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""" Zeromq transport classes """ import errno import hashlib import logging import os import signal import sys import threading from random import randint import zmq.error import zmq.eventloop.future import zmq.eventloop.zmqstream import salt.ext.tornado import salt.ext.tornado.concurrent import salt.ext.tornado.gen import salt.ext.tornado.ioloop import salt.ext.tornado.locks import salt.payload import salt.transport.base import salt.utils.files import salt.utils.process import salt.utils.stringutils import salt.utils.zeromq from salt._compat import ipaddress from salt.exceptions import SaltException, SaltReqTimeoutError from salt.utils.zeromq import LIBZMQ_VERSION_INFO, ZMQ_VERSION_INFO, zmq try: import zmq.utils.monitor HAS_ZMQ_MONITOR = True except ImportError: HAS_ZMQ_MONITOR = False log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _get_master_uri(master_ip, master_port, source_ip=None, source_port=None): """ Return the ZeroMQ URI to connect the Minion to the Master. It supports different source IP / port, given the ZeroMQ syntax: // Connecting using a IP address and bind to an IP address rc = zmq_connect(socket, "tcp://;"); assert (rc == 0); Source: http://api.zeromq.org/4-1:zmq-tcp """ from salt.utils.network import ip_bracket master_uri = "tcp://{master_ip}:{master_port}".format( master_ip=ip_bracket(master_ip), master_port=master_port ) if source_ip or source_port: if LIBZMQ_VERSION_INFO >= (4, 1, 6) and ZMQ_VERSION_INFO >= (16, 0, 1): # The source:port syntax for ZeroMQ has been added in libzmq 4.1.6 # which is included in the pyzmq wheels starting with 16.0.1. if source_ip and source_port: master_uri = ( "tcp://{source_ip}:{source_port};{master_ip}:{master_port}".format( source_ip=ip_bracket(source_ip), source_port=source_port, master_ip=ip_bracket(master_ip), master_port=master_port, ) ) elif source_ip and not source_port: master_uri = "tcp://{source_ip}:0;{master_ip}:{master_port}".format( source_ip=ip_bracket(source_ip), master_ip=ip_bracket(master_ip), master_port=master_port, ) elif source_port and not source_ip: ip_any = ( "" if ipaddress.ip_address(master_ip).version == 4 else ip_bracket("::") ) master_uri = ( "tcp://{ip_any}:{source_port};{master_ip}:{master_port}".format( ip_any=ip_any, source_port=source_port, master_ip=ip_bracket(master_ip), master_port=master_port, ) ) else: log.warning( "Unable to connect to the Master using a specific source IP / port" ) log.warning("Consider upgrading to pyzmq >= 16.0.1 and libzmq >= 4.1.6") log.warning( "Specific source IP / port for connecting to master returner port:" " configuraion ignored" ) return master_uri class PublishClient(salt.transport.base.PublishClient): """ A transport channel backed by ZeroMQ for a Salt Publisher to use to publish commands to connected minions """ ttype = "zeromq" def __init__(self, opts, io_loop, **kwargs): super().__init__(opts, io_loop, **kwargs) self.opts = opts self.io_loop = io_loop self.hexid = hashlib.sha1( salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(self.opts["id"]) ).hexdigest() self._closing = False self.context = zmq.Context() self._socket = self.context.socket(zmq.SUB) if self.opts["zmq_filtering"]: # TODO: constants file for "broadcast" self._socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b"broadcast") if self.opts.get("__role") == "syndic": self._socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b"syndic") else: self._socket.setsockopt( zmq.SUBSCRIBE, salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(self.hexid) ) else: self._socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b"") self._socket.setsockopt( zmq.IDENTITY, salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(self.opts["id"]) ) # TODO: cleanup all the socket opts stuff if hasattr(zmq, "TCP_KEEPALIVE"): self._socket.setsockopt(zmq.TCP_KEEPALIVE, self.opts["tcp_keepalive"]) self._socket.setsockopt( zmq.TCP_KEEPALIVE_IDLE, self.opts["tcp_keepalive_idle"] ) self._socket.setsockopt( zmq.TCP_KEEPALIVE_CNT, self.opts["tcp_keepalive_cnt"] ) self._socket.setsockopt( zmq.TCP_KEEPALIVE_INTVL, self.opts["tcp_keepalive_intvl"] ) recon_delay = self.opts["recon_default"] if self.opts["recon_randomize"]: recon_delay = randint( self.opts["recon_default"], self.opts["recon_default"] + self.opts["recon_max"], ) log.debug( "Generated random reconnect delay between '%sms' and '%sms' (%s)", self.opts["recon_default"], self.opts["recon_default"] + self.opts["recon_max"], recon_delay, ) log.debug("Setting zmq_reconnect_ivl to '%sms'", recon_delay) self._socket.setsockopt(zmq.RECONNECT_IVL, recon_delay) if hasattr(zmq, "RECONNECT_IVL_MAX"): log.debug( "Setting zmq_reconnect_ivl_max to '%sms'", self.opts["recon_default"] + self.opts["recon_max"], ) self._socket.setsockopt(zmq.RECONNECT_IVL_MAX, self.opts["recon_max"]) if (self.opts["ipv6"] is True or ":" in self.opts["master_ip"]) and hasattr( zmq, "IPV4ONLY" ): # IPv6 sockets work for both IPv6 and IPv4 addresses self._socket.setsockopt(zmq.IPV4ONLY, 0) if HAS_ZMQ_MONITOR and self.opts["zmq_monitor"]: self._monitor = ZeroMQSocketMonitor(self._socket) self._monitor.start_io_loop(self.io_loop) def close(self): if self._closing is True: return self._closing = True if hasattr(self, "_monitor") and self._monitor is not None: self._monitor.stop() self._monitor = None if hasattr(self, "_stream"): self._stream.close(0) elif hasattr(self, "_socket"): self._socket.close(0) if hasattr(self, "context") and self.context.closed is False: self.context.term() # pylint: enable=W1701 def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() # TODO: this is the time to see if we are connected, maybe use the req channel to guess? @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine def connect(self, publish_port, connect_callback=None, disconnect_callback=None): self._connect_called = True self.publish_port = publish_port log.debug( "Connecting the Minion to the Master publish port, using the URI: %s", self.master_pub, ) log.debug("%r connecting to %s", self, self.master_pub) self._socket.connect(self.master_pub) if connect_callback is not None: connect_callback(True) @property def master_pub(self): """ Return the master publish port """ return _get_master_uri( self.opts["master_ip"], self.publish_port, source_ip=self.opts.get("source_ip"), source_port=self.opts.get("source_publish_port"), ) @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine def _decode_messages(self, messages): """ Take the zmq messages, decrypt/decode them into a payload :param list messages: A list of messages to be decoded """ messages_len = len(messages) # if it was one message, then its old style if messages_len == 1: payload = salt.payload.loads(messages[0]) # 2 includes a header which says who should do it elif messages_len == 2: message_target = salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(messages[0]) if ( self.opts.get("__role") != "syndic" and message_target not in ("broadcast", self.hexid) ) or ( self.opts.get("__role") == "syndic" and message_target not in ("broadcast", "syndic") ): log.debug("Publish received for not this minion: %s", message_target) raise salt.ext.tornado.gen.Return(None) payload = salt.payload.loads(messages[1]) else: raise Exception( "Invalid number of messages ({}) in zeromq pubmessage from master".format( len(messages_len) ) ) # Yield control back to the caller. When the payload has been decoded, assign # the decoded payload to 'ret' and resume operation raise salt.ext.tornado.gen.Return(payload) @property def stream(self): """ Return the current zmqstream, creating one if necessary """ if not hasattr(self, "_stream"): self._stream = zmq.eventloop.zmqstream.ZMQStream( self._socket, io_loop=self.io_loop ) return self._stream def on_recv(self, callback): """ Register a callback for received messages (that we didn't initiate) :param func callback: A function which should be called when data is received """ return self.stream.on_recv(callback) @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine def send(self, msg): self.stream.send(msg, noblock=True) class RequestServer(salt.transport.base.DaemonizedRequestServer): def __init__(self, opts): # pylint: disable=W0231 self.opts = opts self._closing = False self._monitor = None self._w_monitor = None def zmq_device(self): """ Multiprocessing target for the zmq queue device """ self.__setup_signals() context = zmq.Context(self.opts["worker_threads"]) # Prepare the zeromq sockets self.uri = "tcp://{interface}:{ret_port}".format(**self.opts) self.clients = context.socket(zmq.ROUTER) self.clients.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, -1) if self.opts["ipv6"] is True and hasattr(zmq, "IPV4ONLY"): # IPv6 sockets work for both IPv6 and IPv4 addresses self.clients.setsockopt(zmq.IPV4ONLY, 0) self.clients.setsockopt(zmq.BACKLOG, self.opts.get("zmq_backlog", 1000)) self._start_zmq_monitor() self.workers = context.socket(zmq.DEALER) self.workers.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, -1) if self.opts["mworker_queue_niceness"] and not salt.utils.platform.is_windows(): log.info( "setting mworker_queue niceness to %d", self.opts["mworker_queue_niceness"], ) os.nice(self.opts["mworker_queue_niceness"]) if self.opts.get("ipc_mode", "") == "tcp": self.w_uri = "tcp://{}".format( self.opts.get("tcp_master_workers", 4515) ) else: self.w_uri = "ipc://{}".format( os.path.join(self.opts["sock_dir"], "workers.ipc") ) log.info("Setting up the master communication server") log.info("ReqServer clients %s", self.uri) self.clients.bind(self.uri) log.info("ReqServer workers %s", self.w_uri) self.workers.bind(self.w_uri) if self.opts.get("ipc_mode", "") != "tcp": os.chmod(os.path.join(self.opts["sock_dir"], "workers.ipc"), 0o600) while True: if self.clients.closed or self.workers.closed: break try: zmq.device(zmq.QUEUE, self.clients, self.workers) except zmq.ZMQError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EINTR: continue raise except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): break context.term() def close(self): """ Cleanly shutdown the router socket """ if self._closing: return log.info("MWorkerQueue under PID %s is closing", os.getpid()) self._closing = True if getattr(self, "_monitor", None) is not None: self._monitor.stop() self._monitor = None if getattr(self, "_w_monitor", None) is not None: self._w_monitor.stop() self._w_monitor = None if hasattr(self, "clients") and self.clients.closed is False: self.clients.close() if hasattr(self, "workers") and self.workers.closed is False: self.workers.close() if hasattr(self, "stream"): self.stream.close() if hasattr(self, "_socket") and self._socket.closed is False: self._socket.close() if hasattr(self, "context") and self.context.closed is False: self.context.term() def pre_fork(self, process_manager): """ Pre-fork we need to create the zmq router device :param func process_manager: An instance of salt.utils.process.ProcessManager """ process_manager.add_process(self.zmq_device, name="MWorkerQueue") def _start_zmq_monitor(self): """ Starts ZMQ monitor for debugging purposes. :return: """ # Socket monitor shall be used the only for debug # purposes so using threading doesn't look too bad here if HAS_ZMQ_MONITOR and self.opts["zmq_monitor"]: log.debug("Starting ZMQ monitor") self._w_monitor = ZeroMQSocketMonitor(self._socket) threading.Thread(target=self._w_monitor.start_poll).start() log.debug("ZMQ monitor has been started started") def post_fork(self, message_handler, io_loop): """ After forking we need to create all of the local sockets to listen to the router :param func message_handler: A function to called to handle incoming payloads as they are picked up off the wire :param IOLoop io_loop: An instance of a Tornado IOLoop, to handle event scheduling """ context = zmq.Context(1) self._socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) # Linger -1 means we'll never discard messages. self._socket.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, -1) self._start_zmq_monitor() if self.opts.get("ipc_mode", "") == "tcp": self.w_uri = "tcp://{}".format( self.opts.get("tcp_master_workers", 4515) ) else: self.w_uri = "ipc://{}".format( os.path.join(self.opts["sock_dir"], "workers.ipc") ) log.info("Worker binding to socket %s", self.w_uri) self._socket.connect(self.w_uri) if self.opts.get("ipc_mode", "") != "tcp" and os.path.isfile( os.path.join(self.opts["sock_dir"], "workers.ipc") ): os.chmod(os.path.join(self.opts["sock_dir"], "workers.ipc"), 0o600) self.stream = zmq.eventloop.zmqstream.ZMQStream(self._socket, io_loop=io_loop) self.message_handler = message_handler self.stream.on_recv_stream(self.handle_message) @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine def handle_message(self, stream, payload): try: payload = self.decode_payload(payload) except salt.exceptions.SaltDeserializationError: self.stream.send(self.encode_payload({"msg": "bad load"})) return # XXX: Is header really needed? reply = yield self.message_handler(payload) self.stream.send(self.encode_payload(reply)) def encode_payload(self, payload): return salt.payload.dumps(payload) def __setup_signals(self): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._handle_signals) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._handle_signals) def _handle_signals(self, signum, sigframe): msg = "{} received a ".format(self.__class__.__name__) if signum == signal.SIGINT: msg += "SIGINT" elif signum == signal.SIGTERM: msg += "SIGTERM" msg += ". Exiting" log.debug(msg) self.close() sys.exit(salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_OK) def decode_payload(self, payload): payload = salt.payload.loads(payload[0]) return payload def _set_tcp_keepalive(zmq_socket, opts): """ Ensure that TCP keepalives are set as specified in "opts". Warning: Failure to set TCP keepalives on the salt-master can result in not detecting the loss of a minion when the connection is lost or when its host has been terminated without first closing the socket. Salt's Presence System depends on this connection status to know if a minion is "present". Warning: Failure to set TCP keepalives on minions can result in frequent or unexpected disconnects! """ if hasattr(zmq, "TCP_KEEPALIVE") and opts: if "tcp_keepalive" in opts: zmq_socket.setsockopt(zmq.TCP_KEEPALIVE, opts["tcp_keepalive"]) if "tcp_keepalive_idle" in opts: zmq_socket.setsockopt(zmq.TCP_KEEPALIVE_IDLE, opts["tcp_keepalive_idle"]) if "tcp_keepalive_cnt" in opts: zmq_socket.setsockopt(zmq.TCP_KEEPALIVE_CNT, opts["tcp_keepalive_cnt"]) if "tcp_keepalive_intvl" in opts: zmq_socket.setsockopt(zmq.TCP_KEEPALIVE_INTVL, opts["tcp_keepalive_intvl"]) # TODO: unit tests! class AsyncReqMessageClient: """ This class wraps the underlying zeromq REQ socket and gives a future-based interface to sending and recieving messages. This works around the primary limitation of serialized send/recv on the underlying socket by queueing the message sends in this class. In the future if we decide to attempt to multiplex we can manage a pool of REQ/REP sockets-- but for now we'll just do them in serial """ def __init__(self, opts, addr, linger=0, io_loop=None): """ Create an asynchronous message client :param dict opts: The salt opts dictionary :param str addr: The interface IP address to bind to :param int linger: The number of seconds to linger on a ZMQ socket. See http://api.zeromq.org/2-1:zmq-setsockopt [ZMQ_LINGER] :param IOLoop io_loop: A Tornado IOLoop event scheduler [tornado.ioloop.IOLoop] """ self.opts = opts self.addr = addr self.linger = linger if io_loop is None: self.io_loop = salt.ext.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current() else: self.io_loop = io_loop self.context = zmq.eventloop.future.Context() self.send_queue = [] self._closing = False self._send_future_map = {} self.lock = salt.ext.tornado.locks.Lock() self.ident = threading.get_ident() def connect(self): if hasattr(self, "socket") and self.socket: return # wire up sockets self._init_socket() def close(self): if self._closing: return else: self._closing = True if hasattr(self, "socket") and self.socket is not None: self.socket.close(0) self.socket = None if self.context.closed is False: self.context.term() def _init_socket(self): self.socket = self.context.socket(zmq.REQ) # socket options if hasattr(zmq, "RECONNECT_IVL_MAX"): self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.RECONNECT_IVL_MAX, 5000) _set_tcp_keepalive(self.socket, self.opts) if self.addr.startswith("tcp://["): # Hint PF type if bracket enclosed IPv6 address if hasattr(zmq, "IPV6"): self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.IPV6, 1) elif hasattr(zmq, "IPV4ONLY"): self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.IPV4ONLY, 0) self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, self.linger) self.socket.connect(self.addr) @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine def send(self, message, timeout=None, callback=None): """ Return a future which will be completed when the message has a response """ future = salt.ext.tornado.concurrent.Future() message = salt.payload.dumps(message) if callback is not None: def handle_future(future): response = future.result() self.io_loop.add_callback(callback, response) future.add_done_callback(handle_future) if self.opts.get("detect_mode") is True: timeout = 1 if timeout is not None: send_timeout = self.io_loop.call_later( timeout, self._timeout_message, future ) self.io_loop.spawn_callback(self._send_recv, message, future) recv = yield future raise salt.ext.tornado.gen.Return(recv) def _timeout_message(self, future): if not future.done(): future.set_exception(SaltReqTimeoutError("Message timed out")) @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine def _send_recv(self, message, future): try: with (yield self.lock.acquire()): yield self.socket.send(message) try: recv = yield self.socket.recv() except zmq.eventloop.future.CancelledError as exc: future.set_exception(exc) return if not future.done(): data = salt.payload.loads(recv) future.set_result(data) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except future.set_exception(exc) class ZeroMQSocketMonitor: __EVENT_MAP = None def __init__(self, socket): """ Create ZMQ monitor sockets More information: http://api.zeromq.org/4-0:zmq-socket-monitor """ self._socket = socket self._monitor_socket = self._socket.get_monitor_socket() self._monitor_stream = None def start_io_loop(self, io_loop): log.trace("Event monitor start!") self._monitor_stream = zmq.eventloop.zmqstream.ZMQStream( self._monitor_socket, io_loop=io_loop ) self._monitor_stream.on_recv(self.monitor_callback) def start_poll(self): log.trace("Event monitor start!") try: while self._monitor_socket is not None and self._monitor_socket.poll(): msg = self._monitor_socket.recv_multipart() self.monitor_callback(msg) except (AttributeError, zmq.error.ContextTerminated): # We cannot log here because we'll get an interrupted system call in trying # to flush the logging buffer as we terminate pass @property def event_map(self): if ZeroMQSocketMonitor.__EVENT_MAP is None: event_map = {} for name in dir(zmq): if name.startswith("EVENT_"): value = getattr(zmq, name) event_map[value] = name ZeroMQSocketMonitor.__EVENT_MAP = event_map return ZeroMQSocketMonitor.__EVENT_MAP def monitor_callback(self, msg): evt = zmq.utils.monitor.parse_monitor_message(msg) evt["description"] = self.event_map[evt["event"]] log.debug("ZeroMQ event: %s", evt) if evt["event"] == zmq.EVENT_MONITOR_STOPPED: self.stop() def stop(self): if self._socket is None: return try: self._socket.disable_monitor() except zmq.Error: pass self._socket = None self._monitor_socket = None if self._monitor_stream is not None: self._monitor_stream.close() self._monitor_stream = None log.trace("Event monitor done!") class PublishServer(salt.transport.base.DaemonizedPublishServer): """ Encapsulate synchronous operations for a publisher channel """ _sock_data = threading.local() def __init__(self, opts): self.opts = opts def connect(self): return salt.ext.tornado.gen.sleep(5) def publish_daemon( self, publish_payload, presence_callback=None, remove_presence_callback=None, ): """ This method represents the Publish Daemon process. It is intended to be run in a thread or process as it creates and runs an it's own ioloop. """ ioloop = salt.ext.tornado.ioloop.IOLoop() ioloop.make_current() self.io_loop = ioloop context = zmq.Context(1) pub_sock = context.socket(zmq.PUB) monitor = ZeroMQSocketMonitor(pub_sock) monitor.start_io_loop(ioloop) _set_tcp_keepalive(pub_sock, self.opts) self.dpub_sock = pub_sock = zmq.eventloop.zmqstream.ZMQStream(pub_sock) # if 2.1 >= zmq < 3.0, we only have one HWM setting try: pub_sock.setsockopt(zmq.HWM, self.opts.get("pub_hwm", 1000)) # in zmq >= 3.0, there are separate send and receive HWM settings except (AttributeError, zmq.error.ZMQError): # Set the High Water Marks. For more information on HWM, see: # http://api.zeromq.org/4-1:zmq-setsockopt pub_sock.setsockopt(zmq.SNDHWM, self.opts.get("pub_hwm", 1000)) pub_sock.setsockopt(zmq.RCVHWM, self.opts.get("pub_hwm", 1000)) if self.opts["ipv6"] is True and hasattr(zmq, "IPV4ONLY"): # IPv6 sockets work for both IPv6 and IPv4 addresses pub_sock.setsockopt(zmq.IPV4ONLY, 0) pub_sock.setsockopt(zmq.BACKLOG, self.opts.get("zmq_backlog", 1000)) pub_sock.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, -1) # Prepare minion pull socket pull_sock = context.socket(zmq.PULL) pull_sock = zmq.eventloop.zmqstream.ZMQStream(pull_sock) pull_sock.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, -1) salt.utils.zeromq.check_ipc_path_max_len(self.pull_uri) # Start the minion command publisher log.info("Starting the Salt Publisher on %s", self.pub_uri) pub_sock.bind(self.pub_uri) # Securely create socket log.info("Starting the Salt Puller on %s", self.pull_uri) with salt.utils.files.set_umask(0o177): pull_sock.bind(self.pull_uri) @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine def on_recv(packages): for package in packages: payload = salt.payload.loads(package) yield publish_payload(payload) pull_sock.on_recv(on_recv) try: ioloop.start() finally: pub_sock.close() pull_sock.close() @property def pull_uri(self): if self.opts.get("ipc_mode", "") == "tcp": pull_uri = "tcp://{}".format( self.opts.get("tcp_master_publish_pull", 4514) ) else: pull_uri = "ipc://{}".format( os.path.join(self.opts["sock_dir"], "publish_pull.ipc") ) return pull_uri @property def pub_uri(self): return "tcp://{interface}:{publish_port}".format(**self.opts) @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine def publish_payload(self, payload, topic_list=None): payload = salt.payload.dumps(payload) if self.opts["zmq_filtering"]: if topic_list: for topic in topic_list: log.trace("Sending filtered data over publisher %s", self.pub_uri) # zmq filters are substring match, hash the topic # to avoid collisions htopic = salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes( hashlib.sha1(salt.utils.stringutils.to_bytes(topic)).hexdigest() ) yield self.dpub_sock.send(htopic, flags=zmq.SNDMORE) yield self.dpub_sock.send(payload) log.trace("Filtered data has been sent") # Syndic broadcast if self.opts.get("order_masters"): log.trace("Sending filtered data to syndic") yield self.dpub_sock.send(b"syndic", flags=zmq.SNDMORE) yield self.dpub_sock.send(payload) log.trace("Filtered data has been sent to syndic") # otherwise its a broadcast else: # TODO: constants file for "broadcast" log.trace("Sending broadcasted data over publisher %s", self.pub_uri) yield self.dpub_sock.send(b"broadcast", flags=zmq.SNDMORE) yield self.dpub_sock.send(payload) log.trace("Broadcasted data has been sent") else: log.trace("Sending ZMQ-unfiltered data over publisher %s", self.pub_uri) yield self.dpub_sock.send(payload) log.trace("Unfiltered data has been sent") def pre_fork(self, process_manager): """ Do anything necessary pre-fork. Since this is on the master side this will primarily be used to create IPC channels and create our daemon process to do the actual publishing :param func process_manager: A ProcessManager, from salt.utils.process.ProcessManager """ process_manager.add_process( self.publish_daemon, args=(self.publish_payload,), ) @property def pub_sock(self): """ This thread's zmq publisher socket. This socket is stored on the class so that multiple instantiations in the same thread will re-use a single zmq socket. """ try: return self._sock_data.sock except AttributeError: pass def pub_connect(self): """ Create and connect this thread's zmq socket. If a publisher socket already exists "pub_close" is called before creating and connecting a new socket. """ if self.pub_sock: self.pub_close() ctx = zmq.Context() self._sock_data.sock = ctx.socket(zmq.PUSH) self.pub_sock.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, -1) if self.opts.get("ipc_mode", "") == "tcp": pull_uri = "tcp://{}".format( self.opts.get("tcp_master_publish_pull", 4514) ) else: pull_uri = "ipc://{}".format( os.path.join(self.opts["sock_dir"], "publish_pull.ipc") ) log.debug("Connecting to pub server: %s", pull_uri) self.pub_sock.connect(pull_uri) return self._sock_data.sock def pub_close(self): """ Disconnect an existing publisher socket and remove it from the local thread's cache. """ if hasattr(self._sock_data, "sock"): self._sock_data.sock.close() delattr(self._sock_data, "sock") def publish(self, payload, **kwargs): """ Publish "load" to minions. This send the load to the publisher daemon process with does the actual sending to minions. :param dict load: A load to be sent across the wire to minions """ if not self.pub_sock: self.pub_connect() serialized = salt.payload.dumps(payload) self.pub_sock.send(serialized) log.debug("Sent payload to publish daemon.") @property def topic_support(self): return self.opts.get("zmq_filtering", False) def close(self): self.pub_close() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() class RequestClient(salt.transport.base.RequestClient): ttype = "zeromq" def __init__(self, opts, io_loop): # pylint: disable=W0231 super().__init__(opts, io_loop) self.opts = opts master_uri = self.get_master_uri(opts) self.message_client = AsyncReqMessageClient( self.opts, master_uri, io_loop=io_loop, ) self._closing = False self._connect_called = False @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine def connect(self): self._connect_called = True self.message_client.connect() @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine def send(self, load, timeout=60): yield self.connect() ret = yield self.message_client.send(load, timeout=timeout) raise salt.ext.tornado.gen.Return(ret) def close(self): if self._closing: return self._closing = True self.message_client.close() @staticmethod def get_master_uri(opts): if "master_uri" in opts: return opts["master_uri"] if "master_ip" in opts: return _get_master_uri( opts["master_ip"], opts["master_port"], source_ip=opts.get("source_ip"), source_port=opts.get("source_ret_port"), ) # if we've reached here something is very abnormal raise SaltException("ReqChannel: missing master_uri/master_ip in self.opts")