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""" Support for BambooHR .. versionadded:: 2015.8.0 Requires a ``subdomain`` and an ``apikey`` in ``/etc/salt/minion``: .. code-block:: yaml bamboohr: apikey: 012345678901234567890 subdomain: mycompany """ import logging import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import salt.utils.http import salt.utils.yaml log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __virtual__(): """ Only load the module if apache is installed """ if _apikey(): return True return ( False, 'The API key was not specified. Please specify it using the "apikey" config.', ) def _apikey(): """ Get the API key """ return __opts__.get("bamboohr", {}).get("apikey", None) def list_employees(order_by="id"): """ Show all employees for this company. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion bamboohr.list_employees By default, the return data will be keyed by ID. However, it can be ordered by any other field. Keep in mind that if the field that is chosen contains duplicate values (i.e., location is used, for a company which only has one location), then each duplicate value will be overwritten by the previous. Therefore, it is advisable to only sort by fields that are guaranteed to be unique. CLI Examples: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion bamboohr.list_employees order_by=id salt myminion bamboohr.list_employees order_by=displayName salt myminion bamboohr.list_employees order_by=workEmail """ ret = {} status, result = _query(action="employees", command="directory") root = ET.fromstring(result) for cat in root: if cat.tag != "employees": continue for item in cat: emp_id = next(iter(item.values())) emp_ret = {"id": emp_id} for details in item: emp_ret[next(iter(details.values()))] = details.text ret[emp_ret[order_by]] = emp_ret return ret def show_employee(emp_id, fields=None): """ Show all employees for this company. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion bamboohr.show_employee 1138 By default, the fields normally returned from bamboohr.list_employees are returned. These fields are: - canUploadPhoto - department - displayName - firstName - id - jobTitle - lastName - location - mobilePhone - nickname - photoUploaded - photoUrl - workEmail - workPhone - workPhoneExtension If needed, a different set of fields may be specified, separated by commas: CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion bamboohr.show_employee 1138 displayName,dateOfBirth A list of available fields can be found at http://www.bamboohr.com/api/documentation/employees.php """ ret = {} if fields is None: fields = ",".join( ( "canUploadPhoto", "department", "displayName", "firstName", "id", "jobTitle", "lastName", "location", "mobilePhone", "nickname", "photoUploaded", "photoUrl", "workEmail", "workPhone", "workPhoneExtension", ) ) status, result = _query(action="employees", command=emp_id, args={"fields": fields}) root = ET.fromstring(result) ret = {"id": emp_id} for item in root: ret[next(iter(item.values()))] = item.text return ret def update_employee(emp_id, key=None, value=None, items=None): """ Update one or more items for this employee. Specifying an empty value will clear it for that employee. CLI Examples: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion bamboohr.update_employee 1138 nickname Curly salt myminion bamboohr.update_employee 1138 nickname '' salt myminion bamboohr.update_employee 1138 items='{"nickname": "Curly"} salt myminion bamboohr.update_employee 1138 items='{"nickname": ""} """ if items is None: if key is None or value is None: return {"Error": "At least one key/value pair is required"} items = {key: value} elif isinstance(items, str): items = salt.utils.yaml.safe_load(items) xml_items = "" for pair in items: xml_items += '<field id="{}">{}</field>'.format(pair, items[pair]) xml_items = "<employee>{}</employee>".format(xml_items) status, result = _query( action="employees", command=emp_id, data=xml_items, method="POST", ) return show_employee(emp_id, ",".join(items.keys())) def list_users(order_by="id"): """ Show all users for this company. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion bamboohr.list_users By default, the return data will be keyed by ID. However, it can be ordered by any other field. Keep in mind that if the field that is chosen contains duplicate values (i.e., location is used, for a company which only has one location), then each duplicate value will be overwritten by the previous. Therefore, it is advisable to only sort by fields that are guaranteed to be unique. CLI Examples: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion bamboohr.list_users order_by=id salt myminion bamboohr.list_users order_by=email """ ret = {} status, result = _query(action="meta", command="users") root = ET.fromstring(result) for user in root: user_id = None user_ret = {} for item in user.items(): user_ret[item[0]] = item[1] if item[0] == "id": user_id = item[1] for item in user: user_ret[item.tag] = item.text ret[user_ret[order_by]] = user_ret return ret def list_meta_fields(): """ Show all meta data fields for this company. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt myminion bamboohr.list_meta_fields """ ret = {} status, result = _query(action="meta", command="fields") root = ET.fromstring(result) for field in root: field_id = None field_ret = {"name": field.text} for item in field.items(): field_ret[item[0]] = item[1] if item[0] == "id": field_id = item[1] ret[field_id] = field_ret return ret def _query(action=None, command=None, args=None, method="GET", data=None): """ Make a web call to BambooHR The password can be any random text, so we chose Salty text. """ subdomain = __opts__.get("bamboohr", {}).get("subdomain", None) path = "https://api.bamboohr.com/api/gateway.php/{}/v1/".format(subdomain) if action: path += action if command: path += "/{}".format(command) log.debug("BambooHR URL: %s", path) if not isinstance(args, dict): args = {} return_content = None result = salt.utils.http.query( path, method, username=_apikey(), password="saltypork", params=args, data=data, decode=False, text=True, status=True, opts=__opts__, ) log.debug("BambooHR Response Status Code: %s", result["status"]) return [result["status"], result["text"]]