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""" Manage VMware vCenter servers and ESXi hosts. .. versionadded:: 2015.8.4 :codeauthor: Alexandru Bleotu <alexandru.bleotu@morganstaley.com> Dependencies ============ - pyVmomi Python Module - ESXCLI pyVmomi ------- PyVmomi can be installed via pip: .. code-block:: bash pip install pyVmomi .. note:: Version 6.0 of pyVmomi has some problems with SSL error handling on certain versions of Python. If using version 6.0 of pyVmomi, Python 2.7.9, or newer must be present. This is due to an upstream dependency in pyVmomi 6.0 that is not supported in Python versions 2.7 to 2.7.8. If the version of Python is not in the supported range, you will need to install an earlier version of pyVmomi. See `Issue #29537`_ for more information. .. _Issue #29537: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/29537 Based on the note above, to install an earlier version of pyVmomi than the version currently listed in PyPi, run the following: .. code-block:: bash pip install pyVmomi== The is a known stable version that this original vSphere Execution Module was developed against. vSphere Automation SDK ---------------------- vSphere Automation SDK can be installed via pip: .. code-block:: bash pip install --upgrade pip setuptools pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-python.git .. note:: The SDK also requires OpenSSL 1.0.1+ if you want to connect to vSphere 6.5+ in order to support TLS1.1 & 1.2. In order to use the tagging functions in this module, vSphere Automation SDK is necessary to install. The module is currently in version 1.0.3 (as of 8/26/2019) ESXCLI ------ Currently, about a third of the functions used in the vSphere Execution Module require the ESXCLI package be installed on the machine running the Proxy Minion process. The ESXCLI package is also referred to as the VMware vSphere CLI, or vCLI. VMware provides vCLI package installation instructions for `vSphere 5.5`_ and `vSphere 6.0`_. .. _vSphere 5.5: http://pubs.vmware.com/vsphere-55/index.jsp#com.vmware.vcli.getstart.doc/cli_install.4.2.html .. _vSphere 6.0: http://pubs.vmware.com/vsphere-60/index.jsp#com.vmware.vcli.getstart.doc/cli_install.4.2.html Once all of the required dependencies are in place and the vCLI package is installed, you can check to see if you can connect to your ESXi host or vCenter server by running the following command: .. code-block:: bash esxcli -s <host-location> -u <username> -p <password> system syslog config get If the connection was successful, ESXCLI was successfully installed on your system. You should see output related to the ESXi host's syslog configuration. .. note:: Be aware that some functionality in this execution module may depend on the type of license attached to a vCenter Server or ESXi host(s). For example, certain services are only available to manipulate service state or policies with a VMware vSphere Enterprise or Enterprise Plus license, while others are available with a Standard license. The ``ntpd`` service is restricted to an Enterprise Plus license, while ``ssh`` is available via the Standard license. Please see the `vSphere Comparison`_ page for more information. .. _vSphere Comparison: https://www.vmware.com/products/vsphere/compare About ===== This execution module was designed to be able to handle connections both to a vCenter Server, as well as to an ESXi host. It utilizes the pyVmomi Python library and the ESXCLI package to run remote execution functions against either the defined vCenter server or the ESXi host. Whether or not the function runs against a vCenter Server or an ESXi host depends entirely upon the arguments passed into the function. Each function requires a ``host`` location, ``username``, and ``password``. If the credentials provided apply to a vCenter Server, then the function will be run against the vCenter Server. For example, when listing hosts using vCenter credentials, you'll get a list of hosts associated with that vCenter Server: .. code-block:: bash # salt my-minion vsphere.list_hosts <vcenter-ip> <vcenter-user> <vcenter-password> my-minion: - esxi-1.example.com - esxi-2.example.com However, some functions should be used against ESXi hosts, not vCenter Servers. Functionality such as getting a host's coredump network configuration should be performed against a host and not a vCenter server. If the authentication information you're using is against a vCenter server and not an ESXi host, you can provide the host name that is associated with the vCenter server in the command, as a list, using the ``host_names`` or ``esxi_host`` kwarg. For example: .. code-block:: bash # salt my-minion vsphere.get_coredump_network_config <vcenter-ip> <vcenter-user> \ <vcenter-password> esxi_hosts='[esxi-1.example.com, esxi-2.example.com]' my-minion: ---------- esxi-1.example.com: ---------- Coredump Config: ---------- enabled: False esxi-2.example.com: ---------- Coredump Config: ---------- enabled: True host_vnic: vmk0 ip: coredump-location.example.com port: 6500 You can also use these functions against an ESXi host directly by establishing a connection to an ESXi host using the host's location, username, and password. If ESXi connection credentials are used instead of vCenter credentials, the ``host_names`` and ``esxi_hosts`` arguments are not needed. .. code-block:: bash # salt my-minion vsphere.get_coredump_network_config esxi-1.example.com root <host-password> local: ---------- ---------- Coredump Config: ---------- enabled: True host_vnic: vmk0 ip: coredump-location.example.com port: 6500 """ import datetime import logging import sys from functools import wraps import salt.utils.args import salt.utils.dictupdate as dictupdate import salt.utils.http import salt.utils.path import salt.utils.pbm import salt.utils.vmware import salt.utils.vsan from salt.config.schemas.esxcluster import ( ESXClusterConfigSchema, ESXClusterEntitySchema, ) from salt.config.schemas.esxi import ( DiskGroupsDiskIdSchema, SimpleHostCacheSchema, VmfsDatastoreSchema, ) from salt.config.schemas.esxvm import ( ESXVirtualMachineDeleteSchema, ESXVirtualMachineUnregisterSchema, ) from salt.config.schemas.vcenter import VCenterEntitySchema from salt.exceptions import ( ArgumentValueError, CommandExecutionError, InvalidConfigError, InvalidEntityError, VMwareApiError, VMwareObjectExistsError, VMwareObjectRetrievalError, VMwareSaltError, ) from salt.utils.decorators import depends, ignores_kwargs from salt.utils.dictdiffer import recursive_diff from salt.utils.listdiffer import list_diff log = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: import jsonschema HAS_JSONSCHEMA = True except ImportError: HAS_JSONSCHEMA = False try: # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module from pyVmomi import VmomiSupport, pbm, vim, vmodl # pylint: enable=no-name-in-module # We check the supported vim versions to infer the pyVmomi version if ( "vim25/6.0" in VmomiSupport.versionMap and sys.version_info > (2, 7) and sys.version_info < (2, 7, 9) ): log.debug( "pyVmomi not loaded: Incompatible versions of Python. See Issue #29537." ) raise ImportError() HAS_PYVMOMI = True except ImportError: HAS_PYVMOMI = False # vSphere SDK Automation # pylint: disable=unused-import try: from com.vmware.cis.tagging_client import ( Category, CategoryModel, Tag, TagAssociation, TagModel, ) # Error Handling from com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client import ( AlreadyExists, InvalidArgument, NotFound, Unauthenticated, Unauthorized, ) from com.vmware.vapi.std_client import DynamicID from com.vmware.vcenter_client import Cluster vsphere_errors = ( AlreadyExists, InvalidArgument, NotFound, Unauthenticated, Unauthorized, ) HAS_VSPHERE_SDK = True except ImportError: HAS_VSPHERE_SDK = False # pylint: enable=unused-import # ESXI esx_cli = salt.utils.path.which("esxcli") if esx_cli: HAS_ESX_CLI = True else: HAS_ESX_CLI = False __virtualname__ = "vsphere" __proxyenabled__ = ["esxi", "esxcluster", "esxdatacenter", "vcenter", "esxvm"] def __virtual__(): return __virtualname__ def _deprecation_message(function): """ Decorator wrapper to warn about azurearm deprecation """ @wraps(function) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): salt.utils.versions.warn_until( "Argon", "The 'vsphere' functionality in Salt has been deprecated and its " "functionality will be removed in version 3008 in favor of the " "saltext.vmware Salt Extension. " "(https://github.com/saltstack/salt-ext-modules-vmware)", category=FutureWarning, ) ret = function(*args, **salt.utils.args.clean_kwargs(**kwargs)) return ret return wrapped @_deprecation_message def get_proxy_type(): """ Returns the proxy type retrieved either from the pillar of from the proxy minion's config. Returns ``<undefined>`` otherwise. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.get_proxy_type """ if __pillar__.get("proxy", {}).get("proxytype"): return __pillar__["proxy"]["proxytype"] if __opts__.get("proxy", {}).get("proxytype"): return __opts__["proxy"]["proxytype"] return "<undefined>" def _get_proxy_connection_details(): """ Returns the connection details of the following proxies: esxi """ proxytype = get_proxy_type() if proxytype == "esxi": details = __salt__["esxi.get_details"]() elif proxytype == "esxcluster": details = __salt__["esxcluster.get_details"]() elif proxytype == "esxdatacenter": details = __salt__["esxdatacenter.get_details"]() elif proxytype == "vcenter": details = __salt__["vcenter.get_details"]() elif proxytype == "esxvm": details = __salt__["esxvm.get_details"]() else: raise CommandExecutionError("'{}' proxy is not supported".format(proxytype)) proxy_details = [ details.get("vcenter") if "vcenter" in details else details.get("host"), details.get("username"), details.get("password"), details.get("protocol"), details.get("port"), details.get("mechanism"), details.get("principal"), details.get("domain"), ] if "verify_ssl" in details: proxy_details.append(details.get("verify_ssl")) return tuple(proxy_details) def _supports_proxies(*proxy_types): """ Decorator to specify which proxy types are supported by a function proxy_types: Arbitrary list of strings with the supported types of proxies """ def _supports_proxies_(fn): @wraps(fn) def __supports_proxies_(*args, **kwargs): proxy_type = get_proxy_type() if proxy_type not in proxy_types: raise CommandExecutionError( "'{}' proxy is not supported by function {}".format( proxy_type, fn.__name__ ) ) return fn(*args, **salt.utils.args.clean_kwargs(**kwargs)) return __supports_proxies_ return _supports_proxies_ def _gets_service_instance_via_proxy(fn): """ Decorator that connects to a target system (vCenter or ESXi host) using the proxy details and passes the connection (vim.ServiceInstance) to the decorated function. Supported proxies: esxi, esxcluster, esxdatacenter. Notes: 1. The decorated function must have a ``service_instance`` parameter or a ``**kwarg`` type argument (name of argument is not important); 2. If the ``service_instance`` parameter is already defined, the value is passed through to the decorated function; 3. If the ``service_instance`` parameter in not defined, the connection is created using the proxy details and the service instance is returned. """ fn_name = fn.__name__ ( arg_names, args_name, kwargs_name, default_values, ) = salt.utils.args.get_function_argspec(fn) default_values = default_values if default_values is not None else [] @wraps(fn) def _gets_service_instance_via_proxy_(*args, **kwargs): if "service_instance" not in arg_names and not kwargs_name: raise CommandExecutionError( "Function {} must have either a 'service_instance', or a " "'**kwargs' type parameter".format(fn_name) ) connection_details = _get_proxy_connection_details() # Figure out how to pass in the connection value local_service_instance = None if "service_instance" in arg_names: idx = arg_names.index("service_instance") if idx >= len(arg_names) - len(default_values): # 'service_instance' has a default value: # we check if we need to instantiate it or # pass it through # # NOTE: if 'service_instance' doesn't have a default value # it must be explicitly set in the function call so we pass it # through # There are two cases: # 1. service_instance was passed in as a positional parameter # 2. service_instance was passed in as a named paramter if len(args) > idx: # case 1: The call was made with enough positional # parameters to include 'service_instance' if not args[idx]: local_service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter *connection_details ) # Tuples are immutable, so if we want to change what # was passed in, we need to first convert to a list. args = list(args) args[idx] = local_service_instance else: # case 2: Not enough positional parameters so # 'service_instance' must be a named parameter if not kwargs.get("service_instance"): local_service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter *connection_details ) kwargs["service_instance"] = local_service_instance else: # 'service_instance' is not a paremter in the function definition # but it will be caught by the **kwargs parameter if not kwargs.get("service_instance"): local_service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter *connection_details ) kwargs["service_instance"] = local_service_instance try: ret = fn(*args, **salt.utils.args.clean_kwargs(**kwargs)) # Disconnect if connected in the decorator if local_service_instance: salt.utils.vmware.disconnect(local_service_instance) return ret except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except # Disconnect if connected in the decorator if local_service_instance: salt.utils.vmware.disconnect(local_service_instance) # raise original exception and traceback raise return _gets_service_instance_via_proxy_ @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxi", "esxcluster", "esxdatacenter", "vcenter", "esxvm") @_deprecation_message def get_service_instance_via_proxy(service_instance=None): """ Returns a service instance to the proxied endpoint (vCenter/ESXi host). service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. Note: Should be used by state functions not invoked directly. CLI Example: See note above """ connection_details = _get_proxy_connection_details() return salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter *connection_details ) @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxi", "esxcluster", "esxdatacenter", "vcenter", "esxvm") @_deprecation_message def disconnect(service_instance): """ Disconnects from a vCenter or ESXi host Note: Should be used by state functions, not invoked directly. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) CLI Example: See note above. """ salt.utils.vmware.disconnect(service_instance) return True @depends(HAS_ESX_CLI) @_deprecation_message def esxcli_cmd( cmd_str, host=None, username=None, password=None, protocol=None, port=None, esxi_hosts=None, credstore=None, ): """ Run an ESXCLI command directly on the host or list of hosts. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. cmd_str The ESXCLI command to run. Note: This should not include the ``-s``, ``-u``, ``-p``, ``-h``, ``--protocol``, or ``--portnumber`` arguments that are frequently passed when using a bare ESXCLI command from the command line. Those arguments are handled by this function via the other args and kwargs. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. esxi_hosts If ``host`` is a vCenter host, then use esxi_hosts to execute this function on a list of one or more ESXi machines. credstore Optionally set to path to the credential store file. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.esxcli_cmd my.esxi.host root bad-password \ 'system coredump network get' # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.esxcli_cmd my.vcenter.location root bad-password \ 'system coredump network get' esxi_hosts='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ ret = {} if esxi_hosts: if not isinstance(esxi_hosts, list): raise CommandExecutionError("'esxi_hosts' must be a list.") for esxi_host in esxi_hosts: response = salt.utils.vmware.esxcli( host, username, password, cmd_str, protocol=protocol, port=port, esxi_host=esxi_host, credstore=credstore, ) if response["retcode"] != 0: ret.update({esxi_host: {"Error": response.get("stdout")}}) else: ret.update({esxi_host: response}) else: # Handles a single host or a vCenter connection when no esxi_hosts are provided. response = salt.utils.vmware.esxcli( host, username, password, cmd_str, protocol=protocol, port=port, credstore=credstore, ) if response["retcode"] != 0: ret.update({host: {"Error": response.get("stdout")}}) else: ret.update({host: response}) return ret @depends(HAS_ESX_CLI) @_deprecation_message def get_coredump_network_config( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, esxi_hosts=None, credstore=None ): """ Retrieve information on ESXi or vCenter network dump collection and format it into a dictionary. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. esxi_hosts If ``host`` is a vCenter host, then use esxi_hosts to execute this function on a list of one or more ESXi machines. credstore Optionally set to path to the credential store file. :return: A dictionary with the network configuration, or, if getting the network config failed, a an error message retrieved from the standard cmd.run_all dictionary, per host. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.get_coredump_network_config my.esxi.host root bad-password # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.get_coredump_network_config my.vcenter.location root bad-password \ esxi_hosts='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ cmd = "system coredump network get" ret = {} if esxi_hosts: if not isinstance(esxi_hosts, list): raise CommandExecutionError("'esxi_hosts' must be a list.") for esxi_host in esxi_hosts: response = salt.utils.vmware.esxcli( host, username, password, cmd, protocol=protocol, port=port, esxi_host=esxi_host, credstore=credstore, ) if response["retcode"] != 0: ret.update({esxi_host: {"Error": response.get("stdout")}}) else: # format the response stdout into something useful ret.update( {esxi_host: {"Coredump Config": _format_coredump_stdout(response)}} ) else: # Handles a single host or a vCenter connection when no esxi_hosts are provided. response = salt.utils.vmware.esxcli( host, username, password, cmd, protocol=protocol, port=port, credstore=credstore, ) if response["retcode"] != 0: ret.update({host: {"Error": response.get("stdout")}}) else: # format the response stdout into something useful stdout = _format_coredump_stdout(response) ret.update({host: {"Coredump Config": stdout}}) return ret @depends(HAS_ESX_CLI) @_deprecation_message def coredump_network_enable( host, username, password, enabled, protocol=None, port=None, esxi_hosts=None, credstore=None, ): """ Enable or disable ESXi core dump collection. Returns ``True`` if coredump is enabled and returns ``False`` if core dump is not enabled. If there was an error, the error will be the value printed in the ``Error`` key dictionary for the given host. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. enabled Python True or False to enable or disable coredumps. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. esxi_hosts If ``host`` is a vCenter host, then use esxi_hosts to execute this function on a list of one or more ESXi machines. credstore Optionally set to path to the credential store file. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.coredump_network_enable my.esxi.host root bad-password True # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.coredump_network_enable my.vcenter.location root bad-password True \ esxi_hosts='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ if enabled: enable_it = 1 else: enable_it = 0 cmd = "system coredump network set -e {}".format(enable_it) ret = {} if esxi_hosts: if not isinstance(esxi_hosts, list): raise CommandExecutionError("'esxi_hosts' must be a list.") for esxi_host in esxi_hosts: response = salt.utils.vmware.esxcli( host, username, password, cmd, protocol=protocol, port=port, esxi_host=esxi_host, credstore=credstore, ) if response["retcode"] != 0: ret.update({esxi_host: {"Error": response.get("stdout")}}) else: ret.update({esxi_host: {"Coredump Enabled": enabled}}) else: # Handles a single host or a vCenter connection when no esxi_hosts are provided. response = salt.utils.vmware.esxcli( host, username, password, cmd, protocol=protocol, port=port, credstore=credstore, ) if response["retcode"] != 0: ret.update({host: {"Error": response.get("stdout")}}) else: ret.update({host: {"Coredump Enabled": enabled}}) return ret @depends(HAS_ESX_CLI) @_deprecation_message def set_coredump_network_config( host, username, password, dump_ip, protocol=None, port=None, host_vnic="vmk0", dump_port=6500, esxi_hosts=None, credstore=None, ): """ Set the network parameters for a network coredump collection. Note that ESXi requires that the dumps first be enabled (see `coredump_network_enable`) before these parameters may be set. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. dump_ip IP address of host that will accept the dump. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. esxi_hosts If ``host`` is a vCenter host, then use esxi_hosts to execute this function on a list of one or more ESXi machines. host_vnic Host VNic port through which to communicate. Defaults to ``vmk0``. dump_port TCP port to use for the dump, defaults to ``6500``. credstore Optionally set to path to the credential store file. :return: A standard cmd.run_all dictionary with a `success` key added, per host. `success` will be True if the set succeeded, False otherwise. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.set_coredump_network_config my.esxi.host root bad-password 'dump_ip.host.com' # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.set_coredump_network_config my.vcenter.location root bad-password 'dump_ip.host.com' \ esxi_hosts='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ cmd = "system coredump network set -v {} -i {} -o {}".format( host_vnic, dump_ip, dump_port ) ret = {} if esxi_hosts: if not isinstance(esxi_hosts, list): raise CommandExecutionError("'esxi_hosts' must be a list.") for esxi_host in esxi_hosts: response = salt.utils.vmware.esxcli( host, username, password, cmd, protocol=protocol, port=port, esxi_host=esxi_host, credstore=credstore, ) if response["retcode"] != 0: response["success"] = False else: response["success"] = True # Update the cmd.run_all dictionary for each particular host. ret.update({esxi_host: response}) else: # Handles a single host or a vCenter connection when no esxi_hosts are provided. response = salt.utils.vmware.esxcli( host, username, password, cmd, protocol=protocol, port=port, credstore=credstore, ) if response["retcode"] != 0: response["success"] = False else: response["success"] = True ret.update({host: response}) return ret @depends(HAS_ESX_CLI) @_deprecation_message def get_firewall_status( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, esxi_hosts=None, credstore=None ): """ Show status of all firewall rule sets. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. esxi_hosts If ``host`` is a vCenter host, then use esxi_hosts to execute this function on a list of one or more ESXi machines. credstore Optionally set to path to the credential store file. :return: Nested dictionary with two toplevel keys ``rulesets`` and ``success`` ``success`` will be True or False depending on query success ``rulesets`` will list the rulesets and their statuses if ``success`` was true, per host. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.get_firewall_status my.esxi.host root bad-password # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.get_firewall_status my.vcenter.location root bad-password \ esxi_hosts='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ cmd = "network firewall ruleset list" ret = {} if esxi_hosts: if not isinstance(esxi_hosts, list): raise CommandExecutionError("'esxi_hosts' must be a list.") for esxi_host in esxi_hosts: response = salt.utils.vmware.esxcli( host, username, password, cmd, protocol=protocol, port=port, esxi_host=esxi_host, credstore=credstore, ) if response["retcode"] != 0: ret.update( { esxi_host: { "Error": response["stdout"], "success": False, "rulesets": None, } } ) else: # format the response stdout into something useful ret.update({esxi_host: _format_firewall_stdout(response)}) else: # Handles a single host or a vCenter connection when no esxi_hosts are provided. response = salt.utils.vmware.esxcli( host, username, password, cmd, protocol=protocol, port=port, credstore=credstore, ) if response["retcode"] != 0: ret.update( { host: { "Error": response["stdout"], "success": False, "rulesets": None, } } ) else: # format the response stdout into something useful ret.update({host: _format_firewall_stdout(response)}) return ret @depends(HAS_ESX_CLI) @_deprecation_message def enable_firewall_ruleset( host, username, password, ruleset_enable, ruleset_name, protocol=None, port=None, esxi_hosts=None, credstore=None, ): """ Enable or disable an ESXi firewall rule set. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. ruleset_enable True to enable the ruleset, false to disable. ruleset_name Name of ruleset to target. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. esxi_hosts If ``host`` is a vCenter host, then use esxi_hosts to execute this function on a list of one or more ESXi machines. credstore Optionally set to path to the credential store file. :return: A standard cmd.run_all dictionary, per host. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.enable_firewall_ruleset my.esxi.host root bad-password True 'syslog' # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.enable_firewall_ruleset my.vcenter.location root bad-password True 'syslog' \ esxi_hosts='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ cmd = "network firewall ruleset set --enabled {} --ruleset-id={}".format( ruleset_enable, ruleset_name ) ret = {} if esxi_hosts: if not isinstance(esxi_hosts, list): raise CommandExecutionError("'esxi_hosts' must be a list.") for esxi_host in esxi_hosts: response = salt.utils.vmware.esxcli( host, username, password, cmd, protocol=protocol, port=port, esxi_host=esxi_host, credstore=credstore, ) ret.update({esxi_host: response}) else: # Handles a single host or a vCenter connection when no esxi_hosts are provided. response = salt.utils.vmware.esxcli( host, username, password, cmd, protocol=protocol, port=port, credstore=credstore, ) ret.update({host: response}) return ret @depends(HAS_ESX_CLI) @_deprecation_message def syslog_service_reload( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, esxi_hosts=None, credstore=None ): """ Reload the syslog service so it will pick up any changes. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. esxi_hosts If ``host`` is a vCenter host, then use esxi_hosts to execute this function on a list of one or more ESXi machines. credstore Optionally set to path to the credential store file. :return: A standard cmd.run_all dictionary. This dictionary will at least have a `retcode` key. If `retcode` is 0 the command was successful. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.syslog_service_reload my.esxi.host root bad-password # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.syslog_service_reload my.vcenter.location root bad-password \ esxi_hosts='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ cmd = "system syslog reload" ret = {} if esxi_hosts: if not isinstance(esxi_hosts, list): raise CommandExecutionError("'esxi_hosts' must be a list.") for esxi_host in esxi_hosts: response = salt.utils.vmware.esxcli( host, username, password, cmd, protocol=protocol, port=port, esxi_host=esxi_host, credstore=credstore, ) ret.update({esxi_host: response}) else: # Handles a single host or a vCenter connection when no esxi_hosts are provided. response = salt.utils.vmware.esxcli( host, username, password, cmd, protocol=protocol, port=port, credstore=credstore, ) ret.update({host: response}) return ret @depends(HAS_ESX_CLI) @_deprecation_message def set_syslog_config( host, username, password, syslog_config, config_value, protocol=None, port=None, firewall=True, reset_service=True, esxi_hosts=None, credstore=None, ): """ Set the specified syslog configuration parameter. By default, this function will reset the syslog service after the configuration is set. host ESXi or vCenter host to connect to. username User to connect as, usually root. password Password to connect with. syslog_config Name of parameter to set (corresponds to the command line switch for esxcli without the double dashes (--)) Valid syslog_config values are ``logdir``, ``loghost``, ``default-rotate`, ``default-size``, ``default-timeout``, and ``logdir-unique``. config_value Value for the above parameter. For ``loghost``, URLs or IP addresses to use for logging. Multiple log servers can be specified by listing them, comma-separated, but without spaces before or after commas. (reference: https://blogs.vmware.com/vsphere/2012/04/configuring-multiple-syslog-servers-for-esxi-5.html) protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. firewall Enable the firewall rule set for syslog. Defaults to ``True``. reset_service After a successful parameter set, reset the service. Defaults to ``True``. esxi_hosts If ``host`` is a vCenter host, then use esxi_hosts to execute this function on a list of one or more ESXi machines. credstore Optionally set to path to the credential store file. :return: Dictionary with a top-level key of 'success' which indicates if all the parameters were reset, and individual keys for each parameter indicating which succeeded or failed, per host. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.set_syslog_config my.esxi.host root bad-password \ loghost ssl://localhost:5432,tcp:// # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.set_syslog_config my.vcenter.location root bad-password \ loghost ssl://localhost:5432,tcp:// \ esxi_hosts='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ ret = {} # First, enable the syslog firewall ruleset, for each host, if needed. if firewall and syslog_config == "loghost": if esxi_hosts: if not isinstance(esxi_hosts, list): raise CommandExecutionError("'esxi_hosts' must be a list.") for esxi_host in esxi_hosts: response = enable_firewall_ruleset( host, username, password, ruleset_enable=True, ruleset_name="syslog", protocol=protocol, port=port, esxi_hosts=[esxi_host], credstore=credstore, ).get(esxi_host) if response["retcode"] != 0: ret.update( { esxi_host: { "enable_firewall": { "message": response["stdout"], "success": False, } } } ) else: ret.update({esxi_host: {"enable_firewall": {"success": True}}}) else: # Handles a single host or a vCenter connection when no esxi_hosts are provided. response = enable_firewall_ruleset( host, username, password, ruleset_enable=True, ruleset_name="syslog", protocol=protocol, port=port, credstore=credstore, ).get(host) if response["retcode"] != 0: ret.update( { host: { "enable_firewall": { "message": response["stdout"], "success": False, } } } ) else: ret.update({host: {"enable_firewall": {"success": True}}}) # Set the config value on each esxi_host, if provided. if esxi_hosts: if not isinstance(esxi_hosts, list): raise CommandExecutionError("'esxi_hosts' must be a list.") for esxi_host in esxi_hosts: response = _set_syslog_config_helper( host, username, password, syslog_config, config_value, protocol=protocol, port=port, reset_service=reset_service, esxi_host=esxi_host, credstore=credstore, ) # Ensure we don't overwrite any dictionary data already set # By updating the esxi_host directly. if ret.get(esxi_host) is None: ret.update({esxi_host: {}}) ret[esxi_host].update(response) else: # Handles a single host or a vCenter connection when no esxi_hosts are provided. response = _set_syslog_config_helper( host, username, password, syslog_config, config_value, protocol=protocol, port=port, reset_service=reset_service, credstore=credstore, ) # Ensure we don't overwrite any dictionary data already set # By updating the host directly. if ret.get(host) is None: ret.update({host: {}}) ret[host].update(response) return ret @depends(HAS_ESX_CLI) @_deprecation_message def get_syslog_config( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, esxi_hosts=None, credstore=None ): """ Retrieve the syslog configuration. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. esxi_hosts If ``host`` is a vCenter host, then use esxi_hosts to execute this function on a list of one or more ESXi machines. credstore Optionally set to path to the credential store file. :return: Dictionary with keys and values corresponding to the syslog configuration, per host. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.get_syslog_config my.esxi.host root bad-password # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.get_syslog_config my.vcenter.location root bad-password \ esxi_hosts='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ cmd = "system syslog config get" ret = {} if esxi_hosts: if not isinstance(esxi_hosts, list): raise CommandExecutionError("'esxi_hosts' must be a list.") for esxi_host in esxi_hosts: response = salt.utils.vmware.esxcli( host, username, password, cmd, protocol=protocol, port=port, esxi_host=esxi_host, credstore=credstore, ) # format the response stdout into something useful ret.update({esxi_host: _format_syslog_config(response)}) else: # Handles a single host or a vCenter connection when no esxi_hosts are provided. response = salt.utils.vmware.esxcli( host, username, password, cmd, protocol=protocol, port=port, credstore=credstore, ) # format the response stdout into something useful ret.update({host: _format_syslog_config(response)}) return ret @depends(HAS_ESX_CLI) @_deprecation_message def reset_syslog_config( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, syslog_config=None, esxi_hosts=None, credstore=None, ): """ Reset the syslog service to its default settings. Valid syslog_config values are ``logdir``, ``loghost``, ``logdir-unique``, ``default-rotate``, ``default-size``, ``default-timeout``, or ``all`` for all of these. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. syslog_config List of parameters to reset, provided as a comma-delimited string, or 'all' to reset all syslog configuration parameters. Required. esxi_hosts If ``host`` is a vCenter host, then use esxi_hosts to execute this function on a list of one or more ESXi machines. credstore Optionally set to path to the credential store file. :return: Dictionary with a top-level key of 'success' which indicates if all the parameters were reset, and individual keys for each parameter indicating which succeeded or failed, per host. .. note:: ``syslog_config`` can be passed as a quoted, comma-separated string. See CLI Example for details. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.reset_syslog_config my.esxi.host root bad-password \ syslog_config='logdir,loghost' # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.reset_syslog_config my.vcenter.location root bad-password \ syslog_config='logdir,loghost' esxi_hosts='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ if not syslog_config: raise CommandExecutionError( "The 'reset_syslog_config' function requires a 'syslog_config' setting." ) valid_resets = [ "logdir", "loghost", "default-rotate", "default-size", "default-timeout", "logdir-unique", ] cmd = "system syslog config set --reset=" if "," in syslog_config: resets = [ind_reset.strip() for ind_reset in syslog_config.split(",")] elif syslog_config == "all": resets = valid_resets else: resets = [syslog_config] ret = {} if esxi_hosts: if not isinstance(esxi_hosts, list): raise CommandExecutionError("'esxi_hosts' must be a list.") for esxi_host in esxi_hosts: response_dict = _reset_syslog_config_params( host, username, password, cmd, resets, valid_resets, protocol=protocol, port=port, esxi_host=esxi_host, credstore=credstore, ) ret.update({esxi_host: response_dict}) else: # Handles a single host or a vCenter connection when no esxi_hosts are provided. response_dict = _reset_syslog_config_params( host, username, password, cmd, resets, valid_resets, protocol=protocol, port=port, credstore=credstore, ) ret.update({host: response_dict}) return ret @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def upload_ssh_key( host, username, password, ssh_key=None, ssh_key_file=None, protocol=None, port=None, certificate_verify=None, ): """ Upload an ssh key for root to an ESXi host via http PUT. This function only works for ESXi, not vCenter. Only one ssh key can be uploaded for root. Uploading a second key will replace any existing key. :param host: The location of the ESXi Host :param username: Username to connect as :param password: Password for the ESXi web endpoint :param ssh_key: Public SSH key, will be added to authorized_keys on ESXi :param ssh_key_file: File containing the SSH key. Use 'ssh_key' or ssh_key_file, but not both. :param protocol: defaults to https, can be http if ssl is disabled on ESXi :param port: defaults to 443 for https :param certificate_verify: If true require that the SSL connection present a valid certificate. Default: True :return: Dictionary with a 'status' key, True if upload is successful. If upload is unsuccessful, 'status' key will be False and an 'Error' key will have an informative message. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.upload_ssh_key my.esxi.host root bad-password ssh_key_file='/etc/salt/my_keys/my_key.pub' """ if protocol is None: protocol = "https" if port is None: port = 443 if certificate_verify is None: certificate_verify = True url = "{}://{}:{}/host/ssh_root_authorized_keys".format(protocol, host, port) ret = {} result = None try: if ssh_key: result = salt.utils.http.query( url, status=True, text=True, method="PUT", username=username, password=password, data=ssh_key, verify_ssl=certificate_verify, ) elif ssh_key_file: result = salt.utils.http.query( url, status=True, text=True, method="PUT", username=username, password=password, data_file=ssh_key_file, data_render=False, verify_ssl=certificate_verify, ) if result.get("status") == 200: ret["status"] = True else: ret["status"] = False ret["Error"] = result["error"] except Exception as msg: # pylint: disable=broad-except ret["status"] = False ret["Error"] = msg return ret @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def get_ssh_key( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, certificate_verify=None ): """ Retrieve the authorized_keys entry for root. This function only works for ESXi, not vCenter. :param host: The location of the ESXi Host :param username: Username to connect as :param password: Password for the ESXi web endpoint :param protocol: defaults to https, can be http if ssl is disabled on ESXi :param port: defaults to 443 for https :param certificate_verify: If true require that the SSL connection present a valid certificate. Default: True :return: True if upload is successful CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.get_ssh_key my.esxi.host root bad-password certificate_verify=True """ if protocol is None: protocol = "https" if port is None: port = 443 if certificate_verify is None: certificate_verify = True url = "{}://{}:{}/host/ssh_root_authorized_keys".format(protocol, host, port) ret = {} try: result = salt.utils.http.query( url, status=True, text=True, method="GET", username=username, password=password, verify_ssl=certificate_verify, ) if result.get("status") == 200: ret["status"] = True ret["key"] = result["text"] else: ret["status"] = False ret["Error"] = result["error"] except Exception as msg: # pylint: disable=broad-except ret["status"] = False ret["Error"] = msg return ret @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def get_host_datetime( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, host_names=None, verify_ssl=True ): """ Get the date/time information for a given host or list of host_names. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. host_names List of ESXi host names. When the host, username, and password credentials are provided for a vCenter Server, the host_names argument is required to tell vCenter the hosts for which to get date/time information. If host_names is not provided, the date/time information will be retrieved for the ``host`` location instead. This is useful for when service instance connection information is used for a single ESXi host. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for single ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.get_host_datetime my.esxi.host root bad-password # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.get_host_datetime my.vcenter.location root bad-password \ host_names='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) host_names = _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names) ret = {} for host_name in host_names: host_ref = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name=host_name) date_time_manager = _get_date_time_mgr(host_ref) date_time = date_time_manager.QueryDateTime() ret.update({host_name: date_time}) return ret @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def get_ntp_config( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, host_names=None, verify_ssl=True ): """ Get the NTP configuration information for a given host or list of host_names. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. host_names List of ESXi host names. When the host, username, and password credentials are provided for a vCenter Server, the host_names argument is required to tell vCenter the hosts for which to get ntp configuration information. If host_names is not provided, the NTP configuration will be retrieved for the ``host`` location instead. This is useful for when service instance connection information is used for a single ESXi host. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for single ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.get_ntp_config my.esxi.host root bad-password # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.get_ntp_config my.vcenter.location root bad-password \ host_names='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) host_names = _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names) ret = {} for host_name in host_names: host_ref = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name=host_name) ntp_config = host_ref.configManager.dateTimeSystem.dateTimeInfo.ntpConfig.server ret.update({host_name: ntp_config}) return ret @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def get_service_policy( host, username, password, service_name, protocol=None, port=None, host_names=None, verify_ssl=True, ): """ Get the service name's policy for a given host or list of hosts. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. service_name The name of the service for which to retrieve the policy. Supported service names are: - DCUI - TSM - SSH - lbtd - lsassd - lwiod - netlogond - ntpd - sfcbd-watchdog - snmpd - vprobed - vpxa - xorg protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. host_names List of ESXi host names. When the host, username, and password credentials are provided for a vCenter Server, the host_names argument is required to tell vCenter the hosts for which to get service policy information. If host_names is not provided, the service policy information will be retrieved for the ``host`` location instead. This is useful for when service instance connection information is used for a single ESXi host. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for single ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.get_service_policy my.esxi.host root bad-password 'ssh' # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.get_service_policy my.vcenter.location root bad-password 'ntpd' \ host_names='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) valid_services = [ "DCUI", "TSM", "SSH", "ssh", "lbtd", "lsassd", "lwiod", "netlogond", "ntpd", "sfcbd-watchdog", "snmpd", "vprobed", "vpxa", "xorg", ] host_names = _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names) ret = {} for host_name in host_names: # Check if the service_name provided is a valid one. # If we don't have a valid service, return. The service will be invalid for all hosts. if service_name not in valid_services: ret.update( { host_name: { "Error": "{} is not a valid service name.".format(service_name) } } ) return ret host_ref = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name=host_name) services = host_ref.configManager.serviceSystem.serviceInfo.service # Don't require users to know that VMware lists the ssh service as TSM-SSH if service_name == "SSH" or service_name == "ssh": temp_service_name = "TSM-SSH" else: temp_service_name = service_name # Loop through services until we find a matching name for service in services: if service.key == temp_service_name: ret.update({host_name: {service_name: service.policy}}) # We've found a match - break out of the loop so we don't overwrite the # Updated host_name value with an error message. break else: msg = "Could not find service '{}' for host '{}'.".format( service_name, host_name ) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": msg}}) # If we made it this far, something else has gone wrong. if ret.get(host_name) is None: msg = "'vsphere.get_service_policy' failed for host {}.".format(host_name) log.debug(msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": msg}}) return ret @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def get_service_running( host, username, password, service_name, protocol=None, port=None, host_names=None, verify_ssl=True, ): """ Get the service name's running state for a given host or list of hosts. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. service_name The name of the service for which to retrieve the policy. Supported service names are: - DCUI - TSM - SSH - lbtd - lsassd - lwiod - netlogond - ntpd - sfcbd-watchdog - snmpd - vprobed - vpxa - xorg protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. host_names List of ESXi host names. When the host, username, and password credentials are provided for a vCenter Server, the host_names argument is required to tell vCenter the hosts for which to get the service's running state. If host_names is not provided, the service's running state will be retrieved for the ``host`` location instead. This is useful for when service instance connection information is used for a single ESXi host. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for single ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.get_service_running my.esxi.host root bad-password 'ssh' # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.get_service_running my.vcenter.location root bad-password 'ntpd' \ host_names='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) valid_services = [ "DCUI", "TSM", "SSH", "ssh", "lbtd", "lsassd", "lwiod", "netlogond", "ntpd", "sfcbd-watchdog", "snmpd", "vprobed", "vpxa", "xorg", ] host_names = _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names) ret = {} for host_name in host_names: # Check if the service_name provided is a valid one. # If we don't have a valid service, return. The service will be invalid for all hosts. if service_name not in valid_services: ret.update( { host_name: { "Error": "{} is not a valid service name.".format(service_name) } } ) return ret host_ref = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name=host_name) services = host_ref.configManager.serviceSystem.serviceInfo.service # Don't require users to know that VMware lists the ssh service as TSM-SSH if service_name == "SSH" or service_name == "ssh": temp_service_name = "TSM-SSH" else: temp_service_name = service_name # Loop through services until we find a matching name for service in services: if service.key == temp_service_name: ret.update({host_name: {service_name: service.running}}) # We've found a match - break out of the loop so we don't overwrite the # Updated host_name value with an error message. break else: msg = "Could not find service '{}' for host '{}'.".format( service_name, host_name ) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": msg}}) # If we made it this far, something else has gone wrong. if ret.get(host_name) is None: msg = "'vsphere.get_service_running' failed for host {}.".format(host_name) log.debug(msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": msg}}) return ret @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def get_vmotion_enabled( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, host_names=None, verify_ssl=True, ): """ Get the VMotion enabled status for a given host or a list of host_names. Returns ``True`` if VMotion is enabled, ``False`` if it is not enabled. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. host_names List of ESXi host names. When the host, username, and password credentials are provided for a vCenter Server, the host_names argument is required to tell vCenter which hosts to check if VMotion is enabled. If host_names is not provided, the VMotion status will be retrieved for the ``host`` location instead. This is useful for when service instance connection information is used for a single ESXi host. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for single ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.get_vmotion_enabled my.esxi.host root bad-password # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.get_vmotion_enabled my.vcenter.location root bad-password \ host_names='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) host_names = _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names) ret = {} for host_name in host_names: host_ref = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name=host_name) vmotion_vnic = host_ref.configManager.vmotionSystem.netConfig.selectedVnic if vmotion_vnic: ret.update({host_name: {"VMotion Enabled": True}}) else: ret.update({host_name: {"VMotion Enabled": False}}) return ret @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def get_vsan_enabled( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, host_names=None, verify_ssl=True, ): """ Get the VSAN enabled status for a given host or a list of host_names. Returns ``True`` if VSAN is enabled, ``False`` if it is not enabled, and ``None`` if a VSAN Host Config is unset, per host. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. host_names List of ESXi host names. When the host, username, and password credentials are provided for a vCenter Server, the host_names argument is required to tell vCenter which hosts to check if VSAN enabled. If host_names is not provided, the VSAN status will be retrieved for the ``host`` location instead. This is useful for when service instance connection information is used for a single ESXi host. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for single ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.get_vsan_enabled my.esxi.host root bad-password # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.get_vsan_enabled my.vcenter.location root bad-password \ host_names='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) host_names = _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names) ret = {} for host_name in host_names: host_ref = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name=host_name) vsan_config = host_ref.config.vsanHostConfig # We must have a VSAN Config in place get information about VSAN state. if vsan_config is None: msg = "VSAN System Config Manager is unset for host '{}'.".format(host_name) log.debug(msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": msg}}) else: ret.update({host_name: {"VSAN Enabled": vsan_config.enabled}}) return ret @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def get_vsan_eligible_disks( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, host_names=None, verify_ssl=True, ): """ Returns a list of VSAN-eligible disks for a given host or list of host_names. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. host_names List of ESXi host names. When the host, username, and password credentials are provided for a vCenter Server, the host_names argument is required to tell vCenter which hosts to check if any VSAN-eligible disks are available. If host_names is not provided, the VSAN-eligible disks will be retrieved for the ``host`` location instead. This is useful for when service instance connection information is used for a single ESXi host. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for single ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.get_vsan_eligible_disks my.esxi.host root bad-password # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.get_vsan_eligible_disks my.vcenter.location root bad-password \ host_names='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) host_names = _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names) response = _get_vsan_eligible_disks(service_instance, host, host_names) ret = {} for host_name, value in response.items(): error = value.get("Error") if error: ret.update({host_name: {"Error": error}}) continue disks = value.get("Eligible") # If we have eligible disks, it will be a list of disk objects if disks and isinstance(disks, list): disk_names = [] # We need to return ONLY the disk names, otherwise # MessagePack can't deserialize the disk objects. for disk in disks: disk_names.append(disk.canonicalName) ret.update({host_name: {"Eligible": disk_names}}) else: # If we have disks, but it's not a list, it's actually a # string message that we're passing along. ret.update({host_name: {"Eligible": disks}}) return ret @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxi", "esxcluster", "esxdatacenter", "vcenter", "esxvm") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def test_vcenter_connection(service_instance=None): """ Checks if a connection is to a vCenter CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.test_vcenter_connection """ try: if salt.utils.vmware.is_connection_to_a_vcenter(service_instance): return True except VMwareSaltError: return False return False @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def system_info( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, verify_ssl=True, ): """ Return system information about a VMware environment. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.system_info root bad-password """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) ret = salt.utils.vmware.get_inventory(service_instance).about.__dict__ if "apiType" in ret: if ret["apiType"] == "HostAgent": ret = dictupdate.update( ret, salt.utils.vmware.get_hardware_grains(service_instance) ) return ret @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def list_datacenters( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, verify_ssl=True ): """ Returns a list of datacenters for the specified host. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_datacenters root bad-password """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) return salt.utils.vmware.list_datacenters(service_instance) @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def list_clusters(host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, verify_ssl=True): """ Returns a list of clusters for the specified host. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_clusters root bad-password """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) return salt.utils.vmware.list_clusters(service_instance) @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def list_datastore_clusters( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, verify_ssl=True ): """ Returns a list of datastore clusters for the specified host. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_datastore_clusters root bad-password """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) return salt.utils.vmware.list_datastore_clusters(service_instance) @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def list_datastores( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, verify_ssl=True ): """ Returns a list of datastores for the specified host. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_datastores root bad-password """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) return salt.utils.vmware.list_datastores(service_instance) @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def list_hosts(host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, verify_ssl=True): """ Returns a list of hosts for the specified VMware environment. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_hosts root bad-password """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) return salt.utils.vmware.list_hosts(service_instance) @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def list_resourcepools( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, verify_ssl=True ): """ Returns a list of resource pools for the specified host. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_resourcepools root bad-password """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) return salt.utils.vmware.list_resourcepools(service_instance) @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def list_networks(host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, verify_ssl=True): """ Returns a list of networks for the specified host. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_networks root bad-password """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) return salt.utils.vmware.list_networks(service_instance) @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def list_vms(host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, verify_ssl=True): """ Returns a list of VMs for the specified host. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_vms root bad-password """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) return salt.utils.vmware.list_vms(service_instance) @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def list_folders(host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, verify_ssl=True): """ Returns a list of folders for the specified host. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_folders root bad-password """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) return salt.utils.vmware.list_folders(service_instance) @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def list_dvs(host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, verify_ssl=True): """ Returns a list of distributed virtual switches for the specified host. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_dvs root bad-password """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) return salt.utils.vmware.list_dvs(service_instance) @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def list_vapps(host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, verify_ssl=True): """ Returns a list of vApps for the specified host. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # List vapps from all minions salt '*' vsphere.list_vapps root bad-password """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) return salt.utils.vmware.list_vapps(service_instance) @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def list_ssds( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, host_names=None, verify_ssl=True ): """ Returns a list of SSDs for the given host or list of host_names. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. host_names List of ESXi host names. When the host, username, and password credentials are provided for a vCenter Server, the host_names argument is required to tell vCenter the hosts for which to retrieve SSDs. If host_names is not provided, SSDs will be retrieved for the ``host`` location instead. This is useful for when service instance connection information is used for a single ESXi host. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for single ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.list_ssds my.esxi.host root bad-password # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.list_ssds my.vcenter.location root bad-password \ host_names='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) host_names = _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names) ret = {} names = [] for host_name in host_names: host_ref = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name=host_name) disks = _get_host_ssds(host_ref) for disk in disks: names.append(disk.canonicalName) ret.update({host_name: names}) return ret @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def list_non_ssds( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, host_names=None, verify_ssl=True ): """ Returns a list of Non-SSD disks for the given host or list of host_names. .. note:: In the pyVmomi StorageSystem, ScsiDisks may, or may not have an ``ssd`` attribute. This attribute indicates if the ScsiDisk is SSD backed. As this option is optional, if a relevant disk in the StorageSystem does not have ``ssd = true``, it will end up in the ``non_ssds`` list here. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. host_names List of ESXi host names. When the host, username, and password credentials are provided for a vCenter Server, the host_names argument is required to tell vCenter the hosts for which to retrieve Non-SSD disks. If host_names is not provided, Non-SSD disks will be retrieved for the ``host`` location instead. This is useful for when service instance connection information is used for a single ESXi host. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for single ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.list_non_ssds my.esxi.host root bad-password # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.list_non_ssds my.vcenter.location root bad-password \ host_names='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) host_names = _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names) ret = {} names = [] for host_name in host_names: host_ref = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name=host_name) disks = _get_host_non_ssds(host_ref) for disk in disks: names.append(disk.canonicalName) ret.update({host_name: names}) return ret @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def set_ntp_config( host, username, password, ntp_servers, protocol=None, port=None, host_names=None, verify_ssl=True, ): """ Set NTP configuration for a given host of list of host_names. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. ntp_servers A list of servers that should be added to and configured for the specified host's NTP configuration. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. host_names List of ESXi host names. When the host, username, and password credentials are provided for a vCenter Server, the host_names argument is required to tell vCenter which hosts to configure ntp servers. If host_names is not provided, the NTP servers will be configured for the ``host`` location instead. This is useful for when service instance connection information is used for a single ESXi host. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for single ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.ntp_configure my.esxi.host root bad-password '[,]' # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.ntp_configure my.vcenter.location root bad-password '[,]' \ host_names='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) if not isinstance(ntp_servers, list): raise CommandExecutionError("'ntp_servers' must be a list.") # Get NTP Config Object from ntp_servers ntp_config = vim.HostNtpConfig(server=ntp_servers) # Get DateTimeConfig object from ntp_config date_config = vim.HostDateTimeConfig(ntpConfig=ntp_config) host_names = _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names) ret = {} for host_name in host_names: host_ref = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name=host_name) date_time_manager = _get_date_time_mgr(host_ref) log.debug("Configuring NTP Servers '%s' for host '%s'.", ntp_servers, host_name) try: date_time_manager.UpdateDateTimeConfig(config=date_config) except vim.fault.HostConfigFault as err: msg = "vsphere.ntp_configure_servers failed: {}".format(err) log.debug(msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": msg}}) continue ret.update({host_name: {"NTP Servers": ntp_config}}) return ret @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def service_start( host, username, password, service_name, protocol=None, port=None, host_names=None, verify_ssl=True, ): """ Start the named service for the given host or list of hosts. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. service_name The name of the service for which to set the policy. Supported service names are: - DCUI - TSM - SSH - lbtd - lsassd - lwiod - netlogond - ntpd - sfcbd-watchdog - snmpd - vprobed - vpxa - xorg protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. host_names List of ESXi host names. When the host, username, and password credentials are provided for a vCenter Server, the host_names argument is required to tell vCenter the hosts for which to start the service. If host_names is not provided, the service will be started for the ``host`` location instead. This is useful for when service instance connection information is used for a single ESXi host. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for single ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.service_start my.esxi.host root bad-password 'ntpd' # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.service_start my.vcenter.location root bad-password 'ntpd' \ host_names='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) host_names = _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names) valid_services = [ "DCUI", "TSM", "SSH", "ssh", "lbtd", "lsassd", "lwiod", "netlogond", "ntpd", "sfcbd-watchdog", "snmpd", "vprobed", "vpxa", "xorg", ] ret = {} # Don't require users to know that VMware lists the ssh service as TSM-SSH if service_name == "SSH" or service_name == "ssh": temp_service_name = "TSM-SSH" else: temp_service_name = service_name for host_name in host_names: # Check if the service_name provided is a valid one. # If we don't have a valid service, return. The service will be invalid for all hosts. if service_name not in valid_services: ret.update( { host_name: { "Error": "{} is not a valid service name.".format(service_name) } } ) return ret host_ref = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name=host_name) service_manager = _get_service_manager(host_ref) log.debug("Starting the '%s' service on %s.", service_name, host_name) # Start the service try: service_manager.StartService(id=temp_service_name) except vim.fault.HostConfigFault as err: msg = "'vsphere.service_start' failed for host {}: {}".format( host_name, err ) log.debug(msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": msg}}) continue # Some services are restricted by the vSphere License Level. except vim.fault.RestrictedVersion as err: log.debug(err) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": err}}) continue ret.update({host_name: {"Service Started": True}}) return ret @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def service_stop( host, username, password, service_name, protocol=None, port=None, host_names=None, verify_ssl=True, ): """ Stop the named service for the given host or list of hosts. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. service_name The name of the service for which to set the policy. Supported service names are: - DCUI - TSM - SSH - lbtd - lsassd - lwiod - netlogond - ntpd - sfcbd-watchdog - snmpd - vprobed - vpxa - xorg protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. host_names List of ESXi host names. When the host, username, and password credentials are provided for a vCenter Server, the host_names argument is required to tell vCenter the hosts for which to stop the service. If host_names is not provided, the service will be stopped for the ``host`` location instead. This is useful for when service instance connection information is used for a single ESXi host. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for single ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.service_stop my.esxi.host root bad-password 'ssh' # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.service_stop my.vcenter.location root bad-password 'ssh' \ host_names='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) host_names = _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names) valid_services = [ "DCUI", "TSM", "SSH", "ssh", "lbtd", "lsassd", "lwiod", "netlogond", "ntpd", "sfcbd-watchdog", "snmpd", "vprobed", "vpxa", "xorg", ] ret = {} # Don't require users to know that VMware lists the ssh service as TSM-SSH if service_name == "SSH" or service_name == "ssh": temp_service_name = "TSM-SSH" else: temp_service_name = service_name for host_name in host_names: # Check if the service_name provided is a valid one. # If we don't have a valid service, return. The service will be invalid for all hosts. if service_name not in valid_services: ret.update( { host_name: { "Error": "{} is not a valid service name.".format(service_name) } } ) return ret host_ref = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name=host_name) service_manager = _get_service_manager(host_ref) log.debug("Stopping the '%s' service on %s.", service_name, host_name) # Stop the service. try: service_manager.StopService(id=temp_service_name) except vim.fault.HostConfigFault as err: msg = "'vsphere.service_stop' failed for host {}: {}".format(host_name, err) log.debug(msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": msg}}) continue # Some services are restricted by the vSphere License Level. except vim.fault.RestrictedVersion as err: log.debug(err) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": err}}) continue ret.update({host_name: {"Service Stopped": True}}) return ret @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def service_restart( host, username, password, service_name, protocol=None, port=None, host_names=None, verify_ssl=True, ): """ Restart the named service for the given host or list of hosts. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. service_name The name of the service for which to set the policy. Supported service names are: - DCUI - TSM - SSH - lbtd - lsassd - lwiod - netlogond - ntpd - sfcbd-watchdog - snmpd - vprobed - vpxa - xorg protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. host_names List of ESXi host names. When the host, username, and password credentials are provided for a vCenter Server, the host_names argument is required to tell vCenter the hosts for which to restart the service. If host_names is not provided, the service will be restarted for the ``host`` location instead. This is useful for when service instance connection information is used for a single ESXi host. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for single ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.service_restart my.esxi.host root bad-password 'ntpd' # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.service_restart my.vcenter.location root bad-password 'ntpd' \ host_names='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) host_names = _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names) valid_services = [ "DCUI", "TSM", "SSH", "ssh", "lbtd", "lsassd", "lwiod", "netlogond", "ntpd", "sfcbd-watchdog", "snmpd", "vprobed", "vpxa", "xorg", ] ret = {} # Don't require users to know that VMware lists the ssh service as TSM-SSH if service_name == "SSH" or service_name == "ssh": temp_service_name = "TSM-SSH" else: temp_service_name = service_name for host_name in host_names: # Check if the service_name provided is a valid one. # If we don't have a valid service, return. The service will be invalid for all hosts. if service_name not in valid_services: ret.update( { host_name: { "Error": "{} is not a valid service name.".format(service_name) } } ) return ret host_ref = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name=host_name) service_manager = _get_service_manager(host_ref) log.debug("Restarting the '%s' service on %s.", service_name, host_name) # Restart the service. try: service_manager.RestartService(id=temp_service_name) except vim.fault.HostConfigFault as err: msg = "'vsphere.service_restart' failed for host {}: {}".format( host_name, err ) log.debug(msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": msg}}) continue # Some services are restricted by the vSphere License Level. except vim.fault.RestrictedVersion as err: log.debug(err) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": err}}) continue ret.update({host_name: {"Service Restarted": True}}) return ret @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def set_service_policy( host, username, password, service_name, service_policy, protocol=None, port=None, host_names=None, verify_ssl=True, ): """ Set the service name's policy for a given host or list of hosts. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. service_name The name of the service for which to set the policy. Supported service names are: - DCUI - TSM - SSH - lbtd - lsassd - lwiod - netlogond - ntpd - sfcbd-watchdog - snmpd - vprobed - vpxa - xorg service_policy The policy to set for the service. For example, 'automatic'. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. host_names List of ESXi host names. When the host, username, and password credentials are provided for a vCenter Server, the host_names argument is required to tell vCenter the hosts for which to set the service policy. If host_names is not provided, the service policy information will be retrieved for the ``host`` location instead. This is useful for when service instance connection information is used for a single ESXi host. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for single ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.set_service_policy my.esxi.host root bad-password 'ntpd' 'automatic' # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.set_service_policy my.vcenter.location root bad-password 'ntpd' 'automatic' \ host_names='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) host_names = _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names) valid_services = [ "DCUI", "TSM", "SSH", "ssh", "lbtd", "lsassd", "lwiod", "netlogond", "ntpd", "sfcbd-watchdog", "snmpd", "vprobed", "vpxa", "xorg", ] ret = {} for host_name in host_names: # Check if the service_name provided is a valid one. # If we don't have a valid service, return. The service will be invalid for all hosts. if service_name not in valid_services: ret.update( { host_name: { "Error": "{} is not a valid service name.".format(service_name) } } ) return ret host_ref = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name=host_name) service_manager = _get_service_manager(host_ref) services = host_ref.configManager.serviceSystem.serviceInfo.service # Services are stored in a general list - we need loop through the list and find # service key that matches our service name. for service in services: service_key = None # Find the service key based on the given service_name if service.key == service_name: service_key = service.key elif service_name == "ssh" or service_name == "SSH": if service.key == "TSM-SSH": service_key = "TSM-SSH" # If we have a service_key, we've found a match. Update the policy. if service_key: try: service_manager.UpdateServicePolicy( id=service_key, policy=service_policy ) except vim.fault.NotFound: msg = "The service name '{}' was not found.".format(service_name) log.debug(msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": msg}}) continue # Some services are restricted by the vSphere License Level. except vim.fault.HostConfigFault as err: msg = "'vsphere.set_service_policy' failed for host {}: {}".format( host_name, err ) log.debug(msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": msg}}) continue ret.update({host_name: True}) # If we made it this far, something else has gone wrong. if ret.get(host_name) is None: msg = "Could not find service '{}' for host '{}'.".format( service_name, host_name ) log.debug(msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": msg}}) return ret @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def update_host_datetime( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, host_names=None, verify_ssl=True ): """ Update the date/time on the given host or list of host_names. This function should be used with caution since network delays and execution delays can result in time skews. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. host_names List of ESXi host names. When the host, username, and password credentials are provided for a vCenter Server, the host_names argument is required to tell vCenter which hosts should update their date/time. If host_names is not provided, the date/time will be updated for the ``host`` location instead. This is useful for when service instance connection information is used for a single ESXi host. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for single ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.update_date_time my.esxi.host root bad-password # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.update_date_time my.vcenter.location root bad-password \ host_names='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) host_names = _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names) ret = {} for host_name in host_names: host_ref = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name=host_name) date_time_manager = _get_date_time_mgr(host_ref) try: date_time_manager.UpdateDateTime(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) except vim.fault.HostConfigFault as err: msg = "'vsphere.update_date_time' failed for host {}: {}".format( host_name, err ) log.debug(msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": msg}}) continue ret.update({host_name: {"Datetime Updated": True}}) return ret @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def update_host_password( host, username, password, new_password, protocol=None, port=None, verify_ssl=True ): """ Update the password for a given host. .. note:: Currently only works with connections to ESXi hosts. Does not work with vCenter servers. host The location of the ESXi host. username The username used to login to the ESXi host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the ESXi host. new_password The new password that will be updated for the provided username on the ESXi host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.update_host_password my.esxi.host root original-bad-password new-bad-password """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) # Get LocalAccountManager object account_manager = salt.utils.vmware.get_inventory(service_instance).accountManager # Create user account specification object and assign id and password attributes user_account = vim.host.LocalAccountManager.AccountSpecification() user_account.id = username user_account.password = new_password # Update the password try: account_manager.UpdateUser(user_account) except vmodl.fault.SystemError as err: raise CommandExecutionError(err.msg) except vim.fault.UserNotFound: raise CommandExecutionError( "'vsphere.update_host_password' failed for host {}: " "User was not found.".format(host) ) # If the username and password already exist, we don't need to do anything. except vim.fault.AlreadyExists: pass return True @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def vmotion_disable( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, host_names=None, verify_ssl=True ): """ Disable vMotion for a given host or list of host_names. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. host_names List of ESXi host names. When the host, username, and password credentials are provided for a vCenter Server, the host_names argument is required to tell vCenter which hosts should disable VMotion. If host_names is not provided, VMotion will be disabled for the ``host`` location instead. This is useful for when service instance connection information is used for a single ESXi host. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for single ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.vmotion_disable my.esxi.host root bad-password # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.vmotion_disable my.vcenter.location root bad-password \ host_names='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) host_names = _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names) ret = {} for host_name in host_names: host_ref = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name=host_name) vmotion_system = host_ref.configManager.vmotionSystem # Disable VMotion for the host by removing the VNic selected to use for VMotion. try: vmotion_system.DeselectVnic() except vim.fault.HostConfigFault as err: msg = "vsphere.vmotion_disable failed: {}".format(err) log.debug(msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": msg, "VMotion Disabled": False}}) continue ret.update({host_name: {"VMotion Disabled": True}}) return ret @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def vmotion_enable( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, host_names=None, device="vmk0", verify_ssl=True, ): """ Enable vMotion for a given host or list of host_names. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. host_names List of ESXi host names. When the host, username, and password credentials are provided for a vCenter Server, the host_names argument is required to tell vCenter which hosts should enable VMotion. If host_names is not provided, VMotion will be enabled for the ``host`` location instead. This is useful for when service instance connection information is used for a single ESXi host. device The device that uniquely identifies the VirtualNic that will be used for VMotion for each host. Defaults to ``vmk0``. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for single ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.vmotion_enable my.esxi.host root bad-password # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.vmotion_enable my.vcenter.location root bad-password \ host_names='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) host_names = _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names) ret = {} for host_name in host_names: host_ref = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name=host_name) vmotion_system = host_ref.configManager.vmotionSystem # Enable VMotion for the host by setting the given device to provide the VNic to use for VMotion. try: vmotion_system.SelectVnic(device) except vim.fault.HostConfigFault as err: msg = "vsphere.vmotion_disable failed: {}".format(err) log.debug(msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": msg, "VMotion Enabled": False}}) continue ret.update({host_name: {"VMotion Enabled": True}}) return ret @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def vsan_add_disks( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, host_names=None, verify_ssl=True ): """ Add any VSAN-eligible disks to the VSAN System for the given host or list of host_names. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. host_names List of ESXi host names. When the host, username, and password credentials are provided for a vCenter Server, the host_names argument is required to tell vCenter which hosts need to add any VSAN-eligible disks to the host's VSAN system. If host_names is not provided, VSAN-eligible disks will be added to the hosts's VSAN system for the ``host`` location instead. This is useful for when service instance connection information is used for a single ESXi host. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for single ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.vsan_add_disks my.esxi.host root bad-password # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.vsan_add_disks my.vcenter.location root bad-password \ host_names='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) host_names = _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names) response = _get_vsan_eligible_disks(service_instance, host, host_names) ret = {} for host_name, value in response.items(): host_ref = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name=host_name) vsan_system = host_ref.configManager.vsanSystem # We must have a VSAN Config in place before we can manipulate it. if vsan_system is None: msg = ( "VSAN System Config Manager is unset for host '{}'. " "VSAN configuration cannot be changed without a configured " "VSAN System.".format(host_name) ) log.debug(msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": msg}}) else: eligible = value.get("Eligible") error = value.get("Error") if eligible and isinstance(eligible, list): # If we have eligible, matching disks, add them to VSAN. try: task = vsan_system.AddDisks(eligible) salt.utils.vmware.wait_for_task( task, host_name, "Adding disks to VSAN", sleep_seconds=3 ) except vim.fault.InsufficientDisks as err: log.debug(err.msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": err.msg}}) continue except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except msg = "'vsphere.vsan_add_disks' failed for host {}: {}".format( host_name, err ) log.debug(msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": msg}}) continue log.debug( "Successfully added disks to the VSAN system for host '%s'.", host_name, ) # We need to return ONLY the disk names, otherwise Message Pack can't deserialize the disk objects. disk_names = [] for disk in eligible: disk_names.append(disk.canonicalName) ret.update({host_name: {"Disks Added": disk_names}}) elif eligible and isinstance(eligible, str): # If we have a string type in the eligible value, we don't # have any VSAN-eligible disks. Pull the message through. ret.update({host_name: {"Disks Added": eligible}}) elif error: # If we hit an error, populate the Error return dict for state functions. ret.update({host_name: {"Error": error}}) else: # If we made it this far, we somehow have eligible disks, but they didn't # match the disk list and just got an empty list of matching disks. ret.update( { host_name: { "Disks Added": ( "No new VSAN-eligible disks were found to add." ) } } ) return ret @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def vsan_disable( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, host_names=None, verify_ssl=True ): """ Disable VSAN for a given host or list of host_names. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. host_names List of ESXi host names. When the host, username, and password credentials are provided for a vCenter Server, the host_names argument is required to tell vCenter which hosts should disable VSAN. If host_names is not provided, VSAN will be disabled for the ``host`` location instead. This is useful for when service instance connection information is used for a single ESXi host. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for single ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.vsan_disable my.esxi.host root bad-password # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.vsan_disable my.vcenter.location root bad-password \ host_names='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) # Create a VSAN Configuration Object and set the enabled attribute to True vsan_config = vim.vsan.host.ConfigInfo() vsan_config.enabled = False host_names = _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names) ret = {} for host_name in host_names: host_ref = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name=host_name) vsan_system = host_ref.configManager.vsanSystem # We must have a VSAN Config in place before we can manipulate it. if vsan_system is None: msg = ( "VSAN System Config Manager is unset for host '{}'. " "VSAN configuration cannot be changed without a configured " "VSAN System.".format(host_name) ) log.debug(msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": msg}}) else: try: # Disable vsan on the host task = vsan_system.UpdateVsan_Task(vsan_config) salt.utils.vmware.wait_for_task( task, host_name, "Disabling VSAN", sleep_seconds=3 ) except vmodl.fault.SystemError as err: log.debug(err.msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": err.msg}}) continue except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except msg = "'vsphere.vsan_disable' failed for host {}: {}".format( host_name, err ) log.debug(msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": msg}}) continue ret.update({host_name: {"VSAN Disabled": True}}) return ret @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def vsan_enable( host, username, password, protocol=None, port=None, host_names=None, verify_ssl=True ): """ Enable VSAN for a given host or list of host_names. host The location of the host. username The username used to login to the host, such as ``root``. password The password used to login to the host. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. host_names List of ESXi host names. When the host, username, and password credentials are provided for a vCenter Server, the host_names argument is required to tell vCenter which hosts should enable VSAN. If host_names is not provided, VSAN will be enabled for the ``host`` location instead. This is useful for when service instance connection information is used for a single ESXi host. verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # Used for single ESXi host connection information salt '*' vsphere.vsan_enable my.esxi.host root bad-password # Used for connecting to a vCenter Server salt '*' vsphere.vsan_enable my.vcenter.location root bad-password \ host_names='[esxi-1.host.com, esxi-2.host.com]' """ service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) # Create a VSAN Configuration Object and set the enabled attribute to True vsan_config = vim.vsan.host.ConfigInfo() vsan_config.enabled = True host_names = _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names) ret = {} for host_name in host_names: host_ref = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name=host_name) vsan_system = host_ref.configManager.vsanSystem # We must have a VSAN Config in place before we can manipulate it. if vsan_system is None: msg = ( "VSAN System Config Manager is unset for host '{}'. " "VSAN configuration cannot be changed without a configured " "VSAN System.".format(host_name) ) log.debug(msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": msg}}) else: try: # Enable vsan on the host task = vsan_system.UpdateVsan_Task(vsan_config) salt.utils.vmware.wait_for_task( task, host_name, "Enabling VSAN", sleep_seconds=3 ) except vmodl.fault.SystemError as err: log.debug(err.msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": err.msg}}) continue except vim.fault.VsanFault as err: msg = "'vsphere.vsan_enable' failed for host {}: {}".format( host_name, err ) log.debug(msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": msg}}) continue ret.update({host_name: {"VSAN Enabled": True}}) return ret def _get_dvs_config_dict(dvs_name, dvs_config): """ Returns the dict representation of the DVS config dvs_name The name of the DVS dvs_config The DVS config """ log.trace("Building the dict of the DVS '%s' config", dvs_name) conf_dict = { "name": dvs_name, "contact_email": dvs_config.contact.contact, "contact_name": dvs_config.contact.name, "description": dvs_config.description, "lacp_api_version": dvs_config.lacpApiVersion, "network_resource_control_version": dvs_config.networkResourceControlVersion, "network_resource_management_enabled": dvs_config.networkResourceManagementEnabled, "max_mtu": dvs_config.maxMtu, } if isinstance(dvs_config.uplinkPortPolicy, vim.DVSNameArrayUplinkPortPolicy): conf_dict.update({"uplink_names": dvs_config.uplinkPortPolicy.uplinkPortName}) return conf_dict def _get_dvs_link_discovery_protocol(dvs_name, dvs_link_disc_protocol): """ Returns the dict representation of the DVS link discovery protocol dvs_name The name of the DVS dvs_link_disc_protocl The DVS link discovery protocol """ log.trace("Building the dict of the DVS '%s' link discovery protocol", dvs_name) return { "operation": dvs_link_disc_protocol.operation, "protocol": dvs_link_disc_protocol.protocol, } def _get_dvs_product_info(dvs_name, dvs_product_info): """ Returns the dict representation of the DVS product_info dvs_name The name of the DVS dvs_product_info The DVS product info """ log.trace("Building the dict of the DVS '%s' product info", dvs_name) return { "name": dvs_product_info.name, "vendor": dvs_product_info.vendor, "version": dvs_product_info.version, } def _get_dvs_capability(dvs_name, dvs_capability): """ Returns the dict representation of the DVS product_info dvs_name The name of the DVS dvs_capability The DVS capability """ log.trace("Building the dict of the DVS '%s' capability", dvs_name) return { "operation_supported": dvs_capability.dvsOperationSupported, "portgroup_operation_supported": dvs_capability.dvPortGroupOperationSupported, "port_operation_supported": dvs_capability.dvPortOperationSupported, } def _get_dvs_infrastructure_traffic_resources(dvs_name, dvs_infra_traffic_ress): """ Returns a list of dict representations of the DVS infrastructure traffic resource dvs_name The name of the DVS dvs_infra_traffic_ress The DVS infrastructure traffic resources """ log.trace( "Building the dicts of the DVS '%s' infrastructure traffic resources", dvs_name ) res_dicts = [] for res in dvs_infra_traffic_ress: res_dict = { "key": res.key, "limit": res.allocationInfo.limit, "reservation": res.allocationInfo.reservation, } if res.allocationInfo.shares: res_dict.update( { "num_shares": res.allocationInfo.shares.shares, "share_level": res.allocationInfo.shares.level, } ) res_dicts.append(res_dict) return res_dicts @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxdatacenter", "esxcluster") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def list_dvss(datacenter=None, dvs_names=None, service_instance=None): """ Returns a list of distributed virtual switches (DVSs). The list can be filtered by the datacenter or DVS names. datacenter The datacenter to look for DVSs in. Default value is None. dvs_names List of DVS names to look for. If None, all DVSs are returned. Default value is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_dvss salt '*' vsphere.list_dvss dvs_names=[dvs1,dvs2] """ ret_list = [] proxy_type = get_proxy_type() if proxy_type == "esxdatacenter": datacenter = __salt__["esxdatacenter.get_details"]()["datacenter"] dc_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) elif proxy_type == "esxcluster": datacenter = __salt__["esxcluster.get_details"]()["datacenter"] dc_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenter(service_instance, datacenter) for dvs in salt.utils.vmware.get_dvss(dc_ref, dvs_names, (not dvs_names)): dvs_dict = {} # XXX: Because of how VMware did DVS object inheritance we can\'t # be more restrictive when retrieving the dvs config, we have to # retrieve the entire object props = salt.utils.vmware.get_properties_of_managed_object( dvs, ["name", "config", "capability", "networkResourcePool"] ) dvs_dict = _get_dvs_config_dict(props["name"], props["config"]) # Product info dvs_dict.update( { "product_info": _get_dvs_product_info( props["name"], props["config"].productInfo ) } ) # Link Discovery Protocol if props["config"].linkDiscoveryProtocolConfig: dvs_dict.update( { "link_discovery_protocol": _get_dvs_link_discovery_protocol( props["name"], props["config"].linkDiscoveryProtocolConfig ) } ) # Capability dvs_dict.update( {"capability": _get_dvs_capability(props["name"], props["capability"])} ) # InfrastructureTrafficResourceConfig - available with vSphere 6.0 if hasattr(props["config"], "infrastructureTrafficResourceConfig"): dvs_dict.update( { "infrastructure_traffic_resource_pools": _get_dvs_infrastructure_traffic_resources( props["name"], props["config"].infrastructureTrafficResourceConfig, ) } ) ret_list.append(dvs_dict) return ret_list def _apply_dvs_config(config_spec, config_dict): """ Applies the values of the config dict dictionary to a config spec (vim.VMwareDVSConfigSpec) """ if config_dict.get("name"): config_spec.name = config_dict["name"] if config_dict.get("contact_email") or config_dict.get("contact_name"): if not config_spec.contact: config_spec.contact = vim.DVSContactInfo() config_spec.contact.contact = config_dict.get("contact_email") config_spec.contact.name = config_dict.get("contact_name") if config_dict.get("description"): config_spec.description = config_dict.get("description") if config_dict.get("max_mtu"): config_spec.maxMtu = config_dict.get("max_mtu") if config_dict.get("lacp_api_version"): config_spec.lacpApiVersion = config_dict.get("lacp_api_version") if config_dict.get("network_resource_control_version"): config_spec.networkResourceControlVersion = config_dict.get( "network_resource_control_version" ) if config_dict.get("uplink_names"): if not config_spec.uplinkPortPolicy or not isinstance( config_spec.uplinkPortPolicy, vim.DVSNameArrayUplinkPortPolicy ): config_spec.uplinkPortPolicy = vim.DVSNameArrayUplinkPortPolicy() config_spec.uplinkPortPolicy.uplinkPortName = config_dict["uplink_names"] def _apply_dvs_link_discovery_protocol(disc_prot_config, disc_prot_dict): """ Applies the values of the disc_prot_dict dictionary to a link discovery protocol config object (vim.LinkDiscoveryProtocolConfig) """ disc_prot_config.operation = disc_prot_dict["operation"] disc_prot_config.protocol = disc_prot_dict["protocol"] def _apply_dvs_product_info(product_info_spec, product_info_dict): """ Applies the values of the product_info_dict dictionary to a product info spec (vim.DistributedVirtualSwitchProductSpec) """ if product_info_dict.get("name"): product_info_spec.name = product_info_dict["name"] if product_info_dict.get("vendor"): product_info_spec.vendor = product_info_dict["vendor"] if product_info_dict.get("version"): product_info_spec.version = product_info_dict["version"] def _apply_dvs_capability(capability_spec, capability_dict): """ Applies the values of the capability_dict dictionary to a DVS capability object (vim.vim.DVSCapability) """ if "operation_supported" in capability_dict: capability_spec.dvsOperationSupported = capability_dict["operation_supported"] if "port_operation_supported" in capability_dict: capability_spec.dvPortOperationSupported = capability_dict[ "port_operation_supported" ] if "portgroup_operation_supported" in capability_dict: capability_spec.dvPortGroupOperationSupported = capability_dict[ "portgroup_operation_supported" ] def _apply_dvs_infrastructure_traffic_resources( infra_traffic_resources, resource_dicts ): """ Applies the values of the resource dictionaries to infra traffic resources, creating the infra traffic resource if required (vim.DistributedVirtualSwitchProductSpec) """ for res_dict in resource_dicts: filtered_traffic_resources = [ r for r in infra_traffic_resources if r.key == res_dict["key"] ] if filtered_traffic_resources: traffic_res = filtered_traffic_resources[0] else: traffic_res = vim.DvsHostInfrastructureTrafficResource() traffic_res.key = res_dict["key"] traffic_res.allocationInfo = ( vim.DvsHostInfrastructureTrafficResourceAllocation() ) infra_traffic_resources.append(traffic_res) if res_dict.get("limit"): traffic_res.allocationInfo.limit = res_dict["limit"] if res_dict.get("reservation"): traffic_res.allocationInfo.reservation = res_dict["reservation"] if res_dict.get("num_shares") or res_dict.get("share_level"): if not traffic_res.allocationInfo.shares: traffic_res.allocationInfo.shares = vim.SharesInfo() if res_dict.get("share_level"): traffic_res.allocationInfo.shares.level = vim.SharesLevel( res_dict["share_level"] ) if res_dict.get("num_shares"): # XXX Even though we always set the number of shares if provided, # the vCenter will ignore it unless the share level is 'custom'. traffic_res.allocationInfo.shares.shares = res_dict["num_shares"] def _apply_dvs_network_resource_pools(network_resource_pools, resource_dicts): """ Applies the values of the resource dictionaries to network resource pools, creating the resource pools if required (vim.DVSNetworkResourcePoolConfigSpec) """ for res_dict in resource_dicts: ress = [r for r in network_resource_pools if r.key == res_dict["key"]] if ress: res = ress[0] else: res = vim.DVSNetworkResourcePoolConfigSpec() res.key = res_dict["key"] res.allocationInfo = vim.DVSNetworkResourcePoolAllocationInfo() network_resource_pools.append(res) if res_dict.get("limit"): res.allocationInfo.limit = res_dict["limit"] if res_dict.get("num_shares") and res_dict.get("share_level"): if not res.allocationInfo.shares: res.allocationInfo.shares = vim.SharesInfo() res.allocationInfo.shares.shares = res_dict["num_shares"] res.allocationInfo.shares.level = vim.SharesLevel(res_dict["share_level"]) @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxdatacenter", "esxcluster") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def create_dvs(dvs_dict, dvs_name, service_instance=None): """ Creates a distributed virtual switch (DVS). Note: The ``dvs_name`` param will override any name set in ``dvs_dict``. dvs_dict Dict representation of the new DVS (example in salt.states.dvs) dvs_name Name of the DVS to be created. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.create_dvs dvs dict=$dvs_dict dvs_name=dvs_name """ log.trace("Creating dvs '%s' with dict = %s", dvs_name, dvs_dict) proxy_type = get_proxy_type() if proxy_type == "esxdatacenter": datacenter = __salt__["esxdatacenter.get_details"]()["datacenter"] dc_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) elif proxy_type == "esxcluster": datacenter = __salt__["esxcluster.get_details"]()["datacenter"] dc_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenter(service_instance, datacenter) # Make the name of the DVS consistent with the call dvs_dict["name"] = dvs_name # Build the config spec from the input dvs_create_spec = vim.DVSCreateSpec() dvs_create_spec.configSpec = vim.VMwareDVSConfigSpec() _apply_dvs_config(dvs_create_spec.configSpec, dvs_dict) if dvs_dict.get("product_info"): dvs_create_spec.productInfo = vim.DistributedVirtualSwitchProductSpec() _apply_dvs_product_info(dvs_create_spec.productInfo, dvs_dict["product_info"]) if dvs_dict.get("capability"): dvs_create_spec.capability = vim.DVSCapability() _apply_dvs_capability(dvs_create_spec.capability, dvs_dict["capability"]) if dvs_dict.get("link_discovery_protocol"): dvs_create_spec.configSpec.linkDiscoveryProtocolConfig = ( vim.LinkDiscoveryProtocolConfig() ) _apply_dvs_link_discovery_protocol( dvs_create_spec.configSpec.linkDiscoveryProtocolConfig, dvs_dict["link_discovery_protocol"], ) if dvs_dict.get("infrastructure_traffic_resource_pools"): dvs_create_spec.configSpec.infrastructureTrafficResourceConfig = [] _apply_dvs_infrastructure_traffic_resources( dvs_create_spec.configSpec.infrastructureTrafficResourceConfig, dvs_dict["infrastructure_traffic_resource_pools"], ) log.trace("dvs_create_spec = %s", dvs_create_spec) salt.utils.vmware.create_dvs(dc_ref, dvs_name, dvs_create_spec) if "network_resource_management_enabled" in dvs_dict: dvs_refs = salt.utils.vmware.get_dvss(dc_ref, dvs_names=[dvs_name]) if not dvs_refs: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "DVS '{}' wasn't found in datacenter '{}'".format(dvs_name, datacenter) ) dvs_ref = dvs_refs[0] salt.utils.vmware.set_dvs_network_resource_management_enabled( dvs_ref, dvs_dict["network_resource_management_enabled"] ) return True @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxdatacenter", "esxcluster") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def update_dvs(dvs_dict, dvs, service_instance=None): """ Updates a distributed virtual switch (DVS). Note: Updating the product info, capability, uplinks of a DVS is not supported so the corresponding entries in ``dvs_dict`` will be ignored. dvs_dict Dictionary with the values the DVS should be update with (example in salt.states.dvs) dvs Name of the DVS to be updated. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.update_dvs dvs_dict=$dvs_dict dvs=dvs1 """ # Remove ignored properties log.trace("Updating dvs '%s' with dict = %s", dvs, dvs_dict) for prop in ["product_info", "capability", "uplink_names", "name"]: if prop in dvs_dict: del dvs_dict[prop] proxy_type = get_proxy_type() if proxy_type == "esxdatacenter": datacenter = __salt__["esxdatacenter.get_details"]()["datacenter"] dc_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) elif proxy_type == "esxcluster": datacenter = __salt__["esxcluster.get_details"]()["datacenter"] dc_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenter(service_instance, datacenter) dvs_refs = salt.utils.vmware.get_dvss(dc_ref, dvs_names=[dvs]) if not dvs_refs: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "DVS '{}' wasn't found in datacenter '{}'".format(dvs, datacenter) ) dvs_ref = dvs_refs[0] # Build the config spec from the input dvs_props = salt.utils.vmware.get_properties_of_managed_object( dvs_ref, ["config", "capability"] ) dvs_config = vim.VMwareDVSConfigSpec() # Copy all of the properties in the config of the of the DVS to a # DvsConfigSpec skipped_properties = ["host"] for prop in dvs_config.__dict__.keys(): if prop in skipped_properties: continue if hasattr(dvs_props["config"], prop): setattr(dvs_config, prop, getattr(dvs_props["config"], prop)) _apply_dvs_config(dvs_config, dvs_dict) if dvs_dict.get("link_discovery_protocol"): if not dvs_config.linkDiscoveryProtocolConfig: dvs_config.linkDiscoveryProtocolConfig = vim.LinkDiscoveryProtocolConfig() _apply_dvs_link_discovery_protocol( dvs_config.linkDiscoveryProtocolConfig, dvs_dict["link_discovery_protocol"] ) if dvs_dict.get("infrastructure_traffic_resource_pools"): if not dvs_config.infrastructureTrafficResourceConfig: dvs_config.infrastructureTrafficResourceConfig = [] _apply_dvs_infrastructure_traffic_resources( dvs_config.infrastructureTrafficResourceConfig, dvs_dict["infrastructure_traffic_resource_pools"], ) log.trace("dvs_config = %s", dvs_config) salt.utils.vmware.update_dvs(dvs_ref, dvs_config_spec=dvs_config) if "network_resource_management_enabled" in dvs_dict: salt.utils.vmware.set_dvs_network_resource_management_enabled( dvs_ref, dvs_dict["network_resource_management_enabled"] ) return True def _get_dvportgroup_out_shaping(pg_name, pg_default_port_config): """ Returns the out shaping policy of a distributed virtual portgroup pg_name The name of the portgroup pg_default_port_config The dafault port config of the portgroup """ log.trace("Retrieving portgroup's '%s' out shaping config", pg_name) out_shaping_policy = pg_default_port_config.outShapingPolicy if not out_shaping_policy: return {} return { "average_bandwidth": out_shaping_policy.averageBandwidth.value, "burst_size": out_shaping_policy.burstSize.value, "enabled": out_shaping_policy.enabled.value, "peak_bandwidth": out_shaping_policy.peakBandwidth.value, } def _get_dvportgroup_security_policy(pg_name, pg_default_port_config): """ Returns the security policy of a distributed virtual portgroup pg_name The name of the portgroup pg_default_port_config The dafault port config of the portgroup """ log.trace("Retrieving portgroup's '%s' security policy config", pg_name) sec_policy = pg_default_port_config.securityPolicy if not sec_policy: return {} return { "allow_promiscuous": sec_policy.allowPromiscuous.value, "forged_transmits": sec_policy.forgedTransmits.value, "mac_changes": sec_policy.macChanges.value, } def _get_dvportgroup_teaming(pg_name, pg_default_port_config): """ Returns the teaming of a distributed virtual portgroup pg_name The name of the portgroup pg_default_port_config The dafault port config of the portgroup """ log.trace("Retrieving portgroup's '%s' teaming config", pg_name) teaming_policy = pg_default_port_config.uplinkTeamingPolicy if not teaming_policy: return {} ret_dict = { "notify_switches": teaming_policy.notifySwitches.value, "policy": teaming_policy.policy.value, "reverse_policy": teaming_policy.reversePolicy.value, "rolling_order": teaming_policy.rollingOrder.value, } if teaming_policy.failureCriteria: failure_criteria = teaming_policy.failureCriteria ret_dict.update( { "failure_criteria": { "check_beacon": failure_criteria.checkBeacon.value, "check_duplex": failure_criteria.checkDuplex.value, "check_error_percent": failure_criteria.checkErrorPercent.value, "check_speed": failure_criteria.checkSpeed.value, "full_duplex": failure_criteria.fullDuplex.value, "percentage": failure_criteria.percentage.value, "speed": failure_criteria.speed.value, } } ) if teaming_policy.uplinkPortOrder: uplink_order = teaming_policy.uplinkPortOrder ret_dict.update( { "port_order": { "active": uplink_order.activeUplinkPort, "standby": uplink_order.standbyUplinkPort, } } ) return ret_dict def _get_dvportgroup_dict(pg_ref): """ Returns a dictionary with a distributed virtual portgroup data pg_ref Portgroup reference """ props = salt.utils.vmware.get_properties_of_managed_object( pg_ref, [ "name", "config.description", "config.numPorts", "config.type", "config.defaultPortConfig", ], ) pg_dict = { "name": props["name"], "description": props.get("config.description"), "num_ports": props["config.numPorts"], "type": props["config.type"], } if props["config.defaultPortConfig"]: dpg = props["config.defaultPortConfig"] if dpg.vlan and isinstance( dpg.vlan, vim.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitchVlanIdSpec ): pg_dict.update({"vlan_id": dpg.vlan.vlanId}) pg_dict.update( { "out_shaping": _get_dvportgroup_out_shaping( props["name"], props["config.defaultPortConfig"] ) } ) pg_dict.update( { "security_policy": _get_dvportgroup_security_policy( props["name"], props["config.defaultPortConfig"] ) } ) pg_dict.update( { "teaming": _get_dvportgroup_teaming( props["name"], props["config.defaultPortConfig"] ) } ) return pg_dict @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxdatacenter", "esxcluster") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def list_dvportgroups(dvs=None, portgroup_names=None, service_instance=None): """ Returns a list of distributed virtual switch portgroups. The list can be filtered by the portgroup names or by the DVS. dvs Name of the DVS containing the portgroups. Default value is None. portgroup_names List of portgroup names to look for. If None, all portgroups are returned. Default value is None service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_dvportgroups salt '*' vsphere.list_dvportgroups dvs=dvs1 salt '*' vsphere.list_dvportgroups portgroup_names=[pg1] salt '*' vsphere.list_dvportgroups dvs=dvs1 portgroup_names=[pg1] """ ret_dict = [] proxy_type = get_proxy_type() if proxy_type == "esxdatacenter": datacenter = __salt__["esxdatacenter.get_details"]()["datacenter"] dc_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) elif proxy_type == "esxcluster": datacenter = __salt__["esxcluster.get_details"]()["datacenter"] dc_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenter(service_instance, datacenter) if dvs: dvs_refs = salt.utils.vmware.get_dvss(dc_ref, dvs_names=[dvs]) if not dvs_refs: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError("DVS '{}' was not retrieved".format(dvs)) dvs_ref = dvs_refs[0] get_all_portgroups = True if not portgroup_names else False for pg_ref in salt.utils.vmware.get_dvportgroups( parent_ref=dvs_ref if dvs else dc_ref, portgroup_names=portgroup_names, get_all_portgroups=get_all_portgroups, ): ret_dict.append(_get_dvportgroup_dict(pg_ref)) return ret_dict @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxdatacenter", "esxcluster") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def list_uplink_dvportgroup(dvs, service_instance=None): """ Returns the uplink portgroup of a distributed virtual switch. dvs Name of the DVS containing the portgroup. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_uplink_dvportgroup dvs=dvs_name """ proxy_type = get_proxy_type() if proxy_type == "esxdatacenter": datacenter = __salt__["esxdatacenter.get_details"]()["datacenter"] dc_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) elif proxy_type == "esxcluster": datacenter = __salt__["esxcluster.get_details"]()["datacenter"] dc_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenter(service_instance, datacenter) dvs_refs = salt.utils.vmware.get_dvss(dc_ref, dvs_names=[dvs]) if not dvs_refs: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError("DVS '{}' was not retrieved".format(dvs)) uplink_pg_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_uplink_dvportgroup(dvs_refs[0]) return _get_dvportgroup_dict(uplink_pg_ref) def _apply_dvportgroup_out_shaping(pg_name, out_shaping, out_shaping_conf): """ Applies the values in out_shaping_conf to an out_shaping object pg_name The name of the portgroup out_shaping The vim.DVSTrafficShapingPolicy to apply the config to out_shaping_conf The out shaping config """ log.trace("Building portgroup's '%s' out shaping policy", pg_name) if out_shaping_conf.get("average_bandwidth"): out_shaping.averageBandwidth = vim.LongPolicy() out_shaping.averageBandwidth.value = out_shaping_conf["average_bandwidth"] if out_shaping_conf.get("burst_size"): out_shaping.burstSize = vim.LongPolicy() out_shaping.burstSize.value = out_shaping_conf["burst_size"] if "enabled" in out_shaping_conf: out_shaping.enabled = vim.BoolPolicy() out_shaping.enabled.value = out_shaping_conf["enabled"] if out_shaping_conf.get("peak_bandwidth"): out_shaping.peakBandwidth = vim.LongPolicy() out_shaping.peakBandwidth.value = out_shaping_conf["peak_bandwidth"] def _apply_dvportgroup_security_policy(pg_name, sec_policy, sec_policy_conf): """ Applies the values in sec_policy_conf to a security policy object pg_name The name of the portgroup sec_policy The vim.DVSTrafficShapingPolicy to apply the config to sec_policy_conf The out shaping config """ log.trace("Building portgroup's '%s' security policy", pg_name) if "allow_promiscuous" in sec_policy_conf: sec_policy.allowPromiscuous = vim.BoolPolicy() sec_policy.allowPromiscuous.value = sec_policy_conf["allow_promiscuous"] if "forged_transmits" in sec_policy_conf: sec_policy.forgedTransmits = vim.BoolPolicy() sec_policy.forgedTransmits.value = sec_policy_conf["forged_transmits"] if "mac_changes" in sec_policy_conf: sec_policy.macChanges = vim.BoolPolicy() sec_policy.macChanges.value = sec_policy_conf["mac_changes"] def _apply_dvportgroup_teaming(pg_name, teaming, teaming_conf): """ Applies the values in teaming_conf to a teaming policy object pg_name The name of the portgroup teaming The vim.VmwareUplinkPortTeamingPolicy to apply the config to teaming_conf The teaming config """ log.trace("Building portgroup's '%s' teaming", pg_name) if "notify_switches" in teaming_conf: teaming.notifySwitches = vim.BoolPolicy() teaming.notifySwitches.value = teaming_conf["notify_switches"] if "policy" in teaming_conf: teaming.policy = vim.StringPolicy() teaming.policy.value = teaming_conf["policy"] if "reverse_policy" in teaming_conf: teaming.reversePolicy = vim.BoolPolicy() teaming.reversePolicy.value = teaming_conf["reverse_policy"] if "rolling_order" in teaming_conf: teaming.rollingOrder = vim.BoolPolicy() teaming.rollingOrder.value = teaming_conf["rolling_order"] if "failure_criteria" in teaming_conf: if not teaming.failureCriteria: teaming.failureCriteria = vim.DVSFailureCriteria() failure_criteria_conf = teaming_conf["failure_criteria"] if "check_beacon" in failure_criteria_conf: teaming.failureCriteria.checkBeacon = vim.BoolPolicy() teaming.failureCriteria.checkBeacon.value = failure_criteria_conf[ "check_beacon" ] if "check_duplex" in failure_criteria_conf: teaming.failureCriteria.checkDuplex = vim.BoolPolicy() teaming.failureCriteria.checkDuplex.value = failure_criteria_conf[ "check_duplex" ] if "check_error_percent" in failure_criteria_conf: teaming.failureCriteria.checkErrorPercent = vim.BoolPolicy() teaming.failureCriteria.checkErrorPercent.value = failure_criteria_conf[ "check_error_percent" ] if "check_speed" in failure_criteria_conf: teaming.failureCriteria.checkSpeed = vim.StringPolicy() teaming.failureCriteria.checkSpeed.value = failure_criteria_conf[ "check_speed" ] if "full_duplex" in failure_criteria_conf: teaming.failureCriteria.fullDuplex = vim.BoolPolicy() teaming.failureCriteria.fullDuplex.value = failure_criteria_conf[ "full_duplex" ] if "percentage" in failure_criteria_conf: teaming.failureCriteria.percentage = vim.IntPolicy() teaming.failureCriteria.percentage.value = failure_criteria_conf[ "percentage" ] if "speed" in failure_criteria_conf: teaming.failureCriteria.speed = vim.IntPolicy() teaming.failureCriteria.speed.value = failure_criteria_conf["speed"] if "port_order" in teaming_conf: if not teaming.uplinkPortOrder: teaming.uplinkPortOrder = vim.VMwareUplinkPortOrderPolicy() if "active" in teaming_conf["port_order"]: teaming.uplinkPortOrder.activeUplinkPort = teaming_conf["port_order"][ "active" ] if "standby" in teaming_conf["port_order"]: teaming.uplinkPortOrder.standbyUplinkPort = teaming_conf["port_order"][ "standby" ] def _apply_dvportgroup_config(pg_name, pg_spec, pg_conf): """ Applies the values in conf to a distributed portgroup spec pg_name The name of the portgroup pg_spec The vim.DVPortgroupConfigSpec to apply the config to pg_conf The portgroup config """ log.trace("Building portgroup's '%s' spec", pg_name) if "name" in pg_conf: pg_spec.name = pg_conf["name"] if "description" in pg_conf: pg_spec.description = pg_conf["description"] if "num_ports" in pg_conf: pg_spec.numPorts = pg_conf["num_ports"] if "type" in pg_conf: pg_spec.type = pg_conf["type"] if not pg_spec.defaultPortConfig: for prop in ["vlan_id", "out_shaping", "security_policy", "teaming"]: if prop in pg_conf: pg_spec.defaultPortConfig = vim.VMwareDVSPortSetting() if "vlan_id" in pg_conf: pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.vlan = vim.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitchVlanIdSpec() pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.vlan.vlanId = pg_conf["vlan_id"] if "out_shaping" in pg_conf: if not pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.outShapingPolicy: pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.outShapingPolicy = vim.DVSTrafficShapingPolicy() _apply_dvportgroup_out_shaping( pg_name, pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.outShapingPolicy, pg_conf["out_shaping"] ) if "security_policy" in pg_conf: if not pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.securityPolicy: pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.securityPolicy = vim.DVSSecurityPolicy() _apply_dvportgroup_security_policy( pg_name, pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.securityPolicy, pg_conf["security_policy"], ) if "teaming" in pg_conf: if not pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.uplinkTeamingPolicy: pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.uplinkTeamingPolicy = ( vim.VmwareUplinkPortTeamingPolicy() ) _apply_dvportgroup_teaming( pg_name, pg_spec.defaultPortConfig.uplinkTeamingPolicy, pg_conf["teaming"] ) @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxdatacenter", "esxcluster") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def create_dvportgroup(portgroup_dict, portgroup_name, dvs, service_instance=None): """ Creates a distributed virtual portgroup. Note: The ``portgroup_name`` param will override any name already set in ``portgroup_dict``. portgroup_dict Dictionary with the config values the portgroup should be created with (example in salt.states.dvs). portgroup_name Name of the portgroup to be created. dvs Name of the DVS that will contain the portgroup. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.create_dvportgroup portgroup_dict=<dict> portgroup_name=pg1 dvs=dvs1 """ log.trace( "Creating portgroup '%s' in dvs '%s' with dict = %s", portgroup_name, dvs, portgroup_dict, ) proxy_type = get_proxy_type() if proxy_type == "esxdatacenter": datacenter = __salt__["esxdatacenter.get_details"]()["datacenter"] dc_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) elif proxy_type == "esxcluster": datacenter = __salt__["esxcluster.get_details"]()["datacenter"] dc_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenter(service_instance, datacenter) dvs_refs = salt.utils.vmware.get_dvss(dc_ref, dvs_names=[dvs]) if not dvs_refs: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError("DVS '{}' was not retrieved".format(dvs)) # Make the name of the dvportgroup consistent with the parameter portgroup_dict["name"] = portgroup_name spec = vim.DVPortgroupConfigSpec() _apply_dvportgroup_config(portgroup_name, spec, portgroup_dict) salt.utils.vmware.create_dvportgroup(dvs_refs[0], spec) return True @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxdatacenter", "esxcluster") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def update_dvportgroup(portgroup_dict, portgroup, dvs, service_instance=True): """ Updates a distributed virtual portgroup. portgroup_dict Dictionary with the values the portgroup should be update with (example in salt.states.dvs). portgroup Name of the portgroup to be updated. dvs Name of the DVS containing the portgroups. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.update_dvportgroup portgroup_dict=<dict> portgroup=pg1 salt '*' vsphere.update_dvportgroup portgroup_dict=<dict> portgroup=pg1 dvs=dvs1 """ log.trace( "Updating portgroup '%s' in dvs '%s' with dict = %s", portgroup, dvs, portgroup_dict, ) proxy_type = get_proxy_type() if proxy_type == "esxdatacenter": datacenter = __salt__["esxdatacenter.get_details"]()["datacenter"] dc_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) elif proxy_type == "esxcluster": datacenter = __salt__["esxcluster.get_details"]()["datacenter"] dc_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenter(service_instance, datacenter) dvs_refs = salt.utils.vmware.get_dvss(dc_ref, dvs_names=[dvs]) if not dvs_refs: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError("DVS '{}' was not retrieved".format(dvs)) pg_refs = salt.utils.vmware.get_dvportgroups( dvs_refs[0], portgroup_names=[portgroup] ) if not pg_refs: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "Portgroup '{}' was not retrieved".format(portgroup) ) pg_props = salt.utils.vmware.get_properties_of_managed_object( pg_refs[0], ["config"] ) spec = vim.DVPortgroupConfigSpec() # Copy existing properties in spec for prop in [ "autoExpand", "configVersion", "defaultPortConfig", "description", "name", "numPorts", "policy", "portNameFormat", "scope", "type", "vendorSpecificConfig", ]: setattr(spec, prop, getattr(pg_props["config"], prop)) _apply_dvportgroup_config(portgroup, spec, portgroup_dict) salt.utils.vmware.update_dvportgroup(pg_refs[0], spec) return True @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxdatacenter", "esxcluster") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def remove_dvportgroup(portgroup, dvs, service_instance=None): """ Removes a distributed virtual portgroup. portgroup Name of the portgroup to be removed. dvs Name of the DVS containing the portgroups. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.remove_dvportgroup portgroup=pg1 dvs=dvs1 """ log.trace("Removing portgroup '%s' in dvs '%s'", portgroup, dvs) proxy_type = get_proxy_type() if proxy_type == "esxdatacenter": datacenter = __salt__["esxdatacenter.get_details"]()["datacenter"] dc_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) elif proxy_type == "esxcluster": datacenter = __salt__["esxcluster.get_details"]()["datacenter"] dc_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenter(service_instance, datacenter) dvs_refs = salt.utils.vmware.get_dvss(dc_ref, dvs_names=[dvs]) if not dvs_refs: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError("DVS '{}' was not retrieved".format(dvs)) pg_refs = salt.utils.vmware.get_dvportgroups( dvs_refs[0], portgroup_names=[portgroup] ) if not pg_refs: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "Portgroup '{}' was not retrieved".format(portgroup) ) salt.utils.vmware.remove_dvportgroup(pg_refs[0]) return True def _get_policy_dict(policy): """Returns a dictionary representation of a policy""" profile_dict = { "name": policy.name, "description": policy.description, "resource_type": policy.resourceType.resourceType, } subprofile_dicts = [] if isinstance(policy, pbm.profile.CapabilityBasedProfile) and isinstance( policy.constraints, pbm.profile.SubProfileCapabilityConstraints ): for subprofile in policy.constraints.subProfiles: subprofile_dict = { "name": subprofile.name, "force_provision": subprofile.forceProvision, } cap_dicts = [] for cap in subprofile.capability: cap_dict = {"namespace": cap.id.namespace, "id": cap.id.id} # We assume there is one constraint with one value set val = cap.constraint[0].propertyInstance[0].value if isinstance(val, pbm.capability.types.Range): val_dict = {"type": "range", "min": val.min, "max": val.max} elif isinstance(val, pbm.capability.types.DiscreteSet): val_dict = {"type": "set", "values": val.values} else: val_dict = {"type": "scalar", "value": val} cap_dict["setting"] = val_dict cap_dicts.append(cap_dict) subprofile_dict["capabilities"] = cap_dicts subprofile_dicts.append(subprofile_dict) profile_dict["subprofiles"] = subprofile_dicts return profile_dict @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxdatacenter", "vcenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def list_storage_policies(policy_names=None, service_instance=None): """ Returns a list of storage policies. policy_names Names of policies to list. If None, all policies are listed. Default is None. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_storage_policies salt '*' vsphere.list_storage_policies policy_names=[policy_name] """ profile_manager = salt.utils.pbm.get_profile_manager(service_instance) if not policy_names: policies = salt.utils.pbm.get_storage_policies( profile_manager, get_all_policies=True ) else: policies = salt.utils.pbm.get_storage_policies(profile_manager, policy_names) return [_get_policy_dict(p) for p in policies] @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxdatacenter", "vcenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def list_default_vsan_policy(service_instance=None): """ Returns the default vsan storage policy. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_default_vsan_policy """ profile_manager = salt.utils.pbm.get_profile_manager(service_instance) policies = salt.utils.pbm.get_storage_policies( profile_manager, get_all_policies=True ) def_policies = [ p for p in policies if p.systemCreatedProfileType == "VsanDefaultProfile" ] if not def_policies: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError("Default VSAN policy was not retrieved") return _get_policy_dict(def_policies[0]) def _get_capability_definition_dict(cap_metadata): # We assume each capability definition has one property with the same id # as the capability so we display its type as belonging to the capability # The object model permits multiple properties return { "namespace": cap_metadata.id.namespace, "id": cap_metadata.id.id, "mandatory": cap_metadata.mandatory, "description": cap_metadata.summary.summary, "type": cap_metadata.propertyMetadata[0].type.typeName, } @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxdatacenter", "vcenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def list_capability_definitions(service_instance=None): """ Returns a list of the metadata of all capabilities in the vCenter. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_capabilities """ profile_manager = salt.utils.pbm.get_profile_manager(service_instance) ret_list = [ _get_capability_definition_dict(c) for c in salt.utils.pbm.get_capability_definitions(profile_manager) ] return ret_list def _apply_policy_config(policy_spec, policy_dict): """Applies a policy dictionary to a policy spec""" log.trace("policy_dict = %s", policy_dict) if policy_dict.get("name"): policy_spec.name = policy_dict["name"] if policy_dict.get("description"): policy_spec.description = policy_dict["description"] if policy_dict.get("subprofiles"): # Incremental changes to subprofiles and capabilities are not # supported because they would complicate updates too much # The whole configuration of all sub-profiles is expected and applied policy_spec.constraints = pbm.profile.SubProfileCapabilityConstraints() subprofiles = [] for subprofile_dict in policy_dict["subprofiles"]: subprofile_spec = pbm.profile.SubProfileCapabilityConstraints.SubProfile( name=subprofile_dict["name"] ) cap_specs = [] if subprofile_dict.get("force_provision"): subprofile_spec.forceProvision = subprofile_dict["force_provision"] for cap_dict in subprofile_dict["capabilities"]: prop_inst_spec = pbm.capability.PropertyInstance(id=cap_dict["id"]) setting_type = cap_dict["setting"]["type"] if setting_type == "set": prop_inst_spec.value = pbm.capability.types.DiscreteSet() prop_inst_spec.value.values = cap_dict["setting"]["values"] elif setting_type == "range": prop_inst_spec.value = pbm.capability.types.Range() prop_inst_spec.value.max = cap_dict["setting"]["max"] prop_inst_spec.value.min = cap_dict["setting"]["min"] elif setting_type == "scalar": prop_inst_spec.value = cap_dict["setting"]["value"] cap_spec = pbm.capability.CapabilityInstance( id=pbm.capability.CapabilityMetadata.UniqueId( id=cap_dict["id"], namespace=cap_dict["namespace"] ), constraint=[ pbm.capability.ConstraintInstance( propertyInstance=[prop_inst_spec] ) ], ) cap_specs.append(cap_spec) subprofile_spec.capability = cap_specs subprofiles.append(subprofile_spec) policy_spec.constraints.subProfiles = subprofiles log.trace("updated policy_spec = %s", policy_spec) return policy_spec @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxdatacenter", "vcenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def create_storage_policy(policy_name, policy_dict, service_instance=None): """ Creates a storage policy. Supported capability types: scalar, set, range. policy_name Name of the policy to create. The value of the argument will override any existing name in ``policy_dict``. policy_dict Dictionary containing the changes to apply to the policy. (example in salt.states.pbm) service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.create_storage_policy policy_name='policy name' policy_dict="$policy_dict" """ log.trace("create storage policy '%s', dict = %s", policy_name, policy_dict) profile_manager = salt.utils.pbm.get_profile_manager(service_instance) policy_create_spec = pbm.profile.CapabilityBasedProfileCreateSpec() # Hardcode the storage profile resource type policy_create_spec.resourceType = pbm.profile.ResourceType( resourceType=pbm.profile.ResourceTypeEnum.STORAGE ) # Set name argument policy_dict["name"] = policy_name log.trace("Setting policy values in policy_update_spec") _apply_policy_config(policy_create_spec, policy_dict) salt.utils.pbm.create_storage_policy(profile_manager, policy_create_spec) return {"create_storage_policy": True} @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxdatacenter", "vcenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def update_storage_policy(policy, policy_dict, service_instance=None): """ Updates a storage policy. Supported capability types: scalar, set, range. policy Name of the policy to update. policy_dict Dictionary containing the changes to apply to the policy. (example in salt.states.pbm) service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.update_storage_policy policy='policy name' policy_dict="$policy_dict" """ log.trace("updating storage policy, dict = %s", policy_dict) profile_manager = salt.utils.pbm.get_profile_manager(service_instance) policies = salt.utils.pbm.get_storage_policies(profile_manager, [policy]) if not policies: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError("Policy '{}' was not found".format(policy)) policy_ref = policies[0] policy_update_spec = pbm.profile.CapabilityBasedProfileUpdateSpec() log.trace("Setting policy values in policy_update_spec") for prop in ["description", "constraints"]: setattr(policy_update_spec, prop, getattr(policy_ref, prop)) _apply_policy_config(policy_update_spec, policy_dict) salt.utils.pbm.update_storage_policy( profile_manager, policy_ref, policy_update_spec ) return {"update_storage_policy": True} @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxcluster", "esxdatacenter", "vcenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def list_default_storage_policy_of_datastore(datastore, service_instance=None): """ Returns a list of datastores assign the storage policies. datastore Name of the datastore to assign. The datastore needs to be visible to the VMware entity the proxy points to. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_default_storage_policy_of_datastore datastore=ds1 """ log.trace("Listing the default storage policy of datastore '%s'", datastore) # Find datastore target_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) ds_refs = salt.utils.vmware.get_datastores( service_instance, target_ref, datastore_names=[datastore] ) if not ds_refs: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "Datastore '{}' was not found".format(datastore) ) profile_manager = salt.utils.pbm.get_profile_manager(service_instance) policy = salt.utils.pbm.get_default_storage_policy_of_datastore( profile_manager, ds_refs[0] ) return _get_policy_dict(policy) @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxcluster", "esxdatacenter", "vcenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def assign_default_storage_policy_to_datastore( policy, datastore, service_instance=None ): """ Assigns a storage policy as the default policy to a datastore. policy Name of the policy to assign. datastore Name of the datastore to assign. The datastore needs to be visible to the VMware entity the proxy points to. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.assign_storage_policy_to_datastore policy='policy name' datastore=ds1 """ log.trace("Assigning policy %s to datastore %s", policy, datastore) profile_manager = salt.utils.pbm.get_profile_manager(service_instance) # Find policy policies = salt.utils.pbm.get_storage_policies(profile_manager, [policy]) if not policies: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError("Policy '{}' was not found".format(policy)) policy_ref = policies[0] # Find datastore target_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) ds_refs = salt.utils.vmware.get_datastores( service_instance, target_ref, datastore_names=[datastore] ) if not ds_refs: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "Datastore '{}' was not found".format(datastore) ) ds_ref = ds_refs[0] salt.utils.pbm.assign_default_storage_policy_to_datastore( profile_manager, policy_ref, ds_ref ) return True @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxdatacenter", "esxcluster", "vcenter", "esxvm") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def list_datacenters_via_proxy(datacenter_names=None, service_instance=None): """ Returns a list of dict representations of VMware datacenters. Connection is done via the proxy details. Supported proxies: esxdatacenter datacenter_names List of datacenter names. Default is None. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_datacenters_via_proxy salt '*' vsphere.list_datacenters_via_proxy dc1 salt '*' vsphere.list_datacenters_via_proxy dc1,dc2 salt '*' vsphere.list_datacenters_via_proxy datacenter_names=[dc1, dc2] """ if not datacenter_names: dc_refs = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenters( service_instance, get_all_datacenters=True ) else: dc_refs = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenters(service_instance, datacenter_names) return [ {"name": salt.utils.vmware.get_managed_object_name(dc_ref)} for dc_ref in dc_refs ] @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxdatacenter", "vcenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def create_datacenter(datacenter_name, service_instance=None): """ Creates a datacenter. Supported proxies: esxdatacenter datacenter_name The datacenter name service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.create_datacenter dc1 """ salt.utils.vmware.create_datacenter(service_instance, datacenter_name) return {"create_datacenter": True} def _get_cluster_dict(cluster_name, cluster_ref): """ Returns a cluster dict representation from a vim.ClusterComputeResource object. cluster_name Name of the cluster cluster_ref Reference to the cluster """ log.trace("Building a dictionary representation of cluster '%s'", cluster_name) props = salt.utils.vmware.get_properties_of_managed_object( cluster_ref, properties=["configurationEx"] ) res = { "ha": {"enabled": props["configurationEx"].dasConfig.enabled}, "drs": {"enabled": props["configurationEx"].drsConfig.enabled}, } # Convert HA properties of interest ha_conf = props["configurationEx"].dasConfig log.trace("ha_conf = %s", ha_conf) res["ha"]["admission_control_enabled"] = ha_conf.admissionControlEnabled if ha_conf.admissionControlPolicy and isinstance( ha_conf.admissionControlPolicy, vim.ClusterFailoverResourcesAdmissionControlPolicy, ): pol = ha_conf.admissionControlPolicy res["ha"]["admission_control_policy"] = { "cpu_failover_percent": pol.cpuFailoverResourcesPercent, "memory_failover_percent": pol.memoryFailoverResourcesPercent, } if ha_conf.defaultVmSettings: def_vm_set = ha_conf.defaultVmSettings res["ha"]["default_vm_settings"] = { "isolation_response": def_vm_set.isolationResponse, "restart_priority": def_vm_set.restartPriority, } res["ha"]["hb_ds_candidate_policy"] = ha_conf.hBDatastoreCandidatePolicy if ha_conf.hostMonitoring: res["ha"]["host_monitoring"] = ha_conf.hostMonitoring if ha_conf.option: res["ha"]["options"] = [ {"key": o.key, "value": o.value} for o in ha_conf.option ] res["ha"]["vm_monitoring"] = ha_conf.vmMonitoring # Convert DRS properties drs_conf = props["configurationEx"].drsConfig log.trace("drs_conf = %s", drs_conf) res["drs"]["vmotion_rate"] = 6 - drs_conf.vmotionRate res["drs"]["default_vm_behavior"] = drs_conf.defaultVmBehavior # vm_swap_placement res["vm_swap_placement"] = props["configurationEx"].vmSwapPlacement # Convert VSAN properties si = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance_from_managed_object(cluster_ref) if salt.utils.vsan.vsan_supported(si): # XXX The correct way of retrieving the VSAN data (on the if branch) # is not supported before 60u2 vcenter vcenter_info = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_info(si) if int(vcenter_info.build) >= 3634794: # 60u2 # VSAN API is fully supported by the VC starting with 60u2 vsan_conf = salt.utils.vsan.get_cluster_vsan_info(cluster_ref) log.trace("vsan_conf = %s", vsan_conf) res["vsan"] = { "enabled": vsan_conf.enabled, "auto_claim_storage": vsan_conf.defaultConfig.autoClaimStorage, } if vsan_conf.dataEfficiencyConfig: data_eff = vsan_conf.dataEfficiencyConfig res["vsan"].update( { # We force compression_enabled to be True/False "compression_enabled": data_eff.compressionEnabled or False, "dedup_enabled": data_eff.dedupEnabled, } ) else: # before 60u2 (no advanced vsan info) if props["configurationEx"].vsanConfigInfo: default_config = props["configurationEx"].vsanConfigInfo.defaultConfig res["vsan"] = { "enabled": props["configurationEx"].vsanConfigInfo.enabled, "auto_claim_storage": default_config.autoClaimStorage, } return res @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxcluster", "esxdatacenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def list_cluster(datacenter=None, cluster=None, service_instance=None): """ Returns a dict representation of an ESX cluster. datacenter Name of datacenter containing the cluster. Ignored if already contained by proxy details. Default value is None. cluster Name of cluster. Ignored if already contained by proxy details. Default value is None. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # vcenter proxy salt '*' vsphere.list_cluster datacenter=dc1 cluster=cl1 # esxdatacenter proxy salt '*' vsphere.list_cluster cluster=cl1 # esxcluster proxy salt '*' vsphere.list_cluster """ proxy_type = get_proxy_type() if proxy_type == "esxdatacenter": dc_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) if not cluster: raise ArgumentValueError("'cluster' needs to be specified") cluster_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_cluster(dc_ref, cluster) elif proxy_type == "esxcluster": cluster_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) cluster = __salt__["esxcluster.get_details"]()["cluster"] log.trace( "Retrieving representation of cluster '%s' in a %s proxy", cluster, proxy_type ) return _get_cluster_dict(cluster, cluster_ref) def _apply_cluster_dict(cluster_spec, cluster_dict, vsan_spec=None, vsan_61=True): """ Applies the values of cluster_dict dictionary to a cluster spec (vim.ClusterConfigSpecEx). All vsan values (cluster_dict['vsan']) will be applied to vsan_spec (vim.vsan.cluster.ConfigInfoEx). Can be not omitted if not required. VSAN 6.1 config needs to be applied differently than the post VSAN 6.1 way. The type of configuration desired is dictated by the flag vsan_61. """ log.trace("Applying cluster dict %s", cluster_dict) if cluster_dict.get("ha"): ha_dict = cluster_dict["ha"] if not cluster_spec.dasConfig: cluster_spec.dasConfig = vim.ClusterDasConfigInfo() das_config = cluster_spec.dasConfig if "enabled" in ha_dict: das_config.enabled = ha_dict["enabled"] if ha_dict["enabled"]: # Default values when ha is enabled das_config.failoverLevel = 1 if "admission_control_enabled" in ha_dict: das_config.admissionControlEnabled = ha_dict["admission_control_enabled"] if "admission_control_policy" in ha_dict: adm_pol_dict = ha_dict["admission_control_policy"] if not das_config.admissionControlPolicy or not isinstance( das_config.admissionControlPolicy, vim.ClusterFailoverResourcesAdmissionControlPolicy, ): das_config.admissionControlPolicy = ( vim.ClusterFailoverResourcesAdmissionControlPolicy( cpuFailoverResourcesPercent=adm_pol_dict[ "cpu_failover_percent" ], memoryFailoverResourcesPercent=adm_pol_dict[ "memory_failover_percent" ], ) ) if "default_vm_settings" in ha_dict: vm_set_dict = ha_dict["default_vm_settings"] if not das_config.defaultVmSettings: das_config.defaultVmSettings = vim.ClusterDasVmSettings() if "isolation_response" in vm_set_dict: das_config.defaultVmSettings.isolationResponse = vm_set_dict[ "isolation_response" ] if "restart_priority" in vm_set_dict: das_config.defaultVmSettings.restartPriority = vm_set_dict[ "restart_priority" ] if "hb_ds_candidate_policy" in ha_dict: das_config.hBDatastoreCandidatePolicy = ha_dict["hb_ds_candidate_policy"] if "host_monitoring" in ha_dict: das_config.hostMonitoring = ha_dict["host_monitoring"] if "options" in ha_dict: das_config.option = [] for opt_dict in ha_dict["options"]: das_config.option.append(vim.OptionValue(key=opt_dict["key"])) if "value" in opt_dict: das_config.option[-1].value = opt_dict["value"] if "vm_monitoring" in ha_dict: das_config.vmMonitoring = ha_dict["vm_monitoring"] cluster_spec.dasConfig = das_config if cluster_dict.get("drs"): drs_dict = cluster_dict["drs"] drs_config = vim.ClusterDrsConfigInfo() if "enabled" in drs_dict: drs_config.enabled = drs_dict["enabled"] if "vmotion_rate" in drs_dict: drs_config.vmotionRate = 6 - drs_dict["vmotion_rate"] if "default_vm_behavior" in drs_dict: drs_config.defaultVmBehavior = vim.DrsBehavior( drs_dict["default_vm_behavior"] ) cluster_spec.drsConfig = drs_config if cluster_dict.get("vm_swap_placement"): cluster_spec.vmSwapPlacement = cluster_dict["vm_swap_placement"] if cluster_dict.get("vsan"): vsan_dict = cluster_dict["vsan"] if not vsan_61: # VSAN is 6.2 and above if "enabled" in vsan_dict: if not vsan_spec.vsanClusterConfig: vsan_spec.vsanClusterConfig = vim.vsan.cluster.ConfigInfo() vsan_spec.vsanClusterConfig.enabled = vsan_dict["enabled"] if "auto_claim_storage" in vsan_dict: if not vsan_spec.vsanClusterConfig: vsan_spec.vsanClusterConfig = vim.vsan.cluster.ConfigInfo() if not vsan_spec.vsanClusterConfig.defaultConfig: vsan_spec.vsanClusterConfig.defaultConfig = ( vim.VsanClusterConfigInfoHostDefaultInfo() ) elif vsan_spec.vsanClusterConfig.defaultConfig.uuid: # If this remains set it caused an error vsan_spec.vsanClusterConfig.defaultConfig.uuid = None vsan_spec.vsanClusterConfig.defaultConfig.autoClaimStorage = vsan_dict[ "auto_claim_storage" ] if "compression_enabled" in vsan_dict: if not vsan_spec.dataEfficiencyConfig: vsan_spec.dataEfficiencyConfig = vim.vsan.DataEfficiencyConfig() vsan_spec.dataEfficiencyConfig.compressionEnabled = vsan_dict[ "compression_enabled" ] if "dedup_enabled" in vsan_dict: if not vsan_spec.dataEfficiencyConfig: vsan_spec.dataEfficiencyConfig = vim.vsan.DataEfficiencyConfig() vsan_spec.dataEfficiencyConfig.dedupEnabled = vsan_dict["dedup_enabled"] # In all cases we need to configure the vsan on the cluster # directly so not to have a mismatch between vsan_spec and # cluster_spec if not cluster_spec.vsanConfig: cluster_spec.vsanConfig = vim.VsanClusterConfigInfo() vsan_config = cluster_spec.vsanConfig if "enabled" in vsan_dict: vsan_config.enabled = vsan_dict["enabled"] if "auto_claim_storage" in vsan_dict: if not vsan_config.defaultConfig: vsan_config.defaultConfig = vim.VsanClusterConfigInfoHostDefaultInfo() elif vsan_config.defaultConfig.uuid: # If this remains set it caused an error vsan_config.defaultConfig.uuid = None vsan_config.defaultConfig.autoClaimStorage = vsan_dict["auto_claim_storage"] log.trace("cluster_spec = %s", cluster_spec) @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @depends(HAS_JSONSCHEMA) @_supports_proxies("esxcluster", "esxdatacenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def create_cluster(cluster_dict, datacenter=None, cluster=None, service_instance=None): """ Creates a cluster. Note: cluster_dict['name'] will be overridden by the cluster param value config_dict Dictionary with the config values of the new cluster. datacenter Name of datacenter containing the cluster. Ignored if already contained by proxy details. Default value is None. cluster Name of cluster. Ignored if already contained by proxy details. Default value is None. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # esxdatacenter proxy salt '*' vsphere.create_cluster cluster_dict=$cluster_dict cluster=cl1 # esxcluster proxy salt '*' vsphere.create_cluster cluster_dict=$cluster_dict """ # Validate cluster dictionary schema = ESXClusterConfigSchema.serialize() try: jsonschema.validate(cluster_dict, schema) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as exc: raise InvalidConfigError(exc) # Get required details from the proxy proxy_type = get_proxy_type() if proxy_type == "esxdatacenter": datacenter = __salt__["esxdatacenter.get_details"]()["datacenter"] dc_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) if not cluster: raise ArgumentValueError("'cluster' needs to be specified") elif proxy_type == "esxcluster": datacenter = __salt__["esxcluster.get_details"]()["datacenter"] dc_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenter(service_instance, datacenter) cluster = __salt__["esxcluster.get_details"]()["cluster"] if cluster_dict.get("vsan") and not salt.utils.vsan.vsan_supported( service_instance ): raise VMwareApiError("VSAN operations are not supported") si = service_instance cluster_spec = vim.ClusterConfigSpecEx() vsan_spec = None ha_config = None vsan_61 = None if cluster_dict.get("vsan"): # XXX The correct way of retrieving the VSAN data (on the if branch) # is not supported before 60u2 vcenter vcenter_info = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_info(si) if ( float(vcenter_info.apiVersion) >= 6.0 and int(vcenter_info.build) >= 3634794 ): # 60u2 vsan_spec = vim.vsan.ReconfigSpec(modify=True) vsan_61 = False # We need to keep HA disabled and enable it afterwards if cluster_dict.get("ha", {}).get("enabled"): enable_ha = True ha_config = cluster_dict["ha"] del cluster_dict["ha"] else: vsan_61 = True # If VSAN is 6.1 the configuration of VSAN happens when configuring the # cluster via the regular endpoint _apply_cluster_dict(cluster_spec, cluster_dict, vsan_spec, vsan_61) salt.utils.vmware.create_cluster(dc_ref, cluster, cluster_spec) if not vsan_61: # Only available after VSAN 61 if vsan_spec: cluster_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_cluster(dc_ref, cluster) salt.utils.vsan.reconfigure_cluster_vsan(cluster_ref, vsan_spec) if enable_ha: # Set HA after VSAN has been configured _apply_cluster_dict(cluster_spec, {"ha": ha_config}) salt.utils.vmware.update_cluster(cluster_ref, cluster_spec) # Set HA back on the object cluster_dict["ha"] = ha_config return {"create_cluster": True} @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @depends(HAS_JSONSCHEMA) @_supports_proxies("esxcluster", "esxdatacenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def update_cluster(cluster_dict, datacenter=None, cluster=None, service_instance=None): """ Updates a cluster. config_dict Dictionary with the config values of the new cluster. datacenter Name of datacenter containing the cluster. Ignored if already contained by proxy details. Default value is None. cluster Name of cluster. Ignored if already contained by proxy details. Default value is None. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash # esxdatacenter proxy salt '*' vsphere.update_cluster cluster_dict=$cluster_dict cluster=cl1 # esxcluster proxy salt '*' vsphere.update_cluster cluster_dict=$cluster_dict """ # Validate cluster dictionary schema = ESXClusterConfigSchema.serialize() try: jsonschema.validate(cluster_dict, schema) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as exc: raise InvalidConfigError(exc) # Get required details from the proxy proxy_type = get_proxy_type() if proxy_type == "esxdatacenter": datacenter = __salt__["esxdatacenter.get_details"]()["datacenter"] dc_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) if not cluster: raise ArgumentValueError("'cluster' needs to be specified") elif proxy_type == "esxcluster": datacenter = __salt__["esxcluster.get_details"]()["datacenter"] dc_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenter(service_instance, datacenter) cluster = __salt__["esxcluster.get_details"]()["cluster"] if cluster_dict.get("vsan") and not salt.utils.vsan.vsan_supported( service_instance ): raise VMwareApiError("VSAN operations are not supported") cluster_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_cluster(dc_ref, cluster) cluster_spec = vim.ClusterConfigSpecEx() props = salt.utils.vmware.get_properties_of_managed_object( cluster_ref, properties=["configurationEx"] ) # Copy elements we want to update to spec for p in ["dasConfig", "drsConfig"]: setattr(cluster_spec, p, getattr(props["configurationEx"], p)) if props["configurationEx"].vsanConfigInfo: cluster_spec.vsanConfig = props["configurationEx"].vsanConfigInfo vsan_spec = None vsan_61 = None if cluster_dict.get("vsan"): # XXX The correct way of retrieving the VSAN data (on the if branch) # is not supported before 60u2 vcenter vcenter_info = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_info(service_instance) if ( float(vcenter_info.apiVersion) >= 6.0 and int(vcenter_info.build) >= 3634794 ): # 60u2 vsan_61 = False vsan_info = salt.utils.vsan.get_cluster_vsan_info(cluster_ref) vsan_spec = vim.vsan.ReconfigSpec(modify=True) # Only interested in the vsanClusterConfig and the # dataEfficiencyConfig # vsan_spec.vsanClusterConfig = vsan_info vsan_spec.dataEfficiencyConfig = vsan_info.dataEfficiencyConfig vsan_info.dataEfficiencyConfig = None else: vsan_61 = True _apply_cluster_dict(cluster_spec, cluster_dict, vsan_spec, vsan_61) # We try to reconfigure vsan first as it fails if HA is enabled so the # command will abort not having any side-effects # also if HA was previously disabled it can be enabled automatically if # desired if vsan_spec: log.trace("vsan_spec = %s", vsan_spec) salt.utils.vsan.reconfigure_cluster_vsan(cluster_ref, vsan_spec) # We need to retrieve again the properties and reapply them # As the VSAN configuration has changed cluster_spec = vim.ClusterConfigSpecEx() props = salt.utils.vmware.get_properties_of_managed_object( cluster_ref, properties=["configurationEx"] ) # Copy elements we want to update to spec for p in ["dasConfig", "drsConfig"]: setattr(cluster_spec, p, getattr(props["configurationEx"], p)) if props["configurationEx"].vsanConfigInfo: cluster_spec.vsanConfig = props["configurationEx"].vsanConfigInfo # We only need to configure the cluster_spec, as if it were a vsan_61 # cluster _apply_cluster_dict(cluster_spec, cluster_dict) salt.utils.vmware.update_cluster(cluster_ref, cluster_spec) return {"update_cluster": True} @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxi", "esxcluster", "esxdatacenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def list_datastores_via_proxy( datastore_names=None, backing_disk_ids=None, backing_disk_scsi_addresses=None, service_instance=None, ): """ Returns a list of dict representations of the datastores visible to the proxy object. The list of datastores can be filtered by datastore names, backing disk ids (canonical names) or backing disk scsi addresses. Supported proxy types: esxi, esxcluster, esxdatacenter datastore_names List of the names of datastores to filter on backing_disk_ids List of canonical names of the backing disks of the datastores to filer. Default is None. backing_disk_scsi_addresses List of scsi addresses of the backing disks of the datastores to filter. Default is None. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter/ESXi host. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_datastores_via_proxy salt '*' vsphere.list_datastores_via_proxy datastore_names=[ds1, ds2] """ target = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) target_name = salt.utils.vmware.get_managed_object_name(target) log.trace("target name = %s", target_name) # Default to getting all disks if no filtering is done get_all_datastores = ( True if not (datastore_names or backing_disk_ids or backing_disk_scsi_addresses) else False ) # Get the ids of the disks with the scsi addresses if backing_disk_scsi_addresses: log.debug( "Retrieving disk ids for scsi addresses '%s'", backing_disk_scsi_addresses ) disk_ids = [ d.canonicalName for d in salt.utils.vmware.get_disks( target, scsi_addresses=backing_disk_scsi_addresses ) ] log.debug("Found disk ids '%s'", disk_ids) backing_disk_ids = ( backing_disk_ids.extend(disk_ids) if backing_disk_ids else disk_ids ) datastores = salt.utils.vmware.get_datastores( service_instance, target, datastore_names, backing_disk_ids, get_all_datastores ) # Search for disk backed datastores if target is host # to be able to add the backing_disk_ids mount_infos = [] if isinstance(target, vim.HostSystem): storage_system = salt.utils.vmware.get_storage_system( service_instance, target, target_name ) props = salt.utils.vmware.get_properties_of_managed_object( storage_system, ["fileSystemVolumeInfo.mountInfo"] ) mount_infos = props.get("fileSystemVolumeInfo.mountInfo", []) ret_dict = [] for ds in datastores: ds_dict = { "name": ds.name, "type": ds.summary.type, "free_space": ds.summary.freeSpace, "capacity": ds.summary.capacity, } backing_disk_ids = [] for vol in [ i.volume for i in mount_infos if i.volume.name == ds.name and isinstance(i.volume, vim.HostVmfsVolume) ]: backing_disk_ids.extend([e.diskName for e in vol.extent]) if backing_disk_ids: ds_dict["backing_disk_ids"] = backing_disk_ids ret_dict.append(ds_dict) return ret_dict @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @depends(HAS_JSONSCHEMA) @_supports_proxies("esxi") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def create_vmfs_datastore( datastore_name, disk_id, vmfs_major_version, safety_checks=True, service_instance=None, ): """ Creates a ESXi host disk group with the specified cache and capacity disks. datastore_name The name of the datastore to be created. disk_id The disk id (canonical name) on which the datastore is created. vmfs_major_version The VMFS major version. safety_checks Specify whether to perform safety check or to skip the checks and try performing the required task. Default is True. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter/ESXi host. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.create_vmfs_datastore datastore_name=ds1 disk_id= vmfs_major_version=5 """ log.debug("Validating vmfs datastore input") schema = VmfsDatastoreSchema.serialize() try: jsonschema.validate( { "datastore": { "name": datastore_name, "backing_disk_id": disk_id, "vmfs_version": vmfs_major_version, } }, schema, ) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as exc: raise ArgumentValueError(exc) host_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) hostname = __proxy__["esxi.get_details"]()["esxi_host"] if safety_checks: disks = salt.utils.vmware.get_disks(host_ref, disk_ids=[disk_id]) if not disks: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "Disk '{}' was not found in host '{}'".format(disk_id, hostname) ) ds_ref = salt.utils.vmware.create_vmfs_datastore( host_ref, datastore_name, disks[0], vmfs_major_version ) return True @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxi", "esxcluster", "esxdatacenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def rename_datastore(datastore_name, new_datastore_name, service_instance=None): """ Renames a datastore. The datastore needs to be visible to the proxy. datastore_name Current datastore name. new_datastore_name New datastore name. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter/ESXi host. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.rename_datastore old_name new_name """ # Argument validation log.trace("Renaming datastore %s to %s", datastore_name, new_datastore_name) target = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) datastores = salt.utils.vmware.get_datastores( service_instance, target, datastore_names=[datastore_name] ) if not datastores: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "Datastore '{}' was not found".format(datastore_name) ) ds = datastores[0] salt.utils.vmware.rename_datastore(ds, new_datastore_name) return True @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxi", "esxcluster", "esxdatacenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def remove_datastore(datastore, service_instance=None): """ Removes a datastore. If multiple datastores an error is raised. datastore Datastore name service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter/ESXi host. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.remove_datastore ds_name """ log.trace("Removing datastore '%s'", datastore) target = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) datastores = salt.utils.vmware.get_datastores( service_instance, reference=target, datastore_names=[datastore] ) if not datastores: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "Datastore '{}' was not found".format(datastore) ) if len(datastores) > 1: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "Multiple datastores '{}' were found".format(datastore) ) salt.utils.vmware.remove_datastore(service_instance, datastores[0]) return True @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxcluster", "esxdatacenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def list_licenses(service_instance=None): """ Lists all licenses on a vCenter. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter/ESXi host. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_licenses """ log.trace("Retrieving all licenses") licenses = salt.utils.vmware.get_licenses(service_instance) ret_dict = [ { "key": l.licenseKey, "name": l.name, "description": l.labels[0].value if l.labels else None, # VMware handles unlimited capacity as 0 "capacity": l.total if l.total > 0 else sys.maxsize, "used": l.used if l.used else 0, } for l in licenses ] return ret_dict @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxcluster", "esxdatacenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def add_license(key, description, safety_checks=True, service_instance=None): """ Adds a license to the vCenter or ESXi host key License key. description License description added in as a label. safety_checks Specify whether to perform safety check or to skip the checks and try performing the required task service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter/ESXi host. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.add_license key=<license_key> desc='License desc' """ log.trace("Adding license '%s'", key) salt.utils.vmware.add_license(service_instance, key, description) return True def _get_entity(service_instance, entity): """ Returns the entity associated with the entity dict representation Supported entities: cluster, vcenter Expected entity format: .. code-block:: python cluster: {'type': 'cluster', 'datacenter': <datacenter_name>, 'cluster': <cluster_name>} vcenter: {'type': 'vcenter'} service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. entity Entity dict in the format above """ log.trace("Retrieving entity: %s", entity) if entity["type"] == "cluster": dc_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenter( service_instance, entity["datacenter"] ) return salt.utils.vmware.get_cluster(dc_ref, entity["cluster"]) elif entity["type"] == "vcenter": return None raise ArgumentValueError("Unsupported entity type '{}'".format(entity["type"])) def _validate_entity(entity): """ Validates the entity dict representation entity Dictionary representation of an entity. See ``_get_entity`` docstrings for format. """ # Validate entity: if entity["type"] == "cluster": schema = ESXClusterEntitySchema.serialize() elif entity["type"] == "vcenter": schema = VCenterEntitySchema.serialize() else: raise ArgumentValueError("Unsupported entity type '{}'".format(entity["type"])) try: jsonschema.validate(entity, schema) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as exc: raise InvalidEntityError(exc) @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @depends(HAS_JSONSCHEMA) @_supports_proxies("esxcluster", "esxdatacenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def list_assigned_licenses( entity, entity_display_name, license_keys=None, service_instance=None ): """ Lists the licenses assigned to an entity entity Dictionary representation of an entity. See ``_get_entity`` docstrings for format. entity_display_name Entity name used in logging license_keys: List of license keys to be retrieved. Default is None. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter/ESXi host. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_assigned_licenses entity={type:cluster,datacenter:dc,cluster:cl} entiy_display_name=cl """ log.trace("Listing assigned licenses of entity %s", entity) _validate_entity(entity) assigned_licenses = salt.utils.vmware.get_assigned_licenses( service_instance, entity_ref=_get_entity(service_instance, entity), entity_name=entity_display_name, ) return [ { "key": l.licenseKey, "name": l.name, "description": l.labels[0].value if l.labels else None, # VMware handles unlimited capacity as 0 "capacity": l.total if l.total > 0 else sys.maxsize, } for l in assigned_licenses if (license_keys is None) or (l.licenseKey in license_keys) ] @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @depends(HAS_JSONSCHEMA) @_supports_proxies("esxcluster", "esxdatacenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def assign_license( license_key, license_name, entity, entity_display_name, safety_checks=True, service_instance=None, ): """ Assigns a license to an entity license_key Key of the license to assign See ``_get_entity`` docstrings for format. license_name Display name of license entity Dictionary representation of an entity entity_display_name Entity name used in logging safety_checks Specify whether to perform safety check or to skip the checks and try performing the required task. Default is False. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter/ESXi host. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.assign_license license_key=AAAAA-11111-AAAAA-11111-AAAAA license_name=test entity={type:cluster,datacenter:dc,cluster:cl} """ log.trace("Assigning license %s to entity %s", license_key, entity) _validate_entity(entity) if safety_checks: licenses = salt.utils.vmware.get_licenses(service_instance) if not [l for l in licenses if l.licenseKey == license_key]: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "License '{}' wasn't found".format(license_name) ) salt.utils.vmware.assign_license( service_instance, license_key, license_name, entity_ref=_get_entity(service_instance, entity), entity_name=entity_display_name, ) @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxi", "esxcluster", "esxdatacenter", "vcenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def list_hosts_via_proxy( hostnames=None, datacenter=None, cluster=None, service_instance=None ): """ Returns a list of hosts for the specified VMware environment. The list of hosts can be filtered by datacenter name and/or cluster name hostnames Hostnames to filter on. datacenter_name Name of datacenter. Only hosts in this datacenter will be retrieved. Default is None. cluster_name Name of cluster. Only hosts in this cluster will be retrieved. If a datacenter is not specified the first cluster with this name will be considerred. Default is None. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter/ESXi host. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_hosts_via_proxy salt '*' vsphere.list_hosts_via_proxy hostnames=[esxi1.example.com] salt '*' vsphere.list_hosts_via_proxy datacenter=dc1 cluster=cluster1 """ if cluster: if not datacenter: raise salt.exceptions.ArgumentValueError( "Datacenter is required when cluster is specified" ) get_all_hosts = False if not hostnames: get_all_hosts = True hosts = salt.utils.vmware.get_hosts( service_instance, datacenter_name=datacenter, host_names=hostnames, cluster_name=cluster, get_all_hosts=get_all_hosts, ) return [salt.utils.vmware.get_managed_object_name(h) for h in hosts] @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxi") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def list_disks(disk_ids=None, scsi_addresses=None, service_instance=None): """ Returns a list of dict representations of the disks in an ESXi host. The list of disks can be filtered by disk canonical names or scsi addresses. disk_ids: List of disk canonical names to be retrieved. Default is None. scsi_addresses List of scsi addresses of disks to be retrieved. Default is None service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter/ESXi host. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_disks salt '*' vsphere.list_disks disk_ids='[naa.00, naa.001]' salt '*' vsphere.list_disks scsi_addresses='[vmhba0:C0:T0:L0, vmhba1:C0:T0:L0]' """ host_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) hostname = __proxy__["esxi.get_details"]()["esxi_host"] log.trace( "Retrieving disks of host '%s'; disc ids = %s; scsi_address = %s", hostname, disk_ids, scsi_addresses, ) # Default to getting all disks if no filtering is done get_all_disks = True if not (disk_ids or scsi_addresses) else False ret_list = [] scsi_address_to_lun = salt.utils.vmware.get_scsi_address_to_lun_map( host_ref, hostname=hostname ) canonical_name_to_scsi_address = { lun.canonicalName: scsi_addr for scsi_addr, lun in scsi_address_to_lun.items() } for d in salt.utils.vmware.get_disks( host_ref, disk_ids, scsi_addresses, get_all_disks ): ret_list.append( { "id": d.canonicalName, "scsi_address": canonical_name_to_scsi_address[d.canonicalName], } ) return ret_list @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxi") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def erase_disk_partitions(disk_id=None, scsi_address=None, service_instance=None): """ Erases the partitions on a disk. The disk can be specified either by the canonical name, or by the scsi_address. disk_id Canonical name of the disk. Either ``disk_id`` or ``scsi_address`` needs to be specified (``disk_id`` supersedes ``scsi_address``. scsi_address Scsi address of the disk. ``disk_id`` or ``scsi_address`` needs to be specified (``disk_id`` supersedes ``scsi_address``. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter/ESXi host. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.erase_disk_partitions scsi_address='vmhaba0:C0:T0:L0' salt '*' vsphere.erase_disk_partitions disk_id='naa.000000000000001' """ if not disk_id and not scsi_address: raise ArgumentValueError( "Either 'disk_id' or 'scsi_address' needs to be specified" ) host_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) hostname = __proxy__["esxi.get_details"]()["esxi_host"] if not disk_id: scsi_address_to_lun = salt.utils.vmware.get_scsi_address_to_lun_map(host_ref) if scsi_address not in scsi_address_to_lun: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "Scsi lun with address '{}' was not found on host '{}'".format( scsi_address, hostname ) ) disk_id = scsi_address_to_lun[scsi_address].canonicalName log.trace( "[%s] Got disk id '%s' for scsi address '%s'", hostname, disk_id, scsi_address, ) log.trace("Erasing disk partitions on disk '%s' in host '%s'", disk_id, hostname) salt.utils.vmware.erase_disk_partitions( service_instance, host_ref, disk_id, hostname=hostname ) log.info("Erased disk partitions on disk '%s' on host '%s'", disk_id, hostname) return True @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxi") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def list_disk_partitions(disk_id=None, scsi_address=None, service_instance=None): """ Lists the partitions on a disk. The disk can be specified either by the canonical name, or by the scsi_address. disk_id Canonical name of the disk. Either ``disk_id`` or ``scsi_address`` needs to be specified (``disk_id`` supersedes ``scsi_address``. scsi_address` Scsi address of the disk. ``disk_id`` or ``scsi_address`` needs to be specified (``disk_id`` supersedes ``scsi_address``. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter/ESXi host. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_disk_partitions scsi_address='vmhaba0:C0:T0:L0' salt '*' vsphere.list_disk_partitions disk_id='naa.000000000000001' """ if not disk_id and not scsi_address: raise ArgumentValueError( "Either 'disk_id' or 'scsi_address' needs to be specified" ) host_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) hostname = __proxy__["esxi.get_details"]()["esxi_host"] if not disk_id: scsi_address_to_lun = salt.utils.vmware.get_scsi_address_to_lun_map(host_ref) if scsi_address not in scsi_address_to_lun: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "Scsi lun with address '{}' was not found on host '{}'".format( scsi_address, hostname ) ) disk_id = scsi_address_to_lun[scsi_address].canonicalName log.trace( "[%s] Got disk id '%s' for scsi address '%s'", hostname, disk_id, scsi_address, ) log.trace("Listing disk partitions on disk '%s' in host '%s'", disk_id, hostname) partition_info = salt.utils.vmware.get_disk_partition_info(host_ref, disk_id) ret_list = [] # NOTE: 1. The layout view has an extra 'None' partition for free space # 2. The orders in the layout/partition views are not the same for part_spec in partition_info.spec.partition: part_layout = [ p for p in partition_info.layout.partition if p.partition == part_spec.partition ][0] part_dict = { "hostname": hostname, "device": disk_id, "format": partition_info.spec.partitionFormat, "partition": part_spec.partition, "type": part_spec.type, "sectors": part_spec.endSector - part_spec.startSector + 1, "size_KB": (part_layout.end.block - part_layout.start.block + 1) * part_layout.start.blockSize / 1024, } ret_list.append(part_dict) return ret_list @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxi") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def list_diskgroups(cache_disk_ids=None, service_instance=None): """ Returns a list of disk group dict representation on an ESXi host. The list of disk groups can be filtered by the cache disks canonical names. If no filtering is applied, all disk groups are returned. cache_disk_ids: List of cache disk canonical names of the disk groups to be retrieved. Default is None. use_proxy_details Specify whether to use the proxy minion's details instead of the arguments service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter/ESXi host. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.list_diskgroups salt '*' vsphere.list_diskgroups cache_disk_ids='[naa.000000000000001]' """ host_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) hostname = __proxy__["esxi.get_details"]()["esxi_host"] log.trace("Listing diskgroups in '%s'", hostname) get_all_diskgroups = True if not cache_disk_ids else False ret_list = [] for dg in salt.utils.vmware.get_diskgroups( host_ref, cache_disk_ids, get_all_diskgroups ): ret_list.append( { "cache_disk": dg.ssd.canonicalName, "capacity_disks": [d.canonicalName for d in dg.nonSsd], } ) return ret_list @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @depends(HAS_JSONSCHEMA) @_supports_proxies("esxi") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def create_diskgroup( cache_disk_id, capacity_disk_ids, safety_checks=True, service_instance=None ): """ Creates disk group on an ESXi host with the specified cache and capacity disks. cache_disk_id The canonical name of the disk to be used as a cache. The disk must be ssd. capacity_disk_ids A list containing canonical names of the capacity disks. Must contain at least one id. Default is True. safety_checks Specify whether to perform safety check or to skip the checks and try performing the required task. Default value is True. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter/ESXi host. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.create_diskgroup cache_disk_id='naa.000000000000001' capacity_disk_ids='[naa.000000000000002, naa.000000000000003]' """ log.trace("Validating diskgroup input") schema = DiskGroupsDiskIdSchema.serialize() try: jsonschema.validate( { "diskgroups": [ {"cache_id": cache_disk_id, "capacity_ids": capacity_disk_ids} ] }, schema, ) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as exc: raise ArgumentValueError(exc) host_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) hostname = __proxy__["esxi.get_details"]()["esxi_host"] if safety_checks: diskgroups = salt.utils.vmware.get_diskgroups(host_ref, [cache_disk_id]) if diskgroups: raise VMwareObjectExistsError( "Diskgroup with cache disk id '{}' already exists ESXi " "host '{}'".format(cache_disk_id, hostname) ) disk_ids = capacity_disk_ids[:] disk_ids.insert(0, cache_disk_id) disks = salt.utils.vmware.get_disks(host_ref, disk_ids=disk_ids) for id in disk_ids: if not [d for d in disks if d.canonicalName == id]: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "No disk with id '{}' was found in ESXi host '{}'".format(id, hostname) ) cache_disk = [d for d in disks if d.canonicalName == cache_disk_id][0] capacity_disks = [d for d in disks if d.canonicalName in capacity_disk_ids] vsan_disk_mgmt_system = salt.utils.vsan.get_vsan_disk_management_system( service_instance ) dg = salt.utils.vsan.create_diskgroup( service_instance, vsan_disk_mgmt_system, host_ref, cache_disk, capacity_disks ) return True @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @depends(HAS_JSONSCHEMA) @_supports_proxies("esxi") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def add_capacity_to_diskgroup( cache_disk_id, capacity_disk_ids, safety_checks=True, service_instance=None ): """ Adds capacity disks to the disk group with the specified cache disk. cache_disk_id The canonical name of the cache disk. capacity_disk_ids A list containing canonical names of the capacity disks to add. safety_checks Specify whether to perform safety check or to skip the checks and try performing the required task. Default value is True. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter/ESXi host. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.add_capacity_to_diskgroup cache_disk_id='naa.000000000000001' capacity_disk_ids='[naa.000000000000002, naa.000000000000003]' """ log.trace("Validating diskgroup input") schema = DiskGroupsDiskIdSchema.serialize() try: jsonschema.validate( { "diskgroups": [ {"cache_id": cache_disk_id, "capacity_ids": capacity_disk_ids} ] }, schema, ) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as exc: raise ArgumentValueError(exc) host_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) hostname = __proxy__["esxi.get_details"]()["esxi_host"] disks = salt.utils.vmware.get_disks(host_ref, disk_ids=capacity_disk_ids) if safety_checks: for id in capacity_disk_ids: if not [d for d in disks if d.canonicalName == id]: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "No disk with id '{}' was found in ESXi host '{}'".format( id, hostname ) ) diskgroups = salt.utils.vmware.get_diskgroups( host_ref, cache_disk_ids=[cache_disk_id] ) if not diskgroups: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "No diskgroup with cache disk id '{}' was found in ESXi host '{}'".format( cache_disk_id, hostname ) ) vsan_disk_mgmt_system = salt.utils.vsan.get_vsan_disk_management_system( service_instance ) salt.utils.vsan.add_capacity_to_diskgroup( service_instance, vsan_disk_mgmt_system, host_ref, diskgroups[0], disks ) return True @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @depends(HAS_JSONSCHEMA) @_supports_proxies("esxi") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def remove_capacity_from_diskgroup( cache_disk_id, capacity_disk_ids, data_evacuation=True, safety_checks=True, service_instance=None, ): """ Remove capacity disks from the disk group with the specified cache disk. cache_disk_id The canonical name of the cache disk. capacity_disk_ids A list containing canonical names of the capacity disks to add. data_evacuation Specifies whether to gracefully evacuate the data on the capacity disks before removing them from the disk group. Default value is True. safety_checks Specify whether to perform safety check or to skip the checks and try performing the required task. Default value is True. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter/ESXi host. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.remove_capacity_from_diskgroup cache_disk_id='naa.000000000000001' capacity_disk_ids='[naa.000000000000002, naa.000000000000003]' """ log.trace("Validating diskgroup input") schema = DiskGroupsDiskIdSchema.serialize() try: jsonschema.validate( { "diskgroups": [ {"cache_id": cache_disk_id, "capacity_ids": capacity_disk_ids} ] }, schema, ) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as exc: raise ArgumentValueError(str(exc)) host_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) hostname = __proxy__["esxi.get_details"]()["esxi_host"] disks = salt.utils.vmware.get_disks(host_ref, disk_ids=capacity_disk_ids) if safety_checks: for id in capacity_disk_ids: if not [d for d in disks if d.canonicalName == id]: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "No disk with id '{}' was found in ESXi host '{}'".format( id, hostname ) ) diskgroups = salt.utils.vmware.get_diskgroups( host_ref, cache_disk_ids=[cache_disk_id] ) if not diskgroups: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "No diskgroup with cache disk id '{}' was found in ESXi host '{}'".format( cache_disk_id, hostname ) ) log.trace("data_evacuation = %s", data_evacuation) salt.utils.vsan.remove_capacity_from_diskgroup( service_instance, host_ref, diskgroups[0], capacity_disks=[d for d in disks if d.canonicalName in capacity_disk_ids], data_evacuation=data_evacuation, ) return True @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @depends(HAS_JSONSCHEMA) @_supports_proxies("esxi") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def remove_diskgroup(cache_disk_id, data_accessibility=True, service_instance=None): """ Remove the diskgroup with the specified cache disk. cache_disk_id The canonical name of the cache disk. data_accessibility Specifies whether to ensure data accessibility. Default value is True. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter/ESXi host. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.remove_diskgroup cache_disk_id='naa.000000000000001' """ log.trace("Validating diskgroup input") host_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) hostname = __proxy__["esxi.get_details"]()["esxi_host"] diskgroups = salt.utils.vmware.get_diskgroups( host_ref, cache_disk_ids=[cache_disk_id] ) if not diskgroups: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "No diskgroup with cache disk id '{}' was found in ESXi host '{}'".format( cache_disk_id, hostname ) ) log.trace("data accessibility = %s", data_accessibility) salt.utils.vsan.remove_diskgroup( service_instance, host_ref, diskgroups[0], data_accessibility=data_accessibility ) return True @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxi") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def get_host_cache(service_instance=None): """ Returns the host cache configuration on the proxy host. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter/ESXi host. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.get_host_cache """ # Default to getting all disks if no filtering is done ret_dict = {} host_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) hostname = __proxy__["esxi.get_details"]()["esxi_host"] hci = salt.utils.vmware.get_host_cache(host_ref) if not hci: log.debug("Host cache not configured on host '%s'", hostname) ret_dict["enabled"] = False return ret_dict # TODO Support multiple host cache info objects (on multiple datastores) return { "enabled": True, "datastore": {"name": hci.key.name}, "swap_size": "{}MiB".format(hci.swapSize), } @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @depends(HAS_JSONSCHEMA) @_supports_proxies("esxi") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def configure_host_cache( enabled, datastore=None, swap_size_MiB=None, service_instance=None ): """ Configures the host cache on the selected host. enabled Boolean flag specifying whether the host cache is enabled. datastore Name of the datastore that contains the host cache. Must be set if enabled is ``true``. swap_size_MiB Swap size in Mibibytes. Needs to be set if enabled is ``true``. Must be smaller than the datastore size. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter/ESXi host. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.configure_host_cache enabled=False salt '*' vsphere.configure_host_cache enabled=True datastore=ds1 swap_size_MiB=1024 """ log.debug("Validating host cache input") schema = SimpleHostCacheSchema.serialize() try: jsonschema.validate( { "enabled": enabled, "datastore_name": datastore, "swap_size_MiB": swap_size_MiB, }, schema, ) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as exc: raise ArgumentValueError(exc) if not enabled: raise ArgumentValueError("Disabling the host cache is not supported") ret_dict = {"enabled": False} host_ref = _get_proxy_target(service_instance) hostname = __proxy__["esxi.get_details"]()["esxi_host"] if datastore: ds_refs = salt.utils.vmware.get_datastores( service_instance, host_ref, datastore_names=[datastore] ) if not ds_refs: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "Datastore '{}' was not found on host '{}'".format(datastore, hostname) ) ds_ref = ds_refs[0] salt.utils.vmware.configure_host_cache(host_ref, ds_ref, swap_size_MiB) return True def _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names): """ Helper function that checks to see if the host provided is a vCenter Server or an ESXi host. If it's an ESXi host, returns a list of a single host_name. If a host reference isn't found, we're trying to find a host object for a vCenter server. Raises a CommandExecutionError in this case, as we need host references to check against. """ if not host_names: host_name = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host) if host_name: host_names = [host] else: raise CommandExecutionError( "No host reference found. If connecting to a " "vCenter Server, a list of 'host_names' must be " "provided." ) elif not isinstance(host_names, list): raise CommandExecutionError("'host_names' must be a list.") return host_names def _format_coredump_stdout(cmd_ret): """ Helper function to format the stdout from the get_coredump_network_config function. cmd_ret The return dictionary that comes from a cmd.run_all call. """ ret_dict = {} for line in cmd_ret["stdout"].splitlines(): line = line.strip().lower() if line.startswith("enabled:"): enabled = line.split(":") if "true" in enabled[1]: ret_dict["enabled"] = True else: ret_dict["enabled"] = False break if line.startswith("host vnic:"): host_vnic = line.split(":") ret_dict["host_vnic"] = host_vnic[1].strip() if line.startswith("network server ip:"): ip = line.split(":") ret_dict["ip"] = ip[1].strip() if line.startswith("network server port:"): ip_port = line.split(":") ret_dict["port"] = ip_port[1].strip() return ret_dict def _format_firewall_stdout(cmd_ret): """ Helper function to format the stdout from the get_firewall_status function. cmd_ret The return dictionary that comes from a cmd.run_all call. """ ret_dict = {"success": True, "rulesets": {}} for line in cmd_ret["stdout"].splitlines(): if line.startswith("Name"): continue if line.startswith("---"): continue ruleset_status = line.split() ret_dict["rulesets"][ruleset_status[0]] = bool(ruleset_status[1]) return ret_dict def _format_syslog_config(cmd_ret): """ Helper function to format the stdout from the get_syslog_config function. cmd_ret The return dictionary that comes from a cmd.run_all call. """ ret_dict = {"success": cmd_ret["retcode"] == 0} if cmd_ret["retcode"] != 0: ret_dict["message"] = cmd_ret["stdout"] else: for line in cmd_ret["stdout"].splitlines(): line = line.strip() cfgvars = line.split(": ") key = cfgvars[0].strip() value = cfgvars[1].strip() ret_dict[key] = value return ret_dict def _get_date_time_mgr(host_reference): """ Helper function that returns a dateTimeManager object """ return host_reference.configManager.dateTimeSystem def _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name=None): """ Helper function that returns a host object either from the host location or the host_name. If host_name is provided, that is the host_object that will be returned. The function will first search for hosts by DNS Name. If no hosts are found, it will try searching by IP Address. """ search_index = salt.utils.vmware.get_inventory(service_instance).searchIndex # First, try to find the host reference by DNS Name. if host_name: host_ref = search_index.FindByDnsName(dnsName=host_name, vmSearch=False) else: host_ref = search_index.FindByDnsName(dnsName=host, vmSearch=False) # If we couldn't find the host by DNS Name, then try the IP Address. if host_ref is None: host_ref = search_index.FindByIp(ip=host, vmSearch=False) return host_ref def _get_host_ssds(host_reference): """ Helper function that returns a list of ssd objects for a given host. """ return _get_host_disks(host_reference).get("SSDs") def _get_host_non_ssds(host_reference): """ Helper function that returns a list of Non-SSD objects for a given host. """ return _get_host_disks(host_reference).get("Non-SSDs") def _get_host_disks(host_reference): """ Helper function that returns a dictionary containing a list of SSD and Non-SSD disks. """ storage_system = host_reference.configManager.storageSystem disks = storage_system.storageDeviceInfo.scsiLun ssds = [] non_ssds = [] for disk in disks: try: has_ssd_attr = disk.ssd except AttributeError: has_ssd_attr = False if has_ssd_attr: ssds.append(disk) else: non_ssds.append(disk) return {"SSDs": ssds, "Non-SSDs": non_ssds} def _get_service_manager(host_reference): """ Helper function that returns a service manager object from a given host object. """ return host_reference.configManager.serviceSystem def _get_vsan_eligible_disks(service_instance, host, host_names): """ Helper function that returns a dictionary of host_name keys with either a list of eligible disks that can be added to VSAN or either an 'Error' message or a message saying no eligible disks were found. Possible keys/values look like: return = {'host_1': {'Error': 'VSAN System Config Manager is unset ...'}, 'host_2': {'Eligible': 'The host xxx does not have any VSAN eligible disks.'}, 'host_3': {'Eligible': [disk1, disk2, disk3, disk4], 'host_4': {'Eligible': []}} """ ret = {} for host_name in host_names: # Get VSAN System Config Manager, if available. host_ref = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name=host_name) vsan_system = host_ref.configManager.vsanSystem if vsan_system is None: msg = ( "VSAN System Config Manager is unset for host '{}'. " "VSAN configuration cannot be changed without a configured " "VSAN System.".format(host_name) ) log.debug(msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Error": msg}}) continue # Get all VSAN suitable disks for this host. suitable_disks = [] query = vsan_system.QueryDisksForVsan() for item in query: if item.state == "eligible": suitable_disks.append(item) # No suitable disks were found to add. Warn and move on. # This isn't an error as the state may run repeatedly after all eligible disks are added. if not suitable_disks: msg = "The host '{}' does not have any VSAN eligible disks.".format( host_name ) log.warning(msg) ret.update({host_name: {"Eligible": msg}}) continue # Get disks for host and combine into one list of Disk Objects disks = _get_host_ssds(host_ref) + _get_host_non_ssds(host_ref) # Get disks that are in both the disks list and suitable_disks lists. matching = [] for disk in disks: for suitable_disk in suitable_disks: if disk.canonicalName == suitable_disk.disk.canonicalName: matching.append(disk) ret.update({host_name: {"Eligible": matching}}) return ret def _reset_syslog_config_params( host, username, password, cmd, resets, valid_resets, protocol=None, port=None, esxi_host=None, credstore=None, ): """ Helper function for reset_syslog_config that resets the config and populates the return dictionary. """ ret_dict = {} all_success = True if not isinstance(resets, list): resets = [resets] for reset_param in resets: if reset_param in valid_resets: ret = salt.utils.vmware.esxcli( host, username, password, cmd + reset_param, protocol=protocol, port=port, esxi_host=esxi_host, credstore=credstore, ) ret_dict[reset_param] = {} ret_dict[reset_param]["success"] = ret["retcode"] == 0 if ret["retcode"] != 0: all_success = False ret_dict[reset_param]["message"] = ret["stdout"] else: all_success = False ret_dict[reset_param] = {} ret_dict[reset_param]["success"] = False ret_dict[reset_param]["message"] = "Invalid syslog configuration parameter" ret_dict["success"] = all_success return ret_dict def _set_syslog_config_helper( host, username, password, syslog_config, config_value, protocol=None, port=None, reset_service=None, esxi_host=None, credstore=None, ): """ Helper function for set_syslog_config that sets the config and populates the return dictionary. """ cmd = "system syslog config set --{} {}".format(syslog_config, config_value) ret_dict = {} valid_resets = [ "logdir", "loghost", "default-rotate", "default-size", "default-timeout", "logdir-unique", ] if syslog_config not in valid_resets: ret_dict.update( { "success": False, "message": "'{}' is not a valid config variable.".format(syslog_config), } ) return ret_dict response = salt.utils.vmware.esxcli( host, username, password, cmd, protocol=protocol, port=port, esxi_host=esxi_host, credstore=credstore, ) # Update the return dictionary for success or error messages. if response["retcode"] != 0: ret_dict.update( {syslog_config: {"success": False, "message": response["stdout"]}} ) else: ret_dict.update({syslog_config: {"success": True}}) # Restart syslog for each host, if desired. if reset_service: if esxi_host: host_name = esxi_host esxi_host = [esxi_host] else: host_name = host response = syslog_service_reload( host, username, password, protocol=protocol, port=port, esxi_hosts=esxi_host, credstore=credstore, ).get(host_name) ret_dict.update({"syslog_restart": {"success": response["retcode"] == 0}}) return ret_dict @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @ignores_kwargs("credstore") @_deprecation_message def add_host_to_dvs( host, username, password, vmknic_name, vmnic_name, dvs_name, target_portgroup_name, uplink_portgroup_name, protocol=None, port=None, host_names=None, verify_ssl=True, ): """ Adds an ESXi host to a vSphere Distributed Virtual Switch and migrates the desired adapters to the DVS from the standard switch. host The location of the vCenter server. username The username used to login to the vCenter server. password The password used to login to the vCenter server. vmknic_name The name of the virtual NIC to migrate. vmnic_name The name of the physical NIC to migrate. dvs_name The name of the Distributed Virtual Switch. target_portgroup_name The name of the distributed portgroup in which to migrate the virtual NIC. uplink_portgroup_name The name of the uplink portgroup in which to migrate the physical NIC. protocol Optionally set to alternate protocol if the vCenter server or ESX/ESXi host is not using the default protocol. Default protocol is ``https``. port Optionally set to alternate port if the vCenter server or ESX/ESXi host is not using the default port. Default port is ``443``. host_names: An array of VMware host names to migrate verify_ssl Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt some_host vsphere.add_host_to_dvs host='vsphere.corp.com' username='administrator@vsphere.corp.com' password='vsphere_password' vmknic_name='vmk0' vmnic_name='vnmic0' dvs_name='DSwitch' target_portgroup_name='DPortGroup' uplink_portgroup_name='DSwitch1-DVUplinks-181' protocol='https' port='443', host_names="['esxi1.corp.com','esxi2.corp.com','esxi3.corp.com']" Return Example: .. code-block:: yaml somehost: ---------- esxi1.corp.com: ---------- dvs: DSwitch portgroup: DPortGroup status: True uplink: DSwitch-DVUplinks-181 vmknic: vmk0 vmnic: vmnic0 esxi2.corp.com: ---------- dvs: DSwitch portgroup: DPortGroup status: True uplink: DSwitch-DVUplinks-181 vmknic: vmk0 vmnic: vmnic0 esxi3.corp.com: ---------- dvs: DSwitch portgroup: DPortGroup status: True uplink: DSwitch-DVUplinks-181 vmknic: vmk0 vmnic: vmnic0 message: success: True This was very difficult to figure out. VMware's PyVmomi documentation at https://github.com/vmware/pyvmomi/blob/master/docs/vim/DistributedVirtualSwitch.rst (which is a copy of the official documentation here: https://www.vmware.com/support/developer/converter-sdk/conv60_apireference/vim.DistributedVirtualSwitch.html) says to create the DVS, create distributed portgroups, and then add the host to the DVS specifying which physical NIC to use as the port backing. However, if the physical NIC is in use as the only link from the host to vSphere, this will fail with an unhelpful "busy" error. There is, however, a Powershell PowerCLI cmdlet called Add-VDSwitchPhysicalNetworkAdapter that does what we want. I used Onyx (https://labs.vmware.com/flings/onyx) to sniff the SOAP stream from Powershell to our vSphere server and got this snippet out: .. code-block:: xml <UpdateNetworkConfig xmlns="urn:vim25"> <_this type="HostNetworkSystem">networkSystem-187</_this> <config> <vswitch> <changeOperation>edit</changeOperation> <name>vSwitch0</name> <spec> <numPorts>7812</numPorts> </spec> </vswitch> <proxySwitch> <changeOperation>edit</changeOperation> <uuid>73 a4 05 50 b0 d2 7e b9-38 80 5d 24 65 8f da 70</uuid> <spec> <backing xsi:type="DistributedVirtualSwitchHostMemberPnicBacking"> <pnicSpec><pnicDevice>vmnic0</pnicDevice></pnicSpec> </backing> </spec> </proxySwitch> <portgroup> <changeOperation>remove</changeOperation> <spec> <name>Management Network</name><vlanId>-1</vlanId><vswitchName /><policy /> </spec> </portgroup> <vnic> <changeOperation>edit</changeOperation> <device>vmk0</device> <portgroup /> <spec> <distributedVirtualPort> <switchUuid>73 a4 05 50 b0 d2 7e b9-38 80 5d 24 65 8f da 70</switchUuid> <portgroupKey>dvportgroup-191</portgroupKey> </distributedVirtualPort> </spec> </vnic> </config> <changeMode>modify</changeMode> </UpdateNetworkConfig> The SOAP API maps closely to PyVmomi, so from there it was (relatively) easy to figure out what Python to write. """ ret = {} ret["success"] = True ret["message"] = [] service_instance = salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ) dvs = salt.utils.vmware._get_dvs(service_instance, dvs_name) if not dvs: ret["message"].append( "No Distributed Virtual Switch found with name {}".format(dvs_name) ) ret["success"] = False target_portgroup = salt.utils.vmware._get_dvs_portgroup(dvs, target_portgroup_name) if not target_portgroup: ret["message"].append( "No target portgroup found with name {}".format(target_portgroup_name) ) ret["success"] = False uplink_portgroup = salt.utils.vmware._get_dvs_uplink_portgroup( dvs, uplink_portgroup_name ) if not uplink_portgroup: ret["message"].append( "No uplink portgroup found with name {}".format(uplink_portgroup_name) ) ret["success"] = False if ret["message"]: return ret dvs_uuid = dvs.config.uuid try: host_names = _check_hosts(service_instance, host, host_names) except CommandExecutionError as e: ret["message"] = "Error retrieving hosts: {}".format(e.msg) return ret for host_name in host_names: ret[host_name] = {} ret[host_name].update( { "status": False, "uplink": uplink_portgroup_name, "portgroup": target_portgroup_name, "vmknic": vmknic_name, "vmnic": vmnic_name, "dvs": dvs_name, } ) host_ref = _get_host_ref(service_instance, host, host_name) if not host_ref: ret[host_name].update({"message": "Host {1} not found".format(host_name)}) ret["success"] = False continue dvs_hostmember_config = vim.dvs.HostMember.ConfigInfo(host=host_ref) dvs_hostmember = vim.dvs.HostMember(config=dvs_hostmember_config) p_nics = salt.utils.vmware._get_pnics(host_ref) p_nic = [x for x in p_nics if x.device == vmnic_name] if not p_nic: ret[host_name].update( {"message": "Physical nic {} not found".format(vmknic_name)} ) ret["success"] = False continue v_nics = salt.utils.vmware._get_vnics(host_ref) v_nic = [x for x in v_nics if x.device == vmknic_name] if not v_nic: ret[host_name].update( {"message": "Virtual nic {} not found".format(vmnic_name)} ) ret["success"] = False continue v_nic_mgr = salt.utils.vmware._get_vnic_manager(host_ref) if not v_nic_mgr: ret[host_name].update( {"message": "Unable to get the host's virtual nic manager."} ) ret["success"] = False continue dvs_pnic_spec = vim.dvs.HostMember.PnicSpec( pnicDevice=vmnic_name, uplinkPortgroupKey=uplink_portgroup.key ) pnic_backing = vim.dvs.HostMember.PnicBacking(pnicSpec=[dvs_pnic_spec]) dvs_hostmember_config_spec = vim.dvs.HostMember.ConfigSpec( host=host_ref, operation="add", ) dvs_config = vim.DVSConfigSpec( configVersion=dvs.config.configVersion, host=[dvs_hostmember_config_spec] ) task = dvs.ReconfigureDvs_Task(spec=dvs_config) try: salt.utils.vmware.wait_for_task( task, host_name, "Adding host to the DVS", sleep_seconds=3 ) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except if hasattr(e, "message") and hasattr(e.message, "msg"): if not ( host_name in e.message.msg and "already exists" in e.message.msg ): ret["success"] = False ret[host_name].update({"message": e.message.msg}) continue else: raise network_system = host_ref.configManager.networkSystem source_portgroup = None for pg in host_ref.config.network.portgroup: if pg.spec.name == v_nic[0].portgroup: source_portgroup = pg break if not source_portgroup: ret[host_name].update({"message": "No matching portgroup on the vSwitch"}) ret["success"] = False continue virtual_nic_config = vim.HostVirtualNicConfig( changeOperation="edit", device=v_nic[0].device, portgroup=source_portgroup.spec.name, spec=vim.HostVirtualNicSpec( distributedVirtualPort=vim.DistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection( portgroupKey=target_portgroup.key, switchUuid=target_portgroup.config.distributedVirtualSwitch.uuid, ) ), ) current_vswitch_ports = host_ref.config.network.vswitch[0].numPorts vswitch_config = vim.HostVirtualSwitchConfig( changeOperation="edit", name="vSwitch0", spec=vim.HostVirtualSwitchSpec(numPorts=current_vswitch_ports), ) proxyswitch_config = vim.HostProxySwitchConfig( changeOperation="edit", uuid=dvs_uuid, spec=vim.HostProxySwitchSpec(backing=pnic_backing), ) host_network_config = vim.HostNetworkConfig( vswitch=[vswitch_config], proxySwitch=[proxyswitch_config], portgroup=[ vim.HostPortGroupConfig( changeOperation="remove", spec=source_portgroup.spec ) ], vnic=[virtual_nic_config], ) try: network_system.UpdateNetworkConfig( changeMode="modify", config=host_network_config ) ret[host_name].update({"status": True}) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except if hasattr(e, "msg"): ret[host_name].update( {"message": "Failed to migrate adapters ({})".format(e.msg)} ) continue else: raise return ret @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxi", "esxcluster", "esxdatacenter", "vcenter") def _get_proxy_target(service_instance): """ Returns the target object of a proxy. If the object doesn't exist a VMwareObjectRetrievalError is raised service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter/ESXi host. """ proxy_type = get_proxy_type() if not salt.utils.vmware.is_connection_to_a_vcenter(service_instance): raise CommandExecutionError( "'_get_proxy_target' not supported when connected via the ESXi host" ) reference = None if proxy_type == "esxcluster": ( host, username, password, protocol, port, mechanism, principal, domain, datacenter, cluster, ) = _get_esxcluster_proxy_details() dc_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenter(service_instance, datacenter) reference = salt.utils.vmware.get_cluster(dc_ref, cluster) elif proxy_type == "esxdatacenter": # esxdatacenter proxy ( host, username, password, protocol, port, mechanism, principal, domain, datacenter, ) = _get_esxdatacenter_proxy_details() reference = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenter(service_instance, datacenter) elif proxy_type == "vcenter": # vcenter proxy - the target is the root folder reference = salt.utils.vmware.get_root_folder(service_instance) elif proxy_type == "esxi": # esxi proxy details = __proxy__["esxi.get_details"]() if "vcenter" not in details: raise InvalidEntityError( "Proxies connected directly to ESXi hosts are not supported" ) references = salt.utils.vmware.get_hosts( service_instance, host_names=details["esxi_host"] ) if not references: raise VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "ESXi host '{}' was not found".format(details["esxi_host"]) ) reference = references[0] log.trace("reference = %s", reference) return reference def _get_esxdatacenter_proxy_details(): """ Returns the running esxdatacenter's proxy details """ det = __salt__["esxdatacenter.get_details"]() return ( det.get("vcenter"), det.get("username"), det.get("password"), det.get("protocol"), det.get("port"), det.get("mechanism"), det.get("principal"), det.get("domain"), det.get("datacenter"), ) def _get_esxcluster_proxy_details(): """ Returns the running esxcluster's proxy details """ det = __salt__["esxcluster.get_details"]() return ( det.get("vcenter"), det.get("username"), det.get("password"), det.get("protocol"), det.get("port"), det.get("mechanism"), det.get("principal"), det.get("domain"), det.get("datacenter"), det.get("cluster"), ) def _get_esxi_proxy_details(): """ Returns the running esxi's proxy details """ det = __proxy__["esxi.get_details"]() host = det.get("host") if det.get("vcenter"): host = det["vcenter"] esxi_hosts = None if det.get("esxi_host"): esxi_hosts = [det["esxi_host"]] return ( host, det.get("username"), det.get("password"), det.get("protocol"), det.get("port"), det.get("mechanism"), det.get("principal"), det.get("domain"), esxi_hosts, ) @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def get_vm( name, datacenter=None, vm_properties=None, traversal_spec=None, parent_ref=None, service_instance=None, ): """ Returns vm object properties. name Name of the virtual machine. datacenter Datacenter name vm_properties List of vm properties. traversal_spec Traversal Spec object(s) for searching. parent_ref Container Reference object for searching under a given object. service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. """ virtual_machine = salt.utils.vmware.get_vm_by_property( service_instance, name, datacenter=datacenter, vm_properties=vm_properties, traversal_spec=traversal_spec, parent_ref=parent_ref, ) return virtual_machine @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def get_vm_config_file(name, datacenter, placement, datastore, service_instance=None): """ Queries the virtual machine config file and returns vim.host.DatastoreBrowser.SearchResults object on success None on failure name Name of the virtual machine datacenter Datacenter name datastore Datastore where the virtual machine files are stored service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. """ browser_spec = vim.host.DatastoreBrowser.SearchSpec() directory = name browser_spec.query = [vim.host.DatastoreBrowser.VmConfigQuery()] datacenter_object = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenter(service_instance, datacenter) if "cluster" in placement: container_object = salt.utils.vmware.get_cluster( datacenter_object, placement["cluster"] ) else: container_objects = salt.utils.vmware.get_hosts( service_instance, datacenter_name=datacenter, host_names=[placement["host"]] ) if not container_objects: raise salt.exceptions.VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "ESXi host named '{}' wasn't found.".format(placement["host"]) ) container_object = container_objects[0] # list of vim.host.DatastoreBrowser.SearchResults objects files = salt.utils.vmware.get_datastore_files( service_instance, directory, [datastore], container_object, browser_spec ) if files and len(files[0].file) > 1: raise salt.exceptions.VMwareMultipleObjectsError( "Multiple configuration files found in the same virtual machine folder" ) elif files and files[0].file: return files[0] else: return None def _apply_hardware_version(hardware_version, config_spec, operation="add"): """ Specifies vm container version or schedules upgrade, returns True on change and False if nothing have been changed. hardware_version Hardware version string eg. vmx-08 config_spec Configuration spec object operation Defines the operation which should be used, the possibles values: 'add' and 'edit', the default value is 'add' """ log.trace( "Configuring virtual machine hardware version version=%s", hardware_version ) if operation == "edit": log.trace("Scheduling hardware version upgrade to %s", hardware_version) scheduled_hardware_upgrade = vim.vm.ScheduledHardwareUpgradeInfo() scheduled_hardware_upgrade.upgradePolicy = "always" scheduled_hardware_upgrade.versionKey = hardware_version config_spec.scheduledHardwareUpgradeInfo = scheduled_hardware_upgrade elif operation == "add": config_spec.version = str(hardware_version) def _apply_cpu_config(config_spec, cpu_props): """ Sets CPU core count to the given value config_spec vm.ConfigSpec object cpu_props CPU properties dict """ log.trace("Configuring virtual machine CPU settings cpu_props=%s", cpu_props) if "count" in cpu_props: config_spec.numCPUs = int(cpu_props["count"]) if "cores_per_socket" in cpu_props: config_spec.numCoresPerSocket = int(cpu_props["cores_per_socket"]) if "nested" in cpu_props and cpu_props["nested"]: config_spec.nestedHVEnabled = cpu_props["nested"] # True if "hotadd" in cpu_props and cpu_props["hotadd"]: config_spec.cpuHotAddEnabled = cpu_props["hotadd"] # True if "hotremove" in cpu_props and cpu_props["hotremove"]: config_spec.cpuHotRemoveEnabled = cpu_props["hotremove"] # True def _apply_memory_config(config_spec, memory): """ Sets memory size to the given value config_spec vm.ConfigSpec object memory Memory size and unit """ log.trace("Configuring virtual machine memory settings memory=%s", memory) if "size" in memory and "unit" in memory: try: if memory["unit"].lower() == "kb": memory_mb = memory["size"] / 1024 elif memory["unit"].lower() == "mb": memory_mb = memory["size"] elif memory["unit"].lower() == "gb": memory_mb = int(float(memory["size"]) * 1024) except (TypeError, ValueError): memory_mb = int(memory["size"]) config_spec.memoryMB = memory_mb if "reservation_max" in memory: config_spec.memoryReservationLockedToMax = memory["reservation_max"] if "hotadd" in memory: config_spec.memoryHotAddEnabled = memory["hotadd"] @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxvm", "esxcluster", "esxdatacenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def get_advanced_configs(vm_name, datacenter, service_instance=None): """ Returns extra config parameters from a virtual machine advanced config list vm_name Virtual machine name datacenter Datacenter name where the virtual machine is available service_instance vCenter service instance for connection and configuration """ current_config = get_vm_config( vm_name, datacenter=datacenter, objects=True, service_instance=service_instance ) return current_config["advanced_configs"] def _apply_advanced_config(config_spec, advanced_config, vm_extra_config=None): """ Sets configuration parameters for the vm config_spec vm.ConfigSpec object advanced_config config key value pairs vm_extra_config Virtual machine vm_ref.config.extraConfig object """ log.trace("Configuring advanced configuration parameters %s", advanced_config) if isinstance(advanced_config, str): raise salt.exceptions.ArgumentValueError( "The specified 'advanced_configs' configuration " "option cannot be parsed, please check the parameters" ) for key, value in advanced_config.items(): if vm_extra_config: for option in vm_extra_config: if option.key == key and option.value == str(value): continue else: option = vim.option.OptionValue(key=key, value=value) config_spec.extraConfig.append(option) @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxvm", "esxcluster", "esxdatacenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def set_advanced_configs(vm_name, datacenter, advanced_configs, service_instance=None): """ Appends extra config parameters to a virtual machine advanced config list vm_name Virtual machine name datacenter Datacenter name where the virtual machine is available advanced_configs Dictionary with advanced parameter key value pairs service_instance vCenter service instance for connection and configuration """ current_config = get_vm_config( vm_name, datacenter=datacenter, objects=True, service_instance=service_instance ) diffs = compare_vm_configs( {"name": vm_name, "advanced_configs": advanced_configs}, current_config ) datacenter_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenter(service_instance, datacenter) vm_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_mor_by_property( service_instance, vim.VirtualMachine, vm_name, property_name="name", container_ref=datacenter_ref, ) config_spec = vim.vm.ConfigSpec() changes = diffs["advanced_configs"].diffs _apply_advanced_config( config_spec, diffs["advanced_configs"].new_values, vm_ref.config.extraConfig ) if changes: salt.utils.vmware.update_vm(vm_ref, config_spec) return {"advanced_config_changes": changes} def _delete_advanced_config(config_spec, advanced_config, vm_extra_config): """ Removes configuration parameters for the vm config_spec vm.ConfigSpec object advanced_config List of advanced config keys to be deleted vm_extra_config Virtual machine vm_ref.config.extraConfig object """ log.trace("Removing advanced configuration parameters %s", advanced_config) if isinstance(advanced_config, str): raise salt.exceptions.ArgumentValueError( "The specified 'advanced_configs' configuration " "option cannot be parsed, please check the parameters" ) removed_configs = [] for key in advanced_config: for option in vm_extra_config: if option.key == key: option = vim.option.OptionValue(key=key, value="") config_spec.extraConfig.append(option) removed_configs.append(key) return removed_configs @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxvm", "esxcluster", "esxdatacenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def delete_advanced_configs( vm_name, datacenter, advanced_configs, service_instance=None ): """ Removes extra config parameters from a virtual machine vm_name Virtual machine name datacenter Datacenter name where the virtual machine is available advanced_configs List of advanced config values to be removed service_instance vCenter service instance for connection and configuration """ datacenter_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenter(service_instance, datacenter) vm_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_mor_by_property( service_instance, vim.VirtualMachine, vm_name, property_name="name", container_ref=datacenter_ref, ) config_spec = vim.vm.ConfigSpec() removed_configs = _delete_advanced_config( config_spec, advanced_configs, vm_ref.config.extraConfig ) if removed_configs: salt.utils.vmware.update_vm(vm_ref, config_spec) return {"removed_configs": removed_configs} def _get_scsi_controller_key(bus_number, scsi_ctrls): """ Returns key number of the SCSI controller keys bus_number Controller bus number from the adapter scsi_ctrls List of SCSI Controller objects (old+newly created) """ # list of new/old VirtualSCSIController objects, both new and old objects # should contain a key attribute key should be a negative integer in case # of a new object keys = [ ctrl.key for ctrl in scsi_ctrls if scsi_ctrls and ctrl.busNumber == bus_number ] if not keys: raise salt.exceptions.VMwareVmCreationError( "SCSI controller number {} doesn't exist".format(bus_number) ) return keys[0] def _apply_hard_disk( unit_number, key, operation, disk_label=None, size=None, unit="GB", controller_key=None, thin_provision=None, eagerly_scrub=None, datastore=None, filename=None, ): """ Returns a vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec object specifying to add/edit a virtual disk device unit_number Add network adapter to this address key Device key number operation Action which should be done on the device add or edit disk_label Label of the new disk, can be overridden size Size of the disk unit Unit of the size, can be GB, MB, KB controller_key Unique umber of the controller key thin_provision Boolean for thin provision eagerly_scrub Boolean for eagerly scrubbing datastore Datastore name where the disk will be located filename Full file name of the vm disk """ log.trace( "Configuring hard disk %s size=%s, unit=%s, controller_key=%s, " "thin_provision=%s, eagerly_scrub=%s, datastore=%s, filename=%s", disk_label, size, unit, controller_key, thin_provision, eagerly_scrub, datastore, filename, ) disk_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() disk_spec.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk() disk_spec.device.key = key disk_spec.device.unitNumber = unit_number disk_spec.device.deviceInfo = vim.Description() if size: convert_size = salt.utils.vmware.convert_to_kb(unit, size) disk_spec.device.capacityInKB = convert_size["size"] if disk_label: disk_spec.device.deviceInfo.label = disk_label if thin_provision is not None or eagerly_scrub is not None: disk_spec.device.backing = vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk.FlatVer2BackingInfo() disk_spec.device.backing.diskMode = "persistent" if thin_provision is not None: disk_spec.device.backing.thinProvisioned = thin_provision if eagerly_scrub is not None and eagerly_scrub != "None": disk_spec.device.backing.eagerlyScrub = eagerly_scrub if controller_key: disk_spec.device.controllerKey = controller_key if operation == "add": disk_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add disk_spec.device.backing.fileName = "[{}] {}".format( salt.utils.vmware.get_managed_object_name(datastore), filename ) disk_spec.fileOperation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.FileOperation.create elif operation == "edit": disk_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.edit return disk_spec def _create_adapter_type(network_adapter, adapter_type, network_adapter_label=""): """ Returns a vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard object specifying a virtual ethernet card information network_adapter None or VirtualEthernet object adapter_type String, type of adapter network_adapter_label string, network adapter name """ log.trace( "Configuring virtual machine network adapter adapter_type=%s", adapter_type ) if adapter_type in ["vmxnet", "vmxnet2", "vmxnet3", "e1000", "e1000e"]: edited_network_adapter = salt.utils.vmware.get_network_adapter_type( adapter_type ) if isinstance(network_adapter, type(edited_network_adapter)): edited_network_adapter = network_adapter else: if network_adapter: log.trace( "Changing type of '%s' from '%s' to '%s'", network_adapter.deviceInfo.label, type(network_adapter).__name__.rsplit(".", 1)[1][7:].lower(), adapter_type, ) else: # If device is edited and type not specified or does not match, # don't change adapter type if network_adapter: if adapter_type: log.error( "Cannot change type of '%s' to '%s'. Not changing type", network_adapter.deviceInfo.label, adapter_type, ) edited_network_adapter = network_adapter else: if not adapter_type: log.trace( "The type of '%s' has not been specified. " "Creating of default type 'vmxnet3'", network_adapter_label, ) edited_network_adapter = vim.vm.device.VirtualVmxnet3() return edited_network_adapter def _create_network_backing(network_name, switch_type, parent_ref): """ Returns a vim.vm.device.VirtualDevice.BackingInfo object specifying a virtual ethernet card backing information network_name string, network name switch_type string, type of switch parent_ref Parent reference to search for network """ log.trace( "Configuring virtual machine network backing network_name=%s " "switch_type=%s parent=%s", network_name, switch_type, salt.utils.vmware.get_managed_object_name(parent_ref), ) backing = {} if network_name: if switch_type == "standard": networks = salt.utils.vmware.get_networks( parent_ref, network_names=[network_name] ) if not networks: raise salt.exceptions.VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "The network '{}' could not be retrieved.".format(network_name) ) network_ref = networks[0] backing = vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard.NetworkBackingInfo() backing.deviceName = network_name backing.network = network_ref elif switch_type == "distributed": networks = salt.utils.vmware.get_dvportgroups( parent_ref, portgroup_names=[network_name] ) if not networks: raise salt.exceptions.VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "The port group '{}' could not be retrieved.".format(network_name) ) network_ref = networks[0] dvs_port_connection = vim.dvs.PortConnection( portgroupKey=network_ref.key, switchUuid=network_ref.config.distributedVirtualSwitch.uuid, ) backing = ( vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard.DistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo() ) backing.port = dvs_port_connection return backing def _apply_network_adapter_config( key, network_name, adapter_type, switch_type, network_adapter_label=None, operation="add", connectable=None, mac=None, parent=None, ): """ Returns a vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec object specifying to add/edit a network device network_adapter_label Network adapter label key Unique key for device creation network_name Network or port group name adapter_type Type of the adapter eg. vmxnet3 switch_type Type of the switch: standard or distributed operation Type of operation: add or edit connectable Dictionary with the device connection properties mac MAC address of the network adapter parent Parent object reference """ adapter_type.strip().lower() switch_type.strip().lower() log.trace( "Configuring virtual machine network adapter network_adapter_label=%s " "network_name=%s adapter_type=%s switch_type=%s mac=%s", network_adapter_label, network_name, adapter_type, switch_type, mac, ) network_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() network_spec.device = _create_adapter_type( network_spec.device, adapter_type, network_adapter_label=network_adapter_label ) network_spec.device.deviceInfo = vim.Description() if operation == "add": network_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add elif operation == "edit": network_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.edit if switch_type and network_name: network_spec.device.backing = _create_network_backing( network_name, switch_type, parent ) network_spec.device.deviceInfo.summary = network_name if key: # random negative integer for creations, concrete device key # for updates network_spec.device.key = key if network_adapter_label: network_spec.device.deviceInfo.label = network_adapter_label if mac: network_spec.device.macAddress = mac network_spec.device.addressType = "Manual" network_spec.device.wakeOnLanEnabled = True if connectable: network_spec.device.connectable = vim.vm.device.VirtualDevice.ConnectInfo() network_spec.device.connectable.startConnected = connectable["start_connected"] network_spec.device.connectable.allowGuestControl = connectable[ "allow_guest_control" ] return network_spec def _apply_scsi_controller( adapter, adapter_type, bus_sharing, key, bus_number, operation ): """ Returns a vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec object specifying to add/edit a SCSI controller adapter SCSI controller adapter name adapter_type SCSI controller adapter type eg. paravirtual bus_sharing SCSI controller bus sharing eg. virtual_sharing key SCSI controller unique key bus_number Device bus number property operation Describes the operation which should be done on the object, the possibles values: 'add' and 'edit', the default value is 'add' .. code-block:: bash scsi: adapter: 'SCSI controller 0' type: paravirtual or lsilogic or lsilogic_sas bus_sharing: 'no_sharing' or 'virtual_sharing' or 'physical_sharing' """ log.trace( "Configuring scsi controller adapter=%s adapter_type=%s " "bus_sharing=%s key=%s bus_number=%s", adapter, adapter_type, bus_sharing, key, bus_number, ) scsi_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() if adapter_type == "lsilogic": summary = "LSI Logic" scsi_spec.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualLsiLogicController() elif adapter_type == "lsilogic_sas": summary = "LSI Logic Sas" scsi_spec.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualLsiLogicSASController() elif adapter_type == "paravirtual": summary = "VMware paravirtual SCSI" scsi_spec.device = vim.vm.device.ParaVirtualSCSIController() elif adapter_type == "buslogic": summary = "Bus Logic" scsi_spec.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualBusLogicController() if operation == "add": scsi_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add elif operation == "edit": scsi_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.edit scsi_spec.device.key = key scsi_spec.device.busNumber = bus_number scsi_spec.device.deviceInfo = vim.Description() scsi_spec.device.deviceInfo.label = adapter scsi_spec.device.deviceInfo.summary = summary if bus_sharing == "virtual_sharing": # Virtual disks can be shared between virtual machines on # the same server scsi_spec.device.sharedBus = ( vim.vm.device.VirtualSCSIController.Sharing.virtualSharing ) elif bus_sharing == "physical_sharing": # Virtual disks can be shared between virtual machines on any server scsi_spec.device.sharedBus = ( vim.vm.device.VirtualSCSIController.Sharing.physicalSharing ) elif bus_sharing == "no_sharing": # Virtual disks cannot be shared between virtual machines scsi_spec.device.sharedBus = ( vim.vm.device.VirtualSCSIController.Sharing.noSharing ) return scsi_spec def _create_ide_controllers(ide_controllers): """ Returns a list of vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec objects representing IDE controllers ide_controllers IDE properties """ ide_ctrls = [] keys = range(-200, -250, -1) if ide_controllers: devs = [ide["adapter"] for ide in ide_controllers] log.trace("Creating IDE controllers %s", devs) for ide, key in zip(ide_controllers, keys): ide_ctrls.append( _apply_ide_controller_config(ide["adapter"], "add", key, abs(key + 200)) ) return ide_ctrls def _apply_ide_controller_config(ide_controller_label, operation, key, bus_number=0): """ Returns a vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec object specifying to add/edit an IDE controller ide_controller_label Controller label of the IDE adapter operation Type of operation: add or edit key Unique key of the device bus_number Device bus number property """ log.trace( "Configuring IDE controller ide_controller_label=%s", ide_controller_label ) ide_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() ide_spec.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualIDEController() if operation == "add": ide_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add if operation == "edit": ide_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.edit ide_spec.device.key = key ide_spec.device.busNumber = bus_number if ide_controller_label: ide_spec.device.deviceInfo = vim.Description() ide_spec.device.deviceInfo.label = ide_controller_label ide_spec.device.deviceInfo.summary = ide_controller_label return ide_spec def _create_sata_controllers(sata_controllers): """ Returns a list of vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec objects representing SATA controllers sata_controllers SATA properties """ sata_ctrls = [] keys = range(-15000, -15050, -1) if sata_controllers: devs = [sata["adapter"] for sata in sata_controllers] log.trace("Creating SATA controllers %s", devs) for sata, key in zip(sata_controllers, keys): sata_ctrls.append( _apply_sata_controller_config( sata["adapter"], "add", key, sata["bus_number"] ) ) return sata_ctrls def _apply_sata_controller_config(sata_controller_label, operation, key, bus_number=0): """ Returns a vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec object specifying to add/edit a SATA controller sata_controller_label Controller label of the SATA adapter operation Type of operation: add or edit key Unique key of the device bus_number Device bus number property """ log.trace( "Configuring SATA controller sata_controller_label=%s", sata_controller_label ) sata_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() sata_spec.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualAHCIController() if operation == "add": sata_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add elif operation == "edit": sata_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.edit sata_spec.device.key = key sata_spec.device.controllerKey = 100 sata_spec.device.busNumber = bus_number if sata_controller_label: sata_spec.device.deviceInfo = vim.Description() sata_spec.device.deviceInfo.label = sata_controller_label sata_spec.device.deviceInfo.summary = sata_controller_label return sata_spec def _apply_cd_drive( drive_label, key, device_type, operation, client_device=None, datastore_iso_file=None, connectable=None, controller_key=200, parent_ref=None, ): """ Returns a vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec object specifying to add/edit a CD/DVD drive drive_label Leble of the CD/DVD drive key Unique key of the device device_type Type of the device: client or iso operation Type of operation: add or edit client_device Client device properties datastore_iso_file ISO properties connectable Connection info for the device controller_key Controller unique identifier to which we will attach this device parent_ref Parent object .. code-block:: bash cd: adapter: "CD/DVD drive 1" device_type: datastore_iso_file or client_device client_device: mode: atapi or passthrough datastore_iso_file: path: "[share] iso/disk.iso" connectable: start_connected: True allow_guest_control: """ log.trace( "Configuring CD/DVD drive drive_label=%s device_type=%s " "client_device=%s datastore_iso_file=%s", drive_label, device_type, client_device, datastore_iso_file, ) drive_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() drive_spec.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualCdrom() drive_spec.device.deviceInfo = vim.Description() if operation == "add": drive_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add elif operation == "edit": drive_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.edit if device_type == "datastore_iso_file": drive_spec.device.backing = vim.vm.device.VirtualCdrom.IsoBackingInfo() drive_spec.device.backing.fileName = datastore_iso_file["path"] datastore = datastore_iso_file["path"].partition("[")[-1].rpartition("]")[0] datastore_object = salt.utils.vmware.get_datastores( salt.utils.vmware.get_service_instance_from_managed_object(parent_ref), parent_ref, datastore_names=[datastore], )[0] if datastore_object: drive_spec.device.backing.datastore = datastore_object drive_spec.device.deviceInfo.summary = "{}".format(datastore_iso_file["path"]) elif device_type == "client_device": if client_device["mode"] == "passthrough": drive_spec.device.backing = ( vim.vm.device.VirtualCdrom.RemotePassthroughBackingInfo() ) elif client_device["mode"] == "atapi": drive_spec.device.backing = ( vim.vm.device.VirtualCdrom.RemoteAtapiBackingInfo() ) drive_spec.device.key = key drive_spec.device.deviceInfo.label = drive_label drive_spec.device.controllerKey = controller_key drive_spec.device.connectable = vim.vm.device.VirtualDevice.ConnectInfo() if connectable: drive_spec.device.connectable.startConnected = connectable["start_connected"] drive_spec.device.connectable.allowGuestControl = connectable[ "allow_guest_control" ] return drive_spec def _set_network_adapter_mapping(domain, gateway, ip_addr, subnet_mask, mac): """ Returns a vim.vm.customization.AdapterMapping object containing the IP properties of a network adapter card domain Domain of the host gateway Gateway address ip_addr IP address subnet_mask Subnet mask mac MAC address of the guest """ adapter_mapping = vim.vm.customization.AdapterMapping() adapter_mapping.macAddress = mac adapter_mapping.adapter = vim.vm.customization.IPSettings() if domain: adapter_mapping.adapter.dnsDomain = domain if gateway: adapter_mapping.adapter.gateway = gateway if ip_addr: adapter_mapping.adapter.ip = vim.vm.customization.FixedIp(ipAddress=ip_addr) adapter_mapping.adapter.subnetMask = subnet_mask else: adapter_mapping.adapter.ip = vim.vm.customization.DhcpIpGenerator() return adapter_mapping def _apply_serial_port(serial_device_spec, key, operation="add"): """ Returns a vim.vm.device.VirtualSerialPort representing a serial port component serial_device_spec Serial device properties key Unique key of the device operation Add or edit the given device .. code-block:: bash serial_ports: adapter: 'Serial port 1' backing: type: uri uri: 'telnet://something:port' direction: <client|server> filename: 'service_uri' connectable: allow_guest_control: True start_connected: True yield: False """ log.trace( "Creating serial port adapter=%s type=%s connectable=%s yield=%s", serial_device_spec["adapter"], serial_device_spec["type"], serial_device_spec["connectable"], serial_device_spec["yield"], ) device_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() device_spec.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualSerialPort() if operation == "add": device_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add elif operation == "edit": device_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.edit connect_info = vim.vm.device.VirtualDevice.ConnectInfo() type_backing = None if serial_device_spec["type"] == "network": type_backing = vim.vm.device.VirtualSerialPort.URIBackingInfo() if "uri" not in serial_device_spec["backing"].keys(): raise ValueError("vSPC proxy URI not specified in config") if "uri" not in serial_device_spec["backing"].keys(): raise ValueError("vSPC Direction not specified in config") if "filename" not in serial_device_spec["backing"].keys(): raise ValueError("vSPC Filename not specified in config") type_backing.proxyURI = serial_device_spec["backing"]["uri"] type_backing.direction = serial_device_spec["backing"]["direction"] type_backing.serviceURI = serial_device_spec["backing"]["filename"] if serial_device_spec["type"] == "pipe": type_backing = vim.vm.device.VirtualSerialPort.PipeBackingInfo() if serial_device_spec["type"] == "file": type_backing = vim.vm.device.VirtualSerialPort.FileBackingInfo() if serial_device_spec["type"] == "device": type_backing = vim.vm.device.VirtualSerialPort.DeviceBackingInfo() connect_info.allowGuestControl = serial_device_spec["connectable"][ "allow_guest_control" ] connect_info.startConnected = serial_device_spec["connectable"]["start_connected"] device_spec.device.backing = type_backing device_spec.device.connectable = connect_info device_spec.device.unitNumber = 1 device_spec.device.key = key device_spec.device.yieldOnPoll = serial_device_spec["yield"] return device_spec def _create_disks(service_instance, disks, scsi_controllers=None, parent=None): """ Returns a list of disk specs representing the disks to be created for a virtual machine service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. disks List of disks with properties scsi_controllers List of SCSI controllers parent Parent object reference .. code-block:: bash disk: adapter: 'Hard disk 1' size: 16 unit: GB address: '0:0' controller: 'SCSI controller 0' thin_provision: False eagerly_scrub: False datastore: 'myshare' filename: 'vm/mydisk.vmdk' """ disk_specs = [] keys = range(-2000, -2050, -1) if disks: devs = [disk["adapter"] for disk in disks] log.trace("Creating disks %s", devs) for disk, key in zip(disks, keys): # create the disk filename, datastore, datastore_ref = None, None, None size = float(disk["size"]) # when creating both SCSI controller and Hard disk at the same time # we need the randomly assigned (temporary) key of the newly created # SCSI controller controller_key = 1000 # Default is the first SCSI controller if "address" in disk: # 0:0 controller_bus_number, unit_number = disk["address"].split(":") controller_bus_number = int(controller_bus_number) unit_number = int(unit_number) controller_key = _get_scsi_controller_key( controller_bus_number, scsi_ctrls=scsi_controllers ) elif "controller" in disk: for contr in scsi_controllers: if contr["label"] == disk["controller"]: controller_key = contr["key"] break else: raise salt.exceptions.VMwareObjectNotFoundError( "The given controller does not exist: {}".format(disk["controller"]) ) if "datastore" in disk: datastore_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_datastores( service_instance, parent, datastore_names=[disk["datastore"]] )[0] datastore = disk["datastore"] if "filename" in disk: filename = disk["filename"] # XOR filename, datastore if (not filename and datastore) or (filename and not datastore): raise salt.exceptions.ArgumentValueError( "You must specify both filename and datastore attributes" " to place your disk to a specific datastore " "{}, {}".format(datastore, filename) ) disk_spec = _apply_hard_disk( unit_number, key, disk_label=disk["adapter"], size=size, unit=disk["unit"], controller_key=controller_key, operation="add", thin_provision=disk["thin_provision"], eagerly_scrub=disk["eagerly_scrub"] if "eagerly_scrub" in disk else None, datastore=datastore_ref, filename=filename, ) disk_specs.append(disk_spec) unit_number += 1 return disk_specs def _create_scsi_devices(scsi_devices): """ Returns a list of vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec objects representing SCSI controllers scsi_devices: List of SCSI device properties """ keys = range(-1000, -1050, -1) scsi_specs = [] if scsi_devices: devs = [scsi["adapter"] for scsi in scsi_devices] log.trace("Creating SCSI devices %s", devs) # unitNumber for disk attachment, 0:0 1st 0 is the controller busNumber, # 2nd is the unitNumber for (key, scsi_controller) in zip(keys, scsi_devices): # create the SCSI controller scsi_spec = _apply_scsi_controller( scsi_controller["adapter"], scsi_controller["type"], scsi_controller["bus_sharing"], key, scsi_controller["bus_number"], "add", ) scsi_specs.append(scsi_spec) return scsi_specs def _create_network_adapters(network_interfaces, parent=None): """ Returns a list of vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec objects representing the interfaces to be created for a virtual machine network_interfaces List of network interfaces and properties parent Parent object reference .. code-block:: bash interfaces: adapter: 'Network adapter 1' name: vlan100 switch_type: distributed or standard adapter_type: vmxnet3 or vmxnet, vmxnet2, vmxnet3, e1000, e1000e mac: '00:11:22:33:44:55' """ network_specs = [] nics_settings = [] keys = range(-4000, -4050, -1) if network_interfaces: devs = [inter["adapter"] for inter in network_interfaces] log.trace("Creating network interfaces %s", devs) for interface, key in zip(network_interfaces, keys): network_spec = _apply_network_adapter_config( key, interface["name"], interface["adapter_type"], interface["switch_type"], network_adapter_label=interface["adapter"], operation="add", connectable=interface["connectable"] if "connectable" in interface else None, mac=interface["mac"], parent=parent, ) network_specs.append(network_spec) if "mapping" in interface: adapter_mapping = _set_network_adapter_mapping( interface["mapping"]["domain"], interface["mapping"]["gateway"], interface["mapping"]["ip_addr"], interface["mapping"]["subnet_mask"], interface["mac"], ) nics_settings.append(adapter_mapping) return (network_specs, nics_settings) def _create_serial_ports(serial_ports): """ Returns a list of vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec objects representing the serial ports to be created for a virtual machine serial_ports Serial port properties """ ports = [] keys = range(-9000, -9050, -1) if serial_ports: devs = [serial["adapter"] for serial in serial_ports] log.trace("Creating serial ports %s", devs) for port, key in zip(serial_ports, keys): serial_port_device = _apply_serial_port(port, key, "add") ports.append(serial_port_device) return ports def _create_cd_drives(cd_drives, controllers=None, parent_ref=None): """ Returns a list of vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec objects representing the CD/DVD drives to be created for a virtual machine cd_drives CD/DVD drive properties controllers CD/DVD drive controllers (IDE, SATA) parent_ref Parent object reference """ cd_drive_specs = [] keys = range(-3000, -3050, -1) if cd_drives: devs = [dvd["adapter"] for dvd in cd_drives] log.trace("Creating cd/dvd drives %s", devs) for drive, key in zip(cd_drives, keys): # if a controller is not available/cannot be created we should use the # one which is available by default, this is 'IDE 0' controller_key = 200 if controllers: controller = _get_device_by_label(controllers, drive["controller"]) controller_key = controller.key cd_drive_specs.append( _apply_cd_drive( drive["adapter"], key, drive["device_type"], "add", client_device=drive["client_device"] if "client_device" in drive else None, datastore_iso_file=drive["datastore_iso_file"] if "datastore_iso_file" in drive else None, connectable=drive["connectable"] if "connectable" in drive else None, controller_key=controller_key, parent_ref=parent_ref, ) ) return cd_drive_specs def _get_device_by_key(devices, key): """ Returns the device with the given key, raises error if the device is not found. devices list of vim.vm.device.VirtualDevice objects key Unique key of device """ device_keys = [d for d in devices if d.key == key] if device_keys: return device_keys[0] else: raise salt.exceptions.VMwareObjectNotFoundError( "Virtual machine device with unique key {} does not exist".format(key) ) def _get_device_by_label(devices, label): """ Returns the device with the given label, raises error if the device is not found. devices list of vim.vm.device.VirtualDevice objects key Unique key of device """ device_labels = [d for d in devices if d.deviceInfo.label == label] if device_labels: return device_labels[0] else: raise salt.exceptions.VMwareObjectNotFoundError( "Virtual machine device with label {} does not exist".format(label) ) def _convert_units(devices): """ Updates the size and unit dictionary values with the new unit values devices List of device data objects """ if devices: for device in devices: if "unit" in device and "size" in device: device.update( salt.utils.vmware.convert_to_kb(device["unit"], device["size"]) ) else: return False return True @_deprecation_message def compare_vm_configs(new_config, current_config): """ Compares virtual machine current and new configuration, the current is the one which is deployed now, and the new is the target config. Returns the differences between the objects in a dictionary, the keys are the configuration parameter keys and the values are differences objects: either list or recursive difference new_config: New config dictionary with every available parameter current_config Currently deployed configuration """ diffs = {} keys = set(new_config.keys()) # These values identify the virtual machine, comparison is unnecessary keys.discard("name") keys.discard("datacenter") keys.discard("datastore") for property_key in ("version", "image"): if property_key in keys: single_value_diff = recursive_diff( {property_key: current_config[property_key]}, {property_key: new_config[property_key]}, ) if single_value_diff.diffs: diffs[property_key] = single_value_diff keys.discard(property_key) if "cpu" in keys: keys.remove("cpu") cpu_diff = recursive_diff(current_config["cpu"], new_config["cpu"]) if cpu_diff.diffs: diffs["cpu"] = cpu_diff if "memory" in keys: keys.remove("memory") _convert_units([current_config["memory"]]) _convert_units([new_config["memory"]]) memory_diff = recursive_diff(current_config["memory"], new_config["memory"]) if memory_diff.diffs: diffs["memory"] = memory_diff if "advanced_configs" in keys: keys.remove("advanced_configs") key = "advanced_configs" advanced_diff = recursive_diff(current_config[key], new_config[key]) if advanced_diff.diffs: diffs[key] = advanced_diff if "disks" in keys: keys.remove("disks") _convert_units(current_config["disks"]) _convert_units(new_config["disks"]) disk_diffs = list_diff(current_config["disks"], new_config["disks"], "address") # REMOVE UNSUPPORTED DIFFERENCES/CHANGES # If the disk already exist, the backing properties like eagerly scrub # and thin provisioning # cannot be updated, and should not be identified as differences disk_diffs.remove_diff(diff_key="eagerly_scrub") # Filename updates are not supported yet, on VSAN datastores the # backing.fileName points to a uid + the vmdk name disk_diffs.remove_diff(diff_key="filename") # The adapter name shouldn't be changed disk_diffs.remove_diff(diff_key="adapter") if disk_diffs.diffs: diffs["disks"] = disk_diffs if "interfaces" in keys: keys.remove("interfaces") interface_diffs = list_diff( current_config["interfaces"], new_config["interfaces"], "mac" ) # The adapter name shouldn't be changed interface_diffs.remove_diff(diff_key="adapter") if interface_diffs.diffs: diffs["interfaces"] = interface_diffs # For general items where the identification can be done by adapter for key in keys: if key not in current_config or key not in new_config: raise ValueError( "A general device {} configuration was " "not supplied or it was not retrieved from " "remote configuration".format(key) ) device_diffs = list_diff(current_config[key], new_config[key], "adapter") if device_diffs.diffs: diffs[key] = device_diffs return diffs @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def get_vm_config(name, datacenter=None, objects=True, service_instance=None): """ Queries and converts the virtual machine properties to the available format from the schema. If the objects attribute is True the config objects will have extra properties, like 'object' which will include the vim.vm.device.VirtualDevice, this is necessary for deletion and update actions. name Name of the virtual machine datacenter Datacenter's name where the virtual machine is available objects Indicates whether to return the vmware object properties (eg. object, key) or just the properties which can be set service_instance vCenter service instance for connection and configuration """ properties = [ "config.hardware.device", "config.hardware.numCPU", "config.hardware.numCoresPerSocket", "config.nestedHVEnabled", "config.cpuHotAddEnabled", "config.cpuHotRemoveEnabled", "config.hardware.memoryMB", "config.memoryReservationLockedToMax", "config.memoryHotAddEnabled", "config.version", "config.guestId", "config.extraConfig", "name", ] virtual_machine = salt.utils.vmware.get_vm_by_property( service_instance, name, vm_properties=properties, datacenter=datacenter ) parent_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenter( service_instance=service_instance, datacenter_name=datacenter ) current_config = {"name": name} current_config["cpu"] = { "count": virtual_machine["config.hardware.numCPU"], "cores_per_socket": virtual_machine["config.hardware.numCoresPerSocket"], "nested": virtual_machine["config.nestedHVEnabled"], "hotadd": virtual_machine["config.cpuHotAddEnabled"], "hotremove": virtual_machine["config.cpuHotRemoveEnabled"], } current_config["memory"] = { "size": virtual_machine["config.hardware.memoryMB"], "unit": "MB", "reservation_max": virtual_machine["config.memoryReservationLockedToMax"], "hotadd": virtual_machine["config.memoryHotAddEnabled"], } current_config["image"] = virtual_machine["config.guestId"] current_config["version"] = virtual_machine["config.version"] current_config["advanced_configs"] = {} for extra_conf in virtual_machine["config.extraConfig"]: try: current_config["advanced_configs"][extra_conf.key] = int(extra_conf.value) except ValueError: current_config["advanced_configs"][extra_conf.key] = extra_conf.value current_config["disks"] = [] current_config["scsi_devices"] = [] current_config["interfaces"] = [] current_config["serial_ports"] = [] current_config["cd_drives"] = [] current_config["sata_controllers"] = [] for device in virtual_machine["config.hardware.device"]: if isinstance(device, vim.vm.device.VirtualSCSIController): controller = {} controller["adapter"] = device.deviceInfo.label controller["bus_number"] = device.busNumber bus_sharing = device.sharedBus if bus_sharing == "noSharing": controller["bus_sharing"] = "no_sharing" elif bus_sharing == "virtualSharing": controller["bus_sharing"] = "virtual_sharing" elif bus_sharing == "physicalSharing": controller["bus_sharing"] = "physical_sharing" if isinstance(device, vim.vm.device.ParaVirtualSCSIController): controller["type"] = "paravirtual" elif isinstance(device, vim.vm.device.VirtualBusLogicController): controller["type"] = "buslogic" elif isinstance(device, vim.vm.device.VirtualLsiLogicController): controller["type"] = "lsilogic" elif isinstance(device, vim.vm.device.VirtualLsiLogicSASController): controller["type"] = "lsilogic_sas" if objects: # int list, stores the keys of the disks which are attached # to this controller controller["device"] = device.device controller["key"] = device.key controller["object"] = device current_config["scsi_devices"].append(controller) if isinstance(device, vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk): disk = {} disk["adapter"] = device.deviceInfo.label disk["size"] = device.capacityInKB disk["unit"] = "KB" controller = _get_device_by_key( virtual_machine["config.hardware.device"], device.controllerKey ) disk["controller"] = controller.deviceInfo.label disk["address"] = str(controller.busNumber) + ":" + str(device.unitNumber) disk["datastore"] = salt.utils.vmware.get_managed_object_name( device.backing.datastore ) disk["thin_provision"] = device.backing.thinProvisioned disk["eagerly_scrub"] = device.backing.eagerlyScrub if objects: disk["key"] = device.key disk["unit_number"] = device.unitNumber disk["bus_number"] = controller.busNumber disk["controller_key"] = device.controllerKey disk["object"] = device current_config["disks"].append(disk) if isinstance(device, vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard): interface = {} interface["adapter"] = device.deviceInfo.label interface[ "adapter_type" ] = salt.utils.vmware.get_network_adapter_object_type(device) interface["connectable"] = { "allow_guest_control": device.connectable.allowGuestControl, "connected": device.connectable.connected, "start_connected": device.connectable.startConnected, } interface["mac"] = device.macAddress if isinstance( device.backing, vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard.DistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo, ): interface["switch_type"] = "distributed" pg_key = device.backing.port.portgroupKey network_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_mor_by_property( service_instance, vim.DistributedVirtualPortgroup, pg_key, property_name="key", container_ref=parent_ref, ) elif isinstance( device.backing, vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard.NetworkBackingInfo ): interface["switch_type"] = "standard" network_ref = device.backing.network interface["name"] = salt.utils.vmware.get_managed_object_name(network_ref) if objects: interface["key"] = device.key interface["object"] = device current_config["interfaces"].append(interface) if isinstance(device, vim.vm.device.VirtualCdrom): drive = {} drive["adapter"] = device.deviceInfo.label controller = _get_device_by_key( virtual_machine["config.hardware.device"], device.controllerKey ) drive["controller"] = controller.deviceInfo.label if isinstance( device.backing, vim.vm.device.VirtualCdrom.RemotePassthroughBackingInfo ): drive["device_type"] = "client_device" drive["client_device"] = {"mode": "passthrough"} if isinstance( device.backing, vim.vm.device.VirtualCdrom.RemoteAtapiBackingInfo ): drive["device_type"] = "client_device" drive["client_device"] = {"mode": "atapi"} if isinstance(device.backing, vim.vm.device.VirtualCdrom.IsoBackingInfo): drive["device_type"] = "datastore_iso_file" drive["datastore_iso_file"] = {"path": device.backing.fileName} drive["connectable"] = { "allow_guest_control": device.connectable.allowGuestControl, "connected": device.connectable.connected, "start_connected": device.connectable.startConnected, } if objects: drive["key"] = device.key drive["controller_key"] = device.controllerKey drive["object"] = device current_config["cd_drives"].append(drive) if isinstance(device, vim.vm.device.VirtualSerialPort): port = {} port["adapter"] = device.deviceInfo.label if isinstance( device.backing, vim.vm.device.VirtualSerialPort.URIBackingInfo ): port["type"] = "network" port["backing"] = { "uri": device.backing.proxyURI, "direction": device.backing.direction, "filename": device.backing.serviceURI, } if isinstance( device.backing, vim.vm.device.VirtualSerialPort.PipeBackingInfo ): port["type"] = "pipe" if isinstance( device.backing, vim.vm.device.VirtualSerialPort.FileBackingInfo ): port["type"] = "file" if isinstance( device.backing, vim.vm.device.VirtualSerialPort.DeviceBackingInfo ): port["type"] = "device" port["yield"] = device.yieldOnPoll port["connectable"] = { "allow_guest_control": device.connectable.allowGuestControl, "connected": device.connectable.connected, "start_connected": device.connectable.startConnected, } if objects: port["key"] = device.key port["object"] = device current_config["serial_ports"].append(port) if isinstance(device, vim.vm.device.VirtualSATAController): sata = {} sata["adapter"] = device.deviceInfo.label sata["bus_number"] = device.busNumber if objects: sata["device"] = device.device # keys of the connected devices sata["key"] = device.key sata["object"] = device current_config["sata_controllers"].append(sata) return current_config def _update_disks(disks_old_new): """ Changes the disk size and returns the config spec objects in a list. The controller property cannot be updated, because controller address identifies the disk by the unit and bus number properties. disks_diffs List of old and new disk properties, the properties are dictionary objects """ disk_changes = [] if disks_old_new: devs = [disk["old"]["address"] for disk in disks_old_new] log.trace("Updating disks %s", devs) for item in disks_old_new: current_disk = item["old"] next_disk = item["new"] difference = recursive_diff(current_disk, next_disk) difference.ignore_unset_values = False if difference.changed(): if next_disk["size"] < current_disk["size"]: raise salt.exceptions.VMwareSaltError( "Disk cannot be downsized size={} unit={} " "controller_key={} " "unit_number={}".format( next_disk["size"], next_disk["unit"], current_disk["controller_key"], current_disk["unit_number"], ) ) log.trace( "Virtual machine disk will be updated size=%s unit=%s " "controller_key=%s unit_number=%s", next_disk["size"], next_disk["unit"], current_disk["controller_key"], current_disk["unit_number"], ) device_config_spec = _apply_hard_disk( current_disk["unit_number"], current_disk["key"], "edit", size=next_disk["size"], unit=next_disk["unit"], controller_key=current_disk["controller_key"], ) # The backing didn't change and we must supply one for # reconfigure device_config_spec.device.backing = current_disk["object"].backing disk_changes.append(device_config_spec) return disk_changes def _update_scsi_devices(scsis_old_new, current_disks): """ Returns a list of vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec specifying the scsi properties as input the old and new configs are defined in a dictionary. scsi_diffs List of old and new scsi properties """ device_config_specs = [] if scsis_old_new: devs = [scsi["old"]["adapter"] for scsi in scsis_old_new] log.trace("Updating SCSI controllers %s", devs) for item in scsis_old_new: next_scsi = item["new"] current_scsi = item["old"] difference = recursive_diff(current_scsi, next_scsi) difference.ignore_unset_values = False if difference.changed(): log.trace( "Virtual machine scsi device will be updated key=%s " "bus_number=%s type=%s bus_sharing=%s", current_scsi["key"], current_scsi["bus_number"], next_scsi["type"], next_scsi["bus_sharing"], ) # The sharedBus property is not optional # The type can only be updated if we delete the original # controller, create a new one with the properties and then # attach the disk object to the newly created controller, even # though the controller key stays the same the last step is # mandatory if next_scsi["type"] != current_scsi["type"]: device_config_specs.append(_delete_device(current_scsi["object"])) device_config_specs.append( _apply_scsi_controller( current_scsi["adapter"], next_scsi["type"], next_scsi["bus_sharing"], current_scsi["key"], current_scsi["bus_number"], "add", ) ) disks_to_update = [] for disk_key in current_scsi["device"]: disk_objects = [disk["object"] for disk in current_disks] disks_to_update.append( _get_device_by_key(disk_objects, disk_key) ) for current_disk in disks_to_update: disk_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() disk_spec.device = current_disk disk_spec.operation = "edit" device_config_specs.append(disk_spec) else: device_config_specs.append( _apply_scsi_controller( current_scsi["adapter"], current_scsi["type"], next_scsi["bus_sharing"], current_scsi["key"], current_scsi["bus_number"], "edit", ) ) return device_config_specs def _update_network_adapters(interface_old_new, parent): """ Returns a list of vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec specifying configuration(s) for changed network adapters, the adapter type cannot be changed, as input the old and new configs are defined in a dictionary. interface_old_new Dictionary with old and new keys which contains the current and the next config for a network device parent Parent managed object reference """ network_changes = [] if interface_old_new: devs = [inter["old"]["mac"] for inter in interface_old_new] log.trace("Updating network interfaces %s", devs) for item in interface_old_new: current_interface = item["old"] next_interface = item["new"] difference = recursive_diff(current_interface, next_interface) difference.ignore_unset_values = False if difference.changed(): log.trace( "Virtual machine network adapter will be updated " "switch_type=%s name=%s adapter_type=%s mac=%s", next_interface["switch_type"], next_interface["name"], current_interface["adapter_type"], current_interface["mac"], ) device_config_spec = _apply_network_adapter_config( current_interface["key"], next_interface["name"], current_interface["adapter_type"], next_interface["switch_type"], operation="edit", mac=current_interface["mac"], parent=parent, ) network_changes.append(device_config_spec) return network_changes def _update_serial_ports(serial_old_new): """ Returns a list of vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec specifying to edit a deployed serial port configuration to the new given config serial_old_new Dictionary with old and new keys which contains the current and the next config for a serial port device """ serial_changes = [] if serial_old_new: devs = [serial["old"]["adapter"] for serial in serial_old_new] log.trace("Updating serial ports %s", devs) for item in serial_old_new: current_serial = item["old"] next_serial = item["new"] difference = recursive_diff(current_serial, next_serial) difference.ignore_unset_values = False if difference.changed(): serial_changes.append( _apply_serial_port(next_serial, current_serial["key"], "edit") ) return serial_changes def _update_cd_drives(drives_old_new, controllers=None, parent=None): """ Returns a list of vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec specifying to edit a deployed cd drive configuration to the new given config drives_old_new Dictionary with old and new keys which contains the current and the next config for a cd drive controllers Controller device list parent Managed object reference of the parent object """ cd_changes = [] if drives_old_new: devs = [drive["old"]["adapter"] for drive in drives_old_new] log.trace("Updating cd/dvd drives %s", devs) for item in drives_old_new: current_drive = item["old"] new_drive = item["new"] difference = recursive_diff(current_drive, new_drive) difference.ignore_unset_values = False if difference.changed(): if controllers: controller = _get_device_by_label( controllers, new_drive["controller"] ) controller_key = controller.key else: controller_key = current_drive["controller_key"] cd_changes.append( _apply_cd_drive( current_drive["adapter"], current_drive["key"], new_drive["device_type"], "edit", client_device=new_drive["client_device"] if "client_device" in new_drive else None, datastore_iso_file=new_drive["datastore_iso_file"] if "datastore_iso_file" in new_drive else None, connectable=new_drive["connectable"], controller_key=controller_key, parent_ref=parent, ) ) return cd_changes def _delete_device(device): """ Returns a vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec specifying to remove a virtual machine device device Device data type object """ log.trace("Deleting device with type %s", type(device)) device_spec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() device_spec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.remove device_spec.device = device return device_spec def _get_client(server, username, password, verify_ssl=None, ca_bundle=None): """ Establish client through proxy or with user provided credentials. :param basestring server: Target DNS or IP of vCenter center. :param basestring username: Username associated with the vCenter center. :param basestring password: Password associated with the vCenter center. :param boolean verify_ssl: Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True :param basestring ca_bundle: Path to the ca bundle to use when verifying SSL certificates. :returns: vSphere Client instance. :rtype: vSphere.Client """ # Get salted vSphere Client details = None if not (server and username and password): # User didn't provide CLI args so use proxy information details = __salt__["vcenter.get_details"]() server = details["vcenter"] username = details["username"] password = details["password"] if verify_ssl is None: if details is None: details = __salt__["vcenter.get_details"]() verify_ssl = details.get("verify_ssl", True) if verify_ssl is None: verify_ssl = True if ca_bundle is None: if details is None: details = __salt__["vcenter.get_details"]() ca_bundle = details.get("ca_bundle", None) if verify_ssl is False and ca_bundle is not None: log.error("Cannot set verify_ssl to False and ca_bundle together") return False if ca_bundle: ca_bundle = salt.utils.http.get_ca_bundle({"ca_bundle": ca_bundle}) # Establish connection with client client = salt.utils.vmware.get_vsphere_client( server=server, username=username, password=password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ca_bundle=ca_bundle, ) # Will return None if utility function causes Unauthenticated error return client @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI, HAS_VSPHERE_SDK) @_supports_proxies("vcenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def list_tag_categories( server=None, username=None, password=None, service_instance=None, verify_ssl=None, ca_bundle=None, ): """ List existing categories a user has access to. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion vsphere.list_tag_categories :param basestring server: Target DNS or IP of vCenter center. :param basestring username: Username associated with the vCenter center. :param basestring password: Password associated with the vCenter center. :param boolean verify_ssl: Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True :param basestring ca_bundle: Path to the ca bundle to use when verifying SSL certificates. :returns: Value(s) of category_id. :rtype: list of str """ categories = None client = _get_client( server, username, password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ca_bundle=ca_bundle ) if client: categories = client.tagging.Category.list() return {"Categories": categories} @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI, HAS_VSPHERE_SDK) @_supports_proxies("vcenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def list_tags( server=None, username=None, password=None, service_instance=None, verify_ssl=None, ca_bundle=None, ): """ List existing tags a user has access to. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion vsphere.list_tags :param basestring server: Target DNS or IP of vCenter center. :param basestring username: Username associated with the vCenter center. :param basestring password: Password associated with the vCenter center. :param boolean verify_ssl: Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True :param basestring ca_bundle: Path to the ca bundle to use when verifying SSL certificates. :return: Value(s) of tag_id. :rtype: list of str """ tags = None client = _get_client( server, username, password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ca_bundle=ca_bundle ) if client: tags = client.tagging.Tag.list() return {"Tags": tags} @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI, HAS_VSPHERE_SDK) @_supports_proxies("vcenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def attach_tag( object_id, tag_id, managed_obj="ClusterComputeResource", server=None, username=None, password=None, service_instance=None, verify_ssl=None, ca_bundle=None, ): """ Attach an existing tag to an input object. The tag needs to meet the cardinality (`CategoryModel.cardinality`) and associability (`CategoryModel.associable_types`) criteria in order to be eligible for attachment. If the tag is already attached to the object, then this method is a no-op and an error will not be thrown. To invoke this method, you need the attach tag privilege on the tag and the read privilege on the object. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion vsphere.attach_tag domain-c2283 \ urn:vmomi:InventoryServiceTag:b55ecc77-f4a5-49f8-ab52-38865467cfbe:GLOBAL :param str object_id: The identifier of the input object. :param str tag_id: The identifier of the tag object. :param str managed_obj: Classes that contain methods for creating and deleting resources typically contain a class attribute specifying the resource type for the resources being created and deleted. :param basestring server: Target DNS or IP of vCenter center. :param basestring username: Username associated with the vCenter center. :param basestring password: Password associated with the vCenter center. :param boolean verify_ssl: Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True :param basestring ca_bundle: Path to the ca bundle to use when verifying SSL certificates. :return: The list of all tag identifiers that correspond to the tags attached to the given object. :rtype: list of tags :raise: Unauthorized if you do not have the privilege to read the object. :raise: Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated. """ tag_attached = None client = _get_client( server, username, password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ca_bundle=ca_bundle ) if client: # Create dynamic id object associated with a type and an id. # Note, here the default is ClusterComputeResource, which # infers a lazy loaded vim.ClusterComputerResource. # The ClusterComputeResource data object aggregates the compute # resources of associated HostSystem objects into a single compute # resource for use by virtual machines. dynamic_id = DynamicID(type=managed_obj, id=object_id) try: tag_attached = client.tagging.TagAssociation.attach( tag_id=tag_id, object_id=dynamic_id ) except vsphere_errors: log.warning( "Unable to attach tag. Check user privileges and" " object_id (must be a string)." ) return {"Tag attached": tag_attached} @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI, HAS_VSPHERE_SDK) @_supports_proxies("vcenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def list_attached_tags( object_id, managed_obj="ClusterComputeResource", server=None, username=None, password=None, service_instance=None, verify_ssl=None, ca_bundle=None, ): """ List existing tags a user has access to. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion vsphere.list_attached_tags domain-c2283 :param str object_id: The identifier of the input object. :param str managed_obj: Classes that contain methods for creating and deleting resources typically contain a class attribute specifying the resource type for the resources being created and deleted. :param basestring server: Target DNS or IP of vCenter center. :param basestring username: Username associated with the vCenter center. :param basestring password: Password associated with the vCenter center. :param boolean verify_ssl: Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True :param basestring ca_bundle: Path to the ca bundle to use when verifying SSL certificates. :return: The list of all tag identifiers that correspond to the tags attached to the given object. :rtype: list of tags :raise: Unauthorized if you do not have the privilege to read the object. :raise: Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated. """ attached_tags = None client = _get_client( server, username, password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ca_bundle=ca_bundle ) if client: # Create dynamic id object associated with a type and an id. # Note, here the default is ClusterComputeResource, which # infers a lazy loaded vim.ClusterComputerResource. # The ClusterComputeResource data object aggregates the compute # resources of associated HostSystem objects into a single compute # resource for use by virtual machines. dynamic_id = DynamicID(type=managed_obj, id=object_id) try: attached_tags = client.tagging.TagAssociation.list_attached_tags(dynamic_id) except vsphere_errors: log.warning( "Unable to list attached tags. Check user privileges" " and object_id (must be a string)." ) return {"Attached tags": attached_tags} @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI, HAS_VSPHERE_SDK) @_supports_proxies("vcenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def create_tag_category( name, description, cardinality, server=None, username=None, password=None, service_instance=None, verify_ssl=None, ca_bundle=None, ): """ Create a category with given cardinality. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion vsphere.create_tag_category :param str name: Name of tag category to create (ex. Machine, OS, Availability, etc.) :param str description: Given description of tag category. :param str cardinality: The associated cardinality (SINGLE, MULTIPLE) of the category. :param basestring server: Target DNS or IP of vCenter center. :param basestring username: Username associated with the vCenter center. :param basestring password: Password associated with the vCenter center. :param boolean verify_ssl: Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True :param basestring ca_bundle: Path to the ca bundle to use when verifying SSL certificates. :return: Identifier of the created category. :rtype: str :raise: AlreadyExists if the name` provided in the create_spec is the name of an already existing category. :raise: InvalidArgument if any of the information in the create_spec is invalid. :raise: Unauthorized if you do not have the privilege to create a category. """ category_created = None client = _get_client( server, username, password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ca_bundle=ca_bundle ) if client: if cardinality == "SINGLE": cardinality = CategoryModel.Cardinality.SINGLE elif cardinality == "MULTIPLE": cardinality = CategoryModel.Cardinality.MULTIPLE else: # Cardinality must be supplied correctly cardinality = None create_spec = client.tagging.Category.CreateSpec() create_spec.name = name create_spec.description = description create_spec.cardinality = cardinality associable_types = set() create_spec.associable_types = associable_types try: category_created = client.tagging.Category.create(create_spec) except vsphere_errors: log.warning( "Unable to create tag category. Check user privilege" " and see if category exists." ) return {"Category created": category_created} @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI, HAS_VSPHERE_SDK) @_supports_proxies("vcenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def delete_tag_category( category_id, server=None, username=None, password=None, service_instance=None, verify_ssl=None, ca_bundle=None, ): """ Delete a category. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion vsphere.delete_tag_category :param str category_id: The identifier of category to be deleted. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: ``com.vmware.cis.tagging.Category``. :param basestring server: Target DNS or IP of vCenter center. :param basestring username: Username associated with the vCenter center. :param basestring password: Password associated with the vCenter center. :param boolean verify_ssl: Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True :param basestring ca_bundle: Path to the ca bundle to use when verifying SSL certificates. :raise: NotFound if the tag for the given tag_id does not exist in the system. :raise: Unauthorized if you do not have the privilege to delete the tag. :raise: Unauthenticated if the user can not be authenticated. """ category_deleted = None client = _get_client( server, username, password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ca_bundle=ca_bundle ) if client: try: category_deleted = client.tagging.Category.delete(category_id) except vsphere_errors: log.warning( "Unable to delete tag category. Check user privilege" " and see if category exists." ) return {"Category deleted": category_deleted} @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI, HAS_VSPHERE_SDK) @_supports_proxies("vcenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def create_tag( name, description, category_id, server=None, username=None, password=None, service_instance=None, verify_ssl=None, ca_bundle=None, ): """ Create a tag under a category with given description. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion vsphere.create_tag :param basestring server: Target DNS or IP of vCenter client. :param basestring username: Username associated with the vCenter client. :param basestring password: Password associated with the vCenter client. :param str name: Name of tag category to create (ex. Machine, OS, Availability, etc.) :param str description: Given description of tag category. :param str category_id: Value of category_id representative of the category created previously. :param boolean verify_ssl: Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True :param basestring ca_bundle: Path to the ca bundle to use when verifying SSL certificates. :return: The identifier of the created tag. :rtype: str :raise: AlreadyExists if the name provided in the create_spec is the name of an already existing tag in the input category. :raise: InvalidArgument if any of the input information in the create_spec is invalid. :raise: NotFound if the category for in the given create_spec does not exist in the system. :raise: Unauthorized if you do not have the privilege to create tag. """ tag_created = None client = _get_client( server, username, password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ca_bundle=ca_bundle ) if client: create_spec = client.tagging.Tag.CreateSpec() create_spec.name = name create_spec.description = description create_spec.category_id = category_id try: tag_created = client.tagging.Tag.create(create_spec) except vsphere_errors: log.warning( "Unable to create tag. Check user privilege and see if category exists." ) return {"Tag created": tag_created} @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI, HAS_VSPHERE_SDK) @_supports_proxies("vcenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def delete_tag( tag_id, server=None, username=None, password=None, service_instance=None, verify_ssl=None, ca_bundle=None, ): """ Delete a tag. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion vsphere.delete_tag :param str tag_id: The identifier of tag to be deleted. The parameter must be an identifier for the resource type: ``com.vmware.cis.tagging.Tag``. :param basestring server: Target DNS or IP of vCenter center. :param basestring username: Username associated with the vCenter center. :param basestring password: Password associated with the vCenter center. :param boolean verify_ssl: Verify the SSL certificate. Default: True :param basestring ca_bundle: Path to the ca bundle to use when verifying SSL certificates. :raise: AlreadyExists if the name provided in the create_spec is the name of an already existing category. :raise: InvalidArgument if any of the information in the create_spec is invalid. :raise: Unauthorized if you do not have the privilege to create a category. """ tag_deleted = None client = _get_client( server, username, password, verify_ssl=verify_ssl, ca_bundle=ca_bundle ) if client: try: tag_deleted = client.tagging.Tag.delete(tag_id) except vsphere_errors: log.warning( "Unable to delete category. Check user privileges" " and that category exists." ) return {"Tag deleted": tag_deleted} @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxvm", "esxcluster", "esxdatacenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def create_vm( vm_name, cpu, memory, image, version, datacenter, datastore, placement, interfaces, disks, scsi_devices, serial_ports=None, ide_controllers=None, sata_controllers=None, cd_drives=None, advanced_configs=None, service_instance=None, ): """ Creates a virtual machine container. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt vm_minion vsphere.create_vm vm_name=vmname cpu='{count: 2, nested: True}' ... vm_name Name of the virtual machine cpu Properties of CPUs for freshly created machines memory Memory size for freshly created machines image Virtual machine guest OS version identifier VirtualMachineGuestOsIdentifier version Virtual machine container hardware version datacenter Datacenter where the virtual machine will be deployed (mandatory) datastore Datastore where the virtual machine files will be placed placement Resource pool or cluster or host or folder where the virtual machine will be deployed devices interfaces .. code-block:: bash interfaces: adapter: 'Network adapter 1' name: vlan100 switch_type: distributed or standard adapter_type: vmxnet3 or vmxnet, vmxnet2, vmxnet3, e1000, e1000e mac: '00:11:22:33:44:55' connectable: allow_guest_control: True connected: True start_connected: True disks .. code-block:: bash disks: adapter: 'Hard disk 1' size: 16 unit: GB address: '0:0' controller: 'SCSI controller 0' thin_provision: False eagerly_scrub: False datastore: 'myshare' filename: 'vm/mydisk.vmdk' scsi_devices .. code-block:: bash scsi_devices: controller: 'SCSI controller 0' type: paravirtual bus_sharing: no_sharing serial_ports .. code-block:: bash serial_ports: adapter: 'Serial port 1' type: network backing: uri: 'telnet://something:port' direction: <client|server> filename: 'service_uri' connectable: allow_guest_control: True connected: True start_connected: True yield: False cd_drives .. code-block:: bash cd_drives: adapter: 'CD/DVD drive 0' controller: 'IDE 0' device_type: datastore_iso_file datastore_iso_file: path: path_to_iso connectable: allow_guest_control: True connected: True start_connected: True advanced_config Advanced config parameters to be set for the virtual machine """ # If datacenter is specified, set the container reference to start search # from it instead container_object = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenter(service_instance, datacenter) (resourcepool_object, placement_object) = salt.utils.vmware.get_placement( service_instance, datacenter, placement=placement ) folder_object = salt.utils.vmware.get_folder( service_instance, datacenter, placement ) # Create the config specs config_spec = vim.vm.ConfigSpec() config_spec.name = vm_name config_spec.guestId = image config_spec.files = vim.vm.FileInfo() # For VSAN disks we need to specify a different vm path name, the vm file # full path cannot be used datastore_object = salt.utils.vmware.get_datastores( service_instance, placement_object, datastore_names=[datastore] )[0] if not datastore_object: raise salt.exceptions.ArgumentValueError( "Specified datastore: '{}' does not exist.".format(datastore) ) try: ds_summary = salt.utils.vmware.get_properties_of_managed_object( datastore_object, "summary.type" ) if "summary.type" in ds_summary and ds_summary["summary.type"] == "vsan": log.trace( "The vmPathName should be the datastore " "name if the datastore type is vsan" ) config_spec.files.vmPathName = "[{}]".format(datastore) else: config_spec.files.vmPathName = "[{0}] {1}/{1}.vmx".format( datastore, vm_name ) except salt.exceptions.VMwareApiError: config_spec.files.vmPathName = "[{0}] {1}/{1}.vmx".format(datastore, vm_name) cd_controllers = [] if version: _apply_hardware_version(version, config_spec, "add") if cpu: _apply_cpu_config(config_spec, cpu) if memory: _apply_memory_config(config_spec, memory) if scsi_devices: scsi_specs = _create_scsi_devices(scsi_devices) config_spec.deviceChange.extend(scsi_specs) if disks: scsi_controllers = [spec.device for spec in scsi_specs] disk_specs = _create_disks( service_instance, disks, scsi_controllers=scsi_controllers, parent=container_object, ) config_spec.deviceChange.extend(disk_specs) if interfaces: (interface_specs, nic_settings) = _create_network_adapters( interfaces, parent=container_object ) config_spec.deviceChange.extend(interface_specs) if serial_ports: serial_port_specs = _create_serial_ports(serial_ports) config_spec.deviceChange.extend(serial_port_specs) if ide_controllers: ide_specs = _create_ide_controllers(ide_controllers) config_spec.deviceChange.extend(ide_specs) cd_controllers.extend(ide_specs) if sata_controllers: sata_specs = _create_sata_controllers(sata_controllers) config_spec.deviceChange.extend(sata_specs) cd_controllers.extend(sata_specs) if cd_drives: cd_drive_specs = _create_cd_drives( cd_drives, controllers=cd_controllers, parent_ref=container_object ) config_spec.deviceChange.extend(cd_drive_specs) if advanced_configs: _apply_advanced_config(config_spec, advanced_configs) salt.utils.vmware.create_vm( vm_name, config_spec, folder_object, resourcepool_object, placement_object ) return {"create_vm": True} @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxvm", "esxcluster", "esxdatacenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def update_vm( vm_name, cpu=None, memory=None, image=None, version=None, interfaces=None, disks=None, scsi_devices=None, serial_ports=None, datacenter=None, datastore=None, cd_dvd_drives=None, sata_controllers=None, advanced_configs=None, service_instance=None, ): """ Updates the configuration of the virtual machine if the config differs vm_name Virtual Machine name to be updated cpu CPU configuration options memory Memory configuration options version Virtual machine container hardware version image Virtual machine guest OS version identifier VirtualMachineGuestOsIdentifier interfaces Network interfaces configuration options disks Disks configuration options scsi_devices SCSI devices configuration options serial_ports Serial ports configuration options datacenter Datacenter where the virtual machine is available datastore Datastore where the virtual machine config files are available cd_dvd_drives CD/DVD drives configuration options advanced_config Advanced config parameters to be set for the virtual machine service_instance vCenter service instance for connection and configuration """ current_config = get_vm_config( vm_name, datacenter=datacenter, objects=True, service_instance=service_instance ) diffs = compare_vm_configs( { "name": vm_name, "cpu": cpu, "memory": memory, "image": image, "version": version, "interfaces": interfaces, "disks": disks, "scsi_devices": scsi_devices, "serial_ports": serial_ports, "datacenter": datacenter, "datastore": datastore, "cd_drives": cd_dvd_drives, "sata_controllers": sata_controllers, "advanced_configs": advanced_configs, }, current_config, ) config_spec = vim.vm.ConfigSpec() datacenter_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenter(service_instance, datacenter) vm_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_mor_by_property( service_instance, vim.VirtualMachine, vm_name, property_name="name", container_ref=datacenter_ref, ) difference_keys = diffs.keys() if "cpu" in difference_keys: if diffs["cpu"].changed() != set(): _apply_cpu_config(config_spec, diffs["cpu"].current_dict) if "memory" in difference_keys: if diffs["memory"].changed() != set(): _apply_memory_config(config_spec, diffs["memory"].current_dict) if "advanced_configs" in difference_keys: _apply_advanced_config( config_spec, diffs["advanced_configs"].new_values, vm_ref.config.extraConfig ) if "version" in difference_keys: _apply_hardware_version(version, config_spec, "edit") if "image" in difference_keys: config_spec.guestId = image new_scsi_devices = [] if "scsi_devices" in difference_keys and "disks" in current_config: scsi_changes = [] scsi_changes.extend( _update_scsi_devices( diffs["scsi_devices"].intersect, current_config["disks"] ) ) for item in diffs["scsi_devices"].removed: scsi_changes.append(_delete_device(item["object"])) new_scsi_devices = _create_scsi_devices(diffs["scsi_devices"].added) scsi_changes.extend(new_scsi_devices) config_spec.deviceChange.extend(scsi_changes) if "disks" in difference_keys: disk_changes = [] disk_changes.extend(_update_disks(diffs["disks"].intersect)) for item in diffs["disks"].removed: disk_changes.append(_delete_device(item["object"])) # We will need the existing and new controllers as well scsi_controllers = [dev["object"] for dev in current_config["scsi_devices"]] scsi_controllers.extend( [device_spec.device for device_spec in new_scsi_devices] ) disk_changes.extend( _create_disks( service_instance, diffs["disks"].added, scsi_controllers=scsi_controllers, parent=datacenter_ref, ) ) config_spec.deviceChange.extend(disk_changes) if "interfaces" in difference_keys: network_changes = [] network_changes.extend( _update_network_adapters(diffs["interfaces"].intersect, datacenter_ref) ) for item in diffs["interfaces"].removed: network_changes.append(_delete_device(item["object"])) (adapters, nics) = _create_network_adapters( diffs["interfaces"].added, datacenter_ref ) network_changes.extend(adapters) config_spec.deviceChange.extend(network_changes) if "serial_ports" in difference_keys: serial_changes = [] serial_changes.extend(_update_serial_ports(diffs["serial_ports"].intersect)) for item in diffs["serial_ports"].removed: serial_changes.append(_delete_device(item["object"])) serial_changes.extend(_create_serial_ports(diffs["serial_ports"].added)) config_spec.deviceChange.extend(serial_changes) new_controllers = [] if "sata_controllers" in difference_keys: # SATA controllers don't have many properties, it does not make sense # to update them sata_specs = _create_sata_controllers(diffs["sata_controllers"].added) for item in diffs["sata_controllers"].removed: sata_specs.append(_delete_device(item["object"])) new_controllers.extend(sata_specs) config_spec.deviceChange.extend(sata_specs) if "cd_drives" in difference_keys: cd_changes = [] controllers = [dev["object"] for dev in current_config["sata_controllers"]] controllers.extend([device_spec.device for device_spec in new_controllers]) cd_changes.extend( _update_cd_drives( diffs["cd_drives"].intersect, controllers=controllers, parent=datacenter_ref, ) ) for item in diffs["cd_drives"].removed: cd_changes.append(_delete_device(item["object"])) cd_changes.extend( _create_cd_drives( diffs["cd_drives"].added, controllers=controllers, parent_ref=datacenter_ref, ) ) config_spec.deviceChange.extend(cd_changes) if difference_keys: salt.utils.vmware.update_vm(vm_ref, config_spec) changes = {} for key, properties in diffs.items(): # We can't display object, although we will need them for delete # and update actions, we will need to delete these before we summarize # the changes for the users if isinstance(properties, salt.utils.listdiffer.ListDictDiffer): properties.remove_diff(diff_key="object", diff_list="intersect") properties.remove_diff(diff_key="key", diff_list="intersect") properties.remove_diff(diff_key="object", diff_list="removed") properties.remove_diff(diff_key="key", diff_list="removed") changes[key] = properties.diffs return changes @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxvm", "esxcluster", "esxdatacenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def register_vm(name, datacenter, placement, vmx_path, service_instance=None): """ Registers a virtual machine to the inventory with the given vmx file. Returns comments and change list name Name of the virtual machine datacenter Datacenter of the virtual machine placement Placement dictionary of the virtual machine, host or cluster vmx_path: Full path to the vmx file, datastore name should be included service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. """ log.trace( "Registering virtual machine with properties datacenter=%s, " "placement=%s, vmx_path=%s", datacenter, placement, vmx_path, ) datacenter_object = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenter(service_instance, datacenter) if "cluster" in placement: cluster_obj = salt.utils.vmware.get_cluster( datacenter_object, placement["cluster"] ) cluster_props = salt.utils.vmware.get_properties_of_managed_object( cluster_obj, properties=["resourcePool"] ) if "resourcePool" in cluster_props: resourcepool = cluster_props["resourcePool"] else: raise salt.exceptions.VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "The cluster's resource pool object could not be retrieved." ) salt.utils.vmware.register_vm(datacenter_object, name, vmx_path, resourcepool) elif "host" in placement: hosts = salt.utils.vmware.get_hosts( service_instance, datacenter_name=datacenter, host_names=[placement["host"]] ) if not hosts: raise salt.exceptions.VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "ESXi host named '{}' wasn't found.".format(placement["host"]) ) host_obj = hosts[0] host_props = salt.utils.vmware.get_properties_of_managed_object( host_obj, properties=["parent"] ) if "parent" in host_props: host_parent = host_props["parent"] parent = salt.utils.vmware.get_properties_of_managed_object( host_parent, properties=["parent"] ) if "parent" in parent: resourcepool = parent["parent"] else: raise salt.exceptions.VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "The host parent's parent object could not be retrieved." ) else: raise salt.exceptions.VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "The host's parent object could not be retrieved." ) salt.utils.vmware.register_vm( datacenter_object, name, vmx_path, resourcepool, host_object=host_obj ) result = { "comment": "Virtual machine registration action succeeded", "changes": {"register_vm": True}, } return result @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxvm", "esxcluster", "esxdatacenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def power_on_vm(name, datacenter=None, service_instance=None): """ Powers on a virtual machine specified by its name. name Name of the virtual machine datacenter Datacenter of the virtual machine service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.power_on_vm name=my_vm """ log.trace("Powering on virtual machine %s", name) vm_properties = ["name", "summary.runtime.powerState"] virtual_machine = salt.utils.vmware.get_vm_by_property( service_instance, name, datacenter=datacenter, vm_properties=vm_properties ) if virtual_machine["summary.runtime.powerState"] == "poweredOn": result = { "comment": "Virtual machine is already powered on", "changes": {"power_on": True}, } return result salt.utils.vmware.power_cycle_vm(virtual_machine["object"], action="on") result = { "comment": "Virtual machine power on action succeeded", "changes": {"power_on": True}, } return result @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxvm", "esxcluster", "esxdatacenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def power_off_vm(name, datacenter=None, service_instance=None): """ Powers off a virtual machine specified by its name. name Name of the virtual machine datacenter Datacenter of the virtual machine service_instance Service instance (vim.ServiceInstance) of the vCenter. Default is None. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.power_off_vm name=my_vm """ log.trace("Powering off virtual machine %s", name) vm_properties = ["name", "summary.runtime.powerState"] virtual_machine = salt.utils.vmware.get_vm_by_property( service_instance, name, datacenter=datacenter, vm_properties=vm_properties ) if virtual_machine["summary.runtime.powerState"] == "poweredOff": result = { "comment": "Virtual machine is already powered off", "changes": {"power_off": True}, } return result salt.utils.vmware.power_cycle_vm(virtual_machine["object"], action="off") result = { "comment": "Virtual machine power off action succeeded", "changes": {"power_off": True}, } return result def _remove_vm(name, datacenter, service_instance, placement=None, power_off=None): """ Helper function to remove a virtual machine name Name of the virtual machine service_instance vCenter service instance for connection and configuration datacenter Datacenter of the virtual machine placement Placement information of the virtual machine """ results = {} if placement: (resourcepool_object, placement_object) = salt.utils.vmware.get_placement( service_instance, datacenter, placement ) else: placement_object = salt.utils.vmware.get_datacenter( service_instance, datacenter ) if power_off: power_off_vm(name, datacenter, service_instance) results["powered_off"] = True vm_ref = salt.utils.vmware.get_mor_by_property( service_instance, vim.VirtualMachine, name, property_name="name", container_ref=placement_object, ) if not vm_ref: raise salt.exceptions.VMwareObjectRetrievalError( "The virtual machine object {} in datacenter {} was not found".format( name, datacenter ) ) return results, vm_ref @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxvm", "esxcluster", "esxdatacenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def delete_vm(name, datacenter, placement=None, power_off=False, service_instance=None): """ Deletes a virtual machine defined by name and placement name Name of the virtual machine datacenter Datacenter of the virtual machine placement Placement information of the virtual machine service_instance vCenter service instance for connection and configuration CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.delete_vm name=my_vm datacenter=my_datacenter """ results = {} schema = ESXVirtualMachineDeleteSchema.serialize() try: jsonschema.validate( {"name": name, "datacenter": datacenter, "placement": placement}, schema ) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as exc: raise InvalidConfigError(exc) (results, vm_ref) = _remove_vm( name, datacenter, service_instance=service_instance, placement=placement, power_off=power_off, ) salt.utils.vmware.delete_vm(vm_ref) results["deleted_vm"] = True return results @depends(HAS_PYVMOMI) @_supports_proxies("esxvm", "esxcluster", "esxdatacenter") @_gets_service_instance_via_proxy @_deprecation_message def unregister_vm( name, datacenter, placement=None, power_off=False, service_instance=None ): """ Unregisters a virtual machine defined by name and placement name Name of the virtual machine datacenter Datacenter of the virtual machine placement Placement information of the virtual machine service_instance vCenter service instance for connection and configuration CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' vsphere.unregister_vm name=my_vm datacenter=my_datacenter """ results = {} schema = ESXVirtualMachineUnregisterSchema.serialize() try: jsonschema.validate( {"name": name, "datacenter": datacenter, "placement": placement}, schema ) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as exc: raise InvalidConfigError(exc) (results, vm_ref) = _remove_vm( name, datacenter, service_instance=service_instance, placement=placement, power_off=power_off, ) salt.utils.vmware.unregister_vm(vm_ref) results["unregistered_vm"] = True return results