Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
# # Copyright 2016 SUSE LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import platform import socket from xml.dom import minidom import salt.utils.files from salt.modules.inspectlib.exceptions import InspectorKiwiProcessorException try: import grp import pwd except ImportError: pass try: from lxml import etree except ImportError: import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree class KiwiExporter: """ Exports system description as Kiwi configuration. """ def __init__(self, grains, format): self.__grains__ = grains self.format = format self._data = type("data", (), {}) self.name = None def load(self, **descr): """ Load data by keys. :param data: :return: """ for obj, data in descr.items(): setattr(self._data, obj, data) return self def export(self, name): """ Export to the Kiwi config.xml as text. :return: """ self.name = name root = self._create_doc() self._set_description(root) self._set_preferences(root) self._set_repositories(root) self._set_users(root) self._set_packages(root) return "\n".join( [ line for line in minidom.parseString(etree.tostring(root, encoding="UTF-8")) .toprettyxml(indent=" ") .split("\n") if line.strip() ] ) def _get_package_manager(self): """ Get package manager. :return: """ ret = None if self.__grains__.get("os_family") in ("Kali", "Debian"): ret = "apt-get" elif self.__grains__.get("os_family", "") == "Suse": ret = "zypper" elif self.__grains__.get("os_family", "") == "redhat": ret = "yum" if ret is None: raise InspectorKiwiProcessorException( "Unsupported platform: {}".format(self.__grains__.get("os_family")) ) return ret def _set_preferences(self, node): """ Set preferences. :return: """ pref = etree.SubElement(node, "preferences") pacman = etree.SubElement(pref, "packagemanager") pacman.text = self._get_package_manager() p_version = etree.SubElement(pref, "version") p_version.text = "0.0.1" p_type = etree.SubElement(pref, "type") p_type.set("image", "vmx") for disk_id, disk_data in self._data.system.get("disks", {}).items(): if disk_id.startswith("/dev"): p_type.set("filesystem", disk_data.get("type") or "ext3") break p_type.set("installiso", "true") p_type.set("boot", "vmxboot/suse-leap42.1") p_type.set("format", self.format) p_type.set("bootloader", "grub2") p_type.set("timezone", __salt__["timezone.get_zone"]()) p_type.set("hwclock", __salt__["timezone.get_hwclock"]()) return pref def _get_user_groups(self, user): """ Get user groups. :param user: :return: """ return [g.gr_name for g in grp.getgrall() if user in g.gr_mem] + [ grp.getgrgid(pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_gid).gr_name ] def _set_users(self, node): """ Create existing local users. <users group="root"> <user password="$1$wYJUgpM5$RXMMeASDc035eX.NbYWFl0" home="/root" name="root"/> </users> :param node: :return: """ # Get real local users with the local passwords shadow = {} with salt.utils.files.fopen("/etc/shadow") as rfh: for sh_line in rfh.read().split(os.linesep): if sh_line.strip(): login, pwd = sh_line.split(":")[:2] if pwd and pwd[0] not in "!*": shadow[login] = {"p": pwd} with salt.utils.files.fopen("/etc/passwd") as rfh: for ps_line in rfh.read().split(os.linesep): if ps_line.strip(): ps_line = ps_line.strip().split(":") if ps_line[0] in shadow: shadow[ps_line[0]]["h"] = ps_line[5] shadow[ps_line[0]]["s"] = ps_line[6] shadow[ps_line[0]]["g"] = self._get_user_groups(ps_line[0]) users_groups = [] users_node = etree.SubElement(node, "users") for u_name, u_data in shadow.items(): user_node = etree.SubElement(users_node, "user") user_node.set("password", u_data["p"]) user_node.set("home", u_data["h"]) user_node.set("name", u_name) users_groups.extend(u_data["g"]) users_node.set("group", ",".join(users_groups)) return users_node def _set_repositories(self, node): """ Create repositories. :param node: :return: """ priority = 99 for repo_id, repo_data in self._data.software.get("repositories", {}).items(): if type(repo_data) == list: repo_data = repo_data[0] if repo_data.get("enabled") or not repo_data.get( "disabled" ): # RPM and Debian, respectively uri = repo_data.get("baseurl", repo_data.get("uri")) if not uri: continue repo = etree.SubElement(node, "repository") if self.__grains__.get("os_family") in ("Kali", "Debian"): repo.set("alias", repo_id) repo.set("distribution", repo_data["dist"]) else: repo.set("alias", repo_data["alias"]) if self.__grains__.get("os_family", "") == "Suse": repo.set("type", "yast2") # TODO: Check for options! repo.set("priority", str(priority)) source = etree.SubElement(repo, "source") source.set("path", uri) # RPM and Debian, respectively priority -= 1 def _set_packages(self, node): """ Set packages and collections. :param node: :return: """ pkgs = etree.SubElement(node, "packages") for pkg_name, pkg_version in sorted( self._data.software.get("packages", {}).items() ): pkg = etree.SubElement(pkgs, "package") pkg.set("name", pkg_name) # Add collections (SUSE) if self.__grains__.get("os_family", "") == "Suse": for ptn_id, ptn_data in self._data.software.get("patterns", {}).items(): if ptn_data.get("installed"): ptn = etree.SubElement(pkgs, "namedCollection") ptn.set("name", ptn_id) return pkgs def _set_description(self, node): """ Create a system description. :return: """ hostname = socket.getfqdn() or platform.node() descr = etree.SubElement(node, "description") author = etree.SubElement(descr, "author") author.text = "salt.modules.node on {}".format(hostname) contact = etree.SubElement(descr, "contact") contact.text = "root@{}".format(hostname) specs = etree.SubElement(descr, "specification") specs.text = "Rebuild of {}, based on Salt inspection.".format(hostname) return descr def _create_doc(self): """ Create document. :return: """ root = etree.Element("image") root.set("schemaversion", "6.3") root.set("name", self.name) return root