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""" Docker Swarm Module using Docker's Python SDK ============================================= :codeauthor: Tyler Jones <jonestyler806@gmail.com> .. versionadded:: 2018.3.0 The Docker Swarm Module is used to manage and create Docker Swarms. Dependencies ------------ - Docker installed on the host - Docker python sdk >= 2.5.1 Docker Python SDK ----------------- .. code-block:: bash pip install -U docker More information: https://docker-py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ """ import salt.utils.json def _is_docker_module(mod): required_attrs = ["APIClient", "from_env"] return all(hasattr(mod, attr) for attr in required_attrs) try: import docker HAS_DOCKER = _is_docker_module(docker) except ImportError: HAS_DOCKER = False __virtualname__ = "swarm" def __virtual__(): """ Load this module if the docker python module is installed """ if HAS_DOCKER: return __virtualname__ return ( False, "The swarm module failed to load: Docker python module is not available.", ) def __init__(self): if HAS_DOCKER: __context__["client"] = docker.from_env() __context__["server_name"] = __grains__["id"] def swarm_tokens(): """ Get the Docker Swarm Manager or Worker join tokens CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' swarm.swarm_tokens """ client = docker.APIClient(base_url="unix://var/run/docker.sock") service = client.inspect_swarm() return service["JoinTokens"] def swarm_init(advertise_addr=str, listen_addr=int, force_new_cluster=bool): """ Initialize Docker on Minion as a Swarm Manager advertise_addr The ip of the manager listen_addr Listen address used for inter-manager communication, as well as determining the networking interface used for the VXLAN Tunnel Endpoint (VTEP). This can either be an address/port combination in the form, or an interface followed by a port number, like eth0:4567 force_new_cluster Force a new cluster if True is passed CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' swarm.swarm_init advertise_addr='' listen_addr='' force_new_cluster=False """ try: salt_return = {} __context__["client"].swarm.init(advertise_addr, listen_addr, force_new_cluster) output = ( "Docker swarm has been initialized on {} " "and the worker/manager Join token is below".format( __context__["server_name"] ) ) salt_return.update({"Comment": output, "Tokens": swarm_tokens()}) except docker.errors.APIError as err: salt_return = {} if "This node is already part of a swarm." in err.explanation: salt_return.update({"Comment": err.explanation, "result": False}) else: salt_return.update({"Error": str(err.explanation), "result": False}) except TypeError: salt_return = {} salt_return.update( { "Error": ( "Please make sure you are passing advertise_addr, " "listen_addr and force_new_cluster correctly." ) } ) return salt_return def joinswarm(remote_addr=int, listen_addr=int, token=str): """ Join a Swarm Worker to the cluster remote_addr The manager node you want to connect to for the swarm listen_addr Listen address used for inter-manager communication if the node gets promoted to manager, as well as determining the networking interface used for the VXLAN Tunnel Endpoint (VTEP) token Either the manager join token or the worker join token. You can get the worker or manager token via ``salt '*' swarm.swarm_tokens`` CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' swarm.joinswarm remote_addr= listen_addr='' \ token='SWMTKN-1-64tux2g0701r84ofq93zppcih0pe081akq45owe9ts61f30x4t-06trjugdu7x2z47j938s54il' """ try: salt_return = {} __context__["client"].swarm.join( remote_addrs=[remote_addr], listen_addr=listen_addr, join_token=token ) output = __context__["server_name"] + " has joined the Swarm" salt_return.update({"Comment": output, "Manager_Addr": remote_addr}) except TypeError: salt_return = {} salt_return.update( { "Error": ( "Please make sure this minion is not part of a swarm and you are " "passing remote_addr, listen_addr and token correctly." ) } ) return salt_return def leave_swarm(force=bool): """ Force the minion to leave the swarm force Will force the minion/worker/manager to leave the swarm CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' swarm.leave_swarm force=False """ salt_return = {} __context__["client"].swarm.leave(force=force) output = __context__["server_name"] + " has left the swarm" salt_return.update({"Comment": output}) return salt_return def service_create( image=str, name=str, command=str, hostname=str, replicas=int, target_port=int, published_port=int, ): """ Create Docker Swarm Service Create image The docker image name Is the service name command The docker command to run in the container at launch hostname The hostname of the containers replicas How many replicas you want running in the swarm target_port The target port on the container published_port port that's published on the host/os CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' swarm.service_create image=httpd name=Test_Service \ command=None hostname=salthttpd replicas=6 target_port=80 published_port=80 """ try: salt_return = {} replica_mode = docker.types.ServiceMode("replicated", replicas=replicas) ports = docker.types.EndpointSpec(ports={target_port: published_port}) __context__["client"].services.create( name=name, image=image, command=command, mode=replica_mode, endpoint_spec=ports, ) echoback = ( __context__["server_name"] + " has a Docker Swarm Service running named " + name ) salt_return.update( { "Info": echoback, "Minion": __context__["server_name"], "Name": name, "Image": image, "Command": command, "Hostname": hostname, "Replicas": replicas, "Target_Port": target_port, "Published_Port": published_port, } ) except TypeError: salt_return = {} salt_return.update( { "Error": ( "Please make sure you are passing arguments correctly [image, name," " command, hostname, replicas, target_port and published_port]" ) } ) return salt_return def swarm_service_info(service_name=str): """ Swarm Service Information service_name The name of the service that you want information on about the service CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' swarm.swarm_service_info service_name=Test_Service """ try: salt_return = {} client = docker.APIClient(base_url="unix://var/run/docker.sock") service = client.inspect_service(service=service_name) getdata = salt.utils.json.dumps(service) dump = salt.utils.json.loads(getdata) version = dump["Version"]["Index"] name = dump["Spec"]["Name"] network_mode = dump["Spec"]["EndpointSpec"]["Mode"] ports = dump["Spec"]["EndpointSpec"]["Ports"] swarm_id = dump["ID"] create_date = dump["CreatedAt"] update_date = dump["UpdatedAt"] labels = dump["Spec"]["Labels"] replicas = dump["Spec"]["Mode"]["Replicated"]["Replicas"] network = dump["Endpoint"]["VirtualIPs"] image = dump["Spec"]["TaskTemplate"]["ContainerSpec"]["Image"] for items in ports: published_port = items["PublishedPort"] target_port = items["TargetPort"] published_mode = items["PublishMode"] protocol = items["Protocol"] salt_return.update( { "Service Name": name, "Replicas": replicas, "Service ID": swarm_id, "Network": network, "Network Mode": network_mode, "Creation Date": create_date, "Update Date": update_date, "Published Port": published_port, "Target Port": target_port, "Published Mode": published_mode, "Protocol": protocol, "Docker Image": image, "Minion Id": __context__["server_name"], "Version": version, } ) except TypeError: salt_return = {} salt_return.update({"Error": "service_name arg is missing?"}) return salt_return def remove_service(service=str): """ Remove Swarm Service service The name of the service CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' swarm.remove_service service=Test_Service """ try: salt_return = {} client = docker.APIClient(base_url="unix://var/run/docker.sock") service = client.remove_service(service) salt_return.update( {"Service Deleted": service, "Minion ID": __context__["server_name"]} ) except TypeError: salt_return = {} salt_return.update({"Error": "service arg is missing?"}) return salt_return def node_ls(server=str): """ Displays Information about Swarm Nodes with passing in the server server The minion/server name CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' swarm.node_ls server=minion1 """ try: salt_return = {} client = docker.APIClient(base_url="unix://var/run/docker.sock") service = client.nodes(filters=({"name": server})) getdata = salt.utils.json.dumps(service) dump = salt.utils.json.loads(getdata) for items in dump: docker_version = items["Description"]["Engine"]["EngineVersion"] platform = items["Description"]["Platform"] hostnames = items["Description"]["Hostname"] ids = items["ID"] role = items["Spec"]["Role"] availability = items["Spec"]["Availability"] status = items["Status"] version = items["Version"]["Index"] salt_return.update( { "Docker Version": docker_version, "Platform": platform, "Hostname": hostnames, "ID": ids, "Roles": role, "Availability": availability, "Status": status, "Version": version, } ) except TypeError: salt_return = {} salt_return.update( {"Error": "The server arg is missing or you not targeting a Manager node?"} ) return salt_return def remove_node(node_id=str, force=bool): """ Remove a node from a swarm and the target needs to be a swarm manager node_id The node id from the return of swarm.node_ls force Forcefully remove the node/minion from the service CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' swarm.remove_node node_id=z4gjbe9rwmqahc2a91snvolm5 force=false """ client = docker.APIClient(base_url="unix://var/run/docker.sock") try: if force == "True": service = client.remove_node(node_id, force=True) return service else: service = client.remove_node(node_id, force=False) return service except TypeError: salt_return = {} salt_return.update({"Error": "Is the node_id and/or force=True/False missing?"}) return salt_return def update_node(availability=str, node_name=str, role=str, node_id=str, version=int): """ Updates docker swarm nodes/needs to target a manager node/minion availability Drain or Active node_name minion/node role role of manager or worker node_id The Id and that can be obtained via swarm.node_ls version Is obtained by swarm.node_ls CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' swarm.update_node availability=drain node_name=minion2 \ role=worker node_id=3k9x7t8m4pel9c0nqr3iajnzp version=19 """ client = docker.APIClient(base_url="unix://var/run/docker.sock") try: salt_return = {} node_spec = {"Availability": availability, "Name": node_name, "Role": role} client.update_node(node_id=node_id, version=version, node_spec=node_spec) salt_return.update({"Node Information": node_spec}) except TypeError: salt_return = {} salt_return.update( { "Error": ( "Make sure all args are passed [availability, node_name, role," " node_id, version]" ) } ) return salt_return