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""" Generic REST API SDB Module :maintainer: SaltStack :maturity: New :platform: all .. versionadded:: 2015.8.0 This module allows access to a REST interface using an ``sdb://`` URI. Like all REST modules, the REST module requires a configuration profile to be configured in either the minion or master configuration file. This profile requires very little. In the example: .. code-block:: yaml my-rest-api: driver: rest urls: url: https://api.github.com/ keys: url: https://api.github.com/users/{{user}}/keys backend: requests The ``driver`` refers to the REST module, and must be set to ``rest`` in order to use this driver. Each of the other items inside this block refers to a separate set of HTTP items, including a URL and any options associated with it. The options used here should match the options available in ``salt.utils.http.query()``. In order to call the ``urls`` item in the example, the following reference can be made inside a configuration file: .. code-block:: yaml github_urls: sdb://my-rest-api/urls Key/Value pairs may also be used with this driver, and merged into the URL using the configured renderer (``jinja``, by default). For instance, in order to use the ``keys`` item in the example, the following reference can be made: .. code-block:: yaml github_urls: sdb://my-rest-api/keys?user=myuser This will cause the following URL to actually be called: .. code-block:: yaml https://api.github.com/users/myuser/keys Key/Value pairs will NOT be passed through as GET data. If GET data needs to be sent to the URL, then it should be configured in the SDB configuration block. For instance: .. code-block:: yaml another-rest-api: driver: rest user_data: url: https://api.example.com/users/ params: user: myuser """ import logging import salt.loader import salt.utils.http as http from salt.template import compile_template log = logging.getLogger(__name__) __func_alias__ = {"set_": "set"} def set_(key, value, service=None, profile=None): # pylint: disable=W0613 """ Set a key/value pair in the REST interface """ return query(key, value, service, profile) def get(key, service=None, profile=None): # pylint: disable=W0613 """ Get a value from the REST interface """ return query(key, None, service, profile) def query(key, value=None, service=None, profile=None): # pylint: disable=W0613 """ Get a value from the REST interface """ comps = key.split("?") key = comps[0] key_vars = {} for pair in comps[1].split("&"): pair_key, pair_val = pair.split("=") key_vars[pair_key] = pair_val renderer = __opts__.get("renderer", "jinja|yaml") rend = salt.loader.render(__opts__, {}) blacklist = __opts__.get("renderer_blacklist") whitelist = __opts__.get("renderer_whitelist") url = compile_template( ":string:", rend, renderer, blacklist, whitelist, input_data=profile[key]["url"], **key_vars ) extras = {} for item in profile[key]: if item not in ("backend", "url"): extras[item] = profile[key][item] result = http.query(url, decode=True, **extras) return result["dict"]