Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
""" Utility functions for salt.cloud """ import codecs import copy import errno import hashlib import logging import multiprocessing import os import re import shlex import shutil import socket import stat import subprocess import tempfile import time import traceback import uuid from jinja2 import Template import salt.client import salt.cloud import salt.config import salt.crypt import salt.loader import salt.template import salt.utils.compat import salt.utils.crypt import salt.utils.data import salt.utils.event import salt.utils.files import salt.utils.msgpack import salt.utils.path import salt.utils.platform import salt.utils.stringutils import salt.utils.versions import salt.utils.vt import salt.utils.yaml from salt.exceptions import ( SaltCloudConfigError, SaltCloudException, SaltCloudExecutionFailure, SaltCloudExecutionTimeout, SaltCloudPasswordError, SaltCloudSystemExit, ) from salt.utils.nb_popen import NonBlockingPopen from salt.utils.validate.path import is_writeable try: import salt.utils.smb HAS_SMB = True except ImportError: HAS_SMB = False try: from pypsexec.client import Client as PsExecClient from pypsexec.exceptions import SCMRException from pypsexec.scmr import Service as ScmrService from smbprotocol.exceptions import CannotDelete, SMBResponseException from smbprotocol.tree import TreeConnect logging.getLogger("smbprotocol").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("pypsexec").setLevel(logging.WARNING) HAS_PSEXEC = True except ImportError: HAS_PSEXEC = False # Set the minimum version of PyWinrm. WINRM_MIN_VER = "0.3.0" try: # Verify WinRM 0.3.0 or greater import pkg_resources # pylint: disable=3rd-party-module-not-gated import winrm from winrm.exceptions import WinRMTransportError winrm_pkg = pkg_resources.get_distribution("pywinrm") if not salt.utils.versions.compare(winrm_pkg.version, ">=", WINRM_MIN_VER): HAS_WINRM = False else: HAS_WINRM = True except ImportError: HAS_WINRM = False # Let's import pwd and catch the ImportError. We'll raise it if this is not # Windows. This import has to be below where we import salt.utils.platform! try: import pwd except ImportError: if not salt.utils.platform.is_windows(): raise try: import getpass HAS_GETPASS = True except ImportError: HAS_GETPASS = False # This is required to support international characters in AWS EC2 tags or any # other kind of metadata provided by particular Cloud vendor. MSGPACK_ENCODING = "utf-8" NSTATES = { 0: "running", 1: "rebooting", 2: "terminated", 3: "pending", } SSH_PASSWORD_PROMP_RE = re.compile(r"(?:.*)[Pp]assword(?: for .*)?:\ *$", re.M) SSH_PASSWORD_PROMP_SUDO_RE = re.compile( r"(?:.*sudo)(?:.*)[Pp]assword(?: for .*)?:", re.M ) SERVER_ALIVE_INTERVAL = 60 SERVER_ALIVE_COUNT_MAX = 3 # Get logging started log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __render_script(path, vm_=None, opts=None, minion=""): """ Return the rendered script """ log.info("Rendering deploy script: %s", path) try: with salt.utils.files.fopen(path, "r") as fp_: template = Template(salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(fp_.read())) return str(template.render(opts=opts, vm=vm_, minion=minion)) except AttributeError: # Specified renderer was not found with salt.utils.files.fopen(path, "r") as fp_: return str(fp_.read()) def __ssh_gateway_config_dict(gateway): """ Return a dictionary with gateway options. The result is used to provide arguments to __ssh_gateway_arguments method. """ extended_kwargs = {} if gateway: extended_kwargs["ssh_gateway"] = gateway["ssh_gateway"] extended_kwargs["ssh_gateway_key"] = gateway["ssh_gateway_key"] extended_kwargs["ssh_gateway_user"] = gateway["ssh_gateway_user"] extended_kwargs["ssh_gateway_command"] = gateway["ssh_gateway_command"] return extended_kwargs def __ssh_gateway_arguments(kwargs): """ Return ProxyCommand configuration string for ssh/scp command. All gateway options should not include quotes (' or "). To support future user configuration, please make sure to update the dictionary from __ssh_gateway_config_dict and get_ssh_gateway_config (ec2.py) """ extended_arguments = "" ssh_gateway = kwargs.get("ssh_gateway", "") ssh_gateway_port = 22 if ":" in ssh_gateway: ssh_gateway, ssh_gateway_port = ssh_gateway.split(":") ssh_gateway_command = kwargs.get("ssh_gateway_command", "nc -q0 %h %p") if ssh_gateway: ssh_gateway_port = kwargs.get("ssh_gateway_port", ssh_gateway_port) ssh_gateway_key = ( "-i {}".format(kwargs["ssh_gateway_key"]) if "ssh_gateway_key" in kwargs else "" ) ssh_gateway_user = kwargs.get("ssh_gateway_user", "root") # Setup ProxyCommand extended_arguments = " ".join( ( "ssh", "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-oServerAliveInterval={}".format( kwargs.get("server_alive_interval", SERVER_ALIVE_INTERVAL) ), "-oServerAliveCountMax={}".format( kwargs.get("server_alive_count_max", SERVER_ALIVE_COUNT_MAX) ), "-oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null", "-oControlPath=none", str(ssh_gateway_key), f"{ssh_gateway_user}@{ssh_gateway}", "-p", str(ssh_gateway_port), str(ssh_gateway_command), ) ) log.info( "Using SSH gateway %s@%s:%s %s", ssh_gateway_user, ssh_gateway, ssh_gateway_port, ssh_gateway_command, ) return extended_arguments def os_script(os_, vm_=None, opts=None, minion=""): """ Return the script as a string for the specific os """ if minion: minion = salt_config_to_yaml(minion) if os.path.isabs(os_): # The user provided an absolute path to the deploy script, let's use it return __render_script(os_, vm_, opts, minion) if os.path.isabs(f"{os_}.sh"): # The user provided an absolute path to the deploy script, although no # extension was provided. Let's use it anyway. return __render_script(f"{os_}.sh", vm_, opts, minion) for search_path in opts["deploy_scripts_search_path"]: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(search_path, os_)): return __render_script(os.path.join(search_path, os_), vm_, opts, minion) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(search_path, f"{os_}.sh")): return __render_script( os.path.join(search_path, f"{os_}.sh"), vm_, opts, minion ) # No deploy script was found, return an empty string return "" def gen_keys(keysize=2048): """ Generate Salt minion keys and return them as PEM file strings """ # Mandate that keys are at least 2048 in size if keysize < 2048: keysize = 2048 tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() salt.crypt.gen_keys(tdir, "minion", keysize) priv_path = os.path.join(tdir, "minion.pem") pub_path = os.path.join(tdir, "minion.pub") with salt.utils.files.fopen(priv_path) as fp_: priv = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(fp_.read()) with salt.utils.files.fopen(pub_path) as fp_: pub = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(fp_.read()) shutil.rmtree(tdir) return priv, pub def accept_key(pki_dir, pub, id_): """ If the master config was available then we will have a pki_dir key in the opts directory, this method places the pub key in the accepted keys dir and removes it from the unaccepted keys dir if that is the case. """ for key_dir in "minions", "minions_pre", "minions_rejected": key_path = os.path.join(pki_dir, key_dir) if not os.path.exists(key_path): os.makedirs(key_path) key = os.path.join(pki_dir, "minions", id_) with salt.utils.files.fopen(key, "w+") as fp_: fp_.write(salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(pub)) oldkey = os.path.join(pki_dir, "minions_pre", id_) if os.path.isfile(oldkey): with salt.utils.files.fopen(oldkey) as fp_: if fp_.read() == pub: os.remove(oldkey) def remove_key(pki_dir, id_): """ This method removes a specified key from the accepted keys dir """ key = os.path.join(pki_dir, "minions", id_) if os.path.isfile(key): os.remove(key) log.debug("Deleted '%s'", key) def rename_key(pki_dir, id_, new_id): """ Rename a key, when an instance has also been renamed """ oldkey = os.path.join(pki_dir, "minions", id_) newkey = os.path.join(pki_dir, "minions", new_id) if os.path.isfile(oldkey): os.rename(oldkey, newkey) def minion_config(opts, vm_): """ Return a minion's configuration for the provided options and VM """ # Don't start with a copy of the default minion opts; they're not always # what we need. Some default options are Null, let's set a reasonable default minion = { "master": "salt", "log_level": "info", "hash_type": "sha256", } # Now, let's update it to our needs minion["id"] = vm_["name"] master_finger = salt.config.get_cloud_config_value("master_finger", vm_, opts) if master_finger is not None: minion["master_finger"] = master_finger minion.update( # Get ANY defined minion settings, merging data, in the following order # 1. VM config # 2. Profile config # 3. Global configuration salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "minion", vm_, opts, default={}, search_global=True ) ) make_master = salt.config.get_cloud_config_value("make_master", vm_, opts) if "master" not in minion and make_master is not True: raise SaltCloudConfigError( "A master setting was not defined in the minion's configuration." ) # Get ANY defined grains settings, merging data, in the following order # 1. VM config # 2. Profile config # 3. Global configuration minion.setdefault("grains", {}).update( salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "grains", vm_, opts, default={}, search_global=True ) ) return minion def master_config(opts, vm_): """ Return a master's configuration for the provided options and VM """ # Let's get a copy of the salt master default options master = copy.deepcopy(salt.config.DEFAULT_MASTER_OPTS) # Some default options are Null, let's set a reasonable default master.update(log_level="info", log_level_logfile="info", hash_type="sha256") # Get ANY defined master setting, merging data, in the following order # 1. VM config # 2. Profile config # 3. Global configuration master.update( salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "master", vm_, opts, default={}, search_global=True ) ) return master def salt_config_to_yaml(configuration, line_break="\n"): """ Return a salt configuration dictionary, master or minion, as a yaml dump """ return salt.utils.yaml.safe_dump( configuration, line_break=line_break, default_flow_style=False ) def bootstrap(vm_, opts=None): """ This is the primary entry point for logging into any system (POSIX or Windows) to install Salt. It will make the decision on its own as to which deploy function to call. """ if opts is None: opts = __opts__ deploy_config = salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "deploy", vm_, opts, default=False ) inline_script_config = salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "inline_script", vm_, opts, default=None ) if deploy_config is False and inline_script_config is None: return {"Error": {"No Deploy": "'deploy' is not enabled. Not deploying."}} if vm_.get("driver") == "saltify": saltify_driver = True else: saltify_driver = False key_filename = salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "key_filename", vm_, opts, search_global=False, default=salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "ssh_keyfile", vm_, opts, search_global=False, default=None ), ) if key_filename is not None and not os.path.isfile(key_filename): raise SaltCloudConfigError( f"The defined ssh_keyfile '{key_filename}' does not exist" ) has_ssh_agent = False if ( opts.get("ssh_agent", False) and "SSH_AUTH_SOCK" in os.environ and stat.S_ISSOCK(os.stat(os.environ["SSH_AUTH_SOCK"]).st_mode) ): has_ssh_agent = True if ( key_filename is None and salt.config.get_cloud_config_value("password", vm_, opts, default=None) is None and salt.config.get_cloud_config_value("win_password", vm_, opts, default=None) is None and has_ssh_agent is False ): raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "Cannot deploy Salt in a VM if the 'key_filename' setting " "is not set and there is no password set for the VM. " "Check the provider docs for 'change_password' option if it " "is supported by your provider." ) ret = {} minion_conf = minion_config(opts, vm_) deploy_script_code = os_script( salt.config.get_cloud_config_value("os", vm_, opts, default="bootstrap-salt"), vm_, opts, minion_conf, ) ssh_username = salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "ssh_username", vm_, opts, default="root" ) if "file_transport" not in opts: opts["file_transport"] = vm_.get("file_transport", "sftp") # If we haven't generated any keys yet, do so now. if "pub_key" not in vm_ and "priv_key" not in vm_: log.debug("Generating keys for '%s'", vm_["name"]) vm_["priv_key"], vm_["pub_key"] = gen_keys( salt.config.get_cloud_config_value("keysize", vm_, opts) ) key_id = vm_.get("name") if "append_domain" in vm_: key_id = ".".join([key_id, vm_["append_domain"]]) accept_key(opts["pki_dir"], vm_["pub_key"], key_id) if "os" not in vm_: vm_["os"] = salt.config.get_cloud_config_value("script", vm_, opts) # NOTE: deploy_kwargs is also used to pass inline_script variable content # to run_inline_script function host = salt.config.get_cloud_config_value("ssh_host", vm_, opts) deploy_kwargs = { "opts": opts, "host": host, "port": salt.config.get_cloud_config_value("ssh_port", vm_, opts, default=22), "salt_host": vm_.get("salt_host", host), "username": ssh_username, "script": deploy_script_code, "inline_script": inline_script_config, "name": vm_["name"], "has_ssh_agent": has_ssh_agent, "tmp_dir": salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "tmp_dir", vm_, opts, default="/tmp/.saltcloud" ), "vm_": vm_, "start_action": opts["start_action"], "parallel": opts["parallel"], "sock_dir": opts["sock_dir"], "conf_file": opts["conf_file"], "minion_pem": vm_["priv_key"], "minion_pub": vm_["pub_key"], "master_sign_pub_file": salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "master_sign_pub_file", vm_, opts, default=None ), "keep_tmp": opts["keep_tmp"], "sudo": salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "sudo", vm_, opts, default=(ssh_username != "root") ), "sudo_password": salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "sudo_password", vm_, opts, default=None ), "tty": salt.config.get_cloud_config_value("tty", vm_, opts, default=True), "password": salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "password", vm_, opts, search_global=False ), "key_filename": key_filename, "script_args": salt.config.get_cloud_config_value("script_args", vm_, opts), "script_env": salt.config.get_cloud_config_value("script_env", vm_, opts), "minion_conf": minion_conf, "force_minion_config": salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "force_minion_config", vm_, opts, default=False ), "preseed_minion_keys": vm_.get("preseed_minion_keys", None), "display_ssh_output": salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "display_ssh_output", vm_, opts, default=True ), "known_hosts_file": salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "known_hosts_file", vm_, opts, default="/dev/null" ), "file_map": salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "file_map", vm_, opts, default=None ), "maxtries": salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "wait_for_passwd_maxtries", vm_, opts, default=15 ), "preflight_cmds": salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "preflight_cmds", vm_, opts, default=[] ), "cloud_grains": { "driver": vm_["driver"], "provider": vm_["provider"], "profile": vm_["profile"], }, } inline_script_kwargs = deploy_kwargs.copy() # make a copy at this point # forward any info about possible ssh gateway to deploy script # as some providers need also a 'gateway' configuration if "gateway" in vm_: deploy_kwargs.update({"gateway": vm_["gateway"]}) # Deploy salt-master files, if necessary if salt.config.get_cloud_config_value("make_master", vm_, opts) is True: deploy_kwargs["make_master"] = True deploy_kwargs["master_pub"] = vm_["master_pub"] deploy_kwargs["master_pem"] = vm_["master_pem"] master_conf = master_config(opts, vm_) deploy_kwargs["master_conf"] = master_conf if master_conf.get("syndic_master", None): deploy_kwargs["make_syndic"] = True deploy_kwargs["make_minion"] = salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "make_minion", vm_, opts, default=True ) if saltify_driver: deploy_kwargs[ "wait_for_passwd_maxtries" ] = 0 # No need to wait/retry with Saltify win_installer = salt.config.get_cloud_config_value("win_installer", vm_, opts) if win_installer: deploy_kwargs["port"] = salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "smb_port", vm_, opts, default=445 ) deploy_kwargs["win_installer"] = win_installer minion = minion_config(opts, vm_) deploy_kwargs["master"] = minion["master"] deploy_kwargs["username"] = salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "win_username", vm_, opts, default="Administrator" ) win_pass = salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "win_password", vm_, opts, default="" ) if win_pass: deploy_kwargs["password"] = win_pass deploy_kwargs["use_winrm"] = salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "use_winrm", vm_, opts, default=False ) deploy_kwargs["winrm_port"] = salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "winrm_port", vm_, opts, default=5986 ) deploy_kwargs["winrm_use_ssl"] = salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "winrm_use_ssl", vm_, opts, default=True ) deploy_kwargs["winrm_verify_ssl"] = salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "winrm_verify_ssl", vm_, opts, default=True ) if saltify_driver: deploy_kwargs["port_timeout"] = 1 # No need to wait/retry with Saltify # Store what was used to the deploy the VM event_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(deploy_kwargs) del event_kwargs["opts"] del event_kwargs["minion_pem"] del event_kwargs["minion_pub"] del event_kwargs["sudo_password"] if "password" in event_kwargs: del event_kwargs["password"] ret["deploy_kwargs"] = event_kwargs fire_event( "event", "executing deploy script", "salt/cloud/{}/deploying".format(vm_["name"]), args={"kwargs": salt.utils.data.simple_types_filter(event_kwargs)}, sock_dir=opts.get("sock_dir", os.path.join(__opts__["sock_dir"], "master")), transport=opts.get("transport", "zeromq"), ) if inline_script_config and deploy_config is False: inline_script_deployed = run_inline_script(**inline_script_kwargs) if inline_script_deployed is not False: log.info("Inline script(s) ha(s|ve) run on %s", vm_["name"]) ret["deployed"] = False return ret else: if win_installer: deployed = deploy_windows(**deploy_kwargs) else: deployed = deploy_script(**deploy_kwargs) if inline_script_config: inline_script_deployed = run_inline_script(**inline_script_kwargs) if inline_script_deployed is not False: log.info("Inline script(s) ha(s|ve) run on %s", vm_["name"]) if deployed is not False: ret["deployed"] = True if deployed is not True: ret.update(deployed) log.info("Salt installed on %s", vm_["name"]) return ret log.error("Failed to start Salt on host %s", vm_["name"]) return { "Error": {"Not Deployed": "Failed to start Salt on host {}".format(vm_["name"])} } def ssh_usernames(vm_, opts, default_users=None): """ Return the ssh_usernames. Defaults to a built-in list of users for trying. """ if default_users is None: default_users = ["root"] usernames = salt.config.get_cloud_config_value("ssh_username", vm_, opts) if not isinstance(usernames, list): usernames = [usernames] # get rid of None's or empty names usernames = [x for x in usernames if x] # Keep a copy of the usernames the user might have provided initial = usernames[:] # Add common usernames to the list to be tested for name in default_users: if name not in usernames: usernames.append(name) # Add the user provided usernames to the end of the list since enough time # might need to pass before the remote service is available for logins and # the proper username might have passed its iteration. # This has detected in a CentOS 5.7 EC2 image usernames.extend(initial) return usernames def wait_for_fun(fun, timeout=900, **kwargs): """ Wait until a function finishes, or times out """ start = time.time() log.debug("Attempting function %s", fun) trycount = 0 while True: trycount += 1 try: response = fun(**kwargs) if not isinstance(response, bool): return response except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.debug("Caught exception in wait_for_fun: %s", exc) time.sleep(1) log.debug("Retrying function %s on (try %s)", fun, trycount) if time.time() - start > timeout: log.error("Function timed out: %s", timeout) return False def wait_for_port( host, port=22, timeout=900, gateway=None, server_alive_interval=SERVER_ALIVE_INTERVAL, server_alive_count_max=SERVER_ALIVE_COUNT_MAX, ): """ Wait until a connection to the specified port can be made on a specified host. This is usually port 22 (for SSH), but in the case of Windows installations, it might be port 445 (for psexec). It may also be an alternate port for SSH, depending on the base image. """ start = time.time() # Assign test ports because if a gateway is defined # we first want to test the gateway before the host. test_ssh_host = host test_ssh_port = port if gateway: ssh_gateway = gateway["ssh_gateway"] ssh_gateway_port = 22 if ":" in ssh_gateway: ssh_gateway, ssh_gateway_port = ssh_gateway.split(":") if "ssh_gateway_port" in gateway: ssh_gateway_port = gateway["ssh_gateway_port"] test_ssh_host = ssh_gateway test_ssh_port = ssh_gateway_port log.debug( "Attempting connection to host %s on port %s via gateway %s on port %s", host, port, ssh_gateway, ssh_gateway_port, ) else: log.debug("Attempting connection to host %s on port %s", host, port) trycount = 0 while True: trycount += 1 try: if socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, host): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM) else: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) except OSError: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: sock.settimeout(5) sock.connect((test_ssh_host, int(test_ssh_port))) # Stop any remaining reads/writes on the socket sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) # Close it! sock.close() break except OSError as exc: log.debug("Caught exception in wait_for_port: %s", exc) time.sleep(1) if time.time() - start > timeout: log.error("Port connection timed out: %s", timeout) return False log.debug( "Retrying connection to %s %s on port %s (try %s)", "gateway" if gateway else "host", test_ssh_host, test_ssh_port, trycount, ) if not gateway: return True # Let the user know that his gateway is good! log.debug("Gateway %s on port %s is reachable.", test_ssh_host, test_ssh_port) # Now we need to test the host via the gateway. # We will use netcat on the gateway to test the port ssh_args = [] ssh_args.extend( [ # Don't add new hosts to the host key database "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no", # make sure ssh can time out on connection lose f"-oServerAliveInterval={server_alive_interval}", f"-oServerAliveCountMax={server_alive_count_max}", # Set hosts key database path to /dev/null, i.e., non-existing "-oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null", # Don't re-use the SSH connection. Less failures. "-oControlPath=none", ] ) # There should never be both a password and an ssh key passed in, so if "ssh_gateway_key" in gateway: ssh_args.extend( [ # tell SSH to skip password authentication "-oPasswordAuthentication=no", "-oChallengeResponseAuthentication=no", # Make sure public key authentication is enabled "-oPubkeyAuthentication=yes", # do only use the provided identity file "-oIdentitiesOnly=yes", # No Keyboard interaction! "-oKbdInteractiveAuthentication=no", # Also, specify the location of the key file "-i {}".format(gateway["ssh_gateway_key"]), ] ) # Netcat command testing remote port command = f"nc -z -w5 -q0 {host} {port}" # SSH command pcmd = "ssh {} {}@{} -p {} {}".format( " ".join(ssh_args), gateway["ssh_gateway_user"], ssh_gateway, ssh_gateway_port, shlex.quote("date"), ) cmd = "ssh {} {}@{} -p {} {}".format( " ".join(ssh_args), gateway["ssh_gateway_user"], ssh_gateway, ssh_gateway_port, shlex.quote(command), ) log.debug("SSH command: '%s'", cmd) kwargs = { "display_ssh_output": False, "password": gateway.get("ssh_gateway_password", None), } trycount = 0 usable_gateway = False gateway_retries = 5 while True: trycount += 1 # test gateway usage if not usable_gateway: pstatus = _exec_ssh_cmd(pcmd, allow_failure=True, **kwargs) if pstatus == 0: usable_gateway = True else: gateway_retries -= 1 log.error( "Gateway usage seems to be broken, password error ? Tries left: %s", gateway_retries, ) if not gateway_retries: raise SaltCloudExecutionFailure( "SSH gateway is reachable but we can not login" ) # then try to reach out the target if usable_gateway: status = _exec_ssh_cmd(cmd, allow_failure=True, **kwargs) # Get the exit code of the SSH command. # If 0 then the port is open. if status == 0: return True time.sleep(1) if time.time() - start > timeout: log.error("Port connection timed out: %s", timeout) return False log.debug( "Retrying connection to host %s on port %s " "via gateway %s on port %s. (try %s)", host, port, ssh_gateway, ssh_gateway_port, trycount, ) class Client: """ Wrap pypsexec.client.Client to fix some stability issues: - Set the service name from a keyword arg, this allows multiple service instances to be created in a single process. - Keep trying service and file deletes since they may not succeed on the first try. Raises an exception if they do not succeed after a timeout period. """ def __init__( self, server, username=None, password=None, port=445, encrypt=True, service_name=None, ): self.service_name = service_name self._exe_file = f"{self.service_name}.exe" self._client = PsExecClient(server, username, password, port, encrypt) self._client._service = ScmrService(self.service_name, self._client.session) def __enter__(self): self.connect() self.create_service() return self def __exit__(self, tb_type, tb_value, tb): self.remove_service() self.disconnect() def connect(self): return self._client.connect() def disconnect(self): try: # This removes any lingering PAExec binaries self._client.cleanup() except CannotDelete as exc: # We shouldn't hard crash here, so just log the error log.debug("Exception cleaning up PAexec: %r", exc) return self._client.disconnect() def create_service(self): return self._client.create_service() def run_executable(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._client.run_executable(*args, **kwargs) def remove_service(self, wait_timeout=10, sleep_wait=1): """ Removes the PAExec service and executable that was created as part of the create_service function. This does not remove any older executables or services from previous runs, use cleanup() instead for that purpose. """ # Stops/remove the PAExec service and removes the executable log.debug("Deleting PAExec service at the end of the process") wait_start = time.time() while True: try: self._client._service.delete() except SCMRException as exc: log.debug("Exception encountered while deleting service %s", repr(exc)) if time.time() - wait_start > wait_timeout: raise exc time.sleep(sleep_wait) continue break # delete the PAExec executable smb_tree = TreeConnect( self._client.session, rf"\\{self._client.connection.server_name}\ADMIN$", ) log.info("Connecting to SMB Tree %s", smb_tree.share_name) smb_tree.connect() wait_start = time.time() while True: try: log.info("Creating open to PAExec file with delete on close flags") self._client._delete_file(smb_tree, self._exe_file) except SMBResponseException as exc: log.debug("Exception deleting file %s %s", self._exe_file, repr(exc)) if time.time() - wait_start > wait_timeout: raise exc time.sleep(sleep_wait) continue break log.info("Disconnecting from SMB Tree %s", smb_tree.share_name) smb_tree.disconnect() def run_winexe_command(cmd, args, host, username, password, port=445): """ Run a command remotely via the winexe executable """ creds = f"-U '{username}%{password}' //{host}" logging_creds = f"-U '{username}%XXX-REDACTED-XXX' //{host}" cmd = f"winexe {creds} {cmd} {args}" logging_cmd = f"winexe {logging_creds} {cmd} {args}" return win_cmd(cmd, logging_command=logging_cmd) def run_psexec_command(cmd, args, host, username, password, port=445): """ Run a command remotely using the psexec protocol """ service_name = f"PS-Exec-{uuid.uuid4()}" with Client( host, username, password, port=port, encrypt=False, service_name=service_name ) as client: stdout, stderr, ret_code = client.run_executable(cmd, args) return stdout, stderr, ret_code def wait_for_winexe(host, port, username, password, timeout=900): """ Wait until winexe connection can be established. """ start = time.time() log.debug("Attempting winexe connection to host %s on port %s", host, port) try_count = 0 while True: try_count += 1 try: # Shell out to winexe to check %TEMP% ret_code = run_winexe_command( "sc", "query winexesvc", host, username, password, port ) if ret_code == 0: log.debug("winexe connected...") return True log.debug("Return code was %s", ret_code) except OSError as exc: log.debug("Caught exception in wait_for_winexesvc: %s", exc) if time.time() - start > timeout: return False time.sleep(1) def wait_for_psexecsvc(host, port, username, password, timeout=900): """ Wait until psexec connection can be established. """ start = time.time() try_count = 0 while True: try_count += 1 ret_code = 1 try: stdout, stderr, ret_code = run_psexec_command( "cmd.exe", "/c hostname", host, username, password, port=port ) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Unable to execute command") if ret_code == 0: log.debug("psexec connected...") return True if time.time() - start > timeout: return False log.debug( "Retrying psexec connection to host %s on port %s (try %s)", host, port, try_count, ) time.sleep(1) def wait_for_winrm( host, port, username, password, timeout=900, use_ssl=True, verify=True ): """ Wait until WinRM connection can be established. """ # Ensure the winrm service is listening before attempting to connect wait_for_port(host=host, port=port, timeout=timeout) start = time.time() log.debug("Attempting WinRM connection to host %s on port %s", host, port) transport = "ssl" if not use_ssl: transport = "ntlm" trycount = 0 while True: trycount += 1 try: winrm_kwargs = { "target": host, "auth": (username, password), "transport": transport, } if not verify: log.debug("SSL validation for WinRM disabled.") winrm_kwargs["server_cert_validation"] = "ignore" s = winrm.Session(**winrm_kwargs) if hasattr(s.protocol, "set_timeout"): s.protocol.set_timeout(15) log.trace("WinRM endpoint url: %s", s.url) r = s.run_cmd("sc query winrm") if r.status_code == 0: log.debug("WinRM session connected...") return s log.debug("Return code was %s", r.status_code) except WinRMTransportError as exc: log.debug("Caught exception in wait_for_winrm: %s", exc) if time.time() - start > timeout: log.error("WinRM connection timed out: %s", timeout) return None log.debug( "Retrying WinRM connection to host %s on port %s (try %s)", host, port, trycount, ) time.sleep(1) def validate_windows_cred_winexe( host, username="Administrator", password=None, retries=10, retry_delay=1 ): """ Check if the windows credentials are valid """ cmd = f"winexe -U '{username}%{password}' //{host} \"hostname\"" logging_cmd = "winexe -U '{}%XXX-REDACTED-XXX' //{} \"hostname\"".format( username, host ) for i in range(retries): ret_code = win_cmd(cmd, logging_command=logging_cmd) return ret_code == 0 def validate_windows_cred( host, username="Administrator", password=None, retries=10, retry_delay=1 ): """ Check if the windows credentials are valid """ for i in range(retries): ret_code = 1 try: stdout, stderr, ret_code = run_psexec_command( "cmd.exe", "/c hostname", host, username, password, port=445 ) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Exception while executing psexec") if ret_code == 0: break time.sleep(retry_delay) return ret_code == 0 def wait_for_passwd( host, port=22, ssh_timeout=15, username="root", password=None, key_filename=None, maxtries=15, trysleep=1, display_ssh_output=True, gateway=None, known_hosts_file="/dev/null", hard_timeout=None, ): """ Wait until ssh connection can be accessed via password or ssh key """ trycount = 0 while trycount < maxtries: connectfail = False try: kwargs = { "hostname": host, "port": port, "username": username, "password_retries": maxtries, "timeout": ssh_timeout, "display_ssh_output": display_ssh_output, "known_hosts_file": known_hosts_file, "ssh_timeout": ssh_timeout, "hard_timeout": hard_timeout, } kwargs.update(__ssh_gateway_config_dict(gateway)) if key_filename: if not os.path.isfile(key_filename): raise SaltCloudConfigError( "The defined key_filename '{}' does not exist".format( key_filename ) ) kwargs["key_filename"] = key_filename log.debug("Using %s as the key_filename", key_filename) elif password: kwargs["password"] = password log.debug("Using password authentication") trycount += 1 log.debug( "Attempting to authenticate as %s (try %s of %s)", username, trycount, maxtries, ) status = root_cmd("date", tty=False, sudo=False, **kwargs) if status != 0: connectfail = True if trycount < maxtries: time.sleep(trysleep) continue log.error("Authentication failed: status code %s", status) return False if connectfail is False: return True return False except SaltCloudPasswordError: raise except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except if trycount >= maxtries: return False time.sleep(trysleep) def _format_master_param(master): """ If the master is a list, we need to convert it to a comma delimited string Otherwise, we just return master """ if isinstance(master, list): return ",".join(master) return master def deploy_windows( host, port=445, timeout=900, username="Administrator", password=None, name=None, sock_dir=None, conf_file=None, start_action=None, parallel=False, minion_pub=None, minion_pem=None, minion_conf=None, keep_tmp=False, script_args=None, script_env=None, port_timeout=15, preseed_minion_keys=None, win_installer=None, master=None, tmp_dir="C:\\salttmp", opts=None, master_sign_pub_file=None, use_winrm=False, winrm_port=5986, winrm_use_ssl=True, winrm_verify_ssl=True, **kwargs, ): """ Copy the install files to a remote Windows box, and execute them """ if not isinstance(opts, dict): opts = {} if use_winrm and not HAS_WINRM: log.error( "WinRM requested but module winrm could not be imported. " "Ensure you are using version %s or higher.", WINRM_MIN_VER, ) return False starttime = time.mktime(time.localtime()) log.debug("Deploying %s at %s (Windows)", host, starttime) log.trace("HAS_WINRM: %s, use_winrm: %s", HAS_WINRM, use_winrm) port_available = wait_for_port(host=host, port=port, timeout=port_timeout * 60) if not port_available: return False service_available = False winrm_session = None if HAS_WINRM and use_winrm: winrm_session = wait_for_winrm( host=host, port=winrm_port, username=username, password=password, timeout=port_timeout * 60, use_ssl=winrm_use_ssl, verify=winrm_verify_ssl, ) if winrm_session is not None: service_available = True else: service_available = wait_for_psexecsvc( host=host, port=port, username=username, password=password, timeout=port_timeout * 60, ) if port_available and service_available: log.debug("SMB port %s on %s is available", port, host) log.debug("Logging into %s:%s as %s", host, port, username) smb_conn = salt.utils.smb.get_conn(host, username, password, port) if smb_conn is False: log.error("Please install smbprotocol to enable SMB functionality") return False salt.utils.smb.mkdirs("salttemp", conn=smb_conn) root_dir = "ProgramData/Salt Project/Salt" salt.utils.smb.mkdirs(f"{root_dir}/conf/pki/minion", conn=smb_conn) root_dir = "ProgramData\\Salt Project\\Salt" if minion_pub: salt.utils.smb.put_str( minion_pub, f"{root_dir}\\conf\\pki\\minion\\minion.pub", conn=smb_conn, ) if minion_pem: salt.utils.smb.put_str( minion_pem, f"{root_dir}\\conf\\pki\\minion\\minion.pem", conn=smb_conn, ) if master_sign_pub_file: # Read master-sign.pub file log.debug( "Copying master_sign.pub file from %s to minion", master_sign_pub_file ) try: salt.utils.smb.put_file( master_sign_pub_file, f"{root_dir}\\conf\\pki\\minion\\master_sign.pub", conn=smb_conn, ) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.debug( "Exception copying master_sign.pub file %s to minion", master_sign_pub_file, ) # Copy over win_installer # win_installer refers to a file such as: # /root/Salt-Minion-0.17.0-win32-Setup.exe # ..which exists on the same machine as salt-cloud comps = win_installer.split("/") local_path = "/".join(comps[:-1]) installer = comps[-1] salt.utils.smb.put_file( win_installer, f"salttemp\\{installer}", "C$", conn=smb_conn, ) cmd = f"c:\\salttemp\\{installer}" args = [ "/S", f"/master={_format_master_param(master)}", f"/minion-name={name}", ] if use_winrm: winrm_cmd(winrm_session, cmd, args) else: stdout, stderr, ret_code = run_psexec_command( cmd, " ".join(args), host, username, password ) if ret_code != 0: raise Exception(f"Fail installer {ret_code}") # Copy over minion_conf if minion_conf: if not isinstance(minion_conf, dict): # Let's not just fail regarding this change, specially # since we can handle it raise DeprecationWarning( "`salt.utils.cloud.deploy_windows` now only accepts " "dictionaries for its `minion_conf` parameter. " "Loading YAML..." ) minion_grains = minion_conf.pop("grains", {}) if minion_grains: salt.utils.smb.put_str( salt_config_to_yaml(minion_grains, line_break="\r\n"), f"{root_dir}\\conf\\grains", conn=smb_conn, ) # Add special windows minion configuration # that must be in the minion config file windows_minion_conf = { "ipc_mode": minion_conf.pop("ipc_mode", "tcp"), "pki_dir": minion_conf.pop("pki_dir", "/conf/pki/minion"), "multiprocessing": minion_conf.pop("multiprocessing", True), } if master and "master" not in minion_conf: windows_minion_conf["master"] = master if name and "id" not in minion_conf: windows_minion_conf["id"] = name minion_conf = dict(minion_conf, **windows_minion_conf) salt.utils.smb.put_str( salt_config_to_yaml(minion_conf, line_break="\r\n"), f"{root_dir}\\conf\\minion", conn=smb_conn, ) # Delete C:\salttmp\ and installer file # Unless keep_tmp is True if not keep_tmp: if use_winrm: winrm_cmd(winrm_session, "rmdir", ["/Q", "/S", "C:\\salttemp\\"]) else: salt.utils.smb.delete_file( f"salttemp\\{installer}", "C$", conn=smb_conn ) salt.utils.smb.delete_directory("salttemp", "C$", conn=smb_conn) # Shell out to psexec to ensure salt-minion service started if use_winrm: winrm_cmd(winrm_session, "net", ["stop", "salt-minion"]) winrm_cmd(winrm_session, "net", ["start", "salt-minion"]) else: stdout, stderr, ret_code = run_psexec_command( "cmd.exe", "/c net stop salt-minion", host, username, password ) if ret_code != 0: return False log.debug("Run psexec: sc start salt-minion") stdout, stderr, ret_code = run_psexec_command( "cmd.exe", "/c net start salt-minion", host, username, password ) if ret_code != 0: return False # Fire deploy action fire_event( "event", f"{name} has been deployed at {host}", f"salt/cloud/{name}/deploy_windows", args={"name": name}, sock_dir=opts.get("sock_dir", os.path.join(__opts__["sock_dir"], "master")), transport=opts.get("transport", "zeromq"), ) return True return False def deploy_script( host, port=22, timeout=900, username="root", password=None, key_filename=None, script=None, name=None, sock_dir=None, provider=None, conf_file=None, start_action=None, make_master=False, master_pub=None, master_pem=None, master_conf=None, minion_pub=None, minion_pem=None, minion_conf=None, keep_tmp=False, script_args=None, script_env=None, ssh_timeout=15, maxtries=15, make_syndic=False, make_minion=True, display_ssh_output=True, preseed_minion_keys=None, parallel=False, sudo_password=None, sudo=False, tty=None, vm_=None, opts=None, tmp_dir="/tmp/.saltcloud", file_map=None, master_sign_pub_file=None, cloud_grains=None, force_minion_config=False, **kwargs, ): """ Copy a deploy script to a remote server, execute it, and remove it """ if not isinstance(opts, dict): opts = {} vm_ = vm_ or {} # if None, default to empty dict cloud_grains = cloud_grains or {} tmp_dir = "{}-{}".format(tmp_dir.rstrip("/"), uuid.uuid4()) deploy_command = salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "deploy_command", vm_, opts, default=os.path.join(tmp_dir, "deploy.sh") ) if key_filename is not None and not os.path.isfile(key_filename): raise SaltCloudConfigError( f"The defined key_filename '{key_filename}' does not exist" ) gateway = None if "gateway" in kwargs: gateway = kwargs["gateway"] starttime = time.localtime() log.debug("Deploying %s at %s", host, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", starttime)) known_hosts_file = kwargs.get("known_hosts_file", "/dev/null") hard_timeout = opts.get("hard_timeout", None) if wait_for_port(host=host, port=port, gateway=gateway): log.debug("SSH port %s on %s is available", port, host) if wait_for_passwd( host, port=port, username=username, password=password, key_filename=key_filename, ssh_timeout=ssh_timeout, display_ssh_output=display_ssh_output, gateway=gateway, known_hosts_file=known_hosts_file, maxtries=maxtries, hard_timeout=hard_timeout, ): log.debug("Logging into %s:%s as %s", host, port, username) ssh_kwargs = { "hostname": host, "port": port, "username": username, "timeout": ssh_timeout, "ssh_timeout": ssh_timeout, "display_ssh_output": display_ssh_output, "sudo_password": sudo_password, "sftp": opts.get("use_sftp", False), } ssh_kwargs.update(__ssh_gateway_config_dict(gateway)) if key_filename: log.debug("Using %s as the key_filename", key_filename) ssh_kwargs["key_filename"] = key_filename elif password and kwargs.get("has_ssh_agent", False) is False: ssh_kwargs["password"] = password if root_cmd( f"test -e '{tmp_dir}'", tty, sudo, allow_failure=True, **ssh_kwargs ): ret = root_cmd( f"sh -c \"( mkdir -p -m 700 '{tmp_dir}' )\"", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs, ) if ret: raise SaltCloudSystemExit( f"Can't create temporary directory in {tmp_dir} !" ) if sudo: comps = tmp_dir.lstrip("/").rstrip("/").split("/") if comps: if len(comps) > 1 or comps[0] != "tmp": ret = root_cmd( f'chown {username} "{tmp_dir}"', tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs ) if ret: raise SaltCloudSystemExit( f"Cant set {username} ownership on {tmp_dir}" ) if not isinstance(file_map, dict): file_map = {} # Copy an arbitrary group of files to the target system remote_dirs = [] file_map_success = [] file_map_fail = [] for map_item in file_map: local_file = map_item remote_file = file_map[map_item] if not os.path.exists(map_item): log.error( 'The local file "%s" does not exist, and will not be ' 'copied to "%s" on the target system', local_file, remote_file, ) file_map_fail.append({local_file: remote_file}) continue if os.path.isdir(local_file): dir_name = os.path.basename(local_file) remote_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(remote_file), dir_name) else: remote_dir = os.path.dirname(remote_file) if remote_dir not in remote_dirs: root_cmd(f"mkdir -p '{remote_dir}'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) if ssh_kwargs["username"] != "root": root_cmd( "chown {} '{}'".format(ssh_kwargs["username"], remote_dir), tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs, ) remote_dirs.append(remote_dir) ssh_file(opts, remote_file, kwargs=ssh_kwargs, local_file=local_file) file_map_success.append({local_file: remote_file}) # Minion configuration if minion_pem: ssh_file(opts, f"{tmp_dir}/minion.pem", minion_pem, ssh_kwargs) ret = root_cmd( f"chmod 600 '{tmp_dir}/minion.pem'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs ) if ret: raise SaltCloudSystemExit( f"Can't set perms on {tmp_dir}/minion.pem" ) if minion_pub: ssh_file(opts, f"{tmp_dir}/minion.pub", minion_pub, ssh_kwargs) if master_sign_pub_file: ssh_file( opts, f"{tmp_dir}/master_sign.pub", kwargs=ssh_kwargs, local_file=master_sign_pub_file, ) if minion_conf: if not isinstance(minion_conf, dict): # Let's not just fail regarding this change, specially # since we can handle it raise DeprecationWarning( "`salt.utils.cloud.deploy_script now only accepts " "dictionaries for it's `minion_conf` parameter. " "Loading YAML..." ) minion_grains = minion_conf.pop("grains", {}) if minion_grains: ssh_file( opts, f"{tmp_dir}/grains", salt_config_to_yaml(minion_grains), ssh_kwargs, ) if cloud_grains and opts.get("enable_cloud_grains", True): minion_conf["grains"] = {"salt-cloud": cloud_grains} ssh_file( opts, f"{tmp_dir}/minion", salt_config_to_yaml(minion_conf), ssh_kwargs, ) # Master configuration if master_pem: ssh_file(opts, f"{tmp_dir}/master.pem", master_pem, ssh_kwargs) ret = root_cmd( f"chmod 600 '{tmp_dir}/master.pem'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs ) if ret: raise SaltCloudSystemExit(f"Cant set perms on {tmp_dir}/master.pem") if master_pub: ssh_file(opts, f"{tmp_dir}/master.pub", master_pub, ssh_kwargs) if master_conf: if not isinstance(master_conf, dict): # Let's not just fail regarding this change, specially # since we can handle it raise DeprecationWarning( "`salt.utils.cloud.deploy_script now only accepts " "dictionaries for it's `master_conf` parameter. " "Loading from YAML ..." ) ssh_file( opts, f"{tmp_dir}/master", salt_config_to_yaml(master_conf), ssh_kwargs, ) # XXX: We need to make these paths configurable preseed_minion_keys_tempdir = f"{tmp_dir}/preseed-minion-keys" if preseed_minion_keys is not None: # Create remote temp dir ret = root_cmd( f"mkdir '{preseed_minion_keys_tempdir}'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs ) if ret: raise SaltCloudSystemExit( f"Cant create {preseed_minion_keys_tempdir}" ) ret = root_cmd( f"chmod 700 '{preseed_minion_keys_tempdir}'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs, ) if ret: raise SaltCloudSystemExit( f"Can't set perms on {preseed_minion_keys_tempdir}" ) if ssh_kwargs["username"] != "root": root_cmd( "chown {} '{}'".format( ssh_kwargs["username"], preseed_minion_keys_tempdir ), tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs, ) # Copy pre-seed minion keys for minion_id, minion_key in preseed_minion_keys.items(): rpath = os.path.join(preseed_minion_keys_tempdir, minion_id) ssh_file(opts, rpath, minion_key, ssh_kwargs) if ssh_kwargs["username"] != "root": root_cmd( f"chown -R root '{preseed_minion_keys_tempdir}'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs, ) if ret: raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "Can't set ownership for {}".format( preseed_minion_keys_tempdir ) ) # Run any pre-flight commands before running deploy scripts preflight_cmds = kwargs.get("preflight_cmds", []) for command in preflight_cmds: cmd_ret = root_cmd(command, tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) if cmd_ret: raise SaltCloudSystemExit(f"Pre-flight command failed: '{command}'") # The actual deploy script if script: # got strange escaping issues with sudoer, going onto a # subshell fixes that ssh_file(opts, f"{tmp_dir}/deploy.sh", script, ssh_kwargs) ret = root_cmd( f"sh -c \"( chmod +x '{tmp_dir}/deploy.sh' )\";exit $?", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs, ) if ret: raise SaltCloudSystemExit(f"Can't set perms on {tmp_dir}/deploy.sh") time_used = time.mktime(time.localtime()) - time.mktime(starttime) newtimeout = timeout - time_used queue = None process = None # Consider this code experimental. It causes Salt Cloud to wait # for the minion to check in, and then fire a startup event. # Disabled if parallel because it doesn't work! if start_action and not parallel: queue = multiprocessing.Queue() process = multiprocessing.Process( target=check_auth, kwargs=dict( name=name, sock_dir=sock_dir, timeout=newtimeout, queue=queue ), name=f"DeployScriptCheckAuth({name})", ) log.debug("Starting new process to wait for salt-minion") process.start() # Run the deploy script if script: if "bootstrap-salt" in script: deploy_command += f" -c '{tmp_dir}'" if force_minion_config: deploy_command += " -F" if make_syndic is True: deploy_command += " -S" if make_master is True: deploy_command += " -M" if make_minion is False: deploy_command += " -N" if keep_tmp is True: deploy_command += " -K" if preseed_minion_keys is not None: deploy_command += f" -k '{preseed_minion_keys_tempdir}'" if script_args: deploy_command += f" {script_args}" if script_env: if not isinstance(script_env, dict): raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The 'script_env' configuration setting NEEDS " "to be a dictionary not a {}".format(type(script_env)) ) environ_script_contents = ["#!/bin/sh"] for key, value in script_env.items(): environ_script_contents.append( "setenv {0} '{1}' >/dev/null 2>&1 || " "export {0}='{1}'".format(key, value) ) environ_script_contents.append(deploy_command) # Upload our environ setter wrapper ssh_file( opts, f"{tmp_dir}/environ-deploy-wrapper.sh", "\n".join(environ_script_contents), ssh_kwargs, ) root_cmd( f"chmod +x '{tmp_dir}/environ-deploy-wrapper.sh'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs, ) # The deploy command is now our wrapper deploy_command = "'{}/environ-deploy-wrapper.sh'".format( tmp_dir, ) if root_cmd(deploy_command, tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) != 0: raise SaltCloudSystemExit( f"Executing the command '{deploy_command}' failed" ) log.debug("Executed command '%s'", deploy_command) # Remove the deploy script if not keep_tmp: root_cmd(f"rm -f '{tmp_dir}/deploy.sh'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) log.debug("Removed %s/deploy.sh", tmp_dir) if script_env: root_cmd( f"rm -f '{tmp_dir}/environ-deploy-wrapper.sh'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs, ) log.debug("Removed %s/environ-deploy-wrapper.sh", tmp_dir) if keep_tmp: log.debug("Not removing deployment files from %s/", tmp_dir) else: # Remove minion configuration if minion_pub: root_cmd(f"rm -f '{tmp_dir}/minion.pub'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) log.debug("Removed %s/minion.pub", tmp_dir) if minion_pem: root_cmd(f"rm -f '{tmp_dir}/minion.pem'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) log.debug("Removed %s/minion.pem", tmp_dir) if minion_conf: root_cmd(f"rm -f '{tmp_dir}/grains'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) log.debug("Removed %s/grains", tmp_dir) root_cmd(f"rm -f '{tmp_dir}/minion'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) log.debug("Removed %s/minion", tmp_dir) if master_sign_pub_file: root_cmd( f"rm -f {tmp_dir}/master_sign.pub", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs ) log.debug("Removed %s/master_sign.pub", tmp_dir) # Remove master configuration if master_pub: root_cmd(f"rm -f '{tmp_dir}/master.pub'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) log.debug("Removed %s/master.pub", tmp_dir) if master_pem: root_cmd(f"rm -f '{tmp_dir}/master.pem'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) log.debug("Removed %s/master.pem", tmp_dir) if master_conf: root_cmd(f"rm -f '{tmp_dir}/master'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) log.debug("Removed %s/master", tmp_dir) # Remove pre-seed keys directory if preseed_minion_keys is not None: root_cmd( f"rm -rf '{preseed_minion_keys_tempdir}'", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs, ) log.debug("Removed %s", preseed_minion_keys_tempdir) if start_action and not parallel: queuereturn = queue.get() process.join() if queuereturn and start_action: # client = salt.client.LocalClient(conf_file) # output = client.cmd_iter( # host, 'state.highstate', timeout=timeout # ) # for line in output: # print(line) log.info("Executing %s on the salt-minion", start_action) root_cmd(f"salt-call {start_action}", tty, sudo, **ssh_kwargs) log.info("Finished executing %s on the salt-minion", start_action) # Fire deploy action fire_event( "event", f"{name} has been deployed at {host}", f"salt/cloud/{name}/deploy_script", args={"name": name, "host": host}, sock_dir=opts.get( "sock_dir", os.path.join(__opts__["sock_dir"], "master") ), transport=opts.get("transport", "zeromq"), ) if file_map_fail or file_map_success: return { "File Upload Success": file_map_success, "File Upload Failure": file_map_fail, } return True return False def run_inline_script( host, name=None, port=22, timeout=900, username="root", key_filename=None, inline_script=None, ssh_timeout=15, display_ssh_output=True, parallel=False, sudo_password=None, sudo=False, password=None, tty=None, opts=None, tmp_dir="/tmp/.saltcloud-inline_script", **kwargs, ): """ Run the inline script commands, one by one :**kwargs: catch all other things we may get but don't actually need/use """ gateway = None if "gateway" in kwargs: gateway = kwargs["gateway"] starttime = time.mktime(time.localtime()) log.debug("Deploying %s at %s", host, starttime) known_hosts_file = kwargs.get("known_hosts_file", "/dev/null") if wait_for_port(host=host, port=port, gateway=gateway): log.debug("SSH port %s on %s is available", port, host) newtimeout = timeout - (time.mktime(time.localtime()) - starttime) if wait_for_passwd( host, port=port, username=username, password=password, key_filename=key_filename, ssh_timeout=ssh_timeout, display_ssh_output=display_ssh_output, gateway=gateway, known_hosts_file=known_hosts_file, ): log.debug("Logging into %s:%s as %s", host, port, username) newtimeout = timeout - (time.mktime(time.localtime()) - starttime) ssh_kwargs = { "hostname": host, "port": port, "username": username, "timeout": ssh_timeout, "display_ssh_output": display_ssh_output, "sudo_password": sudo_password, "sftp": opts.get("use_sftp", False), } ssh_kwargs.update(__ssh_gateway_config_dict(gateway)) if key_filename: log.debug("Using %s as the key_filename", key_filename) ssh_kwargs["key_filename"] = key_filename elif ( password and "has_ssh_agent" in kwargs and kwargs["has_ssh_agent"] is False ): ssh_kwargs["password"] = password # TODO: write some tests ??? # TODO: check edge cases (e.g. ssh gateways, salt deploy disabled, etc.) if ( root_cmd( f'test -e \\"{tmp_dir}\\"', tty, sudo, allow_failure=True, **ssh_kwargs, ) and inline_script ): log.debug("Found inline script to execute.") for cmd_line in inline_script: log.info("Executing inline command: %s", cmd_line) ret = root_cmd( f'sh -c "( {cmd_line} )"', tty, sudo, allow_failure=True, **ssh_kwargs, ) if ret: log.info("[%s] Output: %s", cmd_line, ret) # TODO: ensure we send the correct return value return True def filter_event(tag, data, defaults): """ Accept a tag, a dict and a list of default keys to return from the dict, and check them against the cloud configuration for that tag """ ret = {} keys = [] use_defaults = True for ktag in __opts__.get("filter_events", {}): if tag != ktag: continue keys = __opts__["filter_events"][ktag]["keys"] use_defaults = __opts__["filter_events"][ktag].get("use_defaults", True) if use_defaults is False: defaults = [] # For PY3, if something like ".keys()" or ".values()" is used on a dictionary, # it returns a dict_view and not a list like in PY2. "defaults" should be passed # in with the correct data type, but don't stack-trace in case it wasn't. if not isinstance(defaults, list): defaults = list(defaults) defaults = list(set(defaults + keys)) for key in defaults: if key in data: ret[key] = data[key] return ret def fire_event(key, msg, tag, sock_dir, args=None, transport="zeromq"): """ Fire deploy action """ with salt.utils.event.get_event("master", sock_dir, listen=False) as event: try: event.fire_event(msg, tag) except ValueError: # We're using at least a 0.17.x version of salt if isinstance(args, dict): args[key] = msg else: args = {key: msg} event.fire_event(args, tag) # https://github.com/zeromq/pyzmq/issues/173#issuecomment-4037083 # Assertion failed: get_load () == 0 (poller_base.cpp:32) time.sleep(0.025) def _exec_ssh_cmd(cmd, error_msg=None, allow_failure=False, **kwargs): if error_msg is None: error_msg = "A wrong password has been issued while establishing ssh session." password_retries = kwargs.get("password_retries", 3) try: stdout, stderr = None, None proc = salt.utils.vt.Terminal( cmd, shell=True, log_stdout=True, log_stderr=True, stream_stdout=kwargs.get("display_ssh_output", True), stream_stderr=kwargs.get("display_ssh_output", True), ) sent_password = 0 while proc.has_unread_data: stdout, stderr = proc.recv() if stdout and SSH_PASSWORD_PROMP_RE.search(stdout): # if authenticating with an SSH key and 'sudo' is found # in the password prompt if ( "key_filename" in kwargs and kwargs["key_filename"] and SSH_PASSWORD_PROMP_SUDO_RE.search(stdout) ): proc.sendline(kwargs["sudo_password"]) # elif authenticating via password and haven't exhausted our # password_retires elif kwargs.get("password", None) and ( sent_password < password_retries ): sent_password += 1 proc.sendline(kwargs["password"]) # else raise an error as we are not authenticating properly # * not authenticating with an SSH key # * not authenticating with a Password else: raise SaltCloudPasswordError(error_msg) # 0.0125 is really too fast on some systems time.sleep(0.5) if proc.exitstatus != 0 and allow_failure is False: raise SaltCloudSystemExit( f"Command '{cmd}' failed. Exit code: {proc.exitstatus}" ) return proc.exitstatus except salt.utils.vt.TerminalException as err: trace = traceback.format_exc() log.error( error_msg.format(cmd, err, trace) ) # pylint: disable=str-format-in-logging finally: proc.close(terminate=True, kill=True) # Signal an error return 1 def scp_file(dest_path, contents=None, kwargs=None, local_file=None): """ Use scp or sftp to copy a file to a server """ file_to_upload = None try: if contents is not None: try: tmpfd, file_to_upload = tempfile.mkstemp() os.write(tmpfd, contents) finally: try: os.close(tmpfd) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.EBADF: raise log.debug("Uploading %s to %s", dest_path, kwargs["hostname"]) ssh_args = [ # Don't add new hosts to the host key database "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no", # make sure ssh can time out on connection lose "-oServerAliveInterval={}".format( kwargs.get("server_alive_interval", SERVER_ALIVE_INTERVAL) ), "-oServerAliveCountMax={}".format( kwargs.get("server_alive_count_max", SERVER_ALIVE_COUNT_MAX) ), # Set hosts key database path to /dev/null, i.e., non-existing "-oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null", # Don't re-use the SSH connection. Less failures. "-oControlPath=none", ] if local_file is not None: file_to_upload = local_file if os.path.isdir(local_file): ssh_args.append("-r") if "key_filename" in kwargs: # There should never be both a password and an ssh key passed in, so ssh_args.extend( [ # tell SSH to skip password authentication "-oPasswordAuthentication=no", "-oChallengeResponseAuthentication=no", # Make sure public key authentication is enabled "-oPubkeyAuthentication=yes", # do only use the provided identity file "-oIdentitiesOnly=yes", # No Keyboard interaction! "-oKbdInteractiveAuthentication=no", # Also, specify the location of the key file "-i {}".format(kwargs["key_filename"]), ] ) if "port" in kwargs: ssh_args.append("-oPort={}".format(kwargs["port"])) ssh_args.append(__ssh_gateway_arguments(kwargs)) try: if socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, kwargs["hostname"]): ipaddr = "[{}]".format(kwargs["hostname"]) else: ipaddr = kwargs["hostname"] except OSError: ipaddr = kwargs["hostname"] if file_to_upload is None: log.warning( "No source file to upload. Please make sure that either file " "contents or the path to a local file are provided." ) cmd = ( "scp {0} {1} {2[username]}@{4}:{3} || " 'echo "put {1} {3}" | sftp {0} {2[username]}@{4} || ' 'rsync -avz -e "ssh {0}" {1} {2[username]}@{2[hostname]}:{3}'.format( " ".join(ssh_args), file_to_upload, kwargs, dest_path, ipaddr ) ) log.debug("SCP command: '%s'", cmd) retcode = _exec_ssh_cmd( cmd, error_msg="Failed to upload file '{0}': {1}\n{2}", password_retries=3, **kwargs, ) finally: if contents is not None: try: os.remove(file_to_upload) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise return retcode def ssh_file(opts, dest_path, contents=None, kwargs=None, local_file=None): """ Copies a file to the remote SSH target using either sftp or scp, as configured. """ if opts.get("file_transport", "sftp") == "sftp": return sftp_file(dest_path, contents, kwargs, local_file) return scp_file(dest_path, contents, kwargs, local_file) def sftp_file(dest_path, contents=None, kwargs=None, local_file=None): """ Use sftp to upload a file to a server """ put_args = [] if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} file_to_upload = None try: if contents is not None: try: tmpfd, file_to_upload = tempfile.mkstemp() if isinstance(contents, str): os.write(tmpfd, contents.encode(__salt_system_encoding__)) else: os.write(tmpfd, contents) finally: try: os.close(tmpfd) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.EBADF: raise if local_file is not None: file_to_upload = local_file if os.path.isdir(local_file): put_args = ["-r"] log.debug("Uploading %s to %s (sftp)", dest_path, kwargs.get("hostname")) ssh_args = [ # Don't add new hosts to the host key database "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no", # make sure ssh can time out on connection lose "-oServerAliveInterval={}".format( kwargs.get("server_alive_interval", SERVER_ALIVE_INTERVAL) ), "-oServerAliveCountMax={}".format( kwargs.get("server_alive_count_max", SERVER_ALIVE_COUNT_MAX) ), # Set hosts key database path to /dev/null, i.e., non-existing "-oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null", # Don't re-use the SSH connection. Less failures. "-oControlPath=none", ] if "key_filename" in kwargs: # There should never be both a password and an ssh key passed in, so ssh_args.extend( [ # tell SSH to skip password authentication "-oPasswordAuthentication=no", "-oChallengeResponseAuthentication=no", # Make sure public key authentication is enabled "-oPubkeyAuthentication=yes", # do only use the provided identity file "-oIdentitiesOnly=yes", # No Keyboard interaction! "-oKbdInteractiveAuthentication=no", # Also, specify the location of the key file "-oIdentityFile={}".format(kwargs["key_filename"]), ] ) if "port" in kwargs: ssh_args.append("-oPort={}".format(kwargs["port"])) ssh_args.append(__ssh_gateway_arguments(kwargs)) try: if socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, kwargs["hostname"]): ipaddr = "[{}]".format(kwargs["hostname"]) else: ipaddr = kwargs["hostname"] except OSError: ipaddr = kwargs["hostname"] if file_to_upload is None: log.warning( "No source file to upload. Please make sure that either file " "contents or the path to a local file are provided." ) cmd = 'echo "put {0} {1} {2}" | sftp {3} {4[username]}@{5}'.format( " ".join(put_args), file_to_upload, dest_path, " ".join(ssh_args), kwargs, ipaddr, ) log.debug("SFTP command: '%s'", cmd) retcode = _exec_ssh_cmd( cmd, error_msg="Failed to upload file '{0}': {1}\n{2}", password_retries=3, **kwargs, ) finally: if contents is not None: try: os.remove(file_to_upload) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise return retcode def win_cmd(command, **kwargs): """ Wrapper for commands to be run against Windows boxes """ logging_command = kwargs.get("logging_command", None) try: proc = NonBlockingPopen( command, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stream_stds=kwargs.get("display_ssh_output", True), logging_command=logging_command, ) if logging_command is None: log.debug("Executing command(PID %s): '%s'", proc.pid, command) else: log.debug("Executing command(PID %s): '%s'", proc.pid, logging_command) proc.poll_and_read_until_finish() proc.communicate() return proc.returncode except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Failed to execute command '%s'", logging_command) # Signal an error return 1 def winrm_cmd(session, command, flags, **kwargs): """ Wrapper for commands to be run against Windows boxes using WinRM. """ log.debug("Executing WinRM command: %s %s", command, flags) r = session.run_cmd(command, flags) return r.status_code def root_cmd(command, tty, sudo, allow_failure=False, **kwargs): """ Wrapper for commands to be run as root """ logging_command = command sudo_password = kwargs.get("sudo_password", None) if sudo: if sudo_password is None: command = f"sudo {command}" logging_command = command else: logging_command = f'sudo -S "XXX-REDACTED-XXX" {command}' command = f"sudo -S {command}" log.debug("Using sudo to run command %s", logging_command) ssh_args = [] if tty: # Use double `-t` on the `ssh` command, it's necessary when `sudo` has # `requiretty` enforced. ssh_args.extend(["-t", "-t"]) known_hosts_file = kwargs.get("known_hosts_file", "/dev/null") host_key_checking = "no" if known_hosts_file != "/dev/null": host_key_checking = "yes" ssh_args.extend( [ # Don't add new hosts to the host key database f"-oStrictHostKeyChecking={host_key_checking}", # Set hosts key database path to /dev/null, i.e., non-existing f"-oUserKnownHostsFile={known_hosts_file}", # Don't re-use the SSH connection. Less failures. "-oControlPath=none", ] ) if "key_filename" in kwargs: # There should never be both a password and an ssh key passed in, so ssh_args.extend( [ # tell SSH to skip password authentication "-oPasswordAuthentication=no", "-oChallengeResponseAuthentication=no", # Make sure public key authentication is enabled "-oPubkeyAuthentication=yes", # do only use the provided identity file "-oIdentitiesOnly=yes", # No Keyboard interaction! "-oKbdInteractiveAuthentication=no", # Also, specify the location of the key file "-i {}".format(kwargs["key_filename"]), ] ) if "ssh_timeout" in kwargs: ssh_args.extend(["-oConnectTimeout={}".format(kwargs["ssh_timeout"])]) ssh_args.extend([__ssh_gateway_arguments(kwargs)]) if "port" in kwargs: ssh_args.extend(["-p {}".format(kwargs["port"])]) cmd = "ssh {0} {1[username]}@{1[hostname]} ".format(" ".join(ssh_args), kwargs) logging_command = cmd + logging_command cmd = cmd + shlex.quote(command) hard_timeout = kwargs.get("hard_timeout") if hard_timeout is not None: logging_command = f"timeout {hard_timeout} {logging_command}" cmd = f"timeout {hard_timeout} {cmd}" log.debug("SSH command: '%s'", logging_command) retcode = _exec_ssh_cmd(cmd, allow_failure=allow_failure, **kwargs) return retcode def check_auth(name, sock_dir=None, queue=None, timeout=300): """ This function is called from a multiprocess instance, to wait for a minion to become available to receive salt commands """ with salt.utils.event.SaltEvent("master", sock_dir, listen=True) as event: starttime = time.mktime(time.localtime()) newtimeout = timeout log.debug("In check_auth, waiting for %s to become available", name) while newtimeout > 0: newtimeout = timeout - (time.mktime(time.localtime()) - starttime) ret = event.get_event(full=True) if ret is None: continue if ret["tag"] == f"salt/minion/{name}/start": queue.put(name) newtimeout = 0 log.debug("Minion %s is ready to receive commands", name) def ip_to_int(ip): """ Converts an IP address to an integer """ ret = 0 for octet in ip.split("."): ret = ret * 256 + int(octet) return ret def is_public_ip(ip): """ Determines whether an IP address falls within one of the private IP ranges """ if ":" in ip: # ipv6 if ip.startswith("fe80:"): # ipv6 link local return False return True addr = ip_to_int(ip) if 167772160 < addr < 184549375: # return False elif 3232235520 < addr < 3232301055: # return False elif 2886729728 < addr < 2887778303: # return False elif 2130706432 < addr < 2147483647: # return False return True def check_name(name, safe_chars): """ Check whether the specified name contains invalid characters """ regexp = re.compile(f"[^{safe_chars}]") if regexp.search(name): raise SaltCloudException( "{} contains characters not supported by this cloud provider. " "Valid characters are: {}".format(name, safe_chars) ) def remove_sshkey(host, known_hosts=None): """ Remove a host from the known_hosts file """ if known_hosts is None: if "HOME" in os.environ: known_hosts = "{}/.ssh/known_hosts".format(os.environ["HOME"]) else: try: known_hosts = "{}/.ssh/known_hosts".format( pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pwd_dir ) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass if known_hosts is not None: log.debug("Removing ssh key for %s from known hosts file %s", host, known_hosts) else: log.debug("Removing ssh key for %s from known hosts file", host) subprocess.call(["ssh-keygen", "-R", host]) def wait_for_ip( update_callback, update_args=None, update_kwargs=None, timeout=5 * 60, interval=5, interval_multiplier=1, max_failures=10, ): """ Helper function that waits for an IP address for a specific maximum amount of time. :param update_callback: callback function which queries the cloud provider for the VM ip address. It must return None if the required data, IP included, is not available yet. :param update_args: Arguments to pass to update_callback :param update_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to update_callback :param timeout: The maximum amount of time(in seconds) to wait for the IP address. :param interval: The looping interval, i.e., the amount of time to sleep before the next iteration. :param interval_multiplier: Increase the interval by this multiplier after each request; helps with throttling :param max_failures: If update_callback returns ``False`` it's considered query failure. This value is the amount of failures accepted before giving up. :returns: The update_callback returned data :raises: SaltCloudExecutionTimeout """ if update_args is None: update_args = () if update_kwargs is None: update_kwargs = {} duration = timeout while True: log.debug( "Waiting for VM IP. Giving up in 00:%02d:%02d.", int(timeout // 60), int(timeout % 60), ) data = update_callback(*update_args, **update_kwargs) if data is False: log.debug( "'update_callback' has returned 'False', which is " "considered a failure. Remaining Failures: %s.", max_failures, ) max_failures -= 1 if max_failures <= 0: raise SaltCloudExecutionFailure( "Too many failures occurred while waiting for the IP address." ) elif data is not None: return data if timeout < 0: raise SaltCloudExecutionTimeout( "Unable to get IP for 00:{:02d}:{:02d}.".format( int(duration // 60), int(duration % 60) ) ) time.sleep(interval) timeout -= interval if interval_multiplier > 1: interval *= interval_multiplier if interval > timeout: interval = timeout + 1 log.info("Interval multiplier in effect; interval is now %ss.", interval) def list_nodes_select(nodes, selection, call=None): """ Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields """ if call == "action": raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "The list_nodes_select function must be called with -f or --function." ) if "error" in nodes: raise SaltCloudSystemExit( "An error occurred while listing nodes: {}".format( nodes["error"]["Errors"]["Error"]["Message"] ) ) ret = {} for node in nodes: pairs = {} data = nodes[node] for key in data: if str(key) in selection: value = data[key] pairs[key] = value ret[node] = pairs return ret def lock_file(filename, interval=0.5, timeout=15): """ Lock a file; if it is already locked, then wait for it to become available before locking it. Note that these locks are only recognized by Salt Cloud, and not other programs or platforms. """ log.trace("Attempting to obtain lock for %s", filename) lock = filename + ".lock" start = time.time() while True: if os.path.exists(lock): if time.time() - start >= timeout: log.warning("Unable to obtain lock for %s", filename) return False time.sleep(interval) else: break with salt.utils.files.fopen(lock, "a"): pass def unlock_file(filename): """ Unlock a locked file Note that these locks are only recognized by Salt Cloud, and not other programs or platforms. """ log.trace("Removing lock for %s", filename) lock = filename + ".lock" try: os.remove(lock) except OSError as exc: log.trace("Unable to remove lock for %s: %s", filename, exc) def cachedir_index_add(minion_id, profile, driver, provider, base=None): """ Add an entry to the cachedir index. This generally only needs to happen when a new instance is created. This entry should contain: .. code-block:: yaml - minion_id - profile used to create the instance - provider and driver name The intent of this function is to speed up lookups for the cloud roster for salt-ssh. However, other code that makes use of profile information can also make use of this function. """ base = init_cachedir(base) index_file = os.path.join(base, "index.p") lock_file(index_file) if os.path.exists(index_file): with salt.utils.files.fopen(index_file, "rb") as fh_: index = salt.utils.data.decode( salt.utils.msgpack.load(fh_, encoding=MSGPACK_ENCODING) ) else: index = {} prov_comps = provider.split(":") index.update( { minion_id: { "id": minion_id, "profile": profile, "driver": driver, "provider": prov_comps[0], } } ) with salt.utils.files.fopen(index_file, "wb") as fh_: salt.utils.msgpack.dump(index, fh_, encoding=MSGPACK_ENCODING) unlock_file(index_file) def cachedir_index_del(minion_id, base=None): """ Delete an entry from the cachedir index. This generally only needs to happen when an instance is deleted. """ base = init_cachedir(base) index_file = os.path.join(base, "index.p") lock_file(index_file) if os.path.exists(index_file): with salt.utils.files.fopen(index_file, "rb") as fh_: index = salt.utils.data.decode( salt.utils.msgpack.load(fh_, encoding=MSGPACK_ENCODING) ) else: return if minion_id in index: del index[minion_id] with salt.utils.files.fopen(index_file, "wb") as fh_: salt.utils.msgpack.dump(index, fh_, encoding=MSGPACK_ENCODING) unlock_file(index_file) def init_cachedir(base=None): """ Initialize the cachedir needed for Salt Cloud to keep track of minions """ if base is None: base = __opts__["cachedir"] needed_dirs = (base, os.path.join(base, "requested"), os.path.join(base, "active")) for dir_ in needed_dirs: if not os.path.exists(dir_): os.makedirs(dir_) os.chmod(base, 0o755) return base # FIXME: This function seems used nowhere. Dead code? def request_minion_cachedir( minion_id, opts=None, fingerprint="", pubkey=None, provider=None, base=None, ): """ Creates an entry in the requested/ cachedir. This means that Salt Cloud has made a request to a cloud provider to create an instance, but it has not yet verified that the instance properly exists. If the fingerprint is unknown, a raw pubkey can be passed in, and a fingerprint will be calculated. If both are empty, then the fingerprint will be set to None. """ if base is None: base = __opts__["cachedir"] if not fingerprint and pubkey is not None: fingerprint = salt.utils.crypt.pem_finger( key=pubkey, sum_type=(opts and opts.get("hash_type") or "sha256") ) init_cachedir(base) data = { "minion_id": minion_id, "fingerprint": fingerprint, "provider": provider, } fname = f"{minion_id}.p" path = os.path.join(base, "requested", fname) with salt.utils.files.fopen(path, "wb") as fh_: salt.utils.msgpack.dump(data, fh_, encoding=MSGPACK_ENCODING) def change_minion_cachedir( minion_id, cachedir, data=None, base=None, ): """ Changes the info inside a minion's cachedir entry. The type of cachedir must be specified (i.e., 'requested' or 'active'). A dict is also passed in which contains the data to be changed. Example: change_minion_cachedir( 'myminion', 'requested', {'fingerprint': '26:5c:8c:de:be:fe:89:c0:02:ed:27:65:0e:bb:be:60'}, ) """ if not isinstance(data, dict): return False if base is None: base = __opts__["cachedir"] fname = f"{minion_id}.p" path = os.path.join(base, cachedir, fname) with salt.utils.files.fopen(path, "r") as fh_: cache_data = salt.utils.data.decode( salt.utils.msgpack.load(fh_, encoding=MSGPACK_ENCODING) ) cache_data.update(data) with salt.utils.files.fopen(path, "w") as fh_: salt.utils.msgpack.dump(cache_data, fh_, encoding=MSGPACK_ENCODING) def activate_minion_cachedir(minion_id, base=None): """ Moves a minion from the requested/ cachedir into the active/ cachedir. This means that Salt Cloud has verified that a requested instance properly exists, and should be expected to exist from here on out. """ if base is None: base = __opts__["cachedir"] fname = f"{minion_id}.p" src = os.path.join(base, "requested", fname) dst = os.path.join(base, "active") shutil.move(src, dst) def delete_minion_cachedir(minion_id, provider, opts, base=None): """ Deletes a minion's entry from the cloud cachedir. It will search through all cachedirs to find the minion's cache file. Needs `update_cachedir` set to True. """ if isinstance(opts, dict): __opts__.update(opts) if __opts__.get("update_cachedir", False) is False: return if base is None: base = __opts__["cachedir"] driver = next(iter(__opts__["providers"][provider].keys())) fname = f"{minion_id}.p" for cachedir in "requested", "active": path = os.path.join(base, cachedir, driver, provider, fname) log.debug("path: %s", path) if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) def list_cache_nodes_full(opts=None, provider=None, base=None): """ Return a list of minion data from the cloud cache, rather from the cloud providers themselves. This is the cloud cache version of list_nodes_full(). """ if opts is None: opts = __opts__ if opts.get("update_cachedir", False) is False: return if base is None: base = os.path.join(opts["cachedir"], "active") minions = {} # First, get a list of all drivers in use for driver in os.listdir(base): minions[driver] = {} prov_dir = os.path.join(base, driver) # Then, get a list of all providers per driver for prov in os.listdir(prov_dir): # If a specific provider is requested, filter out everyone else if provider and provider != prov: continue minions[driver][prov] = {} min_dir = os.path.join(prov_dir, prov) # Get a list of all nodes per provider for fname in os.listdir(min_dir): # Finally, get a list of full minion data fpath = os.path.join(min_dir, fname) minion_id = fname[:-2] # strip '.p' from end of msgpack filename with salt.utils.files.fopen(fpath, "rb") as fh_: minions[driver][prov][minion_id] = salt.utils.data.decode( salt.utils.msgpack.load(fh_, encoding=MSGPACK_ENCODING) ) return minions def update_bootstrap(config, url=None): """ Update the salt-bootstrap script url can be one of: - The URL to fetch the bootstrap script from - The absolute path to the bootstrap - The content of the bootstrap script """ default_url = config.get("bootstrap_script_url", "https://bootstrap.saltstack.com") if not url: url = default_url if not url: raise ValueError("Cant get any source to update") if url.startswith("http") or "://" in url: log.debug("Updating the bootstrap-salt.sh script to latest stable") try: import requests except ImportError: return { "error": ( "Updating the bootstrap-salt.sh script requires the " "Python requests library to be installed" ) } req = requests.get(url) if req.status_code != 200: return { "error": ( "Failed to download the latest stable version of the " "bootstrap-salt.sh script from {}. HTTP error: " "{}".format(url, req.status_code) ) } script_content = req.text if url == default_url: script_name = "bootstrap-salt.sh" else: script_name = os.path.basename(url) elif os.path.exists(url): with salt.utils.files.fopen(url) as fic: script_content = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(fic.read()) script_name = os.path.basename(url) # in last case, assuming we got a script content else: script_content = url script_name = f"{hashlib.sha1(script_content).hexdigest()}.sh" if not script_content: raise ValueError("No content in bootstrap script !") # Get the path to the built-in deploy scripts directory builtin_deploy_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "deploy") # Compute the search path from the current loaded opts conf_file # value deploy_d_from_conf_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(config["conf_file"]), "cloud.deploy.d" ) # Compute the search path using the install time defined # syspaths.CONF_DIR deploy_d_from_syspaths = os.path.join(config["config_dir"], "cloud.deploy.d") # Get a copy of any defined search paths, flagging them not to # create parent deploy_scripts_search_paths = [] for entry in config.get("deploy_scripts_search_path", []): if entry.startswith(builtin_deploy_dir): # We won't write the updated script to the built-in deploy # directory continue if entry in (deploy_d_from_conf_file, deploy_d_from_syspaths): # Allow parent directories to be made deploy_scripts_search_paths.append((entry, True)) else: deploy_scripts_search_paths.append((entry, False)) # In case the user is not using defaults and the computed # 'cloud.deploy.d' from conf_file and syspaths is not included, add # them if deploy_d_from_conf_file not in deploy_scripts_search_paths: deploy_scripts_search_paths.append((deploy_d_from_conf_file, True)) if deploy_d_from_syspaths not in deploy_scripts_search_paths: deploy_scripts_search_paths.append((deploy_d_from_syspaths, True)) finished = [] finished_full = [] for entry, makedirs in deploy_scripts_search_paths: # This handles duplicate entries, which are likely to appear if entry in finished: continue else: finished.append(entry) if makedirs and not os.path.isdir(entry): try: os.makedirs(entry) except OSError as err: log.info("Failed to create directory '%s'", entry) continue if not is_writeable(entry): log.debug("The '%s' is not writeable. Continuing...", entry) continue deploy_path = os.path.join(entry, script_name) try: finished_full.append(deploy_path) with salt.utils.files.fopen(deploy_path, "w") as fp_: fp_.write(salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(script_content)) except OSError as err: log.debug("Failed to write the updated script: %s", err) continue return {"Success": {"Files updated": finished_full}} def cache_node_list(nodes, provider, opts): """ If configured to do so, update the cloud cachedir with the current list of nodes. Also fires configured events pertaining to the node list. .. versionadded:: 2014.7.0 """ if "update_cachedir" not in opts or not opts["update_cachedir"]: return base = os.path.join(init_cachedir(), "active") driver = next(iter(opts["providers"][provider].keys())) prov_dir = os.path.join(base, driver, provider) if not os.path.exists(prov_dir): os.makedirs(prov_dir) # Check to see if any nodes in the cache are not in the new list missing_node_cache(prov_dir, nodes, provider, opts) for node in nodes: diff_node_cache(prov_dir, node, nodes[node], opts) path = os.path.join(prov_dir, f"{node}.p") with salt.utils.files.fopen(path, "wb") as fh_: salt.utils.msgpack.dump(nodes[node], fh_, encoding=MSGPACK_ENCODING) def cache_node(node, provider, opts): """ Cache node individually .. versionadded:: 2014.7.0 """ if isinstance(opts, dict): __opts__.update(opts) if "update_cachedir" not in __opts__ or not __opts__["update_cachedir"]: return if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(__opts__["cachedir"], "active")): init_cachedir() base = os.path.join(__opts__["cachedir"], "active") provider, driver = provider.split(":") prov_dir = os.path.join(base, driver, provider) if not os.path.exists(prov_dir): os.makedirs(prov_dir) path = os.path.join(prov_dir, "{}.p".format(node["name"])) with salt.utils.files.fopen(path, "wb") as fh_: salt.utils.msgpack.dump(node, fh_, encoding=MSGPACK_ENCODING) def missing_node_cache(prov_dir, node_list, provider, opts): """ Check list of nodes to see if any nodes which were previously known about in the cache have been removed from the node list. This function will only run if configured to do so in the main Salt Cloud configuration file (normally /etc/salt/cloud). .. code-block:: yaml diff_cache_events: True .. versionadded:: 2014.7.0 """ cached_nodes = [] for node in os.listdir(prov_dir): cached_nodes.append(os.path.splitext(node)[0]) for node in cached_nodes: if node not in node_list: delete_minion_cachedir(node, provider, opts) if "diff_cache_events" in opts and opts["diff_cache_events"]: fire_event( "event", "cached node missing from provider", f"salt/cloud/{node}/cache_node_missing", args={"missing node": node}, sock_dir=opts.get( "sock_dir", os.path.join(__opts__["sock_dir"], "master") ), transport=opts.get("transport", "zeromq"), ) def diff_node_cache(prov_dir, node, new_data, opts): """ Check new node data against current cache. If data differ, fire an event which consists of the new node data. This function will only run if configured to do so in the main Salt Cloud configuration file (normally /etc/salt/cloud). .. code-block:: yaml diff_cache_events: True .. versionadded:: 2014.7.0 """ if "diff_cache_events" not in opts or not opts["diff_cache_events"]: return if node is None: return path = f"{os.path.join(prov_dir, node)}.p" if not os.path.exists(path): event_data = _strip_cache_events(new_data, opts) fire_event( "event", "new node found", f"salt/cloud/{node}/cache_node_new", args={"new_data": event_data}, sock_dir=opts.get("sock_dir", os.path.join(__opts__["sock_dir"], "master")), transport=opts.get("transport", "zeromq"), ) return with salt.utils.files.fopen(path, "r") as fh_: try: cache_data = salt.utils.data.decode( salt.utils.msgpack.load(fh_, encoding=MSGPACK_ENCODING) ) except ValueError: log.warning("Cache for %s was corrupt: Deleting", node) cache_data = {} # Perform a simple diff between the old and the new data, and if it differs, # return both dicts. # TODO: Return an actual diff diff = salt.utils.compat.cmp(new_data, cache_data) if diff != 0: fire_event( "event", "node data differs", f"salt/cloud/{node}/cache_node_diff", args={ "new_data": _strip_cache_events(new_data, opts), "cache_data": _strip_cache_events(cache_data, opts), }, sock_dir=opts.get("sock_dir", os.path.join(__opts__["sock_dir"], "master")), transport=opts.get("transport", "zeromq"), ) def _strip_cache_events(data, opts): """ Strip out user-configured sensitive event data. The fields to be stripped are configured in the main Salt Cloud configuration file, usually ``/etc/salt/cloud``. .. code-block:: yaml cache_event_strip_fields: - password - priv_key .. versionadded:: 2014.7.0 """ event_data = copy.deepcopy(data) strip_fields = opts.get("cache_event_strip_fields", []) for field in strip_fields: if field in event_data: del event_data[field] return event_data def _salt_cloud_force_ascii(exc): """ Helper method to try its best to convert any Unicode text into ASCII without stack tracing since salt internally does not handle Unicode strings This method is not supposed to be used directly. Once `py:module: salt.utils.cloud` is imported this method register's with python's codecs module for proper automatic conversion in case of encoding errors. """ if not isinstance(exc, (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeTranslateError)): raise TypeError(f"Can't handle {exc}") unicode_trans = { # Convert non-breaking space to space "\xa0": " ", # Convert en dash to dash "\u2013": "-", } if exc.object[exc.start : exc.end] in unicode_trans: return unicode_trans[exc.object[exc.start : exc.end]], exc.end # There's nothing else we can do, raise the exception raise exc codecs.register_error("salt-cloud-force-ascii", _salt_cloud_force_ascii) def retrieve_password_from_keyring(credential_id, username): """ Retrieve particular user's password for a specified credential set from system keyring. """ try: import keyring # pylint: disable=import-error return keyring.get_password(credential_id, username) except ImportError: log.error( "USE_KEYRING configured as a password, but no keyring module is installed" ) return False def _save_password_in_keyring(credential_id, username, password): """ Saves provider password in system keyring """ try: import keyring # pylint: disable=import-error return keyring.set_password(credential_id, username, password) except ImportError: log.error( "Tried to store password in keyring, but no keyring module is installed" ) return False def store_password_in_keyring(credential_id, username, password=None): """ Interactively prompts user for a password and stores it in system keyring """ try: # pylint: disable=import-error import keyring import keyring.errors # pylint: enable=import-error if password is None: prompt = f"Please enter password for {credential_id}: " try: password = getpass.getpass(prompt) except EOFError: password = None if not password: # WE should raise something else here to be able to use this # as/from an API raise RuntimeError("Invalid password provided.") try: _save_password_in_keyring(credential_id, username, password) except keyring.errors.PasswordSetError as exc: log.debug("Problem saving password in the keyring: %s", exc) except ImportError: log.error( "Tried to store password in keyring, but no keyring module is installed" ) return False def _unwrap_dict(dictionary, index_string): """ Accepts index in form of a string Returns final value Example: dictionary = {'a': {'b': {'c': 'foobar'}}} index_string = 'a,b,c' returns 'foobar' """ index = index_string.split(",") for k in index: dictionary = dictionary[k] return dictionary def run_func_until_ret_arg( fun, kwargs, fun_call=None, argument_being_watched=None, required_argument_response=None, ): """ Waits until the function retrieves some required argument. NOTE: Tested with ec2 describe_volumes and describe_snapshots only. """ status = None while status != required_argument_response: f_result = fun(kwargs, call=fun_call) r_set = {} for d in f_result: if isinstance(d, list): d0 = d[0] if isinstance(d0, dict): for k, v in d0.items(): r_set[k] = v status = _unwrap_dict(r_set, argument_being_watched) log.debug( "Function: %s, Watched arg: %s, Response: %s", str(fun).split(" ")[1], argument_being_watched, status, ) time.sleep(5) return True def get_salt_interface(vm_, opts): """ Return the salt_interface type to connect to. Either 'public_ips' (default) or 'private_ips'. """ salt_host = salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "salt_interface", vm_, opts, default=False, search_global=False ) if salt_host is False: salt_host = salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "ssh_interface", vm_, opts, default="public_ips", search_global=False ) return salt_host def check_key_path_and_mode(provider, key_path): """ Checks that the key_path exists and the key_mode is either 0400 or 0600. Returns True or False. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0 provider The provider name that the key_path to check belongs to. key_path The key_path to ensure that it exists and to check adequate permissions against. """ if not os.path.exists(key_path): log.error( "The key file '%s' used in the '%s' provider configuration " "does not exist.\n", key_path, provider, ) return False key_mode = stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(key_path).st_mode) if key_mode not in (0o400, 0o600): log.error( "The key file '%s' used in the '%s' provider configuration " "needs to be set to mode 0400 or 0600.\n", key_path, provider, ) return False return True def userdata_template(opts, vm_, userdata): """ Use the configured templating engine to template the userdata file """ # No userdata, no need to template anything if userdata is None: return userdata userdata_template = salt.config.get_cloud_config_value( "userdata_template", vm_, opts, search_global=False, default=None ) if userdata_template is False: return userdata # Use the cloud profile's userdata_template, otherwise get it from the # master configuration file. renderer = ( opts.get("userdata_template") if userdata_template is None else userdata_template ) if renderer is None: return userdata else: render_opts = opts.copy() render_opts.update(vm_) rend = salt.loader.render(render_opts, {}) blacklist = opts["renderer_blacklist"] whitelist = opts["renderer_whitelist"] templated = salt.template.compile_template( ":string:", rend, renderer, blacklist, whitelist, input_data=userdata, ) if not isinstance(templated, str): # template renderers like "jinja" should return a StringIO try: templated = "".join(templated.readlines()) except AttributeError: log.warning( "Templated userdata resulted in non-string result (%s), " "converting to string", templated, ) templated = str(templated) return templated