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""" Utils for the NAPALM modules and proxy. .. seealso:: - :mod:`NAPALM grains: select network devices based on their characteristics <salt.grains.napalm>` - :mod:`NET module: network basic features <salt.modules.napalm_network>` - :mod:`NTP operational and configuration management module <salt.modules.napalm_ntp>` - :mod:`BGP operational and configuration management module <salt.modules.napalm_bgp>` - :mod:`Routes details <salt.modules.napalm_route>` - :mod:`SNMP configuration module <salt.modules.napalm_snmp>` - :mod:`Users configuration management <salt.modules.napalm_users>` .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 """ import copy import importlib import logging import traceback from functools import wraps import salt.output import salt.utils.args import salt.utils.platform try: # will try to import NAPALM # https://github.com/napalm-automation/napalm # pylint: disable=unused-import,no-name-in-module import napalm # pylint: enable=unused-import,no-name-in-module HAS_NAPALM = True try: NAPALM_MAJOR = int(napalm.__version__.split(".")[0]) except AttributeError: NAPALM_MAJOR = 0 except ImportError: HAS_NAPALM = False try: # try importing ConnectionClosedException # from napalm-base # this exception has been introduced only in version 0.24.0 from napalm.base.exceptions import ConnectionClosedException HAS_CONN_CLOSED_EXC_CLASS = True except ImportError: HAS_CONN_CLOSED_EXC_CLASS = False log = logging.getLogger(__file__) def is_proxy(opts): """ Is this a NAPALM proxy? """ return ( salt.utils.platform.is_proxy() and opts.get("proxy", {}).get("proxytype") == "napalm" ) def is_always_alive(opts): """ Is always alive required? """ return opts.get("proxy", {}).get("always_alive", True) def not_always_alive(opts): """ Should this proxy be always alive? """ return (is_proxy(opts) and not is_always_alive(opts)) or is_minion(opts) def is_minion(opts): """ Is this a NAPALM straight minion? """ return not salt.utils.platform.is_proxy() and "napalm" in opts def virtual(opts, virtualname, filename): """ Returns the __virtual__. """ if (HAS_NAPALM and NAPALM_MAJOR >= 2) and (is_proxy(opts) or is_minion(opts)): return virtualname else: return ( False, '"{vname}"" {filename} cannot be loaded: ' "NAPALM is not installed: ``pip install napalm``".format( vname=virtualname, filename="({filename})".format(filename=filename) ), ) def call(napalm_device, method, *args, **kwargs): """ Calls arbitrary methods from the network driver instance. Please check the readthedocs_ page for the updated list of getters. .. _readthedocs: http://napalm.readthedocs.org/en/latest/support/index.html#getters-support-matrix method Specifies the name of the method to be called. *args Arguments. **kwargs More arguments. :return: A dictionary with three keys: * result (True/False): if the operation succeeded * out (object): returns the object as-is from the call * comment (string): provides more details in case the call failed * traceback (string): complete traceback in case of exception. \ Please submit an issue including this traceback \ on the `correct driver repo`_ and make sure to read the FAQ_ .. _`correct driver repo`: https://github.com/napalm-automation/napalm/issues/new .. FAQ_: https://github.com/napalm-automation/napalm#faq Example: .. code-block:: python salt.utils.napalm.call( napalm_object, 'cli', [ 'show version', 'show chassis fan' ] ) """ result = False out = None opts = napalm_device.get("__opts__", {}) retry = kwargs.pop("__retry", True) # retry executing the task? force_reconnect = kwargs.get("force_reconnect", False) if force_reconnect: log.debug("Forced reconnection initiated") log.debug("The current opts (under the proxy key):") log.debug(opts["proxy"]) opts["proxy"].update(**kwargs) log.debug("Updated to:") log.debug(opts["proxy"]) napalm_device = get_device(opts) try: if not napalm_device.get("UP", False): raise Exception("not connected") # if connected will try to execute desired command kwargs_copy = {} kwargs_copy.update(kwargs) for karg, warg in kwargs_copy.items(): # lets clear None arguments # to not be sent to NAPALM methods if warg is None: kwargs.pop(karg) out = getattr(napalm_device.get("DRIVER"), method)(*args, **kwargs) # calls the method with the specified parameters result = True except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except # either not connected # either unable to execute the command hostname = napalm_device.get("HOSTNAME", "[unspecified hostname]") err_tb = ( traceback.format_exc() ) # let's get the full traceback and display for debugging reasons. if isinstance(error, NotImplementedError): comment = ( "{method} is not implemented for the NAPALM {driver} driver!".format( method=method, driver=napalm_device.get("DRIVER_NAME") ) ) elif ( retry and HAS_CONN_CLOSED_EXC_CLASS and isinstance(error, ConnectionClosedException) ): # Received disconection whilst executing the operation. # Instructed to retry (default behaviour) # thus trying to re-establish the connection # and re-execute the command # if any of the operations (close, open, call) will rise again ConnectionClosedException # it will fail loudly. kwargs["__retry"] = False # do not attempt re-executing comment = "Disconnected from {device}. Trying to reconnect.".format( device=hostname ) log.error(err_tb) log.error(comment) log.debug("Clearing the connection with %s", hostname) call(napalm_device, "close", __retry=False) # safely close the connection # Make sure we don't leave any TCP connection open behind # if we fail to close properly, we might not be able to access the log.debug("Re-opening the connection with %s", hostname) call(napalm_device, "open", __retry=False) log.debug("Connection re-opened with %s", hostname) log.debug("Re-executing %s", method) return call(napalm_device, method, *args, **kwargs) # If still not able to reconnect and execute the task, # the proxy keepalive feature (if enabled) will attempt # to reconnect. # If the device is using a SSH-based connection, the failure # will also notify the paramiko transport and the `is_alive` flag # is going to be set correctly. # More background: the network device may decide to disconnect, # although the SSH session itself is alive and usable, the reason # being the lack of activity on the CLI. # Paramiko's keepalive doesn't help in this case, as the ServerAliveInterval # are targeting the transport layer, whilst the device takes the decision # when there isn't any activity on the CLI, thus at the application layer. # Moreover, the disconnect is silent and paramiko's is_alive flag will # continue to return True, although the connection is already unusable. # For more info, see https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko/issues/813. # But after a command fails, the `is_alive` flag becomes aware of these # changes and will return False from there on. And this is how the # Salt proxy keepalive helps: immediately after the first failure, it # will know the state of the connection and will try reconnecting. else: comment = ( 'Cannot execute "{method}" on {device}{port} as {user}. Reason:' " {error}!".format( device=napalm_device.get("HOSTNAME", "[unspecified hostname]"), port=( ":{port}".format( port=napalm_device.get("OPTIONAL_ARGS", {}).get("port") ) if napalm_device.get("OPTIONAL_ARGS", {}).get("port") else "" ), user=napalm_device.get("USERNAME", ""), method=method, error=error, ) ) log.error(comment) log.error(err_tb) return {"out": {}, "result": False, "comment": comment, "traceback": err_tb} finally: if opts and not_always_alive(opts) and napalm_device.get("CLOSE", True): # either running in a not-always-alive proxy # either running in a regular minion # close the connection when the call is over # unless the CLOSE is explicitly set as False napalm_device["DRIVER"].close() return {"out": out, "result": result, "comment": ""} def get_device_opts(opts, salt_obj=None): """ Returns the options of the napalm device. :pram: opts :return: the network device opts """ network_device = {} # by default, look in the proxy config details device_dict = opts.get("proxy", {}) if is_proxy(opts) else opts.get("napalm", {}) if opts.get("proxy") or opts.get("napalm"): opts["multiprocessing"] = device_dict.get("multiprocessing", False) # Most NAPALM drivers are SSH-based, so multiprocessing should default to False. # But the user can be allows one to have a different value for the multiprocessing, which will # override the opts. if not device_dict: # still not able to setup log.error( "Incorrect minion config. Please specify at least the napalm driver name!" ) # either under the proxy hier, either under the napalm in the config file network_device["HOSTNAME"] = ( device_dict.get("host") or device_dict.get("hostname") or device_dict.get("fqdn") or device_dict.get("ip") ) network_device["USERNAME"] = device_dict.get("username") or device_dict.get("user") network_device["DRIVER_NAME"] = device_dict.get("driver") or device_dict.get("os") network_device["PASSWORD"] = ( device_dict.get("passwd") or device_dict.get("password") or device_dict.get("pass") or "" ) network_device["TIMEOUT"] = device_dict.get("timeout", 60) network_device["OPTIONAL_ARGS"] = device_dict.get("optional_args", {}) network_device["ALWAYS_ALIVE"] = device_dict.get("always_alive", True) network_device["PROVIDER"] = device_dict.get("provider") network_device["UP"] = False # get driver object form NAPALM if "config_lock" not in network_device["OPTIONAL_ARGS"]: network_device["OPTIONAL_ARGS"]["config_lock"] = False if ( network_device["ALWAYS_ALIVE"] and "keepalive" not in network_device["OPTIONAL_ARGS"] ): network_device["OPTIONAL_ARGS"]["keepalive"] = 5 # 5 seconds keepalive return network_device def get_device(opts, salt_obj=None): """ Initialise the connection with the network device through NAPALM. :param: opts :return: the network device object """ log.debug("Setting up NAPALM connection") network_device = get_device_opts(opts, salt_obj=salt_obj) provider_lib = napalm.base if network_device.get("PROVIDER"): # Configuration example: # provider: napalm_base_example try: provider_lib = importlib.import_module(network_device.get("PROVIDER")) except ImportError as ierr: log.error( "Unable to import %s", network_device.get("PROVIDER"), exc_info=True ) _driver_ = provider_lib.get_network_driver(network_device.get("DRIVER_NAME")) try: network_device["DRIVER"] = _driver_( network_device.get("HOSTNAME", ""), network_device.get("USERNAME", ""), network_device.get("PASSWORD", ""), timeout=network_device["TIMEOUT"], optional_args=network_device["OPTIONAL_ARGS"], ) network_device.get("DRIVER").open() # no exception raised here, means connection established network_device["UP"] = True except napalm.base.exceptions.ConnectionException as error: base_err_msg = "Cannot connect to {hostname}{port} as {username}.".format( hostname=network_device.get("HOSTNAME", "[unspecified hostname]"), port=( ":{port}".format( port=network_device.get("OPTIONAL_ARGS", {}).get("port") ) if network_device.get("OPTIONAL_ARGS", {}).get("port") else "" ), username=network_device.get("USERNAME", ""), ) log.error(base_err_msg) log.error("Please check error: %s", error) raise napalm.base.exceptions.ConnectionException(base_err_msg) return network_device def proxy_napalm_wrap(func): """ This decorator is used to make the execution module functions available outside a proxy minion, or when running inside a proxy minion. If we are running in a proxy, retrieve the connection details from the __proxy__ injected variable. If we are not, then use the connection information from the opts. :param func: :return: """ @wraps(func) def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): wrapped_global_namespace = func.__globals__ # get __opts__ and __proxy__ from func_globals proxy = wrapped_global_namespace.get("__proxy__") opts = copy.deepcopy(wrapped_global_namespace.get("__opts__")) # in any case, will inject the `napalm_device` global # the execution modules will make use of this variable from now on # previously they were accessing the device properties through the __proxy__ object always_alive = opts.get("proxy", {}).get("always_alive", True) # force_reconnect is a magic keyword arg that allows one to establish # a separate connection to the network device running under an always # alive Proxy Minion, using new credentials (overriding the ones # configured in the opts / pillar. force_reconnect = kwargs.get("force_reconnect", False) if force_reconnect: log.debug("Usage of reconnect force detected") log.debug("Opts before merging") log.debug(opts["proxy"]) opts["proxy"].update(**kwargs) log.debug("Opts after merging") log.debug(opts["proxy"]) if is_proxy(opts) and always_alive: # if it is running in a NAPALM Proxy and it's using the default # always alive behaviour, will get the cached copy of the network # device object which should preserve the connection. if force_reconnect: wrapped_global_namespace["napalm_device"] = get_device(opts) else: wrapped_global_namespace["napalm_device"] = proxy["napalm.get_device"]() elif is_proxy(opts) and not always_alive: # if still proxy, but the user does not want the SSH session always alive # get a new device instance # which establishes a new connection # which is closed just before the call() function defined above returns if "inherit_napalm_device" not in kwargs or ( "inherit_napalm_device" in kwargs and not kwargs["inherit_napalm_device"] ): # try to open a new connection # but only if the function does not inherit the napalm driver # for configuration management this is very important, # in order to make sure we are editing the same session. try: wrapped_global_namespace["napalm_device"] = get_device(opts) except napalm.base.exceptions.ConnectionException as nce: log.error(nce) return "{base_msg}. See log for details.".format( base_msg=str(nce.msg) ) else: # in case the `inherit_napalm_device` is set # and it also has a non-empty value, # the global var `napalm_device` will be overridden. # this is extremely important for configuration-related features # as all actions must be issued within the same configuration session # otherwise we risk to open multiple sessions wrapped_global_namespace["napalm_device"] = kwargs[ "inherit_napalm_device" ] else: # if not a NAPLAM proxy # thus it is running on a regular minion, directly on the network device # or another flavour of Minion from where we can invoke arbitrary # NAPALM commands # get __salt__ from func_globals log.debug("Not running in a NAPALM Proxy Minion") _salt_obj = wrapped_global_namespace.get("__salt__") napalm_opts = _salt_obj["config.get"]("napalm", {}) napalm_inventory = _salt_obj["config.get"]("napalm_inventory", {}) log.debug("NAPALM opts found in the Minion config") log.debug(napalm_opts) clean_kwargs = salt.utils.args.clean_kwargs(**kwargs) napalm_opts.update(clean_kwargs) # no need for deeper merge log.debug("Merging the found opts with the CLI args") log.debug(napalm_opts) host = ( napalm_opts.get("host") or napalm_opts.get("hostname") or napalm_opts.get("fqdn") or napalm_opts.get("ip") ) if ( host and napalm_inventory and isinstance(napalm_inventory, dict) and host in napalm_inventory ): inventory_opts = napalm_inventory[host] log.debug("Found %s in the NAPALM inventory:", host) log.debug(inventory_opts) napalm_opts.update(inventory_opts) log.debug( "Merging the config for %s with the details found in the napalm" " inventory:", host, ) log.debug(napalm_opts) opts = copy.deepcopy(opts) # make sure we don't override the original # opts, but just inject the CLI args from the kwargs to into the # object manipulated by ``get_device_opts`` to extract the # connection details, then use then to establish the connection. opts["napalm"] = napalm_opts if "inherit_napalm_device" not in kwargs or ( "inherit_napalm_device" in kwargs and not kwargs["inherit_napalm_device"] ): # try to open a new connection # but only if the function does not inherit the napalm driver # for configuration management this is very important, # in order to make sure we are editing the same session. try: wrapped_global_namespace["napalm_device"] = get_device( opts, salt_obj=_salt_obj ) except napalm.base.exceptions.ConnectionException as nce: log.error(nce) return "{base_msg}. See log for details.".format( base_msg=str(nce.msg) ) else: # in case the `inherit_napalm_device` is set # and it also has a non-empty value, # the global var `napalm_device` will be overridden. # this is extremely important for configuration-related features # as all actions must be issued within the same configuration session # otherwise we risk to open multiple sessions wrapped_global_namespace["napalm_device"] = kwargs[ "inherit_napalm_device" ] if not_always_alive(opts): # inject the __opts__ only when not always alive # otherwise, we don't want to overload the always-alive proxies wrapped_global_namespace["napalm_device"]["__opts__"] = opts ret = func(*args, **kwargs) if force_reconnect: log.debug("That was a forced reconnect, gracefully clearing up") device = wrapped_global_namespace["napalm_device"] closing = call(device, "close", __retry=False) return ret return func_wrapper def default_ret(name): """ Return the default dict of the state output. """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": False, "comment": ""} return ret def loaded_ret(ret, loaded, test, debug, compliance_report=False, opts=None): """ Return the final state output. ret The initial state output structure. loaded The loaded dictionary. """ # Always get the comment changes = {} ret["comment"] = loaded["comment"] if "diff" in loaded: changes["diff"] = loaded["diff"] if "commit_id" in loaded: changes["commit_id"] = loaded["commit_id"] if "compliance_report" in loaded: if compliance_report: changes["compliance_report"] = loaded["compliance_report"] if debug and "loaded_config" in loaded: changes["loaded_config"] = loaded["loaded_config"] if changes.get("diff"): ret["comment"] = "{comment_base}\n\nConfiguration diff:\n\n{diff}".format( comment_base=ret["comment"], diff=changes["diff"] ) if changes.get("loaded_config"): ret["comment"] = "{comment_base}\n\nLoaded config:\n\n{loaded_cfg}".format( comment_base=ret["comment"], loaded_cfg=changes["loaded_config"] ) if changes.get("compliance_report"): ret["comment"] = "{comment_base}\n\nCompliance report:\n\n{compliance}".format( comment_base=ret["comment"], compliance=salt.output.string_format( changes["compliance_report"], "nested", opts=opts ), ) if not loaded.get("result", False): # Failure of some sort return ret if not loaded.get("already_configured", True): # We're making changes if test: ret["result"] = None return ret # Not test, changes were applied ret.update( { "result": True, "changes": changes, "comment": "Configuration changed!\n{}".format(loaded["comment"]), } ) return ret # No changes ret.update({"result": True, "changes": {}}) return ret