Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
""" The default file server backend This fileserver backend serves files from the Master's local filesystem. If :conf_master:`fileserver_backend` is not defined in the Master config file, then this backend is enabled by default. If it *is* defined then ``roots`` must be in the :conf_master:`fileserver_backend` list to enable this backend. .. code-block:: yaml fileserver_backend: - roots Fileserver environments are defined using the :conf_master:`file_roots` configuration option. """ import errno import logging import os import salt.fileserver import salt.utils.event import salt.utils.files import salt.utils.gzip_util import salt.utils.hashutils import salt.utils.path import salt.utils.platform import salt.utils.stringutils import salt.utils.versions log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def find_file(path, saltenv="base", **kwargs): """ Search the environment for the relative path. """ actual_saltenv = saltenv if "env" in kwargs: # "env" is not supported; Use "saltenv". kwargs.pop("env") path = os.path.normpath(path) fnd = {"path": "", "rel": ""} if os.path.isabs(path): return fnd if saltenv not in __opts__["file_roots"]: if "__env__" in __opts__["file_roots"]: log.debug( "salt environment '%s' maps to __env__ file_roots directory", saltenv ) saltenv = "__env__" else: return fnd def _add_file_stat(fnd): """ Stat the file and, assuming no errors were found, convert the stat result to a list of values and add to the return dict. Converting the stat result to a list, the elements of the list correspond to the following stat_result params: 0 => st_mode=33188 1 => st_ino=10227377 2 => st_dev=65026 3 => st_nlink=1 4 => st_uid=1000 5 => st_gid=1000 6 => st_size=1056233 7 => st_atime=1468284229 8 => st_mtime=1456338235 9 => st_ctime=1456338235 """ try: fnd["stat"] = list(os.stat(fnd["path"])) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.error("Unable to stat file: %s", exc) return fnd if "index" in kwargs: try: root = __opts__["file_roots"][saltenv][int(kwargs["index"])] except IndexError: # An invalid index was passed return fnd except ValueError: # An invalid index option was passed return fnd full = os.path.join(root, path) if os.path.isfile(full) and not salt.fileserver.is_file_ignored(__opts__, full): fnd["path"] = full fnd["rel"] = path return _add_file_stat(fnd) return fnd for root in __opts__["file_roots"][saltenv]: if saltenv == "__env__": root = root.replace("__env__", actual_saltenv) full = os.path.join(root, path) if os.path.isfile(full) and not salt.fileserver.is_file_ignored(__opts__, full): fnd["path"] = full fnd["rel"] = path return _add_file_stat(fnd) return fnd def envs(): """ Return the file server environments """ return sorted(__opts__["file_roots"]) def serve_file(load, fnd): """ Return a chunk from a file based on the data received """ if "env" in load: # "env" is not supported; Use "saltenv". load.pop("env") ret = {"data": "", "dest": ""} if "path" not in load or "loc" not in load or "saltenv" not in load: return ret if not fnd["path"]: return ret ret["dest"] = fnd["rel"] gzip = load.get("gzip", None) fpath = os.path.normpath(fnd["path"]) with salt.utils.files.fopen(fpath, "rb") as fp_: fp_.seek(load["loc"]) data = fp_.read(__opts__["file_buffer_size"]) if gzip and data: data = salt.utils.gzip_util.compress(data, gzip) ret["gzip"] = gzip ret["data"] = data return ret def update(): """ When we are asked to update (regular interval) lets reap the cache """ try: salt.fileserver.reap_fileserver_cache_dir( os.path.join(__opts__["cachedir"], "roots", "hash"), find_file ) except OSError: # Hash file won't exist if no files have yet been served up pass mtime_map_path = os.path.join(__opts__["cachedir"], "roots", "mtime_map") # data to send on event data = {"changed": False, "files": {"changed": []}, "backend": "roots"} # generate the new map new_mtime_map = salt.fileserver.generate_mtime_map(__opts__, __opts__["file_roots"]) old_mtime_map = {} # if you have an old map, load that try: with salt.utils.files.fopen(mtime_map_path, encoding="utf-8") as fp_: for line in fp_: try: file_path, mtime = line.strip().rsplit(":", 1) mtime = float(mtime) old_mtime_map[file_path] = mtime if mtime != new_mtime_map.get(file_path, mtime): data["files"]["changed"].append(file_path) except ValueError: # Document the invalid entry in the log log.warning( "Skipped invalid cache mtime entry in %s: %s", mtime_map_path, line, ) except (OSError, UnicodeDecodeError): pass # compare the maps, set changed to the return value data["changed"] = salt.fileserver.diff_mtime_map(old_mtime_map, new_mtime_map) # compute files that were removed and added old_files = set(old_mtime_map) new_files = set(new_mtime_map) data["files"]["removed"] = list(old_files - new_files) data["files"]["added"] = list(new_files - old_files) # write out the new map mtime_map_path_dir = os.path.dirname(mtime_map_path) if not os.path.exists(mtime_map_path_dir): os.makedirs(mtime_map_path_dir) with salt.utils.files.fopen(mtime_map_path, "wb") as fp_: for file_path, mtime in new_mtime_map.items(): fp_.write( salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes("{}:{}\n".format(file_path, mtime)) ) if __opts__.get("fileserver_events", False): # if there is a change, fire an event with salt.utils.event.get_event( "master", __opts__["sock_dir"], opts=__opts__, listen=False, ) as event: event.fire_event( data, salt.utils.event.tagify(["roots", "update"], prefix="fileserver") ) # return data is used for tests # but can also be used to get file changes with out needing fileserver events return data def file_hash(load, fnd): """ Return a file hash, the hash type is set in the master config file """ if "env" in load: # "env" is not supported; Use "saltenv". load.pop("env") if "path" not in load or "saltenv" not in load: return "" path = fnd["path"] saltenv = load["saltenv"] if saltenv not in __opts__["file_roots"] and "__env__" in __opts__["file_roots"]: saltenv = "__env__" ret = {} # if the file doesn't exist, we can't get a hash if not path or not os.path.isfile(path): return ret # set the hash_type as it is determined by config-- so mechanism won't change that ret["hash_type"] = __opts__["hash_type"] # check if the hash is cached # cache file's contents should be "hash:mtime" cache_path = os.path.join( __opts__["cachedir"], "roots", "hash", saltenv, "{}.hash.{}".format(fnd["rel"], __opts__["hash_type"]), ) # if we have a cache, serve that if the mtime hasn't changed if os.path.exists(cache_path): try: with salt.utils.files.fopen(cache_path, encoding="utf-8") as fp_: try: hsum, mtime = fp_.read().split(":") except ValueError: log.debug( "Fileserver attempted to read incomplete cache file. Retrying." ) # Delete the file since its incomplete (either corrupted or incomplete) try: os.unlink(cache_path) except OSError: pass return file_hash(load, fnd) if str(os.path.getmtime(path)) == mtime: # check if mtime changed ret["hsum"] = hsum return ret except ( os.error, OSError, ): # Can't use Python select() because we need Windows support log.debug("Fileserver encountered lock when reading cache file. Retrying.") # Delete the file since its incomplete (either corrupted or incomplete) try: os.unlink(cache_path) except OSError: pass return file_hash(load, fnd) # if we don't have a cache entry-- lets make one ret["hsum"] = salt.utils.hashutils.get_hash(path, __opts__["hash_type"]) cache_dir = os.path.dirname(cache_path) # make cache directory if it doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(cache_dir): try: os.makedirs(cache_dir) except OSError as err: if err.errno == errno.EEXIST: # rarely, the directory can be already concurrently created between # the os.path.exists and the os.makedirs lines above pass else: raise # save the cache object "hash:mtime" cache_object = "{}:{}".format(ret["hsum"], os.path.getmtime(path)) with salt.utils.files.flopen(cache_path, "w") as fp_: fp_.write(cache_object) return ret def _file_lists(load, form): """ Return a dict containing the file lists for files, dirs, emtydirs and symlinks """ if "env" in load: # "env" is not supported; Use "saltenv". load.pop("env") saltenv = load["saltenv"] actual_saltenv = saltenv if saltenv not in __opts__["file_roots"]: if "__env__" in __opts__["file_roots"]: log.debug( "salt environment '%s' maps to __env__ file_roots directory", saltenv ) saltenv = "__env__" else: return [] list_cachedir = os.path.join(__opts__["cachedir"], "file_lists", "roots") if not os.path.isdir(list_cachedir): try: os.makedirs(list_cachedir) except OSError: log.critical("Unable to make cachedir %s", list_cachedir) return [] list_cache = os.path.join( list_cachedir, "{}.p".format(salt.utils.files.safe_filename_leaf(actual_saltenv)), ) w_lock = os.path.join( list_cachedir, ".{}.w".format(salt.utils.files.safe_filename_leaf(actual_saltenv)), ) cache_match, refresh_cache, save_cache = salt.fileserver.check_file_list_cache( __opts__, form, list_cache, w_lock ) if cache_match is not None: return cache_match if refresh_cache: ret = {"files": set(), "dirs": set(), "empty_dirs": set(), "links": {}} def _add_to(tgt, fs_root, parent_dir, items): """ Add the files to the target set """ def _translate_sep(path): """ Translate path separators for Windows masterless minions """ return path.replace("\\", "/") if os.path.sep == "\\" else path for item in items: abs_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, item) log.trace("roots: Processing %s", abs_path) is_link = salt.utils.path.islink(abs_path) log.trace( "roots: %s is %sa link", abs_path, "not " if not is_link else "" ) if is_link and __opts__["fileserver_ignoresymlinks"]: continue rel_path = _translate_sep(os.path.relpath(abs_path, fs_root)) log.trace("roots: %s relative path is %s", abs_path, rel_path) if salt.fileserver.is_file_ignored(__opts__, rel_path): continue tgt.add(rel_path) if os.path.isdir(abs_path): try: if not os.listdir(abs_path): ret["empty_dirs"].add(rel_path) except OSError: log.debug("Unable to list dir: %s", abs_path) if is_link: link_dest = salt.utils.path.readlink(abs_path) log.trace( "roots: %s symlink destination is %s", abs_path, link_dest ) if salt.utils.platform.is_windows() and link_dest.startswith( "\\\\" ): # Symlink points to a network path. Since you can't # join UNC and non-UNC paths, just assume the original # path. log.trace( "roots: %s is a UNC path, using %s instead", link_dest, abs_path, ) link_dest = abs_path if link_dest.startswith(".."): joined = os.path.join(abs_path, link_dest) else: joined = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(abs_path), link_dest) rel_dest = _translate_sep( os.path.relpath( os.path.realpath(os.path.normpath(joined)), os.path.realpath(fs_root), ) ) log.trace("roots: %s relative path is %s", abs_path, rel_dest) if not rel_dest.startswith(".."): # Only count the link if it does not point # outside of the root dir of the fileserver # (i.e. the "path" variable) ret["links"][rel_path] = link_dest else: if not __opts__["fileserver_followsymlinks"]: ret["links"][rel_path] = link_dest for path in __opts__["file_roots"][saltenv]: if saltenv == "__env__": path = path.replace("__env__", actual_saltenv) for root, dirs, files in salt.utils.path.os_walk( path, followlinks=__opts__["fileserver_followsymlinks"] ): _add_to(ret["dirs"], path, root, dirs) _add_to(ret["files"], path, root, files) ret["files"] = sorted(ret["files"]) ret["dirs"] = sorted(ret["dirs"]) ret["empty_dirs"] = sorted(ret["empty_dirs"]) if save_cache: try: salt.fileserver.write_file_list_cache(__opts__, ret, list_cache, w_lock) except NameError: # Catch msgpack error in salt-ssh pass return ret.get(form, []) # Shouldn't get here, but if we do, this prevents a TypeError return [] def file_list(load): """ Return a list of all files on the file server in a specified environment """ return _file_lists(load, "files") def file_list_emptydirs(load): """ Return a list of all empty directories on the master """ return _file_lists(load, "empty_dirs") def dir_list(load): """ Return a list of all directories on the master """ return _file_lists(load, "dirs") def symlink_list(load): """ Return a dict of all symlinks based on a given path on the Master """ if "env" in load: # "env" is not supported; Use "saltenv". load.pop("env") ret = {} if ( load["saltenv"] not in __opts__["file_roots"] and "__env__" not in __opts__["file_roots"] ): return ret if "prefix" in load: prefix = load["prefix"].strip("/") else: prefix = "" symlinks = _file_lists(load, "links") return {key: val for key, val in symlinks.items() if key.startswith(prefix)}