Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
""" Configure a Pacemaker/Corosync cluster with PCS =============================================== Configure Pacemaker/Cororsync clusters with the Pacemaker/Cororsync conifguration system (PCS) :depends: pcs .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 """ import logging import salt.utils.path log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __virtual__(): """ Only load if pcs package is installed """ if salt.utils.path.which("pcs"): return "pcs" return (False, "Missing dependency: pcs") def __use_new_commands(): """ The command line arguments of pcs changed after version 0.10 This will return True if the new arguments are needed and false if the old ones are needed """ pcs_version = __salt__["pkg.version"]("pcs") log.debug("PCS package version %s", pcs_version) if __salt__["pkg.version_cmp"](pcs_version, "0.10") == 1: log.debug("New version, new command") return True else: log.debug("Old Version") return False def item_show( item, item_id=None, item_type=None, show="show", extra_args=None, cibfile=None ): """ Show an item via pcs command (mainly for use with the pcs state module) item config, property, resource, constraint etc. item_id id of the item item_type item type show show command (probably None, default: show or status for newer implementation) extra_args additional options for the pcs command cibfile use cibfile instead of the live CIB """ new_commands = __use_new_commands() cmd = ["pcs"] if isinstance(cibfile, str): cmd += ["-f", cibfile] if isinstance(item, str): cmd += [item] elif isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): cmd += item # constraint command follows a different order if item in ["constraint"]: cmd += [item_type] # New implementions use config instead of show. This resolves that issue. if new_commands and ( item != "config" and item != "constraint" and item != "property" ): if show == "show": show = "config" elif isinstance(show, (list, tuple)): for index, value in enumerate(show): if show[index] == "show": show[index] = "config" if isinstance(show, str): cmd += [show] elif isinstance(show, (list, tuple)): cmd += show if isinstance(item_id, str): cmd += [item_id] if isinstance(extra_args, (list, tuple)): cmd += extra_args # constraint command only shows id, when using '--full'-parameter if item in ["constraint"]: if not isinstance(extra_args, (list, tuple)) or "--full" not in extra_args: cmd += ["--full"] log.debug("Running item show %s", cmd) return __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, output_loglevel="trace", python_shell=False) def item_create( item, item_id, item_type, create="create", extra_args=None, cibfile=None ): """ Create an item via pcs command (mainly for use with the pcs state module) item config, property, resource, constraint etc. item_id id of the item item_type item type create create command (create or set f.e., default: create) extra_args additional options for the pcs command cibfile use cibfile instead of the live CIB """ cmd = ["pcs"] if isinstance(cibfile, str): cmd += ["-f", cibfile] if isinstance(item, str): cmd += [item] elif isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): cmd += item # constraint command follows a different order if item in ["constraint"]: if isinstance(item_type, str): cmd += [item_type] if isinstance(create, str): cmd += [create] elif isinstance(create, (list, tuple)): cmd += create # constraint command needs item_id in format 'id=<id' after all params # constraint command follows a different order if item not in ["constraint"]: cmd += [item_id] if isinstance(item_type, str): cmd += [item_type] if isinstance(extra_args, (list, tuple)): # constraint command needs item_id in format 'id=<id' after all params if item in ["constraint"]: extra_args = extra_args + ["id={}".format(item_id)] cmd += extra_args return __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, output_loglevel="trace", python_shell=False) def auth(nodes, pcsuser="hacluster", pcspasswd="hacluster", extra_args=None): """ Authorize nodes to the cluster nodes a list of nodes which should be authorized to the cluster pcsuser user for communitcation with PCS (default: hacluster) pcspasswd password for pcsuser (default: hacluster) extra_args list of extra option for the \'pcs cluster auth\' command. The newer cluster host command has no extra args and so will ignore it. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' pcs.auth nodes='[ node1.example.org, node2.example.org ]' pcsuser=hacluster pcspasswd=hoonetorg extra_args=[ '--force' ] """ if __use_new_commands(): cmd = ["pcs", "host", "auth"] else: cmd = ["pcs", "cluster", "auth"] cmd.extend(["-u", pcsuser, "-p", pcspasswd]) if not __use_new_commands() and isinstance(extra_args, (list, tuple)): cmd += extra_args cmd += nodes return __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, output_loglevel="trace", python_shell=False) def is_auth(nodes, pcsuser="hacluster", pcspasswd="hacluster"): """ Check if nodes are already authorized nodes a list of nodes to be checked for authorization to the cluster pcsuser user for communitcation with PCS (default: hacluster) pcspasswd password for pcsuser (default: hacluster) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' pcs.is_auth nodes='[node1.example.org, node2.example.org]' pcsuser=hacluster pcspasswd=hoonetorg """ if __use_new_commands(): cmd = ["pcs", "host", "auth", "-u", pcsuser, "-p", pcspasswd] else: cmd = ["pcs", "cluster", "auth"] cmd += nodes return __salt__["cmd.run_all"]( cmd, stdin="\n\n", output_loglevel="trace", python_shell=False ) def cluster_setup(nodes, pcsclustername="pcscluster", extra_args=None): """ Setup pacemaker cluster via pcs command nodes a list of nodes which should be set up pcsclustername Name of the Pacemaker cluster (default: pcscluster) extra_args list of extra option for the \'pcs cluster setup\' command CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' pcs.cluster_setup nodes='[ node1.example.org, node2.example.org ]' pcsclustername=pcscluster """ cmd = ["pcs", "cluster", "setup"] if __use_new_commands(): cmd += [pcsclustername] else: cmd += ["--name", pcsclustername] cmd += nodes if isinstance(extra_args, (list, tuple)): cmd += extra_args log.debug("Running cluster setup: %s", cmd) return __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, output_loglevel="trace", python_shell=False) def cluster_destroy(extra_args=None): """ Destroy corosync cluster using the pcs command extra_args list of extra option for the \'pcs cluster destroy\' command (only really --all) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' pcs.cluster_destroy extra_args=--all """ cmd = ["pcs", "cluster", "destroy"] if isinstance(extra_args, (list, tuple)): cmd += extra_args log.debug("Running cluster destroy: %s", cmd) return __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, output_loglevel="trace", python_shell=False) def cluster_node_add(node, extra_args=None): """ Add a node to the pacemaker cluster via pcs command node node that should be added extra_args list of extra option for the \'pcs cluster node add\' command CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' pcs.cluster_node_add node=node2.example.org """ cmd = ["pcs", "cluster", "node", "add"] cmd += [node] if isinstance(extra_args, (list, tuple)): cmd += extra_args return __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, output_loglevel="trace", python_shell=False) def cib_create(cibfile, scope="configuration", extra_args=None): """ Create a CIB-file from the current CIB of the cluster cibfile name/path of the file containing the CIB scope specific section of the CIB (default: configuration) extra_args additional options for creating the CIB-file CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' pcs.cib_create cibfile='/tmp/VIP_apache_1.cib' scope=False """ cmd = ["pcs", "cluster", "cib", cibfile] if isinstance(scope, str): cmd += ["scope={}".format(scope)] if isinstance(extra_args, (list, tuple)): cmd += extra_args return __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, output_loglevel="trace", python_shell=False) def cib_push(cibfile, scope="configuration", extra_args=None): """ Push a CIB-file as the new CIB to the cluster cibfile name/path of the file containing the CIB scope specific section of the CIB (default: configuration) extra_args additional options for creating the CIB-file CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' pcs.cib_push cibfile='/tmp/VIP_apache_1.cib' scope=False """ cmd = ["pcs", "cluster", "cib-push", cibfile] if isinstance(scope, str): cmd += ["scope={}".format(scope)] if isinstance(extra_args, (list, tuple)): cmd += extra_args return __salt__["cmd.run_all"](cmd, output_loglevel="trace", python_shell=False) def config_show(cibfile=None): """ Show config of cluster cibfile name/path of the file containing the CIB CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' pcs.config_show cibfile='/tmp/cib_for_galera' """ return item_show(item="config", item_id=None, extra_args=None, cibfile=cibfile) def prop_show(prop, extra_args=None, cibfile=None): """ Show the value of a cluster property prop name of the property extra_args additional options for the pcs property command cibfile use cibfile instead of the live CIB CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' pcs.prop_show cibfile='/tmp/2_node_cluster.cib' prop='no-quorum-policy' cibfile='/tmp/2_node_cluster.cib' """ return item_show( item="property", item_id=prop, extra_args=extra_args, cibfile=cibfile ) def prop_set(prop, value, extra_args=None, cibfile=None): """ Set the value of a cluster property prop name of the property value value of the property prop extra_args additional options for the pcs property command cibfile use cibfile instead of the live CIB CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' pcs.prop_set prop='no-quorum-policy' value='ignore' cibfile='/tmp/2_node_cluster.cib' """ return item_create( item="property", item_id="{}={}".format(prop, value), item_type=None, create="set", extra_args=extra_args, cibfile=cibfile, ) def stonith_show(stonith_id, extra_args=None, cibfile=None): """ Show the value of a cluster stonith stonith_id name for the stonith resource extra_args additional options for the pcs stonith command cibfile use cibfile instead of the live CIB CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' pcs.stonith_show stonith_id='eps_fence' cibfile='/tmp/2_node_cluster.cib' """ return item_show( item="stonith", item_id=stonith_id, extra_args=extra_args, cibfile=cibfile ) def stonith_create( stonith_id, stonith_device_type, stonith_device_options=None, cibfile=None ): """ Create a stonith resource via pcs command stonith_id name for the stonith resource stonith_device_type name of the stonith agent fence_eps, fence_xvm f.e. stonith_device_options additional options for creating the stonith resource cibfile use cibfile instead of the live CIB for manipulation CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' pcs.stonith_create stonith_id='eps_fence' stonith_device_type='fence_eps' stonith_device_options="['pcmk_host_map=node1.example.org:01;node2.example.org:02', 'ipaddr=myepsdevice.example.org', 'action=reboot', 'power_wait=5', 'verbose=1', 'debug=/var/log/pcsd/eps_fence.log', 'login=hidden', 'passwd=hoonetorg']" cibfile='/tmp/cib_for_stonith.cib' """ return item_create( item="stonith", item_id=stonith_id, item_type=stonith_device_type, extra_args=stonith_device_options, cibfile=cibfile, ) def resource_show(resource_id, extra_args=None, cibfile=None): """ Show a resource via pcs command resource_id name of the resource extra_args additional options for the pcs command cibfile use cibfile instead of the live CIB CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' pcs.resource_show resource_id='galera' cibfile='/tmp/cib_for_galera.cib' """ return item_show( item="resource", item_id=resource_id, extra_args=extra_args, cibfile=cibfile ) def resource_create(resource_id, resource_type, resource_options=None, cibfile=None): """ Create a resource via pcs command resource_id name for the resource resource_type resource type (f.e. ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 or VirtualIP) resource_options additional options for creating the resource cibfile use cibfile instead of the live CIB for manipulation CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' pcs.resource_create resource_id='galera' resource_type='ocf:heartbeat:galera' resource_options="['wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm://node1.example.org,node2.example.org,node3.example.org', '--master']" cibfile='/tmp/cib_for_galera.cib' """ return item_create( item="resource", item_id=resource_id, item_type=resource_type, extra_args=resource_options, cibfile=cibfile, )