Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Pepa ==== Configuration templating for SaltStack using Hierarchical substitution and Jinja. Configuring Pepa ================ .. code-block:: yaml extension_modules: /srv/salt/ext ext_pillar: - pepa: resource: host # Name of resource directory and sub-key in pillars sequence: # Sequence used for hierarchical substitution - hostname: # Name of key name: input # Alias used for template directory base_only: True # Only use templates from Base environment, i.e. no staging - default: - environment: - location..region: name: region - location..country: name: country - location..datacenter: name: datacenter - roles: - osfinger: name: os - hostname: name: override base_only: True subkey: True # Create a sub-key in pillars, named after the resource in this case [host] subkey_only: True # Only create a sub-key, and leave the top level untouched pepa_roots: # Base directory for each environment base: /srv/pepa/base # Path for base environment dev: /srv/pepa/base # Associate dev with base qa: /srv/pepa/qa prod: /srv/pepa/prod # Use a different delimiter for nested dictionaries, defaults to '..' since some keys may use '.' in the name #pepa_delimiter: .. # Supply Grains for Pepa, this should **ONLY** be used for testing or validation #pepa_grains: # environment: dev # Supply Pillar for Pepa, this should **ONLY** be used for testing or validation #pepa_pillars: # saltversion: 0.17.4 # Enable debug for Pepa, and keep Salt on warning #log_level: debug #log_granular_levels: # salt: warning # salt.loaded.ext.pillar.pepa: debug Pepa can also be used in Master-less SaltStack setup. Command line ============ .. code-block:: bash usage: pepa.py [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-d] [-g GRAINS] [-p PILLAR] [-n] [-v] hostname positional arguments: hostname Hostname optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG Configuration file -d, --debug Print debug info -g GRAINS, --grains GRAINS Input Grains as YAML -p PILLAR, --pillar PILLAR Input Pillar as YAML -n, --no-color No color output -v, --validate Validate output Templates ========= Templates is configuration for a host or software, that can use information from Grains or Pillars. These can then be used for hierarchically substitution. **Example File:** host/input/test_example_com.yaml .. code-block:: yaml location..region: emea location..country: nl location..datacenter: foobar environment: dev roles: - salt.master network..gateway: network..interfaces..eth0..hwaddr: 00:20:26:a1:12:12 network..interfaces..eth0..dhcp: False network..interfaces..eth0..ipv4: network..interfaces..eth0..netmask: network..interfaces..eth0..fqdn: {{ hostname }} cobbler..profile: fedora-19-x86_64 As you see in this example you can use Jinja directly inside the template. **Example File:** host/region/amer.yaml .. code-block:: yaml network..dns..servers: - - time..ntp..servers: - ntp1.amer.example.com - ntp2.amer.example.com - ntp3.amer.example.com time..timezone: America/Chihuahua yum..mirror: yum.amer.example.com Each template is named after the value of the key using lowercase and all extended characters are replaced with underscore. **Example:** osfinger: Fedora-19 **Would become:** fedora_19.yaml Nested dictionaries =================== In order to create nested dictionaries as output you can use double dot **".."** as a delimiter. You can change this using "pepa_delimiter" we choose double dot since single dot is already used by key names in some modules, and using ":" requires quoting in the YAML. **Example:** .. code-block:: yaml network..dns..servers: - - network..dns..options: - timeout:2 - attempts:1 - ndots:1 network..dns..search: - example.com **Would become:** .. code-block:: yaml network: dns: servers: - - options: - timeout:2 - attempts:1 - ndots:1 search: - example.com Operators ========= Operators can be used to merge/unset a list/hash or set the key as immutable, so it can't be changed. =========== ================================================ Operator Description =========== ================================================ merge() Merge list or hash unset() Unset key immutable() Set the key as immutable, so it can't be changed imerge() Set immutable and merge iunset() Set immutable and unset =========== ================================================ **Example:** .. code-block:: yaml network..dns..search..merge(): - foobar.com - dummy.nl owner..immutable(): Operations host..printers..unset(): Validation ========== Since it's very hard to test Jinja as is, the best approach is to run all the permutations of input and validate the output, i.e. Unit Testing. To facilitate this in Pepa we use YAML, Jinja and Cerberus <https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/cerberus>. Schema ====== So this is a validation schema for network configuration, as you see it can be customized with Jinja just as Pepa templates. This was designed to be run as a build job in Jenkins or similar tool. You can provide Grains/Pillar input using either the config file or command line arguments. **File Example: host/validation/network.yaml** .. code-block:: jinja network..dns..search: type: list allowed: - example.com network..dns..options: type: list allowed: ['timeout:2', 'attempts:1', 'ndots:1'] network..dns..servers: type: list schema: regex: ^([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$ network..gateway: type: string regex: ^([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$ {% if network.interfaces is defined %} {% for interface in network.interfaces %} network..interfaces..{{ interface }}..dhcp: type: boolean network..interfaces..{{ interface }}..fqdn: type: string regex: ^([a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$ network..interfaces..{{ interface }}..hwaddr: type: string regex: ^([0-9a-f]{1,2}\\:){5}[0-9a-f]{1,2}$ network..interfaces..{{ interface }}..ipv4: type: string regex: ^([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$ network..interfaces..{{ interface }}..netmask: type: string regex: ^([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$ {% endfor %} {% endif %} Links ===== For more examples and information see <https://github.com/mickep76/pepa>. """ # Import futures import glob import logging import os import re import sys import jinja2 import salt.utils.files import salt.utils.yaml __author__ = "Michael Persson <michael.ake.persson@gmail.com>" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2013 Michael Persson" __license__ = "Apache License, Version 2.0" __version__ = "0.6.6" try: import requests HAS_REQUESTS = True except ImportError: HAS_REQUESTS = False # Only used when called from a terminal log = None if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse # pylint: disable=minimum-python-version parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("hostname", help="Hostname") parser.add_argument( "-c", "--config", default="/etc/salt/master", help="Configuration file" ) parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", help="Print debug info") parser.add_argument("-g", "--grains", help="Input Grains as YAML") parser.add_argument("-p", "--pillar", help="Input Pillar as YAML") parser.add_argument("-n", "--no-color", action="store_true", help="No color output") parser.add_argument("-v", "--validate", action="store_true", help="Validate output") parser.add_argument( "-q", "--query-api", action="store_true", help="Query Saltstack REST API for Grains", ) parser.add_argument( "--url", default="https://salt:8000", help="URL for SaltStack REST API" ) parser.add_argument("-u", "--username", help="Username for SaltStack REST API") parser.add_argument("-P", "--password", help="Password for SaltStack REST API") args = parser.parse_args() LOG_LEVEL = logging.WARNING if args.debug: LOG_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG formatter = None if not args.no_color: try: import colorlog # pylint: disable=import-error formatter = colorlog.ColoredFormatter( "[%(log_color)s%(levelname)-8s%(reset)s]" " %(log_color)s%(message)s%(reset)s" ) except ImportError: formatter = logging.Formatter("[%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s") else: formatter = logging.Formatter("[%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s") stream = logging.StreamHandler() stream.setLevel(LOG_LEVEL) stream.setFormatter(formatter) log = logging.getLogger("pythonConfig") log.setLevel(LOG_LEVEL) log.addHandler(stream) else: log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Options __opts__ = { "pepa_roots": {"base": "/srv/salt"}, "pepa_delimiter": "..", "pepa_validate": False, } def __virtual__(): """ Only return if all the modules are available """ if not HAS_REQUESTS: return False return True def key_value_to_tree(data): """ Convert key/value to tree """ tree = {} for flatkey, value in data.items(): t = tree keys = flatkey.split(__opts__["pepa_delimiter"]) for i, key in enumerate(keys, 1): if i == len(keys): t[key] = value else: t = t.setdefault(key, {}) return tree def ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, resource, sequence, subkey=False, subkey_only=False): """ Evaluate Pepa templates """ roots = __opts__["pepa_roots"] # Default input inp = {} inp["default"] = "default" inp["hostname"] = minion_id if "environment" in pillar: inp["environment"] = pillar["environment"] elif "environment" in __grains__: inp["environment"] = __grains__["environment"] else: inp["environment"] = "base" # Load templates output = inp output["pepa_templates"] = [] immutable = {} for categ, info in [next(iter(s.items())) for s in sequence]: if categ not in inp: log.warning("Category is not defined: %s", categ) continue alias = None if isinstance(info, dict) and "name" in info: alias = info["name"] else: alias = categ templdir = None if info and "base_only" in info and info["base_only"]: templdir = os.path.join(roots["base"], resource, alias) else: templdir = os.path.join(roots[inp["environment"]], resource, alias) entries = [] if isinstance(inp[categ], list): entries = inp[categ] elif not inp[categ]: log.warning("Category has no value set: %s", categ) continue else: entries = [inp[categ]] for entry in entries: results_jinja = None results = None fn = os.path.join(templdir, re.sub(r"\W", "_", entry.lower()) + ".yaml") if os.path.isfile(fn): log.info("Loading template: %s", fn) with salt.utils.files.fopen(fn) as fhr: template = jinja2.Template(fhr.read()) output["pepa_templates"].append(fn) try: data = key_value_to_tree(output) data["grains"] = __grains__.copy() data["pillar"] = pillar.copy() results_jinja = template.render(data) results = salt.utils.yaml.safe_load(results_jinja) except jinja2.UndefinedError as err: log.error("Failed to parse JINJA template: %s\n%s", fn, err) except salt.utils.yaml.YAMLError as err: log.error("Failed to parse YAML in template: %s\n%s", fn, err) else: log.info("Template doesn't exist: %s", fn) continue if results is not None: for key in results: skey = key.rsplit(__opts__["pepa_delimiter"], 1) rkey = None operator = None if len(skey) > 1 and key.rfind("()") > 0: rkey = skey[0].rstrip(__opts__["pepa_delimiter"]) operator = skey[1] if key in immutable: log.warning("Key %s is immutable, changes are not allowed", key) elif rkey in immutable: log.warning( "Key %s is immutable, changes are not allowed", rkey ) elif operator == "merge()" or operator == "imerge()": if operator == "merge()": log.debug("Merge key %s: %s", rkey, results[key]) else: log.debug( "Set immutable and merge key %s: %s", rkey, results[key] ) immutable[rkey] = True if rkey not in output: log.error("Cant't merge key %s doesn't exist", rkey) elif not isinstance(results[key], type(output[rkey])): log.error("Can't merge different types for key %s", rkey) elif isinstance(results[key], dict): output[rkey].update(results[key]) elif isinstance(results[key], list): output[rkey].extend(results[key]) else: log.error( "Unsupported type need to be list or dict for key %s", rkey, ) elif operator == "unset()" or operator == "iunset()": if operator == "unset()": log.debug("Unset key %s", rkey) else: log.debug("Set immutable and unset key %s", rkey) immutable[rkey] = True if rkey in output: del output[rkey] elif operator == "immutable()": log.debug( "Set immutable and substitute key %s: %s", rkey, results[key], ) immutable[rkey] = True output[rkey] = results[key] elif operator is not None: log.error( "Unsupported operator %s, skipping key %s", operator, rkey ) else: log.debug("Substitute key %s: %s", key, results[key]) output[key] = results[key] tree = key_value_to_tree(output) pillar_data = {} if subkey_only: pillar_data[resource] = tree.copy() elif subkey: pillar_data = tree pillar_data[resource] = tree.copy() else: pillar_data = tree if __opts__["pepa_validate"]: pillar_data["pepa_keys"] = output.copy() return pillar_data def validate(output, resource): """ Validate Pepa templates """ try: import cerberus # pylint: disable=import-error except ImportError: log.critical("You need module cerberus in order to use validation") return roots = __opts__["pepa_roots"] valdir = os.path.join(roots["base"], resource, "validate") all_schemas = {} pepa_schemas = [] for fn in glob.glob(valdir + "/*.yaml"): log.info("Loading schema: %s", fn) with salt.utils.files.fopen(fn) as fhr: template = jinja2.Template(fhr.read()) data = output data["grains"] = __grains__.copy() data["pillar"] = __pillar__.copy() schema = salt.utils.yaml.safe_load(template.render(data)) all_schemas.update(schema) pepa_schemas.append(fn) val = cerberus.Validator() if not val.validate(output["pepa_keys"], all_schemas): for ekey, error in val.errors.items(): log.warning("Validation failed for key %s: %s", ekey, error) output["pepa_schema_keys"] = all_schemas output["pepa_schemas"] = pepa_schemas # Only used when called from a terminal if __name__ == "__main__": # Load configuration file if not os.path.isfile(args.config): log.critical("Configuration file doesn't exist: %s", args.config) sys.exit(1) # Get configuration with salt.utils.files.fopen(args.config) as fh_: __opts__.update(salt.utils.yaml.safe_load(fh_)) loc = 0 for name in [next(iter(list(e.keys()))) for e in __opts__["ext_pillar"]]: if name == "pepa": break loc += 1 # Get grains __grains__ = {} if "pepa_grains" in __opts__: __grains__ = __opts__["pepa_grains"] if args.grains: __grains__.update(salt.utils.yaml.safe_load(args.grains)) # Get pillars __pillar__ = {} if "pepa_pillar" in __opts__: __pillar__ = __opts__["pepa_pillar"] if args.pillar: __pillar__.update(salt.utils.yaml.safe_load(args.pillar)) # Validate or not if args.validate: __opts__["pepa_validate"] = True if args.query_api: import getpass import requests username = args.username password = args.password if username is None: username = input("Username: ") if password is None: password = getpass.getpass() log.info("Authenticate REST API") auth = {"username": username, "password": password, "eauth": "pam"} request = requests.post(args.url + "/login", auth) if not request.ok: raise RuntimeError( "Failed to authenticate to SaltStack REST API: {}".format(request.text) ) response = request.json() token = response["return"][0]["token"] log.info("Request Grains from REST API") headers = {"X-Auth-Token": token, "Accept": "application/json"} request = requests.get(args.url + "/minions/" + args.hostname, headers=headers) result = request.json().get("return", [{}])[0] if args.hostname not in result: raise RuntimeError("Failed to get Grains from SaltStack REST API") __grains__ = result[args.hostname] # Print results ex_subkey = False ex_subkey_only = False if "subkey" in __opts__["ext_pillar"][loc]["pepa"]: ex_subkey = __opts__["ext_pillar"][loc]["pepa"]["subkey"] if "subkey_only" in __opts__["ext_pillar"][loc]["pepa"]: ex_subkey_only = __opts__["ext_pillar"][loc]["pepa"]["subkey_only"] result = ext_pillar( args.hostname, __pillar__, __opts__["ext_pillar"][loc]["pepa"]["resource"], __opts__["ext_pillar"][loc]["pepa"]["sequence"], ex_subkey, ex_subkey_only, ) if __opts__["pepa_validate"]: validate(result, __opts__["ext_pillar"][loc]["pepa"]["resource"]) try: orig_ignore = salt.utils.yaml.SafeOrderedDumper.ignore_aliases salt.utils.yaml.SafeOrderedDumper.ignore_aliases = lambda x, y: True def _print_result(result): print(salt.utils.yaml.safe_dump(result, indent=4, default_flow_style=False)) if not args.no_color: try: # pylint: disable=import-error import pygments import pygments.formatters import pygments.lexers # pylint: disable=no-member print( pygments.highlight( salt.utils.yaml.safe_dump(result), pygments.lexers.YamlLexer(), pygments.formatters.TerminalFormatter(), ) ) # pylint: enable=no-member, import-error except ImportError: _print_result(result) else: _print_result(result) finally: # Undo monkeypatching salt.utils.yaml.SafeOrderedDumper.ignore_aliases = orig_ignore