Create File
Create Folder
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""" Run processes as a different user in Windows """ # Import Python Libraries import ctypes import logging import os import time from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError try: import psutil HAS_PSUTIL = True except ImportError: HAS_PSUTIL = False try: import msvcrt import pywintypes import win32api import win32con import win32event import win32pipe import win32process import win32profile import win32security import salt.platform.win HAS_WIN32 = True except ImportError: HAS_WIN32 = False log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Although utils are often directly imported, it is also possible to use the # loader. def __virtual__(): """ Only load if Win32 Libraries are installed """ if not HAS_WIN32 or not HAS_PSUTIL: return False, "This utility requires pywin32 and psutil" return "win_runas" def split_username(username): domain = "." user_name = username if "@" in username: user_name, domain = username.split("@") if "\\" in username: domain, user_name = username.split("\\") return user_name, domain def create_env(user_token, inherit, timeout=1): """ CreateEnvironmentBlock might fail when we close a login session and then try to re-open one very quickly. Run the method multiple times to work around the async nature of logoffs. """ start = time.time() env = None exc = None while True: try: env = win32profile.CreateEnvironmentBlock(user_token, False) except pywintypes.error as exc: pass else: break if time.time() - start > timeout: break if env is not None: return env raise exc def runas(cmdLine, username, password=None, cwd=None): """ Run a command as another user. If the process is running as an admin or system account this method does not require a password. Other non privileged accounts need to provide a password for the user to runas. Commands are run in with the highest level privileges possible for the account provided. """ # Validate the domain and sid exist for the username try: _, domain, _ = win32security.LookupAccountName(None, username) username, _ = split_username(username) except pywintypes.error as exc: message = win32api.FormatMessage(exc.winerror).rstrip("\n") raise CommandExecutionError(message) # Elevate the token from the current process access = win32security.TOKEN_QUERY | win32security.TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES th = win32security.OpenProcessToken(win32api.GetCurrentProcess(), access) salt.platform.win.elevate_token(th) # Try to impersonate the SYSTEM user. This process needs to be running as a # user who as been granted the SeImpersonatePrivilege, Administrator # accounts have this permission by default. try: impersonation_token = salt.platform.win.impersonate_sid( salt.platform.win.SYSTEM_SID, session_id=0, privs=["SeTcbPrivilege"], ) except OSError: log.debug("Unable to impersonate SYSTEM user") impersonation_token = None win32api.CloseHandle(th) # Impersonation of the SYSTEM user failed. Fallback to an un-privileged # runas. if not impersonation_token: log.debug("No impersonation token, using unprivileged runas") return runas_unpriv(cmdLine, username, password, cwd) if domain == "NT AUTHORITY": # Logon as a system level account, SYSTEM, LOCAL SERVICE, or NETWORK # SERVICE. user_token = win32security.LogonUser( username, domain, "", win32con.LOGON32_LOGON_SERVICE, win32con.LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, ) elif password: # Login with a password. user_token = win32security.LogonUser( username, domain, password, win32con.LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, win32con.LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, ) else: # Login without a password. This always returns an elevated token. user_token = salt.platform.win.logon_msv1_s4u(username).Token # Get a linked user token to elevate if needed elevation_type = win32security.GetTokenInformation( user_token, win32security.TokenElevationType ) if elevation_type > 1: user_token = win32security.GetTokenInformation( user_token, win32security.TokenLinkedToken ) # Elevate the user token salt.platform.win.elevate_token(user_token) # Make sure the user's token has access to a windows station and desktop salt.platform.win.grant_winsta_and_desktop(user_token) # Create pipes for standard in, out and error streams security_attributes = win32security.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES() security_attributes.bInheritHandle = 1 stdin_read, stdin_write = win32pipe.CreatePipe(security_attributes, 0) stdin_read = salt.platform.win.make_inheritable(stdin_read) stdout_read, stdout_write = win32pipe.CreatePipe(security_attributes, 0) stdout_write = salt.platform.win.make_inheritable(stdout_write) stderr_read, stderr_write = win32pipe.CreatePipe(security_attributes, 0) stderr_write = salt.platform.win.make_inheritable(stderr_write) # Run the process without showing a window. creationflags = ( win32process.CREATE_NO_WINDOW | win32process.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE | win32process.CREATE_SUSPENDED ) startup_info = salt.platform.win.STARTUPINFO( dwFlags=win32con.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES, hStdInput=stdin_read.handle, hStdOutput=stdout_write.handle, hStdError=stderr_write.handle, ) # Create the environment for the user env = create_env(user_token, False) hProcess = None try: # Start the process in a suspended state. process_info = salt.platform.win.CreateProcessWithTokenW( int(user_token), logonflags=1, applicationname=None, commandline=cmdLine, currentdirectory=cwd, creationflags=creationflags, startupinfo=startup_info, environment=env, ) hProcess = process_info.hProcess hThread = process_info.hThread dwProcessId = process_info.dwProcessId dwThreadId = process_info.dwThreadId # We don't use these so let's close the handle salt.platform.win.kernel32.CloseHandle(stdin_write.handle) salt.platform.win.kernel32.CloseHandle(stdout_write.handle) salt.platform.win.kernel32.CloseHandle(stderr_write.handle) ret = {"pid": dwProcessId} # Resume the process psutil.Process(dwProcessId).resume() # Wait for the process to exit and get its return code. if ( win32event.WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, win32event.INFINITE) == win32con.WAIT_OBJECT_0 ): exitcode = win32process.GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess) ret["retcode"] = exitcode # Read standard out fd_out = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(stdout_read.handle, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_TEXT) with os.fdopen(fd_out, "r") as f_out: stdout = f_out.read() ret["stdout"] = stdout # Read standard error fd_err = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(stderr_read.handle, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_TEXT) with os.fdopen(fd_err, "r") as f_err: stderr = f_err.read() ret["stderr"] = stderr finally: if hProcess is not None: salt.platform.win.kernel32.CloseHandle(hProcess) win32api.CloseHandle(th) win32api.CloseHandle(user_token) if impersonation_token: win32security.RevertToSelf() win32api.CloseHandle(impersonation_token) return ret def runas_unpriv(cmd, username, password, cwd=None): """ Runas that works for non-privileged users """ # Validate the domain and sid exist for the username try: _, domain, _ = win32security.LookupAccountName(None, username) username, _ = split_username(username) except pywintypes.error as exc: message = win32api.FormatMessage(exc.winerror).rstrip("\n") raise CommandExecutionError(message) # Create a pipe to set as stdout in the child. The write handle needs to be # inheritable. c2pread, c2pwrite = salt.platform.win.CreatePipe( inherit_read=False, inherit_write=True, ) errread, errwrite = salt.platform.win.CreatePipe( inherit_read=False, inherit_write=True, ) # Create inheritable copy of the stdin stdin = salt.platform.win.kernel32.GetStdHandle( salt.platform.win.STD_INPUT_HANDLE, ) dupin = salt.platform.win.DuplicateHandle(srchandle=stdin, inherit=True) # Get startup info structure startup_info = salt.platform.win.STARTUPINFO( dwFlags=win32con.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES, hStdInput=dupin, hStdOutput=c2pwrite, hStdError=errwrite, ) try: # Run command and return process info structure process_info = salt.platform.win.CreateProcessWithLogonW( username=username, domain=domain, password=password, logonflags=salt.platform.win.LOGON_WITH_PROFILE, commandline=cmd, startupinfo=startup_info, currentdirectory=cwd, ) salt.platform.win.kernel32.CloseHandle(process_info.hThread) finally: salt.platform.win.kernel32.CloseHandle(dupin) salt.platform.win.kernel32.CloseHandle(c2pwrite) salt.platform.win.kernel32.CloseHandle(errwrite) # Initialize ret and set first element ret = {"pid": process_info.dwProcessId} # Get Standard Out fd_out = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(c2pread, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_TEXT) with os.fdopen(fd_out, "r") as f_out: ret["stdout"] = f_out.read() # Get Standard Error fd_err = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(errread, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_TEXT) with os.fdopen(fd_err, "r") as f_err: ret["stderr"] = f_err.read() # Get Return Code if ( salt.platform.win.kernel32.WaitForSingleObject( process_info.hProcess, win32event.INFINITE ) == win32con.WAIT_OBJECT_0 ): exitcode = salt.platform.win.wintypes.DWORD() salt.platform.win.kernel32.GetExitCodeProcess( process_info.hProcess, ctypes.byref(exitcode) ) ret["retcode"] = exitcode.value # Close handle to process salt.platform.win.kernel32.CloseHandle(process_info.hProcess) return ret