Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
""" Manage DACLs on Windows :depends: - winreg Python module """ import logging import os import re import salt.utils.platform from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError # TODO: Figure out the exceptions that could be raised and properly catch # them instead of a bare except that catches any exception at all # may also need to add the ability to take ownership of an object to set # permissions if the minion is running as a user and not LOCALSYSTEM try: import winreg import ntsecuritycon import win32security HAS_WINDOWS_MODULES = True except ImportError: HAS_WINDOWS_MODULES = False log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Define the module's virtual name __virtualname__ = "win_dacl" class daclConstants: """ DACL constants used throughout the module """ # Definition in ntsecuritycon is incorrect (does not match winnt.h). The version # in ntsecuritycon has the extra bits 0x200 enabled. # Note that you when you set this permission what you'll generally get back is it # ORed with 0x200 (SI_NO_ACL_PROTECT), which is what ntsecuritycon incorrectly defines. def __init__(self): self.FILE_ALL_ACCESS = ( ntsecuritycon.STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED | ntsecuritycon.SYNCHRONIZE | 0x1FF ) self.hkeys_security = { "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE": "MACHINE", "HKEY_USERS": "USERS", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER": "CURRENT_USER", "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT": "CLASSES_ROOT", "MACHINE": "MACHINE", "USERS": "USERS", "CURRENT_USER": "CURRENT_USER", "CLASSES_ROOT": "CLASSES_ROOT", "HKLM": "MACHINE", "HKU": "USERS", "HKCU": "CURRENT_USER", "HKCR": "CLASSES_ROOT", } self.rights = { win32security.SE_REGISTRY_KEY: { "READ": {"BITS": winreg.KEY_READ, "TEXT": "read"}, "FULLCONTROL": {"BITS": winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS, "TEXT": "full control"}, }, win32security.SE_FILE_OBJECT: { "READ": {"BITS": ntsecuritycon.FILE_GENERIC_READ, "TEXT": "read"}, "WRITE": {"BITS": ntsecuritycon.FILE_GENERIC_WRITE, "TEXT": "write"}, "READ&EXECUTE": { "BITS": ntsecuritycon.FILE_GENERIC_EXECUTE | ntsecuritycon.FILE_GENERIC_READ, "TEXT": "read and execute", }, "MODIFY": { "BITS": ntsecuritycon.FILE_GENERIC_WRITE | ntsecuritycon.FILE_GENERIC_READ | ntsecuritycon.FILE_GENERIC_EXECUTE | ntsecuritycon.DELETE, "TEXT": "modify", }, "FULLCONTROL": {"BITS": self.FILE_ALL_ACCESS, "TEXT": "full control"}, }, } self.validAceTypes = { "ALLOW": {"TEXT": "allowed", "BITS": 0}, "DENY": {"TEXT": "denied", "BITS": 1}, } self.validPropagations = { win32security.SE_REGISTRY_KEY: { "KEY": {"TEXT": "this key only", "BITS": win32security.NO_INHERITANCE}, "KEY&SUBKEYS": { "TEXT": "this key and subkeys", "BITS": win32security.CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE, }, "SUBKEYS": { "TEXT": "subkeys only", "BITS": win32security.INHERIT_ONLY_ACE | win32security.CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE, }, "THIS KEY ONLY": { "TEXT": "this key only", "BITS": win32security.NO_INHERITANCE, }, "THIS KEY AND SUBKEYS": { "TEXT": "this key and subkeys", "BITS": win32security.CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE, }, "SUBKEYS ONLY": { "TEXT": "subkeys only", "BITS": win32security.INHERIT_ONLY_ACE | win32security.CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE, }, }, win32security.SE_FILE_OBJECT: { "FILE": { "TEXT": "this file/folder only", "BITS": win32security.NO_INHERITANCE, }, "FOLDER": { "TEXT": "this file/folder only", "BITS": win32security.NO_INHERITANCE, }, "FOLDER&SUBFOLDERS&FILES": { "TEXT": "this folder, subfolders, and files", "BITS": win32security.CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE | win32security.OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE, }, "FOLDER&SUBFOLDERS": { "TEXT": "this folder and subfolders", "BITS": win32security.CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE, }, "FOLDER&FILES": { "TEXT": "this folder and files", "BITS": win32security.OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE, }, "SUBFOLDERS&FILES": { "TEXT": "subfolders and files", "BITS": win32security.INHERIT_ONLY_ACE | win32security.CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE | win32security.OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE, }, "SUBFOLDERS": { "TEXT": "subfolders only", "BITS": win32security.INHERIT_ONLY_ACE | win32security.CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE, }, "FILES": { "TEXT": "files only", "BITS": win32security.INHERIT_ONLY_ACE | win32security.OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE, }, "THIS FILE ONLY": { "TEXT": "this file/folder only", "BITS": win32security.NO_INHERITANCE, }, "THIS FOLDER ONLY": { "TEXT": "this file/folder only", "BITS": win32security.NO_INHERITANCE, }, "THIS FOLDER, SUBFOLDERS, AND FILES": { "TEXT": "this folder, subfolders, and files", "BITS": win32security.CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE | win32security.OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE, }, "THIS FOLDER AND SUBFOLDERS": { "TEXT": "this folder and subfolders", "BITS": win32security.CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE, }, "THIS FOLDER AND FILES": { "TEXT": "this folder and files", "BITS": win32security.OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE, }, "SUBFOLDERS AND FILES": { "TEXT": "subfolders and files", "BITS": win32security.INHERIT_ONLY_ACE | win32security.CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE | win32security.OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE, }, "SUBFOLDERS ONLY": { "TEXT": "subfolders only", "BITS": win32security.INHERIT_ONLY_ACE | win32security.CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE, }, "FILES ONLY": { "TEXT": "files only", "BITS": win32security.INHERIT_ONLY_ACE | win32security.OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE, }, }, } self.reflection_mask = { True: winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS, False: winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS | winreg.KEY_WOW64_64KEY, } self.objectType = { "FILE": win32security.SE_FILE_OBJECT, "DIRECTORY": win32security.SE_FILE_OBJECT, "REGISTRY": win32security.SE_REGISTRY_KEY, } def getObjectTypeBit(self, t): """ returns the bit value of the string object type """ if isinstance(t, str): t = t.upper() try: return self.objectType[t] except KeyError: raise CommandExecutionError( 'Invalid object type "{}". It should be one of the following: {}'.format( t, ", ".join(self.objectType) ) ) else: return t def getSecurityHkey(self, s): """ returns the necessary string value for an HKEY for the win32security module """ try: return self.hkeys_security[s] except KeyError: raise CommandExecutionError( 'No HKEY named "{}". It should be one of the following: {}'.format( s, ", ".join(self.hkeys_security) ) ) def getPermissionBit(self, t, m): """ returns a permission bit of the string permission value for the specified object type """ try: if isinstance(m, str): return self.rights[t][m]["BITS"] else: return m except KeyError: raise CommandExecutionError( 'No right "{}". It should be one of the following: {}'.format( m, ", ".join(self.rights[t]) ) ) def getPermissionText(self, t, m): """ returns the permission textual representation of a specified permission bit/object type """ try: return self.rights[t][m]["TEXT"] except KeyError: raise CommandExecutionError( 'No right "{}". It should be one of the following: {}'.format( m, ", ".join(self.rights[t]) ) ) def getAceTypeBit(self, t): """ returns the acetype bit of a text value """ try: return self.validAceTypes[t]["BITS"] except KeyError: raise CommandExecutionError( 'No ACE type "{}". It should be one of the following: {}'.format( t, ", ".join(self.validAceTypes) ) ) def getAceTypeText(self, t): """ returns the textual representation of a acetype bit """ try: return self.validAceTypes[t]["TEXT"] except KeyError: raise CommandExecutionError( 'No ACE type "{}". It should be one of the following: {}'.format( t, ", ".join(self.validAceTypes) ) ) def getPropagationBit(self, t, p): """ returns the propagation bit of a text value """ try: return self.validPropagations[t][p]["BITS"] except KeyError: raise CommandExecutionError( 'No propagation type of "{}". It should be one of the following: {}'.format( p, ", ".join(self.validPropagations[t]) ) ) def getPropagationText(self, t, p): """ returns the textual representation of a propagation bit """ try: return self.validPropagations[t][p]["TEXT"] except KeyError: raise CommandExecutionError( 'No propagation type of "{}". It should be one of the following: {}'.format( p, ", ".join(self.validPropagations[t]) ) ) def processPath(self, path, objectType): """ processes a path/object type combo and returns: registry types with the correct HKEY text representation files/directories with environment variables expanded """ if objectType == win32security.SE_REGISTRY_KEY: splt = path.split("\\") hive = self.getSecurityHkey(splt.pop(0).upper()) splt.insert(0, hive) path = r"\\".join(splt) else: path = os.path.expandvars(path) return path def _getUserSid(user): """ return a state error dictionary, with 'sid' as a field if it could be returned if user is None, sid will also be None """ ret = {} sid_pattern = r"^S-1(-\d+){1,}$" if user and re.match(sid_pattern, user, re.I): try: sid = win32security.GetBinarySid(user) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = ( "Unable to obtain the binary security identifier for {}. The exception" " was {}.".format(user, e) ) else: try: win32security.LookupAccountSid("", sid) ret["result"] = True ret["sid"] = sid except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = ( "Unable to lookup the account for the security identifier {}. The" " exception was {}.".format(user, e) ) else: try: sid = win32security.LookupAccountName("", user)[0] if user else None ret["result"] = True ret["sid"] = sid except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = ( "Unable to obtain the security identifier for {}. The exception" " was {}.".format(user, e) ) return ret def __virtual__(): """ Only works on Windows systems """ if salt.utils.platform.is_windows() and HAS_WINDOWS_MODULES: return __virtualname__ return (False, "Module win_dacl: module only works on Windows systems") def _get_dacl(path, objectType): """ Gets the DACL of a path """ try: dacl = win32security.GetNamedSecurityInfo( path, objectType, win32security.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION ).GetSecurityDescriptorDacl() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except dacl = None return dacl def get(path, objectType, user=None): """ Get the ACL of an object. Will filter by user if one is provided. Args: path: The path to the object objectType: The type of object (FILE, DIRECTORY, REGISTRY) user: A user name to filter by Returns (dict): A dictionary containing the ACL CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'minion-id' win_dacl.get c:\temp directory """ ret = {"Path": path, "ACLs": []} sidRet = _getUserSid(user) if path and objectType: dc = daclConstants() objectTypeBit = dc.getObjectTypeBit(objectType) path = dc.processPath(path, objectTypeBit) tdacl = _get_dacl(path, objectTypeBit) if tdacl: for counter in range(0, tdacl.GetAceCount()): tAce = tdacl.GetAce(counter) if not sidRet["sid"] or (tAce[2] == sidRet["sid"]): ret["ACLs"].append(_ace_to_text(tAce, objectTypeBit)) return ret def add_ace(path, objectType, user, permission, acetype, propagation): r""" add an ace to an object path: path to the object (i.e. c:\\temp\\file, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\KEY, etc) user: user to add permission: permissions for the user acetype: either allow/deny for each user/permission (ALLOW, DENY) propagation: how the ACE applies to children for Registry Keys and Directories(KEY, KEY&SUBKEYS, SUBKEYS) CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash allow domain\fakeuser full control on HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\somekey, propagate to this key and subkeys salt 'myminion' win_dacl.add_ace 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\somekey' 'Registry' 'domain\fakeuser' 'FULLCONTROL' 'ALLOW' 'KEY&SUBKEYS' """ ret = {"result": None, "changes": {}, "comment": ""} if path and user and permission and acetype and propagation: if objectType.upper() == "FILE": propagation = "FILE" dc = daclConstants() objectTypeBit = dc.getObjectTypeBit(objectType) path = dc.processPath(path, objectTypeBit) user = user.strip() permission = permission.strip().upper() acetype = acetype.strip().upper() propagation = propagation.strip().upper() sidRet = _getUserSid(user) if not sidRet["result"]: return sidRet permissionbit = dc.getPermissionBit(objectTypeBit, permission) acetypebit = dc.getAceTypeBit(acetype) propagationbit = dc.getPropagationBit(objectTypeBit, propagation) dacl = _get_dacl(path, objectTypeBit) if dacl: acesAdded = [] try: if acetypebit == 0: dacl.AddAccessAllowedAceEx( win32security.ACL_REVISION, propagationbit, permissionbit, sidRet["sid"], ) elif acetypebit == 1: dacl.AddAccessDeniedAceEx( win32security.ACL_REVISION, propagationbit, permissionbit, sidRet["sid"], ) win32security.SetNamedSecurityInfo( path, objectTypeBit, win32security.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, None, None, dacl, None, ) acesAdded.append( "{} {} {} on {}".format( user, dc.getAceTypeText(acetype), dc.getPermissionText(objectTypeBit, permission), dc.getPropagationText(objectTypeBit, propagation), ) ) ret["result"] = True except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except ret[ "comment" ] = "An error occurred attempting to add the ace. The error was {}".format( e ) ret["result"] = False return ret if acesAdded: ret["changes"]["Added ACEs"] = acesAdded else: ret["comment"] = "Unable to obtain the DACL of {}".format(path) else: ret["comment"] = "An empty value was specified for a required item." ret["result"] = False return ret def rm_ace(path, objectType, user, permission=None, acetype=None, propagation=None): r""" remove an ace to an object path: path to the object (i.e. c:\\temp\\file, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\KEY, etc) user: user to remove permission: permissions for the user acetypes: either allow/deny for each user/permission (ALLOW, DENY) propagation: how the ACE applies to children for Registry Keys and Directories(KEY, KEY&SUBKEYS, SUBKEYS) If any of the optional parameters are omitted (or set to None) they act as wildcards. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash remove allow domain\fakeuser full control on HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\somekey propagated to this key and subkeys salt 'myminion' win_dacl.rm_ace 'Registry' 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\somekey' 'domain\fakeuser' 'FULLCONTROL' 'ALLOW' 'KEY&SUBKEYS' """ ret = {"result": None, "changes": {}, "comment": ""} if path and user: dc = daclConstants() if propagation and objectType.upper() == "FILE": propagation = "FILE" objectTypeBit = dc.getObjectTypeBit(objectType) path = dc.processPath(path, objectTypeBit) user = user.strip() permission = permission.strip().upper() if permission else None acetype = acetype.strip().upper() if acetype else None propagation = propagation.strip().upper() if propagation else None if check_ace(path, objectType, user, permission, acetype, propagation, True)[ "Exists" ]: sidRet = _getUserSid(user) if not sidRet["result"]: return sidRet permissionbit = ( dc.getPermissionBit(objectTypeBit, permission) if permission else None ) acetypebit = dc.getAceTypeBit(acetype) if acetype else None propagationbit = ( dc.getPropagationBit(objectTypeBit, propagation) if propagation else None ) dacl = _get_dacl(path, objectTypeBit) counter = 0 acesRemoved = [] while counter < dacl.GetAceCount(): tAce = dacl.GetAce(counter) if ( tAce[0][1] & win32security.INHERITED_ACE ) != win32security.INHERITED_ACE: if tAce[2] == sidRet["sid"]: if not acetypebit or tAce[0][0] == acetypebit: if not propagationbit or ( (tAce[0][1] & propagationbit) == propagationbit ): if not permissionbit or tAce[1] == permissionbit: dacl.DeleteAce(counter) counter = counter - 1 acesRemoved.append( _ace_to_text(tAce, objectTypeBit) ) counter = counter + 1 if acesRemoved: try: win32security.SetNamedSecurityInfo( path, objectTypeBit, win32security.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, None, None, dacl, None, ) ret["changes"]["Removed ACEs"] = acesRemoved ret["result"] = True except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "Error removing ACE. The error was {}.".format(e) return ret else: ret["comment"] = "The specified ACE was not found on the path." return ret def _ace_to_text(ace, objectType): """ helper function to convert an ace to a textual representation """ dc = daclConstants() objectType = dc.getObjectTypeBit(objectType) try: userSid = win32security.LookupAccountSid("", ace[2]) if userSid[1]: userSid = "{1}\\{0}".format(userSid[0], userSid[1]) else: userSid = "{}".format(userSid[0]) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except userSid = win32security.ConvertSidToStringSid(ace[2]) tPerm = ace[1] tAceType = ace[0][0] tProps = ace[0][1] tInherited = "" for x in dc.validAceTypes: if dc.validAceTypes[x]["BITS"] == tAceType: tAceType = dc.validAceTypes[x]["TEXT"] break for x in dc.rights[objectType]: if dc.rights[objectType][x]["BITS"] == tPerm: tPerm = dc.rights[objectType][x]["TEXT"] break if (tProps & win32security.INHERITED_ACE) == win32security.INHERITED_ACE: tInherited = "[Inherited]" tProps = tProps ^ win32security.INHERITED_ACE for x in dc.validPropagations[objectType]: if dc.validPropagations[objectType][x]["BITS"] == tProps: tProps = dc.validPropagations[objectType][x]["TEXT"] break return "{} {} {} on {} {}".format(userSid, tAceType, tPerm, tProps, tInherited) def _set_dacl_inheritance(path, objectType, inheritance=True, copy=True, clear=False): """ helper function to set the inheritance Args: path (str): The path to the object objectType (str): The type of object inheritance (bool): True enables inheritance, False disables copy (bool): Copy inherited ACEs to the DACL before disabling inheritance clear (bool): Remove non-inherited ACEs from the DACL """ ret = {"result": False, "comment": "", "changes": {}} if path: try: sd = win32security.GetNamedSecurityInfo( path, objectType, win32security.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION ) tdacl = sd.GetSecurityDescriptorDacl() if inheritance: if clear: counter = 0 removedAces = [] while counter < tdacl.GetAceCount(): tAce = tdacl.GetAce(counter) if ( tAce[0][1] & win32security.INHERITED_ACE ) != win32security.INHERITED_ACE: tdacl.DeleteAce(counter) removedAces.append(_ace_to_text(tAce, objectType)) else: counter = counter + 1 if removedAces: ret["changes"]["Removed ACEs"] = removedAces else: ret["changes"]["Non-Inherited ACEs"] = "Left in the DACL" win32security.SetNamedSecurityInfo( path, objectType, win32security.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION | win32security.UNPROTECTED_DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, None, None, tdacl, None, ) ret["changes"]["Inheritance"] = "Enabled" else: if not copy: counter = 0 inheritedAcesRemoved = [] while counter < tdacl.GetAceCount(): tAce = tdacl.GetAce(counter) if ( tAce[0][1] & win32security.INHERITED_ACE ) == win32security.INHERITED_ACE: tdacl.DeleteAce(counter) inheritedAcesRemoved.append(_ace_to_text(tAce, objectType)) else: counter = counter + 1 if inheritedAcesRemoved: ret["changes"]["Removed ACEs"] = inheritedAcesRemoved else: ret["changes"]["Previously Inherited ACEs"] = "Copied to the DACL" win32security.SetNamedSecurityInfo( path, objectType, win32security.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION | win32security.PROTECTED_DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, None, None, tdacl, None, ) ret["changes"]["Inheritance"] = "Disabled" ret["result"] = True except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except ret["result"] = False ret[ "comment" ] = "Error attempting to set the inheritance. The error was {}.".format(e) return ret def enable_inheritance(path, objectType, clear=False): """ enable/disable inheritance on an object Args: path: The path to the object objectType: The type of object (FILE, DIRECTORY, REGISTRY) clear: True will remove non-Inherited ACEs from the ACL Returns (dict): A dictionary containing the results CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'minion-id' win_dacl.enable_inheritance c:\temp directory """ dc = daclConstants() objectType = dc.getObjectTypeBit(objectType) path = dc.processPath(path, objectType) return _set_dacl_inheritance(path, objectType, True, None, clear) def disable_inheritance(path, objectType, copy=True): """ Disable inheritance on an object Args: path: The path to the object objectType: The type of object (FILE, DIRECTORY, REGISTRY) copy: True will copy the Inherited ACEs to the DACL before disabling inheritance Returns (dict): A dictionary containing the results CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'minion-id' win_dacl.disable_inheritance c:\temp directory """ dc = daclConstants() objectType = dc.getObjectTypeBit(objectType) path = dc.processPath(path, objectType) return _set_dacl_inheritance(path, objectType, False, copy, None) def check_inheritance(path, objectType, user=None): """ Check a specified path to verify if inheritance is enabled Args: path: path of the registry key or file system object to check objectType: The type of object (FILE, DIRECTORY, REGISTRY) user: if provided, will consider only the ACEs for that user Returns (bool): 'Inheritance' of True/False CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'minion-id' win_dacl.check_inheritance c:\temp directory <username> """ ret = {"result": False, "Inheritance": False, "comment": ""} sidRet = _getUserSid(user) dc = daclConstants() objectType = dc.getObjectTypeBit(objectType) path = dc.processPath(path, objectType) try: sd = win32security.GetNamedSecurityInfo( path, objectType, win32security.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION ) dacls = sd.GetSecurityDescriptorDacl() except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except ret["result"] = False ret[ "comment" ] = "Error obtaining the Security Descriptor or DACL of the path: {}.".format(e) return ret for counter in range(0, dacls.GetAceCount()): ace = dacls.GetAce(counter) if (ace[0][1] & win32security.INHERITED_ACE) == win32security.INHERITED_ACE: if not sidRet["sid"] or ace[2] == sidRet["sid"]: ret["Inheritance"] = True break ret["result"] = True return ret def check_ace( path, objectType, user, permission=None, acetype=None, propagation=None, exactPermissionMatch=False, ): """ Checks a path to verify the ACE (access control entry) specified exists Args: path: path to the file/reg key objectType: The type of object (FILE, DIRECTORY, REGISTRY) user: user that the ACL is for permission: permission to test for (READ, FULLCONTROL, etc) acetype: the type of ACE (ALLOW or DENY) propagation: the propagation type of the ACE (FILES, FOLDERS, KEY, KEY&SUBKEYS, SUBKEYS, etc) exactPermissionMatch: the ACL must match exactly, IE if READ is specified, the user must have READ exactly and not FULLCONTROL (which also has the READ permission obviously) Returns (dict): 'Exists' true if the ACE exists, false if it does not CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt 'minion-id' win_dacl.check_ace c:\temp directory <username> fullcontrol """ ret = {"result": False, "Exists": False, "comment": ""} dc = daclConstants() objectTypeBit = dc.getObjectTypeBit(objectType) path = dc.processPath(path, objectTypeBit) permission = permission.upper() if permission else None acetype = acetype.upper() if permission else None propagation = propagation.upper() if propagation else None permissionbit = ( dc.getPermissionBit(objectTypeBit, permission) if permission else None ) acetypebit = dc.getAceTypeBit(acetype) if acetype else None propagationbit = ( dc.getPropagationBit(objectTypeBit, propagation) if propagation else None ) sidRet = _getUserSid(user) if not sidRet["result"]: return sidRet dacls = _get_dacl(path, objectTypeBit) ret["result"] = True if dacls: for counter in range(0, dacls.GetAceCount()): ace = dacls.GetAce(counter) if ace[2] == sidRet["sid"]: if not acetypebit or ace[0][0] == acetypebit: if ( not propagationbit or (ace[0][1] & propagationbit) == propagationbit ): if not permissionbit: ret["Exists"] = True return ret if exactPermissionMatch: if ace[1] == permissionbit: ret["Exists"] = True return ret else: if (ace[1] & permissionbit) == permissionbit: ret["Exists"] = True return ret else: ret["comment"] = "No DACL found for object." return ret