Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
""" Azure (ARM) Utilities .. versionadded:: 2019.2.0 :maintainer: <devops@eitr.tech> :maturity: new :depends: * `azure <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/azure>`_ >= 2.0.0rc6 * `azure-common <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/azure-common>`_ >= 1.1.4 * `azure-mgmt <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/azure-mgmt>`_ >= 0.30.0rc6 * `azure-mgmt-compute <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/azure-mgmt-compute>`_ >= 0.33.0 * `azure-mgmt-network <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/azure-mgmt-network>`_ >= 0.30.0rc6 * `azure-mgmt-resource <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/azure-mgmt-resource>`_ >= 0.30.0 * `azure-mgmt-storage <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/azure-mgmt-storage>`_ >= 0.30.0rc6 * `azure-mgmt-web <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/azure-mgmt-web>`_ >= 0.30.0rc6 * `azure-storage <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/azure-storage>`_ >= 0.32.0 * `msrestazure <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/msrestazure>`_ >= 0.4.21 :platform: linux """ import importlib import logging import sys from operator import itemgetter import salt.config import salt.loader import salt.utils.args import salt.utils.stringutils import salt.utils.versions import salt.version from salt.exceptions import SaltInvocationError, SaltSystemExit try: from azure.common.credentials import ( ServicePrincipalCredentials, UserPassCredentials, ) from msrestazure.azure_cloud import ( MetadataEndpointError, get_cloud_from_metadata_endpoint, ) HAS_AZURE = True except ImportError: HAS_AZURE = False __opts__ = salt.config.minion_config("/etc/salt/minion") __salt__ = salt.loader.minion_mods(__opts__) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __virtual__(): if not HAS_AZURE: return False else: return True def _determine_auth(**kwargs): """ Acquire Azure ARM Credentials """ if "profile" in kwargs: azure_credentials = __salt__["config.option"](kwargs["profile"]) kwargs.update(azure_credentials) service_principal_creds_kwargs = ["client_id", "secret", "tenant"] user_pass_creds_kwargs = ["username", "password"] try: if kwargs.get("cloud_environment") and kwargs.get( "cloud_environment" ).startswith("http"): cloud_env = get_cloud_from_metadata_endpoint(kwargs["cloud_environment"]) else: cloud_env_module = importlib.import_module("msrestazure.azure_cloud") cloud_env = getattr( cloud_env_module, kwargs.get("cloud_environment", "AZURE_PUBLIC_CLOUD") ) except (AttributeError, ImportError, MetadataEndpointError): raise sys.exit( "The Azure cloud environment {} is not available.".format( kwargs["cloud_environment"] ) ) if set(service_principal_creds_kwargs).issubset(kwargs): if not (kwargs["client_id"] and kwargs["secret"] and kwargs["tenant"]): raise SaltInvocationError( "The client_id, secret, and tenant parameters must all be " "populated if using service principals." ) else: credentials = ServicePrincipalCredentials( kwargs["client_id"], kwargs["secret"], tenant=kwargs["tenant"], cloud_environment=cloud_env, ) elif set(user_pass_creds_kwargs).issubset(kwargs): if not (kwargs["username"] and kwargs["password"]): raise SaltInvocationError( "The username and password parameters must both be " "populated if using username/password authentication." ) else: credentials = UserPassCredentials( kwargs["username"], kwargs["password"], cloud_environment=cloud_env ) elif "subscription_id" in kwargs: try: from msrestazure.azure_active_directory import MSIAuthentication credentials = MSIAuthentication(cloud_environment=cloud_env) except ImportError: raise SaltSystemExit( msg=( "MSI authentication support not availabe (requires msrestazure >=" " 0.4.14)" ) ) else: raise SaltInvocationError( "Unable to determine credentials. " "A subscription_id with username and password, " "or client_id, secret, and tenant or a profile with the " "required parameters populated" ) if "subscription_id" not in kwargs: raise SaltInvocationError("A subscription_id must be specified") subscription_id = salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(kwargs["subscription_id"]) return credentials, subscription_id, cloud_env def get_client(client_type, **kwargs): """ Dynamically load the selected client and return a management client object """ client_map = { "compute": "ComputeManagement", "authorization": "AuthorizationManagement", "dns": "DnsManagement", "storage": "StorageManagement", "managementlock": "ManagementLock", "monitor": "MonitorManagement", "network": "NetworkManagement", "policy": "Policy", "resource": "ResourceManagement", "subscription": "Subscription", "web": "WebSiteManagement", } if client_type not in client_map: raise SaltSystemExit( msg="The Azure ARM client_type {} specified can not be found.".format( client_type ) ) map_value = client_map[client_type] if client_type in ["policy", "subscription"]: module_name = "resource" elif client_type in ["managementlock"]: module_name = "resource.locks" else: module_name = client_type try: client_module = importlib.import_module("azure.mgmt." + module_name) # pylint: disable=invalid-name Client = getattr(client_module, "{}Client".format(map_value)) except ImportError: raise sys.exit("The azure {} client is not available.".format(client_type)) credentials, subscription_id, cloud_env = _determine_auth(**kwargs) if client_type == "subscription": client = Client( credentials=credentials, base_url=cloud_env.endpoints.resource_manager, ) else: client = Client( credentials=credentials, subscription_id=subscription_id, base_url=cloud_env.endpoints.resource_manager, ) client.config.add_user_agent("Salt/{}".format(salt.version.__version__)) return client def log_cloud_error(client, message, **kwargs): """ Log an azurearm cloud error exception """ try: cloud_logger = getattr(log, kwargs.get("azurearm_log_level")) except (AttributeError, TypeError): cloud_logger = getattr(log, "error") cloud_logger( "An AzureARM %s CloudError has occurred: %s", client.capitalize(), message ) return def paged_object_to_list(paged_object): """ Extract all pages within a paged object as a list of dictionaries """ paged_return = [] while True: try: page = next(paged_object) paged_return.append(page.as_dict()) except StopIteration: break return paged_return def create_object_model(module_name, object_name, **kwargs): """ Assemble an object from incoming parameters. """ object_kwargs = {} try: model_module = importlib.import_module( "azure.mgmt.{}.models".format(module_name) ) # pylint: disable=invalid-name Model = getattr(model_module, object_name) except ImportError: raise sys.exit( "The {} model in the {} Azure module is not available.".format( object_name, module_name ) ) if "_attribute_map" in dir(Model): for attr, items in Model._attribute_map.items(): param = kwargs.get(attr) if param is not None: if items["type"][0].isupper() and isinstance(param, dict): object_kwargs[attr] = create_object_model( module_name, items["type"], **param ) elif items["type"][0] == "{" and isinstance(param, dict): object_kwargs[attr] = param elif items["type"][0] == "[" and isinstance(param, list): obj_list = [] for list_item in param: if items["type"][1].isupper() and isinstance(list_item, dict): obj_list.append( create_object_model( module_name, items["type"][ items["type"].index("[") + 1 : items["type"].rindex("]") ], **list_item ) ) elif items["type"][1] == "{" and isinstance(list_item, dict): obj_list.append(list_item) elif not items["type"][1].isupper() and items["type"][1] != "{": obj_list.append(list_item) object_kwargs[attr] = obj_list else: object_kwargs[attr] = param # wrap calls to this function to catch TypeError exceptions return Model(**object_kwargs) def compare_list_of_dicts(old, new, convert_id_to_name=None): """ Compare lists of dictionaries representing Azure objects. Only keys found in the "new" dictionaries are compared to the "old" dictionaries, since getting Azure objects from the API returns some read-only data which should not be used in the comparison. A list of parameter names can be passed in order to compare a bare object name to a full Azure ID path for brevity. If string types are found in values, comparison is case insensitive. Return comment should be used to trigger exit from the calling function. """ ret = {} if not convert_id_to_name: convert_id_to_name = [] if not isinstance(new, list): ret["comment"] = "must be provided as a list of dictionaries!" return ret if len(new) != len(old): ret["changes"] = {"old": old, "new": new} return ret try: local_configs, remote_configs = ( sorted(config, key=itemgetter("name")) for config in (new, old) ) except TypeError: ret["comment"] = "configurations must be provided as a list of dictionaries!" return ret except KeyError: ret["comment"] = 'configuration dictionaries must contain the "name" key!' return ret for idx, val in enumerate(local_configs): for key in val: local_val = val[key] if key in convert_id_to_name: remote_val = ( remote_configs[idx].get(key, {}).get("id", "").split("/")[-1] ) else: remote_val = remote_configs[idx].get(key) if isinstance(local_val, str): local_val = local_val.lower() if isinstance(remote_val, str): remote_val = remote_val.lower() if local_val != remote_val: ret["changes"] = {"old": remote_configs, "new": local_configs} return ret return ret