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""" Support for firewalld. .. versionadded:: 2015.2.0 """ import logging import re import salt.utils.path from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __virtual__(): """ Check to see if firewall-cmd exists """ if salt.utils.path.which("firewall-cmd"): return True return ( False, "The firewalld execution module cannot be loaded: the firewall-cmd binary is" " not in the path.", ) def __firewall_cmd(cmd): """ Return the firewall-cmd location """ firewall_cmd = "{} {}".format(salt.utils.path.which("firewall-cmd"), cmd) out = __salt__["cmd.run_all"](firewall_cmd) if out["retcode"] != 0: if not out["stderr"]: msg = out["stdout"] else: msg = out["stderr"] raise CommandExecutionError("firewall-cmd failed: {}".format(msg)) return out["stdout"] def __mgmt(name, _type, action): """ Perform zone management """ # It's permanent because the 4 concerned functions need the permanent option, it's wrong without cmd = "--{}-{}={} --permanent".format(action, _type, name) return __firewall_cmd(cmd) def __parse_zone(cmd): """ Return zone information in a dictionary """ _zone = {} id_ = "" for i in __firewall_cmd(cmd).splitlines(): if i.strip(): if re.match("^[a-z0-9]", i, re.I): zone_name = i.rstrip() else: if i.startswith("\t"): _zone[zone_name][id_].append(i.strip()) continue (id_, val) = i.split(":", 1) id_ = id_.strip() if _zone.get(zone_name, None): _zone[zone_name].update({id_: [val.strip()]}) else: _zone[zone_name] = {id_: [val.strip()]} return _zone def version(): """ Return version from firewall-cmd CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.version """ return __firewall_cmd("--version") def reload_rules(): """ Reload the firewall rules, which makes the permanent configuration the new runtime configuration without losing state information. .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.reload_rules """ return __firewall_cmd("--reload") def default_zone(): """ Print default zone for connections and interfaces CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.default_zone """ return __firewall_cmd("--get-default-zone") def list_zones(permanent=True): """ List everything added for or enabled in all zones CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.list_zones """ cmd = "--list-all-zones" if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __parse_zone(cmd) def get_zones(permanent=True): """ Print predefined zones CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.get_zones """ cmd = "--get-zones" if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd).split() def get_services(permanent=True): """ Print predefined services CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.get_services """ cmd = "--get-services" if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd).split() def get_icmp_types(permanent=True): """ Print predefined icmptypes CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.get_icmp_types """ cmd = "--get-icmptypes" if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd).split() def new_zone(zone, restart=True): """ Add a new zone CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.new_zone my_zone By default firewalld will be reloaded. However, to avoid reloading you need to specify the restart as False .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.new_zone my_zone False """ out = __mgmt(zone, "zone", "new") if restart: if out == "success": return __firewall_cmd("--reload") return out def delete_zone(zone, restart=True): """ Delete an existing zone CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.delete_zone my_zone By default firewalld will be reloaded. However, to avoid reloading you need to specify the restart as False .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.delete_zone my_zone False """ out = __mgmt(zone, "zone", "delete") if restart: if out == "success": return __firewall_cmd("--reload") return out def set_default_zone(zone): """ Set default zone CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.set_default_zone damian """ return __firewall_cmd("--set-default-zone={}".format(zone)) def new_service(name, restart=True): """ Add a new service CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.new_service my_service By default firewalld will be reloaded. However, to avoid reloading you need to specify the restart as False .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.new_service my_service False """ out = __mgmt(name, "service", "new") if restart: if out == "success": return __firewall_cmd("--reload") return out def delete_service(name, restart=True): """ Delete an existing service CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.delete_service my_service By default firewalld will be reloaded. However, to avoid reloading you need to specify the restart as False .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.delete_service my_service False """ out = __mgmt(name, "service", "delete") if restart: if out == "success": return __firewall_cmd("--reload") return out def list_all(zone=None, permanent=True): """ List everything added for or enabled in a zone CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.list_all List a specific zone .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.list_all my_zone """ if zone: cmd = "--zone={} --list-all".format(zone) else: cmd = "--list-all" if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __parse_zone(cmd) def list_services(zone=None, permanent=True): """ List services added for zone as a space separated list. If zone is omitted, default zone will be used. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.list_services List a specific zone .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.list_services my_zone """ if zone: cmd = "--zone={} --list-services".format(zone) else: cmd = "--list-services" if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd).split() def add_service(service, zone=None, permanent=True): """ Add a service for zone. If zone is omitted, default zone will be used. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.add_service ssh To assign a service to a specific zone: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.add_service ssh my_zone """ if zone: cmd = "--zone={} --add-service={}".format(zone, service) else: cmd = "--add-service={}".format(service) if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd) def remove_service(service, zone=None, permanent=True): """ Remove a service from zone. This option can be specified multiple times. If zone is omitted, default zone will be used. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.remove_service ssh To remove a service from a specific zone .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.remove_service ssh dmz """ if zone: cmd = "--zone={} --remove-service={}".format(zone, service) else: cmd = "--remove-service={}".format(service) if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd) def add_service_port(service, port): """ Add a new port to the specified service. .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.add_service_port zone 80 """ if service not in get_services(permanent=True): raise CommandExecutionError("The service does not exist.") cmd = "--permanent --service={} --add-port={}".format(service, port) return __firewall_cmd(cmd) def remove_service_port(service, port): """ Remove a port from the specified service. .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.remove_service_port zone 80 """ if service not in get_services(permanent=True): raise CommandExecutionError("The service does not exist.") cmd = "--permanent --service={} --remove-port={}".format(service, port) return __firewall_cmd(cmd) def get_service_ports(service): """ List ports of a service. .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.get_service_ports zone """ cmd = "--permanent --service={} --get-ports".format(service) return __firewall_cmd(cmd).split() def add_service_protocol(service, protocol): """ Add a new protocol to the specified service. .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.add_service_protocol zone ssh """ cmd = "--permanent --service={} --add-protocol={}".format(service, protocol) return __firewall_cmd(cmd) def remove_service_protocol(service, protocol): """ Remove a protocol from the specified service. .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.remove_service_protocol zone ssh """ cmd = "--permanent --service={} --remove-protocol={}".format(service, protocol) return __firewall_cmd(cmd) def get_service_protocols(service): """ List protocols of a service. .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.get_service_protocols zone """ cmd = "--permanent --service={} --get-protocols".format(service) return __firewall_cmd(cmd).split() def get_masquerade(zone=None, permanent=True): """ Show if masquerading is enabled on a zone. If zone is omitted, default zone will be used. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.get_masquerade zone """ zone_info = list_all(zone, permanent) if "no" in [zone_info[i]["masquerade"][0] for i in zone_info]: return False return True def add_masquerade(zone=None, permanent=True): """ Enable masquerade on a zone. If zone is omitted, default zone will be used. .. versionadded:: 2015.8.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.add_masquerade To enable masquerade on a specific zone .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.add_masquerade dmz """ if zone: cmd = "--zone={} --add-masquerade".format(zone) else: cmd = "--add-masquerade" if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd) def remove_masquerade(zone=None, permanent=True): """ Remove masquerade on a zone. If zone is omitted, default zone will be used. .. versionadded:: 2015.8.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.remove_masquerade To remove masquerade on a specific zone .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.remove_masquerade dmz """ if zone: cmd = "--zone={} --remove-masquerade".format(zone) else: cmd = "--remove-masquerade" if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd) def add_port(zone, port, permanent=True, force_masquerade=False): """ Allow specific ports in a zone. .. versionadded:: 2015.8.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.add_port internal 443/tcp force_masquerade when a zone is created ensure masquerade is also enabled on that zone. """ if force_masquerade and not get_masquerade(zone): add_masquerade(zone) cmd = "--zone={} --add-port={}".format(zone, port) if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd) def remove_port(zone, port, permanent=True): """ Remove a specific port from a zone. .. versionadded:: 2015.8.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.remove_port internal 443/tcp """ cmd = "--zone={} --remove-port={}".format(zone, port) if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd) def list_ports(zone, permanent=True): """ List all ports in a zone. .. versionadded:: 2015.8.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.list_ports """ cmd = "--zone={} --list-ports".format(zone) if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd).split() def add_port_fwd( zone, src, dest, proto="tcp", dstaddr="", permanent=True, force_masquerade=False ): """ Add port forwarding. .. versionadded:: 2015.8.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.add_port_fwd public 80 443 tcp force_masquerade when a zone is created ensure masquerade is also enabled on that zone. """ if force_masquerade and not get_masquerade(zone): add_masquerade(zone) cmd = "--zone={} --add-forward-port=port={}:proto={}:toport={}:toaddr={}".format( zone, src, proto, dest, dstaddr ) if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd) def remove_port_fwd(zone, src, dest, proto="tcp", dstaddr="", permanent=True): """ Remove Port Forwarding. .. versionadded:: 2015.8.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.remove_port_fwd public 80 443 tcp """ cmd = "--zone={} --remove-forward-port=port={}:proto={}:toport={}:toaddr={}".format( zone, src, proto, dest, dstaddr ) if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd) def list_port_fwd(zone, permanent=True): """ List port forwarding .. versionadded:: 2015.8.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.list_port_fwd public """ ret = [] cmd = "--zone={} --list-forward-ports".format(zone) if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" for i in __firewall_cmd(cmd).splitlines(): (src, proto, dest, addr) = i.split(":") ret.append( { "Source port": src.split("=")[1], "Protocol": proto.split("=")[1], "Destination port": dest.split("=")[1], "Destination address": addr.split("=")[1], } ) return ret def block_icmp(zone, icmp, permanent=True): """ Block a specific ICMP type on a zone .. versionadded:: 2015.8.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.block_icmp zone echo-reply """ if icmp not in get_icmp_types(permanent): log.error("Invalid ICMP type") return False if icmp in list_icmp_block(zone, permanent): log.info("ICMP block already exists") return "success" cmd = "--zone={} --add-icmp-block={}".format(zone, icmp) if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd) def allow_icmp(zone, icmp, permanent=True): """ Allow a specific ICMP type on a zone .. versionadded:: 2015.8.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.allow_icmp zone echo-reply """ if icmp not in get_icmp_types(permanent): log.error("Invalid ICMP type") return False if icmp not in list_icmp_block(zone, permanent): log.info("ICMP Type is already permitted") return "success" cmd = "--zone={} --remove-icmp-block={}".format(zone, icmp) if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd) def list_icmp_block(zone, permanent=True): """ List ICMP blocks on a zone .. versionadded:: 2015.8.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewlld.list_icmp_block zone """ cmd = "--zone={} --list-icmp-blocks".format(zone) if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd).split() def make_permanent(): """ Make current runtime configuration permanent. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.make_permanent """ return __firewall_cmd("--runtime-to-permanent") def get_interfaces(zone, permanent=True): """ List interfaces bound to a zone .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.get_interfaces zone """ cmd = "--zone={} --list-interfaces".format(zone) if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd).split() def add_interface(zone, interface, permanent=True): """ Bind an interface to a zone .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.add_interface zone eth0 """ if interface in get_interfaces(zone, permanent): log.info("Interface is already bound to zone.") cmd = "--zone={} --add-interface={}".format(zone, interface) if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd) def remove_interface(zone, interface, permanent=True): """ Remove an interface bound to a zone .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.remove_interface zone eth0 """ if interface not in get_interfaces(zone, permanent): log.info("Interface is not bound to zone.") cmd = "--zone={} --remove-interface={}".format(zone, interface) if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd) def get_sources(zone, permanent=True): """ List sources bound to a zone .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.get_sources zone """ cmd = "--zone={} --list-sources".format(zone) if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd).split() def add_source(zone, source, permanent=True): """ Bind a source to a zone .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.add_source zone """ if source in get_sources(zone, permanent): log.info("Source is already bound to zone.") cmd = "--zone={} --add-source={}".format(zone, source) if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd) def remove_source(zone, source, permanent=True): """ Remove a source bound to a zone .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.remove_source zone """ if source not in get_sources(zone, permanent): log.info("Source is not bound to zone.") cmd = "--zone={} --remove-source={}".format(zone, source) if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd) def get_rich_rules(zone, permanent=True): """ List rich rules bound to a zone .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.get_rich_rules zone """ cmd = "--zone={} --list-rich-rules".format(zone) if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd).splitlines() def add_rich_rule(zone, rule, permanent=True): """ Add a rich rule to a zone .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.add_rich_rule zone 'rule' """ cmd = "--zone={} --add-rich-rule='{}'".format(zone, rule) if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd) def remove_rich_rule(zone, rule, permanent=True): """ Add a rich rule to a zone .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0 CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' firewalld.remove_rich_rule zone 'rule' """ cmd = "--zone={} --remove-rich-rule='{}'".format(zone, rule) if permanent: cmd += " --permanent" return __firewall_cmd(cmd)