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"""Future-returning APIs for coroutines.""" # Copyright (c) PyZMQ Developers. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import warnings from asyncio import Future from collections import deque from itertools import chain from typing import ( Any, Awaitable, Callable, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union, cast, overload, ) import zmq as _zmq from zmq import EVENTS, POLLIN, POLLOUT from zmq._typing import Literal class _FutureEvent(NamedTuple): future: Future kind: str kwargs: Dict msg: Any timer: Any # These are incomplete classes and need a Mixin for compatibility with an eventloop # defining the following attributes: # # _Future # _READ # _WRITE # _default_loop() class _Async: """Mixin for common async logic""" _current_loop: Any = None _Future: Type[Future] def _get_loop(self) -> Any: """Get event loop Notice if event loop has changed, and register init_io_state on activation of a new event loop """ if self._current_loop is None: self._current_loop = self._default_loop() self._init_io_state(self._current_loop) return self._current_loop current_loop = self._default_loop() if current_loop is not self._current_loop: # warn? This means a socket is being used in multiple loops! self._current_loop = current_loop self._init_io_state(current_loop) return current_loop def _default_loop(self) -> Any: raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in a subclass") def _init_io_state(self, loop=None) -> None: pass class _AsyncPoller(_Async, _zmq.Poller): """Poller that returns a Future on poll, instead of blocking.""" _socket_class: Type["_AsyncSocket"] _READ: int _WRITE: int raw_sockets: List[Any] def _watch_raw_socket(self, loop: Any, socket: Any, evt: int, f: Callable) -> None: """Schedule callback for a raw socket""" raise NotImplementedError() def _unwatch_raw_sockets(self, loop: Any, *sockets: Any) -> None: """Unschedule callback for a raw socket""" raise NotImplementedError() def poll(self, timeout=-1) -> Awaitable[List[Tuple[Any, int]]]: # type: ignore """Return a Future for a poll event""" future = self._Future() if timeout == 0: try: result = super().poll(0) except Exception as e: future.set_exception(e) else: future.set_result(result) return future loop = self._get_loop() # register Future to be called as soon as any event is available on any socket watcher = self._Future() # watch raw sockets: raw_sockets: List[Any] = [] def wake_raw(*args): if not watcher.done(): watcher.set_result(None) watcher.add_done_callback( lambda f: self._unwatch_raw_sockets(loop, *raw_sockets) ) for socket, mask in self.sockets: if isinstance(socket, _zmq.Socket): if not isinstance(socket, self._socket_class): # it's a blocking zmq.Socket, wrap it in async socket = self._socket_class.from_socket(socket) if mask & _zmq.POLLIN: socket._add_recv_event('poll', future=watcher) if mask & _zmq.POLLOUT: socket._add_send_event('poll', future=watcher) else: raw_sockets.append(socket) evt = 0 if mask & _zmq.POLLIN: evt |= self._READ if mask & _zmq.POLLOUT: evt |= self._WRITE self._watch_raw_socket(loop, socket, evt, wake_raw) def on_poll_ready(f): if future.done(): return if watcher.cancelled(): try: future.cancel() except RuntimeError: # RuntimeError may be called during teardown pass return if watcher.exception(): future.set_exception(watcher.exception()) else: try: result = super(_AsyncPoller, self).poll(0) except Exception as e: future.set_exception(e) else: future.set_result(result) watcher.add_done_callback(on_poll_ready) if timeout is not None and timeout > 0: # schedule cancel to fire on poll timeout, if any def trigger_timeout(): if not watcher.done(): watcher.set_result(None) timeout_handle = loop.call_later(1e-3 * timeout, trigger_timeout) def cancel_timeout(f): if hasattr(timeout_handle, 'cancel'): timeout_handle.cancel() else: loop.remove_timeout(timeout_handle) future.add_done_callback(cancel_timeout) def cancel_watcher(f): if not watcher.done(): watcher.cancel() future.add_done_callback(cancel_watcher) return future class _NoTimer: @staticmethod def cancel(): pass T = TypeVar("T", bound="_AsyncSocket") class _AsyncSocket(_Async, _zmq.Socket[Future]): # Warning : these class variables are only here to allow to call super().__setattr__. # They be overridden at instance initialization and not shared in the whole class _recv_futures = None _send_futures = None _state = 0 _shadow_sock: "_zmq.Socket" _poller_class = _AsyncPoller _fd = None def __init__( self, context=None, socket_type=-1, io_loop=None, _from_socket: Optional["_zmq.Socket"] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: if isinstance(context, _zmq.Socket): context, _from_socket = (None, context) if _from_socket is not None: super().__init__(shadow=_from_socket.underlying) # type: ignore self._shadow_sock = _from_socket else: super().__init__(context, socket_type, **kwargs) # type: ignore self._shadow_sock = _zmq.Socket.shadow(self.underlying) if io_loop is not None: warnings.warn( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(io_loop) argument is deprecated in pyzmq 22.2." " The currently active loop will always be used.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3, ) self._recv_futures = deque() self._send_futures = deque() self._state = 0 self._fd = self._shadow_sock.FD @classmethod def from_socket(cls: Type[T], socket: "_zmq.Socket", io_loop: Any = None) -> T: """Create an async socket from an existing Socket""" return cls(_from_socket=socket, io_loop=io_loop) def close(self, linger: Optional[int] = None) -> None: if not self.closed and self._fd is not None: event_list: List[_FutureEvent] = list( chain(self._recv_futures or [], self._send_futures or []) ) for event in event_list: if not event.future.done(): try: event.future.cancel() except RuntimeError: # RuntimeError may be called during teardown pass self._clear_io_state() super().close(linger=linger) close.__doc__ = _zmq.Socket.close.__doc__ def get(self, key): result = super().get(key) if key == EVENTS: self._schedule_remaining_events(result) return result get.__doc__ = _zmq.Socket.get.__doc__ @overload # type: ignore def recv_multipart( self, flags: int = 0, *, track: bool = False ) -> Awaitable[List[bytes]]: ... @overload def recv_multipart( self, flags: int = 0, *, copy: Literal[True], track: bool = False ) -> Awaitable[List[bytes]]: ... @overload def recv_multipart( self, flags: int = 0, *, copy: Literal[False], track: bool = False ) -> Awaitable[List[_zmq.Frame]]: # type: ignore ... @overload def recv_multipart( self, flags: int = 0, copy: bool = True, track: bool = False ) -> Awaitable[Union[List[bytes], List[_zmq.Frame]]]: ... def recv_multipart( self, flags: int = 0, copy: bool = True, track: bool = False ) -> Awaitable[Union[List[bytes], List[_zmq.Frame]]]: """Receive a complete multipart zmq message. Returns a Future whose result will be a multipart message. """ return self._add_recv_event( 'recv_multipart', dict(flags=flags, copy=copy, track=track) ) def recv( # type: ignore self, flags: int = 0, copy: bool = True, track: bool = False ) -> Awaitable[Union[bytes, _zmq.Frame]]: """Receive a single zmq frame. Returns a Future, whose result will be the received frame. Recommend using recv_multipart instead. """ return self._add_recv_event('recv', dict(flags=flags, copy=copy, track=track)) def send_multipart( # type: ignore self, msg_parts: Any, flags: int = 0, copy: bool = True, track=False, **kwargs ) -> Awaitable[Optional[_zmq.MessageTracker]]: """Send a complete multipart zmq message. Returns a Future that resolves when sending is complete. """ kwargs['flags'] = flags kwargs['copy'] = copy kwargs['track'] = track return self._add_send_event('send_multipart', msg=msg_parts, kwargs=kwargs) def send( # type: ignore self, data: Any, flags: int = 0, copy: bool = True, track: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Awaitable[Optional[_zmq.MessageTracker]]: """Send a single zmq frame. Returns a Future that resolves when sending is complete. Recommend using send_multipart instead. """ kwargs['flags'] = flags kwargs['copy'] = copy kwargs['track'] = track kwargs.update(dict(flags=flags, copy=copy, track=track)) return self._add_send_event('send', msg=data, kwargs=kwargs) def _deserialize(self, recvd, load): """Deserialize with Futures""" f = self._Future() def _chain(_): """Chain result through serialization to recvd""" if f.done(): return if recvd.exception(): f.set_exception(recvd.exception()) else: buf = recvd.result() try: loaded = load(buf) except Exception as e: f.set_exception(e) else: f.set_result(loaded) recvd.add_done_callback(_chain) def _chain_cancel(_): """Chain cancellation from f to recvd""" if recvd.done(): return if f.cancelled(): recvd.cancel() f.add_done_callback(_chain_cancel) return f def poll(self, timeout=None, flags=_zmq.POLLIN) -> Awaitable[int]: # type: ignore """poll the socket for events returns a Future for the poll results. """ if self.closed: raise _zmq.ZMQError(_zmq.ENOTSUP) p = self._poller_class() p.register(self, flags) f = cast(Future, p.poll(timeout)) future = self._Future() def unwrap_result(f): if future.done(): return if f.cancelled(): try: future.cancel() except RuntimeError: # RuntimeError may be called during teardown pass return if f.exception(): future.set_exception(f.exception()) else: evts = dict(f.result()) future.set_result(evts.get(self, 0)) if f.done(): # hook up result if unwrap_result(f) else: f.add_done_callback(unwrap_result) return future # overrides only necessary for updated types def recv_string(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Awaitable[str]: # type: ignore return super().recv_string(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore def send_string(self, s: str, flags: int = 0, encoding: str = 'utf-8') -> Awaitable[None]: # type: ignore return super().send_string(s, flags=flags, encoding=encoding) # type: ignore def _add_timeout(self, future, timeout): """Add a timeout for a send or recv Future""" def future_timeout(): if future.done(): # future already resolved, do nothing return # raise EAGAIN future.set_exception(_zmq.Again()) return self._call_later(timeout, future_timeout) def _call_later(self, delay, callback): """Schedule a function to be called later Override for different IOLoop implementations Tornado and asyncio happen to both have ioloop.call_later with the same signature. """ return self._get_loop().call_later(delay, callback) @staticmethod def _remove_finished_future(future, event_list): """Make sure that futures are removed from the event list when they resolve Avoids delaying cleanup until the next send/recv event, which may never come. """ for f_idx, event in enumerate(event_list): if event.future is future: break else: return # "future" instance is shared between sockets, but each socket has its own event list. event_list.remove(event_list[f_idx]) def _add_recv_event(self, kind, kwargs=None, future=None): """Add a recv event, returning the corresponding Future""" f = future or self._Future() if kind.startswith('recv') and kwargs.get('flags', 0) & _zmq.DONTWAIT: # short-circuit non-blocking calls recv = getattr(self._shadow_sock, kind) try: r = recv(**kwargs) except Exception as e: f.set_exception(e) else: f.set_result(r) return f timer = _NoTimer if hasattr(_zmq, 'RCVTIMEO'): timeout_ms = self._shadow_sock.rcvtimeo if timeout_ms >= 0: timer = self._add_timeout(f, timeout_ms * 1e-3) # we add it to the list of futures before we add the timeout as the # timeout will remove the future from recv_futures to avoid leaks self._recv_futures.append(_FutureEvent(f, kind, kwargs, msg=None, timer=timer)) # Don't let the Future sit in _recv_events after it's done f.add_done_callback( lambda f: self._remove_finished_future(f, self._recv_futures) ) if self._shadow_sock.get(EVENTS) & POLLIN: # recv immediately, if we can self._handle_recv() if self._recv_futures: self._add_io_state(POLLIN) return f def _add_send_event(self, kind, msg=None, kwargs=None, future=None): """Add a send event, returning the corresponding Future""" f = future or self._Future() # attempt send with DONTWAIT if no futures are waiting # short-circuit for sends that will resolve immediately # only call if no send Futures are waiting if kind in ('send', 'send_multipart') and not self._send_futures: flags = kwargs.get('flags', 0) nowait_kwargs = kwargs.copy() nowait_kwargs['flags'] = flags | _zmq.DONTWAIT # short-circuit non-blocking calls send = getattr(self._shadow_sock, kind) # track if the send resolved or not # (EAGAIN if DONTWAIT is not set should proceed with) finish_early = True try: r = send(msg, **nowait_kwargs) except _zmq.Again as e: if flags & _zmq.DONTWAIT: f.set_exception(e) else: # EAGAIN raised and DONTWAIT not requested, # proceed with async send finish_early = False except Exception as e: f.set_exception(e) else: f.set_result(r) if finish_early: # short-circuit resolved, return finished Future # schedule wake for recv if there are any receivers waiting if self._recv_futures: self._schedule_remaining_events() return f timer = _NoTimer if hasattr(_zmq, 'SNDTIMEO'): timeout_ms = self._shadow_sock.get(_zmq.SNDTIMEO) if timeout_ms >= 0: timer = self._add_timeout(f, timeout_ms * 1e-3) # we add it to the list of futures before we add the timeout as the # timeout will remove the future from recv_futures to avoid leaks self._send_futures.append( _FutureEvent(f, kind, kwargs=kwargs, msg=msg, timer=timer) ) # Don't let the Future sit in _send_futures after it's done f.add_done_callback( lambda f: self._remove_finished_future(f, self._send_futures) ) self._add_io_state(POLLOUT) return f def _handle_recv(self): """Handle recv events""" if not self._shadow_sock.get(EVENTS) & POLLIN: # event triggered, but state may have been changed between trigger and callback return f = None while self._recv_futures: f, kind, kwargs, _, timer = self._recv_futures.popleft() # skip any cancelled futures if f.done(): f = None else: break if not self._recv_futures: self._drop_io_state(POLLIN) if f is None: return timer.cancel() if kind == 'poll': # on poll event, just signal ready, nothing else. f.set_result(None) return elif kind == 'recv_multipart': recv = self._shadow_sock.recv_multipart elif kind == 'recv': recv = self._shadow_sock.recv else: raise ValueError("Unhandled recv event type: %r" % kind) kwargs['flags'] |= _zmq.DONTWAIT try: result = recv(**kwargs) except Exception as e: f.set_exception(e) else: f.set_result(result) def _handle_send(self): if not self._shadow_sock.get(EVENTS) & POLLOUT: # event triggered, but state may have been changed between trigger and callback return f = None while self._send_futures: f, kind, kwargs, msg, timer = self._send_futures.popleft() # skip any cancelled futures if f.done(): f = None else: break if not self._send_futures: self._drop_io_state(POLLOUT) if f is None: return timer.cancel() if kind == 'poll': # on poll event, just signal ready, nothing else. f.set_result(None) return elif kind == 'send_multipart': send = self._shadow_sock.send_multipart elif kind == 'send': send = self._shadow_sock.send else: raise ValueError("Unhandled send event type: %r" % kind) kwargs['flags'] |= _zmq.DONTWAIT try: result = send(msg, **kwargs) except Exception as e: f.set_exception(e) else: f.set_result(result) # event masking from ZMQStream def _handle_events(self, fd=0, events=0): """Dispatch IO events to _handle_recv, etc.""" zmq_events = self._shadow_sock.get(EVENTS) if zmq_events & _zmq.POLLIN: self._handle_recv() if zmq_events & _zmq.POLLOUT: self._handle_send() self._schedule_remaining_events() def _schedule_remaining_events(self, events=None): """Schedule a call to handle_events next loop iteration If there are still events to handle. """ # edge-triggered handling # allow passing events in, in case this is triggered by retrieving events, # so we don't have to retrieve it twice. if self._state == 0: # not watching for anything, nothing to schedule return if events is None: events = self._shadow_sock.get(EVENTS) if events & self._state: self._call_later(0, self._handle_events) def _add_io_state(self, state): """Add io_state to poller.""" if self._state != state: state = self._state = self._state | state self._update_handler(self._state) def _drop_io_state(self, state): """Stop poller from watching an io_state.""" if self._state & state: self._state = self._state & (~state) self._update_handler(self._state) def _update_handler(self, state): """Update IOLoop handler with state. zmq FD is always read-only. """ # ensure loop is registered and init_io has been called # if there are any events to watch for if state: self._get_loop() self._schedule_remaining_events() def _init_io_state(self, loop=None): """initialize the ioloop event handler""" if loop is None: loop = self._get_loop() loop.add_handler(self._shadow_sock, self._handle_events, self._READ) self._call_later(0, self._handle_events) def _clear_io_state(self): """unregister the ioloop event handler called once during close """ fd = self._shadow_sock if self._shadow_sock.closed: fd = self._fd if self._current_loop is not None: self._current_loop.remove_handler(fd)