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# This configuration was generated by # `rubocop --auto-gen-config` # on 2016-11-19 11:43:45 -0600 using RuboCop version 0.45.0. # The point is for the user to remove these configuration records # one by one as the offenses are removed from the code base. # Note that changes in the inspected code, or installation of new # versions of RuboCop, may require this file to be generated again. # Offense count: 2 Lint/EmptyWhen: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/friendly_errors.rb' - 'spec/support/builders.rb' # Offense count: 4 Lint/Eval: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler.rb' - 'lib/bundler/endpoint_specification.rb' - 'spec/support/streams.rb' # Offense count: 4 Lint/HandleExceptions: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/installer.rb' - 'lib/bundler/psyched_yaml.rb' - 'lib/bundler/vendored_persistent.rb' # Offense count: 1 Lint/IneffectiveAccessModifier: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/settings.rb' # Offense count: 3 Lint/NestedMethodDefinition: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/inline.rb' - 'spec/support/builders.rb' # Offense count: 5 Lint/RescueException: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/cli.rb' - 'lib/bundler/dsl.rb' - 'lib/bundler/friendly_errors.rb' - 'lib/bundler/rubygems_integration.rb' - 'lib/bundler/worker.rb' # Offense count: 1 # Configuration parameters: ContextCreatingMethods. Lint/UselessAccessModifier: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/fetcher.rb' # Offense count: 6 Lint/UselessAssignment: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/index.rb' - 'lib/bundler/installer.rb' # Offense count: 7 # Configuration parameters: CountComments. Metrics/BlockLength: Max: 46 # Offense count: 1855 # Configuration parameters: AllowHeredoc, AllowURI, URISchemes, IgnoreCopDirectives. # URISchemes: http, https Metrics/LineLength: Max: 207 # Offense count: 6 # Cop supports --auto-correct. Performance/RedundantBlockCall: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/dsl.rb' - 'lib/bundler/gem_helper.rb' - 'lib/bundler/retry.rb' - 'lib/bundler/shared_helpers.rb' - 'spec/support/helpers.rb' # Offense count: 2 # Cop supports --auto-correct. Performance/RedundantMatch: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/definition.rb' - 'lib/bundler/lockfile_parser.rb' # Offense count: 5 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: MaxKeyValuePairs. Performance/RedundantMerge: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/cli/gem.rb' # Offense count: 1 Style/AccessorMethodName: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/source/git.rb' # Offense count: 4 Style/CaseEquality: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/dsl.rb' - 'lib/bundler/match_platform.rb' - 'lib/bundler/rubygems_ext.rb' # Offense count: 23 # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. # SupportedStyles: nested, compact Style/ClassAndModuleChildren: Enabled: false # Offense count: 9 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles, SingleLineConditionsOnly. # SupportedStyles: assign_to_condition, assign_inside_condition Style/ConditionalAssignment: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/cli.rb' - 'lib/bundler/cli/gem.rb' - 'lib/bundler/cli/platform.rb' - 'lib/bundler/dsl.rb' - 'lib/bundler/lazy_specification.rb' - 'lib/bundler/psyched_yaml.rb' - 'lib/bundler/rubygems_integration.rb' - 'lib/bundler/source/git.rb' - 'lib/bundler/source/rubygems.rb' # Offense count: 148 Style/Documentation: Enabled: false # Offense count: 2 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: AllowForAlignment, ForceEqualSignAlignment. Style/ExtraSpacing: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/cli.rb' # Offense count: 2 # Configuration parameters: AllowedVariables. Style/GlobalVars: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/cli.rb' - 'spec/spec_helper.rb' # Offense count: 19 # Configuration parameters: MinBodyLength. Style/GuardClause: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/cli/cache.rb' - 'lib/bundler/cli/clean.rb' - 'lib/bundler/cli/install.rb' - 'lib/bundler/cli/outdated.rb' - 'lib/bundler/cli/package.rb' - 'lib/bundler/definition.rb' - 'lib/bundler/dsl.rb' - 'lib/bundler/installer.rb' - 'lib/bundler/lockfile_parser.rb' - 'lib/bundler/runtime.rb' - 'lib/bundler/shared_helpers.rb' - 'lib/bundler/source/path/installer.rb' - 'lib/bundler/source_list.rb' - 'spec/commands/newgem_spec.rb' - 'spec/support/sometimes.rb' # Offense count: 1 Style/IfInsideElse: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/cli/install.rb' # Offense count: 1 Style/IfUnlessModifierOfIfUnless: Exclude: - 'spec/support/helpers.rb' # Offense count: 10 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: SupportedStyles, IndentationWidth. # SupportedStyles: special_inside_parentheses, consistent, align_brackets Style/IndentArray: EnforcedStyle: consistent # Offense count: 6 Style/MethodMissing: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/dep_proxy.rb' - 'lib/bundler/dsl.rb' - 'lib/bundler/lazy_specification.rb' - 'lib/bundler/plugin/dsl.rb' - 'lib/bundler/remote_specification.rb' - 'spec/support/builders.rb' # Offense count: 2 # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. # SupportedStyles: module_function, extend_self Style/ModuleFunction: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/shared_helpers.rb' - 'spec/support/path.rb' # Offense count: 11 # Cop supports --auto-correct. Style/MultilineIfModifier: Exclude: - 'bin/with_rubygems' - 'lib/bundler/installer.rb' - 'lib/bundler/psyched_yaml.rb' - 'lib/bundler/rubygems_ext.rb' - 'lib/bundler/runtime.rb' - 'lib/bundler/source/rubygems.rb' # Offense count: 3 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles, IndentationWidth. # SupportedStyles: aligned, indented, indented_relative_to_receiver Style/MultilineMethodCallIndentation: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/cli/common.rb' - 'spec/bundler/plugin/source_list_spec.rb' # Offense count: 3 # Cop supports --auto-correct. Style/NestedParenthesizedCalls: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/resolver.rb' - 'spec/commands/lock_spec.rb' - 'spec/runtime/setup_spec.rb' # Offense count: 6 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: AutoCorrect, EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. # SupportedStyles: predicate, comparison Style/NumericPredicate: Exclude: - 'spec/**/*' - 'lib/bundler/gem_helper.rb' - 'lib/bundler/mirror.rb' - 'lib/bundler/source/git/git_proxy.rb' - 'lib/bundler/source/path.rb' # Offense count: 9 # Configuration parameters: NamePrefix, NamePrefixBlacklist, NameWhitelist. # NamePrefix: is_, has_, have_ # NamePrefixBlacklist: is_, has_, have_ # NameWhitelist: is_a? Style/PredicateName: Exclude: - 'spec/**/*' - 'lib/bundler/definition.rb' - 'lib/bundler/installer/parallel_installer.rb' - 'lib/bundler/settings.rb' - 'lib/bundler/source/git.rb' - 'lib/bundler/source/git/git_proxy.rb' - 'lib/bundler/source/path.rb' # Offense count: 25 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. # SupportedStyles: compact, exploded Style/RaiseArgs: Enabled: false # Offense count: 2 # Cop supports --auto-correct. Style/RedundantParentheses: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/cli/console.rb' - 'lib/bundler/dsl.rb' # Offense count: 1 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: AllowForAlignment. Style/SpaceAroundOperators: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/retry.rb' # Offense count: 1 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles, EnforcedStyleForEmptyBraces, SpaceBeforeBlockParameters. # SupportedStyles: space, no_space Style/SpaceInsideBlockBraces: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/installer/parallel_installer.rb' # Offense count: 2 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles, AllowSafeAssignment. # SupportedStyles: require_parentheses, require_no_parentheses Style/TernaryParentheses: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/cli/common.rb' - 'lib/bundler/gem_version_promoter.rb' # Offense count: 10 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyleForMultiline, SupportedStyles. # SupportedStyles: comma, consistent_comma, no_comma Style/TrailingCommaInLiteral: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/cli/gem.rb' - 'lib/bundler/dependency.rb' - 'lib/bundler/fetcher.rb' - 'lib/bundler/gem_helpers.rb' - 'lib/bundler/graph.rb' - 'lib/bundler/ruby_version.rb' - 'lib/bundler/similarity_detector.rb' - 'spec/support/artifice/endpoint.rb' # Offense count: 18 # Cop supports --auto-correct. Style/UnneededInterpolation: Exclude: - 'lib/bundler/cli/config.rb' - 'lib/bundler/env.rb' - 'spec/bundler/shared_helpers_spec.rb' - 'spec/cache/git_spec.rb' - 'spec/commands/exec_spec.rb' - 'spec/support/artifice/endpoint.rb' - 'spec/support/artifice/endpoint_500.rb' # Offense count: 2 # Configuration parameters: SupportedStyles. # SupportedStyles: snake_case, normalcase, non_integer Style/VariableNumber: EnforcedStyle: normalcase Exclude: - 'spec/commands/help_spec.rb' - 'spec/other/ext_spec.rb'