Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
""" Work with incron """ import logging import os import salt.utils.data import salt.utils.files import salt.utils.functools import salt.utils.stringutils log = logging.getLogger(__name__) TAG = "# Line managed by Salt, do not edit" _INCRON_SYSTEM_TAB = "/etc/incron.d/" _MASK_TYPES = [ "IN_ACCESS", "IN_ATTRIB", "IN_CLOSE_WRITE", "IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE", "IN_CREATE", "IN_DELETE", "IN_DELETE_SELF", "IN_MODIFY", "IN_MOVE_SELF", "IN_MOVED_FROM", "IN_MOVED_TO", "IN_OPEN", "IN_ALL_EVENTS", "IN_MOVE", "IN_CLOSE", "IN_DONT_FOLLOW", "IN_ONESHOT", "IN_ONLYDIR", "IN_NO_LOOP", ] def _needs_change(old, new): if old != new: if new == "random": # Allow switch from '*' or not present to 'random' if old == "*": return True elif new is not None: return True return False def _render_tab(lst): """ Takes a tab list structure and renders it to a list for applying it to a file """ ret = [] for pre in lst["pre"]: ret.append("{}\n".format(pre)) for cron in lst["crons"]: ret.append( "{} {} {}\n".format( cron["path"], cron["mask"], cron["cmd"], ) ) return ret def _get_incron_cmdstr(path): """ Returns a format string, to be used to build an incrontab command. """ return "incrontab {}".format(path) def write_incron_file(user, path): """ Writes the contents of a file to a user's incrontab CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' incron.write_incron_file root /tmp/new_incron """ return ( __salt__["cmd.retcode"]( _get_incron_cmdstr(path), runas=user, python_shell=False ) == 0 ) def write_incron_file_verbose(user, path): """ Writes the contents of a file to a user's incrontab and return error message on error CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' incron.write_incron_file_verbose root /tmp/new_incron """ return __salt__["cmd.run_all"]( _get_incron_cmdstr(path), runas=user, python_shell=False ) def _write_incron_lines(user, lines): """ Takes a list of lines to be committed to a user's incrontab and writes it """ if user == "system": ret = {} ret["retcode"] = _write_file(_INCRON_SYSTEM_TAB, "salt", "".join(lines)) return ret else: path = salt.utils.files.mkstemp() with salt.utils.files.fopen(path, "wb") as fp_: fp_.writelines(salt.utils.data.encode(lines)) if user != "root": __salt__["cmd.run"]("chown {} {}".format(user, path), python_shell=False) ret = __salt__["cmd.run_all"]( _get_incron_cmdstr(path), runas=user, python_shell=False ) os.remove(path) return ret def _write_file(folder, filename, data): """ Writes a file to disk """ path = os.path.join(folder, filename) if not os.path.exists(folder): msg = "{} cannot be written. {} does not exist".format(filename, folder) log.error(msg) raise AttributeError(str(msg)) with salt.utils.files.fopen(path, "w") as fp_: fp_.write(salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(data)) return 0 def _read_file(folder, filename): """ Reads and returns the contents of a file """ path = os.path.join(folder, filename) try: with salt.utils.files.fopen(path, "rb") as contents: return salt.utils.data.decode(contents.readlines()) except OSError: return "" def raw_system_incron(): """ Return the contents of the system wide incrontab CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' incron.raw_system_incron """ log.debug("read_file %s", _read_file(_INCRON_SYSTEM_TAB, "salt")) return "".join(_read_file(_INCRON_SYSTEM_TAB, "salt")) def raw_incron(user): """ Return the contents of the user's incrontab CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' incron.raw_incron root """ cmd = "incrontab -l {}".format(user) return __salt__["cmd.run_stdout"](cmd, rstrip=False, runas=user, python_shell=False) def list_tab(user): """ Return the contents of the specified user's incrontab CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' incron.list_tab root """ if user == "system": data = raw_system_incron() else: data = raw_incron(user) log.debug("user data %s", data) ret = {"crons": [], "pre": []} flag = False for line in data.splitlines(): if len(line.split()) > 3: # Appears to be a standard incron line comps = line.split() path = comps[0] mask = comps[1] cmd = " ".join(comps[2:]) dat = {"path": path, "mask": mask, "cmd": cmd} ret["crons"].append(dat) else: ret["pre"].append(line) return ret # For consistency's sake ls = salt.utils.functools.alias_function(list_tab, "ls") def set_job(user, path, mask, cmd): """ Sets an incron job up for a specified user. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' incron.set_job root '/root' 'IN_MODIFY' 'echo "$$ $@ $# $% $&"' """ # Scrub the types mask = str(mask).upper() # Check for valid mask types for item in mask.split(","): if item not in _MASK_TYPES: return "Invalid mask type: {}".format(item) updated = False arg_mask = mask.split(",") arg_mask.sort() lst = list_tab(user) updated_crons = [] # Look for existing incrons that have cmd, path and at least one of the MASKS # remove and replace with the one we're passed for item, cron in enumerate(lst["crons"]): if path == cron["path"]: if cron["cmd"] == cmd: cron_mask = cron["mask"].split(",") cron_mask.sort() if cron_mask == arg_mask: return "present" if any([x in cron_mask for x in arg_mask]): updated = True else: updated_crons.append(cron) else: updated_crons.append(cron) else: updated_crons.append(cron) cron = {"cmd": cmd, "path": path, "mask": mask} updated_crons.append(cron) lst["crons"] = updated_crons comdat = _write_incron_lines(user, _render_tab(lst)) if comdat["retcode"]: # Failed to commit, return the error return comdat["stderr"] if updated: return "updated" else: return "new" def rm_job(user, path, mask, cmd): """ Remove a incron job for a specified user. If any of the day/time params are specified, the job will only be removed if the specified params match. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' incron.rm_job root /path """ # Scrub the types mask = str(mask).upper() # Check for valid mask types for item in mask.split(","): if item not in _MASK_TYPES: return "Invalid mask type: {}".format(item) lst = list_tab(user) ret = "absent" rm_ = None for ind, val in enumerate(lst["crons"]): if rm_ is not None: break if path == val["path"]: if cmd == val["cmd"]: if mask == val["mask"]: rm_ = ind if rm_ is not None: lst["crons"].pop(rm_) ret = "removed" comdat = _write_incron_lines(user, _render_tab(lst)) if comdat["retcode"]: # Failed to commit, return the error return comdat["stderr"] return ret rm = salt.utils.functools.alias_function(rm_job, "rm")