Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
r""" Manage the Windows registry =========================== Many python developers think of registry keys as if they were python keys in a dictionary which is not the case. The windows registry is broken down into the following components: Hives ----- This is the top level of the registry. They all begin with HKEY. - HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT (HKCR) - HKEY_CURRENT_USER(HKCU) - HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE (HKLM) - HKEY_USER (HKU) - HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG Keys ---- Hives contain keys. These are basically the folders beneath the hives. They can contain any number of subkeys. When passing the hive\key values they must be quoted correctly depending on the backslashes being used (``\`` vs ``\\``). The way backslashes are handled in the state file is different from the way they are handled when working on the CLI. The following are valid methods of passing the hive\key: Using single backslashes: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Python 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Python' Using double backslashes: "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Python" Values or Entries ----------------- Values or Entries are the name/data pairs beneath the keys and subkeys. All keys have a default name/data pair. The name is ``(Default)`` with a displayed value of ``(value not set)``. The actual value is Null. Example ------- The following example is taken from the windows startup portion of the registry: .. code-block:: text [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "RTHDVCPL"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Realtek\\Audio\\HDA\\RtkNGUI64.exe\" -s" "NvBackend"="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\NVIDIA Corporation\\Update Core\\NvBackend.exe\"" "BTMTrayAgent"="rundll32.exe \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\Bluetooth\\btmshellex.dll\",TrayApp" In this example these are the values for each: Hive: ``HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE`` Key and subkeys: ``SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run`` Value: - There are 3 value names: ``RTHDVCPL``, ``NvBackend``, and ``BTMTrayAgent`` - Each value name has a corresponding value """ import logging import salt.utils.stringutils log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __virtual__(): """ Load this state if the reg module exists """ if "reg.read_value" not in __utils__: return ( False, "reg state module failed to load: missing util function: reg.read_value", ) if "reg.set_value" not in __utils__: return ( False, "reg state module failed to load: missing util function: reg.set_value", ) if "reg.delete_value" not in __utils__: return ( False, "reg state module failed to load: missing util function: reg.delete_value", ) if "reg.delete_key_recursive" not in __utils__: return ( False, "reg state module failed to load: " "missing util function: reg.delete_key_recursive", ) return "reg" def _parse_key(key): """ split the hive from the key """ splt = key.split("\\") hive = splt.pop(0) key = "\\".join(splt) return hive, key def present( name, vname=None, vdata=None, vtype="REG_SZ", use_32bit_registry=False, win_owner=None, win_perms=None, win_deny_perms=None, win_inheritance=True, win_perms_reset=False, ): r""" Ensure a registry key or value is present. Args: name (str): A string value representing the full path of the key to include the HIVE, Key, and all Subkeys. For example: ``HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Salt`` Valid hive values include: - HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKCU - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKLM - HKEY_USERS or HKU vname (str): The name of the value you'd like to create beneath the Key. If this parameter is not passed it will assume you want to set the ``(Default)`` value vdata (str, int, list, bytes): The value you'd like to set. If a value name (``vname``) is passed, this will be the data for that value name. If not, this will be the ``(Default)`` value for the key. The type of data this parameter expects is determined by the value type specified in ``vtype``. The correspondence is as follows: - REG_BINARY: Binary data (str in Py2, bytes in Py3) - REG_DWORD: int - REG_EXPAND_SZ: str - REG_MULTI_SZ: list of str - REG_QWORD: int - REG_SZ: str .. note:: When setting REG_BINARY, string data will be converted to binary automatically. To pass binary data, use the built-in yaml tag ``!!binary`` to denote the actual binary characters. For example, the following lines will both set the same data in the registry: - ``vdata: Salty Test`` - ``vdata: !!binary U2FsdHkgVGVzdA==\n`` For more information about the ``!!binary`` tag see `here <http://yaml.org/type/binary.html>`_ .. note:: The type for the ``(Default)`` value is always REG_SZ and cannot be changed. This parameter is optional. If not passed, the Key will be created with no associated item/value pairs. vtype (str): The value type for the data you wish to store in the registry. Valid values are: - REG_BINARY - REG_DWORD - REG_EXPAND_SZ - REG_MULTI_SZ - REG_QWORD - REG_SZ (Default) use_32bit_registry (bool): Use the 32bit portion of the registry. Applies only to 64bit windows. 32bit Windows will ignore this parameter. Default is False. win_owner (str): The owner of the registry key. If this is not passed, the account under which Salt is running will be used. .. note:: Owner is set for the key that contains the value/data pair. You cannot set ownership on value/data pairs themselves. .. versionadded:: 2019.2.0 win_perms (dict): A dictionary containing permissions to grant and their propagation. If not passed the 'Grant` permissions will not be modified. .. note:: Permissions are set for the key that contains the value/data pair. You cannot set permissions on value/data pairs themselves. For each user specify the account name, with a sub dict for the permissions to grant and the 'Applies to' setting. For example: ``{'Administrators': {'perms': 'full_control', 'applies_to': 'this_key_subkeys'}}``. ``perms`` must be specified. Registry permissions are specified using the ``perms`` key. You can specify a single basic permission or a list of advanced perms. The following are valid perms: Basic (passed as a string): - full_control - read - write Advanced (passed as a list): - delete - query_value - set_value - create_subkey - enum_subkeys - notify - create_link - read_control - write_dac - write_owner The 'Applies to' setting is optional. It is specified using the ``applies_to`` key. If not specified ``this_key_subkeys`` is used. Valid options are: Applies to settings: - this_key_only - this_key_subkeys - subkeys_only .. versionadded:: 2019.2.0 win_deny_perms (dict): A dictionary containing permissions to deny and their propagation. If not passed the `Deny` permissions will not be modified. .. note:: Permissions are set for the key that contains the value/data pair. You cannot set permissions on value/data pairs themselves. Valid options are the same as those specified in ``win_perms`` .. note:: 'Deny' permissions always take precedence over 'grant' permissions. .. versionadded:: 2019.2.0 win_inheritance (bool): ``True`` to inherit permissions from the parent key. ``False`` to disable inheritance. Default is ``True``. .. note:: Inheritance is set for the key that contains the value/data pair. You cannot set inheritance on value/data pairs themselves. .. versionadded:: 2019.2.0 win_perms_reset (bool): If ``True`` the existing DACL will be cleared and replaced with the settings defined in this function. If ``False``, new entries will be appended to the existing DACL. Default is ``False`` .. note:: Perms are reset for the key that contains the value/data pair. You cannot set permissions on value/data pairs themselves. .. versionadded:: 2019.2.0 Returns: dict: A dictionary showing the results of the registry operation. Example: The following example will set the ``(Default)`` value for the ``SOFTWARE\\Salt`` key in the ``HKEY_CURRENT_USER`` hive to ``2016.3.1``: .. code-block:: yaml HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\SOFTWARE\\Salt: reg.present: - vdata: 2016.3.1 Example: The following example will set the value for the ``version`` entry under the ``SOFTWARE\\Salt`` key in the ``HKEY_CURRENT_USER`` hive to ``2016.3.1``. The value will be reflected in ``Wow6432Node``: .. code-block:: yaml HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\SOFTWARE\\Salt: reg.present: - vname: version - vdata: 2016.3.1 In the above example the path is interpreted as follows: - ``HKEY_CURRENT_USER`` is the hive - ``SOFTWARE\\Salt`` is the key - ``vname`` is the value name ('version') that will be created under the key - ``vdata`` is the data that will be assigned to 'version' Example: Binary data can be set in two ways. The following two examples will set a binary value of ``Salty Test`` .. code-block:: yaml no_conversion: reg.present: - name: HKLM\SOFTWARE\SaltTesting - vname: test_reg_binary_state - vdata: Salty Test - vtype: REG_BINARY conversion: reg.present: - name: HKLM\SOFTWARE\SaltTesting - vname: test_reg_binary_state_with_tag - vdata: !!binary U2FsdHkgVGVzdA==\n - vtype: REG_BINARY Example: To set a ``REG_MULTI_SZ`` value: .. code-block:: yaml reg_multi_sz: reg.present: - name: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Salt - vname: reg_multi_sz - vdata: - list item 1 - list item 2 Example: To ensure a key is present and has permissions: .. code-block:: yaml set_key_permissions: reg.present: - name: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Salt - vname: version - vdata: 2016.3.1 - win_owner: Administrators - win_perms: jsnuffy: perms: full_control sjones: perms: - read_control - enum_subkeys - query_value applies_to: - this_key_only - win_deny_perms: bsimpson: perms: full_control applies_to: this_key_subkeys - win_inheritance: True - win_perms_reset: True """ ret = {"name": name, "result": True, "changes": {}, "comment": ""} hive, key = _parse_key(name) # Determine what to do reg_current = __utils__["reg.read_value"]( hive=hive, key=key, vname=vname, use_32bit_registry=use_32bit_registry ) # Cast the vdata according to the vtype vdata_decoded = __utils__["reg.cast_vdata"](vdata=vdata, vtype=vtype) # Check if the key already exists # If so, check perms # We check `vdata` and `success` because `vdata` can be None if vdata_decoded == reg_current["vdata"] and reg_current["success"]: ret["comment"] = "{} in {} is already present".format( salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(vname, "utf-8") if vname else "(Default)", salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(name, "utf-8"), ) return __utils__["dacl.check_perms"]( obj_name="\\".join([hive, key]), obj_type="registry32" if use_32bit_registry else "registry", ret=ret, owner=win_owner, grant_perms=win_perms, deny_perms=win_deny_perms, inheritance=win_inheritance, reset=win_perms_reset, ) add_change = { "Key": r"{}\{}".format(hive, key), "Entry": "{}".format( salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(vname, "utf-8") if vname else "(Default)" ), "Value": vdata_decoded, "Owner": win_owner, "Perms": {"Grant": win_perms, "Deny": win_deny_perms}, "Inheritance": win_inheritance, } # Check for test option if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["changes"] = {"reg": {"Will add": add_change}} return ret # Configure the value ret["result"] = __utils__["reg.set_value"]( hive=hive, key=key, vname=vname, vdata=vdata, vtype=vtype, use_32bit_registry=use_32bit_registry, ) if not ret["result"]: ret["changes"] = {} ret["comment"] = r"Failed to add {} to {}\{}".format(vname, hive, key) else: ret["changes"] = {"reg": {"Added": add_change}} ret["comment"] = r"Added {} to {}\{}".format(vname, hive, key) if ret["result"]: ret = __utils__["dacl.check_perms"]( obj_name="\\".join([hive, key]), obj_type="registry32" if use_32bit_registry else "registry", ret=ret, owner=win_owner, grant_perms=win_perms, deny_perms=win_deny_perms, inheritance=win_inheritance, reset=win_perms_reset, ) return ret def absent(name, vname=None, use_32bit_registry=False): r""" Ensure a registry value is removed. To remove a key use key_absent. Args: name (str): A string value representing the full path of the key to include the HIVE, Key, and all Subkeys. For example: ``HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Salt`` Valid hive values include: - HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKCU - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKLM - HKEY_USERS or HKU vname (str): The name of the value you'd like to create beneath the Key. If this parameter is not passed it will assume you want to set the ``(Default)`` value use_32bit_registry (bool): Use the 32bit portion of the registry. Applies only to 64bit windows. 32bit Windows will ignore this parameter. Default is False. Returns: dict: A dictionary showing the results of the registry operation. CLI Example: .. code-block:: yaml 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\SOFTWARE\\Salt': reg.absent - vname: version In the above example the value named ``version`` will be removed from the SOFTWARE\\Salt key in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive. If ``vname`` was not passed, the ``(Default)`` value would be deleted. """ ret = {"name": name, "result": True, "changes": {}, "comment": ""} hive, key = _parse_key(name) # Determine what to do reg_check = __utils__["reg.read_value"]( hive=hive, key=key, vname=vname, use_32bit_registry=use_32bit_registry ) if not reg_check["success"] or reg_check["vdata"] == "(value not set)": ret["comment"] = "{} is already absent".format(name) return ret remove_change = { "Key": r"{}\{}".format(hive, key), "Entry": "{}".format(vname if vname else "(Default)"), } # Check for test option if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None ret["changes"] = {"reg": {"Will remove": remove_change}} return ret # Delete the value ret["result"] = __utils__["reg.delete_value"]( hive=hive, key=key, vname=vname, use_32bit_registry=use_32bit_registry ) if not ret["result"]: ret["changes"] = {} ret["comment"] = r"Failed to remove {} from {}".format(key, hive) else: ret["changes"] = {"reg": {"Removed": remove_change}} ret["comment"] = r"Removed {} from {}".format(key, hive) return ret def key_absent(name, use_32bit_registry=False): r""" .. versionadded:: 2015.5.4 Ensure a registry key is removed. This will remove the key, subkeys, and all value entries. Args: name (str): A string representing the full path to the key to be removed to include the hive and the keypath. The hive can be any of the following: - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKLM - HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKCU - HKEY_USER or HKU use_32bit_registry (bool): Use the 32bit portion of the registry. Applies only to 64bit windows. 32bit Windows will ignore this parameter. Default is False. Returns: dict: A dictionary showing the results of the registry operation. CLI Example: The following example will delete the ``SOFTWARE\DeleteMe`` key in the ``HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE`` hive including all its subkeys and value pairs. .. code-block:: yaml remove_key_demo: reg.key_absent: - name: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\DeleteMe In the above example the path is interpreted as follows: - ``HKEY_CURRENT_USER`` is the hive - ``SOFTWARE\DeleteMe`` is the key """ ret = {"name": name, "result": True, "changes": {}, "comment": ""} hive, key = _parse_key(name) # Determine what to do if not __utils__["reg.read_value"]( hive=hive, key=key, use_32bit_registry=use_32bit_registry )["success"]: ret["comment"] = "{} is already absent".format(name) return ret ret["changes"] = {"reg": {"Removed": {"Key": r"{}\{}".format(hive, key)}}} # Check for test option if __opts__["test"]: ret["result"] = None return ret # Delete the value __utils__["reg.delete_key_recursive"]( hive=hive, key=key, use_32bit_registry=use_32bit_registry ) if __utils__["reg.read_value"]( hive=hive, key=key, use_32bit_registry=use_32bit_registry )["success"]: ret["result"] = False ret["changes"] = {} ret["comment"] = "Failed to remove registry key {}".format(name) return ret