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""" The daemons package is used to store implementations of the Salt Master and Minion enabling different transports. """ import logging import sys from collections.abc import Iterable, Mapping, Sequence log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def is_non_string_iterable(obj): """ Returns True if obj is non-string iterable, False otherwise Future proof way that is compatible with both Python3 and Python2 to check for non string iterables. Assumes in Python3 that, basestring = (str, bytes) """ return not isinstance(obj, str) and isinstance(obj, Iterable) def is_non_string_sequence(obj): """ Returns True if obj is non-string sequence, False otherwise Future proof way that is compatible with both Python3 and Python2 to check for non string sequences. Assumes in Python3 that, basestring = (str, bytes) """ return not isinstance(obj, str) and isinstance(obj, Sequence) def extract_masters(opts, masters="master", port=None, raise_if_empty=True): """ Parses opts and generates a list of master (host,port) addresses. By default looks for list of masters in opts['master'] and uses opts['master_port'] as the default port when otherwise not provided. Use the opts key given by masters for the masters list, default is 'master' If parameter port is not None then uses the default port given by port Returns a list of host address dicts of the form [ { 'external': (host,port), 'internal': (host, port) }, ... ] When only one address is provided it is assigned to the external address field When not provided the internal address field is set to None. For a given master the syntax options are as follows: hostname [port] external: hostname [port] [internal: hostaddress [port]] Where the hostname string could be either an FQDN or host address in dotted number notation. master.example.com And the hostadress is in dotted number notation The space delimited port is optional and if not provided a default is used. The internal address is optional and if not provided is set to None Examples showing the YAML in /etc/salt/master conf file: 1) Single host name string (fqdn or dotted address) a) master: me.example.com b) master: localhost c) master: 2) Single host name string with port a) master: me.example.com 4506 b) master: 4510 3) Single master with external and optional internal host addresses for nat in a dict master: external: me.example.com 4506 internal: 4506 3) One or host host names with optional ports in a list master: - me.example.com 4506 - you.example.com 4510 - - they.example.com 4506 - 4506 4) One or more host name with external and optional internal host addresses for Nat in a list of dicts master: - external: me.example.com 4506 internal: 4506 - external: you.example.com 4506 internal: 4506 - external: we.example.com - they.example.com """ if port is not None: master_port = opts.get(port) else: master_port = opts.get("master_port") try: master_port = int(master_port) except ValueError: master_port = None if not master_port: emsg = "Invalid or missing opts['master_port']." log.error(emsg) raise ValueError(emsg) entries = opts.get(masters, []) if not entries: emsg = "Invalid or missing opts['{}'].".format(masters) log.error(emsg) if raise_if_empty: raise ValueError(emsg) hostages = [] # extract candidate hostage (hostname dict) from entries if is_non_string_sequence(entries): # multiple master addresses provided for entry in entries: if isinstance(entry, Mapping): # mapping external = entry.get("external", "") internal = entry.get("internal", "") hostages.append(dict(external=external, internal=internal)) elif isinstance(entry, str): # string external = entry internal = "" hostages.append(dict(external=external, internal=internal)) elif isinstance(entries, Mapping): # mapping external = entries.get("external", "") internal = entries.get("internal", "") hostages.append(dict(external=external, internal=internal)) elif isinstance(entries, str): # string external = entries internal = "" hostages.append(dict(external=external, internal=internal)) # now parse each hostname string for host and optional port masters = [] for hostage in hostages: external = hostage["external"] internal = hostage["internal"] if external: external = parse_hostname(external, master_port) if not external: continue # must have a valid external host address internal = parse_hostname(internal, master_port) masters.append(dict(external=external, internal=internal)) return masters def parse_hostname(hostname, default_port): """ Parse hostname string and return a tuple of (host, port) If port missing in hostname string then use default_port If anything is not a valid then return None hostname should contain a host and an option space delimited port host port As an attempt to prevent foolish mistakes the parser also tries to identify the port when it is colon delimited not space delimited. As in host:port. This is problematic since IPV6 addresses may have colons in them. Consequently the use of colon delimited ports is strongly discouraged. An ipv6 address must have at least 2 colons. """ try: host, sep, port = hostname.strip().rpartition(" ") if not port: # invalid nothing there return None if not host: # no space separated port, only host as port use default port host = port port = default_port # ipv6 must have two or more colons if host.count(":") == 1: # only one so may be using colon delimited port host, sep, port = host.rpartition(":") if not host: # colon but not host so invalid return None if not port: # colon but no port so use default port = default_port host = host.strip() try: port = int(port) except ValueError: return None except AttributeError: return None return (host, port)