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""" Proxy Minion interface module for managing VMware ESXi hosts. .. Warning:: This module will be deprecated in a future release of Salt. VMware strongly recommends using the `VMware Salt extensions <https://docs.saltproject.io/salt/extensions/salt-ext-modules-vmware/en/latest/all.html>`_ instead of the ESXi module. Because the Salt extensions are newer and actively supported by VMware, they are more compatible with current versions of ESXi and they work well with the latest features in the VMware product line. **Special Note: SaltStack thanks** `Adobe Corporation <http://adobe.com/>`_ **for their support in creating this Proxy Minion integration.** This proxy minion enables VMware ESXi (hereafter referred to as simply 'ESXi') hosts to be treated individually like a Salt Minion. Since the ESXi host may not necessarily run on an OS capable of hosting a Python stack, the ESXi host can't run a Salt Minion directly. Salt's "Proxy Minion" functionality enables you to designate another machine to host a minion process that "proxies" communication from the Salt Master. The master does not know nor care that the target is not a "real" Salt Minion. More in-depth conceptual reading on Proxy Minions can be found in the :ref:`Proxy Minion <proxy-minion>` section of Salt's documentation. Dependencies ============ - pyVmomi Python Module - ESXCLI pyVmomi ------- PyVmomi can be installed via pip: .. code-block:: bash pip install pyVmomi .. note:: Version 6.0 of pyVmomi has some problems with SSL error handling on certain versions of Python. If using version 6.0 of pyVmomi, Python 2.6, Python 2.7.9, or newer must be present. This is due to an upstream dependency in pyVmomi 6.0 that is not supported in Python versions 2.7 to 2.7.8. If the version of Python is not in the supported range, you will need to install an earlier version of pyVmomi. See `Issue #29537`_ for more information. .. _Issue #29537: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/29537 Based on the note above, to install an earlier version of pyVmomi than the version currently listed in PyPi, run the following: .. code-block:: bash pip install pyVmomi== The is a known stable version that this original ESXi State Module was developed against. ESXCLI ------ Currently, about a third of the functions used in the vSphere Execution Module require the ESXCLI package be installed on the machine running the Proxy Minion process. The ESXCLI package is also referred to as the VMware vSphere CLI, or vCLI. VMware provides vCLI package installation instructions for `vSphere 5.5`_ and `vSphere 6.0`_. .. _vSphere 5.5: http://pubs.vmware.com/vsphere-55/index.jsp#com.vmware.vcli.getstart.doc/cli_install.4.2.html .. _vSphere 6.0: http://pubs.vmware.com/vsphere-60/index.jsp#com.vmware.vcli.getstart.doc/cli_install.4.2.html Once all of the required dependencies are in place and the vCLI package is installed, you can check to see if you can connect to your ESXi host or vCenter server by running the following command: .. code-block:: bash esxcli -s <host-location> -u <username> -p <password> system syslog config get If the connection was successful, ESXCLI was successfully installed on your system. You should see output related to the ESXi host's syslog configuration. Configuration ============= To use this integration proxy module, please configure the following: Pillar ------ Proxy minions get their configuration from Salt's Pillar. Every proxy must have a stanza in Pillar and a reference in the Pillar top-file that matches the ID. At a minimum for communication with the ESXi host, the pillar should look like this: .. code-block:: yaml proxy: proxytype: esxi host: <ip or dns name of esxi host> username: <ESXi username> passwords: - first_password - second_password - third_password credstore: <path to credential store> proxytype ^^^^^^^^^ The ``proxytype`` key and value pair is critical, as it tells Salt which interface to load from the ``proxy`` directory in Salt's install hierarchy, or from ``/srv/salt/_proxy`` on the Salt Master (if you have created your own proxy module, for example). To use this ESXi Proxy Module, set this to ``esxi``. host ^^^^ The location, or ip/dns, of the ESXi host. Required. username ^^^^^^^^ The username used to login to the ESXi host, such as ``root``. Required. passwords ^^^^^^^^^ A list of passwords to be used to try and login to the ESXi host. At least one password in this list is required. The proxy integration will try the passwords listed in order. It is configured this way so you can have a regular password and the password you may be updating for an ESXi host either via the :mod:`vsphere.update_host_password <salt.modules.vsphere.update_host_password>` execution module function or via the :mod:`esxi.password_present <salt.states.esxi.password_present>` state function. This way, after the password is changed, you should not need to restart the proxy minion--it should just pick up the new password provided in the list. You can then change pillar at will to move that password to the front and retire the unused ones. This also allows you to use any number of potential fallback passwords. .. note:: When a password is changed on the host to one in the list of possible passwords, the further down on the list the password is, the longer individual commands will take to return. This is due to the nature of pyVmomi's login system. We have to wait for the first attempt to fail before trying the next password on the list. This scenario is especially true, and even slower, when the proxy minion first starts. If the correct password is not the first password on the list, it may take up to a minute for ``test.ping`` to respond with a ``True`` result. Once the initial authorization is complete, the responses for commands will be a little faster. To avoid these longer waiting periods, SaltStack recommends moving the correct password to the top of the list and restarting the proxy minion at your earliest convenience. protocol ^^^^^^^^ If the ESXi host is not using the default protocol, set this value to an alternate protocol. Default is ``https``. port ^^^^ If the ESXi host is not using the default port, set this value to an alternate port. Default is ``443``. credstore ^^^^^^^^^ If the ESXi host is using an untrusted SSL certificate, set this value to the file path where the credential store is located. This file is passed to ``esxcli``. Default is ``<HOME>/.vmware/credstore/vicredentials.xml`` on Linux and ``<APPDATA>/VMware/credstore/vicredentials.xml`` on Windows. .. note:: ``HOME`` variable is sometimes not set for processes running as system services. If you want to rely on the default credential store location, make sure ``HOME`` is set for the proxy process. Salt Proxy ---------- After your pillar is in place, you can test the proxy. The proxy can run on any machine that has network connectivity to your Salt Master and to the ESXi host in question. SaltStack recommends that the machine running the salt-proxy process also run a regular minion, though it is not strictly necessary. On the machine that will run the proxy, make sure there is an ``/etc/salt/proxy`` file with at least the following in it: .. code-block:: yaml master: <ip or hostname of salt-master> You can then start the salt-proxy process with: .. code-block:: bash salt-proxy --proxyid <id you want to give the host> You may want to add ``-l debug`` to run the above in the foreground in debug mode just to make sure everything is OK. Next, accept the key for the proxy on your salt-master, just like you would for a regular minion: .. code-block:: bash salt-key -a <id you gave the esxi host> You can confirm that the pillar data is in place for the proxy: .. code-block:: bash salt <id> pillar.items And now you should be able to ping the ESXi host to make sure it is responding: .. code-block:: bash salt <id> test.ping At this point you can execute one-off commands against the host. For example, you can get the ESXi host's system information: .. code-block:: bash salt <id> esxi.cmd system_info Note that you don't need to provide credentials or an ip/hostname. Salt knows to use the credentials you stored in Pillar. It's important to understand how this particular proxy works. :mod:`Salt.modules.vsphere <salt.modules.vsphere>` is a standard Salt execution module. If you pull up the docs for it you'll see that almost every function in the module takes credentials and a target host. When credentials and a host aren't passed, Salt runs commands through ``pyVmomi`` against the local machine. If you wanted, you could run functions from this module on any host where an appropriate version of ``pyVmomi`` is installed, and that host would reach out over the network and communicate with the ESXi host. ``esxi.cmd`` acts as a "shim" between the execution module and the proxy. Its first parameter is always the function from salt.modules.vsphere. If the function takes more positional or keyword arguments you can append them to the call. It's this shim that speaks to the ESXi host through the proxy, arranging for the credentials and hostname to be pulled from the Pillar section for this Proxy Minion. Because of the presence of the shim, to lookup documentation for what functions you can use to interface with the ESXi host, you'll want to look in :mod:`salt.modules.vsphere <salt.modules.vsphere>` instead of :mod:`salt.modules.esxi <salt.modules.esxi>`. States ------ Associated states are thoroughly documented in :mod:`salt.states.esxi <salt.states.esxi>`. Look there to find an example structure for Pillar as well as an example ``.sls`` file for standing up an ESXi host from scratch. """ import logging import os from salt.config.schemas.esxi import EsxiProxySchema from salt.exceptions import InvalidConfigError, SaltSystemExit from salt.utils.dictupdate import merge # This must be present or the Salt loader won't load this module. __proxyenabled__ = ["esxi"] try: import jsonschema HAS_JSONSCHEMA = True except ImportError: HAS_JSONSCHEMA = False # Variables are scoped to this module so we can have persistent data # across calls to fns in here. GRAINS_CACHE = {} DETAILS = {} # Set up logging log = logging.getLogger(__file__) # Define the module's virtual name __virtualname__ = "esxi" def __virtual__(): """ Only load if the ESXi execution module is available. """ if HAS_JSONSCHEMA: return __virtualname__ return False, "The ESXi Proxy Minion module did not load." def init(opts): """ This function gets called when the proxy starts up. For ESXi devices, the host, login credentials, and, if configured, the protocol and port are cached. """ log.debug("Initting esxi proxy module in process %s", os.getpid()) log.debug("Validating esxi proxy input") schema = EsxiProxySchema.serialize() log.trace("esxi_proxy_schema = %s", schema) proxy_conf = merge(opts.get("proxy", {}), __pillar__.get("proxy", {})) log.trace("proxy_conf = %s", proxy_conf) try: jsonschema.validate(proxy_conf, schema) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as exc: raise InvalidConfigError(exc) DETAILS["proxytype"] = proxy_conf["proxytype"] if ("host" not in proxy_conf) and ("vcenter" not in proxy_conf): log.critical( "Neither 'host' nor 'vcenter' keys found in pillar for this proxy." ) return False if "host" in proxy_conf: # We have started the proxy by connecting directly to the host if "username" not in proxy_conf: log.critical("No 'username' key found in pillar for this proxy.") return False if "passwords" not in proxy_conf: log.critical("No 'passwords' key found in pillar for this proxy.") return False host = proxy_conf["host"] # Get the correct login details try: username, password = find_credentials(host) except SaltSystemExit as err: log.critical("Error: %s", err) return False # Set configuration details DETAILS["host"] = host DETAILS["username"] = username DETAILS["password"] = password DETAILS["protocol"] = proxy_conf.get("protocol") DETAILS["port"] = proxy_conf.get("port") return True if "vcenter" in proxy_conf: vcenter = proxy_conf["vcenter"] if not proxy_conf.get("esxi_host"): log.critical("No 'esxi_host' key found in pillar for this proxy.") DETAILS["esxi_host"] = proxy_conf["esxi_host"] # We have started the proxy by connecting via the vCenter if "mechanism" not in proxy_conf: log.critical("No 'mechanism' key found in pillar for this proxy.") return False mechanism = proxy_conf["mechanism"] # Save mandatory fields in cache for key in ("vcenter", "mechanism"): DETAILS[key] = proxy_conf[key] if mechanism == "userpass": if "username" not in proxy_conf: log.critical("No 'username' key found in pillar for this proxy.") return False if "passwords" not in proxy_conf and len(proxy_conf["passwords"]) > 0: log.critical( "Mechanism is set to 'userpass' , but no " "'passwords' key found in pillar for this " "proxy." ) return False for key in ("username", "passwords"): DETAILS[key] = proxy_conf[key] elif mechanism == "sspi": if "domain" not in proxy_conf: log.critical( "Mechanism is set to 'sspi' , but no " "'domain' key found in pillar for this proxy." ) return False if "principal" not in proxy_conf: log.critical( "Mechanism is set to 'sspi' , but no " "'principal' key found in pillar for this " "proxy." ) return False for key in ("domain", "principal"): DETAILS[key] = proxy_conf[key] if mechanism == "userpass": # Get the correct login details log.debug( "Retrieving credentials and testing vCenter connection" " for mehchanism 'userpass'" ) try: username, password = find_credentials(DETAILS["vcenter"]) DETAILS["password"] = password except SaltSystemExit as err: log.critical("Error: %s", err) return False # Save optional DETAILS["protocol"] = proxy_conf.get("protocol", "https") DETAILS["port"] = proxy_conf.get("port", "443") DETAILS["credstore"] = proxy_conf.get("credstore") def grains(): """ Get the grains from the proxy device. """ if not GRAINS_CACHE: return _grains(DETAILS["host"], DETAILS["protocol"], DETAILS["port"]) return GRAINS_CACHE def grains_refresh(): """ Refresh the grains from the proxy device. """ GRAINS_CACHE = {} return grains() def ping(): """ Returns True if connection is to be done via a vCenter (no connection is attempted). Check to see if the host is responding when connecting directly via an ESXi host. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt esxi-host test.ping """ if DETAILS.get("esxi_host"): return True else: # TODO Check connection if mechanism is SSPI if DETAILS["mechanism"] == "userpass": find_credentials(DETAILS["host"]) try: __salt__["vsphere.system_info"]( host=DETAILS["host"], username=DETAILS["username"], password=DETAILS["password"], ) except SaltSystemExit as err: log.warning(err) return False return True def shutdown(): """ Shutdown the connection to the proxy device. For this proxy, shutdown is a no-op. """ log.debug("ESXi proxy shutdown() called...") def ch_config(cmd, *args, **kwargs): """ This function is called by the :mod:`salt.modules.esxi.cmd <salt.modules.esxi.cmd>` shim. It then calls whatever is passed in ``cmd`` inside the :mod:`salt.modules.vsphere <salt.modules.vsphere>` module. Passes the return through from the vsphere module. cmd The command to call inside salt.modules.vsphere args Arguments that need to be passed to that command. kwargs Keyword arguments that need to be passed to that command. """ # Strip the __pub_ keys...is there a better way to do this? for k in kwargs: if k.startswith("__pub_"): kwargs.pop(k) kwargs["host"] = DETAILS["host"] kwargs["username"] = DETAILS["username"] kwargs["password"] = DETAILS["password"] kwargs["port"] = DETAILS["port"] kwargs["protocol"] = DETAILS["protocol"] kwargs["credstore"] = DETAILS["credstore"] if "vsphere." + cmd not in __salt__: return {"retcode": -1, "message": "vsphere." + cmd + " is not available."} else: return __salt__["vsphere." + cmd](*args, **kwargs) def find_credentials(host): """ Cycle through all the possible credentials and return the first one that works. """ user_names = [__pillar__["proxy"].get("username", "root")] passwords = __pillar__["proxy"]["passwords"] for user in user_names: for password in passwords: try: # Try to authenticate with the given user/password combination ret = __salt__["vsphere.system_info"]( host=host, username=user, password=password ) except SaltSystemExit: # If we can't authenticate, continue on to try the next password. continue # If we have data returned from above, we've successfully authenticated. if ret: DETAILS["username"] = user DETAILS["password"] = password return user, password # We've reached the end of the list without successfully authenticating. raise SaltSystemExit( "Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name or password." ) def _grains(host, protocol=None, port=None): """ Helper function to the grains from the proxied device. """ username, password = find_credentials(DETAILS["host"]) ret = __salt__["vsphere.system_info"]( host=host, username=username, password=password, protocol=protocol, port=port ) GRAINS_CACHE.update(ret) return GRAINS_CACHE def is_connected_via_vcenter(): return True if "vcenter" in DETAILS else False def get_details(): """ Return the proxy details """ return DETAILS