Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
""" Management of Pacemaker/Corosync clusters with PCS ================================================== A state module to manage Pacemaker/Corosync clusters with the Pacemaker/Corosync configuration system (PCS) .. versionadded:: 2016.11.0 :depends: pcs Walkthrough of a complete PCS cluster setup: http://clusterlabs.org/doc/en-US/Pacemaker/1.1/html/Clusters_from_Scratch/ Requirements: PCS is installed, pcs service is started and the password for the hacluster user is set and known. Remark on the cibname variable used in the examples: The use of the cibname variable is optional. Use it only if you want to deploy your changes into a cibfile first and then push it. This makes only sense if you want to deploy multiple changes (which require each other) at once to the cluster. At first the cibfile must be created: .. code-block:: yaml mysql_pcs__cib_present_cib_for_galera: pcs.cib_present: - cibname: cib_for_galera - scope: None - extra_args: None Then the cibfile can be modified by creating resources (creating only 1 resource for demonstration, see also 7.): .. code-block:: yaml mysql_pcs__resource_present_galera: pcs.resource_present: - resource_id: galera - resource_type: "ocf:heartbeat:galera" - resource_options: - 'wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm://node1.example.org,node2.example.org,node3.example.org' - '--master' - cibname: cib_for_galera After modifying the cibfile, it can be pushed to the live CIB in the cluster: .. code-block:: yaml mysql_pcs__cib_pushed_cib_for_galera: pcs.cib_pushed: - cibname: cib_for_galera - scope: None - extra_args: None Create a cluster from scratch: 1. This authorizes nodes to each other. It probably won't work with Ubuntu as it rolls out a default cluster that needs to be destroyed before the new cluster can be created. This is a little complicated so it's best to just run the cluster_setup below in most cases.: .. code-block:: yaml pcs_auth__auth: pcs.auth: - nodes: - node1.example.com - node2.example.com - pcsuser: hacluster - pcspasswd: hoonetorg 2. Do the initial cluster setup: .. code-block:: yaml pcs_setup__setup: pcs.cluster_setup: - nodes: - node1.example.com - node2.example.com - pcsclustername: pcscluster - extra_args: - '--start' - '--enable' - pcsuser: hacluster - pcspasswd: hoonetorg 3. Optional: Set cluster properties: .. code-block:: yaml pcs_properties__prop_has_value_no-quorum-policy: pcs.prop_has_value: - prop: no-quorum-policy - value: ignore - cibname: cib_for_cluster_settings 4. Optional: Set resource defaults: .. code-block:: yaml pcs_properties__resource_defaults_to_resource-stickiness: pcs.resource_defaults_to: - default: resource-stickiness - value: 100 - cibname: cib_for_cluster_settings 5. Optional: Set resource op defaults: .. code-block:: yaml pcs_properties__resource_op_defaults_to_monitor-interval: pcs.resource_op_defaults_to: - op_default: monitor-interval - value: 60s - cibname: cib_for_cluster_settings 6. Configure Fencing (!is often not optional on production ready cluster!): .. code-block:: yaml pcs_stonith__created_eps_fence: pcs.stonith_present: - stonith_id: eps_fence - stonith_device_type: fence_eps - stonith_device_options: - 'pcmk_host_map=node1.example.org:01;node2.example.org:02' - 'ipaddr=myepsdevice.example.org' - 'power_wait=5' - 'verbose=1' - 'debug=/var/log/pcsd/eps_fence.log' - 'login=hidden' - 'passwd=hoonetorg' - cibname: cib_for_stonith 7. Add resources to your cluster: .. code-block:: yaml mysql_pcs__resource_present_galera: pcs.resource_present: - resource_id: galera - resource_type: "ocf:heartbeat:galera" - resource_options: - 'wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm://node1.example.org,node2.example.org,node3.example.org' - '--master' - cibname: cib_for_galera 8. Optional: Add constraints (locations, colocations, orders): .. code-block:: yaml haproxy_pcs__constraint_present_colocation-vip_galera-haproxy-clone-INFINITY: pcs.constraint_present: - constraint_id: colocation-vip_galera-haproxy-clone-INFINITY - constraint_type: colocation - constraint_options: - 'add' - 'vip_galera' - 'with' - 'haproxy-clone' - cibname: cib_for_haproxy .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 """ import logging import os import salt.utils.files import salt.utils.path import salt.utils.stringutils log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __virtual__(): """ Only load if pcs package is installed """ if salt.utils.path.which("pcs"): return "pcs" return (False, "Unable to locate command: pcs") def _file_read(path): """ Read a file and return content """ content = False if os.path.exists(path): with salt.utils.files.fopen(path, "r+") as fp_: content = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(fp_.read()) fp_.close() return content def _file_write(path, content): """ Write content to a file """ with salt.utils.files.fopen(path, "w+") as fp_: fp_.write(salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(content)) fp_.close() def _get_cibpath(): """ Get the path to the directory on the minion where CIB's are saved """ cibpath = os.path.join(__opts__["cachedir"], "pcs", __env__) log.trace("cibpath: %s", cibpath) return cibpath def _get_cibfile(cibname): """ Get the full path of a cached CIB-file with the name of the CIB """ cibfile = os.path.join(_get_cibpath(), "{}.{}".format(cibname, "cib")) log.trace("cibfile: %s", cibfile) return cibfile def _get_cibfile_tmp(cibname): """ Get the full path of a temporary CIB-file with the name of the CIB """ cibfile_tmp = "{}.tmp".format(_get_cibfile(cibname)) log.trace("cibfile_tmp: %s", cibfile_tmp) return cibfile_tmp def _get_cibfile_cksum(cibname): """ Get the full path of the file containing a checksum of a CIB-file with the name of the CIB """ cibfile_cksum = "{}.cksum".format(_get_cibfile(cibname)) log.trace("cibfile_cksum: %s", cibfile_cksum) return cibfile_cksum def _get_node_list_for_version(nodes): """ PCS with version < 0.10 returns lowercase hostnames. Newer versions return the proper hostnames. This accomodates for the old functionality. """ pcs_version = __salt__["pkg.version"]("pcs") if __salt__["pkg.version_cmp"](pcs_version, "0.10") == -1: log.info("Node list converted to lower case for backward compatibility") nodes_for_version = [x.lower() for x in nodes] else: nodes_for_version = nodes return nodes_for_version def _item_present( name, item, item_id, item_type, show="show", create="create", extra_args=None, cibname=None, ): """ Ensure that an item is created name Irrelevant, not used item config, property, resource, constraint etc. item_id id of the item item_type item type show show command (probably None, default: show) create create command (create or set f.e., default: create) extra_args additional options for the pcs command cibname use a cached CIB-file named like cibname instead of the live CIB """ ret = {"name": name, "result": True, "comment": "", "changes": {}} item_create_required = True cibfile = None if isinstance(cibname, str): cibfile = _get_cibfile(cibname) if not isinstance(extra_args, (list, tuple)): extra_args = [] # split off key and value (item_id contains =) item_id_key = item_id item_id_value = None if "=" in item_id: item_id_key = item_id.split("=")[0].strip() item_id_value = item_id.replace(item_id.split("=")[0] + "=", "").strip() log.trace("item_id_key=%s item_id_value=%s", item_id_key, item_id_value) # constraints, properties, resource defaults or resource op defaults # do not support specifying an id on 'show' command item_id_show = item_id if item in ["constraint"] or "=" in item_id: item_id_show = None is_existing = __salt__["pcs.item_show"]( item=item, item_id=item_id_show, item_type=item_type, show=show, cibfile=cibfile ) log.trace( "Output of pcs.item_show item=%s item_id=%s item_type=%s cibfile=%s: %s", item, item_id_show, item_type, cibfile, is_existing, ) # key,value pairs (item_id contains =) - match key and value if item_id_value is not None: for line in is_existing["stdout"].splitlines(): if len(line.split(":")) in [2]: key = line.split(":")[0].strip() value = line.split(":")[1].strip() if item_id_key in [key]: if item_id_value in [value]: item_create_required = False # constraints match on '(id:<id>)' elif item in ["constraint"]: for line in is_existing["stdout"].splitlines(): if "(id:{})".format(item_id) in line: item_create_required = False # item_id was provided, # return code 0 indicates, that resource already exists else: if is_existing["retcode"] in [0]: item_create_required = False if not item_create_required: ret["comment"] += "{} {} ({}) is already existing\n".format( str(item), str(item_id), str(item_type) ) return ret if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] += "{} {} ({}) is set to be created\n".format( str(item), str(item_id), str(item_type) ) return ret item_create = __salt__["pcs.item_create"]( item=item, item_id=item_id, item_type=item_type, create=create, extra_args=extra_args, cibfile=cibfile, ) log.trace("Output of pcs.item_create: %s", item_create) if item_create["retcode"] in [0]: ret["comment"] += "Created {} {} ({})\n".format(item, item_id, item_type) ret["changes"].update({item_id: {"old": "", "new": str(item_id)}}) else: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] += "Failed to create {} {} ({})\n".format( item, item_id, item_type ) log.trace("ret: %s", ret) return ret def auth(name, nodes, pcsuser="hacluster", pcspasswd="hacluster", extra_args=None): """ Ensure all nodes are authorized to the cluster name Irrelevant, not used (recommended: pcs_auth__auth) nodes a list of nodes which should be authorized to the cluster pcsuser user for communication with pcs (default: hacluster) pcspasswd password for pcsuser (default: hacluster) extra_args list of extra args for the \'pcs cluster auth\' command, there are none so it's here for compatibility. Example: .. code-block:: yaml pcs_auth__auth: pcs.auth: - nodes: - node1.example.com - node2.example.com - pcsuser: hacluster - pcspasswd: hoonetorg - extra_args: [] """ ret = {"name": name, "result": True, "comment": "", "changes": {}} auth_required = False nodes = _get_node_list_for_version(nodes) authorized = __salt__["pcs.is_auth"]( nodes=nodes, pcsuser=pcsuser, pcspasswd=pcspasswd ) log.trace("Output of pcs.is_auth: %s", authorized) authorized_dict = {} for line in authorized["stdout"].splitlines(): node = line.split(":")[0].strip() auth_state = line.split(":")[1].strip() if node in nodes: authorized_dict.update({node: auth_state}) log.trace("authorized_dict: %s", authorized_dict) for node in nodes: if node in authorized_dict and ( authorized_dict[node] == "Already authorized" or authorized_dict[node] == "Authorized" ): ret["comment"] += "Node {} is already authorized\n".format(node) else: auth_required = True if __opts__["test"]: ret["comment"] += "Node is set to authorize: {}\n".format(node) if not auth_required: return ret if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None return ret authorize = __salt__["pcs.auth"]( nodes=nodes, pcsuser=pcsuser, pcspasswd=pcspasswd, extra_args=extra_args ) log.trace("Output of pcs.auth: %s", authorize) authorize_dict = {} for line in authorize["stdout"].splitlines(): node = line.split(":")[0].strip() auth_state = line.split(":")[1].strip() if node in nodes: authorize_dict.update({node: auth_state}) log.trace("authorize_dict: %s", authorize_dict) for node in nodes: if node in authorize_dict and authorize_dict[node] == "Authorized": ret["comment"] += "Authorized {}\n".format(node) ret["changes"].update({node: {"old": "", "new": "Authorized"}}) else: ret["result"] = False if node in authorized_dict: ret[ "comment" ] += "Authorization check for node {} returned: {}\n".format( node, authorized_dict[node] ) if node in authorize_dict: ret["comment"] += "Failed to authorize {} with error {}\n".format( node, authorize_dict[node] ) return ret def cluster_setup( name, nodes, pcsclustername="pcscluster", extra_args=None, pcsuser="hacluster", pcspasswd="hacluster", pcs_auth_extra_args=None, wipe_default=False, ): """ Setup Pacemaker cluster on nodes. Should be run on one cluster node only to avoid race conditions. This performs auth as well as setup so can be run in place of the auth state. It is recommended not to run auth on Debian/Ubuntu for a new cluster and just to run this because of the initial cluster config that is installed on Ubuntu/Debian by default. name Irrelevant, not used (recommended: pcs_setup__setup) nodes a list of nodes which should be set up pcsclustername Name of the Pacemaker cluster extra_args list of extra args for the \'pcs cluster setup\' command pcsuser The username for authenticating the cluster (default: hacluster) pcspasswd The password for authenticating the cluster (default: hacluster) pcs_auth_extra_args Extra args to be passed to the auth function in case of reauth. wipe_default This removes the files that are installed with Debian based operating systems. Example: .. code-block:: yaml pcs_setup__setup: pcs.cluster_setup: - nodes: - node1.example.com - node2.example.com - pcsclustername: pcscluster - extra_args: - '--start' - '--enable' - pcsuser: hacluster - pcspasswd: hoonetorg """ ret = {"name": name, "result": True, "comment": "", "changes": {}} setup_required = False config_show = __salt__["pcs.config_show"]() log.trace("Output of pcs.config_show: %s", config_show) for line in config_show["stdout"].splitlines(): if len(line.split(":")) in [2]: key = line.split(":")[0].strip() value = line.split(":")[1].strip() if key in ["Cluster Name"]: if value in [pcsclustername]: ret["comment"] += "Cluster {} is already set up\n".format( pcsclustername ) else: setup_required = True if __opts__["test"]: ret["comment"] += "Cluster {} is set to set up\n".format( pcsclustername ) if not setup_required: log.info("No setup required") return ret if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None return ret # Debian based distros deploy corosync with some initial cluster setup. # The following detects if it's a Debian based distro and then stops Corosync # and removes the config files. I've put this here because trying to do all this in the # state file can break running clusters and can also take quite a long time to debug. log.debug("OS_Family: %s", __grains__.get("os_family")) if __grains__.get("os_family") == "Debian" and wipe_default: __salt__["file.remove"]("/etc/corosync/corosync.conf") __salt__["file.remove"]("/var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib.xml") __salt__["service.stop"]("corosync") auth("pcs_auth__auth", nodes, pcsuser, pcspasswd, pcs_auth_extra_args) nodes = _get_node_list_for_version(nodes) if not isinstance(extra_args, (list, tuple)): extra_args = [] setup = __salt__["pcs.cluster_setup"]( nodes=nodes, pcsclustername=pcsclustername, extra_args=extra_args ) log.trace("Output of pcs.cluster_setup: %s", setup) setup_dict = {} for line in setup["stdout"].splitlines(): log.trace("line: %s", line) log.trace("line.split(:).len: %s", len(line.split(":"))) if len(line.split(":")) in [2]: node = line.split(":")[0].strip() setup_state = line.split(":")[1].strip() if node in nodes: setup_dict.update({node: setup_state}) log.trace("setup_dict: %s", setup_dict) for node in nodes: if node in setup_dict and setup_dict[node] in [ "Succeeded", "Success", "Cluster enabled", ]: ret["comment"] += "Set up {}\n".format(node) ret["changes"].update({node: {"old": "", "new": "Setup"}}) else: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] += "Failed to setup {}\n".format(node) if node in setup_dict: ret["comment"] += "{}: setup_dict: {}\n".format(node, setup_dict[node]) ret["comment"] += str(setup) log.trace("ret: %s", ret) return ret def cluster_node_present(name, node, extra_args=None): """ Add a node to the Pacemaker cluster via PCS Should be run on one cluster node only (there may be races) Can only be run on a already setup/added node name Irrelevant, not used (recommended: pcs_setup__node_add_{{node}}) node node that should be added extra_args list of extra args for the \'pcs cluster node add\' command Example: .. code-block:: yaml pcs_setup__node_add_node1.example.com: pcs.cluster_node_present: - node: node1.example.com - extra_args: - '--start' - '--enable' """ ret = {"name": name, "result": True, "comment": "", "changes": {}} node_add_required = True current_nodes = [] is_member_cmd = ["pcs", "status", "nodes", "corosync"] is_member = __salt__["cmd.run_all"]( is_member_cmd, output_loglevel="trace", python_shell=False ) log.trace("Output of pcs status nodes corosync: %s", is_member) for line in is_member["stdout"].splitlines(): if len(line.split(":")) in [2]: key = line.split(":")[0].strip() value = line.split(":")[1].strip() if key in ["Offline", "Online"]: if len(value.split()) > 0: if node in value.split(): node_add_required = False ret[ "comment" ] += "Node {} is already member of the cluster\n".format(node) else: current_nodes += value.split() if not node_add_required: return ret if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] += "Node {} is set to be added to the cluster\n".format(node) return ret if not isinstance(extra_args, (list, tuple)): extra_args = [] node_add = __salt__["pcs.cluster_node_add"](node=node, extra_args=extra_args) log.trace("Output of pcs.cluster_node_add: %s", node_add) node_add_dict = {} for line in node_add["stdout"].splitlines(): log.trace("line: %s", line) log.trace("line.split(:).len: %s", len(line.split(":"))) if len(line.split(":")) in [2]: current_node = line.split(":")[0].strip() current_node_add_state = line.split(":")[1].strip() if current_node in current_nodes + [node]: node_add_dict.update({current_node: current_node_add_state}) log.trace("node_add_dict: %s", node_add_dict) for current_node in current_nodes: if current_node in node_add_dict: if node_add_dict[current_node] not in ["Corosync updated"]: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] += "Failed to update corosync.conf on node {}\n".format( current_node ) ret["comment"] += "{}: node_add_dict: {}\n".format( current_node, node_add_dict[current_node] ) else: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] += "Failed to update corosync.conf on node {}\n".format( current_node ) if node in node_add_dict and node_add_dict[node] in ["Succeeded", "Success"]: ret["comment"] += "Added node {}\n".format(node) ret["changes"].update({node: {"old": "", "new": "Added"}}) else: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] += "Failed to add node{}\n".format(node) if node in node_add_dict: ret["comment"] += "{}: node_add_dict: {}\n".format( node, node_add_dict[node] ) ret["comment"] += str(node_add) log.trace("ret: %s", ret) return ret def cib_present(name, cibname, scope=None, extra_args=None): """ Ensure that a CIB-file with the content of the current live CIB is created Should be run on one cluster node only (there may be races) name Irrelevant, not used (recommended: {{formulaname}}__cib_present_{{cibname}}) cibname name/path of the file containing the CIB scope specific section of the CIB (default: None) extra_args additional options for creating the CIB-file Example: .. code-block:: yaml mysql_pcs__cib_present_cib_for_galera: pcs.cib_present: - cibname: cib_for_galera - scope: None - extra_args: None """ ret = {"name": name, "result": True, "comment": "", "changes": {}} cib_hash_form = "sha256" cib_create_required = False cib_cksum_required = False cib_required = False cibpath = _get_cibpath() cibfile = _get_cibfile(cibname) cibfile_tmp = _get_cibfile_tmp(cibname) cibfile_cksum = _get_cibfile_cksum(cibname) if not os.path.exists(cibpath): os.makedirs(cibpath) if not isinstance(extra_args, (list, tuple)): extra_args = [] if os.path.exists(cibfile_tmp): __salt__["file.remove"](cibfile_tmp) cib_create = __salt__["pcs.cib_create"]( cibfile=cibfile_tmp, scope=scope, extra_args=extra_args ) log.trace("Output of pcs.cib_create: %s", cib_create) if cib_create["retcode"] not in [0] or not os.path.exists(cibfile_tmp): ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] += "Failed to get live CIB\n" return ret cib_hash_live = "{}:{}".format( cib_hash_form, __salt__["file.get_hash"](path=cibfile_tmp, form=cib_hash_form) ) log.trace("cib_hash_live: %s", cib_hash_live) cib_hash_cur = _file_read(path=cibfile_cksum) if cib_hash_cur not in [cib_hash_live]: cib_cksum_required = True log.trace("cib_hash_cur: %s", cib_hash_cur) if not os.path.exists(cibfile) or not __salt__["file.check_hash"]( path=cibfile, file_hash=cib_hash_live ): cib_create_required = True if cib_cksum_required or cib_create_required: cib_required = True if not cib_create_required: __salt__["file.remove"](cibfile_tmp) ret["comment"] += "CIB {} is already equal to the live CIB\n".format(cibname) if not cib_cksum_required: ret["comment"] += "CIB {} checksum is correct\n".format(cibname) if not cib_required: return ret if __opts__["test"]: __salt__["file.remove"](cibfile_tmp) ret["result"] = None if cib_create_required: ret["comment"] += "CIB {} is set to be created/updated\n".format(cibname) if cib_cksum_required: ret["comment"] += "CIB {} checksum is set to be created/updated\n".format( cibname ) return ret if cib_create_required: __salt__["file.move"](cibfile_tmp, cibfile) if __salt__["file.check_hash"](path=cibfile, file_hash=cib_hash_live): ret["comment"] += "Created/updated CIB {}\n".format(cibname) ret["changes"].update({"cibfile": cibfile}) else: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] += "Failed to create/update CIB {}\n".format(cibname) if cib_cksum_required: _file_write(cibfile_cksum, cib_hash_live) if _file_read(cibfile_cksum) in [cib_hash_live]: ret["comment"] += "Created/updated checksum {} of CIB {}\n".format( cib_hash_live, cibname ) ret["changes"].update({"cibcksum": cib_hash_live}) else: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] += "Failed to create/update checksum {} CIB {}\n".format( cib_hash_live, cibname ) log.trace("ret: %s", ret) return ret def cib_pushed(name, cibname, scope=None, extra_args=None): """ Ensure that a CIB-file is pushed if it is changed since the creation of it with pcs.cib_present Should be run on one cluster node only (there may be races) name Irrelevant, not used (recommended: {{formulaname}}__cib_pushed_{{cibname}}) cibname name/path of the file containing the CIB scope specific section of the CIB extra_args additional options for creating the CIB-file Example: .. code-block:: yaml mysql_pcs__cib_pushed_cib_for_galera: pcs.cib_pushed: - cibname: cib_for_galera - scope: None - extra_args: None """ ret = {"name": name, "result": True, "comment": "", "changes": {}} cib_hash_form = "sha256" cib_push_required = False cibfile = _get_cibfile(cibname) cibfile_cksum = _get_cibfile_cksum(cibname) if not isinstance(extra_args, (list, tuple)): extra_args = [] if not os.path.exists(cibfile): ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] += "CIB-file {} does not exist\n".format(cibfile) return ret cib_hash_cibfile = "{}:{}".format( cib_hash_form, __salt__["file.get_hash"](path=cibfile, form=cib_hash_form) ) log.trace("cib_hash_cibfile: %s", cib_hash_cibfile) if _file_read(cibfile_cksum) not in [cib_hash_cibfile]: cib_push_required = True if not cib_push_required: ret[ "comment" ] += "CIB {} is not changed since creation through pcs.cib_present\n".format( cibname ) return ret if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["comment"] += "CIB {} is set to be pushed as the new live CIB\n".format( cibname ) return ret cib_push = __salt__["pcs.cib_push"]( cibfile=cibfile, scope=scope, extra_args=extra_args ) log.trace("Output of pcs.cib_push: %s", cib_push) if cib_push["retcode"] in [0]: ret["comment"] += "Pushed CIB {}\n".format(cibname) ret["changes"].update({"cibfile_pushed": cibfile}) else: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] += "Failed to push CIB {}\n".format(cibname) log.trace("ret: %s", ret) return ret def prop_has_value(name, prop, value, extra_args=None, cibname=None): """ Ensure that a property in the cluster is set to a given value Should be run on one cluster node only (there may be races) name Irrelevant, not used (recommended: pcs_properties__prop_has_value_{{prop}}) prop name of the property value value of the property extra_args additional options for the pcs property command cibname use a cached CIB-file named like cibname instead of the live CIB Example: .. code-block:: yaml pcs_properties__prop_has_value_no-quorum-policy: pcs.prop_has_value: - prop: no-quorum-policy - value: ignore - cibname: cib_for_cluster_settings """ return _item_present( name=name, item="property", item_id="{}={}".format(prop, value), item_type=None, create="set", extra_args=extra_args, cibname=cibname, ) def resource_defaults_to(name, default, value, extra_args=None, cibname=None): """ Ensure a resource default in the cluster is set to a given value Should be run on one cluster node only (there may be races) Can only be run on a node with a functional pacemaker/corosync name Irrelevant, not used (recommended: pcs_properties__resource_defaults_to_{{default}}) default name of the default resource property value value of the default resource property extra_args additional options for the pcs command cibname use a cached CIB-file named like cibname instead of the live CIB Example: .. code-block:: yaml pcs_properties__resource_defaults_to_resource-stickiness: pcs.resource_defaults_to: - default: resource-stickiness - value: 100 - cibname: cib_for_cluster_settings """ return _item_present( name=name, item="resource", item_id="{}={}".format(default, value), item_type=None, show="defaults", create="defaults", extra_args=extra_args, cibname=cibname, ) def resource_op_defaults_to(name, op_default, value, extra_args=None, cibname=None): """ Ensure a resource operation default in the cluster is set to a given value Should be run on one cluster node only (there may be races) Can only be run on a node with a functional pacemaker/corosync name Irrelevant, not used (recommended: pcs_properties__resource_op_defaults_to_{{op_default}}) op_default name of the operation default resource property value value of the operation default resource property extra_args additional options for the pcs command cibname use a cached CIB-file named like cibname instead of the live CIB Example: .. code-block:: yaml pcs_properties__resource_op_defaults_to_monitor-interval: pcs.resource_op_defaults_to: - op_default: monitor-interval - value: 60s - cibname: cib_for_cluster_settings """ return _item_present( name=name, item="resource", item_id="{}={}".format(op_default, value), item_type=None, show=["op", "defaults"], create=["op", "defaults"], extra_args=extra_args, cibname=cibname, ) def stonith_present( name, stonith_id, stonith_device_type, stonith_device_options=None, cibname=None ): """ Ensure that a fencing resource is created Should be run on one cluster node only (there may be races) Can only be run on a node with a functional pacemaker/corosync name Irrelevant, not used (recommended: pcs_stonith__created_{{stonith_id}}) stonith_id name for the stonith resource stonith_device_type name of the stonith agent fence_eps, fence_xvm f.e. stonith_device_options additional options for creating the stonith resource cibname use a cached CIB-file named like cibname instead of the live CIB Example: .. code-block:: yaml pcs_stonith__created_eps_fence: pcs.stonith_present: - stonith_id: eps_fence - stonith_device_type: fence_eps - stonith_device_options: - 'pcmk_host_map=node1.example.org:01;node2.example.org:02' - 'ipaddr=myepsdevice.example.org' - 'power_wait=5' - 'verbose=1' - 'debug=/var/log/pcsd/eps_fence.log' - 'login=hidden' - 'passwd=hoonetorg' - cibname: cib_for_stonith """ return _item_present( name=name, item="stonith", item_id=stonith_id, item_type=stonith_device_type, extra_args=stonith_device_options, cibname=cibname, ) def resource_present( name, resource_id, resource_type, resource_options=None, cibname=None ): """ Ensure that a resource is created Should be run on one cluster node only (there may be races) Can only be run on a node with a functional pacemaker/corosync name Irrelevant, not used (recommended: {{formulaname}}__resource_present_{{resource_id}}) resource_id name for the resource resource_type resource type (f.e. ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 or VirtualIP) resource_options additional options for creating the resource cibname use a cached CIB-file named like cibname instead of the live CIB Example: .. code-block:: yaml mysql_pcs__resource_present_galera: pcs.resource_present: - resource_id: galera - resource_type: "ocf:heartbeat:galera" - resource_options: - 'wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm://node1.example.org,node2.example.org,node3.example.org' - '--master' - cibname: cib_for_galera """ return _item_present( name=name, item="resource", item_id=resource_id, item_type=resource_type, extra_args=resource_options, cibname=cibname, ) def constraint_present( name, constraint_id, constraint_type, constraint_options=None, cibname=None ): """ Ensure that a constraint is created Should be run on one cluster node only (there may be races) Can only be run on a node with a functional pacemaker/corosync name Irrelevant, not used (recommended: {{formulaname}}__constraint_present_{{constraint_id}}) constraint_id name for the constraint (try first to create manually to find out the autocreated name) constraint_type constraint type (location, colocation, order) constraint_options options for creating the constraint cibname use a cached CIB-file named like cibname instead of the live CIB Example: .. code-block:: yaml haproxy_pcs__constraint_present_colocation-vip_galera-haproxy-clone-INFINITY: pcs.constraint_present: - constraint_id: colocation-vip_galera-haproxy-clone-INFINITY - constraint_type: colocation - constraint_options: - 'add' - 'vip_galera' - 'with' - 'haproxy-clone' - cibname: cib_for_haproxy """ return _item_present( name=name, item="constraint", item_id=constraint_id, item_type=constraint_type, create=None, extra_args=constraint_options, cibname=cibname, )