ec2_ap_northeast_2", "ap-southeast-1": "ec2_ap_southeast", "ap-southeast-2": "ec2_ap_southeast_2", "eu-west-1": "ec2_eu_west", "eu-central-1": "ec2_eu_central", "sa-east-1": "ec2_sa_east", "us-east-1": "ec2_us_east", "us-gov-west-1": "ec2_us_gov_west_1", "us-west-1": "ec2_us_west", "us-west-2": "ec2_us_west_oregon", } DEFAULT_LOCATION = "us-east-1" DEFAULT_EC2_API_VERSION = "2016-11-15" EC2_RETRY_CODES = [ "RequestLimitExceeded", "InsufficientInstanceCapacity", "InternalError", "Unavailable", "InsufficientAddressCapacity", "InsufficientReservedInstanceCapacity", ] JS_COMMENT_RE = re.compile(r"/\*.*?\*/", re.S) __virtualname__ = "ec2" # Only load in this module if the EC2 configurations are in place def __virtual__(): """ Set up the libcloud functions and check for EC2 configurations """ if get_configured_provider() is False: return False if get_dependencies() is False: return False return __virtualname__ def _get_active_provider_name(): try: return __active_provider_name__.value() except AttributeError: return __active_provider_name__ def get_configured_provider(): """ Return the first configured instance. """ return config.is_provider_configured( __opts__, _get_active_provider_name() or __virtualname__, ("id", "key") ) def get_dependencies(): """ Warn if dependencies aren't met. """ deps = { "requests": HAS_REQUESTS, "pycrypto or m2crypto": salt.crypt.HAS_M2 or salt.crypt.HAS_CRYPTO, } return config.check_driver_dependencies(__virtualname__, deps) def _xml_to_dict(xmltree): """ Convert an XML tree into a dict """ if len(xmltree) < 1: name = xmltree.tag if "}" in name: comps = name.split("}") name = comps[1] return {name: xmltree.text} xmldict = {} for item in xmltree: name = item.tag if "}" in name: comps = name.split("}") name = comps[1] if name not in xmldict: if len(item) > 0: xmldict[name] = _xml_to_dict(item) else: xmldict[name] = item.text else: if not isinstance(xmldict[name], list): tempvar = xmldict[name] xmldict[name] = [] xmldict[name].append(tempvar) xmldict[name].append(_xml_to_dict(item)) return xmldict def optimize_providers(providers): """ Return an optimized list of providers. We want to reduce the duplication of querying the same region. If a provider is using the same credentials for the same region the same data will be returned for each provider, thus causing un-wanted duplicate data and API calls to EC2. """ tmp_providers = {} optimized_providers = {} for name, data in providers.items(): if "location" not in data: data["location"] = DEFAULT_LOCATION if data["location"] not in tmp_providers: tmp_providers[data["location"]] = {} creds = (data["id"], data["key"]) if creds not in tmp_providers[data["location"]]: tmp_providers[data["location"]][creds] = { "name": name, "data": data, } for location, tmp_data in tmp_providers.items(): for creds, data in tmp_data.items(): _id, _key = creds _name = data["name"] _data = data["data"] if _name not in optimized_providers: optimized_providers[_name] = _data return optimized_providers def sign(key, msg): return hmac.new(key, msg.encode("utf-8"), hashlib.sha256).digest() def query( params=None, setname=None, requesturl=None, location=None, return_url=False, return_root=False, ): provider = get_configured_provider() service_url = provider.get("service_url", "amazonaws.com") # Retrieve access credentials from meta-data, or use provided access_key_id, secret_access_key, token = aws.creds(provider) attempts = 0 while attempts < aws.AWS_MAX_RETRIES: params_with_headers = params.copy() timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") if not location: location = get_location() if not requesturl: endpoint = provider.get( "endpoint", "ec2.{}.{}".format(location, service_url) ) requesturl = "https://{}/".format(endpoint) endpoint = urllib.parse.urlparse(requesturl).netloc endpoint_path = urllib.parse.urlparse(requesturl).path else: endpoint = urllib.parse.urlparse(requesturl).netloc endpoint_path = urllib.parse.urlparse(requesturl).path if endpoint == "": endpoint_err = ( "Could not find a valid endpoint in the " "requesturl: {}. Looking for something like " "https://some.ec2.endpoint/?args".format(requesturl) ) log.error(endpoint_err) if return_url is True: return {"error": endpoint_err}, requesturl return {"error": endpoint_err} log.debug("Using EC2 endpoint: %s", endpoint) # AWS v4 signature method = "GET" region = location service = "ec2" canonical_uri = urllib.parse.urlparse(requesturl).path host = endpoint.strip() # Create a date for headers and the credential string t = datetime.datetime.utcnow() amz_date = t.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ") # Format date as YYYYMMDD'T'HHMMSS'Z' datestamp = t.strftime("%Y%m%d") # Date w/o time, used in credential scope canonical_headers = "host:" + host + "\n" + "x-amz-date:" + amz_date + "\n" signed_headers = "host;x-amz-date" payload_hash = salt.utils.hashutils.sha256_digest("") ec2_api_version = provider.get("ec2_api_version", DEFAULT_EC2_API_VERSION) params_with_headers["Version"] = ec2_api_version keys = sorted(list(params_with_headers)) values = map(params_with_headers.get, keys) querystring = urllib.parse.urlencode(list(zip(keys, values))) querystring = querystring.replace("+", "%20") canonical_request = ( method + "\n" + canonical_uri + "\n" + querystring + "\n" + canonical_headers + "\n" + signed_headers + "\n" + payload_hash ) algorithm = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256" credential_scope = ( datestamp + "/" + region + "/" + service + "/" + "aws4_request" ) string_to_sign = ( algorithm + "\n" + amz_date + "\n" + credential_scope + "\n" + salt.utils.hashutils.sha256_digest(canonical_request) ) kDate = sign(("AWS4" + provider["key"]).encode("utf-8"), datestamp) kRegion = sign(kDate, region) kService = sign(kRegion, service) signing_key = sign(kService, "aws4_request") signature = hmac.new( signing_key, (string_to_sign).encode("utf-8"), hashlib.sha256 ).hexdigest() authorization_header = ( algorithm + " " + "Credential=" + provider["id"] + "/" + credential_scope + ", " + "SignedHeaders=" + signed_headers + ", " + "Signature=" + signature ) headers = {"x-amz-date": amz_date, "Authorization": authorization_header} log.debug("EC2 Request: %s", requesturl) log.trace("EC2 Request Parameters: %s", params_with_headers) try: result = requests.get( requesturl, headers=headers, params=params_with_headers ) log.debug( "EC2 Response Status Code: %s", # result.getcode() result.status_code, ) log.trace("EC2 Response Text: %s", result.text) result.raise_for_status() break except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as exc: root = ET.fromstring(exc.response.content) data = _xml_to_dict(root) # check to see if we should retry the query err_code = data.get("Errors", {}).get("Error", {}).get("Code", "") if err_code and err_code in EC2_RETRY_CODES: attempts += 1 log.error( "EC2 Response Status Code and Error: [%s %s] %s; " "Attempts remaining: %s", exc.response.status_code, exc, data, attempts, ) aws.sleep_exponential_backoff(attempts) continue log.error( "EC2 Response Status Code and Error: [%s %s] %s", exc.response.status_code, exc, data, ) if return_url is True: return {"error": data}, requesturl return {"error": data} else: log.error( "EC2 Response Status Code and Error: [%s %s] %s", exc.response.status_code, exc, data, ) if return_url is True: return {"error": data}, requesturl return {"error": data} response = result.text root = ET.fromstring(response) items = root[1] if return_root is True: items = root if setname: for idx, item in enumerate(root): comps = item.tag.split("}") if comps[1] == setname: items = root[idx] ret = [] for item in items: ret.append(_xml_to_dict(item)) if return_url is True: return ret, requesturl return ret def _wait_for_spot_instance( update_callback, update_args=None, update_kwargs=None, timeout=10 * 60, interval=30, interval_multiplier=1, max_failures=10, ): """ Helper function that waits for a spot instance request to become active for a specific maximum amount of time. :param update_callback: callback function which queries the cloud provider for spot instance request. It must return None if the required data, running instance included, is not available yet. :param update_args: Arguments to pass to update_callback :param update_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to update_callback :param timeout: The maximum amount of time(in seconds) to wait for the IP address. :param interval: The looping interval, i.e., the amount of time to sleep before the next iteration. :param interval_multiplier: Increase the interval by this multiplier after each request; helps with throttling :param max_failures: If update_callback returns ``False`` it's considered query failure. This value is the amount of failures accepted before giving up. :returns: The update_callback returned data :raises: SaltCloudExecutionTimeout """ if update_args is None: update_args = () if update_kwargs is None: update_kwargs = {} duration = timeout while True: log.debug( "Waiting for spot instance reservation. Giving up in 00:%02d:%02d", int(timeout // 60), int(timeout % 60), ) data = update_callback(*update_args, **update_kwargs) if data is False: log.debug( "update_callback has returned False which is considered a " "failure. Remaining Failures: %s", max_failures, ) max_failures -= 1 if max_failures <= 0: raise SaltCloudExecutionFailure( "Too many failures occurred while waiting for " "the spot instance reservation to become active." ) elif data is not None: return data if timeout < 0: raise SaltCloudExecutionTimeout( "Unable to get an active spot instance request for " "00:{:02d}:{:02d}".format(int(duration // 60), int(duration % 60)) ) time.sleep(interval) timeout -= interval if interval_multiplier > 1: interval *= interval_multiplier if interval > timeout: interval = timeout + 1 log.info("Interval multiplier in effect; interval is now %ss", interval) def avail_sizes(call=None): """ Return a dict of all available VM sizes on the cloud provider with relevant data. Latest version can be found at: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-types.html """ if call == "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The avail_sizes function must be called with " "-f or --function, or with the --list-sizes option" ) sizes = { "Cluster Compute": { "cc2.8xlarge": { "id": "cc2.8xlarge", "cores": "16 (2 x Intel Xeon E5-2670, eight-core with hyperthread)", "disk": "3360 GiB (4 x 840 GiB)", "ram": "60.5 GiB", }, "cc1.4xlarge": { "id": "cc1.4xlarge", "cores": "8 (2 x Intel Xeon X5570, quad-core with hyperthread)", "disk": "1690 GiB (2 x 840 GiB)", "ram": "22.5 GiB", }, }, "Cluster CPU": { "cg1.4xlarge": { "id": "cg1.4xlarge", "cores": ( "8 (2 x Intel Xeon X5570, quad-core with " "hyperthread), plus 2 NVIDIA Tesla M2050 GPUs" ), "disk": "1680 GiB (2 x 840 GiB)", "ram": "22.5 GiB", }, }, "Compute Optimized": { "c4.large": { "id": "c4.large", "cores": "2", "disk": "EBS - 500 Mbps", "ram": "3.75 GiB", }, "c4.xlarge": { "id": "c4.xlarge", "cores": "4", "disk": "EBS - 750 Mbps", "ram": "7.5 GiB", }, "c4.2xlarge": { "id": "c4.2xlarge", "cores": "8", "disk": "EBS - 1000 Mbps", "ram": "15 GiB", }, "c4.4xlarge": { "id": "c4.4xlarge", "cores": "16", "disk": "EBS - 2000 Mbps", "ram": "30 GiB", }, "c4.8xlarge": { "id": "c4.8xlarge", "cores": "36", "disk": "EBS - 4000 Mbps", "ram": "60 GiB", }, "c3.large": { "id": "c3.large", "cores": "2", "disk": "32 GiB (2 x 16 GiB SSD)", "ram": "3.75 GiB", }, "c3.xlarge": { "id": "c3.xlarge", "cores": "4", "disk": "80 GiB (2 x 40 GiB SSD)", "ram": "7.5 GiB", }, "c3.2xlarge": { "id": "c3.2xlarge", "cores": "8", "disk": "160 GiB (2 x 80 GiB SSD)", "ram": "15 GiB", }, "c3.4xlarge": { "id": "c3.4xlarge", "cores": "16", "disk": "320 GiB (2 x 160 GiB SSD)", "ram": "30 GiB", }, "c3.8xlarge": { "id": "c3.8xlarge", "cores": "32", "disk": "640 GiB (2 x 320 GiB SSD)", "ram": "60 GiB", }, }, "Dense Storage": { "d2.xlarge": { "id": "d2.xlarge", "cores": "4", "disk": "6 TiB (3 x 2 TiB hard disk drives)", "ram": "30.5 GiB", }, "d2.2xlarge": { "id": "d2.2xlarge", "cores": "8", "disk": "12 TiB (6 x 2 TiB hard disk drives)", "ram": "61 GiB", }, "d2.4xlarge": { "id": "d2.4xlarge", "cores": "16", "disk": "24 TiB (12 x 2 TiB hard disk drives)", "ram": "122 GiB", }, "d2.8xlarge": { "id": "d2.8xlarge", "cores": "36", "disk": "24 TiB (24 x 2 TiB hard disk drives)", "ram": "244 GiB", }, }, "GPU": { "g2.2xlarge": { "id": "g2.2xlarge", "cores": "8", "disk": "60 GiB (1 x 60 GiB SSD)", "ram": "15 GiB", }, "g2.8xlarge": { "id": "g2.8xlarge", "cores": "32", "disk": "240 GiB (2 x 120 GiB SSD)", "ram": "60 GiB", }, }, "GPU Compute": { "p2.xlarge": { "id": "p2.xlarge", "cores": "4", "disk": "EBS", "ram": "61 GiB", }, "p2.8xlarge": { "id": "p2.8xlarge", "cores": "32", "disk": "EBS", "ram": "488 GiB", }, "p2.16xlarge": { "id": "p2.16xlarge", "cores": "64", "disk": "EBS", "ram": "732 GiB", }, }, "High I/O": { "i2.xlarge": { "id": "i2.xlarge", "cores": "4", "disk": "SSD (1 x 800 GiB)", "ram": "30.5 GiB", }, "i2.2xlarge": { "id": "i2.2xlarge", "cores": "8", "disk": "SSD (2 x 800 GiB)", "ram": "61 GiB", }, "i2.4xlarge": { "id": "i2.4xlarge", "cores": "16", "disk": "SSD (4 x 800 GiB)", "ram": "122 GiB", }, "i2.8xlarge": { "id": "i2.8xlarge", "cores": "32", "disk": "SSD (8 x 800 GiB)", "ram": "244 GiB", }, }, "High Memory": { "x1.16xlarge": { "id": "x1.16xlarge", "cores": "64 (with 5.45 ECUs each)", "disk": "1920 GiB (1 x 1920 GiB)", "ram": "976 GiB", }, "x1.32xlarge": { "id": "x1.32xlarge", "cores": "128 (with 2.73 ECUs each)", "disk": "3840 GiB (2 x 1920 GiB)", "ram": "1952 GiB", }, "r4.large": { "id": "r4.large", "cores": "2 (with 3.45 ECUs each)", "disk": "EBS", "ram": "15.25 GiB", }, "r4.xlarge": { "id": "r4.xlarge", "cores": "4 (with 3.35 ECUs each)", "disk": "EBS", "ram": "30.5 GiB", }, "r4.2xlarge": { "id": "r4.2xlarge", "cores": "8 (with 3.35 ECUs each)", "disk": "EBS", "ram": "61 GiB", }, "r4.4xlarge": { "id": "r4.4xlarge", "cores": "16 (with 3.3 ECUs each)", "disk": "EBS", "ram": "122 GiB", }, "r4.8xlarge": { "id": "r4.8xlarge", "cores": "32 (with 3.1 ECUs each)", "disk": "EBS", "ram": "244 GiB", }, "r4.16xlarge": { "id": "r4.16xlarge", "cores": "64 (with 3.05 ECUs each)", "disk": "EBS", "ram": "488 GiB", }, "r3.large": { "id": "r3.large", "cores": "2 (with 3.25 ECUs each)", "disk": "32 GiB (1 x 32 GiB SSD)", "ram": "15 GiB", }, "r3.xlarge": { "id": "r3.xlarge", "cores": "4 (with 3.25 ECUs each)", "disk": "80 GiB (1 x 80 GiB SSD)", "ram": "30.5 GiB", }, "r3.2xlarge": { "id": "r3.2xlarge", "cores": "8 (with 3.25 ECUs each)", "disk": "160 GiB (1 x 160 GiB SSD)", "ram": "61 GiB", }, "r3.4xlarge": { "id": "r3.4xlarge", "cores": "16 (with 3.25 ECUs each)", "disk": "320 GiB (1 x 320 GiB SSD)", "ram": "122 GiB", }, "r3.8xlarge": { "id": "r3.8xlarge", "cores": "32 (with 3.25 ECUs each)", "disk": "640 GiB (2 x 320 GiB SSD)", "ram": "244 GiB", }, }, "High-Memory Cluster": { "cr1.8xlarge": { "id": "cr1.8xlarge", "cores": "16 (2 x Intel Xeon E5-2670, eight-core)", "disk": "240 GiB (2 x 120 GiB SSD)", "ram": "244 GiB", }, }, "High Storage": { "hs1.8xlarge": { "id": "hs1.8xlarge", "cores": "16 (8 cores + 8 hyperthreads)", "disk": "48 TiB (24 x 2 TiB hard disk drives)", "ram": "117 GiB", }, }, "General Purpose": { "t2.nano": {"id": "t2.nano", "cores": "1", "disk": "EBS", "ram": "512 MiB"}, "t2.micro": {"id": "t2.micro", "cores": "1", "disk": "EBS", "ram": "1 GiB"}, "t2.small": {"id": "t2.small", "cores": "1", "disk": "EBS", "ram": "2 GiB"}, "t2.medium": { "id": "t2.medium", "cores": "2", "disk": "EBS", "ram": "4 GiB", }, "t2.large": {"id": "t2.large", "cores": "2", "disk": "EBS", "ram": "8 GiB"}, "t2.xlarge": { "id": "t2.xlarge", "cores": "4", "disk": "EBS", "ram": "16 GiB", }, "t2.2xlarge": { "id": "t2.2xlarge", "cores": "8", "disk": "EBS", "ram": "32 GiB", }, "m4.large": { "id": "m4.large", "cores": "2", "disk": "EBS - 450 Mbps", "ram": "8 GiB", }, "m4.xlarge": { "id": "m4.xlarge", "cores": "4", "disk": "EBS - 750 Mbps", "ram": "16 GiB", }, "m4.2xlarge": { "id": "m4.2xlarge", "cores": "8", "disk": "EBS - 1000 Mbps", "ram": "32 GiB", }, "m4.4xlarge": { "id": "m4.4xlarge", "cores": "16", "disk": "EBS - 2000 Mbps", "ram": "64 GiB", }, "m4.10xlarge": { "id": "m4.10xlarge", "cores": "40", "disk": "EBS - 4000 Mbps", "ram": "160 GiB", }, "m4.16xlarge": { "id": "m4.16xlarge", "cores": "64", "disk": "EBS - 10000 Mbps", "ram": "256 GiB", }, "m3.medium": { "id": "m3.medium", "cores": "1", "disk": "SSD (1 x 4)", "ram": "3.75 GiB", }, "m3.large": { "id": "m3.large", "cores": "2", "disk": "SSD (1 x 32)", "ram": "7.5 GiB", }, "m3.xlarge": { "id": "m3.xlarge", "cores": "4", "disk": "SSD (2 x 40)", "ram": "15 GiB", }, "m3.2xlarge": { "id": "m3.2xlarge", "cores": "8", "disk": "SSD (2 x 80)", "ram": "30 GiB", }, }, } return sizes def avail_images(kwargs=None, call=None): """ Return a dict of all available VM images on the cloud provider. """ if call == "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The avail_images function must be called with " "-f or --function, or with the --list-images option" ) if not isinstance(kwargs, dict): kwargs = {} if "owner" in kwargs: owner = kwargs["owner"] else: provider = get_configured_provider() owner = config.get_cloud_config_value( "owner", provider, __opts__, default="amazon" ) ret = {} params = {"Action": "DescribeImages", "Owner": owner} images = aws.query( params, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) for image in images: ret[image["imageId"]] = image return ret def script(vm_): """ Return the script deployment object """ return salt.utils.cloud.os_script( config.get_cloud_config_value("script", vm_, __opts__), vm_, __opts__, salt.utils.cloud.salt_config_to_yaml( salt.utils.cloud.minion_config(__opts__, vm_) ), ) def keyname(vm_): """ Return the keyname """ return config.get_cloud_config_value("keyname", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False) def securitygroup(vm_): """ Return the security group """ return config.get_cloud_config_value( "securitygroup", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False ) def iam_profile(vm_): """ Return the IAM profile. The IAM instance profile to associate with the instances. This is either the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance profile or the name of the role. Type: String Default: None Required: No Example: arn:aws:iam::111111111111:instance-profile/s3access Example: s3access """ return config.get_cloud_config_value( "iam_profile", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False ) def ssh_interface(vm_): """ Return the ssh_interface type to connect to. Either 'public_ips' (default) or 'private_ips'. """ ret = config.get_cloud_config_value( "ssh_interface", vm_, __opts__, default="public_ips", search_global=False ) if ret not in ("public_ips", "private_ips"): log.warning( "Invalid ssh_interface: %s. " 'Allowed options are ("public_ips", "private_ips"). ' 'Defaulting to "public_ips".', ret, ) ret = "public_ips" return ret def get_ssh_gateway_config(vm_): """ Return the ssh_gateway configuration. """ ssh_gateway = config.get_cloud_config_value( "ssh_gateway", vm_, __opts__, default=None, search_global=False ) # Check to see if a SSH Gateway will be used. if not isinstance(ssh_gateway, str): return None # Create dictionary of configuration items # ssh_gateway ssh_gateway_config = {"ssh_gateway": ssh_gateway} # ssh_gateway_port ssh_gateway_config["ssh_gateway_port"] = config.get_cloud_config_value( "ssh_gateway_port", vm_, __opts__, default=None, search_global=False ) # ssh_gateway_username ssh_gateway_config["ssh_gateway_user"] = config.get_cloud_config_value( "ssh_gateway_username", vm_, __opts__, default=None, search_global=False ) # ssh_gateway_private_key ssh_gateway_config["ssh_gateway_key"] = config.get_cloud_config_value( "ssh_gateway_private_key", vm_, __opts__, default=None, search_global=False ) # ssh_gateway_password ssh_gateway_config["ssh_gateway_password"] = config.get_cloud_config_value( "ssh_gateway_password", vm_, __opts__, default=None, search_global=False ) # ssh_gateway_command ssh_gateway_config["ssh_gateway_command"] = config.get_cloud_config_value( "ssh_gateway_command", vm_, __opts__, default=None, search_global=False ) # Check if private key exists key_filename = ssh_gateway_config["ssh_gateway_key"] if key_filename is not None and not os.path.isfile(key_filename): raise SaltCloudConfigError( "The defined ssh_gateway_private_key '{}' does not exist".format( key_filename ) ) elif key_filename is None and not ssh_gateway_config["ssh_gateway_password"]: raise SaltCloudConfigError( "No authentication method. Please define: " " ssh_gateway_password or ssh_gateway_private_key" ) return ssh_gateway_config def get_location(vm_=None): """ Return the EC2 region to use, in this order: - CLI parameter - VM parameter - Cloud profile setting """ return __opts__.get( "location", config.get_cloud_config_value( "location", vm_ or get_configured_provider(), __opts__, default=DEFAULT_LOCATION, search_global=False, ), ) def avail_locations(call=None): """ List all available locations """ if call == "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The avail_locations function must be called with " "-f or --function, or with the --list-locations option" ) ret = {} params = {"Action": "DescribeRegions"} result = aws.query( params, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) for region in result: ret[region["regionName"]] = { "name": region["regionName"], "endpoint": region["regionEndpoint"], } return ret def get_availability_zone(vm_): """ Return the availability zone to use """ avz = config.get_cloud_config_value( "availability_zone", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False ) if avz is None: return None zones = list_availability_zones(vm_) # Validate user-specified AZ if avz not in zones: raise SaltCloudException( "The specified availability zone isn't valid in this region: {}\n".format( avz ) ) # check specified AZ is available elif zones[avz] != "available": raise SaltCloudException( "The specified availability zone isn't currently available: {}\n".format( avz ) ) return avz def get_tenancy(vm_): """ Returns the Tenancy to use. Can be "dedicated" or "default". Cannot be present for spot instances. """ return config.get_cloud_config_value("tenancy", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False) def get_imageid(vm_): """ Returns the ImageId to use """ image = config.get_cloud_config_value("image", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False) if image.startswith("ami-"): return image # a poor man's cache if not hasattr(get_imageid, "images"): get_imageid.images = {} elif image in get_imageid.images: return get_imageid.images[image] params = { "Action": "DescribeImages", "Filter.0.Name": "name", "Filter.0.Value.0": image, } # Query AWS, sort by 'creationDate' and get the last imageId _t = lambda x: datetime.datetime.strptime( x["creationDate"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ" ) image_id = sorted( aws.query( params, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ), key=cmp_to_key(lambda i, j: salt.utils.compat.cmp(_t(i), _t(j))), )[-1]["imageId"] get_imageid.images[image] = image_id return image_id def _get_subnetname_id(subnetname): """ Returns the SubnetId of a SubnetName to use """ params = {"Action": "DescribeSubnets"} for subnet in aws.query( params, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ): if "tagSet" in subnet: tags = subnet.get("tagSet", {}).get("item", []) if not isinstance(tags, list): tags = [tags] for tag in tags: if tag["key"] == "Name" and tag["value"] == subnetname: log.debug( "AWS Subnet ID of %s is %s", subnetname, subnet["subnetId"] ) return subnet["subnetId"] return None def get_subnetid(vm_): """ Returns the SubnetId to use """ subnetid = config.get_cloud_config_value( "subnetid", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False ) if subnetid: return subnetid subnetname = config.get_cloud_config_value( "subnetname", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False ) if subnetname: return _get_subnetname_id(subnetname) return None def _get_securitygroupname_id(securitygroupname_list): """ Returns the SecurityGroupId of a SecurityGroupName to use """ securitygroupid_set = set() if not isinstance(securitygroupname_list, list): securitygroupname_list = [securitygroupname_list] params = {"Action": "DescribeSecurityGroups"} for sg in aws.query( params, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ): if sg["groupName"] in securitygroupname_list: log.debug( "AWS SecurityGroup ID of %s is %s", sg["groupName"], sg["groupId"] ) securitygroupid_set.add(sg["groupId"]) return list(securitygroupid_set) def securitygroupid(vm_): """ Returns the SecurityGroupId """ securitygroupid_set = set() securitygroupid_list = config.get_cloud_config_value( "securitygroupid", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False ) # If the list is None, then the set will remain empty # If the list is already a set then calling 'set' on it is a no-op # If the list is a string, then calling 'set' generates a one-element set # If the list is anything else, stacktrace if securitygroupid_list: securitygroupid_set = securitygroupid_set.union(set(securitygroupid_list)) securitygroupname_list = config.get_cloud_config_value( "securitygroupname", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False ) if securitygroupname_list: if not isinstance(securitygroupname_list, list): securitygroupname_list = [securitygroupname_list] params = {"Action": "DescribeSecurityGroups"} for sg in aws.query( params, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ): if sg["groupName"] in securitygroupname_list: log.debug( "AWS SecurityGroup ID of %s is %s", sg["groupName"], sg["groupId"] ) securitygroupid_set.add(sg["groupId"]) return list(securitygroupid_set) def get_placementgroup(vm_): """ Returns the PlacementGroup to use """ return config.get_cloud_config_value( "placementgroup", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False ) def get_spot_config(vm_): """ Returns the spot instance configuration for the provided vm """ return config.get_cloud_config_value( "spot_config", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False ) def get_provider(vm_=None): """ Extract the provider name from vm """ if vm_ is None: provider = _get_active_provider_name() or "ec2" else: provider = vm_.get("provider", "ec2") if ":" in provider: prov_comps = provider.split(":") provider = prov_comps[0] return provider def list_availability_zones(vm_=None): """ List all availability zones in the current region """ ret = {} params = { "Action": "DescribeAvailabilityZones", "Filter.0.Name": "region-name", "Filter.0.Value.0": get_location(vm_), } result = aws.query( params, location=get_location(vm_), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) for zone in result: ret[zone["zoneName"]] = zone["zoneState"] return ret def block_device_mappings(vm_): """ Return the block device mapping: .. code-block:: python [{'DeviceName': '/dev/sdb', 'VirtualName': 'ephemeral0'}, {'DeviceName': '/dev/sdc', 'VirtualName': 'ephemeral1'}] """ return config.get_cloud_config_value( "block_device_mappings", vm_, __opts__, search_global=True ) def _request_eip(interface, vm_): """ Request and return Elastic IP """ params = {"Action": "AllocateAddress"} params["Domain"] = interface.setdefault("domain", "vpc") eips = aws.query( params, return_root=True, location=get_location(vm_), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) for eip in eips: if "allocationId" in eip: return eip["allocationId"] return None def _create_eni_if_necessary(interface, vm_): """ Create an Elastic Interface if necessary and return a Network Interface Specification """ if ( "NetworkInterfaceId" in interface and interface["NetworkInterfaceId"] is not None ): return { "DeviceIndex": interface["DeviceIndex"], "NetworkInterfaceId": interface["NetworkInterfaceId"], } params = {"Action": "DescribeSubnets"} subnet_query = aws.query( params, return_root=True, location=get_location(vm_), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) if "SecurityGroupId" not in interface and "securitygroupname" in interface: interface["SecurityGroupId"] = _get_securitygroupname_id( interface["securitygroupname"] ) if "SubnetId" not in interface and "subnetname" in interface: interface["SubnetId"] = _get_subnetname_id(interface["subnetname"]) subnet_id = _get_subnet_id_for_interface(subnet_query, interface) if not subnet_id: raise SaltCloudConfigError( "No such subnet <{}>".format(interface.get("SubnetId")) ) params = {"SubnetId": subnet_id} for k in "Description", "PrivateIpAddress", "SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount": if k in interface: params[k] = interface[k] for k in "PrivateIpAddresses", "SecurityGroupId": if k in interface: params.update(_param_from_config(k, interface[k])) if "AssociatePublicIpAddress" in interface: # Associating a public address in a VPC only works when the interface is not # created beforehand, but as a part of the machine creation request. for k in ("DeviceIndex", "AssociatePublicIpAddress", "NetworkInterfaceId"): if k in interface: params[k] = interface[k] params["DeleteOnTermination"] = interface.get( "delete_interface_on_terminate", True ) return params params["Action"] = "CreateNetworkInterface" result = aws.query( params, return_root=True, location=get_location(vm_), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) eni_desc = result[1] if not eni_desc or not eni_desc.get("networkInterfaceId"): raise SaltCloudException("Failed to create interface: {}".format(result)) eni_id = eni_desc.get("networkInterfaceId") log.debug("Created network interface %s inst %s", eni_id, interface["DeviceIndex"]) associate_public_ip = interface.get("AssociatePublicIpAddress", False) if isinstance(associate_public_ip, str): # Assume id of EIP as value _associate_eip_with_interface(eni_id, associate_public_ip, vm_=vm_) if interface.get("associate_eip"): _associate_eip_with_interface(eni_id, interface.get("associate_eip"), vm_=vm_) elif interface.get("allocate_new_eip"): _new_eip = _request_eip(interface, vm_) _associate_eip_with_interface(eni_id, _new_eip, vm_=vm_) elif interface.get("allocate_new_eips"): addr_list = _list_interface_private_addrs(eni_desc) eip_list = [] for idx, addr in enumerate(addr_list): eip_list.append(_request_eip(interface, vm_)) for idx, addr in enumerate(addr_list): _associate_eip_with_interface(eni_id, eip_list[idx], addr, vm_=vm_) if "Name" in interface: tag_params = { "Action": "CreateTags", "ResourceId.0": eni_id, "Tag.0.Key": "Name", "Tag.0.Value": interface["Name"], } tag_response = aws.query( tag_params, return_root=True, location=get_location(vm_), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) if "error" in tag_response: log.error("Failed to set name of interface {0}") return {"DeviceIndex": interface["DeviceIndex"], "NetworkInterfaceId": eni_id} def _get_subnet_id_for_interface(subnet_query, interface): for subnet_query_result in subnet_query: if "item" in subnet_query_result: if isinstance(subnet_query_result["item"], dict): subnet_id = _get_subnet_from_subnet_query( subnet_query_result["item"], interface ) if subnet_id is not None: return subnet_id else: for subnet in subnet_query_result["item"]: subnet_id = _get_subnet_from_subnet_query(subnet, interface) if subnet_id is not None: return subnet_id def _get_subnet_from_subnet_query(subnet_query, interface): if "subnetId" in subnet_query: if interface.get("SubnetId"): if subnet_query["subnetId"] == interface["SubnetId"]: return subnet_query["subnetId"] else: return subnet_query["subnetId"] def _list_interface_private_addrs(eni_desc): """ Returns a list of all of the private IP addresses attached to a network interface. The 'primary' address will be listed first. """ primary = eni_desc.get("privateIpAddress") if not primary: return None addresses = [primary] lst = eni_desc.get("privateIpAddressesSet", {}).get("item", []) if not isinstance(lst, list): return addresses for entry in lst: if entry.get("primary") == "true": continue if entry.get("privateIpAddress"): addresses.append(entry.get("privateIpAddress")) return addresses def _modify_eni_properties(eni_id, properties=None, vm_=None): """ Change properties of the interface with id eni_id to the values in properties dict """ if not isinstance(properties, dict): raise SaltCloudException("ENI properties must be a dictionary") params = {"Action": "ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute", "NetworkInterfaceId": eni_id} for k, v in properties.items(): params[k] = v result = aws.query( params, return_root=True, location=get_location(vm_), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) if isinstance(result, dict) and result.get("error"): raise SaltCloudException( "Could not change interface <{}> attributes <'{}'>".format( eni_id, properties ) ) else: return result def _associate_eip_with_interface(eni_id, eip_id, private_ip=None, vm_=None): """ Accept the id of a network interface, and the id of an elastic ip address, and associate the two of them, such that traffic sent to the elastic ip address will be forwarded (NATted) to this network interface. Optionally specify the private (10.x.x.x) IP address that traffic should be NATted to - useful if you have multiple IP addresses assigned to an interface. """ params = { "Action": "AssociateAddress", "NetworkInterfaceId": eni_id, "AllocationId": eip_id, } if private_ip: params["PrivateIpAddress"] = private_ip result = aws.query( params, return_root=True, location=get_location(vm_), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) if not result[2].get("associationId"): raise SaltCloudException( "Could not associate elastic ip address " "<{}> with network interface <{}>".format(eip_id, eni_id) ) log.debug("Associated ElasticIP address %s with interface %s", eip_id, eni_id) return result[2].get("associationId") def _update_enis(interfaces, instance, vm_=None): config_enis = {} instance_enis = [] for interface in interfaces: if "DeviceIndex" in interface: if interface["DeviceIndex"] in config_enis: log.error("Duplicate DeviceIndex in profile. Cannot update ENIs.") return None config_enis[str(interface["DeviceIndex"])] = interface query_enis = instance[0]["instancesSet"]["item"]["networkInterfaceSet"]["item"] if isinstance(query_enis, list): for query_eni in query_enis: instance_enis.append( (query_eni["networkInterfaceId"], query_eni["attachment"]) ) else: instance_enis.append( (query_enis["networkInterfaceId"], query_enis["attachment"]) ) for eni_id, eni_data in instance_enis: delete_on_terminate = True if "DeleteOnTermination" in config_enis[eni_data["deviceIndex"]]: delete_on_terminate = config_enis[eni_data["deviceIndex"]][ "DeleteOnTermination" ] elif "delete_interface_on_terminate" in config_enis[eni_data["deviceIndex"]]: delete_on_terminate = config_enis[eni_data["deviceIndex"]][ "delete_interface_on_terminate" ] params_attachment = { "Attachment.AttachmentId": eni_data["attachmentId"], "Attachment.DeleteOnTermination": delete_on_terminate, } set_eni_attachment_attributes = _modify_eni_properties( eni_id, params_attachment, vm_=vm_ ) if "SourceDestCheck" in config_enis[eni_data["deviceIndex"]]: params_sourcedest = { "SourceDestCheck.Value": config_enis[eni_data["deviceIndex"]][ "SourceDestCheck" ] } set_eni_sourcedest_property = _modify_eni_properties( eni_id, params_sourcedest, vm_=vm_ ) return None def _param_from_config(key, data): """ Return EC2 API parameters based on the given config data. Examples: 1. List of dictionaries >>> data = [ ... {'DeviceIndex': 0, 'SubnetId': 'subid0', ... 'AssociatePublicIpAddress': True}, ... {'DeviceIndex': 1, ... 'SubnetId': 'subid1', ... 'PrivateIpAddress': ''} ... ] >>> _param_from_config('NetworkInterface', data) ... {'NetworkInterface.0.SubnetId': 'subid0', ... 'NetworkInterface.0.DeviceIndex': 0, ... 'NetworkInterface.1.SubnetId': 'subid1', ... 'NetworkInterface.1.PrivateIpAddress': '', ... 'NetworkInterface.0.AssociatePublicIpAddress': 'true', ... 'NetworkInterface.1.DeviceIndex': 1} 2. List of nested dictionaries >>> data = [ ... {'DeviceName': '/dev/sdf', ... 'Ebs': { ... 'SnapshotId': 'dummy0', ... 'VolumeSize': 200, ... 'VolumeType': 'standard'}}, ... {'DeviceName': '/dev/sdg', ... 'Ebs': { ... 'SnapshotId': 'dummy1', ... 'VolumeSize': 100, ... 'VolumeType': 'standard'}} ... ] >>> _param_from_config('BlockDeviceMapping', data) ... {'BlockDeviceMapping.0.Ebs.VolumeType': 'standard', ... 'BlockDeviceMapping.1.Ebs.SnapshotId': 'dummy1', ... 'BlockDeviceMapping.0.Ebs.VolumeSize': 200, ... 'BlockDeviceMapping.0.Ebs.SnapshotId': 'dummy0', ... 'BlockDeviceMapping.1.Ebs.VolumeType': 'standard', ... 'BlockDeviceMapping.1.DeviceName': '/dev/sdg', ... 'BlockDeviceMapping.1.Ebs.VolumeSize': 100, ... 'BlockDeviceMapping.0.DeviceName': '/dev/sdf'} 3. Dictionary of dictionaries >>> data = { 'Arn': 'dummyarn', 'Name': 'Tester' } >>> _param_from_config('IamInstanceProfile', data) {'IamInstanceProfile.Arn': 'dummyarn', 'IamInstanceProfile.Name': 'Tester'} """ param = {} if isinstance(data, dict): for k, v in data.items(): param.update(_param_from_config("{}.{}".format(key, k), v)) elif isinstance(data, list) or isinstance(data, tuple): for idx, conf_item in enumerate(data): prefix = "{}.{}".format(key, idx) param.update(_param_from_config(prefix, conf_item)) else: if isinstance(data, bool): # convert boolean True/False to 'true'/'false' param.update({key: str(data).lower()}) else: param.update({key: data}) return param def request_instance(vm_=None, call=None): """ Put together all of the information necessary to request an instance on EC2, and then fire off the request the instance. Returns data about the instance """ if call == "function": # Technically this function may be called other ways too, but it # definitely cannot be called with --function. raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The request_instance action must be called with -a or --action." ) location = vm_.get("location", get_location(vm_)) # do we launch a regular vm or a spot instance? # see http://goo.gl/hYZ13f for more information on EC2 API spot_config = get_spot_config(vm_) if spot_config is not None: if "spot_price" not in spot_config: raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "Spot instance config for {} requires a spot_price attribute.".format( vm_["name"] ) ) params = { "Action": "RequestSpotInstances", "InstanceCount": "1", "Type": spot_config["type"] if "type" in spot_config else "one-time", "SpotPrice": spot_config["spot_price"], } # All of the necessary launch parameters for a VM when using # spot instances are the same except for the prefix below # being tacked on. spot_prefix = "LaunchSpecification." # regular EC2 instance else: # WARNING! EXPERIMENTAL! # This allows more than one instance to be spun up in a single call. # The first instance will be called by the name provided, but all other # instances will be nameless (or more specifically, they will use the # InstanceId as the name). This interface is expected to change, so # use at your own risk. min_instance = config.get_cloud_config_value( "min_instance", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False, default=1 ) max_instance = config.get_cloud_config_value( "max_instance", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False, default=1 ) params = { "Action": "RunInstances", "MinCount": min_instance, "MaxCount": max_instance, } # Normal instances should have no prefix. spot_prefix = "" image_id = get_imageid(vm_) params[spot_prefix + "ImageId"] = image_id userdata = None userdata_file = config.get_cloud_config_value( "userdata_file", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False, default=None ) if userdata_file is None: userdata = config.get_cloud_config_value( "userdata", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False, default=None ) else: log.trace("userdata_file: %s", userdata_file) if os.path.exists(userdata_file): with salt.utils.files.fopen(userdata_file, "r") as fh_: userdata = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(fh_.read()) userdata = salt.utils.cloud.userdata_template(__opts__, vm_, userdata) if userdata is not None: try: params[spot_prefix + "UserData"] = base64.b64encode( salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(userdata) ) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Failed to encode userdata: %s", exc) vm_size = config.get_cloud_config_value("size", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False) params[spot_prefix + "InstanceType"] = vm_size ex_keyname = keyname(vm_) if ex_keyname: params[spot_prefix + "KeyName"] = ex_keyname ex_securitygroup = securitygroup(vm_) if ex_securitygroup: if not isinstance(ex_securitygroup, list): params[spot_prefix + "SecurityGroup.1"] = ex_securitygroup else: for counter, sg_ in enumerate(ex_securitygroup): params[spot_prefix + "SecurityGroup.{}".format(counter)] = sg_ ex_iam_profile = iam_profile(vm_) if ex_iam_profile: try: if ex_iam_profile.startswith("arn:aws:iam:"): params[spot_prefix + "IamInstanceProfile.Arn"] = ex_iam_profile else: params[spot_prefix + "IamInstanceProfile.Name"] = ex_iam_profile except AttributeError: raise SaltCloudConfigError("'iam_profile' should be a string value.") az_ = get_availability_zone(vm_) if az_ is not None: params[spot_prefix + "Placement.AvailabilityZone"] = az_ tenancy_ = get_tenancy(vm_) if tenancy_ is not None: if spot_config is not None: raise SaltCloudConfigError( "Spot instance config for {} does not support " "specifying tenancy.".format(vm_["name"]) ) params["Placement.Tenancy"] = tenancy_ subnetid_ = get_subnetid(vm_) if subnetid_ is not None: params[spot_prefix + "SubnetId"] = subnetid_ ex_securitygroupid = securitygroupid(vm_) if ex_securitygroupid: if not isinstance(ex_securitygroupid, list): params[spot_prefix + "SecurityGroupId.1"] = ex_securitygroupid else: for counter, sg_ in enumerate(ex_securitygroupid): params[spot_prefix + "SecurityGroupId.{}".format(counter)] = sg_ placementgroup_ = get_placementgroup(vm_) if placementgroup_ is not None: params[spot_prefix + "Placement.GroupName"] = placementgroup_ blockdevicemappings_holder = block_device_mappings(vm_) if blockdevicemappings_holder: for _bd in blockdevicemappings_holder: if "tag" in _bd: _bd.pop("tag") ex_blockdevicemappings = blockdevicemappings_holder if ex_blockdevicemappings: params.update( _param_from_config( spot_prefix + "BlockDeviceMapping", ex_blockdevicemappings ) ) network_interfaces = config.get_cloud_config_value( "network_interfaces", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False ) if network_interfaces: eni_devices = [] for interface in network_interfaces: log.debug("Create network interface: %s", interface) _new_eni = _create_eni_if_necessary(interface, vm_) eni_devices.append(_new_eni) params.update(_param_from_config(spot_prefix + "NetworkInterface", eni_devices)) set_ebs_optimized = config.get_cloud_config_value( "ebs_optimized", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False ) if set_ebs_optimized is not None: if not isinstance(set_ebs_optimized, bool): raise SaltCloudConfigError("'ebs_optimized' should be a boolean value.") params[spot_prefix + "EbsOptimized"] = set_ebs_optimized set_del_root_vol_on_destroy = config.get_cloud_config_value( "del_root_vol_on_destroy", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False ) set_termination_protection = config.get_cloud_config_value( "termination_protection", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False ) if set_termination_protection is not None: if not isinstance(set_termination_protection, bool): raise SaltCloudConfigError( "'termination_protection' should be a boolean value." ) params.update( _param_from_config( spot_prefix + "DisableApiTermination", set_termination_protection ) ) if set_del_root_vol_on_destroy and not isinstance( set_del_root_vol_on_destroy, bool ): raise SaltCloudConfigError( "'del_root_vol_on_destroy' should be a boolean value." ) vm_["set_del_root_vol_on_destroy"] = set_del_root_vol_on_destroy if set_del_root_vol_on_destroy: # first make sure to look up the root device name # as Ubuntu and CentOS (and most likely other OSs) # use different device identifiers log.info( "Attempting to look up root device name for image id %s on VM %s", image_id, vm_["name"], ) rd_params = {"Action": "DescribeImages", "ImageId.1": image_id} try: rd_data = aws.query( rd_params, location=get_location(vm_), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) if "error" in rd_data: return rd_data["error"] log.debug("EC2 Response: '%s'", rd_data) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.error( "Error getting root device name for image id %s for VM %s: \n%s", image_id, vm_["name"], exc, # Show the traceback if the debug logging level is enabled exc_info_on_loglevel=logging.DEBUG, ) raise # make sure we have a response if not rd_data: err_msg = ( "There was an error querying EC2 for the root device " "of image id {}. Empty response.".format(image_id) ) raise SaltCloudSystemExit(err_msg) # pull the root device name from the result and use it when # launching the new VM rd_name = None rd_type = None if "blockDeviceMapping" in rd_data[0]: # Some ami instances do not have a root volume. Ignore such cases if rd_data[0]["blockDeviceMapping"] is not None: item = rd_data[0]["blockDeviceMapping"]["item"] if isinstance(item, list): item = item[0] rd_name = item["deviceName"] # Grab the volume type rd_type = item["ebs"].get("volumeType", None) log.info("Found root device name: %s", rd_name) if rd_name is not None: if ex_blockdevicemappings: dev_list = [dev["DeviceName"] for dev in ex_blockdevicemappings] else: dev_list = [] if rd_name in dev_list: # Device already listed, just grab the index dev_index = dev_list.index(rd_name) else: dev_index = len(dev_list) # Add the device name in since it wasn't already there params[ "{}BlockDeviceMapping.{}.DeviceName".format(spot_prefix, dev_index) ] = rd_name # Set the termination value termination_key = "{}BlockDeviceMapping.{}.Ebs.DeleteOnTermination".format( spot_prefix, dev_index ) params[termination_key] = str(set_del_root_vol_on_destroy).lower() # Use default volume type if not specified if ( ex_blockdevicemappings and dev_index < len(ex_blockdevicemappings) and "Ebs.VolumeType" not in ex_blockdevicemappings[dev_index] ): type_key = "{}BlockDeviceMapping.{}.Ebs.VolumeType".format( spot_prefix, dev_index ) params[type_key] = rd_type set_del_all_vols_on_destroy = config.get_cloud_config_value( "del_all_vols_on_destroy", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False, default=False ) if set_del_all_vols_on_destroy and not isinstance( set_del_all_vols_on_destroy, bool ): raise SaltCloudConfigError( "'del_all_vols_on_destroy' should be a boolean value." ) __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "requesting instance", "salt/cloud/{}/requesting".format(vm_["name"]), args={ "kwargs": __utils__["cloud.filter_event"]( "requesting", params, list(params) ), "location": location, }, sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) provider = get_provider(vm_) try: data = aws.query( params, "instancesSet", location=location, provider=provider, opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) if "error" in data: return data["error"] except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.error( "Error creating %s on EC2 when trying to run the initial deployment: \n%s", vm_["name"], exc, # Show the traceback if the debug logging level is enabled exc_info_on_loglevel=logging.DEBUG, ) raise # if we're using spot instances, we need to wait for the spot request # to become active before we continue if spot_config: sir_id = data[0]["spotInstanceRequestId"] vm_["spotRequestId"] = sir_id def __query_spot_instance_request(sir_id, location): params = { "Action": "DescribeSpotInstanceRequests", "SpotInstanceRequestId.1": sir_id, } data = aws.query( params, location=location, provider=provider, opts=__opts__, sigver="4" ) if not data: log.error("There was an error while querying EC2. Empty response") # Trigger a failure in the wait for spot instance method return False if isinstance(data, dict) and "error" in data: log.warning("There was an error in the query. %s", data["error"]) # Trigger a failure in the wait for spot instance method return False log.debug("Returned query data: %s", data) state = data[0].get("state") if state == "active": return data if state == "open": # Still waiting for an active state log.info("Spot instance status: %s", data[0]["status"]["message"]) return None if state in ["cancelled", "failed", "closed"]: # Request will never be active, fail log.error( "Spot instance request resulted in state '{0}'. " "Nothing else we can do here." ) return False __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "waiting for spot instance", "salt/cloud/{}/waiting_for_spot".format(vm_["name"]), sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) try: data = _wait_for_spot_instance( __query_spot_instance_request, update_args=(sir_id, location), timeout=config.get_cloud_config_value( "wait_for_spot_timeout", vm_, __opts__, default=10 * 60 ), interval=config.get_cloud_config_value( "wait_for_spot_interval", vm_, __opts__, default=30 ), interval_multiplier=config.get_cloud_config_value( "wait_for_spot_interval_multiplier", vm_, __opts__, default=1 ), max_failures=config.get_cloud_config_value( "wait_for_spot_max_failures", vm_, __opts__, default=10 ), ) log.debug("wait_for_spot_instance data %s", data) except (SaltCloudExecutionTimeout, SaltCloudExecutionFailure) as exc: try: # Cancel the existing spot instance request params = { "Action": "CancelSpotInstanceRequests", "SpotInstanceRequestId.1": sir_id, } data = aws.query( params, location=location, provider=provider, opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) log.debug( "Canceled spot instance request %s. Data returned: %s", sir_id, data, ) except SaltCloudSystemExit: pass finally: raise SaltCloudSystemExit(str(exc)) return data, vm_ def query_instance(vm_=None, call=None): """ Query an instance upon creation from the EC2 API """ if call == "function": # Technically this function may be called other ways too, but it # definitely cannot be called with --function. raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The query_instance action must be called with -a or --action." ) instance_id = vm_["instance_id"] location = vm_.get("location", get_location(vm_)) __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "querying instance", "salt/cloud/{}/querying".format(vm_["name"]), args={"instance_id": instance_id}, sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) log.debug("The new VM instance_id is %s", instance_id) params = {"Action": "DescribeInstances", "InstanceId.1": instance_id} provider = get_provider(vm_) attempts = 0 while attempts < aws.AWS_MAX_RETRIES: data, requesturl = aws.query( params, # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking location=location, provider=provider, opts=__opts__, return_url=True, sigver="4", ) log.debug("The query returned: %s", data) if isinstance(data, dict) and "error" in data: log.warning( "There was an error in the query. %s attempts remaining: %s", attempts, data["error"], ) elif isinstance(data, list) and not data: log.warning( "Query returned an empty list. %s attempts remaining.", attempts ) else: break aws.sleep_exponential_backoff(attempts) attempts += 1 continue else: raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "An error occurred while creating VM: {}".format(data["error"]) ) def __query_ip_address(params, url): # pylint: disable=W0613 data = aws.query( params, location=location, provider=provider, opts=__opts__, sigver="4" ) if not data: log.error("There was an error while querying EC2. Empty response") # Trigger a failure in the wait for IP function return False if isinstance(data, dict) and "error" in data: log.warning("There was an error in the query. %s", data["error"]) # Trigger a failure in the wait for IP function return False log.debug("Returned query data: %s", data) if ssh_interface(vm_) == "public_ips": if "ipAddress" in data[0]["instancesSet"]["item"]: return data else: log.error("Public IP not detected.") if ssh_interface(vm_) == "private_ips": if "privateIpAddress" in data[0]["instancesSet"]["item"]: return data else: log.error("Private IP not detected.") try: data = salt.utils.cloud.wait_for_ip( __query_ip_address, update_args=(params, requesturl), timeout=config.get_cloud_config_value( "wait_for_ip_timeout", vm_, __opts__, default=10 * 60 ), interval=config.get_cloud_config_value( "wait_for_ip_interval", vm_, __opts__, default=10 ), interval_multiplier=config.get_cloud_config_value( "wait_for_ip_interval_multiplier", vm_, __opts__, default=1 ), ) except (SaltCloudExecutionTimeout, SaltCloudExecutionFailure) as exc: try: # It might be already up, let's destroy it! destroy(vm_["name"]) except SaltCloudSystemExit: pass finally: raise SaltCloudSystemExit(str(exc)) if "reactor" in vm_ and vm_["reactor"] is True: __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "instance queried", "salt/cloud/{}/query_reactor".format(vm_["name"]), args={"data": data}, sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) return data def wait_for_instance( vm_=None, data=None, ip_address=None, display_ssh_output=True, call=None, ): """ Wait for an instance upon creation from the EC2 API, to become available """ if call == "function": # Technically this function may be called other ways too, but it # definitely cannot be called with --function. raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The wait_for_instance action must be called with -a or --action." ) if vm_ is None: vm_ = {} if data is None: data = {} ssh_gateway_config = vm_.get("gateway", get_ssh_gateway_config(vm_)) __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "waiting for ssh", "salt/cloud/{}/waiting_for_ssh".format(vm_["name"]), args={"ip_address": ip_address}, sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) ssh_connect_timeout = config.get_cloud_config_value( "ssh_connect_timeout", vm_, __opts__, 900 # 15 minutes ) ssh_port = config.get_cloud_config_value("ssh_port", vm_, __opts__, 22) if config.get_cloud_config_value("win_installer", vm_, __opts__): username = config.get_cloud_config_value( "win_username", vm_, __opts__, default="Administrator" ) win_passwd = config.get_cloud_config_value( "win_password", vm_, __opts__, default="" ) win_deploy_auth_retries = config.get_cloud_config_value( "win_deploy_auth_retries", vm_, __opts__, default=10 ) win_deploy_auth_retry_delay = config.get_cloud_config_value( "win_deploy_auth_retry_delay", vm_, __opts__, default=1 ) use_winrm = config.get_cloud_config_value( "use_winrm", vm_, __opts__, default=False ) winrm_verify_ssl = config.get_cloud_config_value( "winrm_verify_ssl", vm_, __opts__, default=True ) if win_passwd and win_passwd == "auto": log.debug("Waiting for auto-generated Windows EC2 password") while True: password_data = get_password_data( name=vm_["name"], kwargs={"key_file": vm_["private_key"]}, call="action", ) win_passwd = password_data.get("password", None) if win_passwd is None: log.debug(password_data) # This wait is so high, because the password is unlikely to # be generated for at least 4 minutes time.sleep(60) else: logging_data = password_data logging_data["password"] = "XXX-REDACTED-XXX" logging_data["passwordData"] = "XXX-REDACTED-XXX" log.debug(logging_data) vm_["win_password"] = win_passwd break # SMB used whether psexec or winrm if not salt.utils.cloud.wait_for_port( ip_address, port=445, timeout=ssh_connect_timeout ): raise SaltCloudSystemExit("Failed to connect to remote windows host") # If not using winrm keep same psexec behavior if not use_winrm: log.debug("Trying to authenticate via SMB using psexec") if not salt.utils.cloud.validate_windows_cred( ip_address, username, win_passwd, retries=win_deploy_auth_retries, retry_delay=win_deploy_auth_retry_delay, ): raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "Failed to authenticate against remote windows host (smb)" ) # If using winrm else: # Default HTTPS port can be changed in cloud configuration winrm_port = config.get_cloud_config_value( "winrm_port", vm_, __opts__, default=5986 ) # Wait for winrm port to be available if not salt.utils.cloud.wait_for_port( ip_address, port=winrm_port, timeout=ssh_connect_timeout ): raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "Failed to connect to remote windows host (winrm)" ) log.debug("Trying to authenticate via Winrm using pywinrm") if not salt.utils.cloud.wait_for_winrm( ip_address, winrm_port, username, win_passwd, timeout=ssh_connect_timeout, verify=winrm_verify_ssl, ): raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "Failed to authenticate against remote windows host" ) elif salt.utils.cloud.wait_for_port( ip_address, port=ssh_port, timeout=ssh_connect_timeout, gateway=ssh_gateway_config, ): # If a known_hosts_file is configured, this instance will not be # accessible until it has a host key. Since this is provided on # supported instances by cloud-init, and viewable to us only from the # console output (which may take several minutes to become available, # we have some more waiting to do here. known_hosts_file = config.get_cloud_config_value( "known_hosts_file", vm_, __opts__, default=None ) if known_hosts_file: console = {} while "output_decoded" not in console: console = get_console_output( instance_id=vm_["instance_id"], call="action", location=get_location(vm_), ) pprint.pprint(console) time.sleep(5) output = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(console["output_decoded"]) comps = output.split("-----BEGIN SSH HOST KEY KEYS-----") if len(comps) < 2: # Fail; there are no host keys return False comps = comps[1].split("-----END SSH HOST KEY KEYS-----") keys = "" for line in comps[0].splitlines(): if not line: continue keys += "\n{} {}".format(ip_address, line) with salt.utils.files.fopen(known_hosts_file, "a") as fp_: fp_.write(salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(keys)) fp_.close() for user in vm_["usernames"]: if salt.utils.cloud.wait_for_passwd( host=ip_address, port=ssh_port, username=user, ssh_timeout=config.get_cloud_config_value( "wait_for_passwd_timeout", vm_, __opts__, default=1 * 60 ), key_filename=vm_["key_filename"], display_ssh_output=display_ssh_output, gateway=ssh_gateway_config, maxtries=config.get_cloud_config_value( "wait_for_passwd_maxtries", vm_, __opts__, default=15 ), known_hosts_file=config.get_cloud_config_value( "known_hosts_file", vm_, __opts__, default="/dev/null" ), ): __opts__["ssh_username"] = user vm_["ssh_username"] = user break else: raise SaltCloudSystemExit("Failed to authenticate against remote ssh") else: raise SaltCloudSystemExit("Failed to connect to remote ssh") if "reactor" in vm_ and vm_["reactor"] is True: __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "ssh is available", "salt/cloud/{}/ssh_ready_reactor".format(vm_["name"]), args={"ip_address": ip_address}, sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) return vm_ def _validate_key_path_and_mode(key_filename): if key_filename is None: raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The required 'private_key' configuration setting is missing from the " "'ec2' driver." ) if not os.path.exists(key_filename): raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The EC2 key file '{}' does not exist.\n".format(key_filename) ) key_mode = stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(key_filename).st_mode) if key_mode not in (0o400, 0o600): raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The EC2 key file '{}' needs to be set to mode 0400 or 0600.\n".format( key_filename ) ) return True def create(vm_=None, call=None): """ Create a single VM from a data dict """ if call: raise SaltCloudSystemExit("You cannot create an instance with -a or -f.") try: # Check for required profile parameters before sending any API calls. if ( vm_["profile"] and config.is_profile_configured( __opts__, _get_active_provider_name() or "ec2", vm_["profile"], vm_=vm_ ) is False ): return False except AttributeError: pass # Check for private_key and keyfile name for bootstrapping new instances deploy = config.get_cloud_config_value("deploy", vm_, __opts__, default=True) win_password = config.get_cloud_config_value( "win_password", vm_, __opts__, default="" ) key_filename = config.get_cloud_config_value( "private_key", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False, default=None ) if deploy: # The private_key and keyname settings are only needed for bootstrapping # new instances when deploy is True _validate_key_path_and_mode(key_filename) __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "starting create", "salt/cloud/{}/creating".format(vm_["name"]), args=__utils__["cloud.filter_event"]( "creating", vm_, ["name", "profile", "provider", "driver"] ), sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) __utils__["cloud.cachedir_index_add"]( vm_["name"], vm_["profile"], "ec2", vm_["driver"] ) vm_["key_filename"] = key_filename # wait_for_instance requires private_key vm_["private_key"] = key_filename # Get SSH Gateway config early to verify the private_key, # if used, exists or not. We don't want to deploy an instance # and not be able to access it via the gateway. vm_["gateway"] = get_ssh_gateway_config(vm_) location = get_location(vm_) vm_["location"] = location log.info("Creating Cloud VM %s in %s", vm_["name"], location) vm_["usernames"] = salt.utils.cloud.ssh_usernames( vm_, __opts__, default_users=( "ec2-user", # Amazon Linux, Fedora, RHEL; FreeBSD "centos", # CentOS AMIs from AWS Marketplace "ubuntu", # Ubuntu "admin", # Debian GNU/Linux "bitnami", # BitNami AMIs "root", # Last resort, default user on RHEL 5, SUSE ), ) if "instance_id" in vm_: # This was probably created via another process, and doesn't have # things like salt keys created yet, so let's create them now. if "pub_key" not in vm_ and "priv_key" not in vm_: log.debug("Generating minion keys for '%s'", vm_["name"]) vm_["priv_key"], vm_["pub_key"] = salt.utils.cloud.gen_keys( salt.config.get_cloud_config_value("keysize", vm_, __opts__) ) else: # Put together all of the information required to request the instance, # and then fire off the request for it if keyname(vm_) is None: raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The required 'keyname' configuration setting is missing from the " "'ec2' driver." ) data, vm_ = request_instance(vm_, location) # If data is a str, it's an error if isinstance(data, str): log.error("Error requesting instance: %s", data) return {} # Pull the instance ID, valid for both spot and normal instances # Multiple instances may have been spun up, get all their IDs vm_["instance_id_list"] = [] for instance in data: vm_["instance_id_list"].append(instance["instanceId"]) vm_["instance_id"] = vm_["instance_id_list"].pop() if vm_["instance_id_list"]: # Multiple instances were spun up, get one now, and queue the rest queue_instances(vm_["instance_id_list"]) # Wait for vital information, such as IP addresses, to be available # for the new instance data = query_instance(vm_) # Now that the instance is available, tag it appropriately. Should # mitigate race conditions with tags tags = config.get_cloud_config_value("tag", vm_, __opts__, {}, search_global=False) if not isinstance(tags, dict): raise SaltCloudConfigError("'tag' should be a dict.") for value in tags.values(): if not isinstance(value, str): raise SaltCloudConfigError( "'tag' values must be strings. Try quoting the values. " 'e.g. "2013-09-19T20:09:46Z".' ) tags["Name"] = vm_["name"] __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "setting tags", "salt/cloud/{}/tagging".format(vm_["name"]), args={"tags": tags}, sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) salt.utils.cloud.wait_for_fun( set_tags, timeout=30, name=vm_["name"], tags=tags, instance_id=vm_["instance_id"], call="action", location=location, ) # Once instance tags are set, tag the spot request if configured if "spot_config" in vm_ and "tag" in vm_["spot_config"]: if not isinstance(vm_["spot_config"]["tag"], dict): raise SaltCloudConfigError("'tag' should be a dict.") for value in vm_["spot_config"]["tag"].values(): if not isinstance(value, str): raise SaltCloudConfigError( "'tag' values must be strings. Try quoting the values. " 'e.g. "2013-09-19T20:09:46Z".' ) spot_request_tags = {} if "spotRequestId" not in vm_: raise SaltCloudConfigError("Failed to find spotRequestId") sir_id = vm_["spotRequestId"] spot_request_tags["Name"] = vm_["name"] for k, v in vm_["spot_config"]["tag"].items(): spot_request_tags[k] = v __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "setting tags", "salt/cloud/spot_request_{}/tagging".format(sir_id), args={"tags": spot_request_tags}, sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) salt.utils.cloud.wait_for_fun( set_tags, timeout=30, name=vm_["name"], tags=spot_request_tags, instance_id=sir_id, call="action", location=location, ) network_interfaces = config.get_cloud_config_value( "network_interfaces", vm_, __opts__, search_global=False ) if network_interfaces: _update_enis(network_interfaces, data, vm_) # At this point, the node is created and tagged, and now needs to be # bootstrapped, once the necessary port is available. log.info("Created node %s", vm_["name"]) instance = data[0]["instancesSet"]["item"] # Wait for the necessary port to become available to bootstrap if ssh_interface(vm_) == "private_ips": ip_address = instance["privateIpAddress"] log.info("Salt node data. Private_ip: %s", ip_address) else: ip_address = instance["ipAddress"] log.info("Salt node data. Public_ip: %s", ip_address) vm_["ssh_host"] = ip_address if salt.utils.cloud.get_salt_interface(vm_, __opts__) == "private_ips": salt_ip_address = instance["privateIpAddress"] log.info("Salt interface set to: %s", salt_ip_address) else: salt_ip_address = instance["ipAddress"] log.debug("Salt interface set to: %s", salt_ip_address) vm_["salt_host"] = salt_ip_address if deploy: display_ssh_output = config.get_cloud_config_value( "display_ssh_output", vm_, __opts__, default=True ) vm_ = wait_for_instance(vm_, data, ip_address, display_ssh_output) # The instance is booted and accessible, let's Salt it! ret = instance.copy() # Get ANY defined volumes settings, merging data, in the following order # 1. VM config # 2. Profile config # 3. Global configuration volumes = config.get_cloud_config_value( "volumes", vm_, __opts__, search_global=True ) if volumes: __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "attaching volumes", "salt/cloud/{}/attaching_volumes".format(vm_["name"]), args={"volumes": volumes}, sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) log.info("Create and attach volumes to node %s", vm_["name"]) created = create_attach_volumes( vm_["name"], { "volumes": volumes, "zone": ret["placement"]["availabilityZone"], "instance_id": ret["instanceId"], "del_all_vols_on_destroy": vm_.get("del_all_vols_on_destroy", False), }, call="action", ) ret["Attached Volumes"] = created # Associate instance with a ssm document, if present ssm_document = config.get_cloud_config_value( "ssm_document", vm_, __opts__, None, search_global=False ) if ssm_document: log.debug("Associating with ssm document: %s", ssm_document) assoc = ssm_create_association( vm_["name"], {"ssm_document": ssm_document}, instance_id=vm_["instance_id"], call="action", ) if isinstance(assoc, dict) and assoc.get("error", None): log.error( "Failed to associate instance %s with ssm document %s", vm_["instance_id"], ssm_document, ) return {} for key, value in __utils__["cloud.bootstrap"](vm_, __opts__).items(): ret.setdefault(key, value) log.info("Created Cloud VM '%s'", vm_["name"]) log.debug("'%s' VM creation details:\n%s", vm_["name"], pprint.pformat(instance)) event_data = { "name": vm_["name"], "profile": vm_["profile"], "provider": vm_["driver"], "instance_id": vm_["instance_id"], } if volumes: event_data["volumes"] = volumes if ssm_document: event_data["ssm_document"] = ssm_document __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "created instance", "salt/cloud/{}/created".format(vm_["name"]), args=__utils__["cloud.filter_event"]("created", event_data, list(event_data)), sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) # Ensure that the latest node data is returned node = _get_node(instance_id=vm_["instance_id"]) __utils__["cloud.cache_node"](node, _get_active_provider_name(), __opts__) ret.update(node) # Add any block device tags specified ex_blockdevicetags = {} blockdevicemappings_holder = block_device_mappings(vm_) if blockdevicemappings_holder: for _bd in blockdevicemappings_holder: if "tag" in _bd: ex_blockdevicetags[_bd["DeviceName"]] = _bd["tag"] block_device_volume_id_map = {} if ex_blockdevicetags: for _device, _map in ret["blockDeviceMapping"].items(): bd_items = [] if isinstance(_map, dict): bd_items.append(_map) else: for mapitem in _map: bd_items.append(mapitem) for blockitem in bd_items: if ( blockitem["deviceName"] in ex_blockdevicetags and "Name" not in ex_blockdevicetags[blockitem["deviceName"]] ): ex_blockdevicetags[blockitem["deviceName"]]["Name"] = vm_["name"] if blockitem["deviceName"] in ex_blockdevicetags: block_device_volume_id_map[ blockitem[ret["rootDeviceType"]]["volumeId"] ] = ex_blockdevicetags[blockitem["deviceName"]] if block_device_volume_id_map: for volid, tags in block_device_volume_id_map.items(): __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "setting tags", "salt/cloud/block_volume_{}/tagging".format(str(volid)), args={"tags": tags}, sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) __utils__["cloud.wait_for_fun"]( set_tags, timeout=30, name=vm_["name"], tags=tags, resource_id=volid, call="action", location=location, ) return ret def queue_instances(instances): """ Queue a set of instances to be provisioned later. Expects a list. Currently this only queries node data, and then places it in the cloud cache (if configured). If the salt-cloud-reactor is being used, these instances will be automatically provisioned using that. For more information about the salt-cloud-reactor, see: https://github.com/saltstack-formulas/salt-cloud-reactor """ for instance_id in instances: node = _get_node(instance_id=instance_id) __utils__["cloud.cache_node"](node, _get_active_provider_name(), __opts__) def create_attach_volumes(name, kwargs, call=None, wait_to_finish=True): """ Create and attach volumes to created node """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The create_attach_volumes action must be called with -a or --action." ) if "instance_id" not in kwargs: kwargs["instance_id"] = _get_node(name)["instanceId"] if isinstance(kwargs["volumes"], str): volumes = salt.utils.yaml.safe_load(kwargs["volumes"]) else: volumes = kwargs["volumes"] ret = [] for volume in volumes: created = False volume_name = "{} on {}".format(volume["device"], name) volume_dict = {"volume_name": volume_name, "zone": kwargs["zone"]} if "volume_id" in volume: volume_dict["volume_id"] = volume["volume_id"] elif "snapshot" in volume: volume_dict["snapshot"] = volume["snapshot"] elif "size" in volume: volume_dict["size"] = volume["size"] else: raise SaltCloudConfigError( "Cannot create volume. Please define one of 'volume_id', " "'snapshot', or 'size'" ) if "tags" in volume: volume_dict["tags"] = volume["tags"] if "type" in volume: volume_dict["type"] = volume["type"] if "iops" in volume: volume_dict["iops"] = volume["iops"] if "encrypted" in volume: volume_dict["encrypted"] = volume["encrypted"] if "kmskeyid" in volume: volume_dict["kmskeyid"] = volume["kmskeyid"] if "volume_id" not in volume_dict: created_volume = create_volume( volume_dict, call="function", wait_to_finish=wait_to_finish ) created = True if "volumeId" in created_volume: volume_dict["volume_id"] = created_volume["volumeId"] attach = attach_volume( name, {"volume_id": volume_dict["volume_id"], "device": volume["device"]}, instance_id=kwargs["instance_id"], call="action", ) # Update the delvol parameter for this volume delvols_on_destroy = kwargs.get("del_all_vols_on_destroy", None) if attach and created and delvols_on_destroy is not None: _toggle_delvol( instance_id=kwargs["instance_id"], device=volume["device"], value=delvols_on_destroy, ) if attach: msg = "{} attached to {} (aka {}) as device {}".format( volume_dict["volume_id"], kwargs["instance_id"], name, volume["device"] ) log.info(msg) ret.append(msg) return ret def stop(name, call=None): """ Stop a node """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit("The stop action must be called with -a or --action.") log.info("Stopping node %s", name) instance_id = _get_node(name)["instanceId"] __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "stopping instance", "salt/cloud/{}/stopping".format(name), args={"name": name, "instance_id": instance_id}, sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) params = {"Action": "StopInstances", "InstanceId.1": instance_id} result = aws.query( params, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) return result def start(name, call=None): """ Start a node """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The start action must be called with -a or --action." ) log.info("Starting node %s", name) instance_id = _get_node(name)["instanceId"] __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "starting instance", "salt/cloud/{}/starting".format(name), args={"name": name, "instance_id": instance_id}, sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) params = {"Action": "StartInstances", "InstanceId.1": instance_id} result = aws.query( params, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) return result def set_tags( name=None, tags=None, call=None, location=None, instance_id=None, resource_id=None, kwargs=None, ): # pylint: disable=W0613 """ Set tags for a resource. Normally a VM name or instance_id is passed in, but a resource_id may be passed instead. If both are passed in, the instance_id will be used. CLI Examples: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -a set_tags mymachine tag1=somestuff tag2='Other stuff' salt-cloud -a set_tags resource_id=vol-3267ab32 tag=somestuff """ if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} if location is None: location = get_location() if instance_id is None: if "resource_id" in kwargs: resource_id = kwargs["resource_id"] del kwargs["resource_id"] if "instance_id" in kwargs: instance_id = kwargs["instance_id"] del kwargs["instance_id"] if resource_id is None: if instance_id is None: instance_id = _get_node(name=name, instance_id=None, location=location)[ "instanceId" ] else: instance_id = resource_id # This second check is a safety, in case the above still failed to produce # a usable ID if instance_id is None: return {"Error": "A valid instance_id or resource_id was not specified."} params = {"Action": "CreateTags", "ResourceId.1": instance_id} log.debug("Tags to set for %s: %s", name, tags) if kwargs and not tags: tags = kwargs for idx, (tag_k, tag_v) in enumerate(tags.items()): params["Tag.{}.Key".format(idx)] = tag_k params["Tag.{}.Value".format(idx)] = tag_v attempts = 0 while attempts < aws.AWS_MAX_RETRIES: aws.query( params, setname="tagSet", location=location, provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) settags = get_tags(instance_id=instance_id, call="action", location=location) log.debug("Setting the tags returned: %s", settags) failed_to_set_tags = False for tag in settags: if tag["key"] not in tags: # We were not setting this tag continue if tag.get("value") is None and tags.get(tag["key"]) == "": # This is a correctly set tag with no value continue if str(tags.get(tag["key"])) != str(tag["value"]): # Not set to the proper value!? log.debug( "Setting the tag %s returned %s instead of %s", tag["key"], tags.get(tag["key"]), tag["value"], ) failed_to_set_tags = True break if failed_to_set_tags: log.warning("Failed to set tags. Remaining attempts %s", attempts) attempts += 1 aws.sleep_exponential_backoff(attempts) continue return settags raise SaltCloudSystemExit("Failed to set tags on {}!".format(name)) def get_tags( name=None, instance_id=None, call=None, location=None, kwargs=None, resource_id=None ): # pylint: disable=W0613 """ Retrieve tags for a resource. Normally a VM name or instance_id is passed in, but a resource_id may be passed instead. If both are passed in, the instance_id will be used. CLI Examples: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -a get_tags mymachine salt-cloud -a get_tags resource_id=vol-3267ab32 """ if location is None: location = get_location() if instance_id is None: if resource_id is None: if name: instance_id = _get_node(name)["instanceId"] elif "instance_id" in kwargs: instance_id = kwargs["instance_id"] elif "resource_id" in kwargs: instance_id = kwargs["resource_id"] else: instance_id = resource_id params = { "Action": "DescribeTags", "Filter.1.Name": "resource-id", "Filter.1.Value": instance_id, } return aws.query( params, setname="tagSet", location=location, provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) def del_tags( name=None, kwargs=None, call=None, instance_id=None, resource_id=None ): # pylint: disable=W0613 """ Delete tags for a resource. Normally a VM name or instance_id is passed in, but a resource_id may be passed instead. If both are passed in, the instance_id will be used. CLI Examples: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -a del_tags mymachine tags=mytag, salt-cloud -a del_tags mymachine tags=tag1,tag2,tag3 salt-cloud -a del_tags resource_id=vol-3267ab32 tags=tag1,tag2,tag3 """ if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} if "tags" not in kwargs: raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "A tag or tags must be specified using tags=list,of,tags" ) if not name and "resource_id" in kwargs: instance_id = kwargs["resource_id"] del kwargs["resource_id"] if not instance_id: instance_id = _get_node(name)["instanceId"] params = {"Action": "DeleteTags", "ResourceId.1": instance_id} for idx, tag in enumerate(kwargs["tags"].split(",")): params["Tag.{}.Key".format(idx)] = tag aws.query( params, setname="tagSet", location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) if resource_id: return get_tags(resource_id=resource_id) else: return get_tags(instance_id=instance_id) def rename(name, kwargs, call=None): """ Properly rename a node. Pass in the new name as "new name". CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -a rename mymachine newname=yourmachine """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The rename action must be called with -a or --action." ) log.info("Renaming %s to %s", name, kwargs["newname"]) set_tags(name, {"Name": kwargs["newname"]}, call="action") salt.utils.cloud.rename_key(__opts__["pki_dir"], name, kwargs["newname"]) def destroy(name, call=None): """ Destroy a node. Will check termination protection and warn if enabled. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud --destroy mymachine """ if call == "function": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The destroy action must be called with -d, --destroy, -a or --action." ) node_metadata = _get_node(name) instance_id = node_metadata["instanceId"] sir_id = node_metadata.get("spotInstanceRequestId") protected = show_term_protect( name=name, instance_id=instance_id, call="action", quiet=True ) __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "destroying instance", "salt/cloud/{}/destroying".format(name), args={"name": name, "instance_id": instance_id}, sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) if protected == "true": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "This instance has been protected from being destroyed. " "Use the following command to disable protection:\n\n" "salt-cloud -a disable_term_protect {}".format(name) ) ret = {} # Default behavior is to rename EC2 VMs when destroyed # via salt-cloud, unless explicitly set to False. rename_on_destroy = config.get_cloud_config_value( "rename_on_destroy", get_configured_provider(), __opts__, search_global=False ) if rename_on_destroy is not False: newname = "{}-DEL{}".format(name, uuid.uuid4().hex) rename(name, kwargs={"newname": newname}, call="action") log.info( "Machine will be identified as %s until it has been cleaned up.", newname ) ret["newname"] = newname params = {"Action": "TerminateInstances", "InstanceId.1": instance_id} location = get_location() provider = get_provider() result = aws.query( params, location=location, provider=provider, opts=__opts__, sigver="4" ) log.info(result) ret.update(result[0]) # If this instance is part of a spot instance request, we # need to cancel it as well if sir_id is not None: params = { "Action": "CancelSpotInstanceRequests", "SpotInstanceRequestId.1": sir_id, } result = aws.query( params, location=location, provider=provider, opts=__opts__, sigver="4" ) ret["spotInstance"] = result[0] __utils__["cloud.fire_event"]( "event", "destroyed instance", "salt/cloud/{}/destroyed".format(name), args={"name": name, "instance_id": instance_id}, sock_dir=__opts__["sock_dir"], transport=__opts__["transport"], ) __utils__["cloud.cachedir_index_del"](name) if __opts__.get("update_cachedir", False) is True: __utils__["cloud.delete_minion_cachedir"]( name, _get_active_provider_name().split(":")[0], __opts__ ) return ret def reboot(name, call=None): """ Reboot a node. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -a reboot mymachine """ instance_id = _get_node(name)["instanceId"] params = {"Action": "RebootInstances", "InstanceId.1": instance_id} result = aws.query( params, setname="tagSet", location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) if result == []: log.info("Complete") return {"Reboot": "Complete"} def show_image(kwargs, call=None): """ Show the details from EC2 concerning an AMI """ if call != "function": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The show_image action must be called with -f or --function." ) params = {"ImageId.1": kwargs["image"], "Action": "DescribeImages"} result = aws.query( params, setname="tagSet", location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) log.info(result) return result def show_instance(name=None, instance_id=None, call=None, kwargs=None): """ Show the details from EC2 concerning an AMI. Can be called as an action (which requires a name): .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -a show_instance myinstance ...or as a function (which requires either a name or instance_id): .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -f show_instance my-ec2 name=myinstance salt-cloud -f show_instance my-ec2 instance_id=i-d34db33f """ if not name and call == "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit("The show_instance action requires a name.") if call == "function": name = kwargs.get("name", None) instance_id = kwargs.get("instance_id", None) if not name and not instance_id: raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The show_instance function requires either a name or an instance_id" ) node = _get_node(name=name, instance_id=instance_id) __utils__["cloud.cache_node"](node, _get_active_provider_name(), __opts__) return node def _get_node(name=None, instance_id=None, location=None): if location is None: location = get_location() params = {"Action": "DescribeInstances"} if str(name).startswith("i-") and (len(name) == 10 or len(name) == 19): instance_id = name if instance_id: params["InstanceId.1"] = instance_id else: params["Filter.1.Name"] = "tag:Name" params["Filter.1.Value.1"] = name log.trace(params) provider = get_provider() attempts = 0 while attempts < aws.AWS_MAX_RETRIES: try: instances = aws.query( params, location=location, provider=provider, opts=__opts__, sigver="4" ) instance_info = _extract_instance_info(instances).values() return next(iter(instance_info)) except IndexError: attempts += 1 log.debug( "Failed to get the data for node '%s'. Remaining attempts: %s", instance_id or name, attempts, ) aws.sleep_exponential_backoff(attempts) return {} def list_nodes_full(location=None, call=None): """ Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider """ if call == "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The list_nodes_full function must be called with -f or --function." ) return _list_nodes_full(location or get_location()) def _extract_name_tag(item): if "tagSet" in item and item["tagSet"] is not None: tagset = item["tagSet"] if isinstance(tagset["item"], list): for tag in tagset["item"]: if tag["key"] == "Name": return tag["value"] return item["instanceId"] return item["tagSet"]["item"]["value"] return item["instanceId"] def _extract_instance_info(instances): """ Given an instance query, return a dict of all instance data """ ret = {} for instance in instances: # items could be type dict or list (for stopped EC2 instances) if isinstance(instance["instancesSet"]["item"], list): for item in instance["instancesSet"]["item"]: name = _extract_name_tag(item) ret[name] = item ret[name]["name"] = name ret[name].update( dict( id=item["instanceId"], image=item["imageId"], size=item["instanceType"], state=item["instanceState"]["name"], private_ips=item.get("privateIpAddress", []), public_ips=item.get("ipAddress", []), ) ) else: item = instance["instancesSet"]["item"] name = _extract_name_tag(item) ret[name] = item ret[name]["name"] = name ret[name].update( dict( id=item["instanceId"], image=item["imageId"], size=item["instanceType"], state=item["instanceState"]["name"], private_ips=item.get("privateIpAddress", []), public_ips=item.get("ipAddress", []), ) ) return ret def _list_nodes_full(location=None): """ Return a list of the VMs that in this location """ provider = _get_active_provider_name() or "ec2" if ":" in provider: comps = provider.split(":") provider = comps[0] params = {"Action": "DescribeInstances"} instances = aws.query( params, location=location, provider=provider, opts=__opts__, sigver="4" ) if "error" in instances: raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "An error occurred while listing nodes: {}".format( instances["error"]["Errors"]["Error"]["Message"] ) ) ret = _extract_instance_info(instances) __utils__["cloud.cache_node_list"](ret, provider, __opts__) return ret def list_nodes_min(location=None, call=None): """ Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider. Only a list of VM names, and their state, is returned. This is the minimum amount of information needed to check for existing VMs. """ if call == "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The list_nodes_min function must be called with -f or --function." ) ret = {} params = {"Action": "DescribeInstances"} instances = aws.query( params, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) if "error" in instances: raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "An error occurred while listing nodes: {}".format( instances["error"]["Errors"]["Error"]["Message"] ) ) for instance in instances: if isinstance(instance["instancesSet"]["item"], list): items = instance["instancesSet"]["item"] else: items = [instance["instancesSet"]["item"]] for item in items: state = item["instanceState"]["name"] name = _extract_name_tag(item) id = item["instanceId"] ret[name] = {"state": state, "id": id} return ret def list_nodes(call=None): """ Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider """ if call == "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The list_nodes function must be called with -f or --function." ) ret = {} nodes = list_nodes_full(get_location()) if "error" in nodes: raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "An error occurred while listing nodes: {}".format( nodes["error"]["Errors"]["Error"]["Message"] ) ) for node in nodes: ret[node] = { "id": nodes[node]["id"], "image": nodes[node]["image"], "name": nodes[node]["name"], "size": nodes[node]["size"], "state": nodes[node]["state"], "private_ips": nodes[node]["private_ips"], "public_ips": nodes[node]["public_ips"], } return ret def list_nodes_select(call=None): """ Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields """ return salt.utils.cloud.list_nodes_select( list_nodes_full(get_location()), __opts__["query.selection"], call, ) def show_term_protect(name=None, instance_id=None, call=None, quiet=False): """ Show the details from EC2 concerning an instance's termination protection state """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The show_term_protect action must be called with -a or --action." ) if not instance_id: instance_id = _get_node(name)["instanceId"] params = { "Action": "DescribeInstanceAttribute", "InstanceId": instance_id, "Attribute": "disableApiTermination", } result = aws.query( params, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), return_root=True, opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) disable_protect = False for item in result: if "value" in item: disable_protect = item["value"] break log.log( logging.DEBUG if quiet is True else logging.INFO, "Termination Protection is %s for %s", disable_protect == "true" and "enabled" or "disabled", name, ) return disable_protect def show_detailed_monitoring(name=None, instance_id=None, call=None, quiet=False): """ Show the details from EC2 regarding cloudwatch detailed monitoring. """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The show_detailed_monitoring action must be called with -a or --action." ) location = get_location() if str(name).startswith("i-") and (len(name) == 10 or len(name) == 19): instance_id = name if not name and not instance_id: raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The show_detailed_monitoring action must be provided with a name or" " instance ID" ) matched = _get_node(name=name, instance_id=instance_id, location=location) log.log( logging.DEBUG if quiet is True else logging.INFO, "Detailed Monitoring is %s for %s", matched["monitoring"], name, ) return matched["monitoring"] def _toggle_term_protect(name, value): """ Enable or Disable termination protection on a node """ instance_id = _get_node(name)["instanceId"] params = { "Action": "ModifyInstanceAttribute", "InstanceId": instance_id, "DisableApiTermination.Value": value, } result = aws.query( params, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), return_root=True, opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) return show_term_protect(name=name, instance_id=instance_id, call="action") def enable_term_protect(name, call=None): """ Enable termination protection on a node CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -a enable_term_protect mymachine """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The enable_term_protect action must be called with -a or --action." ) return _toggle_term_protect(name, "true") def disable_term_protect(name, call=None): """ Disable termination protection on a node CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -a disable_term_protect mymachine """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The enable_term_protect action must be called with -a or --action." ) return _toggle_term_protect(name, "false") def disable_detailed_monitoring(name, call=None): """ Enable/disable detailed monitoring on a node """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The enable_term_protect action must be called with -a or --action." ) instance_id = _get_node(name)["instanceId"] params = {"Action": "UnmonitorInstances", "InstanceId.1": instance_id} result = aws.query( params, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), return_root=True, opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) return show_detailed_monitoring(name=name, instance_id=instance_id, call="action") def enable_detailed_monitoring(name, call=None): """ Enable/disable detailed monitoring on a node """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The enable_term_protect action must be called with -a or --action." ) instance_id = _get_node(name)["instanceId"] params = {"Action": "MonitorInstances", "InstanceId.1": instance_id} result = aws.query( params, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), return_root=True, opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) return show_detailed_monitoring(name=name, instance_id=instance_id, call="action") def show_delvol_on_destroy(name, kwargs=None, call=None): """ Do not delete all/specified EBS volumes upon instance termination CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -a show_delvol_on_destroy mymachine """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The show_delvol_on_destroy action must be called with -a or --action." ) if not kwargs: kwargs = {} instance_id = kwargs.get("instance_id", None) device = kwargs.get("device", None) volume_id = kwargs.get("volume_id", None) if instance_id is None: instance_id = _get_node(name)["instanceId"] params = {"Action": "DescribeInstances", "InstanceId.1": instance_id} data = aws.query( params, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) blockmap = data[0]["instancesSet"]["item"]["blockDeviceMapping"] if not isinstance(blockmap["item"], list): blockmap["item"] = [blockmap["item"]] items = [] for idx, item in enumerate(blockmap["item"]): device_name = item["deviceName"] if device is not None and device != device_name: continue if volume_id is not None and volume_id != item["ebs"]["volumeId"]: continue info = { "device_name": device_name, "volume_id": item["ebs"]["volumeId"], "deleteOnTermination": item["ebs"]["deleteOnTermination"], } items.append(info) return items def keepvol_on_destroy(name, kwargs=None, call=None): """ Do not delete all/specified EBS volumes upon instance termination CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -a keepvol_on_destroy mymachine """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The keepvol_on_destroy action must be called with -a or --action." ) if not kwargs: kwargs = {} device = kwargs.get("device", None) volume_id = kwargs.get("volume_id", None) return _toggle_delvol(name=name, device=device, volume_id=volume_id, value="false") def delvol_on_destroy(name, kwargs=None, call=None): """ Delete all/specified EBS volumes upon instance termination CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -a delvol_on_destroy mymachine """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The delvol_on_destroy action must be called with -a or --action." ) if not kwargs: kwargs = {} device = kwargs.get("device", None) volume_id = kwargs.get("volume_id", None) return _toggle_delvol(name=name, device=device, volume_id=volume_id, value="true") def _toggle_delvol( name=None, instance_id=None, device=None, volume_id=None, value=None, requesturl=None, ): if not instance_id: instance_id = _get_node(name)["instanceId"] if requesturl: data = aws.query( requesturl=requesturl, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) else: params = {"Action": "DescribeInstances", "InstanceId.1": instance_id} data, requesturl = aws.query( params, # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking return_url=True, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) blockmap = data[0]["instancesSet"]["item"]["blockDeviceMapping"] params = {"Action": "ModifyInstanceAttribute", "InstanceId": instance_id} if not isinstance(blockmap["item"], list): blockmap["item"] = [blockmap["item"]] for idx, item in enumerate(blockmap["item"]): device_name = item["deviceName"] if device is not None and device != device_name: continue if volume_id is not None and volume_id != item["ebs"]["volumeId"]: continue params["BlockDeviceMapping.{}.DeviceName".format(idx)] = device_name params["BlockDeviceMapping.{}.Ebs.DeleteOnTermination".format(idx)] = value aws.query( params, return_root=True, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) kwargs = {"instance_id": instance_id, "device": device, "volume_id": volume_id} return show_delvol_on_destroy(name, kwargs, call="action") def register_image(kwargs=None, call=None): """ Create an ami from a snapshot CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -f register_image my-ec2-config ami_name=my_ami description="my description" root_device_name=/dev/xvda snapshot_id=snap-xxxxxxxx """ if call != "function": log.error("The create_volume function must be called with -f or --function.") return False if "ami_name" not in kwargs: log.error("ami_name must be specified to register an image.") return False block_device_mapping = kwargs.get("block_device_mapping", None) if not block_device_mapping: if "snapshot_id" not in kwargs: log.error( "snapshot_id or block_device_mapping must be specified to register an" " image." ) return False if "root_device_name" not in kwargs: log.error( "root_device_name or block_device_mapping must be specified to register" " an image." ) return False block_device_mapping = [ { "DeviceName": kwargs["root_device_name"], "Ebs": { "VolumeType": kwargs.get("volume_type", "gp2"), "SnapshotId": kwargs["snapshot_id"], }, } ] if not isinstance(block_device_mapping, list): block_device_mapping = [block_device_mapping] params = {"Action": "RegisterImage", "Name": kwargs["ami_name"]} params.update(_param_from_config("BlockDeviceMapping", block_device_mapping)) if "root_device_name" in kwargs: params["RootDeviceName"] = kwargs["root_device_name"] if "description" in kwargs: params["Description"] = kwargs["description"] if "virtualization_type" in kwargs: params["VirtualizationType"] = kwargs["virtualization_type"] if "architecture" in kwargs: params["Architecture"] = kwargs["architecture"] log.debug(params) data = aws.query( params, return_url=True, return_root=True, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) r_data = {} for d in data[0]: for k, v in d.items(): r_data[k] = v return r_data def volume_create(**kwargs): """ Wrapper around create_volume. Here just to ensure the compatibility with the cloud module. """ return create_volume(kwargs, "function") def _load_params(kwargs): params = {"Action": "CreateVolume", "AvailabilityZone": kwargs["zone"]} if "size" in kwargs: params["Size"] = kwargs["size"] if "snapshot" in kwargs: params["SnapshotId"] = kwargs["snapshot"] if "type" in kwargs: params["VolumeType"] = kwargs["type"] # io1 and io2 types require the iops parameter if "iops" in kwargs and kwargs.get("type", "standard").lower() in ["io1", "io2"]: params["Iops"] = kwargs["iops"] # You can't set `encrypted` if you pass a snapshot if "encrypted" in kwargs and "snapshot" not in kwargs: params["Encrypted"] = kwargs["encrypted"] if "kmskeyid" in kwargs: params["KmsKeyId"] = kwargs["kmskeyid"] return params def create_volume(kwargs=None, call=None, wait_to_finish=False): """ Create a volume. zone The availability zone used to create the volume. Required. String. size The size of the volume, in GiBs. Defaults to ``10``. Integer. snapshot The snapshot-id from which to create the volume. Integer. type The volume type. This can be ``gp2`` for General Purpose SSD, ``io1`` or ``io2`` for Provisioned IOPS SSD, ``st1`` for Throughput Optimized HDD, ``sc1`` for Cold HDD, or ``standard`` for Magnetic volumes. String. iops The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) to provision for the volume, with a maximum ratio of 50 IOPS/GiB. Only valid for Provisioned IOPS SSD volumes. Integer. This option will only be set if ``type`` is also specified as ``io1`` or ``io2`` encrypted Specifies whether the volume will be encrypted. Boolean. If ``snapshot`` is also given in the list of kwargs, then this value is ignored since volumes that are created from encrypted snapshots are also automatically encrypted. tags The tags to apply to the volume during creation. Dictionary. call The ``create_volume`` function must be called with ``-f`` or ``--function``. String. wait_to_finish Whether or not to wait for the volume to be available. Boolean. Defaults to ``False``. CLI Examples: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -f create_volume my-ec2-config zone=us-east-1b salt-cloud -f create_volume my-ec2-config zone=us-east-1b tags='{"tag1": "val1", "tag2", "val2"}' """ if call != "function": log.error("The create_volume function must be called with -f or --function.") return False if "zone" not in kwargs: log.error("An availability zone must be specified to create a volume.") return False if "kmskeyid" in kwargs and "encrypted" not in kwargs: log.error("If a KMS Key ID is specified, encryption must be enabled") return False if kwargs.get("type").lower() in ["io1", "io2"] and "iops" not in kwargs: log.error("Iops must be specified for types 'io1' and 'io2'") return False if "size" not in kwargs and "snapshot" not in kwargs: # This number represents GiB kwargs["size"] = "10" params = _load_params(kwargs) log.debug(params) data = aws.query( params, return_url=True, return_root=True, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) r_data = {} for d in data[0]: for k, v in d.items(): r_data[k] = v volume_id = r_data["volumeId"] # Allow tags to be set upon creation if "tags" in kwargs: if isinstance(kwargs["tags"], str): tags = salt.utils.yaml.safe_load(kwargs["tags"]) else: tags = kwargs["tags"] if isinstance(tags, dict): new_tags = set_tags( tags=tags, resource_id=volume_id, call="action", location=get_location() ) r_data["tags"] = new_tags # Waits till volume is available if wait_to_finish: salt.utils.cloud.run_func_until_ret_arg( fun=describe_volumes, kwargs={"volume_id": volume_id}, fun_call=call, argument_being_watched="status", required_argument_response="available", ) return r_data def __attach_vol_to_instance(params, kws, instance_id): data = aws.query( params, return_url=True, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) if data[0]: log.warning( "Error attaching volume %s to instance %s. Retrying!", kws["volume_id"], instance_id, ) return False return data def attach_volume(name=None, kwargs=None, instance_id=None, call=None): """ Attach a volume to an instance """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The attach_volume action must be called with -a or --action." ) if not kwargs: kwargs = {} if "instance_id" in kwargs: instance_id = kwargs["instance_id"] if name and not instance_id: instance_id = _get_node(name)["instanceId"] if not name and not instance_id: log.error("Either a name or an instance_id is required.") return False if "volume_id" not in kwargs: log.error("A volume_id is required.") return False if "device" not in kwargs: log.error("A device is required (ex. /dev/sdb1).") return False params = { "Action": "AttachVolume", "VolumeId": kwargs["volume_id"], "InstanceId": instance_id, "Device": kwargs["device"], } log.debug(params) vm_ = get_configured_provider() data = salt.utils.cloud.wait_for_ip( __attach_vol_to_instance, update_args=(params, kwargs, instance_id), timeout=config.get_cloud_config_value( "wait_for_ip_timeout", vm_, __opts__, default=10 * 60 ), interval=config.get_cloud_config_value( "wait_for_ip_interval", vm_, __opts__, default=10 ), interval_multiplier=config.get_cloud_config_value( "wait_for_ip_interval_multiplier", vm_, __opts__, default=1 ), ) return data def show_volume(kwargs=None, call=None): """ Wrapper around describe_volumes. Here just to keep functionality. Might be depreciated later. """ if not kwargs: kwargs = {} return describe_volumes(kwargs, call) def detach_volume(name=None, kwargs=None, instance_id=None, call=None): """ Detach a volume from an instance """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The detach_volume action must be called with -a or --action." ) if not kwargs: kwargs = {} if "volume_id" not in kwargs: log.error("A volume_id is required.") return False params = {"Action": "DetachVolume", "VolumeId": kwargs["volume_id"]} data = aws.query( params, return_url=True, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) return data def delete_volume(name=None, kwargs=None, instance_id=None, call=None): """ Delete a volume """ if not kwargs: kwargs = {} if "volume_id" not in kwargs: log.error("A volume_id is required.") return False params = {"Action": "DeleteVolume", "VolumeId": kwargs["volume_id"]} data = aws.query( params, return_url=True, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) return data def volume_list(**kwargs): """ Wrapper around describe_volumes. Here just to ensure the compatibility with the cloud module. """ return describe_volumes(kwargs, "function") def describe_volumes(kwargs=None, call=None): """ Describe a volume (or volumes) volume_id One or more volume IDs. Multiple IDs must be separated by ",". TODO: Add all of the filters. """ if call != "function": log.error("The describe_volumes function must be called with -f or --function.") return False if not kwargs: kwargs = {} params = {"Action": "DescribeVolumes"} if "volume_id" in kwargs: volume_id = kwargs["volume_id"].split(",") for volume_index, volume_id in enumerate(volume_id): params["VolumeId.{}".format(volume_index)] = volume_id log.debug(params) data = aws.query( params, return_url=True, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) return data def create_keypair(kwargs=None, call=None): """ Create an SSH keypair """ if call != "function": log.error("The create_keypair function must be called with -f or --function.") return False if not kwargs: kwargs = {} if "keyname" not in kwargs: log.error("A keyname is required.") return False params = {"Action": "CreateKeyPair", "KeyName": kwargs["keyname"]} data = aws.query( params, return_url=True, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) return data def import_keypair(kwargs=None, call=None): """ Import an SSH public key. .. versionadded:: 2015.8.3 """ if call != "function": log.error("The import_keypair function must be called with -f or --function.") return False if not kwargs: kwargs = {} if "keyname" not in kwargs: log.error("A keyname is required.") return False if "file" not in kwargs: log.error("A public key file is required.") return False params = {"Action": "ImportKeyPair", "KeyName": kwargs["keyname"]} public_key_file = kwargs["file"] if os.path.exists(public_key_file): with salt.utils.files.fopen(public_key_file, "r") as fh_: public_key = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(fh_.read()) if public_key is not None: params["PublicKeyMaterial"] = base64.b64encode(public_key) data = aws.query( params, return_url=True, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) return data def show_keypair(kwargs=None, call=None): """ Show the details of an SSH keypair """ if call != "function": log.error("The show_keypair function must be called with -f or --function.") return False if not kwargs: kwargs = {} if "keyname" not in kwargs: log.error("A keyname is required.") return False params = {"Action": "DescribeKeyPairs", "KeyName.1": kwargs["keyname"]} data = aws.query( params, return_url=True, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) return data def delete_keypair(kwargs=None, call=None): """ Delete an SSH keypair """ if call != "function": log.error("The delete_keypair function must be called with -f or --function.") return False if not kwargs: kwargs = {} if "keyname" not in kwargs: log.error("A keyname is required.") return False params = {"Action": "DeleteKeyPair", "KeyName": kwargs["keyname"]} data = aws.query( params, return_url=True, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) return data def create_snapshot(kwargs=None, call=None, wait_to_finish=False): """ Create a snapshot. volume_id The ID of the Volume from which to create a snapshot. description The optional description of the snapshot. CLI Exampe: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -f create_snapshot my-ec2-config volume_id=vol-351d8826 salt-cloud -f create_snapshot my-ec2-config volume_id=vol-351d8826 \\ description="My Snapshot Description" """ if call != "function": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The create_snapshot function must be called with -f or --function." ) if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} volume_id = kwargs.get("volume_id", None) description = kwargs.get("description", "") if volume_id is None: raise SaltCloudSystemExit("A volume_id must be specified to create a snapshot.") params = { "Action": "CreateSnapshot", "VolumeId": volume_id, "Description": description, } log.debug(params) data = aws.query( params, return_url=True, return_root=True, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", )[0] r_data = {} for d in data: for k, v in d.items(): r_data[k] = v if "snapshotId" in r_data: snapshot_id = r_data["snapshotId"] # Waits till volume is available if wait_to_finish: salt.utils.cloud.run_func_until_ret_arg( fun=describe_snapshots, kwargs={"snapshot_id": snapshot_id}, fun_call=call, argument_being_watched="status", required_argument_response="completed", ) return r_data def delete_snapshot(kwargs=None, call=None): """ Delete a snapshot """ if call != "function": log.error("The delete_snapshot function must be called with -f or --function.") return False if "snapshot_id" not in kwargs: log.error("A snapshot_id must be specified to delete a snapshot.") return False params = {"Action": "DeleteSnapshot"} if "snapshot_id" in kwargs: params["SnapshotId"] = kwargs["snapshot_id"] log.debug(params) data = aws.query( params, return_url=True, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) return data def copy_snapshot(kwargs=None, call=None): """ Copy a snapshot """ if call != "function": log.error("The copy_snapshot function must be called with -f or --function.") return False if "source_region" not in kwargs: log.error("A source_region must be specified to copy a snapshot.") return False if "source_snapshot_id" not in kwargs: log.error("A source_snapshot_id must be specified to copy a snapshot.") return False if "description" not in kwargs: kwargs["description"] = "" params = {"Action": "CopySnapshot"} if "source_region" in kwargs: params["SourceRegion"] = kwargs["source_region"] if "source_snapshot_id" in kwargs: params["SourceSnapshotId"] = kwargs["source_snapshot_id"] if "description" in kwargs: params["Description"] = kwargs["description"] log.debug(params) data = aws.query( params, return_url=True, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) return data def describe_snapshots(kwargs=None, call=None): """ Describe a snapshot (or snapshots) snapshot_id One or more snapshot IDs. Multiple IDs must be separated by ",". owner Return the snapshots owned by the specified owner. Valid values include: self, amazon, <AWS Account ID>. Multiple values must be separated by ",". restorable_by One or more AWS accounts IDs that can create volumes from the snapshot. Multiple aws account IDs must be separated by ",". TODO: Add all of the filters. """ if call != "function": log.error( "The describe_snapshot function must be called with -f or --function." ) return False params = {"Action": "DescribeSnapshots"} # The AWS correct way is to use non-plurals like snapshot_id INSTEAD of snapshot_ids. if "snapshot_ids" in kwargs: kwargs["snapshot_id"] = kwargs["snapshot_ids"] if "snapshot_id" in kwargs: snapshot_ids = kwargs["snapshot_id"].split(",") for snapshot_index, snapshot_id in enumerate(snapshot_ids): params["SnapshotId.{}".format(snapshot_index)] = snapshot_id if "owner" in kwargs: owners = kwargs["owner"].split(",") for owner_index, owner in enumerate(owners): params["Owner.{}".format(owner_index)] = owner if "restorable_by" in kwargs: restorable_bys = kwargs["restorable_by"].split(",") for restorable_by_index, restorable_by in enumerate(restorable_bys): params["RestorableBy.{}".format(restorable_by_index)] = restorable_by log.debug(params) data = aws.query( params, return_url=True, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) return data def get_console_output( name=None, location=None, instance_id=None, call=None, kwargs=None, ): """ Show the console output from the instance. By default, returns decoded data, not the Base64-encoded data that is actually returned from the EC2 API. """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The get_console_output action must be called with -a or --action." ) if location is None: location = get_location() if not instance_id: instance_id = _get_node(name)["instanceId"] if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} if instance_id is None: if "instance_id" in kwargs: instance_id = kwargs["instance_id"] del kwargs["instance_id"] params = {"Action": "GetConsoleOutput", "InstanceId": instance_id} ret = {} data = aws.query( params, return_root=True, location=location, provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) for item in data: if next(iter(item.keys())) == "output": ret["output_decoded"] = binascii.a2b_base64(next(iter(item.values()))) else: ret[next(iter(item.keys()))] = next(iter(item.values())) return ret def get_password_data( name=None, kwargs=None, instance_id=None, call=None, ): """ Return password data for a Windows instance. By default only the encrypted password data will be returned. However, if a key_file is passed in, then a decrypted password will also be returned. Note that the key_file references the private key that was used to generate the keypair associated with this instance. This private key will _not_ be transmitted to Amazon; it is only used internally inside of Salt Cloud to decrypt data _after_ it has been received from Amazon. CLI Examples: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -a get_password_data mymachine salt-cloud -a get_password_data mymachine key_file=/root/ec2key.pem Note: PKCS1_v1_5 was added in PyCrypto 2.5 """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The get_password_data action must be called with -a or --action." ) if not instance_id: instance_id = _get_node(name)["instanceId"] if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} if instance_id is None: if "instance_id" in kwargs: instance_id = kwargs["instance_id"] del kwargs["instance_id"] params = {"Action": "GetPasswordData", "InstanceId": instance_id} ret = {} data = aws.query( params, return_root=True, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) for item in data: ret[next(iter(item.keys()))] = next(iter(item.values())) if not salt.crypt.HAS_M2 and not salt.crypt.HAS_CRYPTO: if "key" in kwargs or "key_file" in kwargs: log.warning("No crypto library is installed, can not decrypt password") return ret if "key" not in kwargs: if "key_file" in kwargs: with salt.utils.files.fopen(kwargs["key_file"], "r") as kf_: kwargs["key"] = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(kf_.read()) if "key" in kwargs: pwdata = ret.get("passwordData", None) if pwdata is not None: rsa_key = kwargs["key"] pwdata = base64.b64decode(pwdata) ret["password"] = salt.crypt.pwdata_decrypt(rsa_key, pwdata) return ret def update_pricing(kwargs=None, call=None): """ Download most recent pricing information from AWS and convert to a local JSON file. CLI Examples: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -f update_pricing my-ec2-config salt-cloud -f update_pricing my-ec2-config type=linux .. versionadded:: 2015.8.0 """ sources = { "linux": "https://a0.awsstatic.com/pricing/1/ec2/linux-od.min.js", "rhel": "https://a0.awsstatic.com/pricing/1/ec2/rhel-od.min.js", "sles": "https://a0.awsstatic.com/pricing/1/ec2/sles-od.min.js", "mswin": "https://a0.awsstatic.com/pricing/1/ec2/mswin-od.min.js", "mswinsql": "https://a0.awsstatic.com/pricing/1/ec2/mswinSQL-od.min.js", "mswinsqlweb": "https://a0.awsstatic.com/pricing/1/ec2/mswinSQLWeb-od.min.js", } if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} if "type" not in kwargs: for source in sources: _parse_pricing(sources[source], source) else: _parse_pricing(sources[kwargs["type"]], kwargs["type"]) def _parse_pricing(url, name): """ Download and parse an individual pricing file from AWS .. versionadded:: 2015.8.0 """ price_js = http.query(url, text=True) items = [] current_item = "" price_js = re.sub(JS_COMMENT_RE, "", price_js["text"]) price_js = price_js.strip().rstrip(");").lstrip("callback(") for keyword in ( "vers", "config", "rate", "valueColumns", "currencies", "instanceTypes", "type", "ECU", "storageGB", "name", "vCPU", "memoryGiB", "storageGiB", "USD", ): price_js = price_js.replace(keyword, '"{}"'.format(keyword)) for keyword in ("region", "price", "size"): price_js = price_js.replace(keyword, '"{}"'.format(keyword)) price_js = price_js.replace('"{}"s'.format(keyword), '"{}s"'.format(keyword)) price_js = price_js.replace('""', '"') # Turn the data into something that's easier/faster to process regions = {} price_json = salt.utils.json.loads(price_js) for region in price_json["config"]["regions"]: sizes = {} for itype in region["instanceTypes"]: for size in itype["sizes"]: sizes[size["size"]] = size regions[region["region"]] = sizes outfile = os.path.join(__opts__["cachedir"], "ec2-pricing-{}.p".format(name)) with salt.utils.files.fopen(outfile, "w") as fho: salt.utils.msgpack.dump(regions, fho) return True def show_pricing(kwargs=None, call=None): """ Show pricing for a particular profile. This is only an estimate, based on unofficial pricing sources. CLI Examples: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -f show_pricing my-ec2-config profile=my-profile If pricing sources have not been cached, they will be downloaded. Once they have been cached, they will not be updated automatically. To manually update all prices, use the following command: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -f update_pricing <provider> .. versionadded:: 2015.8.0 """ profile = __opts__["profiles"].get(kwargs["profile"], {}) if not profile: return {"Error": "The requested profile was not found"} # Make sure the profile belongs to ec2 provider = profile.get("provider", "0:0") comps = provider.split(":") if len(comps) < 2 or comps[1] != "ec2": return {"Error": "The requested profile does not belong to EC2"} image_id = profile.get("image", None) image_dict = show_image({"image": image_id}, "function") image_info = image_dict[0] # Find out what platform it is if image_info.get("imageOwnerAlias", "") == "amazon": if image_info.get("platform", "") == "windows": image_description = image_info.get("description", "") if "sql" in image_description.lower(): if "web" in image_description.lower(): name = "mswinsqlweb" else: name = "mswinsql" else: name = "mswin" elif image_info.get("imageLocation", "").strip().startswith("amazon/suse"): name = "sles" else: name = "linux" elif image_info.get("imageOwnerId", "") == "309956199498": name = "rhel" else: name = "linux" pricefile = os.path.join(__opts__["cachedir"], "ec2-pricing-{}.p".format(name)) if not os.path.isfile(pricefile): update_pricing({"type": name}, "function") with salt.utils.files.fopen(pricefile, "r") as fhi: ec2_price = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(salt.utils.msgpack.load(fhi)) region = get_location(profile) size = profile.get("size", None) if size is None: return {"Error": "The requested profile does not contain a size"} try: raw = ec2_price[region][size] except KeyError: return { "Error": ( "The size ({}) in the requested profile does not have " "a price associated with it for the {} region".format(size, region) ) } ret = {} if kwargs.get("raw", False): ret["_raw"] = raw ret["per_hour"] = 0 for col in raw.get("valueColumns", []): ret["per_hour"] += decimal.Decimal(col["prices"].get("USD", 0)) ret["per_hour"] = decimal.Decimal(ret["per_hour"]) ret["per_day"] = ret["per_hour"] * 24 ret["per_week"] = ret["per_day"] * 7 ret["per_month"] = ret["per_day"] * 30 ret["per_year"] = ret["per_week"] * 52 return {profile["profile"]: ret} def ssm_create_association(name=None, kwargs=None, instance_id=None, call=None): """ Associates the specified SSM document with the specified instance http://docs.aws.amazon.com/ssm/latest/APIReference/API_CreateAssociation.html CLI Examples: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -a ssm_create_association ec2-instance-name ssm_document=ssm-document-name """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The ssm_create_association action must be called with -a or --action." ) if not kwargs: kwargs = {} if "instance_id" in kwargs: instance_id = kwargs["instance_id"] if name and not instance_id: instance_id = _get_node(name)["instanceId"] if not name and not instance_id: log.error("Either a name or an instance_id is required.") return False if "ssm_document" not in kwargs: log.error("A ssm_document is required.") return False params = { "Action": "CreateAssociation", "InstanceId": instance_id, "Name": kwargs["ssm_document"], } result = aws.query( params, return_root=True, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), product="ssm", opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) log.info(result) return result def ssm_describe_association(name=None, kwargs=None, instance_id=None, call=None): """ Describes the associations for the specified SSM document or instance. http://docs.aws.amazon.com/ssm/latest/APIReference/API_DescribeAssociation.html CLI Examples: .. code-block:: bash salt-cloud -a ssm_describe_association ec2-instance-name ssm_document=ssm-document-name """ if call != "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The ssm_describe_association action must be called with -a or --action." ) if not kwargs: kwargs = {} if "instance_id" in kwargs: instance_id = kwargs["instance_id"] if name and not instance_id: instance_id = _get_node(name)["instanceId"] if not name and not instance_id: log.error("Either a name or an instance_id is required.") return False if "ssm_document" not in kwargs: log.error("A ssm_document is required.") return False params = { "Action": "DescribeAssociation", "InstanceId": instance_id, "Name": kwargs["ssm_document"], } result = aws.query( params, return_root=True, location=get_location(), provider=get_provider(), product="ssm", opts=__opts__, sigver="4", ) log.info(result) return result