Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
""" A module for testing the logic of states and highstates on salt minions :codeauthor: William Cannon <william.cannon@gmail.com> :maturity: new Saltcheck provides unittest like functionality requiring only the knowledge of salt module execution and yaml. Saltcheck uses salt modules to return data, then runs an assertion against that return. This allows for testing with all the features included in salt modules. In order to run state and highstate saltcheck tests, a sub-folder in the state directory must be created and named ``saltcheck-tests``. Tests for a state should be created in files ending in ``*.tst`` and placed in the ``saltcheck-tests`` folder. ``tst`` files are run through the salt rendering system, enabling tests to be written in yaml (or renderer of choice), and include jinja, as well as the usual grain and pillar information. Like states, multiple tests can be specified in a ``tst`` file. Multiple ``tst`` files can be created in the ``saltcheck-tests`` folder, and should be named the same as the associated state. The ``id`` of a test works in the same manner as in salt state files and should be unique and descriptive. .. versionadded:: 3000 The ``saltcheck-tests`` folder can be customized using the ``saltcheck_test_location`` minion configuration setting. This setting is a relative path from the formula's ``salt://`` path to the test files. Usage ===== Example Default file system layout: .. code-block:: text /srv/salt/apache/ init.sls config.sls saltcheck-tests/ init.tst config.tst deployment_validation.tst Alternative example file system layout with custom saltcheck_test_location: Minion configuration: --------------------- .. code-block:: yaml saltcheck_test_location: tests/integration/saltcheck Filesystem layout: ------------------ .. code-block:: text /srv/salt/apache/ init.sls config.sls tests/integration/saltcheck/ init.tst config.tst deployment_validation.tst Tests can be run for each state by name, for all ``apache/saltcheck/*.tst`` files, or for all states assigned to the minion in top.sls. Tests may also be created with no associated state. These tests will be run through the use of ``saltcheck.run_state_tests``, but will not be automatically run by ``saltcheck.run_highstate_tests``. .. code-block:: bash salt '*' saltcheck.run_state_tests apache,apache.config salt '*' saltcheck.run_state_tests apache check_all=True salt '*' saltcheck.run_highstate_tests salt '*' saltcheck.run_state_tests apache.deployment_validation Saltcheck Keywords ================== **module_and_function:** (str) This is the salt module which will be run locally, the same as ``salt-call --local <module>``. The ``saltcheck.state_apply`` module name is special as it bypasses the local option in order to resolve state names when run in a master/minion environment. **args:** (list) Optional arguments passed to the salt module **kwargs:** (dict) Optional keyword arguments to be passed to the salt module **assertion:** (str) One of the supported assertions and required except for ``saltcheck.state_apply`` Tests which fail the assertion and expected_return, cause saltcheck to exit which a non-zero exit code. **expected_return:** (str) Required except by ``assertEmpty``, ``assertNotEmpty``, ``assertTrue``, ``assertFalse``. The return of module_and_function is compared to this value in the assertion. **assertion_section:** (str) Optional keyword used to parse the module_and_function return. If a salt module returns a dictionary as a result, the ``assertion_section`` value is used to lookup a specific value in that return for the assertion comparison. **assertion_section_delimiter:** (str) Optional delimiter to use when splitting a nested structure. Defaults to ':' **print_result:** (bool) Optional keyword to show results in the ``assertEqual``, ``assertNotEqual``, ``assertIn``, and ``assertNotIn`` output. Defaults to True. **output_details:** (bool) Optional keyword to display ``module_and_function``, ``args``, ``assertion_section``, and assertion results text in the output. If print_result is False, assertion results will be hidden. This is a per test setting, but can be set globally for all tests by adding ``saltcheck_output_details: True`` in the minion configuration file. Defaults to False **pillar_data:** (dict) Optional keyword for passing in pillar data. Intended for use in potential test setup or teardown with the ``saltcheck.state_apply`` function. **skip:** (bool) Optional keyword to skip running the individual test .. versionadded:: 3000 Multiple assertions can be run against the output of a single ``module_and_function`` call. The ``assertion``, ``expected_return``, ``assertion_section``, and ``assertion_section_delimiter`` keys can be placed in a list under an ``assertions`` key. See the multiple assertions example below. Sample Cases/Examples ===================== Basic Example ------------- .. code-block:: yaml echo_test_hello: module_and_function: test.echo args: - "hello" kwargs: assertion: assertEqual expected_return: 'hello' Example with jinja ------------------ .. code-block:: jinja {% for package in ["apache2", "openssh"] %} {# or another example #} {# for package in salt['pillar.get']("packages") #} test_{{ package }}_latest: module_and_function: pkg.upgrade_available args: - {{ package }} assertion: assertFalse {% endfor %} Example with setup state including pillar ----------------------------------------- .. code-block:: yaml setup_test_environment: module_and_function: saltcheck.state_apply args: - common pillar_data: data: value verify_vim: module_and_function: pkg.version args: - vim assertion: assertNotEmpty Example with jinja ------------------ .. code-block:: jinja {% for package in ["apache2", "openssh"] %} {# or another example #} {# for package in salt['pillar.get']("packages") #} test_{{ package }}_latest: module_and_function: pkg.upgrade_available args: - {{ package }} assertion: assertFalse {% endfor %} Example with setup state including pillar ----------------------------------------- .. code-block:: yaml setup_test_environment: module_and_function: saltcheck.state_apply args: - common pillar-data: data: value verify_vim: module_and_function: pkg.version args: - vim assertion: assertNotEmpty Example with skip ----------------- .. code-block:: yaml package_latest: module_and_function: pkg.upgrade_available args: - apache2 assertion: assertFalse skip: True Example with assertion_section ------------------------------ .. code-block:: yaml validate_shell: module_and_function: user.info args: - root assertion: assertEqual expected_return: /bin/bash assertion_section: shell Example with a nested assertion_section --------------------------------------- .. code-block:: yaml validate_smb_signing: module_and_function: lgpo.get args: - 'Machine' kwargs: return_full_policy_names: True assertion: assertEqual expected_return: Enabled assertion_section: 'Computer Configuration|Microsoft network client: Digitally sign communications (always)' assertion_section_delimiter: '|' Example suppressing print results --------------------------------- .. code-block:: yaml validate_env_nameNode: module_and_function: hadoop.dfs args: - text - /oozie/common/env.properties expected_return: nameNode = hdfs://nameservice2 assertion: assertNotIn print_result: False Example with multiple assertions and output_details --------------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: yaml multiple_validations: module_and_function: network.netstat assertions: - assertion: assertEqual assertion_section: "0:program" expected_return: "systemd-resolve" - assertion: assertEqual assertion_section: "0:proto" expected_return: "udp" output_details: True Supported assertions ==================== * assertEqual * assertNotEqual * assertTrue * assertFalse * assertIn * assertNotIn * assertGreater * assertGreaterEqual * assertLess * assertLessEqual * assertEmpty * assertNotEmpty .. warning:: The saltcheck.state_apply function is an alias for :py:func:`state.apply <salt.modules.state.apply>`. If using the :ref:`ACL system <acl-eauth>` ``saltcheck.*`` might provide more capability than intended if only ``saltcheck.run_state_tests`` and ``saltcheck.run_highstate_tests`` are needed. """ import copy import logging import multiprocessing import os import time import salt.client import salt.exceptions import salt.utils.data import salt.utils.files import salt.utils.functools import salt.utils.path import salt.utils.platform import salt.utils.yaml from salt.defaults import DEFAULT_TARGET_DELIM from salt.utils.decorators import memoize from salt.utils.json import dumps, loads from salt.utils.odict import OrderedDict log = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: __context__ except NameError: __context__ = {} __context__["global_scheck"] = None __virtualname__ = "saltcheck" def __virtual__(): """ Set the virtual pkg module if not running as a proxy """ if not salt.utils.platform.is_proxy(): return __virtualname__ return ( False, "The saltcheck execution module failed to load: only available on minions.", ) def run_test(**kwargs): """ Execute one saltcheck test and return result :param keyword arg test: CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' saltcheck.run_test test='{"module_and_function": "test.echo", "assertion": "assertEqual", "expected_return": "This works!", "args":["This works!"] }' """ # salt converts the string to a dictionary auto-magically scheck = SaltCheck() test = kwargs.get("test", None) if test and isinstance(test, dict): return scheck.run_test(test) else: return "Test argument must be a dictionary" def state_apply(state_name, **kwargs): """ Runs :py:func:`state.apply <salt.modules.state.apply>` with given options to set up test data. Intended to be used for optional test setup or teardown Reference the :py:func:`state.apply <salt.modules.state.apply>` module documentation for arguments and usage options CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' saltcheck.state_apply postfix """ # A new salt client is instantiated with the default configuration because the main module's # client is hardcoded to local # minion is running with a master, a potentially non-local client is needed to lookup states conf_file = copy.deepcopy(__opts__["conf_file"]) local_opts = salt.config.minion_config(conf_file) if "running_data/var/run/salt-minion.pid" in __opts__.get("pidfile", False): # Force salt-ssh minions to use local local_opts["file_client"] = "local" log.debug("Detected salt-ssh, running as local") caller = salt.client.Caller(mopts=local_opts) if kwargs: return caller.cmd("state.apply", state_name, **kwargs) else: return caller.cmd("state.apply", state_name) def report_highstate_tests(saltenv=None): """ Report on tests for states assigned to the minion through highstate. Quits with the exit code for the number of missing tests. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' saltcheck.report_highstate_tests .. versionadded:: 3000 """ if not saltenv: if "saltenv" in __opts__ and __opts__["saltenv"]: saltenv = __opts__["saltenv"] else: saltenv = "base" sls_list = [] sls_list = _get_top_states(saltenv) stl = StateTestLoader(saltenv) missing_tests = 0 states_missing_tests = [] for state_name in sls_list: stl.add_test_files_for_sls(state_name, False) if state_name not in stl.found_states: missing_tests = missing_tests + 1 states_missing_tests.append(state_name) __context__["retcode"] = missing_tests return { "TEST REPORT RESULTS": { "Missing Tests": missing_tests, "States missing tests": states_missing_tests, "States with tests": stl.found_states, } } def run_state_tests(state, saltenv=None, check_all=False, only_fails=False): """ Execute tests for a salt state and return results Nested states will also be tested :param str state: state name for which to run associated .tst test files :param str saltenv: optional saltenv. Defaults to base :param bool check_all: boolean to run all tests in state/saltcheck-tests directory :param bool only_fails: boolean to only print failure results CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' saltcheck.run_state_tests postfix,common Tests will be run in parallel by adding "saltcheck_parallel: True" in minion config. When enabled, saltcheck will use up to the number of cores detected. This can be limited by setting the "saltcheck_processes" value to an integer to set the maximum number of parallel processes. """ if not saltenv: if "saltenv" in __opts__ and __opts__["saltenv"]: saltenv = __opts__["saltenv"] else: saltenv = "base" # Use global scheck variable for reuse in each multiprocess __context__["global_scheck"] = SaltCheck(saltenv) parallel = __salt__["config.get"]("saltcheck_parallel") num_proc = __salt__["config.get"]("saltcheck_processes") stl = StateTestLoader(saltenv) results = OrderedDict() sls_list = salt.utils.args.split_input(state) for state_name in sls_list: stl.add_test_files_for_sls(state_name, check_all) stl.load_test_suite() results_dict = OrderedDict() # Check for situations to disable parallization if parallel: if type(num_proc) == float: num_proc = int(num_proc) if multiprocessing.cpu_count() < 2: parallel = False log.debug("Only 1 CPU. Disabling parallization.") elif num_proc == 1: # Don't bother with multiprocessing overhead parallel = False log.debug("Configuration limited to 1 CPU. Disabling parallization.") else: for items in stl.test_dict.values(): if "state.apply" in items.get("module_and_function", []): # Multiprocessing doesn't ensure ordering, which state.apply # might require parallel = False log.warning( "Tests include state.apply. Disabling parallization." ) if parallel: if num_proc: pool_size = num_proc else: pool_size = min(len(stl.test_dict), multiprocessing.cpu_count()) log.debug("Running tests in parallel with %s processes", pool_size) presults = multiprocessing.Pool(pool_size).map( func=parallel_scheck, iterable=stl.test_dict.items() ) # Remove list and form expected data structure for item in presults: for key, value in item.items(): results_dict[key] = value else: for key, value in stl.test_dict.items(): result = __context__["global_scheck"].run_test(value) results_dict[key] = result # If passed a duplicate state, don't overwrite with empty res if not results.get(state_name): results[state_name] = results_dict return _generate_out_list(results, only_fails=only_fails) def parallel_scheck(data): """triggers salt-call in parallel""" key = data[0] value = data[1] results = {} results[key] = __context__["global_scheck"].run_test(value) return results run_state_tests_ssh = salt.utils.functools.alias_function( run_state_tests, "run_state_tests_ssh" ) def run_highstate_tests(saltenv=None, only_fails=False): """ Execute all tests for states assigned to the minion through highstate and return results :param str saltenv: optional saltenv. Defaults to base :param bool only_fails: boolean to only print failure results CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' saltcheck.run_highstate_tests """ if not saltenv: if "saltenv" in __opts__ and __opts__["saltenv"]: saltenv = __opts__["saltenv"] else: saltenv = "base" sls_list = [] sls_list = _get_top_states(saltenv) all_states = ",".join(sls_list) return run_state_tests(all_states, saltenv=saltenv, only_fails=only_fails) def _eval_failure_only_print(state_name, results, only_fails): """ For given results, only return failures if desired """ if only_fails: failed_tests = {} for test in results[state_name]: if results[state_name][test]["status"].startswith("Fail"): if failed_tests.get(state_name): failed_tests[state_name].update({test: results[state_name][test]}) else: failed_tests[state_name] = {test: results[state_name][test]} return failed_tests else: # Show all test results return {state_name: results[state_name]} def _generate_out_list(results, only_fails=False): """ generate test results output list """ passed = 0 failed = 0 skipped = 0 missing_tests = 0 total_time = 0.0 out_list = [] for state in results: if not results[state].items(): missing_tests = missing_tests + 1 else: for _, val in results[state].items(): if val["status"].startswith("Pass"): passed = passed + 1 if val["status"].startswith("Fail"): failed = failed + 1 if val["status"].startswith("Skip"): skipped = skipped + 1 total_time = total_time + float(val["duration"]) out_list.append(_eval_failure_only_print(state, results, only_fails)) out_list = sorted(out_list, key=lambda x: sorted(x.keys())) out_list.append( { "TEST RESULTS": { "Execution Time": round(total_time, 4), "Passed": passed, "Failed": failed, "Skipped": skipped, "Missing Tests": missing_tests, } } ) # Set exist code to 1 if failed tests # Use-cases for exist code handling of missing or skipped? __context__["retcode"] = 1 if failed else 0 return out_list def _render_file(file_path): """ call the salt utility to render a file """ # salt-call slsutil.renderer /srv/salt/jinjatest/saltcheck-tests/test1.tst rendered = __salt__["slsutil.renderer"]( file_path, saltenv=__context__["global_scheck"].saltenv ) log.info("rendered: %s", rendered) return rendered @memoize def _is_valid_module(module): """ Return a list of all modules available on minion """ modules = __salt__["sys.list_modules"]() return bool(module in modules) @memoize def _is_valid_function(module_name, function): """ Determine if a function is valid for a module """ try: functions = __salt__["sys.list_functions"](module_name) except salt.exceptions.SaltException: functions = ["unable to look up functions"] return "{}.{}".format(module_name, function) in functions def _get_top_states(saltenv="base"): """ Equivalent to a salt cli: salt web state.show_top """ top_states = [] top_states = __salt__["state.show_top"](saltenv=saltenv)[saltenv] log.debug("saltcheck for saltenv: %s found top states: %s", saltenv, top_states) return top_states class SaltCheck: """ This class validates and runs the saltchecks """ def __init__(self, saltenv="base"): self.sls_list_state = [] self.modules = [] self.results_dict = {} self.results_dict_summary = {} self.saltenv = saltenv self.assertions_list = """assertEqual assertNotEqual assertTrue assertFalse assertIn assertNotIn assertGreater assertGreaterEqual assertLess assertLessEqual assertEmpty assertNotEmpty""".split() def _check_assertions(self, dict): """Validate assertion keys""" is_valid = True assertion = dict.get("assertion", None) # support old expected-return and newer name normalized expected_return exp_ret_key = any( key in dict.keys() for key in ["expected_return", "expected-return"] ) exp_ret_val = dict.get("expected_return", dict.get("expected-return", None)) if assertion not in self.assertions_list: log.error("Saltcheck: %s is not in the assertions list", assertion) is_valid = False # Only check expected returns for assertions which require them if assertion not in [ "assertEmpty", "assertNotEmpty", "assertTrue", "assertFalse", ]: if exp_ret_key is None: log.error("Saltcheck: missing expected_return") is_valid = False if exp_ret_val is None: log.error("Saltcheck: expected_return missing a value") is_valid = False return is_valid def __is_valid_test(self, test_dict): """ Determine if a test contains: - a test name - a valid module and function - a valid assertion, or valid grouping under an assertions key - an expected return value - if assertion type requires it """ log.info("Saltcheck: validating data: %s", test_dict) is_valid = True skip = test_dict.get("skip", False) m_and_f = test_dict.get("module_and_function", None) # Running a state does not require assertions or checks if m_and_f == "saltcheck.state_apply": return is_valid if test_dict.get("assertions"): for assertion_group in test_dict.get("assertions"): is_valid = self._check_assertions(assertion_group) else: is_valid = self._check_assertions(test_dict) if m_and_f: module, function = m_and_f.split(".") if not _is_valid_module(module): is_valid = False log.error("Saltcheck: %s is not a valid module", module) if not _is_valid_function(module, function): is_valid = False log.error("Saltcheck: %s is not a valid function", function) else: log.error("Saltcheck: missing module_and_function") is_valid = False return is_valid def _call_salt_command(self, fun, args, kwargs): """ Generic call of salt Caller command """ # remote functions and modules won't work with local file client # these aren't exhaustive lists, so add to them when a module or # function can't operate without the remote file client remote_functions = ["file.check_managed_changes"] remote_modules = ["cp"] mod = fun.split(".", maxsplit=1)[0] conf_file = __opts__["conf_file"] local_opts = salt.config.minion_config(conf_file) # Save orginal file_client to restore after salt.client.Caller run orig_file_client = local_opts["file_client"] mlocal_opts = copy.deepcopy(local_opts) if fun not in remote_functions and mod not in remote_modules: mlocal_opts["file_client"] = "local" value = False if args and kwargs: value = salt.client.Caller(mopts=mlocal_opts).cmd(fun, *args, **kwargs) elif args and not kwargs: value = salt.client.Caller(mopts=mlocal_opts).cmd(fun, *args) elif not args and kwargs: value = salt.client.Caller(mopts=mlocal_opts).cmd(fun, **kwargs) else: value = salt.client.Caller(mopts=mlocal_opts).cmd(fun) __opts__["file_client"] = orig_file_client return value def _run_assertions( self, mod_and_func, args, data, module_output, output_details, assert_print_result, ): """ Run assertion against input """ value = {} assertion_section = data.get("assertion_section", None) assertion_section_delimiter = data.get( "assertion_section_delimiter", DEFAULT_TARGET_DELIM ) if assertion_section: module_output = salt.utils.data.traverse_dict_and_list( module_output, assertion_section, default=False, delimiter=assertion_section_delimiter, ) if mod_and_func in ["saltcheck.state_apply"]: assertion = "assertNotEmpty" else: assertion = data["assertion"] expected_return = data.get("expected_return", data.get("expected-return", None)) if assertion not in [ "assertIn", "assertNotIn", "assertEmpty", "assertNotEmpty", "assertTrue", "assertFalse", ]: expected_return = self._cast_expected_to_returned_type( expected_return, module_output ) if assertion == "assertEqual": assertion_desc = "==" value["status"] = self.__assert_equal( expected_return, module_output, assert_print_result ) elif assertion == "assertNotEqual": assertion_desc = "!=" value["status"] = self.__assert_not_equal( expected_return, module_output, assert_print_result ) elif assertion == "assertTrue": assertion_desc = "True is" value["status"] = self.__assert_true(module_output) elif assertion == "assertFalse": assertion_desc = "False is" value["status"] = self.__assert_false(module_output) elif assertion == "assertIn": assertion_desc = "IN" value["status"] = self.__assert_in( expected_return, module_output, assert_print_result ) elif assertion == "assertNotIn": assertion_desc = "NOT IN" value["status"] = self.__assert_not_in( expected_return, module_output, assert_print_result ) elif assertion == "assertGreater": assertion_desc = ">" value["status"] = self.__assert_greater(expected_return, module_output) elif assertion == "assertGreaterEqual": assertion_desc = ">=" value["status"] = self.__assert_greater_equal( expected_return, module_output ) elif assertion == "assertLess": assertion_desc = "<" value["status"] = self.__assert_less(expected_return, module_output) elif assertion == "assertLessEqual": assertion_desc = "<=" value["status"] = self.__assert_less_equal(expected_return, module_output) elif assertion == "assertEmpty": assertion_desc = "IS EMPTY" value["status"] = self.__assert_empty(module_output) elif assertion == "assertNotEmpty": assertion_desc = "IS NOT EMPTY" value["status"] = self.__assert_not_empty(module_output) else: value["status"] = "Fail - bad assertion" if output_details: if assertion_section: assertion_section_repr_title = " {}".format("assertion_section") assertion_section_repr_value = " {}".format(assertion_section) else: assertion_section_repr_title = "" assertion_section_repr_value = "" value[ "module.function [args]{}".format(assertion_section_repr_title) ] = "{} {}{}".format( mod_and_func, dumps(args), assertion_section_repr_value, ) value["saltcheck assertion"] = "{}{} {}".format( ("" if expected_return is None else "{} ".format(expected_return)), assertion_desc, ("hidden" if not assert_print_result else module_output), ) return value def run_test(self, test_dict): """ Run a single saltcheck test """ result = {} start = time.time() global_output_details = __salt__["config.get"]( "saltcheck_output_details", False ) output_details = test_dict.get("output_details", global_output_details) if self.__is_valid_test(test_dict): skip = test_dict.get("skip", False) if skip: return {"status": "Skip", "duration": 0.0} mod_and_func = test_dict["module_and_function"] args = test_dict.get("args", None) kwargs = test_dict.get("kwargs", None) pillar_data = test_dict.get( "pillar_data", test_dict.get("pillar-data", None) ) if pillar_data: if not kwargs: kwargs = {} kwargs["pillar"] = pillar_data else: # make sure we clean pillar from previous test if kwargs: kwargs.pop("pillar", None) assert_print_result = test_dict.get("print_result", True) actual_return = self._call_salt_command(mod_and_func, args, kwargs) if test_dict.get("assertions"): for num, assert_group in enumerate( test_dict.get("assertions"), start=1 ): result["assertion{}".format(num)] = self._run_assertions( mod_and_func, args, assert_group, actual_return, output_details, assert_print_result, ) # Walk individual assert status results to set the top level status # key as needed for k, v in copy.deepcopy(result).items(): if k.startswith("assertion"): for assert_k, assert_v in result[k].items(): if assert_k.startswith("status"): if result[k][assert_k] != "Pass": result["status"] = "Fail" if not result.get("status"): result["status"] = "Pass" else: result.update( self._run_assertions( mod_and_func, args, test_dict, actual_return, output_details, assert_print_result, ) ) else: result["status"] = "Fail - invalid test" end = time.time() result["duration"] = round(end - start, 4) return result @staticmethod def _cast_expected_to_returned_type(expected, returned): """ Determine the type of variable returned Cast the expected to the type of variable returned """ new_expected = expected if returned is not None: ret_type = type(returned) if expected == "False" and ret_type == bool: expected = False try: new_expected = ret_type(expected) except ValueError: log.info("Unable to cast expected into type of returned") log.info("returned = %s", returned) log.info("type of returned = %s", type(returned)) log.info("expected = %s", expected) log.info("type of expected = %s", type(expected)) return new_expected @staticmethod def __assert_equal(expected, returned, assert_print_result=True): """ Test if two objects are equal """ result = "Pass" try: if assert_print_result: assert expected == returned, "{} is not equal to {}".format( expected, returned ) else: assert expected == returned, "Result is not equal" except AssertionError as err: result = "Fail: " + str(err) return result @staticmethod def __assert_not_equal(expected, returned, assert_print_result=True): """ Test if two objects are not equal """ result = "Pass" try: if assert_print_result: assert expected != returned, "{} is equal to {}".format( expected, returned ) else: assert expected != returned, "Result is equal" except AssertionError as err: result = "Fail: " + str(err) return result @staticmethod def __assert_true(returned): """ Test if an boolean is True """ result = "Pass" try: assert returned is True, "{} not True".format(returned) except AssertionError as err: result = "Fail: " + str(err) return result @staticmethod def __assert_false(returned): """ Test if an boolean is False """ result = "Pass" if isinstance(returned, str): returned = bool(returned) try: assert returned is False, "{} not False".format(returned) except AssertionError as err: result = "Fail: " + str(err) return result @staticmethod def __assert_in(expected, returned, assert_print_result=True): """ Test if a value is in the list of returned values """ result = "Pass" try: if assert_print_result: assert expected in returned, "{} not found in {}".format( expected, returned ) else: assert expected in returned, "Result not found" except AssertionError as err: result = "Fail: " + str(err) return result @staticmethod def __assert_not_in(expected, returned, assert_print_result=True): """ Test if a value is not in the list of returned values """ result = "Pass" try: if assert_print_result: assert expected not in returned, "{} was found in {}".format( expected, returned ) else: assert expected not in returned, "Result was found" except AssertionError as err: result = "Fail: " + str(err) return result @staticmethod def __assert_greater(expected, returned): """ Test if a value is greater than the returned value """ result = "Pass" try: assert expected > returned, "{} not False".format(returned) except AssertionError as err: result = "Fail: " + str(err) return result @staticmethod def __assert_greater_equal(expected, returned): """ Test if a value is greater than or equal to the returned value """ result = "Pass" try: assert expected >= returned, "{} not False".format(returned) except AssertionError as err: result = "Fail: " + str(err) return result @staticmethod def __assert_less(expected, returned): """ Test if a value is less than the returned value """ result = "Pass" try: assert expected < returned, "{} not False".format(returned) except AssertionError as err: result = "Fail: " + str(err) return result @staticmethod def __assert_less_equal(expected, returned): """ Test if a value is less than or equal to the returned value """ result = "Pass" try: assert expected <= returned, "{} not False".format(returned) except AssertionError as err: result = "Fail: " + str(err) return result @staticmethod def __assert_empty(returned): """ Test if a returned value is empty """ result = "Pass" try: assert not returned, "{} is not empty".format(returned) except AssertionError as err: result = "Fail: " + str(err) return result @staticmethod def __assert_not_empty(returned): """ Test if a returned value is not empty """ result = "Pass" try: assert returned, "value is empty" except AssertionError as err: result = "Fail: " + str(err) return result class StateTestLoader: """ Class loads in test files for a state e.g. state_dir/saltcheck-tests/[1.tst, 2.tst, 3.tst] """ def __init__(self, saltenv="base"): self.path_type = None self.test_files = set() # list of file paths self.test_dict = OrderedDict() self.saltenv = saltenv self.saltcheck_test_location = __salt__["config.get"]( "saltcheck_test_location", "saltcheck-tests" ) self.found_states = [] def load_test_suite(self): """ Load tests either from one file, or a set of files """ self.test_dict = OrderedDict() for myfile in self.test_files: self._load_file_salt_rendered(myfile) self.test_files = set() def _load_file_salt_rendered(self, filepath): """ loads in one test file """ # use the salt renderer module to interpret jinja and etc tests = _render_file(filepath) # use json as a convenient way to convert the OrderedDicts from salt renderer mydict = loads(dumps(tests), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) for key, value in mydict.items(): self.test_dict[key] = value return def _copy_state_files(self, sls_path, state_name, check_all): """ Copy tst files for a given path and return results of the copy. If check_all is enabled, also add all tests found """ cache_ret = [] if state_name not in self.found_states: log.debug("looking in %s to cache tests", sls_path) cache_ret = __salt__["cp.cache_dir"]( sls_path, saltenv=self.saltenv, include_pat="*.tst" ) if cache_ret: if check_all: log.debug("Adding all found test files: %s", cache_ret) self.test_files.update(cache_ret) else: log.debug("Marking found_state: %s", state_name) self.found_states.append(state_name) else: log.debug("Not copying already found_state: %s", self.found_states) return cache_ret def _generate_sls_path(self, state_name): """ For a given state_name, return list of paths to search for .tst files possible formula paths are then path/to/formula.sls with tests of path/to/saltcheck-tests/formula.tst path/to/formula/init.sls with tests of path/to/formula/saltcheck-tests/init.tst or if a custom saltcheck_test_location is used path/to/forumla.sls with tests of path/saltcheck_test_location/init.tst """ all_sls_paths = [] # process /patch/to/formula/saltcheck_test_location test_path = "salt://{}/{}".format( state_name.replace(".", "/"), self.saltcheck_test_location ) all_sls_paths.append(test_path) # process /path/to/saltcheck_test_location sls_split = state_name.split(".") sls_split.pop() test_path = "salt://{}/{}".format( "/".join(sls_split), self.saltcheck_test_location ) all_sls_paths.append(test_path) state_name_base = state_name.split(".")[0] test_path = "salt://{}/{}".format(state_name_base, self.saltcheck_test_location) all_sls_paths.append(test_path) unique_paths = set(all_sls_paths) # Try longer (more complicated) paths before shorter simpler ones. Ensures that # thing/sub/saltcheck-tests/testname will be found before thing/saltcheck-tests/testname return list(sorted(unique_paths, key=len, reverse=True)) @memoize def _get_states(self): """ Returns (cached) list of states for the minion """ return __salt__["cp.list_states"](saltenv=self.saltenv) def add_test_files_for_sls(self, sls_name, check_all=False): """ Detects states used, caches needed files, and adds to test list """ salt_ssh = False if "running_data/var/run/salt-minion.pid" in __opts__.get("pidfile", False): salt_ssh = True log.debug("Running on salt-ssh minion. Reading file %s", sls_name) cp_output_file = os.path.join( __opts__["cachedir"], "files", self.saltenv, "cp_output.txt" ) with salt.utils.files.fopen(cp_output_file, "r") as fp: all_states = loads(salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(fp.read())) else: all_states = self._get_states() ret = [] cached_copied_files = [] if salt_ssh: # populate cached_copied_files from sent over file rather than attempting to run cp.cache_dir later log.debug("Running on salt-ssh minion. Populating test file results") state_copy_file = os.path.join( __opts__["cachedir"], "files", self.saltenv, sls_name + ".copy" ) try: with salt.utils.files.fopen(state_copy_file, "r") as fp: cached_copied_files.extend( loads(salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(fp.read())) ) except OSError: # likely attempting to find state.nested.copy when file was sent as just state.copy sls_name_list = sls_name.split(".") sls_root_name = ".".join(sls_name_list[:-1]) state_copy_file = os.path.join( __opts__["cachedir"], "files", self.saltenv, sls_root_name + ".copy" ) with salt.utils.files.fopen(state_copy_file, "r") as fp: cached_copied_files.extend( loads(salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(fp.read())) ) if sls_name in all_states: if salt_ssh: log.debug( "Running on salt-ssh minion. Reading file %s", sls_name + ".low" ) state_low_file = os.path.join( __opts__["cachedir"], "files", self.saltenv, sls_name + ".low" ) with salt.utils.files.fopen(state_low_file, "r") as fp: ret = loads(salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(fp.read())) else: ret = __salt__["state.show_low_sls"]( sls_name, saltenv=self.saltenv, test=True ) else: # passed name isn't a state, so we'll assume it is a test definition ret = [{"__sls__": sls_name}] for low_data in ret: if not isinstance(low_data, dict): log.error( "low data from show_low_sls is not formed as a dict: %s", low_data ) return this_cache_ret = None if "__sls__" in low_data: # this low data has an SLS path in it state_name = low_data["__sls__"] for sls_path in self._generate_sls_path(state_name): this_cache_ret = self._copy_state_files( sls_path, state_name, check_all ) if this_cache_ret: log.debug("found tests: %s", this_cache_ret) cached_copied_files.extend(this_cache_ret) if salt_ssh: if check_all: # load all tests for this state on ssh minion tst_files = [ file_string for file_string in cached_copied_files if file_string.endswith(".tst") ] self.test_files.update(tst_files) if not check_all: # in check_all case, tests already added split_sls = low_data["__sls__"].split(".") sls_path_names = { os.path.join( os.sep.join(split_sls), os.path.normpath(self.saltcheck_test_location), "init.tst", ), os.path.join( os.sep.join(split_sls[: len(split_sls) - 1]), os.path.normpath(self.saltcheck_test_location), "{}.tst".format(split_sls[-1]), ), os.path.join( split_sls[0], os.path.normpath(self.saltcheck_test_location), os.sep.join(split_sls[1:-1]), "{}.tst".format(split_sls[-1]), ), } # for this state, find matching test files and load them cached_copied_files = list(set(cached_copied_files)) for this_cached_test_file in cached_copied_files: if this_cached_test_file.endswith(tuple(sls_path_names)): self.test_files.add(this_cached_test_file) cached_copied_files.remove(this_cached_test_file) log.debug("Adding .tst file: %s", this_cached_test_file)