Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
""" SaltStack Extend ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A templating tool for extending SaltStack. Takes a template directory and merges it into a SaltStack source code directory. This tool uses Jinja2 for templating. This tool is accessed using `salt-extend` :codeauthor: Anthony Shaw <anthonyshaw@apache.org> """ import logging import os import shutil import sys import tempfile from datetime import date from jinja2 import Template import salt.utils.files import salt.version from salt.serializers.yaml import deserialize from salt.utils.odict import OrderedDict log = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: import click HAS_CLICK = True except ImportError as ie: HAS_CLICK = False TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME = "template.yml" def _get_template(path, option_key): """ Get the contents of a template file and provide it as a module type :param path: path to the template.yml file :type path: ``str`` :param option_key: The unique key of this template :type option_key: ``str`` :returns: Details about the template :rtype: ``tuple`` """ with salt.utils.files.fopen(path, "r") as template_f: template = deserialize(template_f) info = (option_key, template.get("description", ""), template) return info def _fetch_templates(src): """ Fetch all of the templates in the src directory :param src: The source path :type src: ``str`` :rtype: ``list`` of ``tuple`` :returns: ``list`` of ('key', 'description') """ templates = [] log.debug("Listing contents of %s", src) for item in os.listdir(src): s = os.path.join(src, item) if os.path.isdir(s): template_path = os.path.join(s, TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME) if os.path.isfile(template_path): templates.append(_get_template(template_path, item)) else: log.debug( "Directory does not contain %s %s", template_path, TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME, ) return templates def _mergetree(src, dst): """ Akin to shutils.copytree but over existing directories, does a recursive merge copy. :param src: The source path :type src: ``str`` :param dst: The destination path :type dst: ``str`` """ for item in os.listdir(src): s = os.path.join(src, item) d = os.path.join(dst, item) if os.path.isdir(s): log.info("Copying folder %s to %s", s, d) if os.path.exists(d): _mergetree(s, d) else: shutil.copytree(s, d) else: log.info("Copying file %s to %s", s, d) shutil.copy2(s, d) def _mergetreejinja(src, dst, context): """ Merge directory A to directory B, apply Jinja2 templating to both the file/folder names AND to the contents of the files :param src: The source path :type src: ``str`` :param dst: The destination path :type dst: ``str`` :param context: The dictionary to inject into the Jinja template as context :type context: ``dict`` """ for item in os.listdir(src): s = os.path.join(src, item) d = os.path.join(dst, item) if os.path.isdir(s): log.info("Copying folder %s to %s", s, d) if os.path.exists(d): _mergetreejinja(s, d, context) else: os.mkdir(d) _mergetreejinja(s, d, context) else: if item != TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME: d = Template(d).render(context) log.info("Copying file %s to %s", s, d) with salt.utils.files.fopen(s, "r") as source_file: src_contents = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(source_file.read()) dest_contents = Template(src_contents).render(context) with salt.utils.files.fopen(d, "w") as dest_file: dest_file.write(salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(dest_contents)) def _prompt_user_variable(var_name, default_value): """ Prompt the user to enter the value of a variable :param var_name: The question to ask the user :type var_name: ``str`` :param default_value: The default value :type default_value: ``str`` :rtype: ``str`` :returns: the value from the user """ return click.prompt(var_name, default=default_value) def _prompt_choice(var_name, options): """ Prompt the user to choose between a list of options, index each one by adding an enumerator based on https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter/blob/master/cookiecutter/prompt.py#L51 :param var_name: The question to ask the user :type var_name: ``str`` :param options: A list of options :type options: ``list`` of ``tupple`` :rtype: ``tuple`` :returns: The selected user """ choice_map = OrderedDict( ("{}".format(i), value) for i, value in enumerate(options, 1) if value[0] != "test" ) choices = choice_map.keys() default = "1" choice_lines = [ "{} - {} - {}".format(c[0], c[1][0], c[1][1]) for c in choice_map.items() ] prompt = "\n".join( ( "Select {}:".format(var_name), "\n".join(choice_lines), "Choose from {}".format(", ".join(choices)), ) ) user_choice = click.prompt(prompt, type=click.Choice(choices), default=default) return choice_map[user_choice] def apply_template(template_dir, output_dir, context): """ Apply the template from the template directory to the output using the supplied context dict. :param src: The source path :type src: ``str`` :param dst: The destination path :type dst: ``str`` :param context: The dictionary to inject into the Jinja template as context :type context: ``dict`` """ _mergetreejinja(template_dir, output_dir, context) def run( extension=None, name=None, description=None, salt_dir=None, merge=False, temp_dir=None, ): """ A template factory for extending the salt ecosystem :param extension: The extension type, e.g. 'module', 'state', if omitted, user will be prompted :type extension: ``str`` :param name: Python-friendly name for the module, if omitted, user will be prompted :type name: ``str`` :param description: A description of the extension, if omitted, user will be prompted :type description: ``str`` :param salt_dir: The targeted Salt source directory :type salt_dir: ``str`` :param merge: Merge with salt directory, `False` to keep separate, `True` to merge trees. :type merge: ``bool`` :param temp_dir: The directory for generated code, if omitted, system temp will be used :type temp_dir: ``str`` """ if not HAS_CLICK: print("click is not installed, please install using pip") sys.exit(1) if salt_dir is None: salt_dir = "." MODULE_OPTIONS = _fetch_templates(os.path.join(salt_dir, "templates")) if extension is None: print("Choose which type of extension you are developing for SaltStack") extension_type = "Extension type" chosen_extension = _prompt_choice(extension_type, MODULE_OPTIONS) else: if extension not in list(zip(*MODULE_OPTIONS))[0]: print("Module extension option not valid") sys.exit(1) chosen_extension = [m for m in MODULE_OPTIONS if m[0] == extension][0] extension_type = chosen_extension[0] extension_context = chosen_extension[2] if name is None: print("Enter the short name for the module (e.g. mymodule)") name = _prompt_user_variable("Module name", "") if description is None: description = _prompt_user_variable("Short description of the module", "") template_dir = "templates/{}".format(extension_type) module_name = name param_dict = { "version": salt.version.SaltStackVersion.next_release().name, "module_name": module_name, "short_description": description, "release_date": date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "year": date.today().strftime("%Y"), } # get additional questions from template additional_context = {} for key, val in extension_context.get("questions", {}).items(): # allow templates to be used in default values. default = Template(val.get("default", "")).render(param_dict) prompt_var = _prompt_user_variable(val["question"], default) additional_context[key] = prompt_var context = param_dict.copy() context.update(extension_context) context.update(additional_context) if temp_dir is None: temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() apply_template(template_dir, temp_dir, context) if not merge: path = temp_dir else: _mergetree(temp_dir, salt_dir) path = salt_dir log.info("New module stored in %s", path) return path if __name__ == "__main__": run()