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require 'spec_helper' require 'support/shared_examples/view_helpers' module Draper describe Decorator do it_behaves_like "view helpers", Decorator.new(Model.new) describe "#initialize" do describe "options validation" do it "does not raise error on valid options" do valid_options = {context: {}} expect{Decorator.new(Model.new, valid_options)}.not_to raise_error end it "raises error on invalid options" do expect{Decorator.new(Model.new, foo: "bar")}.to raise_error ArgumentError, /Unknown key/ end end it "sets the object" do object = Model.new decorator = Decorator.new(object) expect(decorator.object).to be object end it "stores context" do context = {some: "context"} decorator = Decorator.new(Model.new, context: context) expect(decorator.context).to be context end context "when decorating an instance of itself" do it "applies to the object instead" do object = Model.new decorated = Decorator.new(object) redecorated = Decorator.new(decorated) expect(redecorated.object).to be object end context "with context" do it "overwrites existing context" do decorated = Decorator.new(Model.new, context: {some: "context"}) new_context = {other: "context"} redecorated = Decorator.new(decorated, context: new_context) expect(redecorated.context).to be new_context end end context "without context" do it "preserves existing context" do old_context = {some: "context"} decorated = Decorator.new(Model.new, context: old_context) redecorated = Decorator.new(decorated) expect(redecorated.context).to be old_context end end end it "decorates other decorators" do decorated = OtherDecorator.new(Model.new) redecorated = Decorator.new(decorated) expect(redecorated.object).to be decorated end context "when it has been applied previously" do it "warns" do decorated = OtherDecorator.new(Decorator.new(Model.new)) warning_message = nil Object.any_instance.stub(:warn) {|message| warning_message = message } expect{Decorator.new(decorated)}.to change{warning_message} expect(warning_message).to start_with "Reapplying Draper::Decorator" expect(warning_message).to include caller(1).first end it "decorates anyway" do decorated = OtherDecorator.new(Decorator.new(Model.new)) Object.any_instance.stub(:warn) redecorated = Decorator.decorate(decorated) expect(redecorated.object).to be decorated end end end describe "#context=" do it "modifies the context" do decorator = Decorator.new(Model.new, context: {some: "context"}) new_context = {other: "context"} decorator.context = new_context expect(decorator.context).to be new_context end end describe ".decorate_collection" do describe "options validation" do before { CollectionDecorator.stub(:new) } it "does not raise error on valid options" do valid_options = {with: OtherDecorator, context: {}} expect{Decorator.decorate_collection([], valid_options)}.not_to raise_error end it "raises error on invalid options" do expect{Decorator.decorate_collection([], foo: "bar")}.to raise_error ArgumentError, /Unknown key/ end end context "without a custom collection decorator" do it "creates a CollectionDecorator using itself for each item" do object = [Model.new] CollectionDecorator.should_receive(:new).with(object, with: Decorator) Decorator.decorate_collection(object) end it "passes options to the collection decorator" do options = {with: OtherDecorator, context: {some: "context"}} CollectionDecorator.should_receive(:new).with([], options) Decorator.decorate_collection([], options) end end context "with a custom collection decorator" do it "creates a custom collection decorator using itself for each item" do object = [Model.new] ProductsDecorator.should_receive(:new).with(object, with: ProductDecorator) ProductDecorator.decorate_collection(object) end it "passes options to the collection decorator" do options = {with: OtherDecorator, context: {some: "context"}} ProductsDecorator.should_receive(:new).with([], options) ProductDecorator.decorate_collection([], options) end end context "when a NameError is thrown" do it "re-raises that error" do String.any_instance.stub(:constantize).and_return{Draper::DecoratedEnumerableProxy} expect{ProductDecorator.decorate_collection([])}.to raise_error NameError, /Draper::DecoratedEnumerableProxy/ end end end describe ".decorates" do protect_class Decorator it "sets .object_class with a symbol" do Decorator.decorates :product expect(Decorator.object_class).to be Product end it "sets .object_class with a string" do Decorator.decorates "product" expect(Decorator.object_class).to be Product end it "sets .object_class with a class" do Decorator.decorates Product expect(Decorator.object_class).to be Product end end describe ".object_class" do protect_class ProductDecorator protect_class Namespaced::ProductDecorator context "when not set by .decorates" do it "raises an UninferrableSourceError for a so-named 'Decorator'" do expect{Decorator.object_class}.to raise_error UninferrableSourceError end it "raises an UninferrableSourceError for anonymous decorators" do expect{Class.new(Decorator).object_class}.to raise_error UninferrableSourceError end it "raises an UninferrableSourceError for a decorator without a model" do expect{OtherDecorator.object_class}.to raise_error UninferrableSourceError end it "raises an UninferrableSourceError for other naming conventions" do expect{ProductPresenter.object_class}.to raise_error UninferrableSourceError end it "infers the source for '<Model>Decorator'" do expect(ProductDecorator.object_class).to be Product end it "infers namespaced sources" do expect(Namespaced::ProductDecorator.object_class).to be Namespaced::Product end context "when an unrelated NameError is thrown" do it "re-raises that error" do String.any_instance.stub(:constantize).and_return{SomethingThatDoesntExist} expect{ProductDecorator.object_class}.to raise_error NameError, /SomethingThatDoesntExist/ end end end it "is aliased to .source_class" do expect(ProductDecorator.source_class).to be Product end end describe ".object_class?" do it "returns truthy when .object_class is set" do Decorator.stub(:object_class).and_return(Model) expect(Decorator.object_class?).to be_true end it "returns false when .object_class is not inferrable" do Decorator.stub(:object_class).and_raise(UninferrableSourceError.new(Decorator)) expect(Decorator.object_class?).to be_false end it "is aliased to .source_class?" do Decorator.stub(:object_class).and_return(Model) expect(Decorator.source_class?).to be_true end end describe ".decorates_association" do protect_class Decorator describe "options validation" do before { DecoratedAssociation.stub(:new).and_return(->{}) } it "does not raise error on valid options" do valid_options = {with: Class, scope: :sorted, context: {}} expect{Decorator.decorates_association(:children, valid_options)}.not_to raise_error end it "raises error on invalid options" do expect{Decorator.decorates_association(:children, foo: "bar")}.to raise_error ArgumentError, /Unknown key/ end end describe "defines an association method" do it "creates a DecoratedAssociation" do options = {with: Class.new, scope: :foo, context: {}} Decorator.decorates_association :children, options decorator = Decorator.new(Model.new) DecoratedAssociation.should_receive(:new).with(decorator, :children, options).and_return(->{}) decorator.children end it "memoizes the DecoratedAssociation" do Decorator.decorates_association :children decorator = Decorator.new(Model.new) DecoratedAssociation.should_receive(:new).once.and_return(->{}) decorator.children decorator.children end it "calls the DecoratedAssociation" do Decorator.decorates_association :children decorator = Decorator.new(Model.new) decorated_association = ->{} DecoratedAssociation.stub(:new).and_return(decorated_association) decorated_association.should_receive(:call).and_return(:decorated) expect(decorator.children).to be :decorated end end end describe ".decorates_associations" do protect_class Decorator it "decorates each of the associations" do Decorator.should_receive(:decorates_association).with(:friends, {}) Decorator.should_receive(:decorates_association).with(:enemies, {}) Decorator.decorates_associations :friends, :enemies end it "dispatches options" do options = {with: Class.new, scope: :foo, context: {}} Decorator.should_receive(:decorates_association).with(:friends, options) Decorator.should_receive(:decorates_association).with(:enemies, options) Decorator.decorates_associations :friends, :enemies, options end end describe "#applied_decorators" do it "returns a list of decorators applied to a model" do decorator = ProductDecorator.new(OtherDecorator.new(Decorator.new(Model.new))) expect(decorator.applied_decorators).to eq [Decorator, OtherDecorator, ProductDecorator] end end describe "#decorated_with?" do it "checks if a decorator has been applied to a model" do decorator = ProductDecorator.new(Decorator.new(Model.new)) expect(decorator).to be_decorated_with Decorator expect(decorator).to be_decorated_with ProductDecorator expect(decorator).not_to be_decorated_with OtherDecorator end end describe "#decorated?" do it "returns true" do decorator = Decorator.new(Model.new) expect(decorator).to be_decorated end end describe "#object" do it "returns the wrapped object" do object = Model.new decorator = Decorator.new(object) expect(decorator.object).to be object expect(decorator.model).to be object expect(decorator.to_source).to be object end it "is aliased to #model" do object = Model.new decorator = Decorator.new(object) expect(decorator.model).to be object end it "is aliased to #source" do object = Model.new decorator = Decorator.new(object) expect(decorator.source).to be object end it "is aliased to #to_source" do object = Model.new decorator = Decorator.new(object) expect(decorator.to_source).to be object end end describe "aliasing object to object class name" do context "when object_class is inferrable from the decorator name" do it "aliases object to the object class name" do object = double decorator = ProductDecorator.new(object) expect(decorator.product).to be object end end context "when object_class is set by decorates" do it "aliases object to the object class name" do decorator_class = Class.new(Decorator) { decorates Product } object = double decorator = decorator_class.new(object) expect(decorator.product).to be object end end context "when object_class's name is several words long" do it "underscores the method name" do stub_const "LongWindedModel", Class.new decorator_class = Class.new(Decorator) { decorates LongWindedModel } object = double decorator = decorator_class.new(object) expect(decorator.long_winded_model).to be object end end context "when object_class is not set" do it "does not alias object" do decorator_class = Class.new(Decorator) expect(decorator_class.instance_methods).to eq Decorator.instance_methods end end end describe "#to_model" do it "returns the decorator" do decorator = Decorator.new(Model.new) expect(decorator.to_model).to be decorator end end describe "#to_param" do it "delegates to the object" do decorator = Decorator.new(double(to_param: :delegated)) expect(decorator.to_param).to be :delegated end end describe "#present?" do it "delegates to the object" do decorator = Decorator.new(double(present?: :delegated)) expect(decorator.present?).to be :delegated end end describe "#blank?" do it "delegates to the object" do decorator = Decorator.new(double(blank?: :delegated)) expect(decorator.blank?).to be :delegated end end describe "#to_partial_path" do it "delegates to the object" do decorator = Decorator.new(double(to_partial_path: :delegated)) expect(decorator.to_partial_path).to be :delegated end end describe "#to_s" do it "delegates to the object" do decorator = Decorator.new(double(to_s: :delegated)) expect(decorator.to_s).to be :delegated end end describe "#inspect" do it "returns a detailed description of the decorator" do decorator = ProductDecorator.new(double) expect(decorator.inspect).to match /#<ProductDecorator:0x\h+ .+>/ end it "includes the object" do decorator = Decorator.new(double(inspect: "#<the object>")) expect(decorator.inspect).to include "@object=#<the object>" end it "includes the context" do decorator = Decorator.new(double, context: {foo: "bar"}) expect(decorator.inspect).to include '@context={:foo=>"bar"}' end it "includes other instance variables" do decorator = Decorator.new(double) decorator.instance_variable_set :@foo, "bar" expect(decorator.inspect).to include '@foo="bar"' end end describe "#attributes" do it "returns only the object's attributes that are implemented by the decorator" do decorator = Decorator.new(double(attributes: {foo: "bar", baz: "qux"})) decorator.stub(:foo) expect(decorator.attributes).to eq({foo: "bar"}) end end describe ".model_name" do it "delegates to the source class" do Decorator.stub object_class: double(model_name: :delegated) expect(Decorator.model_name).to be :delegated end end describe "#==" do it "works for a object that does not include Decoratable" do object = Object.new decorator = Decorator.new(object) expect(decorator).to eq Decorator.new(object) end it "works for a multiply-decorated object that does not include Decoratable" do object = Object.new decorator = Decorator.new(object) expect(decorator).to eq ProductDecorator.new(Decorator.new(object)) end it "is true when object #== is true" do object = Model.new decorator = Decorator.new(object) other = double(object: Model.new) object.should_receive(:==).with(other).and_return(true) expect(decorator == other).to be_true end it "is false when object #== is false" do object = Model.new decorator = Decorator.new(object) other = double(object: Model.new) object.should_receive(:==).with(other).and_return(false) expect(decorator == other).to be_false end end describe "#===" do it "is true when #== is true" do decorator = Decorator.new(Model.new) decorator.stub(:==).with(:anything).and_return(true) expect(decorator === :anything).to be_true end it "is false when #== is false" do decorator = Decorator.new(Model.new) decorator.stub(:==).with(:anything).and_return(false) expect(decorator === :anything).to be_false end end describe ".delegate" do protect_class Decorator it "defaults the :to option to :object" do Object.should_receive(:delegate).with(:foo, :bar, to: :object) Decorator.delegate :foo, :bar end it "does not overwrite the :to option if supplied" do Object.should_receive(:delegate).with(:foo, :bar, to: :baz) Decorator.delegate :foo, :bar, to: :baz end end context "with .delegate_all" do protect_class Decorator before { Decorator.delegate_all } describe "#method_missing" do it "delegates missing methods that exist on the object" do decorator = Decorator.new(double(hello_world: :delegated)) expect(decorator.hello_world).to be :delegated end it "adds delegated methods to the decorator when they are used" do decorator = Decorator.new(double(hello_world: :delegated)) expect(decorator.methods).not_to include :hello_world decorator.hello_world expect(decorator.methods).to include :hello_world end it "passes blocks to delegated methods" do object = Model.new object.stub(:hello_world).and_return{|*args, &block| block.call} decorator = Decorator.new(object) expect(decorator.hello_world{:yielded}).to be :yielded end it "does not confuse Kernel#Array" do decorator = Decorator.new(Model.new) expect(Array(decorator)).to be_an Array end it "delegates already-delegated methods" do object = Class.new{ delegate :bar, to: :foo }.new object.stub foo: double(bar: :delegated) decorator = Decorator.new(object) expect(decorator.bar).to be :delegated end it "does not delegate private methods" do object = Class.new{ private; def hello_world; end }.new decorator = Decorator.new(object) expect{decorator.hello_world}.to raise_error NoMethodError end it "does not delegate methods that do not exist on the object" do decorator = Decorator.new(Model.new) expect(decorator.methods).not_to include :hello_world expect{decorator.hello_world}.to raise_error NoMethodError expect(decorator.methods).not_to include :hello_world end end context ".method_missing" do context "without a source class" do it "raises a NoMethodError on missing methods" do expect{Decorator.hello_world}.to raise_error NoMethodError end end context "with a source class" do it "delegates methods that exist on the source class" do object_class = Class.new object_class.stub hello_world: :delegated Decorator.stub object_class: object_class expect(Decorator.hello_world).to be :delegated end it "does not delegate methods that do not exist on the source class" do Decorator.stub object_class: Class.new expect{Decorator.hello_world}.to raise_error NoMethodError end end end describe "#respond_to?" do it "returns true for its own methods" do Decorator.class_eval{def hello_world; end} decorator = Decorator.new(Model.new) expect(decorator).to respond_to :hello_world end it "returns true for the object's methods" do decorator = Decorator.new(double(hello_world: :delegated)) expect(decorator).to respond_to :hello_world end context "with include_private" do it "returns true for its own private methods" do Decorator.class_eval{private; def hello_world; end} decorator = Decorator.new(Model.new) expect(decorator.respond_to?(:hello_world, true)).to be_true end it "returns false for the object's private methods" do object = Class.new{private; def hello_world; end}.new decorator = Decorator.new(object) expect(decorator.respond_to?(:hello_world, true)).to be_false end end end describe ".respond_to?" do context "without a source class" do it "returns true for its own class methods" do Decorator.class_eval{def self.hello_world; end} expect(Decorator).to respond_to :hello_world end it "returns false for other class methods" do expect(Decorator).not_to respond_to :goodnight_moon end end context "with a source class" do it "returns true for its own class methods" do Decorator.class_eval{def self.hello_world; end} Decorator.stub object_class: Class.new expect(Decorator).to respond_to :hello_world end it "returns true for the source's class methods" do Decorator.stub object_class: double(hello_world: :delegated) expect(Decorator).to respond_to :hello_world end end end describe "#respond_to_missing?" do it "allows #method to be called on delegated methods" do object = Class.new{def hello_world; end}.new decorator = Decorator.new(object) expect(decorator.method(:hello_world)).not_to be_nil end end describe ".respond_to_missing?" do it "allows .method to be called on delegated class methods" do Decorator.stub object_class: double(hello_world: :delegated) expect(Decorator.method(:hello_world)).not_to be_nil end end end describe "class spoofing" do it "pretends to be a kind of the source class" do decorator = Decorator.new(Model.new) expect(decorator.kind_of?(Model)).to be_true expect(decorator.is_a?(Model)).to be_true end it "is still a kind of its own class" do decorator = Decorator.new(Model.new) expect(decorator.kind_of?(Decorator)).to be_true expect(decorator.is_a?(Decorator)).to be_true end it "pretends to be an instance of the source class" do decorator = Decorator.new(Model.new) expect(decorator.instance_of?(Model)).to be_true end it "is still an instance of its own class" do decorator = Decorator.new(Model.new) expect(decorator.instance_of?(Decorator)).to be_true end end describe ".decorates_finders" do protect_class Decorator it "extends the Finders module" do expect(Decorator).not_to be_a_kind_of Finders Decorator.decorates_finders expect(Decorator).to be_a_kind_of Finders end end end end