Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
require File.expand_path('../../../load_paths', __FILE__) require "active_record" require 'benchmark/ips' TIME = (ENV['BENCHMARK_TIME'] || 20).to_i RECORDS = (ENV['BENCHMARK_RECORDS'] || TIME*1000).to_i conn = { adapter: 'sqlite3', database: ':memory:' } ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(conn) class User < ActiveRecord::Base connection.create_table :users, force: true do |t| t.string :name, :email t.timestamps end has_many :exhibits end class Exhibit < ActiveRecord::Base connection.create_table :exhibits, force: true do |t| t.belongs_to :user t.string :name t.text :notes t.timestamps end belongs_to :user def look; attributes end def feel; look; user.name end def self.with_name where("name IS NOT NULL") end def self.with_notes where("notes IS NOT NULL") end def self.look(exhibits) exhibits.each { |e| e.look } end def self.feel(exhibits) exhibits.each { |e| e.feel } end end def progress_bar(int); print "." if (int%100).zero? ; end puts 'Generating data...' module ActiveRecord class Faker LOREM = %Q{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse non aliquet diam. Curabitur vel urna metus, quis malesuada elit. Integer consequat tincidunt felis. Etiam non erat dolor. Vivamus imperdiet nibh sit amet diam eleifend id posuere diam malesuada. Mauris at accumsan sem. Donec id lorem neque. Fusce erat lorem, ornare eu congue vitae, malesuada quis neque. Maecenas vel urna a velit pretium fermentum. Donec tortor enim, tempor venenatis egestas a, tempor sed ipsum. Ut arcu justo, faucibus non imperdiet ac, interdum at diam. Pellentesque ipsum enim, venenatis ut iaculis vitae, varius vitae sem. Sed rutrum quam ac elit euismod bibendum. Donec ultricies ultricies magna, at lacinia libero mollis aliquam. Sed ac arcu in tortor elementum tincidunt vel interdum sem. Curabitur eget erat arcu. Praesent eget eros leo. Nam magna enim, sollicitudin vehicula scelerisque in, vulputate ut libero. Praesent varius tincidunt commodo}.split def self.name LOREM.grep(/^\w*$/).sort_by { rand }.first(2).join ' ' end def self.email LOREM.grep(/^\w*$/).sort_by { rand }.first(2).join('@') + ".com" end end end # pre-compute the insert statements and fake data compilation, # so the benchmarks below show the actual runtime for the execute # method, minus the setup steps # Using the same paragraph for all exhibits because it is very slow # to generate unique paragraphs for all exhibits. notes = ActiveRecord::Faker::LOREM.join ' ' today = Date.today puts "Inserting #{RECORDS} users and exhibits..." RECORDS.times do |record| user = User.create( created_at: today, name: ActiveRecord::Faker.name, email: ActiveRecord::Faker.email ) Exhibit.create( created_at: today, name: ActiveRecord::Faker.name, user: user, notes: notes ) progress_bar(record) end puts "Done!\n" Benchmark.ips(TIME) do |x| ar_obj = Exhibit.find(1) attrs = { name: 'sam' } attrs_first = { name: 'sam' } attrs_second = { name: 'tom' } exhibit = { name: ActiveRecord::Faker.name, notes: notes, created_at: Date.today } x.report("Model#id") do ar_obj.id end x.report 'Model.new (instantiation)' do Exhibit.new end x.report 'Model.new (setting attributes)' do Exhibit.new(attrs) end x.report 'Model.first' do Exhibit.first.look end x.report 'Model.take' do Exhibit.take end x.report("Model.all limit(100)") do Exhibit.look Exhibit.limit(100) end x.report("Model.all take(100)") do Exhibit.look Exhibit.take(100) end x.report "Model.all limit(100) with relationship" do Exhibit.feel Exhibit.limit(100).includes(:user) end x.report "Model.all limit(10,000)" do Exhibit.look Exhibit.limit(10000) end x.report 'Model.named_scope' do Exhibit.limit(10).with_name.with_notes end x.report 'Model.create' do Exhibit.create(exhibit) end x.report 'Resource#attributes=' do e = Exhibit.new(attrs_first) e.attributes = attrs_second end x.report 'Resource#update' do Exhibit.first.update(name: 'bob') end x.report 'Resource#destroy' do Exhibit.first.destroy end x.report 'Model.transaction' do Exhibit.transaction { Exhibit.new } end x.report 'Model.find(id)' do User.find(1) end x.report 'Model.find_by_sql' do Exhibit.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM exhibits WHERE id = #{(rand * 1000 + 1).to_i}").first end x.report "Model.log" do Exhibit.connection.send(:log, "hello", "world") {} end x.report "AR.execute(query)" do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT * FROM exhibits WHERE id = #{(rand * 1000 + 1).to_i}") end end