Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
""" Utils for making various web calls. Primarily designed for REST, SOAP, webhooks and the like, but also useful for basic HTTP testing. .. versionadded:: 2015.5.0 """ import email.message import gzip import http.client import http.cookiejar import io import logging import os import pprint import re import socket import ssl import urllib.error import urllib.parse import urllib.request import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import zlib import salt.config import salt.ext.tornado.httputil import salt.ext.tornado.simple_httpclient import salt.loader import salt.syspaths import salt.utils.args import salt.utils.data import salt.utils.files import salt.utils.json import salt.utils.msgpack import salt.utils.network import salt.utils.platform import salt.utils.stringutils import salt.utils.url import salt.utils.xmlutil as xml import salt.utils.yaml import salt.version from salt.ext.tornado.httpclient import HTTPClient from salt.template import compile_template from salt.utils.decorators.jinja import jinja_filter try: from ssl import CertificateError, match_hostname HAS_MATCHHOSTNAME = True except ImportError: # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module try: from backports.ssl_match_hostname import CertificateError, match_hostname HAS_MATCHHOSTNAME = True except ImportError: try: from salt.ext.ssl_match_hostname import CertificateError, match_hostname HAS_MATCHHOSTNAME = True except ImportError: HAS_MATCHHOSTNAME = False # pylint: enable=no-name-in-module try: import requests HAS_REQUESTS = True except ImportError: HAS_REQUESTS = False try: import certifi HAS_CERTIFI = True except ImportError: HAS_CERTIFI = False log = logging.getLogger(__name__) USERAGENT = f"Salt/{salt.version.__version__}" def __decompressContent(coding, pgctnt): """ Decompress returned HTTP content depending on the specified encoding. Currently supports identity/none, deflate, and gzip, which should cover 99%+ of the content on the internet. """ if not pgctnt: return pgctnt log.trace( "Decompressing %s byte content with compression type: %s", len(pgctnt), coding ) if coding == "deflate": pgctnt = zlib.decompress(pgctnt, -zlib.MAX_WBITS) elif coding == "gzip": buf = io.BytesIO(pgctnt) f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf) pgctnt = f.read() elif coding == "sdch": raise ValueError("SDCH compression is not currently supported") elif coding == "br": raise ValueError("Brotli compression is not currently supported") elif coding == "compress": raise ValueError("LZW compression is not currently supported") log.trace("Content size after decompression: %s", len(pgctnt)) return pgctnt def _decode_result_text(result_text, backend, decode_body=None, result=None): """ Decode only the result_text """ if backend == "requests": if not isinstance(result_text, str) and decode_body: result_text = result_text.decode(result.encoding or "utf-8") else: if isinstance(result_text, bytes) and decode_body: result_text = result_text.decode("utf-8") return result_text def _decode_result(result_text, result_headers, backend, decode_body=None, result=None): """ Decode the result_text and headers. """ if "Content-Type" in result_headers: msg = email.message.EmailMessage() msg.add_header("Content-Type", result_headers["Content-Type"]) if msg.get_content_type().startswith("text/"): content_charset = msg.get_content_charset() if content_charset and not isinstance(result_text, str): result_text = result_text.decode(content_charset) result_text = _decode_result_text( result_text, backend, decode_body=decode_body, result=result ) return result_text, result_headers @jinja_filter("http_query") def query( url, method="GET", params=None, data=None, data_file=None, header_dict=None, header_list=None, header_file=None, username=None, password=None, auth=None, decode=False, decode_type="auto", status=False, headers=False, text=False, cookies=None, cookie_jar=None, cookie_format="lwp", persist_session=False, session_cookie_jar=None, data_render=False, data_renderer=None, header_render=False, header_renderer=None, template_dict=None, test=False, test_url=None, node="minion", port=80, opts=None, backend=None, ca_bundle=None, verify_ssl=None, cert=None, text_out=None, headers_out=None, decode_out=None, stream=False, streaming_callback=None, header_callback=None, handle=False, agent=USERAGENT, hide_fields=None, raise_error=True, formdata=False, formdata_fieldname=None, formdata_filename=None, decode_body=True, **kwargs, ): """ Query a resource, and decode the return data """ ret = {} if opts is None: if node == "master": opts = salt.config.master_config( os.path.join(salt.syspaths.CONFIG_DIR, "master") ) elif node == "minion": opts = salt.config.minion_config( os.path.join(salt.syspaths.CONFIG_DIR, "minion") ) else: opts = {} if not backend: backend = opts.get("backend", "tornado") proxy_host = opts.get("proxy_host", None) if proxy_host: proxy_host = salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(proxy_host) proxy_port = opts.get("proxy_port", None) proxy_username = opts.get("proxy_username", None) if proxy_username: proxy_username = salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(proxy_username) proxy_password = opts.get("proxy_password", None) if proxy_password: proxy_password = salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(proxy_password) no_proxy = opts.get("no_proxy", []) if urllib.parse.urlparse(url).hostname in no_proxy: proxy_host = None proxy_port = None proxy_username = None proxy_password = None http_proxy_url = None if proxy_host and proxy_port: if backend != "requests": log.debug("Switching to request backend due to the use of proxies.") backend = "requests" if proxy_username and proxy_password: http_proxy_url = ( f"http://{proxy_username}:{proxy_password}@{proxy_host}:{proxy_port}" ) else: http_proxy_url = f"http://{proxy_host}:{proxy_port}" match = re.match( r"https?://((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)($|/)", url, ) if not match: salt.utils.network.refresh_dns() if backend == "requests": if HAS_REQUESTS is False: ret["error"] = ( "http.query has been set to use requests, but the " "requests library does not seem to be installed" ) log.error(ret["error"]) return ret else: requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests") requests_log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # Some libraries don't support separation of url and GET parameters # Don't need a try/except block, since Salt depends on tornado url_full = salt.ext.tornado.httputil.url_concat(url, params) if params else url if ca_bundle is None: ca_bundle = get_ca_bundle(opts) if verify_ssl is None: verify_ssl = opts.get("verify_ssl", True) if cert is None: cert = opts.get("cert", None) if data_file is not None: data = _render(data_file, data_render, data_renderer, template_dict, opts) # Make sure no secret fields show up in logs log_url = sanitize_url(url_full, hide_fields) log.debug("Requesting URL %s using %s method", log_url, method) log.debug("Using backend: %s", backend) if method == "POST" and log.isEnabledFor(logging.TRACE): # Make sure no secret fields show up in logs if isinstance(data, dict): log_data = data.copy() if isinstance(hide_fields, list): for item in data: for field in hide_fields: if item == field: log_data[item] = "XXXXXXXXXX" log.trace("Request POST Data: %s", pprint.pformat(log_data)) else: log.trace("Request POST Data: %s", pprint.pformat(data)) if header_file is not None: header_tpl = _render( header_file, header_render, header_renderer, template_dict, opts ) if isinstance(header_tpl, dict): header_dict = header_tpl else: header_list = header_tpl.splitlines() if header_dict is None: header_dict = {} if header_list is None: header_list = [] if cookie_jar is None: cookie_jar = os.path.join( opts.get("cachedir", salt.syspaths.CACHE_DIR), "cookies.txt" ) if session_cookie_jar is None: session_cookie_jar = os.path.join( opts.get("cachedir", salt.syspaths.CACHE_DIR), "cookies.session.p" ) if persist_session is True and salt.utils.msgpack.HAS_MSGPACK: # TODO: This is hackish; it will overwrite the session cookie jar with # all cookies from this one connection, rather than behaving like a # proper cookie jar. Unfortunately, since session cookies do not # contain expirations, they can't be stored in a proper cookie jar. if os.path.isfile(session_cookie_jar): with salt.utils.files.fopen(session_cookie_jar, "rb") as fh_: session_cookies = salt.utils.msgpack.load(fh_) if isinstance(session_cookies, dict): header_dict.update(session_cookies) else: with salt.utils.files.fopen(session_cookie_jar, "wb") as fh_: salt.utils.msgpack.dump("", fh_) for header in header_list: comps = header.split(":") if len(comps) < 2: continue header_dict[comps[0].strip()] = comps[1].strip() if not auth: if username and password: auth = (username, password) if agent == USERAGENT: agent = f"{agent} http.query()" header_dict["User-agent"] = agent if backend == "requests": sess = requests.Session() sess.auth = auth sess.headers.update(header_dict) log.trace("Request Headers: %s", sess.headers) sess_cookies = sess.cookies sess.verify = verify_ssl if http_proxy_url is not None: sess.proxies = {"http": http_proxy_url} elif backend == "urllib2": sess_cookies = None else: # Tornado sess_cookies = None if cookies is not None: if cookie_format == "mozilla": sess_cookies = http.cookiejar.MozillaCookieJar(cookie_jar) else: sess_cookies = http.cookiejar.LWPCookieJar(cookie_jar) if not os.path.isfile(cookie_jar): sess_cookies.save() sess_cookies.load() if test is True: if test_url is None: return {} else: url = test_url ret["test"] = True if backend == "requests": req_kwargs = {} if stream is True: if requests.__version__[0] == "0": # 'stream' was called 'prefetch' before 1.0, with flipped meaning req_kwargs["prefetch"] = False else: req_kwargs["stream"] = True # Client-side cert handling if cert is not None: if isinstance(cert, str): if os.path.exists(cert): req_kwargs["cert"] = cert elif isinstance(cert, list): if os.path.exists(cert[0]) and os.path.exists(cert[1]): req_kwargs["cert"] = cert else: log.error( "The client-side certificate path that was passed is not valid: %s", cert, ) if formdata: if not formdata_fieldname: ret["error"] = "formdata_fieldname is required when formdata=True" log.error(ret["error"]) return ret result = sess.request( method, url, params=params, files={formdata_fieldname: (formdata_filename, io.StringIO(data))}, **req_kwargs, ) else: result = sess.request(method, url, params=params, data=data, **req_kwargs) result.raise_for_status() if stream is True: # fake a HTTP response header header_callback(f"HTTP/1.0 {result.status_code} MESSAGE") # fake streaming the content streaming_callback(result.content) return { "handle": result, } if handle is True: return { "handle": result, "body": result.content, } log.debug( "Final URL location of Response: %s", sanitize_url(result.url, hide_fields) ) result_status_code = result.status_code result_headers = result.headers result_text = result.content result_cookies = result.cookies result_text = _decode_result_text( result_text, backend, decode_body=decode_body, result=result ) ret["body"] = result_text elif backend == "urllib2": request = urllib.request.Request(url_full, data) handlers = [ urllib.request.HTTPHandler, urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(sess_cookies), ] if url.startswith("https"): hostname = request.get_host() handlers[0] = urllib.request.HTTPSHandler(1) if not HAS_MATCHHOSTNAME: log.warning( "match_hostname() not available, SSL hostname checking " "not available. THIS CONNECTION MAY NOT BE SECURE!" ) elif verify_ssl is False: log.warning( "SSL certificate verification has been explicitly " "disabled. THIS CONNECTION MAY NOT BE SECURE!" ) else: if ":" in hostname: hostname, port = hostname.split(":") else: port = 443 sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((hostname, int(port))) sockwrap = ssl.wrap_socket( sock, ca_certs=ca_bundle, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED ) try: match_hostname(sockwrap.getpeercert(), hostname) except CertificateError as exc: ret[ "error" ] = "The certificate was invalid. Error returned was: {}".format( pprint.pformat(exc) ) return ret # Client-side cert handling if cert is not None: cert_chain = None if isinstance(cert, str): if os.path.exists(cert): cert_chain = cert elif isinstance(cert, list): if os.path.exists(cert[0]) and os.path.exists(cert[1]): cert_chain = cert else: log.error( "The client-side certificate path that was " "passed is not valid: %s", cert, ) return if hasattr(ssl, "SSLContext"): # Python >= 2.7.9 context = ssl.SSLContext.load_cert_chain(*cert_chain) handlers.append( urllib.request.HTTPSHandler(context=context) ) # pylint: disable=E1123 else: # Python < 2.7.9 cert_kwargs = { "host": request.get_host(), "port": port, "cert_file": cert_chain[0], } if len(cert_chain) > 1: cert_kwargs["key_file"] = cert_chain[1] handlers[0] = http.client.HTTPSConnection(**cert_kwargs) opener = urllib.request.build_opener(*handlers) for header in header_dict: request.add_header(header, header_dict[header]) request.get_method = lambda: method try: result = opener.open(request) except urllib.error.URLError as exc: return {"Error": str(exc)} if stream is True or handle is True: return { "handle": result, "body": result.content, } result_status_code = result.code result_headers = dict(result.info()) result_text = result.read() result_text, result_headers = _decode_result( result_text, result_headers, backend, decode_body=decode_body, result=result ) ret["body"] = result_text else: # Tornado req_kwargs = {} # Client-side cert handling if cert is not None: if isinstance(cert, str): if os.path.exists(cert): req_kwargs["client_cert"] = cert elif isinstance(cert, list): if os.path.exists(cert[0]) and os.path.exists(cert[1]): req_kwargs["client_cert"] = cert[0] req_kwargs["client_key"] = cert[1] else: log.error( "The client-side certificate path that was passed is not valid: %s", cert, ) if isinstance(data, dict): data = urllib.parse.urlencode(data) if verify_ssl: req_kwargs["ca_certs"] = ca_bundle max_body = opts.get( "http_max_body", salt.config.DEFAULT_MINION_OPTS["http_max_body"] ) connect_timeout = opts.get( "http_connect_timeout", salt.config.DEFAULT_MINION_OPTS["http_connect_timeout"], ) timeout = opts.get( "http_request_timeout", salt.config.DEFAULT_MINION_OPTS["http_request_timeout"], ) salt.ext.tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient.configure(None) client_argspec = salt.utils.args.get_function_argspec( salt.ext.tornado.simple_httpclient.SimpleAsyncHTTPClient.initialize ) supports_max_body_size = "max_body_size" in client_argspec.args req_kwargs.update( { "method": method, "headers": header_dict, "auth_username": username, "auth_password": password, "body": data, "validate_cert": verify_ssl, "allow_nonstandard_methods": True, "streaming_callback": streaming_callback, "header_callback": header_callback, "connect_timeout": connect_timeout, "request_timeout": timeout, "raise_error": raise_error, "decompress_response": False, } ) # Unicode types will cause a TypeError when Tornado's curl HTTPClient # invokes setopt. Therefore, make sure all arguments we pass which # contain strings are str types. req_kwargs = salt.utils.data.decode(req_kwargs, to_str=True) try: download_client = ( HTTPClient(max_body_size=max_body) if supports_max_body_size else HTTPClient() ) result = download_client.fetch(url_full, **req_kwargs) except salt.ext.tornado.httpclient.HTTPError as exc: ret["status"] = exc.code ret["error"] = str(exc) ret["body"], _ = _decode_result( exc.response.body, exc.response.headers, backend, decode_body=decode_body, ) return ret except (socket.herror, OSError, socket.timeout, socket.gaierror) as exc: if status is True: ret["status"] = 0 ret["error"] = str(exc) log.debug("Cannot perform 'http.query': %s - %s", url_full, ret["error"]) return ret if stream is True or handle is True: return { "handle": result, "body": result.body, } result_status_code = result.code result_headers = result.headers result_text = result.body result_text, result_headers = _decode_result( result_text, result_headers, backend, decode_body=decode_body, result=result ) ret["body"] = result_text if "Set-Cookie" in result_headers and cookies is not None: result_cookies = parse_cookie_header(result_headers["Set-Cookie"]) for item in result_cookies: sess_cookies.set_cookie(item) else: result_cookies = None if isinstance(result_headers, list): result_headers_dict = {} for header in result_headers: comps = header.split(":") result_headers_dict[comps[0].strip()] = ":".join(comps[1:]).strip() result_headers = result_headers_dict log.debug("Response Status Code: %s", result_status_code) log.trace("Response Headers: %s", result_headers) log.trace("Response Cookies: %s", sess_cookies) # log.trace("Content: %s", result_text) coding = result_headers.get("Content-Encoding", "identity") # Requests will always decompress the content, and working around that is annoying. if backend != "requests": result_text = __decompressContent(coding, result_text) try: log.trace("Response Text: %s", result_text) except UnicodeEncodeError as exc: log.trace( "Cannot Trace Log Response Text: %s. This may be due to " "incompatibilities between requests and logging.", exc, ) if text_out is not None: with salt.utils.files.fopen(text_out, "w") as tof: tof.write(result_text) if headers_out is not None and os.path.exists(headers_out): with salt.utils.files.fopen(headers_out, "w") as hof: hof.write(result_headers) if cookies is not None: sess_cookies.save() if persist_session is True and salt.utils.msgpack.HAS_MSGPACK: # TODO: See persist_session above if "set-cookie" in result_headers: with salt.utils.files.fopen(session_cookie_jar, "wb") as fh_: session_cookies = result_headers.get("set-cookie", None) if session_cookies is not None: salt.utils.msgpack.dump({"Cookie": session_cookies}, fh_) else: salt.utils.msgpack.dump("", fh_) if status is True: ret["status"] = result_status_code if headers is True: ret["headers"] = result_headers if decode is True: if decode_type == "auto": content_type = result_headers.get("content-type", "application/json") if "xml" in content_type: decode_type = "xml" elif "json" in content_type: decode_type = "json" elif "yaml" in content_type: decode_type = "yaml" else: decode_type = "plain" valid_decodes = ("json", "xml", "yaml", "plain") if decode_type not in valid_decodes: ret[ "error" ] = "Invalid decode_type specified. Valid decode types are: {}".format( pprint.pformat(valid_decodes) ) log.error(ret["error"]) return ret if decode_type == "json": ret["dict"] = salt.utils.json.loads(result_text) elif decode_type == "xml": ret["dict"] = [] items = ET.fromstring(result_text) for item in items: ret["dict"].append(xml.to_dict(item)) elif decode_type == "yaml": ret["dict"] = salt.utils.data.decode(salt.utils.yaml.safe_load(result_text)) else: text = True if decode_out: with salt.utils.files.fopen(decode_out, "w") as dof: dof.write(result_text) if text is True: ret["text"] = result_text return ret def get_ca_bundle(opts=None): """ Return the location of the ca bundle file. See the following article: http://tinyurl.com/k7rx42a """ if hasattr(get_ca_bundle, "__return_value__"): return get_ca_bundle.__return_value__ if opts is None: opts = {} opts_bundle = opts.get("ca_bundle", None) if opts_bundle is not None and os.path.exists(opts_bundle): return opts_bundle file_roots = opts.get("file_roots", {"base": [salt.syspaths.SRV_ROOT_DIR]}) # Please do not change the order without good reason # Check Salt first for salt_root in file_roots.get("base", []): for path in ("cacert.pem", "ca-bundle.crt"): cert_path = os.path.join(salt_root, path) if os.path.exists(cert_path): return cert_path locations = ( # Debian has paths that often exist on other distros "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt", # RedHat is also very common "/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt", "/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.trust.crt", # RedHat's link for Debian compatibility "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt", # SUSE has an unusual path "/var/lib/ca-certificates/ca-bundle.pem", # OpenBSD has an unusual path "/etc/ssl/cert.pem", ) for path in locations: if os.path.exists(path): return path if salt.utils.platform.is_windows() and HAS_CERTIFI: return certifi.where() return None def update_ca_bundle( target=None, source=None, opts=None, merge_files=None, ): """ Attempt to update the CA bundle file from a URL If not specified, the local location on disk (``target``) will be auto-detected, if possible. If it is not found, then a new location on disk will be created and updated. The default ``source`` is: http://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem This is based on the information at: http://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html A string or list of strings representing files to be appended to the end of the CA bundle file may also be passed through as ``merge_files``. """ if opts is None: opts = {} if target is None: target = get_ca_bundle(opts) if target is None: log.error("Unable to detect location to write CA bundle to") return if source is None: source = opts.get("ca_bundle_url", "http://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem") log.debug("Attempting to download %s to %s", source, target) query(source, text=True, decode=False, headers=False, status=False, text_out=target) if merge_files is not None: if isinstance(merge_files, str): merge_files = [merge_files] if not isinstance(merge_files, list): log.error( "A value was passed as merge_files which was not either " "a string or a list" ) return merge_content = "" for cert_file in merge_files: if os.path.exists(cert_file): log.debug("Queueing up %s to be appended to %s", cert_file, target) try: with salt.utils.files.fopen(cert_file, "r") as fcf: merge_content = "\n".join((merge_content, fcf.read())) except OSError as exc: log.error( "Reading from %s caused the following error: %s", cert_file, exc ) if merge_content: log.debug("Appending merge_files to %s", target) try: with salt.utils.files.fopen(target, "a") as tfp: tfp.write("\n") tfp.write(merge_content) except OSError as exc: log.error("Writing to %s caused the following error: %s", target, exc) def _render(template, render, renderer, template_dict, opts): """ Render a template """ if render: if template_dict is None: template_dict = {} if not renderer: renderer = opts.get("renderer", "jinja|yaml") rend = salt.loader.render(opts, {}) blacklist = opts.get("renderer_blacklist") whitelist = opts.get("renderer_whitelist") ret = compile_template( template, rend, renderer, blacklist, whitelist, **template_dict ) if salt.utils.stringio.is_readable(ret): ret = ret.read() if str(ret).startswith("#!") and not str(ret).startswith("#!/"): ret = str(ret).split("\n", 1)[1] return ret with salt.utils.files.fopen(template, "r") as fh_: return fh_.read() def parse_cookie_header(header): """ Parse the "Set-cookie" header, and return a list of cookies. This function is here because Tornado's HTTPClient doesn't handle cookies. """ attribs = ( "expires", "path", "domain", "version", "httponly", "secure", "comment", "max-age", "samesite", ) # Split into cookie(s); handles headers with multiple cookies defined morsels = [] for item in header.split(";"): item = item.strip() if "," in item and "expires" not in item: for part in item.split(","): morsels.append(part) else: morsels.append(item) # Break down morsels into actual cookies cookies = [] cookie = {} value_set = False for morsel in morsels: parts = morsel.split("=") parts[0] = parts[0].lower() if parts[0] in attribs: if parts[0] in cookie: cookies.append(cookie) cookie = {} if len(parts) > 1: cookie[parts[0]] = "=".join(parts[1:]) else: cookie[parts[0]] = True else: if value_set is True: # This is a new cookie; save the old one and clear for this one cookies.append(cookie) cookie = {} value_set = False cookie[parts[0]] = "=".join(parts[1:]) value_set = True if cookie: # Set the last cookie that was processed cookies.append(cookie) # These arguments are required by cookielib.Cookie() reqd = ( "version", "port", "port_specified", "domain", "domain_specified", "domain_initial_dot", "path", "path_specified", "secure", "expires", "discard", "comment", "comment_url", "rest", ) ret = [] for cookie in cookies: name = None value = None for item in list(cookie): if item in attribs: continue name = item value = cookie.pop(item) # cookielib.Cookie() requires an epoch if "expires" in cookie: cookie["expires"] = http.cookiejar.http2time(cookie["expires"]) # Fill in missing required fields for req in reqd: if req not in cookie: cookie[req] = "" if cookie["version"] == "": cookie["version"] = 0 if cookie["rest"] == "": cookie["rest"] = {} if cookie["expires"] == "": cookie["expires"] = 0 # Remove attribs that don't apply to Cookie objects cookie.pop("httponly", None) cookie.pop("samesite", None) ret.append(http.cookiejar.Cookie(name=name, value=value, **cookie)) return ret def sanitize_url(url, hide_fields): """ Make sure no secret fields show up in logs """ if isinstance(hide_fields, list): url_comps = urllib.parse.splitquery(url) log_url = url_comps[0] if len(url_comps) > 1: log_url += "?" for pair in url_comps[1:]: url_tmp = None for field in hide_fields: comps_list = pair.split("&") if url_tmp: url_tmp = url_tmp.split("&") url_tmp = _sanitize_url_components(url_tmp, field) else: url_tmp = _sanitize_url_components(comps_list, field) log_url += url_tmp return log_url.rstrip("&") else: return str(url) def _sanitize_url_components(comp_list, field): """ Recursive function to sanitize each component of the url. """ if not comp_list: return "" elif comp_list[0].startswith(f"{field}="): ret = f"{field}=XXXXXXXXXX&" comp_list.remove(comp_list[0]) return ret + _sanitize_url_components(comp_list, field) else: ret = f"{comp_list[0]}&" comp_list.remove(comp_list[0]) return ret + _sanitize_url_components(comp_list, field) def session(user=None, password=None, verify_ssl=True, ca_bundle=None, headers=None): """ create a requests session """ session = requests.session() if user and password: session.auth = (user, password) if ca_bundle and not verify_ssl: log.error("You cannot use both ca_bundle and verify_ssl False together") return False if ca_bundle: opts = {"ca_bundle": ca_bundle} session.verify = get_ca_bundle(opts) if not verify_ssl: session.verify = False if headers: session.headers.update(headers) return session